Longtime Fan - the shirt supplier you've been waiting for

UPDATED: Thursday, April 20, 2006 01:29
VIEWED: 11806
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Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:07 PM


I want to say hello to all of you guys first of all and tell you how cool it is to have found this place!!

I've been working with people in the industry to get some of the artwork for the T-shirts I've recently made available. So far I have the Blue Sun tee available now, and I'm having more of the Yellow/Black gun tees made up very soon. Come check out my new site at:

Keep looking on the site for additional screen acurate t-shirts. If you have ANY questions please email me!



Friday, November 11, 2005 6:54 PM


Looks great! I'm gonna e-mail you with some questions.

-Patrick My personal Firefly fanclub! We'd love new members!


Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:31 AM


Sounds good Patrick! LMK if there is anything I can help you with! :)



Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:30 PM


If you had all the Jayne shirts, I would totally buy them. I wish I could get them from the same person since I'm crazy about continuity like that lol.


Saturday, November 19, 2005 6:08 PM


Hey SS. Would it be possible to see actual pics of the shirt/s?



Saturday, November 19, 2005 6:19 PM


I too would love to get ahold of all those shirts, and if they were all available from one place, that'd make it all the sweeter. What ARE "all the Jayne shirts," anyway?

-Blue Sun
-The Fighting Elves
-Dead Fish (2 versions)
-Trouble Maker (2 versions)
-Water (that thing on the shoulder)
-Psychadelic naked girl
-Talking head

Am I missing any...? Help me out here, folks.

-Patrick My personal Firefly fanclub! We'd love new members!


Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:19 AM


I think you got em all MR!

For the newcomers to this board, we are working on a few of them here:



Saturday, January 7, 2006 3:09 PM



If you have not seen it yet you MUST go check out the progress on our Jayne Yellow Gun shirt!!

This tee is turning out AWWWWEEESOOOOME!!!!!

We also have the Blue Sun shirt and alot of cool Firefly shirts coming soon, come check out the message board, get on board!! :)



Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:24 AM


Yellow "Troublemaker" shirt info update on the site:

ALSO, The BLUE SUN shirts are now fully stocked!!



Monday, January 23, 2006 5:56 AM


Good to hear - I ordered a Blue Sun and Jayne Troublemaker T-Shirt. They look great on the site - I can't wait to get them!!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:01 PM


Thanks BWare!! :)

Still a few more spots on pre-ordering the yellow troublemaker tees, get it HERE:



Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:00 AM


New updates on the yellow "troublemaker" tee posted on our forum here:

Thanks everyone!!


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:00 PM





Friday, February 24, 2006 4:05 AM


Any update on the shirts I ordered? I'm still waiting on them. Please let me know.

Time for some thrilling heroics.


Friday, February 24, 2006 5:31 AM


one month and no delivery? what up with that? think i'll hold off on my order.

She ain't moving.


Friday, February 24, 2006 8:15 AM


I'm very sorry for the delays, but we are SO CLOSE!!! :)

These shirts have 3 seperate processes involved and each one is being done in a different part of the US to ensure 100% accuracy. These are custom dyed ringer tees (you can't just buy a yellow tee with black ringers....they don't exist) and the dye-ing is done in California by the exact same company that made the screen used tees (Delta) then they are silkscreened here in MN and the gun/rainbow is done in WI. These are going to be the most incredible shirts, I'm very excited to offer them, so I thank all of you for your patience!!! TRUST ME, when you see them they will be worth the wait!! :)



Friday, February 24, 2006 8:49 AM


rest assured, if he receives them and loves them like you indicate he will, i will absolutely not mind the wait. :D

She ain't moving.


Friday, February 24, 2006 9:52 AM


I like some of those tee shirts. Hot Topic also has a few Serenity Tee-Shirts. I'm wearing my *BROWNCOAT* Tee shirt today!

This shirt is great and it has the quote: "I aim to Misbehave." on the back. Plus as an added bonus it's officially licesend through Universal.

