Mal costume Mals clothing

UPDATED: Friday, September 23, 2005 03:47
VIEWED: 16173
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Sunday, September 26, 2004 5:22 PM


I would like to maybe do a Mal costume for when the movie comes out at least. Has anyone done this or know someone who has. Any ideas would be great. Probably not the Jacket or the holster as they would be to pricey. I know his Shirt changes from Green to maroon and maybe other colors, but what kind of Shirt. Boots? Pants I know are tan with Black stirpes, right? Suspenders, not sure what they look like. I am going to have to watch the DVDs a lot and figure some stuff out.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Check this site for screen caps that should help you get a better idea for your Mal costume:

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:00 AM


Good luck, I was thinking of doing this for a Halloween party this year, with my wife going as Inara. I spent a lot of time looking around and came to the conclusion that it would be VERY expensive to get something together.

For the pants, I could not find ones with the stripe on them, but if you want to get it right, you need to buy suspender pants. Mal does not wear clip-on suspenders, but rather button suspenders, and those need the right kind of pants. I found the best selection using Look under Mens clothing and search "suspender" or "suspender pants." The pants are pricey, and I could not believe the price of the suspenders themselves.

Dusters are pretty easy to find, but it was hard to find it in brown, I mostly found black or tan. Keep an eye on Ebay for coats, they seem to go for not too much money there, but try and stay away from Australian or outback dusters, they have a noticeably different cut.

Since you have time before the movie, I recommend keeping an eye on Ebay, and if you have any vintage clothing stores near you, check them out and get to know the owner so maybe they can keep a lookout for things that would be suitable and contact you.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:07 AM


Actually a thought I had that I have yet to actually pursue is to get a "inexpensive" white doctor coat (lab coat), even a cheap one from a costume shop and dye it brown. Like I said I haven't tried it yet, but I think it would work. At least it would have "the look"

Check out my shop!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 5:18 AM


The easy, generic way of finding this sort of thing is to go to the sites that specialize in "Cowboy Action Shooting" costumes. You can get dusters and hats and coats and shirts and pants and boots and gloves and a whole trunk full of this stuff. Obviously there are some that are high end expensive, and others that are cheaper and potentially less accurate.

The SASS site has a lot of links:

(down a bit to the clothing and accessories section)

...they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their
clothing - and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:50 PM


If you have a little skill with a sewing machine Simplicity Pattern #5023 ($16.95 retail--but who pays retail anymore) will get you the pants. It has a button fly, buttons for suspenders, the V-notch in the back at the waist, the buckle and strap across the back and the correct shape for the pockets. I used khaki colored, 100% cotton gabardine and pre-washed/pre-shrunk the fabric before cutting the pattern out. Be warned that there are about half a million pattern pieces. If you don't want to use 100% cotton, blends are available in the right color, too.

The brown stripe down the side is *REALLY* easy. Get brown, double-fold bias quilt-edging and iron out the center fold and one of the side folds. The stripe on Mal's pants stops at the waistband. So, pin the ironed-open edge to the the raw edge of the back leg pieces from waist to floor and baste in place within the seam allowance. Topstitch the other, still-folded edge from waist to floor. Then sew the side seams of the pants together and add the waistband, as per the instructions of the pattern. The buckle was the hardest notion to find, oddly enough.

I've decided I'm going to have to make my own pattern for the bracers/suspenders as nothing really close seems to be available on line. Even a lot of the leather ones have an elastic piece in the back to make them more comfortable to wear. I intend to reuse the leather parts from an old pair of suspenders and I think that heavy canvas will work just fine for the construction.

Boots--Mal wears black, knee-high, pull-on boots that appear to be round-/blunt-toed. He often wears his pants stuffed into them. They are not standard modern riding boots. Not sure where to get them and they are likely to be fairly expensive. Work/hiking boots--the plainer the better--are a good substitute.

Mal's shirts are pretty easy. They look like modern, long-sleeved, collared shirts (not dress shirts as the collars on dress shirts are too pointy). Also, the fabric looks like rough "homespun". Linen gets you the look of the fabric and a certain rumpledness. Denim is too heavy. As far as colors, go with dark red, washed-out dark blue, dark green maybe. Mal frequently wears his sleeves rolled up.

