Jayne - what kind of killer? Or aint he?

UPDATED: Saturday, December 1, 2007 15:42
VIEWED: 5059
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Monday, October 15, 2007 3:57 AM



Those Left Behind shows how the battlefield carnage "don't seem right" to him somehow.
But we know he likes to brawl.
we know he's a tracker.
we see him kill a man bare handed (or try to) on Ariel.

Is he then...

a killer - a clown - a mercenary or just a hapless shmo happens to be good with a gun and large boned with it?

finishing off a fic - and i need to get the tone of him right.

any thoughts??


Monday, October 15, 2007 4:22 AM


A man who will kill when it serves his purpose. Businesslike and self preservation appear to be how he handles killing. He has some clear cut lines ( no kids ) and some sense of useless slaughter. Mostly he thinks killing is ok if it was needed to protect yourself or your " family" or if it's someone who deserved it...( but he seems to relate deserves it to functional adults who could protect themselves and fight back)

You can't rush science, Gibbs! You can yell at it and scream at it, but you can't rush it. "- Abby Sciuto


Monday, October 15, 2007 4:43 AM


I think he's a man who would "kill a man in a fair fight... or if [he thinks] he's gonna start a fair fight... or if he bothers [him], or if there's a woman... or if [he's] getting paid. Mostly only when [he's] getting paid."

He's a merc, through and through. But he doesn't see any profit in war (not one for macro-economics ;) )


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Monday, October 15, 2007 5:31 AM


I think the man is deep. Maybe dumbing himself down to hide something inside. I think he's a killer-- with a conscience. :)

From one thing, learn ten thousand things.


Monday, October 15, 2007 5:35 AM


He's a deep one, our Jayne. I think dumbing himself down to hide how he really is. Jayne is a killer all right- one with a conscience.

From one thing, learn ten thousand things.


Monday, October 15, 2007 9:03 AM


Jayne is a merc, and he's been one for most of his life. Not always with the big pay-off, but he's still alive, which means he's good. Mal gets him to do the shooting that needs to be done, and we've seen that Mal is no slouch with a gun. He might come across as large and lumbering, but he's obviously a good tracker, which you don't get to be by being clumsy.

Probably not the best educated guy (but we don't know about his homeworld - maybe no opportunity) but he has some smarts. And so what if his book of emotional literacy is written in crayon - stop to examine your feelings on the Rim, and that could get you dead. He's perfectly designed for the life he leads.

Other points to him - he can cook, he can play the guitar, and he has a close family. Some kind of organised religion in his background.

My take - blue-collar suburban, and he's the eldest of a couple of kids. (The way he treats Kaylee - the man has sisters as well as that brother, I'd bet on it.) The kind of family where the men punch each other in the arm, rather than talk about feelings.

(Ficpimping - Cold Comfort Mountain - the Marietta Shipyards on Deadwood. Meet the Cobbs.)

But not a teddy bear, ever. He's a big, mean, hard bastard, who will kill without blinking if he feels the need. If I was stranded out on the Rim, I know who I would want around in a tussle. I think the key to him is a 'Verse view of 'us' (people you don't go killin') and 'them' (every other gorram person out there.) Once the Tams become 'us', I think life will get a whole lot more interesting. 'Cos I think Jayne is used to younger siblings, but while River is used to dealing with a brother, Simon isn't. (And I really see that as a valid development of relationship - River wouldn't ever see Jayne as a 'grown-up', like Zoe or Mal. And once Jayne gets over his Kaylee-crush - I gave him an incentive - and gets to ragging on the Doc, it could be funny.)


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:25 AM


helpful stuff!:)


Thursday, October 18, 2007 6:32 PM


Jayne's a very tactile person. Always touching, smelling etc. Taking in everything and his attention span is not the best. But when he zeros in on something he's relentless.

Smart in certain areas (tracking, guns, habits of his prey)but not educated or dumb either.


Sunday, October 21, 2007 12:01 PM


In my personal opinion, Jayne kills when it's nessisary, or when he has a personal grudge, but he wouldn't like killing a total stanger; a waste of amo and time. I think he'd also view a war as completely pointless.


Gots to get away from the green, nasty dragon
My favorite quotes:


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 5:54 AM


I'll let Jayne do the talking.


I'll kill a man in a fair fight...
or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight...
or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman...
or if I'm getting paid.
Mostly only when I'm getting paid.

