What's wrong with conspiracy theories

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 14:26
VIEWED: 2419
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Saturday, December 19, 2015 12:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Or ... "What's wrong with conspiracy theories?"

We have systems where power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of an exceptionally tiny minority: Did you know that 20 people in the USA have more wealth than the bottom 50%??? It's not just here, it's everywhere. And it's not by accident, it's by design. Not YOUR design, not MY design, but THEIR design.

Everywhere, people's ability to provide for their own basic needs for water, food, shelter, and safety is denied. Everywhere, even under democracies, people feel that their common goals are not listened to. Everywhere, many people live in utter impoverishment, while the wealth of a tiny minority grows and grows.

Despite our own democratic ideals, where everyone is supposed to have their say in what our government does and how it functions, we mostly feel that we have NO SAY in what the government does or what it decides. Choices which have overwhelming popular support (like single payer/ public option) go nowhere. On the other hand, we're often stampeded into supporting choices that we would not have made spontaneously. Who among us would have identified Iraq as the enemy of choice, if we had not been endlessly presented with the prospect of mushroom clouds and biowarfare and chemical agents? Who among us would have willingly weaponized jihadists, if we had known what sort of monsters they really were and not the "freedom fighters" (mujahideen) as portrayed?

Does anyone really think that the government is open and honest about what it does and why it does it? Does anyone really think that the decisions to bankrupt Greece, or to destabilize the entire Middle East, or to buoy up banks and stock prices instead of investing in the economy would have gone over with the public, if they had been presented as they really were:

"We" (the infinitesimally small minority) need to keep financialism safe because that's where "we" really make all of our money, and

"We" really don't care where you produce, as long as "we" take a cut on each sale, and

"We" have a devil's deal with Saudi Arabia because "we" depend on the petrodollar.

And does anyone think that this happens without discussion of any sort? That the head of the IMF doesn't talk with the head of the Fed, and with the State Department, and with the BIS? And that they keep these discussions very private?

Let's not call it "conspiracy" then, let's call it "collusion".

Of course, discussing these collusions is speculative because direct information - by design- is scarce. One can only speculate on goals and strategies based on observation of events (the Izzy Stone approach). But to pretend that the upper echelon thinks about your (our) needs and interests when they decide whatever they decide is just plain counterfactual ... if they really had your (our) interests at heart, do you really think the world would be in the shape that it is? If they really had our interests at heart, could they not explain that to us, openly? So, by necessity they keep their own counsels secret.

Shoving this concept into the back of the closet because it's uncomfortable ... because we prefer to think of our leaders as people who have OUR interests at heart (not theirs) ... is counterfactual. Collusions exist. We should be interested in figuring them out.


Saturday, December 19, 2015 3:43 PM


So it's OK to believe that Kennedy was killed by the CIA, the Dallas Police Department, the Military, Johnson, Castro, the Mob, the Secret Service and several New Orleans Homosexuals? If so then stop making fun of Pirate News when he posts here.


Saturday, December 19, 2015 5:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by whozit:
So it's OK to believe that Kennedy was killed by the CIA, the Dallas Police Department, the Military, Johnson, Castro, the Mob, the Secret Service and several New Orleans Homosexuals? If so then stop making fun of Pirate News when he posts here.

No, silly. It's not good to "believe" anything! It's just as ridiculous to believe in every conspiracy theory that comes along as well as to believe that they never exist!

What we should be doing is looking at what's going on, bringing our evidence to the table, using logic try to connect pieces, and always keeping in mind that our explanations are provisional, until something better comes along.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, December 20, 2015 11:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, BTW .... PN isn't as crazy as you might think. Much of what he posted were true facts, such as the existence of MK Ultra and other secret military experiments on troops, individuals, and even populations as a whole- such as when the military released aerosolized bacteria off the coast of San Francisco to see how it would disperse into the city. But that's another story from my youth. Of course, they wouldn't do such things today, would they?

Anyway, when PN would pop up with his unique Templar-Nazi-Jewish-Communist-Trilateral-British-whatever conspiracy theory, my eyes would kind of roll because that made no historical sense whatsoever. It just occurred to me a couple of days ago that PN was right-ish about some of that, but I need to tell you a shaggy-dog story how I got to that point.

About three or so years ago, here on this board, I converted to nationalism. I've known for many years that international banks and international corporations are simply world-scale money-concentrators and poverty-creators .... and they manage to practice that on a global scale, where people can not only be pitted against each other for jobs and money on the basis of sex, religion, education, and age but also on the basis of nationality.

