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A Jaylee romp, wherein Inara helps Kaylee celebrate her birthday and Jayne wants in on the action. PG-13 now and steadily downhill from here.
Disclainer: Ain't mine, no pay.
Thanks: To Jacqui for beating my commas into submission and to Rion for the best ideas.
Rating: This section is PG-13 - it goes downhill from here.
Feedback: Oh yes, kind readers. I grovel nicely, do tricks even. Praise or gripe, it's appreciated, especially if you like a particular bit.
The Birthday Gift
Chapter Two
Shortly after Serenity made landfall on Beaumonde, the ship was bustling with the excitement that always came with a chance to get off ship and let down after the stress of completing a job. Shares had been portioned out and everyone was flush with coin.
Inara had scheduled appointments with two of her regular clients but wanted to make sure that Kaylee would be able to find and enjoy her much awaited birthday present.
“Meet me in the cargo bay at 5:00,” she told Kaylee quietly, “and I can get you situated in your room at Mama Angelina’s place. It’s a great old boarding house with wonderful big rooms, big private baths and home cooking and I think you’ll just love it! One of my clients took me there some time ago and I thought it would be just what you need to perk you up.”
Watching the conversation from the other end of the bay, there was no doubt in Jayne’s mind that something was up. He’d sensed it before Serenity ever docked on Beaumonde. Years of experience had honed his perception and intuition. Yep, the girls were up to something and he wanted to know what.
First Kaylee had been all reclusive and sulky. Fair enough, women get like that, he figured.
But then all of a sudden, she seemed mighty bubbly and cheerful and she and Inara had taken to meaningful glances and giggling together. It was enough to make a man wonder, especially a horny man with a head full of all sorts of imaginings.
Since it had been a while since he and Kaylee had been able to hook up, Jayne had it in his mind to see if he couldn’t coax her into some time alone somewhere off the ship and out of Mal’s earshot. Maybe they’d even get a room where they could enjoy each other in a less inhibited fashion. Kaylee was one passionate little gal and Jayne was eager to see what she’d be like, running wide open.
That meant first seeing if Kaylee was willing and then figuring a way to give Mal and the others the slip.
Between getting cargo ready to unload and the usual odd jobs that went along with setting down planetside, Jayne just never seemed to find the right time to talk with the little mechanic about what he had in mind and before he knew it, she and Inara had already left together.
Like any good mercenary, he had a backup plan.
Jayne shifted the final crate into place. “Hey Mal, wanna find us a pool room again? We could do some drinkin’ and maybe work us up a decent fight.”
“I don’t know as that’s the wisest way to go spendin’ the evening, given what happened last time we tried that…” Mal grinned ironically and made sure his revolver was loaded before holstering it and tossing his coat over his arm.
“Don’t mind the part about finding a bar to kick back in for a spell, ‘though.”
Wash and Zoë joined them in the bay.
“Can we tag along for a little while?” Wash asked. He and Zoë had in mind leaving before Mal and Jayne settled into drinking in a serious, trouble-finding sort of way, since they needed some all-too-rare time to themselves.
“’Reckon I can put up with your pretty faces a mite longer,” Mal allowed, and the four of them made their way down the ship’s ramp and into the bustling port.
An hour later found them around a back table at Garrison’s, a bar they often frequented. The alcove where they sat was somewhat quieter than the bar as a whole and afforded them cover from the back and sides, insuring no one could sneak up on them.
Zoë and Wash were nursing mugs of beer while Mal and Jayne had started in on a bottle of whisky. The big merc was alternately flirting with the woman on his knee and telling tales. It looked like business as usual, with everyone figuring Jayne would soon make excuses and take her upstairs.
“…An’ then there was me with just the one gun and runnin’ outta ammo, so’s I…”
Indeed, it wasn’t too long before he patted her on the rump and announced to the table, “Y’all ‘scuse me. Gotta go see a man about a horse…”
Mal and Wash exchanged knowing looks.
"C'mon, Sugar. Let me take care of m'business an' I'll meet ya upstairs…" He stood up and slid an arm around the whore's waist and led her off through the crowd. Around the corner, at the bottom of the staircase, Jayne paused.
"Listen, girl, I know this don't make much sense, but I got other business to tend to. I need them folks I was with to think I'm upstairs with you."
