Russia invades ...

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Saturday, November 7, 2015 5:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"something as simple as a tungsten slug might be all the lethality you'll need. Just get it up to extreme velocity (relatively easy in zero g)"

I just want to point out that in the second sentence there was MASSIVE (pun intended) error of the utmost GRAVITY (another intended pun).

There's a difference between WEIGHT - which involves the action of gravity (acceleration) on a mass, and MASS - which is related to inertia. Objects in space (another intended pun) may lose their WEIGHT as they enter a null gravity area, but they don't lose their MASS, which is involved with how much force is needed to accelerate the mass's inertia. ie The centuries old Newtonian equation f = ma.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, November 8, 2015 9:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I found this article an insightful summary. Originally posted on the Asia Times (where Pepe Escobar posts) but cross-posted on Russia Insider

US-Backed Jihadists' Global Orgy of Destruction


The greater Middle East is on fire with one failing state after another overrun by Salafi jihadists—Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen—and rapidly reigniting Afghanistan, inflaming Central Asia, Russia’s Chechnya, China’s Xinjiang, southeast Asia and even South Korea.

Not just "local" problem but a worldwide one.


It appears the negative contagion of US –sponsored regime changes in the Mideast, that empowered the rise of Salafi jihadism, is pivoting east and destabilizing Asia. After one year of US-led anti-IS campaign, the Islamic caliphate is getting stronger and on the march, destroying the old world order and establishing a new one with the implicit backing of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and especially Turkey’s Erdogan.
I hope by now that's not news to you.


This week, South Korea received bomb threats from an Islamic State (IS)-linked group to blow up a shop near COEX, a large shopping complex in the wealthy district of Gangnam in Seoul.In April, IS attacked the South Korean embassy in Libya and killed at least two people.

As Turkey held election on November 1, a pro-AKP columnist even claimed that under a new presidential system [expanding Presidential powers, an Erdogan initiative - SIGNY] Erdogan would be “caliph” of the Sunni Muslims in the world, with the 1,005-room new presidential palace hosting “representatives from nations under the caliphate.”

Distracted by an alphabet soup of various salafist jihadi groups such as Al Qaeda in Iraq (IS), Al Qaeda in Syria (Al Nusra), Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Al Qaeda in North Africa (AQIM), Al Qaeda in the Philippines (Abu Sayyaf), Al Qaeda in China (Turkistan Islamic Party), Boko Haram, Taiban, Haqqani Network and so on, and trying to separate “good terrorists” from “bad terrorists”, Washington is blindsided by the fact that ultimately they share the same end of establishing a global caliphate under Sharia, only differing in the means and speed of that goal.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Henry Kissinger warned that IS “seeks to replace the international system’s multiplicity of states with a caliphate, a single Islamic empire governed by Shariah law.”As such, he argued “the destruction of IS is more urgent than the overthrow of Bashar Assad, who has already lost over half of the area he once controlled. Making sure that this territory does not become a permanent terrorist haven must have precedence.”

Kissinger is not at all moral, but a realist. He realizes that the USA is also threatened by this wave of jihadism.


However, his warnings seem to fall on deaf ears in the Obama administration, with Secretary Kerry continuing to toe the Saudi/Qatar/Turkey line of a regime change mandate that “Assad must go”(and replaced by their Islamist extremists), rather than a counterterrorism mandate of prioritizing combating IS and other Salafi jihadists to restore regional stability.

Obama’s ‘anti-IS allies’ exporting jihad

It is not surprising IS and other Salafi jihadists in Syria and elsewhere are rapidly spreading like the ebola virus, given Arab autocracies that aided IS rise are now in Obama’s anti-IS coalition that is “a coalition of sinners now dressed as knights in shining armour.”

Writing in 2014, Indian strategist Professor Brahma Chellaney from Center for Policy Research noted how Qatar and Saudi Arabia pouring weapons and funds to Sunni extremists in Syria eventually created fertile ground that spawned IS.

This nefarious pattern of supporting violent jihadists is further evidenced by their bolstering Afghan Taliban, accelerating Libya’s transformation into a failed state via their breeding of Islamist militia, with Qatar even deploying troops covertly inside Libya in the 2011 campaign to oust Gaddafi.

Given Saudi/Qatari/Turkey-backed ‘Syrian rebels’ are not even Syrian, with German intelligence BND estimating 95% of the fighters are paid foreign mercenaries,

Russia estimates that there are 10,000-30,000 foreign fighters in Syria

it seems the Obama administration has also joined as a mercenary force to further Doha/Ankara/Riyadh’s regional agenda.

So obsessed are Riyadh and Ankara to supplant Syria’s secular autocracy with an extremist Islamic theocracy under their control, that in 2013 the Kingdom sent more than 1,200 death row inmates ranging from Yemen, Sudan, Jordan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to wage Syrian jihad.

Recent reports from two CHP deputies in the Turkish parliament corroborate previous testimonies that the notorious sarin gas attack at Ghouta was a false flag orchestrated by Turkish intelligence, willing to commit the war crime of sacrificing 1,300 innocent civilians to goad US into the Syrian war to topple Assad.

Oh, but Bellingcrap had an entirely different story!


Chellaney further chastised the anti-Assad coalition’s naïveté in trying to distinguish between ‘moderate’ and ‘radical’ jihadists, and that “the term ‘moderate jihadists’ is an oxymoron: those waging jihad by gun can never be moderate.”

Indeed these “good” terrorists-cum-foreigner infested/counterfeit “Syrian rebels” have displayed the same level of barbarity as IS and are cut from the same jihadi cloth. Most disgusting was the video in 2013 of a rebel commander performing cannibalism and eating the organ of a dead Syrian soldier. Alas, it is twisted irony that the Obama administration wants to impose gun control in the US and take guns away from American citizens, yet arm these cannibalistic barbarians in Syria.

As for Doha, by using Al Udeid Air Base as a weapon to hold US hostage to its agenda and enabling its misadventures with impunity, Chellaney noted Qatar’s clout (along with Riyadh and Ankara) now “allows it to run with the foxes while it hunts with the hounds”—funding violent Salafi-jihadists in Syria, Mali, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Gaza and elsewhere and leaving a destructive trail of destabilized and failing states throughout the greater Middle East.

This is a threat not only to Russia that has entered the Syrian war, but also to China and India.

Syria: Frontline against terrorism

In a recent Huffington Post article, former MI-6 agent Alastair Crooke argued that Russia sees Syria as its frontline against a dominos of eroding and jihadi infested states that are spreading to Russia.

Unless IS and its Wahhabi allies are stopped decisively, Russia fears a repeat of 1980s when radical Wahhabi jihadists in Afghanistan, inflamed [AND ARMED AND FUNDED= SIGNY] by CIA and Saudis, were used in the Chechen insurgency to weaken Russia.

Again, by now this should not be news to you.


This threat is similarly shared by China with its Xinjiang insurgency, and further reinforced by a February 2014 article in the US Naval Institute’s Proceeding magazine.