Now, one of the things I've sensed for YEARS, and have expressed quite often (to the dismay of my liberal friends here) is that it's impossible to have a rational, effective national policy on .... well, anything .... the environment, population, employment, freedom, war, currency .... if your borders are open to people, goods, and money. No matter WHAT you try to do internally, it will be undone by more powerful forces, and you can bet that international businesses only SOMETIMES operate in your favor (if you have something especially valuable to trade) but ALWAYS operate in their own favor. That's why I'm universally hostile to so-called "free trade" agreements, and not too much in favor of immigration.

As a bit of a sideways point, the other thing I'm concerned with is robustness. Right now, we have a tightly interlinked "efficient" economic system which depends on single points of manufacture and "just in time" delivery. That kind of system is inherently sensitive to disruptions in supply and trade, because there are no "extra" supplies warehoused and no redundant manufacturers: All of that has been wrung out of the system to increase profits. It DOES increase profits money, but we've also managed to create a thousand points of failure. But I digress...

In the back of my mind is the prediction by Karl Marx (according to my Marxist friends)
that socialism will never come about until the world in completely under the thumb of capitalists and bankers. Once all distinctions have been wiped out ... we no longer see ourselves as Xtian or Muslim, male or female, gay or straight, American or Azeri, old or young, but simply as individual units... ONLY THEN will we be able to recognize the universality of our collective experience as workers, and revolt worldwide. So, if I'm pro-socialist .... shouldn't I be looking forward to that day? Am I not fighting an inevitable ... and even brighter! ... future history by my stubborn, regressive refusal to become an international piece of nothing? At some point during my discussion with Bytemite, I came to a "Fuck it" moment. I don't care if I'm fighting the inevitable or not. I just can't go along with a system that intends to grind the 99.999999% into a homogenous powerless paste. I want MY nation, and ALL nations, to have the capability to solve their own problems, on their own soil.

Now, where PN is right(ish) .... both Marx and international capital are on the same train-track. They both assume that at some point in the future, the world will be entirely dominated by international capital. So it's not TOO far off to claim a Marxist-banker conspiracy, because they're both headed in the same direction of One World Government.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, December 20, 2015 3:50 PM


Most conspiracy thoery are just that UFO, bigfoot nonsense...I believe most conspiracy theories are just conspiracy theory, they are wrong, they are just woo woo tinfoil head stuff
However I have seen Pirate News producer John Lee's posts for years, most are still wrong but.....BUT maybe 5% of what he wrote might be TRUE
for even Five Percent to be true means something very disturbing, 1 out of 20 stories from the mainstream media is a complete fabrication, they are not just a little bit wrong but utterly false. The media at times is total in lying, the mainstream is to use false info just as it did with WMDs in Iraq...for so long they have covered up for the Saudi terrorists, while Al Qaeda bombed US embassies in Africa, killing 220 and injuring some 4,000....we were told of threats from Weed smokers, White nationalists, Commies, Black people, Mexcians or other boogeymen.......and now 'refugees' funded by Saudi islamists get ready to board plane and to flood...and the mainstream media lies and sometimes these lies go back a while to the years of Reagan lies, Carter lies, Nixon lies....and banking elites making money from war, Lyndon Johnson wanted war on Vietnam, August 1964 false event a staged theatre at Gulf of Tonkin incident and a dumbass monk setting himself on fire helps bring conflict. There is war booty also, not like a company like Mansanto wants you to know how Agent Orange kills! alters living cell genetic structures, how it makes congenital disorders and birth defects and done untold damage to US soldiers. But could Iraq be part of the same lie? Like former weapons inspector like Scott Ritter or Mr.Blix, these guys might not describe the failure of news but more describe the good old propaganda and a 'successful disinformation' campaign....its all political twists and turns, war profit and part of a corrupt political game to keep the political elite in powerinto America.


Sunday, December 20, 2015 7:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Theoretically anyway we can change all that since we have the vote. And there are a lot of caveats to that (one of them being that the power of the vote has never been put to the test - ie a clear majority of people hasn't voted in such way as to pit the interests of the populace directly against the interests of the oligarchy. And until that happens and we see how that's resolved, we won't know how powerful democracy will be in fact.)

But I believe that while we theoretically have the power to launch a DEMOCRATIC revolution, it won't happen for the reasons I outlined in the thread Why is the world in such dire economic straits, and what can we do about it?
On the flip side you have the vast majority of people. The things that people fear I think are pain and death, and the pain and death of people they love. So long as the systems allows them (and/ or their family) to live, and they (and/ or their family) aren't in TOO much pain for TOO long, they'll hew to the trodden path - rather than risk disturbing a system that has preserved life and some comfort to date. In fact, the less they have to lose, the harder they'll cling to what little they have. *
It takes a lot to drive the populace to a revolution against the powerful.

