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One-off ficlet. Kaylee's in the mood for something edgy and Jayne's doin' his best to keep both of them out of trouble.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no pay.
Pairing: Duh, it’s me, folks. Jaylee, of course.
Setting: A one-off fluffy ficlet, not part of my long, sequential series of Jaylee stories. Something to tide you over while I work on “Leaps of Faith.” This assumes nothing about the nature of Jayne and Kaylee’s relationship. Blame it on Kaylee – girl’s stubborn. Darn lil’ story was stubborn, too, and insisted on being written.
Rating: A very suggestive PG15, depending on how smutty your mind is.
Feedback: Please, pretty please?
“Kaylee, are ya really sure ya wanna be doin’ this?” The big man slides his arm around her waist, braces his hip hard against hers. He looks awful uncertain.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I done thought ‘bout it a lot and I wanna…” Her speech is husky and slurred.
“But sugar, “ he patiently explains to her as he tries to steady them both, “once we do this, there ain’t no goin’ back.”
“I ain’t no idget. I’m a… a grown up girl an… I know… wha’ I wanna do and… I wan’ ya ta do it… with me.” She brings her arm up under his, hooks a hand over his shoulder and grins up at him with those wide chocolate eyes.
“Gorrammit, Jayne Cobb, you quit puttin’ me off. I know… gzactly what I’m doin’ and I wanna do it.” She grabs his t-shirt in both hands and pulls him down so their faces are closer.
“Aw, Kaylee, why do ya go gittin’ these ideas in yer lil’ head? I’m doin’ my damndest to behave m’self and tryin’ to help you behave, too.” It’s takin both his hands and a good deal of his strength to hang on to her, especially the way she’s leanin’ all over him.
“Are ya gonna do it with me or ain’t ya?” She’s defiant and determined.
“Jesus, Kaylee, Mal’s gonna kill me. Don’t you know that?”
“Don’ care… come on. You promised…” Now she’s doin’ her best to drag him along, one thing on her mind.
“That’s was ‘for I knowed ya was serious. ‘Sides, yer drunk an ya ain’t got no business makin’ this kinda decision when ya ain’t sober. What happens if ya wake up tomorrow an’ think, ‘Lord, I wished I’da never done that and how come that hundan let it happen?’”
“Ain’t a gonna think that, Jayne,” she insists. “It’s gonna be… shiny…”
“I’m tellin’ ya, lil’ girl, it’s gonna hurt. You ain’t done this before, and it ain’t fair for me not to warn ya. You ain’t got no idea what yer fixin’ to get into here.” He pulls them to a halt and looks down into her grinnin’ face and just shakes his head.
“I mean it, Kaylee, we ain’t got no business takin’ this fong luh idea any further.”
“Chu ni duh, Jayne. If you ain’t willin’ to do it with me, I’ll find some fella who is!”
He pulls her up short. “Woah there, babygirl. Ain’t no way I’m gonna let that happen. Ifn yer mind’s so made up yer gonna do it anyways, then alright, damn fool that I am… Come on.”
Kaylee’s arm is wrapped around his waist and she’s all snuggled up against him like a second skin. He’s sweatin’ bullets, trying to get her across the street without getting’ too distracted by her roamin’ hands and the way she keeps grindin’ her bosom into his ribs.
He pushes the door open and helps her into the dark and smoky space with all sorts of curious pictures coverin’ the walls. Kaylee is craning her head all round, lookin’ at all the strange images and stumblin’ over her own feet. The big merc helps her over to a low padded table. “You still sure you want this?”
“Yeah…” she whispers, the catch of desire in her throat.
“Well, ya gotta lay down on yer stomach. Jest stretch out flat like and breathe deep. Relax much as ya can. If it starts ta hurt too bad, now, baby, ya tell me and we can take it a little easier. First time always hurts the most.”
She fumbles onto her belly on the table.
“An’ ya need ta pull yer coveralls down some, too. Maybe a li’l lower even.” The merc is lookin at that expanse of luscious creamy skin and tryin’ not to touch.
An old Chinese man comes over and Jayne dickers quietly with him for a minute until they agree on a price.
The old man pats the small of Kaylee’s back and pronounces, “Make very beautiful tattoo!”
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:07 AM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:08 AM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 6:06 AM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:02 AM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:30 AM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:15 PM
Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:16 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:21 AM
Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:09 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006 6:11 AM
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