Quickies 1: Under the Stairs
Monday, March 6, 2006

Jayne and Kaylee have a quickie.


Disclaimer: Not mine, no money. Thanks to Jacqui for beta, to Rion for being challenging.

Premise: Written in response to Rion's challenge to write a set of sexual encounters between Jayne and Kaylee, limiting each to a single page of text – in other words, “quickies”. When you live on a space ship with seven other folks, privacy comes at a premium and creativity is an asset.

When: Set in the weeks immediately following my series Waited Long Enough . Needless to say, NC17/R

Quickies 1: Under the Stairs

"Kaylee?" Wash's voice comes over the ship's com, resonating in the engine room. "Need ya down in the cargo bay. Jayne says there's a short behind one of the access panels."

Serenity's mechanic tosses the socket driver she's using into her toolbox, adds her soldering iron an' a few other items an' latches it. "Okay. Tell him I'll be right down."

Life on the ship has become a lot more interestin' over the past few weeks since she and Jayne have hooked up. They're still flyin' under the radar, unwillin' to test Mal's good will by openly announcin' their involvement, although both know the Captain suspects somethin'. On a ship the size of Serenity, privacy an' any opportunity for intimacy requires a lot of creativity.

Kaylee makes her way along the catwalk, looks down into the cargo bay, searching for Jayne. Wonder where he's got to? She bounces down the stairs like usual and yelps as the big merc steps out from underneath and playfully grabs her.

"Gotcha." Jayne shuffles both of them into the dark corner immediately under the stairwell frame and soundly kisses her.

Kaylee embraces him, standing on tip-toes. "Hey there, Sneaky. I thought Wash said you had a short down here."

Jayne looks down at her. “Yep, I do. Got one right here." And he grins at her, a real wicked grin.

"Mal's up on the bridge with Wash an' Zoë, arguin' about somethin'. Book's takin a nap. 'Nara's off whorin', and for all I know, Simon's got his finger up his… "


"I figure we got us fifteen minutes without havin' to worry about anybody botherin' us."

Her eyes get real wide an' she nips her lip between her teeth for a minute, thinkin'. "There's a lotta things we can do in fifteen minutes." She giggles.

He unzips his fly and Kaylee sets her tool box down before dropping onto her knees.

Her mouth is amazing, all hot and playful. "Just what I had in mind." Jayne growls. "Short and sweet."


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:35 AM


Short and sexy.......Just waiting for the next!

Monday, March 6, 2006 1:20 PM


More, more, more!!
Love it, want more- keep writing and details are always fun!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:27 AM


Woo hoo, glad to see you back with the sexy Jaylee. Really enjoyed this one, and now am off to read number two.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:36 AM


*giggle* ooh, naughty...



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