The coat--well, it is definitely leather. If you don't have ambitions to spend money on a hide and a sewing machine that can handle leather, skip the coat or go with a duster substitute. IIRC, someone on the board bought a tan/khaki colored duster and dyed it brown. If you do have ambitions and the proper equipment, I'll be happy to share what I have gleaned about the construction of the coat. The piecing actually produces a very efficient use of the hide, which is exactly what you want when you are using leather.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:30 PM


Cool!!!! Thanks everyone for your ideas. Ljosalf, that's exactly the kind of hints I needed. I can't buy real stuff and I got a fellow costume friend who is good at making something out of almost nothing if you know what I mean. She's a genius. Hopefully I will be able to do this by the movie. She should be able to use your hints and make something pretty close. I usually stick to star wars, actually I only have one SW costume, but Firefly has inspired me. I like Han Solo so much I got his costume, Same with Mal, someday. They have a bit in common.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:09 AM


Watch Wal-Mart, the get cheap fabric in often, can use a brown faux suede and a duster coat pattern.. and do it yourself or get friend to make it up.

The Journey is the worthier part.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Thornir:
Good luck, I was thinking of doing this for a Halloween party this year, with my wife going as Inara. I spent a lot of time looking around and came to the conclusion that it would be VERY expensive to get something together.

For the pants, I could not find ones with the stripe on them, but if you want to get it right, you need to buy suspender pants. Mal does not wear clip-on suspenders, but rather button suspenders, and those need the right kind of pants. I found the best selection using Look under Mens clothing and search "suspender" or "suspender pants." The pants are pricey, and I could not believe the price of the suspenders themselves.

Dusters are pretty easy to find, but it was hard to find it in brown, I mostly found black or tan. Keep an eye on Ebay for coats, they seem to go for not too much money there, but try and stay away from Australian or outback dusters, they have a noticeably different cut.

Since you have time before the movie, I recommend keeping an eye on Ebay, and if you have any vintage clothing stores near you, check them out and get to know the owner so maybe they can keep a lookout for things that would be suitable and contact you.

Not necessarily true.

I wore a Mal costume to Dragon Con this year. Here is the breakdown in cost:

Brown coat: $150.00
pants: $9.99
bias tape for stripe on pants: $2.00
buttons for suspender conversion: $2.00
suspenders: $13.00
leather holster (used): $9.95
prop Mal Gun (wood): free (made by friend)
western style shirt: $9.95
boots: already owned

Total: $196.89 (plus applicable tax of course)

As you can see the coat was the bulk of the cost. The pants and shirt I got at Target on the clearance racks. I converted the pants by removing the belt loops and sewing on the buttons for the suspenders myself. I also sewed on the brown bias tape for the striping on the outside of the pants legs.

The suspenders were bought off of Ebay for $13.00 including S&H. They are leather and of a western style for reenactors. Though not an exact match for Mal's they were close. The holster was also purchased from Ebay, and its used condition made it look as if it were old and worn, so it didn't look brand new, but rather like it had been around the Verse awhile.

The gun, a wooden prop made for me as a gift by my first convert was free, unless you count the $5 in materials and time my friend spent making it. It is a gorram fine piece of work for a wooden mock up and it completed my costume rather nicely.

If you look around on clearance racks, check Ebay, and perhaps thrift stores, a costume does not have to set you back too much.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:52 AM


I posted this after Dragon*con, but since it's come up again. I met some guys and girls from a company that makes replicas of costumes from popular shows/movies i.e. Matrix etc. for more info. I've since been in contact with them, I sent 19 Screen caps of Mal's coat and they have expressed interest in getting these done at least by next D*C, but more importantly, they hope to have them by the movie premire. could be pricey though. But it would be 100% accurate from what I've seen of their work.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Jadehand:
I posted this after Dragon*con, but since it's come up again. I met some guys and girls from a company that makes replicas of costumes from popular shows/movies i.e. Matrix etc. for more info. I've since been in contact with them, I sent 19 Screen caps of Mal's coat and they have expressed interest in getting these done at least by next D*C, but more importantly, they hope to have them by the movie premire. could be pricey though. But it would be 100% accurate from what I've seen of their work.

I am curious to see what they do w/ their version of Mal's coat Jadehand. If it is close, I will buy one, unless the cost is just outrageous.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:36 AM



Originally posted by ljosalf:
I'll be happy to share what I have gleaned about the construction of the coat. The piecing actually produces a very efficient use of the hide, which is exactly what you want when you are using leather.