In the article entitled ‘Deterring the Dragon’, the author, a retired naval commander, proposed sending special operation forces to arm China’s restive [terrorist-SIGNY] minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet at a time when Beijing is suffering from its worst terrorist attacks by Uyghur militants in the past two years.

Once again funding and supporting terrorists in order to achieve a short-term objective.


The author also proposed laying offensive underwater mines along China’s coast to close China’s main ports and destroy its sea lines of communications, which further creates distrust in the current Sino-US military standoff in the South China Sea, with Chinese naval commander Admiral Wu Shengli warning US counterparts that a minor incident could spark war if US did not stop its “provocative acts” of deploying warships to disputed waterways in the region.

Rightly or wrongly, Beijing perceives this as part and parcel of US strategy to encircle and contain China’s rise, hemming its eastern flank via defense alliances in the Western Pacific and destabilizing its western flank in Central Eurasia via color revolutions and separatist movements.

And when Beijing sees Washington backing Turkey/Qatar/Saudi stance of arming and funding thousands of anti-Chinese Uyghur militants in Syrian “rebel groups”, coupled with US gunboat diplomacy in the South China Sea, this “deterring the dragon” combination risks escalation into a military conflict between Beijing and Washington.

US strategic partner India likewise shares suspicions of Washington’s support for Wahhabi allies. Chellaney for one sees US support for Wahhabi extremists contributed to India’s terrorism problem, given “large portions of the CIA’s multi-billion-dollar military aid for the Afghan rebels in the 1980s were siphoned off by the conduit, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISIS), to trigger insurgencies in India’s Kashmir and Punjab…yet paradoxically, the US had used counterterrorism as a key instrument to build a strategic partnership with India.”

In fact Delhi is now sounding the alarm on Saudi-sponsored Wahhabism to dominate India. In a September 2014 Indian Defence Review article, retired general Afsir Karim expressed concerns that Saudi Wahhabis are trying to exert domination over other strands of Islam (Sufi, Shia, etc.) by pumping millions of petrodollars into madrasas and mosques to propagate Wahhabi theology

I seem to recall a rather panicked editorial from about 45 years ago along the same lines!


that “anyone outside the Wahhabi sect is a heretic and will burn in hell.”

This Saudi doctrine of intolerance and violence is polarizing Indian society and radicalizing its Muslims, projected by Pew Research to be the largest Muslim population in the world by 2050 even surpassing Indonesia, and opening the way for IS’ steady recruitment in India.

In the face of IS and radical Islam’s invasion of Eurasia that is destabilizing Russia, China and India

And the EU ....


, all three stakeholders should be included in future talks on Syria. Given combating IS is the unifier of great powers while Syrian regime change is the divider that allows IS to get stronger, US should recalibrate its Sunni Wahhabi-driven strategy and start working with other legitimate Mideast stakeholders to counter Islamic extremism. Absent this, it may behoove the Eurasian powers outside of US-led coalition to take Kissinger’s advice, and begin forging their own coalition via SCO and CSTO to counter terrorism in Syria.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Syrian army enters Aleppo air base after Islamic State siege: state TV

After so many accusations that Russia isn't fighting ISIS, recognition that ISIS is being defeated.

I read a very interesting article - which I can't find again, drat it!- that explained that this is part of a larger strategy to cut off the supply lines from Turkey to ISIS/al Nusra (al Qaida in Syria)/ other other jihadist forces.

Unfortunately, I didn't save the link, and the article didn't make much sense to me because I didn't have a good map to look at. I'll see if I can find it again.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THis isn't the article, its the closest I could find


The Kweires Military Airport returned in the patronage of the Government after historic resistance for more than 3 years. The armed groups of Free Syrian Army, Nusra Front, and Ahrar al Sham surrounded the base until the terrorist group IS took over in March of 2014 after the other groups withdrew from its surroundings due to fighting between the two sides. The groups launched hundreds of attacks but failed to penetrate any defensive lines. This airport is located 35km from Aleppo to the West, 10km from Deir Hafer to the South and 15km from Al Bab to the North which is controlled by IS.

To the north, the airport borders one of the largest water canals in Aleppo which forms a natural defense against attackers. To the south, there is the Raqqa-Aleppo road. By controlling the airport, which is the largest in the North, the government can accomplish the following:

firstly, the northern areas become within firing range of artillery at the airport

the airport becomes an easier launching ground for airstrikes from helicopters and military jets, and the targets being Al Bab, Mindige, Deir Hafer and Maskana which are controlled by IS

securing the airport solidifies the government's control on the roads linking Aleppo with Deir Hafer and Mindige. Losing these towns and their links to Aleppo means for IS that the road to Northern Aleppo becomes cut off by Government forces to the two airports of Aleppo International and Nairab.

the airport becomes a launching ground for any operation towards Eastern and North Eastern Aleppo

away from Aleppo, the strategic importance of this airport is that it falls on the main highway linking Raqqa and Aleppo, which threatens their supply lines (to Raqqa) from Turkey.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 13, 2015 12:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Now that RUSSIA is clobbering Saudi Arabia's puppets in Syria, AQ and ISIS are firing up their suicide-bombing campaign, and threatening an ocean of blood in Russia.

Funny that they don't seem to be too worried about America!

In addition to the Russian plane probably brought down by onboard bomb, AQ and ISIS are setting off bombs in the lands of their perceived enemies: In Beirut, Shibam (Yemen), Baghdad, Kabul. Look for more in the Shiite portions of the Mideast (even inside Saudi Arabia and Bahrain) and Russia.

One point I got from this is if attacking civilians is the only tactic they have left, it seems that they feel 're already lost the war.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 13, 2015 12:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, there are talks going on in Vienna to supposedly reach a political settlement in Syria.

The Saudis are insisting that "Assad must go". But just like the USA insisting that ANY leader "must go" (Saddam, Qaddafi, Yanukovich, Putin, whoever) that should be a non-starter. No nation has the right to depose any other nation's leader unless that leader is -literally- attacking another nation. Then self-defense comes into play.

I think everyone agrees that the way forward is democratic elections. I think everyone agrees that Syria should be a secular nation (unlike Saudi Arabia and Israel and Iran, for example). IMHO, Assad SHOULD be able to stand for election ... if the people want him, they should be allowed to vote for him.

But the first order of business is to decide who is a terrorist and who is not, and that's a tougher problem. In this case, Ukraine and Syria form pretty direct comparisons- whatever rules apply to one SHOULD apply to the other, if they make any sort of ethical and practical sense.

So, who is a terrorist in Syria? Who is a terrorist in Ukraine?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 13, 2015 1:24 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, there are talks going on in Vienna to supposedly reach a political settlement in Syria.


The Saudis are insisting that "Assad must go". But just like the USA insisting that ANY leader "must go" (Saddam, Qaddafi, Yanukovich, Putin, whoever) that should be a non-starter. No nation has the right to depose any other nation's leader unless that leader is -literally- attacking another nation. Then self-defense comes into play.

