dreamsofthespider vids

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:00
VIEWED: 2652
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:32 AM


Tzegha here! Just dropping a line to let anybody who's interested know that I've created several more vids, all adverts for the movie. So far there's "Into the River" "Prep for Flight" and "Serenity Teaser" and now "Serenity Horror Trailer", with many more under way. Hopefully you can use these to get those stubborn friends and family who have no interest in seeing Serenity or Firefly to watch these and see a different side to Serenity.

If you go to you'll find the various vids with little blurbs on what they're about with links to the vids themselves, which are hosted at



Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:33 PM


okay, this is a little sad. Am I getting no responses because the links are outside this thread (in which case should I link everything directly from here rather than sending you elsewhere?) or because the fandoms died off that much or there's just not that much interest or because y'all just don't think they're good?

I'd like at least some response, if only to tell me that I'm not selling the movie. My aim is to make trailers that sell the movie better, and since this is a big hub for Firefly fandom, I'd kinda hoped for an actual response one way or the other.

But if the problem is more along the lines of direct links, let me know.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:18 PM


So, I just spent nearly the past half hour watching your fanvids and all I can say is wow. You obviously put a lot of time and effort into them and they turned out great. You really have a knack for these kind of things. I especially liked the River video, and who couldn't feel sad watching the Wash video.

You really do well creating a sense of horror in your videos. Especially in the reaver and interrogation ones. I especially like the part in the interogation video when Mal says "the only way to fight to become it" (or something like that) and you put in a clip of Mal smirking at the camera. It had a kind of ominous feeling to it.

The only vid that I didn't think should have had a horror sense to it was the Serenity Trailer. To me it just didn't fit. But overall, that was the only thing I could find to criticize. Great editing and wonderful music.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:14 PM


I have all of your vids downloaded from when you came on as Tzegha ( i think I have that right).

I love them as equally as I love the BDM and the series. I mean that. They are a part of my Firefly collection as much as my DVD's.

I particularly love the music you choose. The lastest atinygrief song is heartwrending.

I hope the lack of response isn't lack of interest, I'd hate that. I'm thinkin' that it has just scrolled off the main page so quickly that folks didn't see it.

To me, your vids "sell" the movie. In most cases better than the actual trailers that I saw. The one set to very act of being speaks of Serenity as home for me. I cry every time.

Thank you, please make more.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Sunday, March 5, 2006 10:52 AM


DEWRASTLER, thanks for such a detailed response! I'm glad you enjoyed them (I loved Mal's creepy smile as he says "is to become it" too!).

As for the sense of horror in what I assume you mean as the Serenity Teaser Trailer, well, that definitely wasn't intentional. I was going more for suspense and adrenaline-pumping action. But hey, I'm not perfect and I'm definitely not in marketing, so some of these are going to miss their mark.

thanks again for the kind words!


Sunday, March 5, 2006 11:01 AM


FOLLOWMAL, yup, I'm still Tzegha. I'm stoopid when it comes to this board, couldn't figure out how to change my email addy so I'd still get the notifications, so I re-logged-in and figured it out of course after the fact. Silly me.


I love them as equally as I love the BDM and the series. I mean that. They are a part of my Firefly collection as much as my DVD's.

Wow. Just, wow. I don't know how to respond to that without my ego inflating to unbearable proportions. That just really made my week. So glad that you liked them all that much!

I find that the music I choose allows me to vid more truthfully. I like to find an emotion and try and convey that as purely as possible. Also, I'm a soundtrack freak and the idea of having to vid to lyrics scares me (still haven't attempted that yet--one day!)

I'm glad you think I'm achieving my goal of trying to "sell" Serenity, that means a lot. And I will never stop being surprised at how many people enjoy "Very Act of Being" as much as they do. I had been certain that of all of them, this one would turn people off with it's quietness and introspection, and to be honest: a whole lot of staring going on :P

I can't thank you enough. Any feedback is good feedback, but I think I'll be high for awhile because of your too too kind words.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:13 AM


Just got done watching through the majority of them and yes, wow! Very, very shiny. Tiny Grief Song had me in tears (shouldn't have watched that right after the BDM :)

Really loved Very Act of Being, as well. And Night Fight, too: great match to action cuts there ;p Very well done, and I've downloaded the trailers and hoping that'll help me score a few more sutbborn converts as well.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:00 AM


Yay, you liked them!

And I hope that the trailers are successful in converting your heathen friends







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