Sex, Muscle, Humor, Thuggery: Who are your favorite BAD BOYS?

UPDATED: Sunday, February 15, 2004 15:31
VIEWED: 6052
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004 12:03 PM


Yes, I have to admit it. I'm a sucker for a bad boy. Never thought I would be, but I've come to realize that I adore them. In real life I avoid them like the plague. (You would, too if you've ever worked in a juvenile prison before!) But in my novels, movies, & TV shows, gimme a bad boy over some naive sap every time.

I won't comment on Jayne just yet, but I plan to post one or two bad boys at a time and explain what it is about them that makes me crave more. I want to hear from others, too, particularly the women here, on who their favorite bad boys are and what makes them so compelling.


When I say I obsess over bad boys, I mean I obsess over them. I've always had short hair, but after seeing Marsters I died it white and bought a long black leather duster.

I was a latecomer to Buffy, having only seen an episode here and there and then borrowing tapes from a friend after Season 5. One of the first times I caught a glimpse of the show was when Spike was trying to get the chip out of his head. My first response: Oh my gods! He has the COOLEST HAIR EVER! Later I was enthralled with his humorous lines, his lust for life and his utter contempt for the rules.

I love that he is completely ruled by his emotions. In the early days when we saw him with Drusilla, he was amazing. If Dru was the slightest bit unhappy, somebody died. Who could ask for more devotion than that?

I'll close for now, but next time I'll tell you about the very first bad boy I ever became obsessed with.

Let's hear about more bad boys now!



Tuesday, January 6, 2004 12:23 PM


My girl is threatening me with bodily harm if I don't speak up and add Johnny Depp (as Capt Jack Sparrow) to the 'bad boys collective'.

Gotta admit, the chap had style..



Tuesday, January 6, 2004 1:53 PM


Heh heh, I'll be sure to tell my sister about the Johnny Depp addition. She ADORES him. I was thinking of adding Jack Sparrow later on. He is a terrific bad boy.

Now for my first Bad Boy love....


Again, I think it's the hair.

Seriously, though, I kind of peeked at The Simpsons on and off during the first 2 seasons. I thought it was kind of funny in a "Oh gods, these people remind me of my own family!" sort of way. I never thought a whole lot about the show, however.

Then came the episode toward the end of Season 3, Black Widower, in which Side Show Bob married Aunt Selma. If you've read my posts on Shepherd Book here, you already know I'm a Victor Hugo fan. So when Selma opens her letter to Bob with "Dear prisoner number 2-4-6-0-1..." I thought I'd hurt myself, I laughed so hard. I was totally hooked and the ep is my favorite to this day.

How can you resist Kelsey Grammar's diabolical laugh? Or such beautiful lines as "Even murder has its ugly side." I wish I lived in the Southwest just so I could drive through cactus patches and think of him. He is certainly the only Republican I'd ever consider voting for.



Friday, January 9, 2004 9:36 AM


One of the best things about Bad Boys is that they can do the dirty work in order to keep the heroes clean....


Even when I was a child, I liked space opera. Lois McMaster Bujold taught me how to love it as an adult. Her Miles Vorkosigan books are quite the favorites of mine. I actually started reading them long after they were published so I started in the time-line order rather than by date of publication.

He was introduced as the hatchet-faced man when Cordelia Naismith, Mile's mother, first landed on the planet that would come to be named Sergyar. For the first hundred pages, it appeared that he was just a run-of-the-mill lunatic never to be trusted. But his devotion to Cordelia and Vorkosigan House spilt over into the next generation.

When Cordelia faced her worst enemy, she knew that she would not be able to shed his blood. Fortunately, the Segeant was with her. A generation later, when her son faced certain doom lest he torture information out of his prisoner, Bothari stepped up to the plate again.

Bothari saved members of Vorkosigan house many times. The only person Bothari could never save was himself. His bittersweet demise at the hands of the woman who conceived his beloved daughter was almost too much to take. So was knowing that I'd have to read the remaining dozen or so Vorkosigan books without him being there.



Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:10 AM



How can you not!

Two words: HIS BODY

Top that with the hair, and the OH so SEXY British accent and, and… umm, yeah.

I’ll be in my bunk.

Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:27 AM


Waaaaay back when I was a little girl, I fell for a bad boy.

Khan Noonian Singh. Come on, people. He was a despot who ruled the Earth - what's not to like?

The fact that Ricardo Mantiban is a total babe and the accent is .... *thud*

*waking up* Okay, I'm better now. I don't know if it was a fake chest in "Wrath of the Khan-licious", but I'll still take Khan over Kirk :)


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
The fact that Ricardo Mantiban is a total babe and the accent is .... *thud*

Accents are nice. In this vein, I'd like to offer my new favorite bad boy: Professor Lodz, from Carnivàle. He's European, he's wicked and he's not afraid to give good head.