You mean like the way Russia is interfering in the Ukraine to depose who the Ukrainians decided they wanted running the country?

Dam you are sooooo full of shit and such a moron you contradict what you claim to believe in post after post and link after link.


I think everyone agrees that the way forward is democratic elections. I think everyone agrees that Syria should be a secular nation (unlike Saudi Arabia and Israel and Iran, for example). IMHO, Assad SHOULD be able to stand for election ... if the people want him, they should be allowed to vote for him.

Assad has to go and is going to go. Islam in Syria is followed by 90% of the country's total population. Sunnis make up 74% of the country. (That’s Saudi’s cultures SIG) Of the total, mostly of Arab, Kurdish and Turkoman ethnicities. Shia's make up the remaining 13%. Assad is an ally of Iran's Shiite theocracy and might get 13% of the vote. There is no way would he allow an honest election.


So, who is a terrorist in Syria? Who is a terrorist in Ukraine?

Shit that’s easy, the Russians


Friday, November 13, 2015 1:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not to diminish the USA contribution in Iraq, after USA warplanes pounded ISIS position in Sinjar for a few days, Kurdish and Yazidi forces re-took Sinjar in Iraq.

Sinjar is just about 30 miles from the Iraq-Syria border. More importantly, it is on the EASTERN supply route to Raqqa (n Syria). The airport which the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) freed from a 2-year seige - Kweires Airport- is on the WESTERN supply-line to Raqqa. Raqqa is the unofficial ISIS capital, and it looks like it's getting pinched from east and west.

I noticed also that American planes have been bombing in the far northeastern tip of Syria with nary a peep of objection from Russia or Syria. It seems that more than just "deconflicting" the skies, the USA and Russia/Syria may even be coordinating to some extent on fighting ISIS. Or is that too much to hope for?

Finding sources of good updated maps is difficult! I found this but have yet to figure out how reliable it is.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 13, 2015 4:51 PM


Tereshchenko Dynasty Descendant Now Mayor In Ukraine

"The French descendant of one of the Russian Empire's richest family dynasties this week became mayor of the Ukrainian town of Hlukhiv, where his family made its fortune.

Tereshchenko told AFP that he hoped to establish a flourishing, corruption-free democratic government like the one his grandfather had hoped to establish in Tsarist Russia.

"It failed in Russia. But it will succeed in Ukraine," he said.

Tereshchenko first made headlines in March when Ukrainian President Poroshenko granted him citizenship."


Friday, November 13, 2015 5:20 PM


Ukraine calls Soviet deportation of Muslims 'genocide'

Nearly half of the deported population died of starvation and hardship en route or within months after their arrival in Soviet Central Asia, the Ukrainian parliament, called the Verkhovna Rada, said in a statement on Thursday.


Saturday, November 14, 2015 10:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Russia invades ...

Hopefully Russia will be able to do better than the US has done since it started to think about pretending to try to fight ISIS in July 2014.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The fact that ISIL has set off a wave of terror in many nations instead of fighting in Syria gives me an idea how Syria, Iran, and Russia are doing.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 20, 2015 9:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Russia has called its long-range *bear" bomber and navy-based cruise missiles into the fray. In the space of time that American and France flew 15 sorties, Russia flew about 150.

600 terrorists killed in Russian cruise missile strike in Syria - Defense Ministry


The Russian fleet in the Caspian Sea has launched 18 cruise missiles, hitting seven terrorist targets in Syria on Friday, Russian Defense Minster Sergey Shoigu has reported to President Vladimir Putin.

“On November 20, the warships of the Caspian Fleet launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets were hit successfully,” he said.

The last time the Caspian Fleet took part in the anti-terror operation in Syria was on October 7.

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) are suffering huge losses as a result of the Russian offensive, Shoigu said, adding that data on the ground shows that the flow of terrorists arriving in Syria has decreased

, while more and more militants are fleeing the warzone to head north [TURKEY} and south-west [JORDAN- and it's about time somebody besides Putin calls out these terrorist-supporting fuckers-SIGNY]

Over the past four days, Russian air forces have conducted 522 sorties, deploying more than 100 cruise missiles and 1,400 tons of bombs of various types, the minister stated.

He added that a strike with multiple cruise missiles in the province of Deir ez-Zor had killed more than 600 militants.

Meanwhile, having been embarrassed by the photos that Putin shared at the G20 of huge ISIL oil-convoys which the "anti-ISIL" efforts of the USA just happened to overlook, the USA got its rear in gear and (finally!) struck at ISIL oil assets:


ISTANBUL — Intensifying pressure on the Islamic State, United States warplanes for the first time attacked hundreds of trucks on Monday that the extremist group has been using to smuggle the crude oil it has been producing in Syria, American officials said.

According to an initial assessment, 116 trucks were destroyed in the attack, which took place near Deir al-Zour, an area in eastern Syria that is controlled by the Islamic State.

Since the USA doesn't share videos of its air strikes, here is a Russian video which will give you an idea of the size of these convoys:

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 20, 2015 11:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wow, according to Russian state run media it sounds like Russia will have ISIL all mopped up by turkey (heh) day.
Thanks Russia!

Keep that one warm. According to Russia, it will take bout 6 months. I'll let you know when the thanks become appropriate. At that point, you probably should, because it will be no thanks to the USA, France, or NATO when that day comes. (Yanno, it's funny- this is like a replay of WWII.)


Oh, and thanks for the ironic juxtaposition! Priceless.
Russia isn't "building" a nation with bombs, it's destroying one (ISIL). That's ALL you can do with bombs- destroy things.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 20, 2015 3:49 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You can't build a nation with bombs...

Oh, and thanks for the ironic juxtaposition! Priceless.

Would juxtaposition also be considered subjective posting?


Friday, November 20, 2015 3:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Wow, according to Russian state run media it sounds like Russia will have ISIL all mopped up by turkey (heh) day.
Thanks Russia!

Keep that one warm. According to Russia, it will take bout 6 months. I'll let you know when the thanks become appropriate. At that point, you probably should, because it will be no thanks to the USA, France, or NATO when that day comes. (Yanno, it's funny- this is like a replay of WWII.)


Oh, and thanks for the ironic juxtaposition! Priceless.
Russia isn't "building" a nation with bombs, it's destroying one (ISIL). That's ALL you can do with bombs- destroy things.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Go comrade Troll. It's funny watching you trip all over yourself praising Russia. It shows the rest of us were correct when we outed you a long time ago as having a very pro Russian agenda.

I am on the floor laughing reading how we should all thank our lucky stars for Russia and be prepared to thank them. It doesn't get any better than that.


Friday, November 20, 2015 4:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Wow, according to Russian state run media it sounds like Russia will have ISIL all mopped up by turkey (heh) day.
Thanks Russia!

Keep that one warm. According to Russia, it will take bout 6 months. I'll let you know when the thanks become appropriate. At that point, you probably should, because it will be no thanks to the USA, France, or NATO when that day comes. (Yanno, it's funny- this is like a replay of WWII.)


