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The final chapter in a rather extraordinary birthday celebration for Miss Kaylee Frye, in which Jayne demonstrates that he is a master of many skills.
Disclaimer: Not mine, not paid. Love ‘em, all the same. Snack’s over, now down to business.
Thanks: To dear Jacqui, my best beta buddy and to Rion, my own Big Bad Man, who is so very inspirational and knows how birthdays should be celebrated.
Rating: You asked, so I’m gratifyin’ ya - NC17/R. Fair warning, folks, we’re jumping right into the thick of it.
Feedback: Oh yes, kind readers. I grovel nicely, do tricks even. Praise or gripe, it's appreciated, especially if you like a particular bit. To read the previous seven chapters or any of my other stories, click on my name. Makes a lot more fun when you’ve read the lead-up.
The Birthday Gift
Chapter Eight
His mouth was hot and hungry and her pelvis rose to him, her sex pressing against his face. He could feel the rise and swell of her clit and focused his attentions there, his fingers slipping into the wetness of her canal as he worried the sensitive nub with his lips and tongue.
From the very first time they had pleasured one another, Kaylee had realized that Serenity’s mercenary possessed secret skills that had nothing to do with what Mal had hired him for. His insistent rhythmic tongue synchronized perfectly with whatever magical thing his long fingers were doing inside her and she could feel through the pounding of her blood, her body’s surging response.
Again, he skillfully triggered her release and she came, gasping and grinding against his tongue and hand.
“That’s number eight, m’birthday girl.”
Kaylee laughed, panting. “You ain’t goin’ for all twenty-three, are ya?”
He raised one eyebrow in challenge and grinned, then rose on his knees and shifted himself over her, his narrow hips settling between her open thighs as he ground his hardness against her mound, groaning ever so softly with his lust.
“Ya beautiful gorram darlin’.” His voice was hoarse, needful. “Ever since ya left the ship this afternoon, been been wantin’ ta do this. I wanna be inside ya, bao bei.” Jayne grasped his staff and lodged it deep, marveling at the slick wet heat within her.
“You got no idea what you do to my composure, girl.”
She raised her pelvis and wrapped her legs around him, utterly filled by the thick length of his manhood. Her nails raked his back and dug into the powerful bulk of his biceps, fingers gripping and clutching, making him hiss between his teeth.
With consummate skill, Jayne worked his cock in her, wracking her nethers with sweet fire. Streaming with sweat, their rutting bodies shifted and plunged in union, breath harsh and fast, hers punctuated with whimpers and guttural exclamations, in synchrony with his penetration. Jayne’s face was buried in her throat, his flood of whispered words muffled by her flesh. “Dear sweet god in heaven… ai ya, Kaylee… oh, cao!”
“Ohh… deeper, Jayne.” She begged. Her lower lip nipped tightly between her teeth, she grabbed at the ornate curves of the brass headboard, finding leverage and arching her back to raise her nethers to the big man’s thrusts as she sobbed at him, “Please…I need you deeper!”
Jayne looked sharply at her, his eyes almost feral. “Ya want it deeper, lil’ girl? Deeper I can do…”
The big merc came to his knees, his rampant cock pulling free of her. Cupping his hands behind her thighs, he raised them toward her breasts, flexing her body like a bow until her heels rested over his wide shoulders. He was beyond words, his breath ragged and deep as he fisted his daio into the wetness of her.
“Uuhnnn…” His eyes rolled shut and he groaned, burying his cock to the root.
Kaylee wailed and gave herself up to Jayne’s pounding cadence and the exquisite draw and tug of him within her. The whole bed was shaking and she could hear the rattle of the lamp and plate on the little table nearby, like the resonance of the earthquake centered between their bodies.
Oblivious to all but the ecstatic contact between them, they filled the room with their grunts and moans, the urgent perfume of sex like heavy incense in the lamp-lit space. Jayne felt her tighten on him, the first grasping pulse of orgasm rising within her and bent low to her ear, growling, “Cum for me, Kaylee. Do it, bao bei, cum for me, dong ma?”
That low dark voice, the whispered dirty words and Kaylee’s body exploded into a thousand shards of light. Jayne could only groan soul-deep, burying himself in the clutching wetness of her as his buttocks clamped and his balls launched stream after stream of his seed into her belly.
When he could breath again, he gently eased Kaylee’s legs back onto the bed and slid up to draw her into his arms, tenderly rocking her as her thundering heartbeat eased back to normal. Her face was nestled against the soft hair that furred his chest and their bodies entwined.
He kissed her softly and searched her face. ”Are ya okay, babygirl?”
An exhausted, happy, sated little mechanic answered dreamily, “More’n a little.” Her voice was slurred toward sleep. “Don’ thin’ I’m… gonna… make it… ta…”
Jayne curled his big body around her small one, his face buried in the fragrant mass of her hair as his contented body and spirit slid toward sleep, and murmured, “Me, neither, sweetheart.”
A long pause, then in a low whisper, like gravel on silk.
“Happy Birthday, darlin’.”
Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:20 AM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 6:39 AM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 8:48 AM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:25 AM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 11:53 AM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 1:02 PM
Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:36 PM
Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:20 AM
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