
UPDATED: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 16:06
VIEWED: 6001
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Saturday, September 20, 2003 3:54 PM


can now be found at only


Saturday, September 20, 2003 3:55 PM



Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:11 PM


There is an option if you are set on having all your chapters together. Finish them all and THEN post them. Do you not see how inconsiderate that is to every other person that posts to the blue sun room? If everyone went about things the way you do we could have 100 empty documents at the top of the list because people are eventually going to get around to writing them.

You shouldn't be asking Haken for a new feature after you have already made a mess of the board. You should have asked before you did. Now you should be asking Haken if he could go in and remove all your blank entries.

A 'sorry' and a frowny face really don't make up for it either. You should aplogize to all the writers of completed pieces you bumped off of the front page.



Saturday, September 20, 2003 7:15 PM


Actually, I Have asked Haken for these features months ago.

Thank you.


Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:49 AM


Problem is fixed.


Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:16 AM



You are so rude!

You could have made your point without the rudeness.

Think about that next time you want to correct someone. Rudeness is NOT necessary.

Of course you have probably already made a habit of it and are unable to change. So sad really.

This post is more for me than you because I am certain you will just scoff and not even understand it.


Sunday, September 21, 2003 10:12 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

In all fairness, Tzegha isn't to blame. There are a lot of functions that either don't exist or do not work properly on this site. This site has always been a work in progress because everything is custom built.

Tzegha did the best she could, but without everything on this site working the way they should, it was really beyond her ability to make things right should they go awry. This was one of those instances.

And, as Tzegha said, she did make certain requests in the past for improvements to The Blue Sun room, but like a lot of requests that are made, I was not able to fulfill them due to time constraints.

I wish everything on the site would work the way they should for everyone, but they don't, and it's the best I have to offer right now with the resources I have. So when stuff like this happens, I hope everyone will be a bit more understanding.

All good?


Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:01 PM


All good, but if I may point out... the easiest way to get a sequential reading of a writer's stories is simply to click their name and access their personal section on the site, which also gives a listing of their stories in chronological order.

We don't know who put this cup of life into our hands. But when we go our bones will bake upon the burning sands. 'Cause we walk but once among the living, so no regrets and no forgiving- it's hard to dance when you're down upon your knees. And these are dark days indeed.


Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:15 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:

You are so rude!

You could have made your point without the rudeness.

Think about that next time you want to correct someone. Rudeness is NOT necessary.

Of course you have probably already made a habit of it and are unable to change. So sad really.

This post is more for me than you because I am certain you will just scoff and not even understand it.

I agree, the IRC #Firefly group is ruining everything. Their rudeness is just so sad to see. When will the reign of terror end?

The IRC #Firefly group needs to chill out and stop harrassing the Browncoats who post here at FFF. This site is for everyone. If you folks want to be mean why not stay in the hole that you dug for yourselves.


Monday, September 22, 2003 12:30 AM



Originally posted by bamadave:
There is an option if you are set on having all your chapters together. Finish them all and THEN post them. Do you not see how inconsiderate that is to every other person that posts to the blue sun room? If everyone went about things the way you do we could have 100 empty documents at the top of the list because people are eventually going to get around to writing them.

You shouldn't be asking Haken for a new feature after you have already made a mess of the board. You should have asked before you did. Now you should be asking Haken if he could go in and remove all your blank entries.

A 'sorry' and a frowny face really don't make up for it either. You should aplogize to all the writers of completed pieces you bumped off of the front page.


This ends now! and you really should be apologizing to Tzengha for your uncalled rudeness thank you very much.

The names have been changed to protect the GUILTY because a freind asked me to ,you know who you are.

This is the straw that broke the camels back.

I don't know what emotional problems you trolls have
but it pisses me off that such rude hostile people
have the gall to consider anything or anyone
inconsiderate with the way you act.

The type of behavior that Tzengha exhibited wasn't a purposeful act unlike the rude response given to her by the live in troll.

Theres nothing like 5 trolls out looking for victims ,trust them like you would trust a
rattlesnake in your bed ,sooner or later your gonna
end up looking like the bad guy like Succatash.

Thats complete BS ,I was gonna let this drop but as
ive said before im not too keen on the 3F trolls
abusive natures especially against my freinds.