Oh, and thanks for the ironic juxtaposition! Priceless.
Russia isn't "building" a nation with bombs, it's destroying one (ISIL). That's ALL you can do with bombs- destroy things.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Go comrade Troll. It's funny watching you trip all over yourself praising Russia. It shows the rest of us were correct when we outed you a long time ago as having a very pro Russian agenda.

I am on the floor laughing reading how we should all thank our lucky stars for Russia and be prepared to thank them. It doesn't get any better than that.

I think people appreciate Russia's approach to ISIL far more than they appreciate the USA's ... or yours. Your approach sounds a lot like coddling to me.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 20, 2015 4:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Wow, according to Russian state run media it sounds like Russia will have ISIL all mopped up by turkey (heh) day.
Thanks Russia!

Keep that one warm. According to Russia, it will take bout 6 months. I'll let you know when the thanks become appropriate. At that point, you probably should, because it will be no thanks to the USA, France, or NATO when that day comes. (Yanno, it's funny- this is like a replay of WWII.)


Oh, and thanks for the ironic juxtaposition! Priceless.
Russia isn't "building" a nation with bombs, it's destroying one (ISIL). That's ALL you can do with bombs- destroy things.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Go comrade Troll. It's funny watching you trip all over yourself praising Russia. It shows the rest of us were correct when we outed you a long time ago as having a very pro Russian agenda.

I am on the floor laughing reading how we should all thank our lucky stars for Russia and be prepared to thank them. It doesn't get any better than that.

I think people appreciate Russia's approach to ISIL far more than they appreciate the USA's ... or yours. Your approach sounds a lot like coddling to me.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

So my suggestion that because of Paris this might be the perfect opportunity for NATO to go full force into Syria, is coddling to you. Talk about selective memory.

Russia bombing people indiscriminately is what you're about which is revealed in your posts praising every thing it does. What a hypocrite. In thread after thread here blasting anyone who is not a Russian ally of being engaged in unhuman behaviors, posting anything negative about them you can find on the internet. What a piece of scum you are.

Where I come from and you claim to we have many terms to describe people like you. Today lying sack of shit comes to mind.


Saturday, November 21, 2015 1:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The armed Forces carry out air operation of retribution aimed at destruction of leaders of terrorist organizations and their supporters, the of their disruption of control systems and logistics, as well as the destruction of military facilities and oil and gas infrastructure of ISIL. To this end, the composition of the aviation group has been increased twice and brought to 69 airplanes.

143 sorties are being conducted daily.

The Naval group consists of 10 ships, 6 of them are in the Mediterranean Sea. On November 20, the ships of the Caspian flotilla completed 18 launches of cruise missiles at 7 targets in provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets have been destroyed.

In total, during air operations strategic and operational-tactical aircraft carried out 522 sorties, 101 air-and sea-based were launched, 1400 tons of bombs were dropped for various purposes. In total 826 enemy targets were destroyed.

The main efforts are concentrated on undermining the financial-economic base of ISIS. 15 storage and oil refining facilities and 525 auto-tankers were destroyed.

Supply to the black market of 60,000 tons of oil per day has been interrupted, and the terrorists missed 1.5 million dollars daily.

At the same time the elimination of the gangs and their leaders is continuing.

23 training bases for the militants,
19 factories for the production of weapons and explosives,
47 warehouses with ammunition and material resources,

as well as other objects have destroyed. This ensures successful operations by Syrian government forces in Aleppo, Idlib, mountain Latakia and Palmyra.

According to the data of objective control, the number of people coming to the territory of Syria has been reduced and the flow of militants fleeing the country has been increased in Northern and South-Western directions.

Gangs are suffering significant losses. As a result of cruise missile strikes on one of the targets near Deir-ez-Zor more than 600 militants have been eliminated.

In General, during operation air strikes and cruise missiles strikes were carried out from the waters of the Mediterranean and Caspian seas from a distance of 1500 kilometers, the aircraft took off from airbases on the territory of Russia and Syria.

From the Caspian Sea side 29 long-range aircraft carried out air and cruise missile strikes.

The flight range of Tu-160 during the completion of combat objectives in the Mediterranean Sea amounted to more than 13 000 kilometers.

According to the directions of the Supreme Commander the organising of interaction with the armed forces of France has begun.

All objectives are completed. The armed Forces have moved to the next phase of the operation.

Which is - what? Moving in fast interceptors to protect Assad from NATO?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, November 21, 2015 3:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

'G' - "so as long as you drop bombs on OTHER people it's ok"

Signym has never said never bomb. The phrase repeated dozens of times by now - which you've failed to read, understand, or tell the truth about - is COUNT THE BODIES. So let me explain it to you: if more people are dying because of you than without you, it's a bad thing.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, November 30, 2015 2:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Now, all of the sudden, France and Germany want to get onboard with the bombing of ISIL in Syria!

Have they asked permission of Assad, or are they just planning on (continuing) violating Syria's airspace? Whatever they do, they'll have to clear it with the Russians first (who will clear it with Assad). Because with the S400 surface-to-air missiles and all of the Sukhois now being armed with air-to-air missiles, the Syrian airspace is going to be well-defended. (And the Russians can always say "Oops, we thought it was a Turkish plane".)

Meanwhile Syrian national forces advance on Aleppo

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015 1:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


As evidence of the USA's desultory (at best!) campaign against ISIL, Russia provided reconnaissance photos of 3000 trucks trading illegal ISIL oil, which the USA apparently can't find/ hasn't bombed. I would say that since the USA has been in control of Iraqis skies for 14 months, it wouldn't be too far a stretch to say (AGAIN) that the USA has been providing air cover for ISIL


On Monday, Turkey’s sultan President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said something funny. In the wake of Vladimir Putin’s contention that Russia has additional proof of Turkey’s participation in Islamic State’s illicit crude trade, Erdogan said he would resign if anyone could prove the accusations.
HAHAHA! Yeah, that IS funny! There's a snowball's chance in hell that will happen!


Now obviously, conclusive evidence that Ankara is knowingly facilitating the sale of ISIS crude will probably be hard to come by, at least in the short-term, but the silly thing about Erdogan’s pronouncement is that we’re talking about a man who was willing to plunge his country into civil war over a few lost seats in Parliament. The idea that he would ever “step down” is patently absurd.

But that’s not what’s important. What’s critical is that the world gets the truth about who’s financing and facilitating “Raqqa’s Rockefellers.” If a NATO member is supporting this, and if the US has refrained from bombing ISIS oil trucks for 14 months as part of an understanding with Erdogan, well then we have a problem ....

Yes, Houston, there IS a problem.


First, here’s the bullet point summary via Reuters:


That’s the Cliff’s Notes version and the full statement from Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov is below. Let us be the first to tell you, Antonov did not hold back.

