Big Damn Scribblers, how many story ideas do you have waiting to be written?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 17:39
VIEWED: 15394
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Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:48 AM


As a side note to the rant on my recent log, how many of you have story ideas piling up on you? I've got two that are fairly well plotted right now that I'm dying to write up and a couple others in just the possibly-viable plot bunny stage. And that's only the FF fanfic story ideas. I've got folders and file drawers full of stories in different stages of development for other genres.

Is there anyone out there who gets only one idea at a time? And then follows through on writing it before the next idea comes along?

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 10:02 AM



Can we say 'can of worms'?

I've got four. Count 'em, FOUR Firefly stories in progress. I've done that in almost every genre for which I've ever written fanfic - got an idea for one story with mostly canon characters and a few OCs, then one by one, climbed a mountain of new, sequential story ideas. By and large they're plot-driven, but with the kinds of original characters I write - not to mention the way they interact with canon characters - even a plot-driven story gives me incredible room to maneuver with all manner of characters. When I was writing Star Wars fanfic, all the stories were sequential and revolved largely around political intrigue (not to mention the thrill that comes with illegal politics).

Alack, I gave up Star Wars fanfic when writer's block and no feedback caused me to lose interest. So here I am writing Firefly fanfic: here the stories are still sequential, and the common thread involves some very, very dark corners of the human heart that I know all too well. Kind of my way of expressing the wish that some time, some light could be shed from somewhere on those corners. The later stories are nowhere near posting, but they're all outlined, and several scenes have been written. And yes, I will confess freely here and now that the later ones are River/OC. One prays that won't be a turn-off, but I really, REALLY hope I don't lose interest in writing these as well....

Malcolm aims
To misbehave
Browncoats shout and
Cheer and rave


Sunday, May 6, 2007 10:19 AM


Lessee... two FF stories in progress, one on the shelf, and two dozen in the back of my mind. Sequel to my origional. Three dozen origionals for Creative Writing. Several thousand untapped for various other Sci-Fi, Anime, Fantasy, LOTR, Warhammer, Warcraft, Starcraft, etc.
Yeah, just ONE!


A Ghost is all that's Left,
Of everything we Swore we Never would Forget,
Tried to bleed the Sickness,
But we drained our Hearts instead,
We are... We are the DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

My Master went to the Moon in a Rocket of Flamin' Cheese!



Sunday, May 6, 2007 12:57 PM


Pretty much just one storyline with me. It's kind of writing itself as we go. One idea can spark a whole plotline, or just an interaction or a scene, which may spin off into something else entirely later down the road.

I'm working on a little writing over in the 76th. Just my own persona and a couple of interactions so far.

If I had the kind of time to daydream that I used to everything above might be completely different, mind you. Family and job do tend to interfere with complete freedom to spend all your time being creative.
It's a trade off I'm willing to live with.


Monday, May 7, 2007 3:27 AM


Just one storyline for me too, but it has so many intertwining threads and subplots for each character and all these future scenes that I can't write out yet because I have to do the stuff that comes before... Which is why I split it into 3 books, to get the early parts out of my head, then focus on the next.

Hmm, I guess I get ideas for other fics but I just work them into my main one, LOL!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, May 7, 2007 4:21 AM



Originally posted by KayleeGirl:
Is there anyone out there who gets only one idea at a time? And then follows through on writing it before the next idea comes along?

Yeah. Pretty much. But I don’t write fanfic, though. The last fanfic I wrote, I was twelve, I think, and it was about Greatest American Hero. I write a serial story that started about five or ten years ago depending on what I define as the actual start. I’ve not written it consistently, just a little here and there. I keep a Notes.doc and Story.doc current as I write. The actual story goes in the story.doc, and the Notes.doc contains various notes that I use to keep the plot consistent. At the end of the Notes, I have a section on ideas to further the story, and typically what I do is read those notes, each time and then advance the story and put in new notes to further the story next time, so it keeps prodding along in pretty much a linear fashion.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 7, 2007 4:33 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
Yeah. Pretty much. But I don’t write fanfic, though. The last fanfic I wrote, I was twelve, I think, and it was about Greatest American Hero.