She's lucky that ruttin chat was fubaring my copy/pasting
,she was extremely arrogant ,condesending ,rude and
full of it to say the least.

TROLL Run's house. Most of the posting you saw were
lines out of a song by Run DMC.
[21:47]TROLL It's kinda a browncoat thing at
[21:48]GUEST LOL! Run DMC spam ...whatever floats your
boat :)
[21:48]TROLL Have you read any of her firefly fans
fan fics?
[21:48]GUEST Ahhh the OB people are extremely posty
,its how they all are.
[21:49]TROLL It's a long story about the Run DMC,
we've all been talking for a year now. It's like a
close circle of friends you have, then a bunch of new
people you dont know come in and start talking in the
middle of your converstaion.
[21:49]TROLL Have you read any of her firefly fans fan
fics? ...Im not sure ,ive read so many and that was
when I was stupid and was getting major headaches from
reading the board
[21:50]TROLL I know about the posty, but that's
sooooo not us. We only post when we've got something
important to say and we HATE bumps
[21:50]TROLL She's written some general fics about
firefly, then some really kick ass fics about firefly
fans. It's great, you should read them, might give you
some insight.
[21:51]GUEST I geusse we are 2 different breeds of
people ,we welcome new people with open arms and
invite them into ALL our conversations ie we are
[21:52]TROLL Dont make us sound so bad. We invite,
we do. But it was too much, too many, and a few
[21:52]GUEST We only post when we've got
something important to say....Now come on ive read
quite a few threads here ,some of your people are just
like us
[21:52]TROLL Bumps?
[21:53]GUEST She's written some general fics about
firefly, then some really kick ass fics about firefly
fans. It's great, you should read them, might give you
some insight........I probably have read her normal
fanfics if they weren't Gay ? ,ive read no Fics about
fans though
[21:53]TROLL I'm just telling you how I see it. Go
on and post as you want. Dont expect open arms if
you're going to keep doing as you have.
"If they wern't gay" What?
[21:55]GUEST We invite, we do. But it was too much,
too many, and a few rude....well im not sure your
ideas of rude correspond to theirs....You really
should post somewhere that bumps aren't allowed ,its
kinda ingrained into their systems because of what
they are used to...I understand your greivance about
them though
[21:56]GUEST The ? was suppose to be a
[21:56]GUEST Dont expect open arms if you're
going to keep doing as you have......what have I done
wrong posting wise?
[21:57]TROLL We should post somewhere bumps arn't
allowed? This is where we were first. I think you guys
should meld a little to us, not the other way
[21:58]TROLL You keep posting over and over
again, you dont check your spelling or typos, and you
are not getting the humor so are in turn being rude to
people who are nice and who have been here for a long
[21:58]GUEST We should post somewhere bumps arn't
allowed? This is where we were first. I think you guys
should meld a little to us, not the other way
around.....THats true but they ain't mind-readers you sure that won't be our new place at
[22:00]TROLL Good lord, they should look around
before they go crazy and post then. How hard is this
to understand, I feel like I'm saying it over and over
again. You all should of looked around for a moment
before you started posting. You can hope, happily, go
and post, just look around, read how we do it.
[22:01]TROLL Its so easy to see how to quote things
properly, to see that we dont have "i'm gonna be last"
threads, that we all try to spell correctly and speak
proper english or chinglish. I mean how hard is it?
[22:07] TROLL God, why do you have to be here if
you all hate it so much? There are other boards out
there build just for you OB's when your board went
[22:07] GUEST Actually you are wrong ,ive yet to have
a computer with a spellchecker and im on my 4th one
[22:08] TROLL What stupid computer do you have?
[22:09] GUEST Ive been told that just because some of
the people are litary police at FFF and want it run
their way that they are not thePTB and that they don't
make the decesions for the entirety of FFF.
[22:09] TROLL PTB?
[22:10] GUEST I have several. A 266 pentium2 ,A 750 HP
,and a 500 H.
[22:10] GUEST Powers that be :) ,Internet lingo
brought upon by BtVS :)
[22:11] GUEST This chat sucks ,it keeps cutting off my
fronts and backs of the conversation :(
[22:12] TROLL Fine. Think what you want, but you
can't know all about us and what people think of us
since you haven't been here long. I give up on you.
Good luck.
[22:14] GUEST HEY!!!
[22:14] GUEST Relax :)
[22:14] TROLL What? And you only need one "!"
[22:14] GUEST Ive been there for awhile ,I just rarely
posted ,I apolizize if im annoying you too much.
[22:15] GUEST Funny!
[22:15] TROLL I'll belive it when I see it.
[22:17] GUEST You forgot a period. Seriously though.
The spellchecking attitude is childish and unneeded.
[22:17] GUEST Believe is spelled with an e.
[22:18] GUEST Do you see how annoying that is?
[22:18] TROLL Yes, thank you muchly. I didn't know
it was such a big deal in a chat, but when you post
you have a moment to look before you hit enter
[22:19] TROLL And no one is making noise about
missing "e"s and periods, its the horrid spelling that
is so bad that you are unable to understand what a
person is even saying
[22:19] GUEST Oops I didn't spell apologize correctly
but then again a lady is asleep in the room and im
trying not to wake her ,so im typing in the dark.
[22:20] TROLL I think you might be working towards
giving Ohio a bad name.
[22:21] GUEST And sometimes people make mistakes and
it really isn't that big of a deal.It certainly isn't
a bugle sound to call in the cavlery to attack.Some
people don't own spellcheckers ,some people work 12
hrs a day and have verry little time to post much less
spellcheck.get my points?
[22:22] TROLL Christ, it's not little mistakes
people care about.
[22:23] TROLL wen u type like , this un speel @ss
like dat peeple dont like it
[22:23] TROLL Then dont post if you are to busy to
look at what you are writing.
[22:25] GUEST Me and ohio are just fine :)
[22:25] TROLL Alright, I'm off to chat. Someone who
just wants attention and is rudely scarcastic when
they are getting some light advice isn't as much fun
as you might think is.
[22:25] TROLL it is
[22:25] TROLL oh, hun, that's cool
[22:26] GUEST I wasn't writing like that and I got
attacked for it and the use of emoticons.
[22:26] TROLL If you'd hang around and see what's
up first, it never would of happened.