In the opening address, the Deputy says the ISIS oil trade reaches the highest levels of Turkey's government. He also says Erdogan wouldn’t resign if his face was smeared with stolen Syrian oil. Antonov then blasts Ankara for arresting journalists and mocks Erdogan’s “lovely family oil business.” Antonov even calls on the journalists of the world to "get involved" and help Russia "expose and destroy the sources of terrorist financing."

"Today, we are presenting only some of the facts that confirm that a whole team of bandits and Turkish elites stealing oil from their neighbors is operating in the region," Antonov continues, setting up a lengthy presentation in which the MoD shows photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes and maps detailing the trafficking of stolen oil. The clip is presented here with an English voice-over. Enjoy.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, December 4, 2015 1:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Israel Conducts Secret Training Exercises Against Russian Air Defense Systems


... summing up, the contention is that ISIS crude is transported through Turkey to the port of Ceyhan and from there, it makes its way to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Al-Araby al-Jadeed goes on to quote “a European official at an international oil company,” as saying that "Israel has in one way or another become the main marketer of IS oil. Without them, most IS-produced oil would have remained going between Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Even the three companies would not receive the oil if they did not have a buyer in Israel.”

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, December 4, 2015 3:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Israel Conducts Secret Training Exercises Against Russian Air Defense Systems


... summing up, the contention is that ISIS crude is transported through Turkey to the port of Ceyhan and from there, it makes its way to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Al-Araby al-Jadeed goes on to quote “a European official at an international oil company,” as saying that "Israel has in one way or another become the main marketer of IS oil. Without them, most IS-produced oil would have remained going between Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Even the three companies would not receive the oil if they did not have a buyer in Israel.”

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

You're such an ass. Everybody is conducting those tests. It's called war planning. And when it comes to Russia, everybody is getting ready.


Monday, December 7, 2015 10:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Assad Slams US Bombing Of Government Troops As Turkey Accuses Russia Of Violating Montreux Treaty

Just to be clear, the USA and it's "coalition partners" have been actively violating Syrian airspace for YEARS. If Syria asked Russia to behave like Turkey, many American and EU planes would have been shot out of the sky by now. However, the violations generally occurred in the far-northeastern corner of Syria, where the Syrian government has little control, and have been primarily non-factors to the actual fighting. Until this report ....


Meanwhile, the Syrian government says US warplanes attacked SAA positions for the first time since the conflict began, prompting a swift response from Damascus (or from wherever the government is conducting its business these days).

The strike allegedly took place in Paris mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud’s old fiefdom of Deir ez Zor. As RT reports, “the coalition jets fired nine missiles at an army camp” killing three and wounding a dozen. “Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council.”

"This hampers efforts to combat terrorism and proves once again that this coalition lacks seriousness and credibility to effectively fight terrorism," Syria's letter to the United Nations says.

Hilariously, Washington says it has no idea what Syria is talking about: “We’ve seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir ez Zor yesterday. So we see no evidence,” coalition spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said. This is the same Steve Warren who said it's "beyond ridiculous" to suggest that the US is tacitly supporting ISIS. Similarly, Lt. Col. Kristi Beckman, director of public affairs at the Combined Air Operations Center at al-Udeid air base in Qatar, told AP that although he's "aware" of the incident, he doesn't "have any indication that the strikes killed Syrian soldiers."

Of course somebody bombed the SAA position and it damn sure wasn't the Russians, and since ISIS doesn't have an air force, there's really only one explanation as to whose planes were involved. Whether or not the strike was intentional or whether the US thought they were bombing ISIS (which controls the area) is an open question.

I believe I know where this is going: To the UN, where Assad will request that ALL uninvited foreign forces leave.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, December 7, 2015 10:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Israel Conducts Secret Training Exercises Against Russian Air Defense Systems


... summing up, the contention is that ISIS crude is transported through Turkey to the port of Ceyhan and from there, it makes its way to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

Al-Araby al-Jadeed goes on to quote “a European official at an international oil company,” as saying that "Israel has in one way or another become the main marketer of IS oil. Without them, most IS-produced oil would have remained going between Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Even the three companies would not receive the oil if they did not have a buyer in Israel.”


You're such an ass. Everybody is conducting those tests. It's called war planning. And when it comes to Russia, everybody is getting ready.=IDIOT

YOU'RE such as ass.

(1)First, by starting out with name-calling immediately. How old ARE you anyway, you fucking tool? Six?

(2) Second, by missing the point of the post, which I actually underlined to help direct your (apparently) random attention: Israel is buying ISIL oil.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, December 7, 2015 3:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Did you know a sovereign state has the right to limit who gets to meddle in its internal affairs? For example, the Syrian government invited the help of Russia, which makes the Russian presence and activity in Syria legitimate. OTOH, Syria did NOT invite the US to 'help', which makes US bombing of Syria an act of aggression.

I'm betting you didn't know that!

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, December 7, 2015 9:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Did you know Russia didn't invade Ukraine?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015 10:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Iraq Seeks To Cancel Security Agreement With US, Will Invite Russia To Fight ISIS"

So, Turkey invades Iraq, Iraq tells them to leave and Turkey refuses.

USA, and other "coalition partners" bomb eastern Syria and invade Syria's airspace multiple times a day, Syria tells them to stop and (so far) they refuse.

Now, possibly, the USA is getting kicked out of Iraq, lock, stock, and barrel.

I wonder when the USA gets kicked out of Afghanistan.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, December 19, 2015 2:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think the USA Pentagon has ceded Syria, although I'm sure CIA activities will continue. The unanimous UN Security Council resolution on the roadmap to peace, for which the American representative voted in the affirmative, indicates to me that deposing Assad is a dead issue, at least for the USA. The USA has entirely stopped bombing in eastern Syria, since the S-400's were deployed by the Russians.

I believe there were a number of military factors that went into this. The performance of the Russian military - the demonstration of its long-range cruise missiles, long-range bomber (the White Swan), and especially the Kaliber missile, and the deployment of the S-400 anti-aircraft/anti-missile system - convinced the Pentagon that there would be no joy in tangling with Russia over Syria. Deposing Assad was more of a Saudi, Qatari, or Turkish project, anyway.

There is a meeting of "rebels" in Saudi Arabia in which they are trying to present a united front during negotiations with the Assad government. In that meeting, which includes more than 100 groups, are a majority of foreign-fighter groups. I personally don't think that the Syrian government should be forced to negotiate with foreigners. In a direct Syria-to-Ukraine comparison, that would be like forcing Kiev to negotiate with the Kremlin or Chechnya over the fate of Donbass.

There is precious little news on what is happening "on the ground", although the impression that I get is that Russia is now making a serious attempt to deny Turkey and ISIL the fruits of their mutual trade (oil, antiquities, opium, weapons, and - some say- human transplant organs). The recaptured Kweires airport is now hosting Russian helicopter gunships, and Russia is (supposedly) building another airport nearer to Damascus. Although the USA may have dropped its tacit support of ISIL in Syria, ISIL by itself is still a tough fighting group, containing tens of thousands of foreigners from places as far-flung as Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Malaysia, China (Xingjiang), Russia, Brussels, and the USA.

