So... what's your ship?

UPDATED: Monday, January 23, 2006 18:33
VIEWED: 9764
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:41 PM


You know, I've been thinking a fair bit on the fanfic posted at this site and there's a trend here.

The majority of the fics here are canon, staying closely to the show.

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of Non Canon Pairings. I mean, other than Jaylee (there's a *huge* amount of Jaylee fic at this site, not that I'm complaining, mind, I like this trend), plus a few Mal/Simon, Jayne/Simon, Jayne/River fics that I've seen.

There are nine people on that boat and that makes for more than four or five pairings.

Now, what's the consensus on all the other pairings? I know they're out there, because other firefly fanfic sites have it in droves.

The slash fic alone is prodigious.

There's very few f/f fic (I've posted Kaylee/River in "Adam's Rib"), but I haven't really seen any other, say Kaylee/Inara, Inara/River, Zoe/Kaylee, etc... And only slightly more m/m fic.

Is there something preventing people posting these fics here?

Would the CSI 'ship be acceptale? For instance? Simon/River pairings aren't that uncommon on other sites.

Just feelin' out the waters here.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Thursday, November 10, 2005 2:29 PM


My ship is Serenity.

I also do Mal/River.









I'm writing an extended Mal/River, based pretty much on the last scene of the movie (River: I like to hear you say it. Mal: Love keeps her in the air...), plus the revelation of Miranda scene (Mal: (I'm betting my crew's life on the theory that you're a person). That makes a great deal of sense to me--they're the two most broken characters, and Mal, having laid everything on the line repeatedly for River, is bound to have quietly gained her trust.


Friday, November 11, 2005 9:15 AM


I hear ya, Jacqui, and you're right. Very little girl-on-girl here. Don't know why, because it's out there on other fanfic sites. I did read your K/R in Adam's Rib and liked it, actually, though not my cuppa.

Here's my admittedly hung-up view on it: I just don't get het up over girl parts. Strictly a hetero, but that also means I'm liking boys to boys. Alas, weird but true.

J? I don't know of any other Firefly fanfiction sites. Are you willing to provide links to 'em? I mean, the goodies on this site are wondrous, but, like, there are MORE?

Please post 'em here or hit me at

Oh, and Belac? I am DYING to read your Mal/River fic. Agree wholeheartedly with your view that River's bound to have found an appreciation for the good captain lately. Thought that myself. Type furiously, will ya?


Friday, November 11, 2005 1:39 PM



Originally posted by ItsaWash:
Here's my admittedly hung-up view on it: I just don't get het up over girl parts. Strictly a hetero, but that also means I'm liking boys to boys. Alas, weird but true.

Yeah, I understand. I'm het, I read het, but I also read f/f. I don't get that excited by m/m. Boy parts... I don't know, doesn't really float my boat.


J? I don't know of any other Firefly fanfiction sites. Are you willing to provide links to 'em? I mean, the goodies on this site are wondrous, but, like, there are MORE?

Yes, there are. The Firefly Glow archive is probably the best I've found. It's got a lot of the fic that's here, but also heaps more...

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Friday, November 11, 2005 6:22 PM


Thanks for the tasty link, J.

On the unusual pairings, you got me thinking. There's at least one hetero pairing that nobody has touched yet, and I'm percolating something to put out there. I'll letcha know when it's nearly ready to serve. One thing I do know, it's gonna smack of the kink.


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:07 PM


I'm very much canon Simon/Kaylee, as well as Mal/Inara... but I have read some Jayne/River that I've enjoyed and that's not canon... lol

Dunno much about firefly fic archives really, I just come onto here, cause there's something new every day.


"Joss, if you kill him now I'll stuff a compression coil up your ass sideways!"
~ Kaylee, "Serenity in 2000 words or less"

Kaylee's the perfect woman!


Friday, November 11, 2005 7:32 PM



Originally posted by misskitten:
I'm very much canon Simon/Kaylee, as well as Mal/Inara... but I have read some Jayne/River that I've enjoyed and that's not canon... lol

Dunno much about firefly fic archives really, I just come onto here, cause there's something new every day.

I definately agree with you. I'm a canon shipper, what can I say? I'm mostly Simon/Kaylee, but I also like Mal/Inara and Wash/Zoe.

~A message from Serenyty~


Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:08 PM



Originally posted by Jacqui:
You know, I've been thinking a fair bit on the fanfic posted at this site and there's a trend here.

The majority of the fics here are canon, staying closely to the show.