The more money we can get into Universal's hands, the better the odds they'll make a BDM2!!!!


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:07 AM


SSDESIGNER, prepare to get a order from myself, as I've seen your work, and it is very very good.


Friday, March 3, 2006 9:43 AM


*sigh* How long until shiny shirty time? I ordered these in early January....

Time for some thrilling heroics.


Monday, March 20, 2006 9:51 AM


It's coming up on 3 months since my order and no shirts...Hell, I could grow my own cotton and make a shirt in that time! But seriously, you're starting to damage my calm.

Any Browncoats that are considering ordering from this site - I'd hold off for now. 90 days + is too long to wait for t-shirts, IMHO.

I'm going to e-mail the supplier today and request money or shirts within 10 days. I'll let you know how it goes.

Conversely, I'll give props to - it took ONLY 1 month, and the shirts were fab!

Time for some thrilling heroics.


Monday, March 20, 2006 10:14 AM


So I guess nobody wants their shirts shipped in 48hrs or less? Been going on near two years now and the longest I have made people wait was 'bout a week. The way I see it, if I'm takin' your money right away I should be sendin' ya somethin' in return right away. No disrespect to those of them that are behind in their shipping but todays verse wants their goods in a timley fashion, special orders are the exception, but if you don't have it to sell you shouldn't be collecting the coin for it.

Of course, there is always that disclaimer thing that can be added or some sort of deposit but takin' it all then makin' 'em wait just ain't good business. Any one ever get an e-mail or some kind of word from the Done the Impossible DVD. Nope. Paid my money last year and never heard a word from them. If I want to know what is up I have go to THEIR site and check my ownself, which is fine if I was thinkin' 'bout ordering but like I said, I PAID my money.

Todays business climate is so lacking in common courtesy and customer service. I'll keep on doin' business the way I wanted to be treated my ownself and the rest of the Verse will keep on spinnin' whether I spend my coin or not.

An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Monday, March 20, 2006 11:07 AM



Originally posted by bluemoonstuff:
So I guess nobody wants their shirts shipped in 48hrs or less? Been going on near two years now and the longest I have made people wait was 'bout a week. The way I see it, if I'm takin' your money right away I should be sendin' ya somethin' in return right away. No disrespect to those of them that are behind in their shipping but todays verse wants their goods in a timley fashion, special orders are the exception, but if you don't have it to sell you shouldn't be collecting the coin for it.

Of course, there is always that disclaimer thing that can be added or some sort of deposit but takin' it all then makin' 'em wait just ain't good business. Any one ever get an e-mail or some kind of word from the Done the Impossible DVD. Nope. Paid my money last year and never heard a word from them. If I want to know what is up I have go to THEIR site and check my ownself, which is fine if I was thinkin' 'bout ordering but like I said, I PAID my money.

Todays business climate is so lacking in common courtesy and customer service. I'll keep on doin' business the way I wanted to be treated my ownself and the rest of the Verse will keep on spinnin' whether I spend my coin or not.

An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats

Are you saying it's time for me to send you money for the Independents tee? If so, let me know. We've had good communication and I'm willing to lay down some shiny cashy money for one of those very fine shirts...I'm also think about getting a TG Freight laundry bag...

Anyway, let me know...and I'll PP the $$ your way.

Time for some thrilling heroics.[\i]


Monday, March 20, 2006 3:13 PM


hear, hear.
that is why I keep orderin' from you, Rich! That and you make super-shiny-awesome merchandise. Everything I've ever received from you is
a)top quality
c)great customer service
(and no, I'm not a shill or paid employee)....

keep flyin'!

the war's long done. We're all just folk now.....


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:44 AM


BlueMoonStuff Rocks! I ordered my Independents tee on Monday just after he posted about the level of Customer Service and the apparent lack thereof of SSDesigner.

So, I went to the BlueMoonStuff website and placed an order. I GOT IT TODAY!!! Less than 48 hours after placing the order I had the shirt.