I'd love any info you have on the coat, do you have a pattern drafted or are you using a store bought one? also are you sure the boots are black, they look like a dark brown in a lot of the shots.



Tuesday, October 5, 2004 7:46 AM



Originally posted by swfreakjpb:
I usually stick to star wars, actually I only have one SW costume, but Firefly has inspired me. I like Han Solo so much I got his costume, Same with Mal, someday. They have a bit in common.

Actually, they do. Lucas meant for Solo to be a "space cowboy"; he repeatedly says this in interviews.
I say if you want the costume, go for it. There's only one item of clothing I've seen on the show that I would never wear, Kaylee's frilly dress. Had to wear something similar once as a bridesmaid, and that once was quite enough. Not enough of a "girly-girl" I guess...


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 4:35 PM



Originally posted by Medryn:

Originally posted by ljosalf:
I'll be happy to share what I have gleaned about the construction of the coat. The piecing actually produces a very efficient use of the hide, which is exactly what you want when you are using leather.

I'd love any info you have on the coat, do you have a pattern drafted or are you using a store bought one? also are you sure the boots are black, they look like a dark brown in a lot of the shots.



Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Let me get a couple of items out of the way first.

Here's a direct link to the costuming resource on

And here's the link to the thread here on FireFlyFans on Mal's coat (scroll down for a look at Hell's Kitten's really awesome version):

The following reprises my post on that thread with some modifications due to further observation:

The best looks at the coat that I could find are from Serenity (White Fall scenes), Trash (opening scenes), and the Train Job (opening scenes). Having reviewed these frame by frame a couple, three, alright, eight times, I can say this about the construction:

The coat very much appears to be sueded leather. It has the weight of leather and seems to have the hand as well. Except for the cuffs, it appears to be sueded on both sides; so, it is likely a split (a single cowhide is often split into two pieces by shearing the outside hide from the inside hide. The inside hide "half" will always be sueded or rough on both sides. This provides a rough hewn, frontier look to this particular garment.)

The back is very clearly made up of a yoke above three panels with the mid-back piece being the broadest.

The sleeves join not at the side seam (in the underarm) but about 1/4 - 1/3 of the way up the back of the armhole; this seam just misses abutting the seam between the yoke and the three back panels. My guess is that that this by design as it reduces the number of thicknesses of leather that have to be sewn through at any one time in that area. You really have to avoid exceptionally thick humps when sewing leather for a number of reasons. The sleeve looks to my moderately practiced eye much like the style in men's suits only not quite as fitted at the shoulder. The sleeve cap appears to fall about 1 1/2" - 2" below the point of Mal's shoulder. Having examined commercially available leather jackets recently, the sleeves are almost certainly made up of two to three pieces--an outer sleeve piece and an under sleeve that may be either one or two pieces that join at the elbow. This piecing permits a certain amount of shaping and built-in "give" to the sleeve.

From my experience cutting most of the pieces out of my leather, I would say that the two smaller back panels are completely straight except for the armhole shaping (forget my original guess at a slight hour glass shape to them); these two panels attach to the front pieces in a standard side seam at the underarm (I thought I might be mistaken on this last point since on White Fall you can clearly see from the inside how the side slits are faced and at first there didn't appear to be any seam; however, if you look closely you can just see the shadow of a seam and there is a suggestion of a seam from the outside in some of the scenes in Trash). I'm still working on determining the depth of the cuffs and the exact shaping of the sleeves.

The collar appears to be about 1" to 1 1/2" wide and the front pieces appear to overlap by about the same amount producing a notched lapel look. And there doesn't appear to be any facing pieces at the front closure. The hem appears to be about 1 1/2" to 2" deep and appears to just be turned up and glued down (FYI, a good epoxy is an essential construction method for leather working). The side slits are faced with a narrow 1" to 1 1/2" wide strip--you can see this in the Whitefall scene as Mal opens his coat to show Patience the food bar stuffed into his pants pocket and, incidentally, his gun. This a great shot for details on the pants also--the pocket opens upwards and the brown stripe ends at the waistband.) You can just see that one corner of the side-slit facing flaps slightly (the glue tacking it down came loose, I guess); however I believe that the actual join at the slit is sewn and then turned just as it would be for a fabric garment. Given the weight of leather that I am working with, I expect this will be an quite an interesting bit of sewing.