It may be a funny quote, but it gets to the heart of the matter. Jayne is a killer.

I don't think we have seen a situation yet where he was not willing to kill. (though we have seen one where he thought all the killing was senseless.)


Wednesday, October 24, 2007 4:38 AM


Thanks for the cue in, first off
Jayne is a mystery, as I said earlier. All one can do is take what he offers in order to form an opinion of him.
There's little doubt in my mind that Jayne is far deeper than he let's on. Why he 'dumbs down' as the saying goes, I don't know, but I do have a lot of fun with the idea, lol.
To me, the best way to portray Jayne is just a straightforward force of nature. If something needs doing, be it killing or sweeping the floor, he does it.
But that's me, and as my ex-girlfriend was so found of saying, what do I know about anything, anyway?

You can call me Bad, so long as you call me



Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:34 AM


thanks for posting:)


Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:30 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

I think that it's important to evaluate Jayne Cobb in the context of his time and culture. The 'verse Joss gave us is a very different place from our present one, and the driver for folk on the Rim seems to be survival.

First of all, Jayne is physically adept, one of those people we refer to as kenesthetic. He's extraordinarily observant, which is why he makes a good tracker. Note how he's always touching, smelling, tasting the world around him.

I also see him as the eldest child of a blue-collar family. (FIC PIMP: Check out my story "That Which Shapes A Man" for my take on the man's formative years.) He's almost certainly what we'd call ADHD and probably dyslexic, too. I'd bet money he left school early.

He's clearly deeper than he lets on, which raises the question, Why does Jayne "dumb down"? He does lots of things designed to encourage others not to take him seriously, from playing slow and stupid to wearing silly t-shirts that are child-like and too small. Having your opponents underestimate you can offer a very real tactical advantage in many circumstances, and helps to throw others off their guard.

A killer? Yes, as he finds necessary for his survival. But does he "enjoy" killing? I never get that sense. He is, as others have stated, a mercenary, hired muscle, and he takes pride in being good at his trade. But Jayne is not sadistic (despite his comment to Laurence about "getting an ear", which was made for intimidation purposes...)

Self-serving? Were he not so, he probably wouldn't have survived in his 'verse. I think others have hit the nail on the head by remarking that his actions are very much driven by family loyalty, and how he defines "family" evolves over the course of the story.

It's all too easy to write Jayne off as a dumb, funny brute, a cold-blooded killer who is only out for himself and the almighty credit. I happen to believe there much more to the man, which is why I'm still writing about him and exploring him.


Saturday, December 1, 2007 3:42 PM



Originally posted by hisgoodgirl:
I think that it's important to evaluate Jayne Cobb in the context of his time and culture. The 'verse Joss gave us is a very different place from our present one, and the driver for folk on the Rim seems to be survival.

First of all, Jayne is physically adept, one of those people we refer to as kenesthetic. He's extraordinarily observant, which is why he makes a good tracker. Note how he's always touching, smelling, tasting the world around him.

I also see him as the eldest child of a blue-collar family. (FIC PIMP: Check out my story "That Which Shapes A Man" for my take on the man's formative years.) He's almost certainly what we'd call ADHD and probably dyslexic, too. I'd bet money he left school early.

He's clearly deeper than he lets on, which raises the question, Why does Jayne "dumb down"? He does lots of things designed to encourage others not to take him seriously, from playing slow and stupid to wearing silly t-shirts that are child-like and too small. Having your opponents underestimate you can offer a very real tactical advantage in many circumstances, and helps to throw others off their guard.

A killer? Yes, as he finds necessary for his survival. But does he "enjoy" killing? I never get that sense. He is, as others have stated, a mercenary, hired muscle, and he takes pride in being good at his trade. But Jayne is not sadistic (despite his comment to Laurence about "getting an ear", which was made for intimidation purposes...)

Self-serving? Were he not so, he probably wouldn't have survived in his 'verse. I think others have hit the nail on the head by remarking that his actions are very much driven by family loyalty, and how he defines "family" evolves over the course of the story.

It's all too easy to write Jayne off as a dumb, funny brute, a cold-blooded killer who is only out for himself and the almighty credit. I happen to believe there much more to the man, which is why I'm still writing about him and exploring him.

As always, Hisgoodgirl, you know our man Jayne the best.

I would add that he has developed what in an urban area would be called "street smarts". I guess in this situation it would be called, "Rim world smarts."






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