Quickies 2: Laps Around the Bridge
Monday, March 6, 2006

Jayne and Kaylee manage a few hot moments alone together. NC17/R


Disclaimer: Not mine, no money. Thanks to Jacqui for beta, to Rion for being challenging.

Premise: Written in response to a challenge to write a set of sexual encounters between Jayne and Kaylee, limiting each to a single page of text – in other words, “quickies”. When you live on a space ship with seven other folks, privacy comes at a premium and creativity is an asset.

When: Set in the weeks immediately following my series Waited Long Enough. Needless to say, NC17/R

Quickies 2: Laps Around the Bridge

It's been over a week since Jayne and Kaylee found a quiet corner of the ship for pleasurin' one another. They've even discussed the possibility of just tellin' Mal straight out an' dealin' with the consequences. But in the mean time, any sexin' requires discretion.

They're on route to Boros and Jayne's on bridge duty. It's late, 0300 hours, and most folk are likely sleeping.

He puts down the girly magazine he has been thumbing through. Looks like a long, boring shift ahead. He finds himself thinking about Kaylee and the remarkable changes in their relationship.

An especially vivid dream leaves Kaylee tossin' in her bunk, unable to settle back down. She finally gives up on sleep and makes her way quietly up her ladder and heads for the bridge where Jayne's on duty, thinkin' maybe they'll enjoy each other's company in the stillness of the artificial night.

As she tiptoes into the bridge, Jayne hears her an' turns around. "Made a wish and here ya are." He grins. "Everybody quiet, aft?"

"All but me. Couldn't sleep, so I came on up here." She looks so cute, dressed in bunny slippers an' a pair of short pajamas with sunflowers on 'em.

Kaylee smiles real big at him an' winks.

"Close the door." Jayne tells her, grinnin' back. "But leave it cracked so we can hear if anybody's comin'."

With the door almost closed, she walks over to where Jayne sits at the console and slides into his lap, throws an arm around his neck and shoulder. For a few minutes they just sit together, him cradlin' her, snugglin' and enjoying the quiet night. Jayne's nuzzlin' her hair and nibblin' on her neck. The warm weight of her on his lap's not doin' much to deter the hard on he's getting.

She's turned on, too. He can smell her.

"Need a hand, Kaylee-girl?" He asks suggestively. She sighs and makes room for his skillful fingers, as he slips his gun hand into her pajama bottoms.

It takes him exactly a minute and a half to get her off.


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:51 AM


Very nice - short and sweet, but they do leave me aching for more....

Monday, March 6, 2006 8:27 AM


ooooohhh yeah! So, how many quickies can you do in one day?

Monday, March 6, 2006 8:38 AM


Well, that may be up to Kaylee and Jayne's stamina and the availability of opportunities. Gotta make allowances for the burden on my good editor (Thank you, Jacqui!) Besides, if I post 'em all in one day, what's there to look forward to?

Thanks for readin' em and encouraging my creativity in rude directions.

Monday, March 6, 2006 1:44 PM


There's a brownie in it for you if you post more

Monday, March 6, 2006 1:46 PM


Oh god, she knows my least one of em.

Have Jayne throw me the brownie and we'll talk about it...

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:29 AM


Excellent...and I join the chorus. *More, more*

Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:39 AM


*more more more*



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