Training House Location

UPDATED: Sunday, May 3, 2009 23:28
VIEWED: 8874
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Friday, February 29, 2008 6:19 PM


Where in the hell was the training house featured in Serenity? I don't think I can move forward on my fic without knowing. If there is a cannon name please share it with me. If there isn't and someone else has given it a name I would like to use that.

If I don't get anything I will just call it something like New Kowloon and move on.

I'm a little peeved at Joss ritht now. For somebody who took so much inspiration from Star Wars you would think he'd have a name figured out for a planet his characters spent about 15 minutes on. Lucas would have a name a planet name, a regional name, a city name, a training house name, and a few names for the art and statues there.

But then again...we can't have Nathan Fillion looking like he was acting with an iron rod up his pi-gu.


Friday, February 29, 2008 9:45 PM


My guess would be Inara's home, Sihnon. But, those with a Visual Companion might know better. Just makes sense to me that she would 'go home' after all that transpired.

EDIT: In the left column of, toward the bottom, there is a "Firefly Database" with a tonne of info. That's where I went to find the proper spelling for Inara's home planet.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, February 29, 2008 9:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

It's on the rim, I have some kind of idea it's not all that far from Haven, though the cut of the film might just make it seem that way. But there's a deleted scene that talks about how different it is from a Core training house, how on Sihnon they start training at twelve, and how different the 'frontier' is in general in terms of how Companions are viewed and treated. I don't know of a canon name; it's not named in the script. The Visual Companion has a little list of planets, though. What about Highgate or Regina? They both look like pretty little planets.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.


Saturday, March 1, 2008 1:30 AM



Originally posted by GoramMan:
Where in the hell was the training house featured in Serenity? I don't think I can move forward on my fic without knowing. If there is a cannon name please share it with me. If there isn't and someone else has given it a name I would like to use that.

there is no official name - (as with Mr Universe's moon) - or definite location. It seems - from the dvd deleted scenes especially - that it is definitely NOT sihnon but someways on the rim. there is much argument about this though so just go with your instincts.

In my fic i called the moon Penelope (which is kinda lame but sounds a bit like Persephone and was the ever patient wife of the adventuring Ulysses. She spent ten years charming but refusing suiters!) which seems a little apt.

mal has renamed Mr Universe's moon 'Independence'.


Sunday, March 2, 2008 4:19 PM


Watching that deleted scene you're right that it definitely isn't Sihnon. But, here's the thing, I don't buy that this house was anywhere near the rim. IMO, The Guild wouldn't lower itself to do so. Remember that The Guild is part of the Elite in The Core which doesn't exactly mesh well with Rim worlds. It's much more probable that this is (one of) the first houses outside of what is/was considered The Core, but still right next to it. Just The Alliance's arm reaching a little further than before.

One of the quotes that may have lead to some confusion in this regards is:

Inara: There's barbarism dressed in the most civil weeds. Men of the highest rank who don't know the difference between a companion and a common whore. It's unsafe.

She isn't talking about the world being uncivil and unsafe. She talking about the men that these girls will one day deal with. A mentioning of the changing times.

There's also some other evidence that they are quite near a Core world:

Sheydra: You've seen so much. You're a figure of great romance to them.

It wouldn't exactly be romantic if they had a clue as to what a rim world (or living on Serenity) really was like. Nothing gets in the way of romance like a big pile of dirt.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, March 2, 2008 4:19 PM


double post


Sunday, March 2, 2008 9:04 PM


I think maybe the training house on the rim was an attempt to civilize the rim folk. Give everyone a chance to join with the core worlds. Since the girls are trained when they're young they should be able to "Smooth out" any bad speech habits they've picked up.

Course from the look of some of the girls training they look like young well to do noble women more then actually farm daughters, who knows.

And my other opinion is that the Guild supported the Alliance, maybe its a subtle way of gathering more Alliance friendly people...ya know. ^_^ Kinda like
" We're training and educating your kids for you so we cant be all bad and blah blah blah"

Just a thought ^_^

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!


Sunday, March 2, 2008 10:27 PM


The Training House is not on Shihnon. Mal states both that it is a "few hours out" from Haven Mining camp to Training House, and the same for the return trip.
On Haven, they first arrive at Mining Camp in sunlight, then have campfire and Mal dozes before Inara's wave. They zip off to Training House and back to Haven Mining Camp in the morning (daytime again) to find it attacked.
In TLB, Book is apparently dropped off at Haven shortly after dropping off Inara, so this proximity of worlds/locations seems consistent.

I've seen no specific name for the world Training House is on. There seems no definitive data stating Training House is not on the other side of Haven from the Mining Camp, but I don't think that's the case.
Mal's statements "few hours OUT" suggests in is not the same world (Haven) as the Mining Camp is on.


