Alternate Sexy Chapters

UPDATED: Sunday, February 24, 2008 10:38
VIEWED: 8808
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:25 PM


I'm currently writing a fan fic called Spinning Out which I post by the chapter. I want to thank everybody that has left feedback and ratings. But I've been thinking of ways to attract more readers ever since I started outlining the plot.

Then it hit me while wage slaving today. Why not write the story as intended then go back and write alternate chapters with more romance and sex and less violence and angst?

I've read through some of the NC-17 stories and...damn some of them are pretty hot. I've also been looking at the amount of reads they get. This is more of an impression than the results of a scientific sampling method, but I estimate the stories with more sexual content receive anywhere for 40-45% more reads. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the difference is a posted rating + "Rayne". Not to say these stories aren't well written. They're really, really well written . But so are other stories with less reads.

It's pretty obvious a lot of the ladies out there have a thing for brutish mercenaries deflowering teenagers portrayed with childlike innocence...and who hasn't occasionally. I'm pretty confident that I could swing this. I had a long distance relationship a few years ago. Part of maintaining it over that distance was writing fantasies to tide her over or rev her up for an actual visit.

So I have three questions:
1) If you saw an alternate chapter posted for a story with a description and rating of an erotic encounter would you read it?
2) Assuming that the above answer is yes would you feel compelled to read the other normal chapters to figure out what the hell is happening?
3) Would you be inclined to request sexy alternative chapters to non erotic fanfics that you have read?


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:09 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Maybe on number 3 (depends on the author/story), yes on the rest - the whole thing would make me very curious. Go for it! If nothing else, it's grounds for an interesting experiment.

And, if you wanted to be more scientifical, I've noticed that erotica fic usually has more comments, too.

Once a lurker, always a lurker.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:40 PM


Well, I just read and commented on your fic, and I like it the way it is.

But, unfortunately you're right...if you really want to beef up your comments and readers all you have to do is dress River up like a gorram doll and pair her up with anyone in the verse (because everyone wants the challenge of making River feel better, self actualized and loved, lol) and have her sexed until she can fly the ship blind all the way to the good ship lollypop verse where she fights Reavers, Hands of Blue Men, and Alliance pursuers all the while maintaining a meaningful and deep, comical relationship with her intended. Yes, she goes to dark places, but always returns to fulfill everyone’s sexual fantasies because she truly knows what you are thinking!

And if you really want insightful comments, you could post it over at They’ll love every word.

Here… just put an NC17 tag on it, make her 18, and be happy!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:29 PM


Umm... Is "Rayne" a rating of some sort? I don't know about this stuff, sorry.
I felt that, although worthy overall, one of the best facets of "Team America: World Police" was the sex scenes (although I haven't seen the X-Rated version, just the cinema version - was it NC-17 or R?)
I could also mention that I know a number of women who judge a used book in the following way: They set the book on a flat surface, resting on it's spine. The page(s) the book falls open to are the streamiest passages of the entire book. From reading these pages they decide whether they want to read the rest of the tale to find out what these characters are about. You are free to make appropriate allusions to your question/suggestion.


Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:51 AM


"Rayne" indicates a River & Jayne pairing (or so I've surmised). "Malnara" is Mal & Inara. I'm sure there are others out there for whichever alternate version of the 'verse the author's libido resides in.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008 9:41 AM



Originally posted by FlatTop:
I'm sure there are others out there for whichever alternate version of the 'verse the author's libido resides in.

I've never quite heard AU and non-cannon pairings in fic quite put that way. I love it! So very true.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 21, 2008 9:47 AM



Originally posted by GoramMan:

So I have three questions:
1) If you saw an alternate chapter posted for a story with a description and rating of an erotic encounter would you read it?

If its a character I want to read about, sure.


2) Assuming that the above answer is yes would you feel compelled to read the other normal chapters to figure out what the hell is happening?

Would depend on if this alternate chapter caught my attention and interest.


3) Would you be inclined to request sexy alternative chapters to non erotic fanfics that you have read?