As an example of ISIL tactics ... the ISIL we have come to know and hate... Assad offered the fighters in Homs two options: a cease-fire, or passage for them and their families to Idlib. Most Homs residents chose the cease-fire, 700 or so people left Homs on buses and other transport. Two days later, ISIL set off a bomb which killed dozens of people in Homs. Terrorists will always be terrorists, I suppose.

So fighting on the ground I think will be a tough slog, although Assad and the Russians seem to have a timetable for when it will end.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, December 26, 2015 6:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Did you know that Russian forces were already stationed in Crimea ...
The Black Sea Fleet (Russian: ???????????? ????, Chernomorsky Flot) is a large operational-strategic command of the Russian (and formerly Soviet) Navy, operating in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea since the late 18th century. Its ships are based in various harbors of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, while its aviation and infrastructure is based in various locations in Crimea and Krasnodar Krai.

in a force consisting of 26,000 personnel?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, December 26, 2015 6:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The Guardian claims Assad '(has) made few meaningful gains on the ground'. This is a map from Australian news, posted 17 hours before I reposted it.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, December 26, 2015 7:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, apparently when I go away to real-world land some whoppers posted by 'G' go unaddressed. So, better late than never ...

The discussion was about the FACT that the CIA had secretly, with secret funding, and without congressional approval, started operations in Syria to fund, arm, and train ISIS and its affiliates, in order to get rid of Assad. The FACT that the CIA was on Syrian soil, supporting military operations, against the Syrian government, without asking and without permission, makes the US an aggressor nation.
That FACT was uncovered when Russia started bombing CIA camps in Syria. And the US had to admit that indeed, they were there.
And my point was that the MSM, in its wisdom, chose to not report the CIA's actions that contravened international laws until that FACT could no longer be ignored (thanks to Russia).
In reply 'G' posted some links. So as not to confuse anyone, especially 'G', I've addressed them in order.
This one talks about the congressional debate about funding rebels, but nothing about the CIA at all.

This one talks about a CIA program in Jordan, but ... not about the one in Syria.

This one talks about the CIA 'arming' rebels - but nothing about their presence on Syrian soil.
This one talks about the CIA assessment of Syria, but nothing about its presence or actions - anywhere.
Oddly enough, the point in debate - which was the illegal, secretly funded, secret presence of the CIA IN SYRIA unreported by the MSM - was not in any of 'G's' links about that very point.
Gosh - who could have seen THAT coming?

But, the debate has moved on. The FACT that the USA could covertly do anything militarily illegal with its government-paid people in a foreign country; and the FACT that the media failed to be the watchdog it's supposed to be; is a non-issue to people like 'G' - and also, kpo and THGR.

And recently I've been discussing the role of the media with other people. You see, all along I assumed 'they' - the editors here in the US MSM - were sifting through news feeds from around the world, deciding what to bury, what to report, and how to spin whatever they decided to dole out to us. It didn't occur to me that the foreign reporters were just like our national reporters - passing along official transcripts, or carefully transcribing official speeches like stenos, or passing along official 'unofficial' gossip from 'unnamed sources' - and simply scribing them and sending them along for our consumption. And so, it didn't occur to me that global news feeds were just like US 'reporting', except, well, they came from somewhere else. It didn't occur to me that the foreign reporters were as lazy and corrupt as US reporters, and all of them as lazy and corrupt as their media bosses.

This needs some thought about what it means for the condition of our 'news'.

ETA: Maybe this belongs here.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 9:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There is precious little news on what is happening "on the ground", although the impression that I get is that Russia is now making a serious attempt to deny Turkey and ISIL the fruits of their mutual trade (oil, antiquities, opium, weapons, and - some say- human transplant organs). The recaptured Kweires airport is now hosting Russian helicopter gunships, and Russia is (supposedly) building another airport nearer to Damascus. Although the USA may have dropped its tacit support of ISIL in Syria, ISIL by itself is still a tough fighting group, containing tens of thousands of foreigners from places as far-flung as Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Malaysia, China (Xingjiang), Russia, Brussels, and the USA.... So fighting on the ground I think will be a tough slog, although Assad and the Russians seem to have a timetable for when it will end. = SIGNY

Do tell what that timetable is.

When Russia launched an air campaign to support Bashar al-Assad, it was banking on a ground force of Syrian troops to finish what its warplanes started. However, more than 12 weeks later, Syria’s army and the large numbers of Shia militias that back it have made few meaningful gains on the ground. Meanwhile, Moscow’s jets have added a new layer of carnage, reportedly killing at least 600 Syrian citizens

Uh huh


including 70 in Idlib on Sunday. In Syria’s north and in opposition-held parts of the cities of Hama and Damascus, the destruction wrought on civilian infrastructure and population centres over the past fortnight is more intense than at any point in almost five years of war, residents of the communities and observers outside Syria say. Meanwhile, the US has claimed that a once-broad gap with Russia over how to end the war has been narrowing, with both sides last week championing a peace process that aims to defuse a conflict that has killed at least 250,000 people
Over half of which were fighting forces, so this is not civilian deaths ...


and left Syria in ruins. On the ground in rebel areas, there is little faith in the process. “Where are these reasonable Russians that Kerry claims are starting to see the light?” said a doctor in an Idlib
Controlled by Nusra (al Qaida). I'm not expecting much objectivity from THEM!


hospital who was treating casualties, referring to the US secretary of state, John Kerry. “Bashar’s jets never bombed us like the Russians do. Isis never hunted us down like this.”
So, the Russians ARE making progress, it seems.


The Syrian Network for Human Rights, which chronicles attacks across the country, said mosques, bakeries, residential buildings, schools, power stations and water supplies have been repeatedly hit. It has compiled records of 570 civilians, including 152 children, killed in Russian attacks.
Needs verification.


In Idlib, which fell to opposition groups led by jihadists including Jabhat al-Nusra last spring, civil defence workers say at least six airstrikes hit a residential neighbourhood in the heart of the city, killing at least 70 people and wounding more than 100. The attacks followed documented strikes on at least 13 hospitals and medical clinics since early October
Which the USA State Department refused to locate or identify. Sounds like 95% bullshit.

and attacks just south of the two main border posts between Turkey and north-western Syria in December."- G
So, you're citing al Qaida now, are you? At least we know which side YOU'RE on!

I follow Russian news (well, not Russian news meant for Russians, Russian news meant for English-speaking westerners - i.e propaganda) pretty closely. Even in those sources, there is criticism of Russian involvement in Syria. Here is one such article

It's always best to try to ascertain the facts, so as not to get lost in the bias and spin from all sides. The involvement of Russia has led to the retaking of a significant number of strategically important objectives including Aleppo, the eastern road between Aleppo and Damascus, Homs, Kweires Airport, and possibly in Palmyra. The various Islamist factions have forced the SAA, IRGC, Hezbollah, and Russia to fight on many fronts.