All the piecing makes for a very effective use of the leather/hide. Most of the pieces end up being almost geometrical--lots of moderately-sized, near rectangles--that can be laid out side-by-side and thus share a single cut. This produces less waste when cutting.

I've looked around for the hardware that is used for the front closure and have become convinced that it was originally designed for luggage or bag straps. I don't particularly like them as they dangle heavily pulling at the leather and they don't look very effective in keeping the coat closed.

I think the seams are lapped which, again, reduces the number of thicknesses of leather in some seams.

As for pattern, I was unable to find a men's coat pattern that I liked and ended up combining elements of a bathrobe (for shoulder and sleeve shaping) and a collared windbreaker for collar, neckline and front closure. I've got most of the piece shapes set to my satisfaction, but I am still fiddling with the shapes of the sleeve pieces. I really wish I had more skill at drafting patterns.

I managed to pick up a lovely cow's worth (~35 sq ft) of brown leather for under $100. This has been perfectly adequate for the entire coat. The hide has a great distressed bomber jacket finish and some strategically placed holes that will incorporate nicely as shot damage. I figure that different units, not to mention service branches, would have different interpretations of what a browncoat should look like. I'm looking forward to running up a coat for an air support gunner for my husband. I will let you know how it turns out (with pictures), but don't hold your breath--my day job is interfering with my life again and I doubt I will be able to sew seriously until around Thanksgiving.

Oh, and as for the color of the boots: coulda sworn they were black but am happy to bow to superior eyes....


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 12:45 PM


On second look I think you were right, the boots look black.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 1:26 PM


As to Mals pants:

If your not sewing inclined or lucky enough to find sutable substitutes very inexpensivly at Wal-mart, I got another idea for you:

Riding Breeches.

Mals outfit is this awsome blend of equestrian styles - The old west is obvious with the browncoat, suspenders, and gun, but his pants and boots are reminisant of English and American Foxhunting clothing.

Thus: Riding breechs.

Although, this can get a bit pricey (ok, REALLY pricey).

With a few alterations (buttons for suspenders, brown stripe, removal of the kneepad), breeches could make some kick ass Mal pants.

Don't have time to search for specific styles but you can search around the Dover website ( and the internet to find some that would work (a little bit of searching and you could probably find some cheeper too).

Hell, you could probably find some on Ebay. Just don't buy Full Seat Breeches (Its got a leather pad that spreads from the knees, up the inside of the thigh to the butt to keep the saddle from rubbing), the pad can be removed, but its just maken more work for yourself.

You might want to consider looken around "horsey" websites for boots as well.


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:03 PM


I would love to see pics of the Mockup of Mal's pistol. I have access to A Colt Navy but it's just not the same (and you can't bring it to con."

"If voting mattered it'd be illegal."


Sunday, January 2, 2005 8:58 AM


Hi Guys,

I`m trying to create a `Captains` costume for the UK Serenity Con. Being in the UK makes this a little for buying purposes but, I find eBay has been a godsend, and have picked up a nice 3/4 length suede jacket which will need the leather cuffs, coat clasps (I was thinking of camping clasps i.s. the sort of thing that they use on backpacks as I have 5 sets of these). The boots I`ve gone for are rubber riding boots (leather is just to expensive in my size) but I have got myself some leather,metal & chain spurs for something a little different. Braces are going to have to be custom made, and the riding breeches need the stripe down the sides & buttons for the braces. I`ve picked up a brown leather belt for the holster which has the double row of holes & belt buckle. The Gun I have at the moment is a 1:1 scale Navy Colt gas lighter in gold colour (yes, it produces a flame out the front when cocked & fired but I don`t like the gold colour). The holster is an old brown leather holster that should work well. Shirt I`m not too worried about, just a cotton lumberjack or similar shirt should do but I may want something cooler.

I`m looking to get a local tailor/seamstress to modify my clothing & get advise on how best it would be to procede - I`ll also take along some photos of `Mal` to get the right sort of look.

The other thing I want to get done would be a leather fold out pouch containing Captains/Ship Documents - Anybody got any idea what the `Offical Seal` would look like? and has anybody got a scan of Joss Whedon & Tim Minears signitures (to make it look official) :)

Cheers, ideas & suggestians would be great, I may produce some photos at a later date.