LOL! I LOVED that show! Everytime he did his shaky flying thing and ran into a wall I'd die!! I'd nearly forgotten all about it...

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, May 7, 2007 11:53 AM


I can probably still sing the theme song...

He was soo cute when I was 11...


Monday, May 7, 2007 5:47 PM


I've been toying with my Angel/Firefly crossover for a few months now. Got most of the plot worked out, yet I haven't written anything...huh. Other than that, nothing special.

Now, why wasn't there a Greatest CANADIAN Hero?


-Ertia, from Travel To Persephone PT 2 (Life Onboard Serenity)


Monday, May 7, 2007 5:59 PM


It figures that there are so many of us who watched Greatest American Hero. Okay, sing along with me...
Believe it or not, I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free...

But seriously, what kind of stuff do you write Finn mac Cumhal?

Now back to the theme song...Hey! Just a thought -- let's start a petition to get the show remade with Alan Tudyk in the lead role.

sIf I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:25 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
LOL! I LOVED that show! Everytime he did his shaky flying thing and ran into a wall I'd die!! I'd nearly forgotten all about it...

Yeah, that show was great, but somehow it was ever as great as the theme song, because that's what everyone always remembers.

Originally posted by Oath:
Now, why wasn't there a Greatest CANADIAN Hero?

I don’t know. You should ask the Canadians that.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 7, 2007 6:42 PM



Originally posted by KayleeGirl:
But seriously, what kind of stuff do you write Finn mac Cumhal?

For the last few years, I’ve just been writing sort of serial fantasy. Really pretty stock. Probably the only particularly quasi-unique thing is the setting, which is more classical then medieval. It’s just for fun, I haven’t tried to get anything published for years.

Originally posted by KayleeGirl:
Now back to the theme song...Hey! Just a thought -- let's start a petition to get the show remade with Alan Tudyk in the lead role.

With the recent wave in 70s and 80s nostalgia, that might actually work.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:10 PM


I've got two i'd like to write, but to much work neede to be done, so they go back in my draw waiting till i'm not busy.

Oh, and i have to ask, how many of your stories are about our heroes? how many only have a hero do a cameo? and how many don't have the heroes at all, its all your creation in the Joss Whedon verse?

Just askin, cause i personally can't write the BDH so i stick to my own characters in the verse, cause its harder to go wromg if its your stuff.

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Monday, May 7, 2007 8:58 PM


That’s why I’ve never really gotten into writing fan fiction. It seems like there are too many constraints on me. I like reading other people’s fan fiction, but I don’t like writing it.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:54 PM


Okay, I've written one fic so far (very shoddy), and I'm developing it into a much, MUCH larger story. It's only at chapter 4 (unbeta'd) right now, and I want to get a ways in before I post anything.

I also have a peice that will be a kind of a prequelish spin-off of that larger fic. It's only one chapter long, but it can be read as an individual piece. However, it is designed to fit into that larger story.

Both are kind of action/drama orientated, and follow canon pairings. Lot's of other characters we know and love (and hate) from the series and movie make appearences. It's post-BDM, obviously, and deals with a wide range of issues within the crew.

I also have another series I'd initially designed as a oneshot, but has turned into a 9 chapter work. I won't say what it's about because I haven't written anything down yet. Just know that it exists.

Forsaken initiate.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 7:38 AM


First: I loved the Greatest American Hero, and that the producers fought against the network's demand to make it more an 'aliens and supervillains' type show.