Excellent turnaround, excellent Customer Service...Over excellent. I'm going to post this in another thread so the delivery is not confused with SSDesigner who has still not sent me the shirts I ordered!

3 months - and nothing. Weak!!

Time for some thrilling heroics.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:56 AM


yeah, I love the Ind. Flag T. I got three (count 'em three!). They make great gifts for Browncoats! Also have the original Blue Sun Jayne replica. These shirts just get softer!

the war's long done. We're all just folk now.....


Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:03 PM


Hey BWare42,
Just posted a follow up to your praise in my very own thread thankyouverymuch!

Just a note on this SSDesigner thing. I never really called him out "by name" on the carpet. Since I havent' had any dealings with him my ownself I have no right to do so nor would I ever. That's not the way I do business. I don't want to get into a pissin' contest with the man. It seems like he has his hands full at the moment. The shirt design that he is doing is really a piece of work and I know how hard it is to do a project like that on any kind of scale. So, I will keep my comments to my self. How's that saying go? Opinons are like a**holes, everyone has one and most of them smell.

My general gripe is that todays business climate is lacking in common courtesy and/or customer service. When you take someones money you have entered into an agreement with them. The terms of that agreement are usually spelled out somewhere, otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't be givin' your hard earned coin to them in the first place.

I do a fair amount of purchasing on-line. It's quick, simple and easy. If someone states that delivery will be such and such a day, I expect that the delivery will be made in a time frame that is close to what I was told. In every business sh*t happens. Sometimes things just pop up. I have learned to expect that. I don't like it but I don't get bent about it. What does get the knickers in a twist is when someone has my coin and fails to:
1) acknowledge that they have failed to live up to their end of the bargain.
2) treat me like a number and make me do the leg work to find out what is wrong with the deal.

When I take somebody's money I feel as though it is a personal relationship and it is a relationship. You worked hard for your money and you gave it to me. Hell, I don't like giving money to my own family and here we are trading it with perfect stangers on the web. Today's computers make it so easy to make a mass sent e-mail feel personal. Most of the time, all it would take would be an e-mail to update the status of the delayed order. I hate having to check on my order when it is the company's fault for not getting it to me in the time frame that they promised. Hey, it's YOUR fault not mine - so take the coin I gave you and fill me in on what is up with MY money.

Well, this is starting to sound like a rant and it wasn't meant to be. Don't get me started on fast food places! Again, this post and my other in this thread, are not directed at anyone in SPECIFIC! Business in general has been lacking common courtesy and the last few years it has seemed to get worse. I hate the phrase, "Don't take it so personal, it's just business". Well, guess what? I do take it personal and I take my money elswhere when I don't feel as though I am being treated as a PERSON instead of just a wallet. I pay more for my goods (business & personal items) today than I did two years ago. Not because prices went up but because I chose to deal with folks that know how to treat me like a customer that has a choice. It's worth EVERY penny to me.

Oxygen, food and water - for the most part they are all plentiful in our end of the Verse and the only thing we need to survive. Wheter you are a Seller or a Buyer, just remember, evrything else is OPTIONAL!

I'll shut up now.

An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:16 PM



Originally posted by BWare42:
It's coming up on 3 months since my order and no shirts...90 days + is too long to wait for t-shirts, IMHO.

You do realize you pre-ordered those shirts, right? As in, they're not finished yet?

Yes, it's taking much longer than expected. But you didn't have to lay down your money until they were done, and you decided to anyway. From what I've experienced in my dealings with SSDesigner, he is really committed to getting things right with these t-shirts, and he's always been very prompt and courteous with responding to any and all queries. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, having seen some of the samples of the in-progress shirts, and am confident that when everything is said and done they will be well worth the wait.