Russia now has about 50 aircraft in Syria, likely a small fraction of their total number. Since additional aircraft are being utilized, rather than stationing more aircraft in Syria, they are flying in from Russia. Since Turkey shot down the Russian jet (BAD MOVE), Russian ground-support jets are accompanied by fighter-interceptors, and protected by the latest defensive missile systems available. And, yes, since the missiles were deployed the USA has stayed well out of Syrian territory, when they used to violate Syrian airspace with impunity. Just think of all the CIA-assets being destroyed. (I'm sure the Pentagon is watching with satisfaction.)

It's been interesting watching the strategy - and the propaganda- unfold. The one BIG difference that I see is that since Turkey shot down the Russian jet, Russia has turned its full attention to bombing the snot out of the oil trade. Now, I'm sure that just like the USA, Russia has known all along that Turkey has been buying ISIL oil. My guess is that Russia had a deal with Turkey that went something like "We will leave you your ill-gotten oil if you don't bother our bombing along your southern border". Once Turkey broke their end of the bargain, Russia broke theirs ... with a vengeance! They just bombed a 12,000-truck convoy. I suspect that this will be more effective in the long run anyway.

Ultimately, SOMEbody needs to close the ISIL-controlled gap along the Euphrates River as it crosses from Turkey into Syria. That is still a main supply route from Turkey to ISIL in Syria.

NPR and other American propaganda: Especially when reporting "advances", American press never ... and I mean never ... mentions Russia by name. I fact, you should make this a drinking game- every time the USA press mentions Russian progress, drink a shot of vodka. The only problem is, everyone would stay stone-cold sober. You would be forgiven for not knowing that Russia is doing anything at all to fight ISIL. The only time you hear about Russia (and it's few and far between) is criticism. The more progress Russia makes, the more criticism I hear.

Supposedly the USA has agreed to let Assad run for President, and Russia and the USA have agreed on an interim Prime Minister (a London businessman of Syrian extraction). IF TRUE, the USA would never concede such an important point unless there was no other choice. It looks like a political solution will come before ISIL, al Nusra (al Qaida) and other Islamist jihadists are defeated "on the ground".

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ultimately, SOMEbody needs to close the ISIL-controlled gap along the Euphrates River as it crosses from Turkey into Syria. That is still a main supply route from Turkey to ISIL in Syria. - SIGNY

Ultimately your desires don't mean squat to the people living and dying and scheming in that part of the world, so saying "this needs to happen" is pure fantasy. You speak for no one but yourself, and I can't measure how little that means in even the smallest terms. - G

Well, if SOMEbody wants to defeat ISIL, that has to happen; otherwise the Qatar/Saudi to Turkey to Syria supply line remains open.

You DO want to defeat ISIL, don't you?


NPR and other American propaganda: Especially when reporting "advances", American press never ... and I mean never ... mentions Russia by name. I fact, you should make this a drinking game- every time the USA press mentions Russian progress, drink a shot of vodka. The only problem is, everyone would stay stone-cold sober. You would be forgiven for not knowing that Russia is doing anything at all to fight ISIL. The only time you hear about Russia (and it's few and far between) is criticism. The more progress Russia makes, the more criticism I hear. - SIGNY

Not surprisingly, you still don't understand how The Press works.- G

I know how "The Press" works, especially in national issues: Unlike you, I actually watch them. They sit like good little boys and girls at the WH/State/Pentagon/NATO/CIA press briefing, taking assiduous notes, and nervous that if they ask impertinent questions they'll be relegated to the back row, never chosen to ask questions, or "dis-invited" altogether. The only person that I've EVER seen giving anyone a hard time is the CNN reporter grilling whoever the State Department tosses up on the podium that day. Other than that, they're a really tame bunch.

If you really think that The Press is so freewheeling and independent, the riddle me this: How do you suppose the Saddam has WMD/ Qaddafi is killing his people hoaxes got such major play?


Supposedly the USA has agreed to let Assad run for President, and Russia and the USA have agreed on an interim Prime Minister (a London businessman of Syrian extraction). IF TRUE, the USA would never concede such an important point unless there was no other choice. It looks like a political solution will come before ISIL, al Nusra (al Qaida) and other Islamist jihadists are defeated "on the ground". - SIGNY

Um, wrong again. Solving the Assad problem removes one major complication. Maybe you should look up the word "interim" and have a ponder on it's meaning.- G

Maybe you should have noticed that the "interim" position was the Prime Minister, NOT the President. Assad is President, and that would be the position he would run for again, if he so chooses, not "Prime Minister".

The outline of the deal is that the interim Prime Minister is to draft two Constitutions. WHEN elections are held (presumably under the new constitution) Assad would be free to run for President again, if he so chooses. This would be a complicated transition, involving a new Constitution, new rules, a new Parliament, and new elections. I don't have the details, and I have no confirmation that this has been agreed to by both Russia and the USA and, most importantly, Syria.

If the Russians are so ineffective, how come all of the sudden there are UN deals and bargaining going on, while "Assad must go" has faded from the picture?

Instead of arguing with pure information (it's information, dude, not anything else) why not just listen to it and take it in?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"NPR and other American propaganda: Especially when reporting "advances", American press never ... and I mean never ... mentions Russia by name."

I was curious if any other countries were flying over Syria by agreement with Syria and Russia. it was a fruitless quest to get that specific information, but I DID find my way to a declassified Pentagon graphic about how many weapons were released per month.

Given Russian figures regarding sorties and weapons, it looks like ALL of them are Russian. But you won't see the name Russia anywhere on that graphic. Nope. All of this is (implied to be) due to the United States Air Force Central Command Combined Air and Space Operations Center.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 1:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The US military actually released RUSSIAN videos of airstrikes and claimed them as their own. That's pretty cheesy!

Some of those weapons in Syria (a few) are French, who are there by the invitation of Syria and Russia.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 4:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

From whom?
Does it matter where it comes from if it's true?

They're (the media) not tame, they are bored shitless.
I'm sure you have a cite for that. Or some solid evidence. Or something other than your own - yanno - go se.

The president of the most powerful country on the planet says - during a state of the union address no less - that there are WMDs in Iraq, and you think the press ISN"T GOING TO COVER IT???
Like good little stenos, you mean? But the press in OTHER parts of the world did some digging later on and found all sorts of interesting things. For example, that the supposed yellowcake deal was a forgery. Now, why couldn't the US press do that, I wonder? Don't you?
Naw. Of course not. That would require you break free of the propaganda, which, I guarantee, you will NEVER do.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015 9:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You DO want to defeat ISIL, don't you?- SIGNY

You promised Russia was going to do that so I'm confident that's going to happen. Right?- G

Yep. Another way to not answer the question. It used to be called a "Yankee answer" - answering a question with another question. It seems to me that you can't even provide a clean answer to what should be a simple question, so I'll ask it again: You DO want to defeat ISIL, don't you? A simple "yes" or "no" will do. When you've managed to choke out an answer to my question, I'll answer yours.