I tend to jump around alot with ideas, so I've got a few stories floating around the old brain pan. Unfortunately, at the rate I post, I'll get them all written in time for the premier of Firefly: The Next Generation

if anyone's interested:
- my own take on our favorite Preacher With a Past
- "Pandemic", my Big Honking Multipart Story
- A "lost episode" set during the series, fleshing out the relationship between Book and River
- "Tracker" a tale of young Malcolm Reynolds
- "Urban Legend", explaining why Mal is actually a Reaver
- A backstory for how Zoe got caught up in the war, and what happened when the war ended
- "Sihnon" Between the most powerful weapon in the 'verse, and the grandest world, stands a Firefly class vessel and a captain known for doing the impossible

I don't think i've ever finished a story before coming up with at least one seed for another. I really wish I could write more


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 8:31 AM


I've got three pieces going, one of which is hot in my mind right now, but I'm hung up on it, can't get it out.
When I'm in that place, a new idea seems to come to me, and I plot and write a complete piece, before I go back to the first. Can you say avoidance, friends?

Anyway, maybe something coming soon.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:33 PM



Originally posted by Blindoutlaw:
Oh, and i have to ask, how many of your stories are about our heroes? how many only have a hero do a cameo? and how many do have the heroes at all, its all your creation in the Joss Whedon verse?

The first one I wrote included all the BDHs except Inara (because it was set after she left). In the next two I'm writing, I'll focus on just one OC -- Jayne in one, and Book in the other. In the one with Jayne, I plan to launch a brand new Firefly Transport and crew with the hopes of starting a series of stories in the verse with the BDHs making only the occassional cameo.

I enjoy trying to write by someone else's rules every once in awhile. It's a new kind of challenge -- sort of like writing a poem in sonnet form as opposed to free verse. It's always great to have free reign in my own fictional worlds, but it's also great to have someone else shoulder the burden of setting the stage for me so I can just walk onto it and start playing!

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 9:59 AM


I have never written a Firefly fanfic but I have some ideas boiling in my head that I hope someday will turn into a story or two. Right now I'm just putting all my ideas into a notebook. It's full of bits of dialogue and information on new characters that will cross paths with Serenity and it's crew, or just lists of stuff I want to write about. Later I will sort everything and begin the hardest task of all in fanfic writing: actually telling the story.

I have four-five more stories in other fandoms planned and I have no idea of when to get the time to write it all (I'm a sloooooooooow writer).


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:26 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
LOL! I LOVED that show! Everytime he did his shaky flying thing and ran into a wall I'd die!! I'd nearly forgotten all about it...

Yeah, that show was great, but somehow it was ever as great as the theme song, because that's what everyone always remembers.

Originally posted by Oath:
Now, why wasn't there a Greatest CANADIAN Hero?

I don’t know. You should ask the Canadians that.

Didn't your hear? We all can fly, so it just wasn't... well, very heroic when we all can do it.

I've only got 3 stories floating around in that vast expanse I call "My Head". One I've started which is a Firefly Battlestar crossover. Got the plot worked out but have stalled in the verbalization. One is an original idea and the final one is more of a contribution to an on-going story called the Special Branch.

Makes for a cluttered noggin'. All kinda of pretty pictures but no subtitles.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:56 PM


Wow--what a great question!

Right now, in-progress on my computer/portable hard drive:

2 FF fanfics
1 fanfic (the 3rd in a series of novella-length stories) based on a nonWhedon series
1 fanfic based upon LOTR
2 short stories for a series of pagan erotica
2 research essays for a quarterly newsletter on heathenism
3 full-length fantasy/fiction novels
the last three songs of a new album

My personal theory is this: Sometimes the Muse is a gentle thing with violet-scented wings who flies in and sweetly whispers into your ear while you dream. Other times, the Muse is a dominatrix riding you like a pony with spurs and a riding crop while you repeat through gritted teeth, "Thank you, mistress! May I please have another!"

The only way I can stay on top of any of it and ever finish anything is by making myself sit for at least an hour a day come rain or shine and work on one of them. I can edit as much as I want, later, but I have to write one hour's worth of stuff on one project.

And also, my head hurts a lot.