But Spike, yes, him. I dreamt about him last night. It's all very *sigh*.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:55 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Logan. Yes, I mean Wolverine of the X-Men movies. Yes, I know Hugh Jackman is 6'2" and Logan of the books is 5'2". Ask me if I care. G'head

Logan has it ALL - sensitivity, character development that makes any writer swoon, strength, smart-ass remarks, shoulders out to here, long legs, nice butt, that snarl, and the most amazing hands I've ever seen - no, the hands, not the claws...


I'm sorry, what was the question? OH! Right.

Kala mentioned something about the very first bad boy she fell for. I would have to go with Han Solo - Han of the first Star Wars installment. Han who wasn't afraid to shoot Greedo in the cantina and walk on out like he frelling owned the joint. That is what bad boys are about, and everyone under the sun has been trying to recreate him ever since.

Spike has indeed been amazing as the big and bad, and as the smart-ass bad boy. Adding him to the cast of Angel was probably the shiniest stroke of genius ever. And do I enjoy the fact that the writers see fit to have him shirtless every chance they get? I would have to say DUH!

Now, down to the Firefly connection. There is something about Jayne that intrigues me. He may not be the brightest bulb on the console and pretty straight talking, but at least you always knew where you stood with him. Solid body ready for anything, rugged handsomeness, and the ability to wear a goatee like a man should certainly does help.

But my all time favorite would have to be Mal. He qualifies in the bad boy category because he's not afraid to break a rule or two to get what he wants - provided the rule he's breaking is pretty stupid to begin with. Deep blue-grey eyes, nice mouth...


I'm sorry, what?

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, February 6, 2004 10:00 AM


Hey! I didn't realize this thread had been revived.

Thanks for the mention of Han Solo. A friend of mine promised me a write-up on him, but never came through with it. He just never caught me the way he caught so many other women.

I realize that I actually do have an earlier Bad Boy love other than Side Show Bob. You'll probably think it's terribly corny, but he's just so classic...


I was never an Ashley Wilkes woman like my mother. To me, even when I was young, Ashley was just a big weenie. He was trapped in the past and couldn't survive in a post-slavery world.

Then there was the blockade running pirate with a penchant for lost causes. A man who wouldn't put up with anyone putting any of his folk down, even if those folk were children from his wife's previous marriages. A man who would rather survive than give in to a sense of false honor by taking a bullet in a duel. A man so seething with coolness that he could only be played by Clark Gable.

Rhett never spewed any bullshit and he never listened to any either. He knew genuine love when he saw it and he had a deep respect for it. But he also could smell a liar a mile away. He'd never be taken in by common household drapes. That's why I adore him.



Friday, February 6, 2004 10:02 AM



The fact that Ricardo Mantiban is a total babe and the accent is .... *thud*

My friend Sarah has always claimed that the best special effect of Star Trek II was Ricardo Mantalban's chest.

And no, it was NOT a fake.



Friday, February 6, 2004 11:10 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Another browncoat called this "the hubba-hubba factor." It's kind of like the weather in Minnesota - the one thing we can ALWAYS talk about.

*swoon* Rhett. Yeah, I never understood what Scarlett ever saw in Ashley. Ashley was a bloody poof compared to Rhett. That first shot of him at the base of the stairs? That ain't no movie magic, that was the real deal standing down there!

I'm a big fan of Clark Gable - especially ANYTHING he did in the early days in black and white. Ever seen "It Happened One Night?" He played newspaper man Peter Warne opposite Claudette Colbert's Ellie "Brat" Andrews - Now THERE is one FINE bad boy.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, February 6, 2004 11:44 AM


Snake Pliskin. sigh...I just can't help it!!!


Friday, February 6, 2004 12:42 PM


Not just a bloody poof, but a bloody INBRED poof to boot... Blech.

You know, I don't think I've ever seen all of IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT. I know I've seen part of it; caught it on Sunday afternoon TV once. I really should go track it down. Won't be hard: That's why the gods created Netflix. heh.



Saturday, February 7, 2004 4:26 AM


Now this one of my favorite Bad Boys is a real "man's man". Quite literally, matter of fact.


He's an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered prick and he doesn't care who thinks that of him. He's lost in love because he is truly one who REFUSES to play games or by society's rules. And he's in advertizing. How dispicable can you get?

But I can't help but love this central character from QUEER AS FOLK. My adoration for him was solidified by the end of the pilot episode when he said to Justin, the young man who'd just confessed his love to Brian:

"I don't believe in love. I believe in f*'ing. You get the maximum amount of pleasure with the minimum amount of bu**'t. Love is something straight people tell themselves they're in so they can get laid."

And in a country of people who are so sex-phobic they talk about a woman's boob for more than a week, how can that NOT be true?

I find Brian very cathartic, actually. He gets to say what I want to say; do what I want to do; and flip off everyone I've ever wanted to flip off. Car salesmen, ultra-conservative businessmen (they did an AWESOME parody of Dominoes pizza founder Tom Monaghan in season 2), and stupid little angst-ridden boys who can't get over him.

