Calling all writers for ideas about animated scripts.

UPDATED: Thursday, April 17, 2008 14:46
VIEWED: 18425
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Saturday, August 18, 2007 5:42 PM


Does anybody have any ideas of shows that they would like to see animated. I have spent 9 months modeling vehicles and scenes for this. I am trying to get set in the period of the war. Even though they all did not meet after, i am trying to get it to show how it all came together. Why did Shepard leave the Abby at that time. How did they Know about Wash and him being a pilot. They will be about 25 minutes per episode. I just need help getting ideas, so we can get it to storyboard.



Wednesday, March 12, 2008 8:13 PM



I dont know if you got any one yet, but I'm a script writer. I would LOVE to write something for ya.

also, I have a degree in animation. I don't know if that could help with anything or not, but hey, doesn't hurt to mention it, right?

if your interested e-mail me at

procrastinate tomorrow!


Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:37 AM


I would like to hear what you have to offer. I will be uploading still thumbnails later on tonight to look at. They are of the town that I am developing for the project. Basically I have a town modelled, a small outpost for Browncoats, and a refuelling platorm to be modelled in the near future. Be aware there are no textures for any of these models yet. I will upload my pipeline on how this works if you need be.



Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:25 AM


From my understanding you want to basically do a Firefly Origins, right?
What did Mal and Zoe experience in the war?
How did they meet wash?
How did they meet that guy that was doing Kaleey?
What is the truth about Shepard?
How did they get in to that run in with Jayen and his crew?
What happened with River and Simon before they joined the crew?

I think between the two of us we should decide how we want to go about introducing them and explaining their stories. Because for the most part it was Mal and Zoe and no one else before the series. Simon and River were off on their own (and Shepard was probably following them for a while, seeing how hes most likely alliance)

Wash, Jayen and the mechanic guy didn't come in until much later in the story.
There was also that guy who faked his own death that would have traveled with Mal and zoe for some time.

maybe we can chat over MSN messanger or Yahoo messanger, if you have them and we can brainstorm ideas.
If you would like to read a script of mine I wrote on ww2 for an indie director I'll let ya read that.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:09 AM


This is interesting. I was wondering if there were any other modelers and/or animators on the forum.

I'm working on an animated movie that takes place in the Verse. It's a different crew but they're on a Firefly. Anyway, I've been writing the script, designing stuff, and building models for a while now. Most of my time has been spent on the script. I'm about 35 pages into it now.

Anyway, it would be cool to have a thread where those that are working on projects like this could talk and post stuff if they want. Heck, we might could even share models in return for a modeling credit in the finished movie. I'm building some Firefly interior sets. I would have no problem at all sharing the models with others that need them.

I love that we as fans are able to keep the Verse alive as well. Whether you're an artist or a writer or whatever. Being able to provide fans with material to see, read, or hear is awesome!


Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:07 PM


That is great to see other modelers on board.

I have designed some Structures for my Movie.

I am using:
Autodesk Maya 8.5- for modeling and animation
Lightwave 3D - modeling organic characters then completing them in Maya
Renderman -Well Rendering
Maxon Bodypaint- For the textures
Combustion for compositing, I really want to get into Final Cut Studio and Shake but haven't had the time to learn them yet.



Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:01 PM


Here is the site i setup with a friend of mine. It is a simple site, it was only designed to exchange information between each other. If it gets to the point were we get a lot of visitors, then I will need to setup an official site. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks, Junior


Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:11 PM


Nice. You got some nice models there. Here's one I'm working on.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:22 PM


I like the interior model, very nice. What are you using to create it? What modeling package?

Are you trying to recreate Serenity?

I haven't gotten to any ships yet. I have been concentrating on Set Production. Mostly the shots you are seeing. I am currently working on Fueling Platform, where a lot of the beginning action takes place. About 3 minutes into it Alliance soldiers will be conducting a raid on the platform. They are going to use the platform as a foothold to gain access and control the outpost. As soon as I am done with the basic model I will post it up.

Again, outstanding work on your model. Also if you have any ideas for a script let me know. I have the first 10 minutes down, but after that I have nothing.

Basically it starts out the Alliance starts off the war with a Raid on this outpost. This outpost was essential and strategic to them. It was a communications outpost that had to taken out in order to have a surprise attack. After the attack, yep I am out of ideas.



Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:41 PM


hey I've got a question for you. Are any of these images going to be quality enough to composite with live action? I'm looking to put together a live action movie in the verse but I haven't got the modeling skills to do the 3d animations I'll need for space scenes and possibly some computer fly-bys.

Your models look great by the way. Very thorough.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:48 PM


I'm using 3D Studio Max. I'm creating Serenity with some slight modifications. The ship in my story is a Firefly called Oberon. The only big difference is that it will have an extra crew bunk in the hallway by the engine room.

I have 3 different towns to create for my script, so looking at your models gave me some ideas. I'm also working on the characters too. Character modeling isn't my strong point, so it's taking a little longer to model them. But I have a background in architecture, and I used to model buildings, inside and out for a living.

I started the model above before I got my Serenity plans from QMX. I was just going off of photographs. Now that I have a set of drawings of Serenity, I may just start from scratch. It would be easier than trying to fix the model I have. The only problem I have with the plans is the scale. There's a graphic scale on each sheet that is one inch equals 5 feet. That's kind of an oddball scale and it makes it hard to use my architects scale to figure them out. I was thinking about getting the smaller set they have out now. Maybe the scale factor would be a little better on them. I don't know what it is.