Sure. If it contained pairings I actually wanted to read.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:15 PM


1. Yes if I liked what I’d read so far.
2. Possibly, possibly not.
3. No, either the writer wants to go there or doesn’t, it’s up to them. If they said, “I’m thinking of…” and point one applied then I would make encouraging noises.

I don't know how it works for other people; I just know how it works for me. I'm all for a little smut, but the longer I hang around the fandom world the more selective I get. Smut fine, but with a point, if it seems forced or tacked on it screams at me and I just don't want to read it.

There is stuff billed as PWP that I've read with great enjoyment because there was affection for the characters, something worth saying about their dynamic, an embracing humour or any combination of the three.

It's not necessarily the pairing that matters either, I've learned not to say "I'll never read..." because you can guarantee that some writer comes along immediately and sells it to me.

But, when it comes to the crunch, I may see one thing in a fic, someone else will see something completely different. So, I think the issue is "Do you wanna?" If the answer is yes then do it.


Friday, February 22, 2008 8:16 AM



Originally posted by PonyXpressInc:

I don't know how it works for other people; I just know how it works for me. I'm all for a little smut, but the longer I hang around the fandom world the more selective I get. Smut fine, but with a point, if it seems forced or tacked on it screams at me and I just don't want to read it.

I have every intention, should I actually do it, to make it a natural part of the story. It won't be inserted into a chapter where they're being chased by feds or something. One of the four smart things Arnold Schwarzenegger ever said was that he never did sex scenes in his movies because it would be ridiculous to stop in the middle of a gun fight to get it on. So the only movies of his that have that are the first couple that he had no say in.

I've already made some windows of opportunity that will keep the story intact but allow for some extra fun.


Friday, February 22, 2008 9:56 AM


I just read a PM from somebody that really likes my stories and I must say because of this person's insight I am abandoning the Alternative Sexy Chapter idea (if it took off I was going to see if the acronym ASC would catch on in the fan fic world). If somebody else wants to run with that idea that's cool by me.

The person in question relayed a story about Jewel Staite talking about reading a Jayne/Kaylee fanfic that made her want to throw up. As soon as I read that I had this image of Kaylee in the engine room looking at me with shimmering puppy dog eyes saying, "Please don't let Jayne do this to me."

So nope. No ASC's for me. I'm not going above a rating of R.

Sorry for the tease you wonderful smut loving ladies. I still support you. Just can't entertain you, is all.


Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:01 AM


it's a tough one - erotic writing often just sucks and your fics are fine as are!:)

the problems i have with fluff, shipping, romance etc
is that sometimes the combinations of characters seem arbitary and arcane -
basically they mean more to the writer than the reader.

Also - the point of a story often seems to be to get the characters together -
rather than characters coming together BECAUSE of the story.
This leads to a weak story - which, if you don't share the writers personal fantasy
means it's harder to appreciate (or to care) about the relationship anyway!

but there have been and continue to be fine written exceptions to this.

one other problem i have is actually commenting on those sorts fo fics - comments seem to feel irrelevant.


Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:27 AM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


wytchcroft wrote:
Saturday, February 23, 2008 03:01
....the problems i have with fluff, shipping, romance etc
is that sometimes the combinations of characters seem arbitary and arcane -
basically they mean more to the writer than the reader.

I find this to be the case espeically with the romance department. Maybe it's just me, but this is magnified when you see odd pairings like a 40 year old anti-intellectual mercenary from a blue collar background with an gifted 18 year old (is River even 18 yet?)genius from an aristocratic family.

PS: Now maybe if Jayne had a sibling that River fell for or if Zoe had a sister that reciprocated Jayne's interest. That could cause sparks in more than just the romance dept.


Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:57 PM


Those are all valid points but even the most odd pairings are possible. What if they're drunk, what if they're full of remorse or sadness and just want to feel something, what if they're a bride's maid... I believe there is a million ways it could happen and legitimate affection or love are just 2. The 2 most important ways, but 2 just the same.

But for me it's a moot point now. Gorramit! I'm supposed to be writing chapter 3 now! Not browsing the message boards!


Sunday, February 24, 2008 10:38 AM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Well don't let me stand your way. Get to it hombre.






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