Sunday, March 2, 2008 10:37 PM



Originally posted by DaughterOfDreams:

I think maybe the training house on the rim was an attempt to civilize the rim folk. Give everyone a chance to join with the core worlds. Since the girls are trained when they're young they should be able to "Smooth out" any bad speech habits they've picked up.

Um, given The Alliance, do you honestly think that this is a possibility (especially given Miranda)? Do you think that the rim folk would be able to afford a Companion? Or even with just mixing with living in the same general area, do you think that they'd actually mix. Because, I've seen the poor and the "better off" "mix" in a variety of situations and it isn't really all that pretty.


Originally posted by DaughterOfDreams:

Course from the look of some of the girls training they look like young well to do noble women more then actually farm daughters, who knows.

It's actually stated in the scene that the girls are well to do.

They're of good families with the highest academic--

Where on the rim would you find enough girls to fit that description to justify a house? Not to mention being able to afford the training.


Originally posted by DaughterOfDreams:

And my other opinion is that the Guild supported the Alliance, maybe its a subtle way of gathering more Alliance friendly people...ya know. ^_^ Kinda like
" We're training and educating your kids for you so we cant be all bad and blah blah blah"

Just a thought ^_^

It is unknown whether The Guild supported/supports The Alliance. All we know is that Inara support it. Of course it is quite likely given there position within the culture. Though I imagine there were some dissenting voices.

To the rest of this, I don't actually get what you're saying. You seem to contradict yourself.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, March 2, 2008 11:18 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Mal's statements "few hours OUT" suggests in is not the same world (Haven) as the Mining Camp is on.

All we know is that from there location it's a "few hours out". Which could mean anything from just a couple hours, to the better part of a day or more. As in, on the lesser side, the training house could even be on the other side of the planet.

Then after the escape there's more fuzziness with Mal saying, "we get back to Haven in a few hours time." Which could mean anything because they could be at any point long that journey.

Remember in OoG how Mal didn't mind having a 14 hour (as I recall) trip turn into the better part of a week? Kinda says something about how he views time, which doesn't exactly coincide with how the typical person does today.

This of course, also assumes that Joss put that wording in there intentionally knowing (relatively) how close the two points are together at that point in time (planets/moons move). Given Joss' previous work, we all know just how unlikely this is. All he really cares about is telling the story which results in a good one because he isn't distracted. But, such details aren't exactly what he's about. Hell, we had to wait years to know whether it was a one or many system 'verse!

All there is is a fuzzy time frame depending on an unknown speed. Is that a couple hours at hard burn (it is a rescue mission after all), or at "cruising speed" or something slower because they are low on fuel (remember Mals comment regarding money at the beginning of the movie). Or is the speed somewhere in-between two of those.

Gotta say, that because of the above, saying that Haven is near the Training House is rather a leap.

The only thing that, IMO, can be said with some certainty, is that the Training House is located somewhere near the Core for cultural reasons.


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

In TLB, Book is apparently dropped off at Haven shortly after dropping off Inara, so this proximity of worlds/locations seems consistent.

Yah, um, I just picked up my copy and flipped through it to that part. All I have to say is that there is zero anything that would indicate a time frame between those to events. All we know from those few cells is that at some point during daylight Inara is dropped off. Then at some point latter Book says that he's going to leave (could be weeks), but doesn't know where yet. So, after that point, how long it takes for Book to decide is unknown.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, March 2, 2008 11:45 PM


You really think "a few hours" means more than 4 hours? And again for the return trip "a few hours" is more than 4? THAT's a stretch.
I don't see Training House being anywhere near the Core.

I could have mentioned the combination of the BDM novelization plus TLB for clarification. But that reference is less compelling than "a few hours" which is repeated.

In OoG, Mal understands they will spend near a week to travel what would normally be an 18 hour trip - but, like his specific directions to Wash make clear, this route is avoiding contact with anybody else that Mal doesn't want to bump into.


Saturday, March 8, 2008 6:13 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

One of the quotes that may have lead to some confusion in this regards is:

Inara: There's barbarism dressed in the most civil weeds. Men of the highest rank who don't know the difference between a companion and a common whore. It's unsafe.

She isn't talking about the world being uncivil and unsafe. She talking about the men that these girls will one day deal with. A mentioning of the changing times.

I've always thought that the Training House was on a planet similar to Persephone - not Rim, but not exactly Core either. In that in-between place, where many have made fortunes and have sprung up as the 'New Rich', weathly young families that now make up this Middle range aristocracy. They're not Core Rich, but they're not Rim folk either.