Sunday, May 13, 2007 6:00 PM



Originally posted by Shieldmaid:
The only way I can stay on top of any of it and ever finish anything is by making myself sit for at least an hour a day come rain or shine and work on one of them.

You’d be surprised how many problems that will solve.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, May 21, 2007 10:22 AM



Originally posted by KayleeGirl:
How many of you have story ideas piling up on you? I've got two that are fairly well plotted right now that I'm dying to write up and a couple others in just the possibly-viable plot bunny stage. And that's only the FF fanfic story ideas. I've got folders and file drawers full of stories in different stages of development for other genres.

Is there anyone out there who gets only one idea at a time? And then follows through on writing it before the next idea comes along?

I started writing a Firefly short about fifteen months ago that is still three quarters to seven eighths finished (I've written two more complete short stories since I started it). Probably won't take me long to wrap up, but at the moment I'm desperately trying to not go anywhere near it, because it'll likely spawn a little baby story.

That's the problem for me - ideas come in spurts. For me to be able to focus only on one I've really got to pretend there isn't another idea in my head, and right now I'm desperately concentrating on original fiction (trying to knock 30,000 words off a novel... knocked about 10,000 off so far, but those were the easy ones). I have a lot of OF stories, proto-stories and bunnies running around - too many to cope with all at once. After I've wrapped what I'm doing, maybe adding some Firefly bunnies will calm the original ones down...

...or maybe they will mate and spawn crossover bunnies. Just what I need.


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:02 AM


:giggles: This thread comes at a time when I am firmly sitting on myself, resisting the urge to start more fanfics!

I'm writing:

~The Losing Side (big loooong fic!)
~Stowaway (a shorter story, FF/Andromeda crossover with a fickle muse)
~Saved You In The War (only three chapters, and the third is mostly written.....still hunting the muse to finish it)

I want to write:

~ A mostly Wash-centric offshoot to The Losing Side with more backtory on him
~ My own take on a Niska story (hint....not a single one of the crew gets captured, raped, or's that for something new?)
~ A story involving Jayne purchasing a planet online

"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you when she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." .......We love you, captain.

"This is the captain. We may experience some slight turbulence and then.....explode" - Zoe necklace replicas, Serenity dogtags, jewelry, image gallery w/ custom DVD covers, other goodies!


Thursday, June 7, 2007 5:18 AM



Originally posted by jetflair:

I want to write:


~ My own take on a Niska story (hint....not a single one of the crew gets captured, raped, or's that for something new?)
~ A story involving Jayne purchasing a planet online

You can't back out now! You HAVE to write those two! The first one because it'd be new and about as refreshing as an iceberg! And the second one because... !!!! (Does this need words?)

Respectfully gleeful at the mere idea,


Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:48 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by jetflair:
~ A story involving Jayne purchasing a planet online

(Does this need words?)

Definitely doesn't need words. Get to writing Jetflair!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, June 18, 2007 12:33 PM



Originally posted by schooner:

I tend to jump around alot with ideas, so I've got a few stories floating around the old brain pan. Unfortunately, at the rate I post, I'll get them all written in time for the premier of Firefly: The Next Generation

if anyone's interested:
- my own take on our favorite Preacher With a Past
- "Pandemic", my Big Honking Multipart Story
- A "lost episode" set during the series, fleshing out the relationship between Book and River
- "Tracker" a tale of young Malcolm Reynolds
- "Urban Legend", explaining why Mal is actually a Reaver
- A backstory for how Zoe got caught up in the war, and what happened when the war ended
- "Sihnon" Between the most powerful weapon in the 'verse, and the grandest world, stands a Firefly class vessel and a captain known for doing the impossible

I don't think i've ever finished a story before coming up with at least one seed for another. I really wish I could write more

Hey, i dont suppose you where the one who wrote the fic set like 70 years into the future dealing with the auction of Serenity? I loved that fic... and would love to read about Mal defending Shinon...

