Firefly shooting script notes

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 09:27
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Friday, March 28, 2003 8:16 PM


Hey now folks,

Delurking for a minute to talk about the current and upcoming posting of Firefly scripts.

But first, let me introduce myself: I am transcriber of many/most of the Firefly shooting scripts that are on the 'Net right now (on this site and others) - including the current run of "Trash." I am in the middle of working with Haken and my proofreaders to upload the earliest known draft of "Serenity."

I am slowly converting my reams of Firefly memorabilia into digital form. Haken has very graciously offered as a place to house this information as I get around to creating it. We are collaborating to try and have as complete a Firefly library as possible... but also to frame it in such a way that each script can be discussed not only from an episode plot point of view, but also from a script writing and story evolution point of view. If we do it successfully, we can hopefully generate lots of discussions about a show until it is time to move to the next one (maybe a different episode every week or so, in addition to the weekly "new" snippets like we are doing with "Trash" It will depend on how my wrists hold out).

A Firefly episode goes through many revisions in its lifetime. Usually it starts off as a 5-15 page outline. Then it becomes an initial writer's draft. It often goes through many proofings and revisions as a writer's draft before it ends up as a Shooting Script. This Shooting Script itself goes through many revisions which are noted by using different color paper to represent the version (white, then blue, pink, yellow etc). The end result script is usually a rainbow of colors where they substitute in just the specific colored page where changes were made, and leave the rest intact.

I find the evolution and changes that happen from beginning to end of a project like this fascinating. It is fun to find scenes that were cut out of the final product (sometimes because they were weak, sometimes just due to time restraints). But it is also interesting to see the subtle changes in a scene or dialogue as a show gets honed towards production (or changed by editing in post-production).

So, my goal is to post as much Firefly information as possible, by transcribing as many script versions as I can obtain. This should be interesting to the casual fan who is interested in seeing the text that became the filmed show. But it should also be interesting to the more obsessive fans (like myself) who are interested not only in the end plot, but also the evolution.

Of course my collection is not perfect; it has holes. My hope is that once we have a good framework of scripts available, other people who have different revisions from mine can post theirs as well.

I have tried to mirror the scripts as exactly as possible. This includes leaving in typos, mistakes, errors, etc. Me and my proofreaders work very hard to ensure that the errors left in the script were there before, and not added by me (but I make no promises that we won't miss a few now and then!) I have not come up with a good way to represent proofreader notes in the margins... perhaps I will scan some pages in and show them that way.

I mostly lurk on these kinds of forums, so forgive me for seeming to pop out of the blue. I have been around for awhile on this site and others, but I will probably return to not participating much outside my script submissions to Haken. I just wanted to quickly say "hi" and try to explain what I am working with Haken to try and achieve.

Before I go, I want to thank Haken for his hospitality and putting up with my eccentricities with regards to previous postings. I also want to send a HUGE thank you to all the proofreaders who have helped me go over all these scripts repeatedly before they are seen (especially LadyFireSpy!). And thanks to the folks on the Firefly show who were kind enough to give me access to the scripts themselves in the first place. Each script posted represents many hours of work from many people.

Thanks for your interest,
-The FireSpy


Saturday, March 29, 2003 2:17 AM


Thank you so much for devoting so much time and energy to this project--bth you AND Haken!

A someone who has been fascinated by television since she was a wee little kid, and in addition to having read over 100 scripts, written (granted, some truly awful) specs while still at university, and is in general just crazy about the pitch-to-script-to-screen process, I just can't thank you guys enough for sharing the wealth of information with fellow browncoats.

We genuinely and truly appreciate it!

Some take the high road. Some take the low road.
And some just go screaming down the highway, dropping flaming bits of wreckage.


Saturday, March 29, 2003 5:42 AM


Wow! That's a huge task! Thanks so much! Usually I'm not into reading shooting scripts and writer's drafts and stuff, on the basis that if it didn't air, it didn't happen, but to have the oppurtunity to see a simple outline develop into an episode would be a pleasurable experience. Thanks!


Saturday, March 29, 2003 2:35 PM


I have to say, this is too cool. Thanks so much for all your hard work.


Saturday, March 29, 2003 5:30 PM


Wow! Thank you! you are truely appreciated by this band of Firefly Fans!!!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2003 4:59 AM


That's really cool. Thank you so much for doing that. It sounds like A LOT of work. Thanks again!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follows."-Winston, 1984
"There's good people in the 'verse. Not many, Lord knows, but you only need a few."


Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:12 AM


That is a really ,really ,really cool idea. Not only because I´m one of the obsessed Firefly fans you mentioned but also a screenwriter who is still in the stage of learning the whole process and therefore you would help me a really great deal.. Thanks so much for sharing the info with us!

They say it’s the last song
They don’t know us, you see
Its only the last song
If we let it be


Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:29 AM


I totally agree. That sounds amazing. Since I am also a Screenwriter-in-learning it also help me a great deal! Thanks soooo much!

*Dance like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening, love like your heart's never been broken and live like heaven would be on earth!*


Saturday, July 3, 2004 5:15 AM


If you wanna study scripts get over to the home page for The Dead Zone series, they upload the script for EACH episode after it has been shown.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 6:59 AM



Originally posted by LexiBlock:
If you wanna study scripts get over to the home page for The Dead Zone series, they upload the script for EACH episode after it has been shown.

OMG, that's amazing!. Thanks for posting this tip. What a good Web site for the show's fans. It's a paradise. How ironic, TV production as live theatre for a show called Dead Zone.

I started watching the first season of The Dead Zone on DVD. Haven't finished it yet. It's playin on TV here, but I can't seem to make myself turn on the set. I'd rather just watch TV shows on DVD, even if it's many, many, many months later.

"When one man chases a hare, he finds a hare. But when many men chase a hare, they find a dragon."


Wednesday, February 17, 2016 9:27 AM








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