Gale Harold does a wonderful job in this role. He is one of those "beautiful beyond imagining" men. Way prettier than I am. He has the unearthly beauty of a member of the Seeley Court. Brian's biggest problem is that he *knows* it.

If Brian ever wanted to change careers, he'd be a good addition to the old Wolfram & Hart team. I wonder if he needs a good secretary....



Saturday, February 7, 2004 5:28 AM


My girl seconds that mention of Snake.

She "didn't see what the fuss was about" so I rented both 'escape' movies and played em back to back.

Good ole Kurt brings Plisken across in this huge, larger-than-life badass comic book kinda way that CANNOT be denied, and makes women just swoon...

The basketball scene was priceless, as was the "tijuana rules" gunfight, heh.

In her words "all chockfull of yummy badness..."



Sunday, February 8, 2004 11:42 AM


"You'd shoot a man in the back?"

"Well, it is the safest way."


It's not for his rugged good looks or his outstanding body that I adore this "simple tailor". I've seen him without the spoon on his forehead. Not necessarily someone a woman's heart swoon's over at first sight. But there is an undeniable charisma about the Obsidian Order's former golden boy now exiled to Tarok Nor, ooops, I mean Deep Space Nine.

He's a different kind of Bad Boy. The others we have talked about have that unmistakable straight talkin', no bs thing going on. (Well, maybe not Brian Kinney...heh) You always know where you stand with our other bad boys. That's not exactly the case with Garak.

Come to think of it, no one *ever* knows where they stand with Garak. The only thing anyone is ever able to trust is that Garak can't be trusted. He's shrewd, an expert liar, frightfully intelligent, ruthless, and deathly charming. And that's why we love him.

He does get to say the things we always want to say, such as the above quote from "Our Man Bashir". He gets to deride Shakespeare's JULIUS CAESAR because what ruthless despot would NOT suspect that his closest comrades want him dead? All of Garak's certainly did. Even his own father.

Exile sucks and I would have to say that some of my favorite Garak moments were when you actually saw some of the truth. The stories were all lies, but the emotions were real. He hated being where he was. He loved Cardasia. And I still believe that he truly loved Zial.



Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:20 PM



Originally posted by ladyjayne:
One of the best things about Bad Boys is that they can do the dirty work in order to keep the heroes clean....


Even when I was a child, I liked space opera. Lois McMaster Bujold taught me how to love it as an adult. Her Miles Vorkosigan books are quite the favorites of mine. I actually started reading them long after they were published so I started in the time-line order rather than by date of publication.

I just have to give a shout out for the love of Bujold and completely agree - heck, at times Miles himself ranks right up there with the bad boys. Mmmm.

Note to all Browncoats: If you're craving some epic sci-fi due to FF withdrawl, go check out Bujold /now/. It's like a wonderfully surprising treasure, to find a series this good this late into the game. I'm amazed that every sci fi fan /ever/ hasn't been tied down and forced to read them.


Friday, February 13, 2004 1:43 PM


Yeah, Miles sometimes comes close to being a Bad Boy, but I truly believe that he'd NEVER do anything to sully the brown-and-silver. Not intentionally anyway.

Hee hee! Speakin' of brown-and-silver my husband got me a Vorkosigan t-shirt at a con recently. It has the maple leaf & mountains crest on it and yes, the shirt is brown and the crest is silver. I LOVE it.

Now if only I could find someone to put that logo on the back of a bug. LOL!

Thanks for the Bujold nod, Aerrin. Been trying to convince these folks that it's awesome space-opera, but don't know if it's had any bites.



Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:29 PM



Originally posted by kalathena:

Thanks for the Bujold nod, Aerrin. Been trying to convince these folks that it's awesome space-opera, but don't know if it's had any bites.


Anything for the Vorkosigan love! Come to think of it, a lot of what I love about those books are the same sorts of things that really hooked me on Firefly, and vice versa...

I'd think a good number of Firefly fans would really enjoy Bujold. Of course, I'm hard pressed to understand why anyone wouldn't.


Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:13 PM


Grrrrrrr! I just checked the Bujold Nexus ( and IRRESISTABLE FORCES has now been delayed until Fall of 2004. It was supposed to come out LAST February. It has "Winterfair Gifts" in it, a Miles novelette.

I'm so bummed. Was looking forward to buying it next month. :-(



Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:29 PM



Now for my first Bad Boy love....


I second! He's sophisticated, he's intelligent, and I love his voice! I wish I knew him.


Okay, he's not that bad, but I adore Harrison Ford.

And for Firefly, though he's not necessarily bad, SIMON.

I like smart, intelligent people. And handsomness helps.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Sunday, February 15, 2004 3:31 PM


Extra note on Sideshow Bob-

My favorite one I've seen with him in it is the one where he sings some of H.M.S. Pinafore. I listened to the play on record, because I had never seen it. But I have seen The Pirates of Penzance. My favorit bad boy would be The Pirate King.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard






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