As for me, i have 6 i'm currently working on (when i get the time). Yes, SIX:

One deals with Inaras past during her companion training through flashbacks. Its actually a pretty angsty/tragic fic.

Two are River centric. One being a purely descriptive journey following her on a trek through the ship. Another dealing with her 'inventing' an imaginary friend (well, disembodied voice). They could, maybe, be combined into one River fic though.

One is just a basic fic with the crew on Newhall getting a cargo of water. Yes, water. I really dont know where i'm going with it. I seem to just be using it as a 'day in the life' for the characters. (getting characterisations down, etc).

Another is actually to introduce an OC. I have really been hesitant with doing this as i'v found people have mixed feelings regarding OCs. Anyway, the crew take on a load of prisoners and it doesn't go to plan.

The last one is of a series i'v been doing. It actually follows a full OC crew on a completely differnt ship. People seem to like it.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 2:58 AM



Originally posted by Hippie:
Hey, i dont suppose you where the one who wrote the fic set like 70 years into the future dealing with the auction of Serenity?

yeah, that was me. The story's called "Last Act". Thank you for the compliment. I'm really happy that you enjoyed it.

I like the stores you've listed, and I'd love to read about the water run (I've got an image of Jayne getting caught taking a swim in the cargo). I'll have to look up your series.

I'm continually amazed at the amount of talent on this site and among Browncoats in general. You guys are the coolest.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:29 AM


KayleeGirl wrote:

s there anyone out there who gets only one idea at a time? And then follows through on writing it before the next idea comes along?

Hell no! I wish. I can't tell you how many stories I have up in the air right now.

To my credit I have just, on this single occassion, managed to actually right a TV series idea. I have the pilot done and the rest of the season is all in synopsis form (12 episodes)

However this is largely due to a collaboration with two best friends. Now though I'm delaying the rewrite of the pilot in favour of a heap of other ideas.

I have a mythology under construction, a few film script ideas (historical/ and sci-fi) and another TV show idea aswell as a number of 'illustrated stories' that I'm always reworking. It is endless....

I have learnt though recently that the only way to finish anything (as with the TV pitch idea) is to set yourself a deadline. I gave myself two weeks to finish 3/4 of the pilot and I managed it! Prior to this the first 1/4 took about three months!... I must once again implement this approach. It did work.....


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:57 PM


Oh Lord.

1) An FF/BtVS crossover with Buffy frozen, then awakening in the future to be used as an Alliance assassin, Angel, a master vamp who lived all these years under the radar and is now VERY different than we knew him, ALSO an Alliance assassin hired to track down a deadly woman who's flown the Alliance coop (Buffy)...tons of subplots, cliches, good stuff.

2) Mal/Inara set of 5 AU standalones, romance.

3) Mal/Inara WIP

4) Tracy/Knox, FF/Angel xover one-shot

5) Btvs/FF xover with Serenity landing through a time-rip in a Sunnydale cemetery, S7 Buffy. Lots of humor/drama/adventure/wtfness.

6) Simon/Kaylee angst, where Kaylee's the bad guy (but not in a slutty way, for once) instead of Simon.

So...a lot of fics STARTED, not so many finished. Which one goes first?


Thursday, June 21, 2007 4:46 AM


>So...a lot of fics STARTED, not so many finished. Which one goes first?

*raises hand*

Kaylee being the bad guy for a change instead of Simon would be very refreshing to read. That's my choice. But - its not really a surprise! :)

I'm not into crossovers or tales about Mal and Inara, really. I'm just picky that way:)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:31 AM


I don't have that many FF fic ideas (every time I start one, it seems stupid to me). But I do have a ton for Buffy and Angel. And The Dresden Files. And various Final Fantasy games. If only my insecurities didn't prevent me from writing...


"Right! Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!"


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 12:43 AM


Hoo, boy. Does this just mean FF'Verse stuff, or altogether?

FF: Zen II: A Game of You (provisional title) A follow-up to Zen and the Art of Mercenary Maintenance, with more on the M/R/I front.