I highly doubt that last one to say the least and I now know whats up here ,I geusse that no one but them are allowed to post on
their forum ,I think they are nothing but a bunch of
abusive trolls.

I love how she ignored the fact that I got attacked on the Taglog despite not writing like
she described and I don't get their trollish humor.

I geusse she doesn't get that its not really humorous
being ganged up by 5 people for whatever made up
reason they can come up with.

I won't back down ,respect is a 2-way street ,learn to
use it children.

If you can't learn it ,learn to take what you give without trying to find a
scapegoat/victim that you can gang-bang to take the
flak from your lies and hostility since you are
obviously incapable of taking what you dish out.

SteveP/G3TSOME (Registered Jan 10th at Yes I
have been at for awhile ,shows how much you
know eh TROLL.

Now the truth is out there.


Hi Steve,

Wow! And may I say, excuse my french, "What a

Oops, multiple exclamation points, sorry. :-)

You can post it, if you want, but I don't think it
will do much good.
People like that tend only to see the fault of others,
not themselves.
will still see you as being wrong.

I never went over to to post/chat. I am
registered there,
mainly so
I can post stories and review other people's. But
when I heard from
people that we weren't getting the warmest reception I
decided to stay
I don't go where I'm not wanted.

Sure they were none to pleased with us taking over
some space on the
Fox forum, but they weren't all that nasty and I just
stayed out of
threads. I figure we have just as much right to be
there as anyone
But if wants its own little club with a "No
OBer's Allowed" let
It's their loss. If they can't handle poor spelling,
and multiple exclamation points, then they aren't our
sort of crowd
Here in the Loon we forgive those little foibles and
we are the better
it. This for the most part is a caring commmuntiy
where sympathy and
are offered freely and we can come to laugh or cry as
the mood strikes
If they can't understand that is what is most
important, screw



Monday, September 22, 2003 1:43 AM


erm.. whatchoo talkin bout Willis!(SteveP99999)


Monday, September 22, 2003 1:46 AM


If I cut and pasted say... "the bible" here do you think anyone would read all the way to the bottom or would everyone just scroll down?


