Obama disarms US Navy, all soldiers labelled as terrorists

UPDATED: Sunday, June 14, 2009 16:24
VIEWED: 6307
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Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:19 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Navy flag officers and officer grads castrated by gay commander-in-thief

US Naval Academy Grads Disarmed To Protect Illegal Alien Terrorist Hussein Obama Soetoro

The 'Commander-in-Chief' required that all Naval officers in his presence be disarmed.

Son-Of-Commie-Mafia-Traitor John Sidney McCain IV sucks (up to) Commie British Operative

Never before in the history of Annapolis has the Commander in Chief required that all Naval officers in his presence be disarmed.


Full Dress uniforms are worn for ceremonies such as changes of command, retirements, commissionings and decommissionings, funerals, weddings, or when otherwise appropriate. Full Dress is similar to Service Dress, but the "Yankee" variation is omitted and ribbons are replaced with full-size medals above the left breast pocket, with ribbons worn on the opposite side for decorations without corresponding medals. Swords are authorized for wear by officers, and required for O-4 and above. In some cases, usually with Honor Guards, the enlisted (E6 and below) Full Dress uniform can be "dressed up" even further with the wearing of a white pistol belt, bib scarf and dress aiguilette (both of which are white for winter and navy blue for summer), and white canvas gaiters.
/ MaleOfficerCeremonial/MaleOfficerFullDressWhite.htm

The man, Obama, is an infiltrated foreign agent of the banker-owned communist conspiracy and his Chief of Staff is a sociopathic Mossad agent, personally responsible for many political killings during the Clinton administration.

He can't take the risk of a midshipman having found that out from someone and deciding -- for country and Constitution -- 'going von Brunn.' [Lt Von Brunn was a PT boat commander for United States Navy in WW2.] That's my theory. What's yours?

Elite bus drivers stand down during false-flag attacks on USA

Obama's protectors have ordered graduating Midshipmen...and I suppose Commissioned Officers through Flag leave their swords at home. Full Dress White includes "wear sword". More to the point - those badges of office have been earned in a manner Obama and his minions just wouldn't begin to understand. Important traditions that inspire are kind of lost on the red banner crowd, apparently.

Further, ceremonial swords never seemed to bother the Secret Service for any previous President. And before World War II, the swords were not particularly "ceremonial", I've seen some of those blades, boarding actions did occur on the China Station pre-war against river pirates, warlords, etc. Those swords were worn not just to graduation, but to Inaugurations, in the receiving line at the White House afterward, to the Inaugural Ball. Somehow nobody gave it a second thought. Somehow even Presidents in the past didn't presume to specify items of uniform.

A Nwo breed of homosexual psychopathic massmurdering traitors is born

But of course, what worked for Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, F.D.R., the Bushes, T.R., any other rational non-cult leader.....doesn't work for this former state senator anointed by the Chicago machine.

Does he secretly consider our Naval and Military leaders "the enemy"? Perhaps the message this sends escaped his handlers. Sad. And .....follow me on this Obama and minions.....insulting. Actually it's contemptible.

Sleep tight, Uncle Scam is on ALERT

"He killed me with a sword! How weird is that?"
-Mr Universe, Serenity


Sunday, June 14, 2009 9:51 AM


Actually I am laughing up my sleeve about that, quite a bit.

"How dare they apply the same rules to US that we ram down the throats of others, whine whine whimper!"

Same thing cops do when you demand they put down THEIR guns, despite how rabidly they push to have everyone else disarmed.

Same way the army, navy and airforce forcibly disarmed Iraq.

Seems they don't like the taste when the shit sandwich they're so intent on serving everyone else winds up on their plate do they ?
I am underwhelmed with sympathy, yanno ?

Even less so for a bunch of critters who's only claim to that so called prestigious institution is that they or their family had enough political clout to buy their way in, which results in well connected sociopaths for the most part filling the ranks of naval officers and is not any different from the old practice of forcing officers to buy their commissions to "keep the rabble out" of the higher ranks - which of course explains why our navy had it's ass completely handed to it in the millenium challenge 2002 by van Ripen, using nothing more than low tech civvie craft, eh ?
And of course, they'll ignore that lesson and flame van Ripen just the same way they did Billy Mitchell.

Of course, the answer of the brass to losing the engagement completely in such a humiliating fashion was the standard issue naval academy response to ANY scenario that actually requires coherent thought or effort - cheat.

In between rounds of getting blinded eyes drunk, banging everything that moves up to and including each other, and the typical misconduct of the "noble sons" which would get any of us little peons tossed in a cell, rather than politely reprimanded.

I am completely with the sentiments of Capt Vernon R Bush (Ret) on this one.

And as for the swords, I wouldn't be givin em back neither - not till they *prove* they're actually responsible enough to carry one, not till they fucking EARN the right...

Goddamn I miss Rickover.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, June 14, 2009 11:30 AM


I have no use and even less trust for Obama ,his intended actions and/or underlying motives...
I am angered at the complete lack of expressed trust from the Cin C to the Naval personnell in attendance.
That said,why does the OP have a strange fixation on the Mossad ( who,BTW;you slandered
by associating with Rahm Emmanuel-well known Crook County apparatchik)?
Obama is NOT anyone I would refer to as a friend of Israel,especially when he drifts into moral equivalence territory.
The geriatric Nazi who shot the security guard at the Holocaust Memorial WAS a PT boat commander-I have no doubt that he honorably served(my father got his citizenship by Army service in 1942,BTW),yet you do the Naval attendees disservice by suggesting that they would "go Von Brunn"-in this setting;even with a suspect,racist Socialist like BHO.
Please;think it thru-try to restrain the "Bang the Jews" urge you express fairly readily.You share many of my views;I simply wish you did NOT have THAT one;it dietracts from some other interesting points that you raise.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 2:16 PM


Thank you for that exile article...

been thinking the same thing for years, bit didn't know anyone tried it..


" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I'm surprised the officers didn't freak out in public on this one.

Those swords really are a penis extention, and most officers seem a little nutty about their little power trip.

The castrations will only accellerate...

Obama gives British air force bombers permanent base in USA






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