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of Non Canon Pairings. I mean, other than Jaylee (there's a *huge* amount of Jaylee fic at this site, not that I'm complaining, mind, I like this trend), plus a few Mal/Simon, Jayne/Simon, Jayne/River fics that I've seen.

There are nine people on that boat and that makes for more than four or five pairings.

Now, what's the consensus on all the other pairings? I know they're out there, because other firefly fanfic sites have it in droves.

The slash fic alone is prodigious.

There's very few f/f fic (I've posted Kaylee/River in "Adam's Rib"), but I haven't really seen any other, say Kaylee/Inara, Inara/River, Zoe/Kaylee, etc... And only slightly more m/m fic.

Is there something preventing people posting these fics here?

Would the CSI 'ship be acceptale? For instance? Simon/River pairings aren't that uncommon on other sites.

Just feelin' out the waters here.

I get most of my fic from LiveJournal, where there are a lot of non-canon shipping communities.

I personally favor Mal/Simon and Mal/River. I like River/Simon, but only if it's purely emotional. Graphic CSI is just too squicky for me.

"it has some sweet character deaths -- I mean moments!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:48 AM


I love the most obvious ones: Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoe/Wash, and, for some strange reason, I absolutely adore the Rayne ship.

Can't stop the signal!
"No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!"--Kaylee, o'course.
"Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down!" --Mal in "Safe."


Friday, December 2, 2005 8:51 PM


Inara/Kaylee always seemed a likely pairing to me. Inara's doing Kaylee's hair for her; Kaylee's intrigue at Inara w/ the state-official (not to mention Inara's openness to women).

"I'll be in my bunk" -Jayne


Friday, December 2, 2005 10:40 PM



"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:57 PM


I guess I might be considered a little straitlaced in my fanfic preferences. I prefer canon because I love Firefly as it is so much, and anything the changes the dynamics of the show tends to bother me. And I'd never write anything but canon.

As far as slash goes, in general, I don't care for non-canon, and I prefer non-graphic hetero. Mal/River creeps me out because of the age difference, although it would otherwise be a logical pairing. YoSaffBrig's story The Innocents is a rare exception; I actually liked the Simon/Mal interaction in that one.

For the most part I read fanfic in search of "more Firefly." I've never spent much time (at all!) on other fanfic sites; I can't even keep up with half of what's posted here.


"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you when she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." .......We love you, captain.

"This is the captain. We may experience some slight turbulence and then.....explode"

Zoe necklace replica and other jewelry at , Firefly/Serenity images at>


Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:34 PM


I'll read anything. Pretty much. If it's good, and it hooks me in, and it can CONVINCE me that the pairing it's talking about is possible, even if I never would have considered it otherwise, then yeah, I'll read anything.

My favourites, though, are the Simon/Kaylee and the Mal/Inara, since that's where I started out, but right now, I'm all about the Mal/Simon. I wrote a 10,000 word fic based on the movie, pulling out all the subtext and pointing the movie in a Mal/Simon slant, with some extra scenes I added for fun.

I also have a soft spot for Wash/Kaylee, thanks to the "I would take you in a manly fashion" line from Heart of Gold...

Jayne/River is one of the few 'ships I can't see. I'll read Simon/River if its siblingish, but I can't read the graphic stuff, because I really don't see their relationship as being remotely sexual.

Anything else - if it's good, I'll try it!


Monday, December 19, 2005 12:32 AM


While it seemed like River _might_ be interested in Simon in the cut scene from 'Our Mrs. Reynolds'. Simon was shocked by it and I just don't see it ever happening. I thought it as likely as anything that River was just teasing Simon in that scene anyway.

I prefer cannon myself. My only interest in fanfic is, as was said above, to get more Firefly.

Anything that gets too far away from my 'take' on where the show was going tends to loose my interest very quickly.

That being said, there are many authors writing fantastic fanfic out there and don't for a second let me slow you down if you're writing doesn't fit my taste. There's plenty of room in the 'verse for everyone.

That's what makes us special.



Monday, December 19, 2005 1:16 AM


I know when I write 'ship fic I write with Jayne as my primary character but when I do I actually like to invent new people to throw into the mix.
I don't think Jayne meshes well with any of the girls on the ship and for some reason I can't write slash- as much as I read it I can't recreate it (and believe me I've tried)

I have a problem with Simon/River because that's incest but aside from that I enjoy reading about all the other 'ships others can create.