Darin (a.k.a. Zol.)

p.s. Mals firearm seams to have 2 projections on either side of what looks similar to a Colt Army/Navy Confederate Revolver (all in Black) - would love to see close up photos of the prop used. (Z)


Monday, January 3, 2005 4:50 AM


Check out heart of gold for extreme closeup of the pistol. Right at the begining, when mal is cleaning the guns. If this is a navy it has been HEAVILY modified. IF anyone could screen capture that shot it would be very helpful.


Monday, January 3, 2005 1:19 PM


Have any of you looked at the patterns available for SuitAbility?
They have patterns for all sorts of horse riding gear. I have used their patterns for schooling wear for my daughter and they are good. I haven't tried to compare them to Mal's clothing but they might be a good starting point for some of the stuff.

" My God," he said hollowly, "you mean he's like that all the time?"
-The Warrior's Apprentice Lois McMaster Bujold


Friday, January 7, 2005 9:20 AM


Braces -

the braces are quite custom but I`ve seen something that looks easy (or fairly easy to modify) - German Army Button Braces - they have the 2 straps at the front which connect at the back to form a `V` - have a look on eBay, they are quite cheap. I`ve got 3 on order, the theory being that I can use the extra material for the cross piece at the back of `Mals` braces.

check out this image, it my give other ideas

Most braces connect the seperate lengths together about 1/3 way up the back with a single length of material, but these seam perfect unless somebody else has other bright ideas?



p.s. how do you add html links as code?


Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:05 AM



I'm pretty well convinced these are most likely the exact pants they used. Just add a stripe and take the label off.

the stripe is vertically textured. There's a group pic over at that I'd love to link, however this board sees "jpg" in the link and automatically reformats it into an image link instead of a regular link

The suspenders are supposedly from WWII, with a little modification. The thing I'd like to know is what model suspenders were they?


Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:15 AM


Any idea where one can get these in the UK?

I`ve since seen the postings about the suspenders being modified WW2 type braces

I looked out for something similar and found "1958 pattern canvas yoke" which has the reinforced shoulder straps & back brace in heavy canvas - it doesn`t feature leather brace attachments and attaches to two points at the rear, but I have had somebody have a look at these for me - although it`s not exact (and it`s also green!) it`s not bad - Just got to figure out a way to get them re-coloured - some sort of paint to cover up the green would probably work but as to what type of paint I don`t know

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, May 16, 2005 7:56 AM



Darin/Zol - Awesome costume- seems all your research and long hours on ebay paid off very well.

With my recent plans to have a custom Mal costume curtailed for now.. :( - I wanted to write in and ask how many other fans out there will be donning personal Serenity Crew costumes (Mal or otherwise) for the next big conventions -Wonder Con, Comic Con etc.- or the Serenity preview/premiere?

Just curious to see if the browncoats are as visible as the usual cosplay crowd a la Trek, Star wars, etc.



Monday, May 16, 2005 4:57 PM


Is Mal's coat a duster or a rifle coat?? It doesn't look like the dusters I'm remembering from old westerns but it does look like some rifle coats I'm finding on the web.


Monday, June 20, 2005 7:13 AM


Hi guys, been looking through this thread as I too plan on a Mal costume for Halloween.

I think I found the suspenders used for the TV series, although modified a bit:

What I've been able to tell the mods are as follows:

1. The horizontal bar is replaced with one cut as sort of a trapizoid shap to turn the H design into a modded Y design.
2. The front is cut to a thinner width (I plan to buy a few pairs to experiment to keep from unravelling)
3. The strap adustments look like they're replaced with conway buckless of some type.

Once I get a few pairs of these I'll start playing and report how they turned out.


Thursday, September 22, 2005 12:52 PM


Any ideas where one on a low income could shop for these items. And the boots. Any ideas?


Friday, September 23, 2005 3:47 AM


Here's my suggestion for 'cheapie' elements of the costume:

Browncoat - lab coat with pockets removed, dyed brown
Shirt - maroon, button-down shirt
Pants - khakis - sew a brown cloth strip down the sides
Boot - cheapest I've seen are costume campus boots on eBay for about $30
Suspenders - thrift town?
Gun, holster & belt - kids cowboy set maybe?

Of course, along with the boots, you should be able to find more inexpensive stuff for the costume on eBay.

Good luck.






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