Monday, September 22, 2003 6:01 AM


...I'm still trying to figure out if this is a joke or not. Oh well.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Monday, September 22, 2003 11:39 AM


I'm not sure what to make of that my own self.
I'm a might bit confused.
What else is new?


Monday, September 22, 2003 12:18 PM


This is just too funny. I seriously thought you were joking for awhile today, Steve.

I don’t mind saying that that was my conversation with you. Whoever your friend was, thanks for having Steve remove names later today, it was a nice thought. But, yes, I played the part of “TROLL”. Hehehe. I didn’t know you would be saving that old talk we had for the future to make a case against regulars on this board who you are calling trolls. If I knew it was going to be posted for everyone else to see I would thought a bit more before I typed, not simply typed in a quick conversation style as I was. If you remember, I didn’t want trouble started on the main board, and since you couldn’t get in to chat, we choose to speak in the bigger firefly tag log thingy, off of the main pages, in a place where I had hoped everyone else wouldn’t have to be dragged into it.

The first time I saw that you posted our old conversation, I thought you had simply copy and pasted the entire thing onto the page for everyone to read, (which I still thought was a bit rude without asking permission, but more understandable) but later when I went back to read your whole message I realized you omitted things from the beginning, middle, and end of our talk. You didn’t post the part where we were civil and said hi, or where you had asked me to tell you why I thought people were upset with you, or where I mentioned that these were all my personal opinions, perhaps not what everyone thought. You removed the parts where I spoke about the chat room, and I said hi to a few people for you. You left out parts where I apologized for being blunt because I was upset. You didn’t post the end of our conversation where you said thanks to me for giving you the heads up and where we fairly nicely said goodbye about six times. You also wrote me in as “TROLL” next to things I didn’t say, you did. Not that I wanted that posted here in the first place though, I thought that to be a personal conversation between just the two of us. Silly me, I even thought I was helping you out when you asked me. Telling you why people were upset when you asked in hopes that it would help you get along with everyone better.

Even though now when I look back at it, perhaps I would of worded things differently, I still stand by what I said-- if you cant stand this board or it‘s posters, leave, go to another board if you want, no one is holding you here.

Everyone was a little weird and panicky those first few days after the fox board went down. OB’s lost their board, and many of the Fffans felt like there was a flood of new members on their board. It seems like a few people are still holding to their hard feelings from the first few days since the board went down, but other than those few, it looks as though the OB’s and FFFans have mushed together quite nicely.


Posted by Stevep99999:
She's lucky that ruttin chat was fubaring my copy/pasting
,she was extremely arrogant ,condesending ,rude and
full of it to say the least.

Even though I didn’t think we were friends, I thought we parted on friendly terms, again, silly me. I hold no hard feeling for you Steve, if I knew where you were in Ohio I would kiss you open mouthed. I might just have to find you for that. *wink, wink* And whoever that was who called me a bitch, foxy something, I’ll kiss you too.

Oh, by the way, what did our conversation about the tag log and someone calling me a bitch have to do with Tzegha posting fan fics and Tash not liking the people in a chat room that isn't even this boards chat room? I’m pretty confused too, Maniac.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:39 AM


I'm not exactly sure what happened with Tzegha, only that she felt hurt enough by what was said that she felt the need to pull all of her stories from this site and post them elsewhere.

As is our custom, she came to the Loon to share her feelings and get some support. I don't know if you have ever spent any time in the Loon, but it is a place where all are made welcome, even those you may be arguing with in another thread. She did not go into details, but just told us she had removed her stories.

Steve spoke with her privately and felt the need to defend her somewhat, apparently he felt he had also taken some flack here. He emailed me your conversation and while I may have overstated the case by calling you a bitch, for which I apologize, you must admit that you weren't very nice.

I think he used your conversation as just another example of the poor reception some people feel they have gotten here.

I'm not saying our forum is perfect and that we all always get along. There have been fights, nasty ones. And I'm usually one of the people in the middle trying to patch things up. But, for the most part, we treat each other with respect. Afterall, we are all Browncoats, we all fell in love with the same show. We have, at least, this one thing in common.

I have made life-long friends in the forum, they have already seen me through some tough times, and I like to think I've helped them too. Isn't that much more important than proper spelling and punctuation?

