Quickies 5: Shuttlecock
Thursday, March 9, 2006

The spare shuttle needs repairs, and clever Kaylee asks Jayne for some help. NC17/R


Disclaimer: Not mine, no money. Thanks to Jacqui for beta, to Rion for being challenging and inspirational.

Premise: Written in response to a challenge from Rion to write a set of sexual encounters between Jayne and Kaylee, limiting each to a single page of text – in other words, “quickies”. When you live on a space ship with seven other folks, privacy comes at a premium and creativity is an asset.

When: Set in the weeks immediately following my series Waited Long Enough. Needless to say, NC17/R

Quickies 5: Shuttlecock

Mal sticks his head in the engine room. “Kaylee?”

She pops out from under the main hydraulic linkage, the one that’s always givin’ her trouble. “Yep, Cap’n?”

“Last time we used the second shuttle, Wash said there was a problem with the flap extender on the port side. Gonna need it for the job on Boros. Can you get it squared away for me? Maybe come back to this later? Grab some help if ya’ need it.” He’s preoccupied and more’n a little anxious about their next deal.

“Sure, Mal. Shouldn’t take long. One of the push-rods gets sprung.” She picks up her toolbox and heads down the corridor, lookin’ for Jayne, who’s down in the bay with Book, spottin’ the Preacher for a round with the weights.

“Shepherd, can I borrow Jayne for some work on the shuttle? Mal’s in a hurry.” Jayne helps the preacher ease the bar back into the cradle.

“Of course.” Book smiles at her then nods to Jayne. “Thanks, son”.

On their way to the shuttle, Kaylee grins meaningfully at Jayne. “Push-rod’s got jammed – thought ya’ might like helping me get it un-stuck. Fixing the problem might take us half an hour, but Mal don’t know that.” She kinda skips beside him. “Real private in there, ya’know. Don’t much sound of any sort carry out to the ship once the hatch is sealed.”

Jayne smacks her playfully on the fanny. “Now that’s my girl an’ a damn clever ‘un she is, too.” The merc just grins like a kid at Christmas.

They enter the shuttle and immediately dog the hatch shut, then stand there eyein’ one another hungrily. Kaylee sets her toolbox down, half a step and they’re on each other, fingers tearin’ at buttons, and clothing flying, mouths searchin’ an’ lockin’.

Jayne pulls her coveralls down past her hips, panties, too, and turns her around so she’s leaning over the console. She can feel him hard and insistent, his big body covering hers, hands doin’ magical things to sensitive places.

She’s been wet since back in the engine room when Mal unknowingly gave her this “Get Outta Jail” pass. Jayne’s in her to the root the first thrust, ridin’ hard and hangin’ on to the sweet curve above her hips with all his might . As she braces herself against his thrusts, she thinks, This push-rod sure ain’t stuck… just needed lubin’ up a little.


Friday, March 10, 2006 1:15 AM


How come I missed this one? Another perfect encounter.

Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:30 AM


*giggle* a regular genius *wink*



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