"Here." He reached into his pocket and handed her coin enough to cover her fee. Seeing her crestfallen expression, he added, "Ya was good company; ain't nothin' personal."
He smooched her cheek and made his way out the side entrance of the bar.
Mama Angelina was a large, fleshy woman with thick, curly dark hair going gray pulled back into a bun and a permanent smile on her broad face. Her flowered dress was covered with an ample green apron and her hands were white with flour. Her eyes twinkled and she quickly kissed Inara on each cheek.
“Inara Serra! It’s about time I get to see your pretty face again! So, this is your little friend you told me about, eh?”
“It’s wonderful to see you again, Angelina. I have very special memories from my visits here with you.” Inara turned to introduce Kaylee. “This is our birthday girl.”
Kaylee immediately felt at ease with the woman and smiled back. “I’m Kaylee, Ma’am. Kaywinnit Lee Frye.” Mouth-watering scents wafted into the parlor from the kitchen toward the back of the house and Kaylee remarked. “Whatever you’re cookin’ sure smells good.”
“Trust me, Kaylee, whatever Angelina cooks is wonderful! She’s got the magic touch.” Inara winked at the woman and Angelina winked back.
Angelina wiped her hands on the apron and pointed up the stairs. “Do you remember the Rose Room? I thought we’d put Kaylee there – it sounds just perfect for her. I laid out fresh towels just this afternoon. Dinner is at 7:00, Miss Kaylee, but if you don’t want to come down, there’s a basket of fruit, some sweets and a bottle of chilled plum wine.” The hostess reminded Kaylee of her Aunt Betsy. “Do you need any help with your luggage?”
Kaylee grinned from ear to ear at the thought of the utter sensual pleasure that waited her upstairs and shook her head. “No thanks, Ma’am, all I got’s just this little bag.”
“I’ll take her up so you can get back to your baking.” Inara offered.
The big old house was attractively decorated with thick carpets, comfortable furniture and vases of fresh flowers. One could see that it had once been a private mansion before taking on a new life as a respectable, up-scale boarding house. Inara and Kaylee made their way up a long curving staircase into a hallway turned golden by the late afternoon sun.
“You’ll be in the suite at the end of the hall, mei-mei. The room is so pretty and has a big old brass bed. You’ll also have your own private bath with a huge old tub – you can practically go swimming in it! Just what you wanted.”
Inara opened the tall oak door for her friend and Kaylee gasped in wonder.
Rose-patterned wallpaper adorned the walls and the ornate brass bed was softly covered by a beautifully stitched rose satin coverlet. Big, fluffy pillows layered the head of the bed and on the marble-topped chest of drawers stood a crystal vase of roses, in every shade of pink imaginable.
On a table beneath one of the high windows that illuminated the room lay a tray with all sorts of goodies, just as Angelina had said, and a bottle of plum wine rested in an ice-filled basin. The amazing sight was reflected in the large gilt dressing mirror that stood in the corner of the room.
Kaylee was so stunned she couldn’t even speak and just stood in the middle of the room, turning in circles and gaping. Inara chuckled and took her bag, placing it on an overstuffed chair near the bed.
The Companion took her friend’s hand and led her through another door and into the spacious bathroom. There, wonder-of-wonders, was the largest bathtub Kaylee had ever seen, the white enameled bulk of it adorned with ornate lion’s paw feet and facetted crystal knobs to control the water.
On a nearby bench, Angelina had piled thickly folded rose-red towels and there was a fragrant assortment of soaps, shampoos, unguents and lotions. In addition to wall lamps, there were many candles in shades of pink. A pale yellow robe embroidered with flowers hung from a brass hook nearby. Even the sanitary fixtures were elegant, gleaming porcelain rather than the purely functional stainless steel ones back on Serenity.
“Lordy, this is shiny! You weren’t kiddin’ when you said this place was fancy. It’s so beautiful, ‘Nara. I can’t believe you done all this for me.” The girl just shook her head in wonder, almost moved to tears. “This musta cost you a fortune!”
“Well, my rank does have its privileges. I’m just glad I could do something to make your birthday special. I need to run to make my first appointment, but you have the suite until tomorrow evening. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask Angelina. I really hope you have a wonderful birthday, sweetheart.”
Kaylee threw her arms around Inara’s neck and squeezed. “You’re my best friend ever.”
(To be continued...)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:55 AM
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Friday, June 2, 2006 3:53 AM
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