I haven't found any Jayne/River fics tho- can someone give me a link or a few titles?

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:25 AM


I'm a canon-shipper (Mal/Inara, Wash/Zoe), but despite it being one of the actual romances both on the show and in the BDM, I just can't see the Simon/Kaylee thing working. They have NOTHING in common. AT ALL.

Now, since Joss admitted to Jayne's Kaylee crush in the DVD commentaries, I've been under the impression that he had plans to use that as a dramatic device on the show. I've found that he's especially fond of angsty love triangles, and he was setting up a doozy. (I could see, say, if Kaylee was getting too close to Jayne, Simon bringing up the whole 'Ariel' betrayal to split them up, etc.)
Maybe I'm deluded, but I'm a Jaylee-shipper at heart.

"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:43 PM


Hmm now, I write gen fic (most of which isn't here, it's on the firefly friday LJ community), so I don't worry too much about shippage, although I might hint now and again about cannon ships. So I guess that makes me a cannon ship writer, but in my reading tastes I like a little of everything. Although CSI squicks me a little bit. I LOVE Mal/River, I don't know, it just makes sense to me after seeing some of the sweet scenes in the movie (didn't make much sense to me before then). Although a lot of Mal/River stories just don't work in my mind, but when a writer gets it right, it's beautiful. I've also read quite a few really good Mal/Simon, although slash isn't normally my thing, and I've found a whole lot of good Jaylee stories. Jaylee makes me smile. And one side of Jaylee is, in fact, cannon, because Joss said on the commentary for "Serenity" (the pilot, not the movie), that Jayne has a crush on Kaylee. BooYA!



Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:13 PM


I know what you mean...I love firely sooo much that the canon pairings are great..i love wash/zoe for fact i like anything with wash in it...but being the strange person i am i want, what seems to me to be the least writtn pairing ever..mal/wash...which is hard for me to comprehend as i love the wash/zoe thing, so how wash/mal would work i don't know.

Though I mostly like gen not focusing on any relationship...just stuff happening and therefore supposrting canon.

MMM i think i maybe insane..but the mal/wash screams out at me in places...even though they don't seem to always get on..and although he denys it in Heart of Gold, something about Mal says he maybe a little sly at times.

Just thought I'd add my two cents worth.
Keep flyin'


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:40 PM


Jaylee, almost exclusively, although I've read some excellent Rayne fic. Common denominator: Jayne, of course.

Funny thing, though, I don't see either ship working from the show/movie. I know Joss said that Jayne has a crush on Kaylee, but doesn't everyone on that boat?

It says a great deal about how wonderful the writers are that I am so totally a believer/slave to the Jaylee fanfic when I can't see it in the series/movie!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:47 AM


I tend to prefer all the 'canon' pairings. Mal more-or-less with 'Nara, Simon and Kaylee, Zoe and Wa... right...

One outsider that I've always kinda had kickin' around in the back of my head is Jayne and River. I can just see Jayne scared spitless of her for the longest time, both on account of her craziness and her startlin' proficiency with firearms, and she has to break him like a gorram horse.

Of course, since my fiction deals with a different boat with a different crew, the Serenity stuff takes a back burner. Which makes it a bit disorienting when they suddenly come back and one of the Big Damn Heroes makes an offhand remark about a relationship, what with my crew not bein' a part of them.

But what do I know? I write for Legacy, not Serenity


Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:31 PM


I'm a Silee-er by heart, but I think Kaylee/Inara would make a very sweet pairing, so wouldn't mind reading it.


"Joss, if you kill him now I'll stuff a compression coil up your ass sideways!"
~ Kaylee, "Serenity in 2000 words or less"

Kaylee's the perfect woman!


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:18 PM


I used to be a Simon/Kaylee girl but I seem to have moved on a little bit. They all got very same-y after a while.

I read a really good Kaylee/Mal fic the other day and I thought that pair would never work, but somehow it seemed right.

Kaylee/Inara is growing on me a litle bit more every day, but I just don't get the Jaylee pairing. It doesn't appeal to me. Still, I take a look at anything that seems like it might have a good story to it.

"If nothing we do means anything then the only thing that means anything is what we do"
For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who do not no explanation will do.
"Bukkake, Shut up Alison!" Jonny Wallet Tourets
"Alison, don't you know this world is killing you?" - Nathan Fillion sang me a song!


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:33 PM


Read some Zoe/Jayne fic! Very unusual, but the writing was terrific and enjoyable. There are some very creative writers out there!






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