These are the people I think Inara is referring to in your quote above - the 'Atherton Wings' - of this new breed of Rich... those who are not quite as 'civilized' as the Core Rich... basically, the client base Inara herself has tapped, which the Guild is looking to take advantage of. These New Rich have money to spend, and quite a lot of presige to be gained by being seen in the company of a Companion, just like the 'big boys' of the Core Rich...


There's also some other evidence that they are quite near a Core world:

Sheydra: You've seen so much. You're a figure of great romance to them.

It wouldn't exactly be romantic if they had a clue as to what a rim world (or living on Serenity) really was like. Nothing gets in the way of romance like a big pile of dirt.

I don't quite agree that this proves they're in the core...

Imagine young Rim girls who know exactly what it's like to live on a piss-poor dirt farm... the idea of a dashing Pirate rescuing his love and taking her off to live on his pirate ship while they sail the seas of the Black... An escape from the reality of their Rim life... pretty romantic sounding to me.

But, as I said, I don't feel they are Rim or Core girls, but from those in-between, new well-to-do families, who I think could find the whole pirate thing just as romantic...

Anyway, that's just how I've always seen it :o)


Saturday, March 8, 2008 8:37 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

It's more of a leap to say the training house is in the core, which is probably weeks away from Haven, not to mention being a place that our big damn heroes would stay the hell away from because they'd be that much more easily captured there, than to say it's near Haven, a few hours out. Even a day out. A day is not going to cross half the gorramn solar system! So the training house is on a planet not that far from Haven, which we know is right on the rim because it's not that far from Miranda which is the farthest planet out. Even if it's towards the core, which I could buy (the stated theory that it's more like Persephone makes a lot of sense) it's not going to be in the core or really all that close to it. It's an outer planet, it has to be.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 3:48 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
It's more of a leap to say the training house is in the core, which is probably weeks away from Haven, not to mention being a place that our big damn heroes would stay the hell away from because they'd be that much more easily captured there, than to say it's near Haven, a few hours out. Even a day out. A day is not going to cross half the gorramn solar system! So the training house is on a planet not that far from Haven, which we know is right on the rim because it's not that far from Miranda which is the farthest planet out. Even if it's towards the core, which I could buy (the stated theory that it's more like Persephone makes a lot of sense) it's not going to be in the core or really all that close to it. It's an outer planet, it has to be.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.

one thing that is missing in the verse, no doubt to simplify things, is that all of these moons and planets are orbiting the primary sun(s). Worlds that could be close together at one time (conjunction) would requiring a ship "going to cross half the gorram solar system at another (oppisition). This is not done out of ignorence (well, maybe--I remember from a comentary that Joss wasn't too up on the hard science)but to keep the story line simple, Could you imagine Wash trying to explain orbital mechanics or Kepler's laws to Mal? This is nit-picking, I know, But I once studied Orbital mechanics just to bug the players in a si-fi roll playing game I was running. The math is "scarey monsters". Here's to the KISS principle.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:45 AM


Maybe it was called Sex World. I thought I heard that un-mistakeable 70's music in the background....doo whacka whacka whack.


Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:59 PM


If the Map fo the Verse from QMX is used for this answer, some discussion is in a thread of the Episode forum.
Highgate would be too far. If not Haven, then the other Moon next to Haven, or Deadwood - which Haven orbits, or one of the moons of Dragon's Egg. Everything else is too far.


Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:21 PM


My impression is there's rich people out on the Rim, otherwise Inara wouldn't have any interest in shipping out somewhere that she has no potential clients.

Now, I also don't think there's that MANY rich people on the Rim, because most of the time she ends up not having clients anyway out there. Either there's that cultural perception problem on companions, or the rich people have made their livings through exploiting others and are clients Inara wouldn't want to have (people like Rance Burgess).

Are there enough rich people to warrant Companion training school for their daughters? On a single planet/moon? Maybe there's tourist moons out on the Rim, though boy, Reavers, there's one HELL of an incentive for a vacation spot. Or maybe it could draw from the entirety of a rimward system? I guess that's up to whoever's writing the story, right now. I'd probably imagine it to be a border world, myself, the terraforming is too pretty and someone had to pay for that.

Regina is where the miners with the Bowden's Malady problem are, isn't it?


Monday, January 19, 2009 5:27 AM


The newly rich would be anxious to do anything to prove that they just as good as the Core rich.

History bears this out. Rich Americans of the Gilded Age aped European manners and fashion. And there were more than a few daughters of American rich that married into the European aristocracy for titles and infused cash into the cash poor aristocracy. (Jenny Jerome of New York City married the younger son of the Duke of Marlborough and so became the mother of one of the greatest leaders of WWII, Winston Churchill,)

I would think that the new rich of the Border planets and moons would be just like that. Anxious for all the trappings of the Core and that would include Companions.