Also, something with Jayne on Londinium. New in-laws. Ilargia's ex-husband. Golf.

I have a lot of random scenes that jump out at me, so maybe some short scribbles.

Crossovers and cameos are where it gets scary. Either Captain Jack (Sparrow or Harkness) would be fun in the 'Verse. I also have a whole cast of OC's to interact. The 'Straylight' and crew, the inhabitants of Halliwell on Hecate...

Otherwise, two full-length murder mysteries on the go, a medieval romance, something odd about vampires which isn't working out, and a huge Potterfic, which started off as a scene and is now 60,000+ words. I also had some Smallville fic, but I can't bear Lana, and never saw past season 1. The Spike/Lex/John Constantine crossover was fun to write, though.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007 2:42 AM


Way too many ideas. I've written a whole bunch of little snippets of stories (not just from Firefly) and I have no idea how to really string them together. This would be why my once fairly popular fic has gone uncompleted (I'm sorry I'll get around to it eventually). This is why I need a beta, alas, nobody :(

EDIT: I've always wanted to write about Mal and Jayne on that "interesting day"...

Lets go to the Mall... Today!!!


Monday, August 6, 2007 7:33 AM


Like Schooner said "I don't think i've ever finished a story before coming up with at least one seed for another. I really wish I could write more." Stories never end for me, even if the characters die, other stuff happens, life goes on, etc.

I've only been writing FF fanfic since March and, mainly due to some wonderful and constructive comments I've had, I'm still going strong. Just posting the first half of no.13 today. Of course the problem, like others have mentioned, it's just a spider web, and keeps going in many directions. I am still inspired to keep going, ending this as a series on no.18 and then skipping ahead a few years for another series.

My main project before this was a fantasy novel which I've been writing for over 10 years, but had kind of flagged, unsure whether to continue. Writing FF has given me the opportunity to see whether people like my style of writing, as well as open a can of worms to the FF verse. I'm hooked and will continue as long as people read my stuff.

Like I said, stories never end, they just change direction.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:21 PM


I had a half dozen or so ideas but I got them out of my system by writing one shots. Good fun. Now I'm writing my first BDH serial.

I know what you mean about the spiders web. Aprt from my FF stuff I'm also writing
-A series of short novella's (20-30,000 words) dealing with teenage crimnal gangs, international mercenaries, ind powers and the apocalyspe. (I've planned 8 of them)
-A trilogy of fantasy novels-about 50,000 words into book 1.
-A bunch of fanfic based on My Chemical Romance songs (writtern about three of six so far-A friend asked me to!)
-A feature length film about teenagers covering up a murder.
-A Pulp Fiction inspired short film.
-And a dozen other random story ideas including one about a war between heaven and hell.

so in twenty years, when I'm finished all of these.....

Oh, thats a good idea...

I don't wanna explode!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:59 PM


I know what did this...

Alas, it seems I only had two fics lurking in me...not had a fresh idea for far as FF is concerned

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Tuesday, August 7, 2007 5:39 PM



Originally posted by hermitsrest:

My main project before this was a fantasy novel which I've been writing for over 10 years, but had kind of flagged, unsure whether to continue. Writing FF has given me the opportunity to see whether people like my style of writing, as well as open a can of worms to the FF verse. I'm hooked and will continue as long as people read my stuff.

It's good to hear that someone else has a long term project like that. I have a fantasy saga that's been in the works for over a decade, too.

In the meanwhile, I've written two novels, many short stories, poems, non-fiction text book guides (which I get actual cashy money for -- imagine that!) and one FF fic so far. I've got ideas sketched out for three more FF stories, but...too many ideas, too little time!(And Steamer's going to come gunning for me, if I don't get a move on and finish my Beta work on his latest stuff. Sorry for the delay!)

By the way, it's even been ages since I've been on the threads here. Nice to see one I started is still getting posts! Hello, all your glorious writers of the 'verse! Keep scribbling!

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.






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