Reynolds' Privateers
Friday, April 28, 2006

Stan Rogers' ballad "Barrett's Privateers" is one of my favourite sailor songs, and I'm so enamoured of it that it has spawned this BDM-heavy filk. Props to you if you know this tune, and even if you don't, enjoy!


Oh, the year was 2517

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

And a doctor came up with a cryo pack

To the brightest little Firefly in the black

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

Oh, Malcolm Reynolds plied the 'verse

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

With eight brave souls, all different, who

Would make for him Serenity's crew

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

Serenity was a magnificent sight

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

She'd a long high neck and a tail-end flare

And a shepherd with a head full of wild hair

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

On the doc's birthday we put to space

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

We were 240 days to Miranda world

Hiding the mad little psychic girl

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

On the very next day we sailed again

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

With a bloody great Reaver fleet in sight

With our one little cannon we made to fight

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

The Reavers chased us to the cloud

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

They were roaring, thrashing, drawing blades

But to lose them took Serenity two whole days

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

Then at length we broke atmo and dodged

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

The Alliance ships made an awful din

But with EMP the Reavers stove us in

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

Serenity shook and crashed on the slide

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

And Wash was ruined with a giant spike

And the others carried out a counterstrike

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers

So here I lay in me twenty-sixth year

How I wish I was on Sihnon now!

It's been six years since we lost the war

And I just made Silverhold from the Core

Gorram them all, I was told

We'd cruise the stars for Alliance gold

And we'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken flan on a Silverhold pier

The last of Reynolds' privateers


Friday, April 28, 2006 1:29 PM


"...Wash was ruined with a giant spike..."

Priceless. Excellent job.

Friday, April 28, 2006 1:40 PM


Great Big Sea!!

Great song! Excellent rework!

Friday, April 28, 2006 4:38 PM


Hell Ya "Great Big Sea" and a Gaelic Storm!

Awesome!!! I would have never thought to put that to a Barrett's Privateers!!! Kick bum! For all you Canadians is that song like the unofficial national anthem!

Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:43 PM


Hells yeah! I love "Barrett's Privateers!" Even had to memorize for an Canadian Lit. class in university;)

And it works so well too with the Firefly 'verse! Maybe we can get this as a possible future Bedlam Bards project?



Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:43 PM


I second BlueEyedBrigadier's motion--get this to the Bedlam Bards posthaste!

Monday, May 1, 2006 2:49 AM


I absolutelov "Barret's Privateers" and used to perform it many times when I was in Gaelwynd. Great job of refitting Firefly lyrics to such a grand old song. Stan Rogers would be proud!

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:07 PM


I always wondered what the name of that song was! Now I know. Thanks!

And also, very well done.

Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:35 AM


Excellent job keeping the original rhythm of the song, and very creative lyrics. I particularly like "With a bloody great Reaver fleet in sight /
With our one little cannon we made to fight." Awesome!

Saturday, May 6, 2006 3:32 PM


Loved it !!!! Very SHINY !!!! Since I'm SCA it really struk me !!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:50 AM


Belated props here. Excellent job! I've always been a fan of shanties.


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