Companions of the Core wouldn't be moving out to the Core so the Guild, in a good business decision, would expand to where a new customer base was developing. That would include training the daughters as Companions and using them to spread the prestige of being and contracting with a Companion.


Monday, January 19, 2009 6:34 AM


When considering how far out towards the rim companions might be found, bear in mind that, in Heart of Gold, Mal initially thought that the HoG was a companion house until Inara corrected him.

I tried to find out where Bellerophon was in relation to the central planets, but I'm not at home so don't have my books to hand...

As an additional question from this, are we to assume that Inara was unique in how far she went, or were there other companions? Certainly Higgins Moon is nearer the rim than the core. The sheriff on Regina knew about companions, although maybe he'd never seen one before.


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:06 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Regina is where the miners with the Bowden's Malady problem are, isn't it?

Pretty sure the only thing named in that episode was the town, Paradiso. Not to say Paradiso couldn't be a town on Regina, but the planet wasn't given a name in the script. About half the planets they visited remained nameless. Sometimes even the town or area remained nameless. That's part of why there are so many threads along this vein, asking where things are and what places are called for the purpose of fanfic.

And yes, the mayor in Paradiso knew a Companion when he saw one, but was awed to be seeing one in person, and said most or all of the folks there had never seen a real Companion before.

In the deleted scene, Sheydra says that Inara is a figure of great romance to the girls in training, having traveled so far out, so I think she was the most traveled if not the only Companion to explore options on the border. Her being able to find a client base might be part of what made the guild interested in a training house a bit further from the core.



Monday, January 19, 2009 10:40 AM


*Shrug* I was just going from my fuzzy memories of my RPG manual (my reference book in lieu of a visual companion... for now) and on the Alliance Database extra feature on the Serenity DVD. I couldn't remember exactly, so I went back to check. Might be a different planet or a moon, but Regina is the only one I read that specifically refers to Bowden's.

But I do agree that the training house is not on a core world. Whether it's border or rim, less certain.


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:48 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
RPG manual

I'm one of those annoying people that don't consider something to be canon if it's not written by Joss and Co. I don't object to anyone using the RPG manual as a reference at all, but I don't think it's unchangeable by another fanfic writer, either.



Monday, January 19, 2009 10:56 AM


Ah. I guess that's understandable. It does only say "based on the motion picture screenplay by Joss Whedon" not "Actually bona fide written by the Joss Boss."


Monday, January 19, 2009 6:51 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
RPG manual

I'm one of those annoying people that don't consider something to be canon if it's not written by Joss and Co. I don't object to anyone using the RPG manual as a reference at all, but I don't think it's unchangeable by another fanfic writer, either.

I would be willing to go with the bonus material on a bluray over an RPG, tho.
In TTJ, Hancock and Paradiso were the towns mentioned (train traveling from on to the other). Niska's Skyplew was orbiting Ezra and some have assumed that the 2 towns were on Ezra. According to the Map Of The verse, Ezra is the first planet around Georgia, and Regina is the second. Ezra's moon is Herschel. not sure which of these the train was supposed to be on.

Have'nt heard of that Regina reference - is it on the bluray thing? can you confirm?


Monday, January 19, 2009 7:49 PM


There is a flaw in everyone's approach to this question. The last conversation we see with Inara takes place right after the repairs to the ship, remember, so they were on Beaumonde when Mal has his last conversation with the operative, talks with Zoe, and then tells Inara that they can drop her off. So... Bottom line? The training house is on a planet or moon "about 10 hours time" from Beaumonde.

Knock yourselves out lol.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:17 AM


I found Regina on the fireflywiki, but I couldn't find their source, so I'm unsure as to whether it's from the companion (which I would regard as Canon) or the RPG (which I probably wouldn't)


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:57 PM


Trainging House may be 10 hours from The Repair Yard, but is also "couple hours" away from Haven, and also "couple Hours" to get to Haven. Not sure where Beaumonde comes into this schedule?

Are we saying the repair yard was on Beaumonde?


Originally posted by mrben:
I found Regina on the fireflywiki, but I couldn't find their source, so I'm unsure as to whether it's from the companion (which I would regard as Canon) or the RPG (which I probably wouldn't)


I have the Serenity Companion and both
Volumes of Firefly Companions, have not found any reference to Paradiso or Hancock being on Regina.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:13 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

I've been looking for that place for years.


Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:28 PM


The White Paper for the Map of the Verse came out in Feb.
It specifies Mr Universe's location as Comm Ring 2 Station 2e.
The orbital distances are also specified, narrowing the Training House location down to Deadwood or one of it's moons, Haven or New Omaha.






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