If you're really insistent on getting your money back, I'm sure you can e-mail SS and he will refund it promptly. But, honestly, I think you need to cut the guy some slack considering how much effort is being put into getting them accurate.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Monday, March 27, 2006 8:11 AM


Thanks guys for all the kind words! I appreciate it very much! :)

And yes, I am 100% dedicated to making my shirts (not just the Firefly/Serenity tee either) as accurate to what was used on screen as humanly possible.

The yellow gun tee is a labor of love for me. It started out as me wanting to simply get as close as I could with the artwork but the limited (at the time) photos had me holding off....then I received an email from a fellow friend and fan that had the artwork from the original designer attatched, then I knew I had to go all the way with this baby! :)

The big delay is with the dye company. I could have had this shirt done MONTHS ago had I just went with the commercially available yellow tee with the navy blue ringers, but that's not what they used on screen....the ringers need to be BLACK. So, we are dying white tees with black ringers to match the screen used yellow color.

These tees PROMISE to be absolutely incredible. I'm to receive the blank tees from the dye shop TODAY or TOMMOROW and I will begin screening them up immediately. Here is a photo of the mockup (this shirt is all yellow, but the final product WILL have the correct black ringers on the neck and sleeves) we did, just to show you the level of accuracy we are providing our fans:

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email at: or stop on by our forum to see the progress of any of our upcoming projects:

Thanks everyone for your continued patience and support!!!



Monday, March 27, 2006 8:18 AM


And, as for BLUEMOONSTUFF's comments...they aren't even going to get a response (other than this small post) from me. I don't feel the need to slam other Browncoats to boost my business. My products and the intense research that go into each one of them speak for themselves, 100%.

I've never broke communication or intentionally ignored ANYONE that has PRE-ordered from me in regards to this one shirt. I've kept a regularly updated logs on the forums and replied to every email I've received. I've only had to issue TWO refunds for this shirt and I did so upon request immediately, no questions or hard feelings attatched, none whatsoever. One of those two refunds the gentleman said he will be happy to re-order when the shirts are finished.

I think this speaks VOLUMES for the majority of the Browncoats that come my way, and I'm proud as hell to know each one of you guys. Thank you SO MUCH for all your support, you don't know how much I really do appreciate it!

If you're considering ordering anything from me and have any questions about my standard shipping times and or business practices, please feel free to check out my feedback on Ebay here:

Thanks Everyone! :)



Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:14 AM


You know what, I knew this was going to turn into some kinda pissin’ contest. Pull up your panties and take the criticism like a man. Yadda yadda yadda you’re an artist. You are striving for perfection. Well, good for you, but when you take someone's money you are a businessman first. In one of BWARE42’s posts he said that I made a comment on your lack of customer service. My comment was on the general lack of customer service in today’s business climate. Pick and choose what you care to read and you will not get the whole picture.

In replying to BWARE42’s 3/22/06 post where he states that I made comment on your CS, I made it a point that I never called you out DIRECT! Did you read that? No, I’m sure you did not. I CLEARLY STATED that I have never had dealings with you so I would keep my comments to myself. I went on to reply that “my general gripe is.....” and yes, I’ll say it now, I think you do fall into that category. But like I said, it is TODAY'S GENERAL BUSINESS CLIMATE that I have a problem with, not you in particular. I’ve been in this industry for 25 years, fourteen of those as my own boss. Today's trend of little or no personal customer contact after a sale has been made is a product of the electronic age. There are benefits and disadvantages to all “improvements” in today’s electronic commerce but I will leave that to be discussed elsewhere in the Verse and try to stay on topic here.

I called out one company in particular in my post, not you. I’m not going to rehash that one because I don’t want to get into a pissing contest with them also, I just want the product that I paid for. The reason I responded to BWARE42’s post is that my situation is almost identical to his in the fact that I plunked down some coin for a PRE-ORDER that was promised in a general time frame and I have yet to receive any form of communication from them in regards to my purchase. If I want to know what is up with MY money I have to go to their site and hunt down the details.