I'd like this to end here, and hope in the future we could all get along, but that is probably a pipe dream.

Just the same, take care, keep flying,

Karen (northernredfox42) aka foxy, red, and in the forum, simply redfox42.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:15 AM


I do agree that by the time I had this conversation with Steve I was not very nice. Steve and I had spoken before, short messages on the tag log and such, so by the time this conversation came up, I felt like I was beating my head against a wall, repeating the same answers to questions he had asked over and over before.

I also want to point out something Mag mentioned the day before, we’ve always had disputes on this board. Heated political threads, long ass threads that shall not be named, and so on, but from what I remember it was not such a personal thing. Of course you may remember the name of the person you disagreed with and argued with for weeks, but in other threads, you were still nice to each other and didn’t insult them outright for something that went on in a completely different discussion. Lately that’s changed and instead of letting go of those bad feelings from the first few threads and being civil to each other in new posts, we are holding on to a pointless resentment from I don’t know, a week ago? And dragging it into every new thread that pops up. I’m not blaming it on the members of the official forum who came over here, but I do think they noticed it as perhaps being different from their board and took it personally while some of the regulars here were more apt to let it go. Then everything snowballed from there and everyone went on the defensive standing up for their friends and their board. But I think it’s quieting down now, probably because everyone is just too tired of it.

And lastly, as I beat my head again against the dent in my wall, the spelling and punctuation was never that big of a deal. Some people have just taken that complaint and run with it, I think it’s when other people can hardly understand a word that you’re typing that it becomes really annoying.

Oh, another "lastly"-- I don’t see why we cant be friends, though. I still think I’d probably kiss you if I met you.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 7:26 AM


That's why yer so dang cool Kayt. You'll make up with people who annoy you and even think they deserve a smooch! What a great gal! We need more like you.
And as a side note, since you and Steve posted in the area where I usually jabber on with sweet Koffee, I saw everything that you wrote. I was in fact lurking at the time, watching you both type.... sorry. (Thought you needed some alone time.) Anyway, I did notice an absence of completeness to the reposting, just as you said. I would have liked everyone to see that you and Steve left talking on a "tolerable" footing.
I also want to say regarding the spelling issue, that I purposely spell incorrectly when I am typing here, because it's fun. I have a degree in technical writing, but danged if'n I'm gonna spell like a computer when I'm tryin' to get across my colloquialisms.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:33 AM



Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:
Anyway, I did notice an absence of completeness to the reposting, just as you said.

I dont believe steve intentionally left parts out.
I think he just copyed what he could.


Posted by Stevep99999:
She's lucky that ruttin chat was fubaring my copy/pasting

Just my 2 Cents.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:44 AM



Originally posted by hippydog:

I dont believe steve intentionally left parts out.
I think he just copyed what he could.


Posted by Stevep99999:
She's lucky that ruttin chat was fubaring my copy/pasting

Just my 2 Cents.

Except that it seems she wasn't lucky, as it sounds like the parts that got left out (or fubared) were the parts that showed how cool and thoughtful Kayt is.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:41 AM


I have just been informed by Nono that, while you, Kayt, are not attending AC, several of your friends are. I was kind of hoping you would be too. I think if we could all meet in person and just talk things would go a whole lot smoother.

Facial expressions and tone of voice are very difficult to express in print no matter how many emoticons you use. In fact, misreading of intent is often the root of many of the misunderstandings that have occurred on our board.

I see no reason why people from both boards can't get along. And even travel back and forth some if they wish. Perhaps meeting in AC will help with this somewhat.

Looking forward to meeting people from here, and I hope the people here feel the same way.



Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:41 AM


I don't think Steve did anything intentionally malicious either. Steve's a great guy. Kayt's a great gal. I'm just sayin' completeness is nice.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:06 PM


I love my maguinan. Did you all see where she called me “cool“? Xie xie, Mag. You rock more than you know.

Ah, AC shindig, I wish I could go. That’s coming up in just a few days isn’t it? Arg. I want pictures, people! Lots and lots of pretty pictures! Audio and video would be nice too. Hopefully an Ohio Shindig will work it’s way out and I’ll be able to met some of you then. Black, you and me, man. ;)

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.






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