As far as story, it sounds like you have a good start. You just need to take a look at it. Who is your story gonna be about? In other words, who's the main character. Once you figure that out, start building a story around them. Maybe your main character is a member of the Browncoat army that survives the attack and is trying to make it back to camp to warn of what's going on. It could be about an Alliance officer that witnesses something or doesn't agree with the way things were done and tried to defect. It could also be told from the point of view of someone that's not affiliated with either side, but is just an observer that gets caught up in it. Get a basic idea and go from there. You'll get stuck from time to time. I am in my script right now. But, I've been stuck before. Just think it though and more often than not, you'll get a great solution to get you going again.

Just remember. You're the storyteller, so it's all you. It's like playing god. You can tell the story you want to tell. That's what makes it fun! And by doing an all CG movie, you're only limited by your imagination.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:55 PM


AVENGINGWATCHER, I don't know if you were talking to me or Junior, but as far as my models go, they'll be fairly realistic, but I don't know about them standing up with live action. I don't want to make them too real because then EVERYTHING has to be hyper real. The people, the guns, the everything. So, by keeping it a little more stylized, it makes it easier to keep everything seamless. If I were doing this to mix with live action, I would shoot the live action first and then only model what was needed to finish the shots. Then you could concentrate on making everything look as real and detailed as possible.


Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:04 PM


If you're willing to be a little flexible about the concept, our project over at Virtual Firefly ( has almost 30 episode length scripts finishing out Season One and continuing into Season Two (we're one ep away from the finale).

Check us out! "Here's how it might have been..."


Thursday, March 13, 2008 8:51 PM


was talking to you slowhand, and I was actually asking about new exterior models of ships, maybe two in total, that I have sketched out, which I could use for the space scenes. I could do this with live action shots but that tend to look very cheesy. I wouldn't be looking for anything right off the bat, actually it would probably be after you had finished your current project that I would need this, just seeing if I can get someone who has experience in on the project. As far as a script goes this would be my own script set in the verse but on a different ship, similar to the Belleflower idea. I have experience with all the live action filming and editing, as well as set design and graphic design, so like I said it would probably be between 30 seconds and one minute of video total that would need to be rendered. Currently looking at a year to two years schedule.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Friday, March 14, 2008 4:41 AM


Yes, you can incorporate models as alive action plate. Depending on how you film it, you can apply the models to the live action. It would have to be done in Compositing Post Production. What would you use to Composite the film together? I ouwld liek to help you or point you in the right direction.

Thanks, Junior


Friday, March 14, 2008 5:17 AM


I like the site a lot. It has a lot of ideas that we can all take and use. Very good. Have you developed any storyboards for any of the scripts? If not are you willing to let someone develop a storyboard for this?

Thanks, Junior


Friday, March 14, 2008 10:42 AM


I have an incredible digital model of Serenity that was built by a member of this forum. Unfortunatly, I can't remember his name. (I have it written in my movie notebook so I can be sure to credit him in the movie. Just don't want to go dig for it now. LOL) He allowed me to use it. I've just made some minor texture adjustments so that it's Oberon and not Serenity.

Below is a lighting test I did, as well as a test video. The model has the shuttles, I just forgot to turn them on before I rendered.


Friday, March 14, 2008 12:04 PM


I love the model, it looks great. That is outstanding he let you use that after all that work. I hope it works for you. I really do enjoy the reel.



Friday, March 14, 2008 1:30 PM


Sean Kennedy. That's his name. He's a very talented digital modeler. I believe he has a tutorial somewhere on modeling Serenity in Lighwave.

I'm in his debt for allowing me to have such a beautiful model. I can't remember, but I think the model is available for download on his website. I know when I was asking for it, he didn't have a 3D Studio Max version, but he exported one for me and sent me a link for download.

Thanks again Sean!


Friday, March 14, 2008 1:37 PM


The best animated TV show I have ever seen is Avatar: The Last Air Bender


Friday, March 14, 2008 1:56 PM


Avatar is an outstanding show. I enjoyed watching that a lot. The animation was spectacular. It was great to watch.

Also I have been going around the room with story ideas. I really like the still flying website, it gave me lots of ideas. I will post them tonight on the website. Please, feedback if you can. Thanks.

Also the desert idea is great for a setting. Still throwing around the idea of the start of the war, during the war or after the war. There is lots of possibilities in all three. All the characters can be involved in different ways.

What do you think?



Sunday, March 16, 2008 8:42 AM


What direction does the fans want Shepard Book to go? What is his background story? Was he Black Ops for the Alliance, what connection is there? Please let me know if you have ideas. Thanks



Sunday, March 16, 2008 1:34 PM


I think Book was an operative. How else could he know so much about how operatives think and work. Watch the scene in Serenity where he's explaining it to Mal. To me, it's written all over his face. But, like the operative in Serenity, something happened that caused him to lose his belief. He replaced it with something new to believe in. God.


Sunday, March 16, 2008 1:40 PM


That is what I believe also. I think he was an operative that met has his match. But who met his match? Was it the bounty hunter, he did say "That's no Shepherd!" that could have been the one, we will never knew. He drifted in space and we don't know if he was picked up or he died. I think on it mentions something about it. I ill check later....



Sunday, March 16, 2008 4:55 PM


Joss is releasing a comic called Tales of a Shepherd I think. It's suposed to finally reveal Book's past.


Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:46 PM


Sorry about the delay in writing, I have been working hard on this project. I have updated the site with some pictures without post effects. I will have a 2:30 sec Trailer ready in the middle of July. The movie will be 1 hour and 15 minutes long. The working title is called Twilight Kingdom...Yes it is a work in progress. Thanks, e-mail any ideas.







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