HAHAHAHA! I know how "The Press" works, especially in national issues: Unlike you, I actually watch them. They sit like good little boys and girls at the WH/State/Pentagon/NATO/CIA press briefing, taking assiduous notes, and nervous that if they ask impertinent questions they'll be relegated to the back row, never chosen to ask questions, or "dis-invited" altogether. The only person that I've EVER seen giving anyone a hard time is the CNN reporter grilling whoever the State Department tosses up on the podium that day. Other than that, they're a really tame bunch. - SIGNY

HAHAHAHA! You just confirmed what a dupe you are. The WH beat is not exactly coveted by senior press -

Yes, it is.


it's dullsville. And for godssake, do you really expect any of those venues to come out say something of major value? "President Bush is going to say something about WMD, but it's crap."

You're confused. First you say that it's dull and nothing of major value ever comes out of the WH beat, then you say that the President uses these press briefings to announce items of major value, like Saddam has WMD.


They're not tame, they are bored shitless.= G
They would be LESS "bored shitless" if THEY ASKED IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. IS that not THEIR JOB? Then why don't they do it?

Here is the State Department, outright refusing to identify WHICH "hospitals" Russia supposedly bombed. The only two reporters asking for that information are from RT and CNN.

Now, maybe those reporters have been stonewalled so often that they don't expect to get answers anymore, but that doesn't excuse them from asking questions to the point of getting REFUSALS to answer. One would think that was their job!


If you really think that The Press is so freewheeling and independent, the riddle me this: How do you suppose the Saddam has WMD/ Qaddafi is killing his people hoaxes got such major play?= SIGNY

I am speechless at your total lack of understanding. The president of the most powerful country on the planet says - during a state of the union address no less - that there are WMDs in Iraq, and you think the press ISN"T GOING TO COVER IT???

What... wha??? Didn't you JUST POST not three paras up that the WH beat is BORING and nothing important ever comes of it?? OF COURSE they're going to cover it. But they shouldn't just take notes and then pass those on to their editor.


You think they aren't going to turn over every rock they can to find out if it's true or not?
They should, but THEY DON'T. Here are some major failures of the mainstream press with that whole shoddy exercise in WH propaganda:

There were several major stories that the WH foisted off on the public, via the "bored" press, who should have been much, much more on top of this.

One was that Saddam had tried to purchase yellow cake (uranium oxide) from Niger as the basic starting material for nuclear bombs. As evidence, the WH came up with a signed agreement between Saddam and various officials. A simple inspection and a basic google search - really, nothing more- would have revealed that signatures were misspelled, that some officials who had "signed" the document weren't even in office at the time of signature, etc. In the end, it proved to be a forgery. The WH later tried to wriggle out of the embarrassment by claiming that THEY never said Saddam had tried to purchase uranium, but that it was foreign intelligence. But it wasn't until AFTER the invasion of Iraq that "the press" began to question the veracity of the information.

The WH also pushed the propaganda that Saddam has purchased aluminum tubes as centrifuge tubes to separate out U235 from U238 ... another critical step in making nuclear bombs. However, in real life aluminum is made with different additives, to different specifications. In real life, the tubes that Saddam purchased would never stand up to the rigors of nuclear centrifuges, as the vendors spec sheet showed. Those tubes were likely for rockets.

I can also point to the dismissive treatment that Bush gave to Hans Blix's inspection team. But did anyone from the press ever try to find out WHAT they were doing, and how? I heard an interview of Scott Ritter, not on the MSM. And what about the so-called "terrorists" that Saddam was supposedly training, information courtesy of a notoriously unreliable source named "Curveball". Which reporters followed up on that one?

EVIDENCE, G, EVIDENCE. It's a concept that you repeatedly and stubbornly refuse to
grasp. Reporters should pursue it.

You seem to be intent on telling me that reporters are too stupid to ask intelligent probing questions, and as a result they're bored. I AGREE!


If the Russians are so ineffective, how come all of the sudden there are UN deals and bargaining going on, while "Assad must go" has faded from the picture?

Instead of arguing with pure information (it's information, dude, not anything else) why not just listen to it and take it in?- SIGNY

"Pure information"... eh, wtf? From whom? Again - either you think we'll swallow your weak logic

LOGIC isn't the same as "information".

or you just aren't thinking things through (I'm going for dullness of mind).
That would be you, since you can't decide whether WH briefings are important or dull, and can't tell the difference between logic and information. Yanno, here I am, looking at everyone's propaganda and trying to get the best info from all of that spin, and you can't even tell what information is.

Information changes. Remember WMD? In this thread?
WMD wasn't "information" you fool, it was DISinformation, propaganda. Only you and KRAP, and THUGR would confuse the two. No wonder you can't figure out what's going on!


And who said the Russians are ineffective? They can get away with killing civilians with cluster bombs - I don't think we could do that.
More accusations without evidence. Another sign of your brainwashed status. You've provided a great example of a brainwashed public defending the brainwashed press.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Wednesday, December 30, 2015 10:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Enter the Chinese???

Much has been made of the Sunday passage of "anti-terror" legislation by the Chinese parliament. Western governments are most concerned with the cybersecurity aspects of the law which can affect western businesses operating in China. But another aspect of the new law allows China to send forces overseas in "anti-terror" operations. Some speculate that this will allow China to send troops to Syria, as opposed to simply providing munitions to the Syrian government, or playing a humanitarian role in the Yemen war. Some sources go further than that, claiming that China has already sent troops to Syria, with comments:

Pentagon Stunned As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War

The Kremlin have announced
No such announcement has appeared in western-aimed Russian press

that China are to send 5,000 of its most elite military forces into the Levant War Zone to help Russia in the fight against ISIS, which has left the Obama administration and the Pentagon “horrified”.
It's doubtful that ANYONE knows how the Pentagon, the CIA/State Department, or the WH really feels.


The “Siberian Tiger” Special Forces and “Night Tiger” Special Forces Units were given authorization to be deployed by China’s People’s Congress (NPC) on Sunday, after China passed its first anti-terrorism law allowing their army to take part in anti-terror missions abroad.

There are such units as Siberian Tiger and Night Tiger Special Forces, at least, according to wiki

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Wednesday, December 30, 2015 1:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


No. I won't answer your question [about whether I want ISIL defeated]
Awww .... you must be an ISIL-sympathizer!
Yanno, I've had my loyalties questioned over and over again by (among others) you. Not so much fun when the shoe's on the other foot, is it?


For fucksake, what are you, 5?
Also, I gave you four solid examples of how the press has utterly FAILED on important topics, and you manage to avoid the topic entirely. If you want to find the 5-year-old around here, I suggest that you look in a mirror.


I have absolutely no fucking time for you.
'Bye now!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Monday, July 1, 2024 5:35 AM


Ten years of terror: Decade since ISIS launched bloody and depraved reign






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