I suppose that the brunt of my rage s/b directed toward them but now that you feel as though I am personally blasting you, I’ll will post my comments here.

BWARE42 was unhappy with the wait for his shirt and I don’t blame him. You started this thread in November ‘05. After checking your web site today (3-29-06) in regards to this shirt, you state, and I’m quoting you here, “Available early January ‘06 • PRE-ORDER yours today”.

BWARE42 claims to have ordered and PAID for his shirts on January 23rd. Seems a bit LATE in January to me. I not going to say that I know what BWARE42 was thinking when he plunked down his hard earned coin but if I were looking to buy and saw that “Available in early January ‘06” was printed right above the PayPal buttons, I would think that they were ready at the time of purchase (late Jan. ‘06) not to mention still seeing it today at the END of March.

From what I can tell here, in order for BWARE42 to check on the status of his purchase he has to first REGISTER with your forum and then log in and try to find updates on this particular shirt. I could find no reference to this shirt on your public forum pages. What is in the private section of your forum I have no clue but there is no link or direction as to what is happening on this item from your order page other than the buttons to give you money. To me, that is poor customer service. But like I said before, that is the way that commerce has moved in this electronic age. I don’t like it and I don’t do business like that and that is my opinion. Get on board or get left behind, more than likely I will be left behind but I sleep better at night knowing that my customers get what they want when they want it and don’t have to cry in public about where they’re money went.

An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:16 AM



Originally posted by ssdesigner:
And, as for BLUEMOONSTUFF's comments...they aren't even going to get a response (other than this small post) from me. I don't feel the need to slam other Browncoats to boost my business. My products and the intense research that go into each one of them speak for themselves, 100%.


So, with all that ranting done I have some nice things to say and my final words also.

I clearly stated that I could sympathize with your ordeal on this shirt. It is a piece of work. This one will be a keeper for all that have purchased. All in all, your reputation in the community is quite solid and when this shirt is done I’m sure that you will be known as THE source from which to get authentic looking goods. Kudos to you. A labor of love indeed and, for most out there, they don’t fully understand the process involved in making this thing but I do. I am in the same business as you and I do know what it takes to make a shirt like this and for only 18 bucks to boot. I couldn’t do it, and certainly not at that price.

Now, with the sweet also comes the bitter. If you think that I made my comments to BWARE42’s post to boost my sales you are seriously delusional. I don’t need your sorry ass to boost my sales. In another thread on this board, I made the comment that I wasn’t looking to get rich, nor could I, off of making Firefly shirts. Retail is a bitch ain’t it. All it takes is one person to be pissed and you are under the microscope. I don’t need to soil up this forum to keep the rent paid and food in my belly. I have regular sales from direct mail programs and local customers to do that for me. I’m a business entity that has an owner that just happens to love Firefly. If I really needed the 100+ views that this thread has garnered (since my post on 3/21/06) to boost my sales, then we should all feel sorry for poor old bluemoonstuff because I would be printing out of a van down by the river if that were the case. Hmmm, maybe that would make me an “artist” instead of a businessman.

With all that said, I am through talking about this topic. I’ll keep my opinions to my own self from here on out. You can go ahead and make all the claims about my intentions that you want. Hell, you can tell the Verse that I showed up at your house in a drunken stupor and sodomized your Lawn Gnome and I won’t reply to it. This subject is tiresome to me.

An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:11 AM



With that of the dyed shirts!! They are ready to be silkscreened fellow Browncoats!!!




Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:58 AM


UPDATE!! 4-18-06

We are one step away guys and gals!!! Just need the gun art, and these babies are shippin' out the door!!



Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:08 AM


Yay another Jayne shirt!!

A far as customer service goes I found that my previous order from this site was very good. I was informed very quickly of shipping charges and my item arrived very quickly and is of a very high quality too.

Couldn't be happier :D (also my boss recognised the Blue Sun logo - only person so far that told me so lol)


Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:29 AM


Thanks Spooty!!! I appreciate the kind words! :)







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