Or even to vote for something different than either Tweedledee or Tweedledum.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 7:42 AM


Ex QAnon follower reveals what made him stop believing in the conspiracy theory


Thursday, January 28, 2021 8:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thank you for finding this and bringing this back up. The original post on this was 2015, BEFORE TRUMP. My decision towards nationalism was in roughly 2012, BEFORE TRUMP.

And my skepticism of the elite and their ever-loving kindness towards the rest of humanity? Ever since I started posting here.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 9:58 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Thank you for finding this and bringing this back up. The original post on this was 2015, BEFORE TRUMP. My decision towards nationalism was in roughly 2012, BEFORE TRUMP.

And my skepticism of the elite and their ever-loving kindness towards the rest of humanity? Ever since I started posting here.

You're a Russian troll. You are of no value to anyone, and you should kill yourself.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 10:03 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Thank you for finding this and bringing this back up. The original post on this was 2015, BEFORE TRUMP. My decision towards nationalism was in roughly 2012, BEFORE TRUMP.

And my skepticism of the elite and their ever-loving kindness towards the rest of humanity? Ever since I started posting here.

You're a Russian troll. You are of no value to anyone, and you should kill yourself.

That's Six.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Thank you for finding this and bringing this back up. The original post on this was 2015, BEFORE TRUMP. My decision towards nationalism was in roughly 2012, BEFORE TRUMP.

And my skepticism of the elite and their ever-loving kindness towards the rest of humanity? Ever since I started posting here.

You're a Russian troll. You are of no value to anyone, and you should kill yourself.

Musta hit a nerve, again.

Well, REAVERBOT is consistent. That's why I call it a bot!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 2:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, REAVERBOT is posting here and nobody is posting in the blogs.

That went well.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 3:35 PM


I don't know the ins and outs of this site. It's possible they're posting here somewhere that doesn't show up on the front page and the blog was just a decoy.

At least, that's what I would have done in her shoes if it were possible.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Monday, August 26, 2024 7:18 AM


Rumble’s founder has fled Europe they say?

the controversial KimDotcom

also charged with piracy and known for having a criminal record, he calls himself a hacker activist

US empire accelerated its inevitable decline with the proxy war in Ukraine, the weaponization of the US dollar, the theft of foreign assets, the genocide in Gaza and the disastrous puppeteering of EU officials into self harm.
BRICS is the new game in town thanks to Biden/Harris.

Bush junior broke Iraq so the USA then bought it?

Rockets Target Bases in Iraq, Syria, Hosting US Troops


Friday, November 1, 2024 5:45 AM


Conspiracy, after a while the trouble with it is after a while the drunks and stoners listen to all kinds of Doomsday people and nobody believes anything from the government

How the January 6 Capitol Riots Were an FBI Entrapment Operation


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 12:22 PM


peoples brains melted by social media

the idiots that uploads themselves on tikkytoks

'White Dudes for Harris'

Kamala just pretended to talk to a voter on the phone but mistakenly showed that her phone was open to the camera app.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024 9:02 AM


while some talk of 'Mass Deporting'

Sweden warns citizens to prepare for "crisis or war." Nuclear, cyber and bio-attack.

jihadi Arab or Rightwing profits from Antifia, the pro-USA gathering are Canadians oh and White guy Royal blood running BLM, they say guy who wrote the Proud Boys 1776 'manifesto' is an Israeli intelligence asset.

all controlled? secret clubs and the same groups of people


Saturday, November 23, 2024 1:44 PM


David Icke the Queen is a 'Lizard Alien' conspiracy guy

2015, the USA, Russians, NATO and Ukraine


Saturday, November 23, 2024 3:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Back on track


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Or ... "What's wrong with conspiracy theories?"

We have systems where power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of an exceptionally tiny minority: Did you know that 20 people in the USA have more wealth than the bottom 50%??? It's not just here, it's everywhere. And it's not by accident, it's by design. Not YOUR design, not MY design, but THEIR design.

Everywhere, people's ability to provide for their own basic needs for water, food, shelter, and safety is denied. Everywhere, even under democracies, people feel that their common goals are not listened to. Everywhere, many people live in utter impoverishment, while the wealth of a tiny minority grows and grows.

Despite our own democratic ideals, where everyone is supposed to have their say in what our government does and how it functions, we mostly feel that we have NO SAY in what the government does or what it decides. Choices which have overwhelming popular support (like single payer/ public option) go nowhere. On the other hand, we're often stampeded into supporting choices that we would not have made spontaneously. Who among us would have identified Iraq as the enemy of choice, if we had not been endlessly presented with the prospect of mushroom clouds and biowarfare and chemical agents? Who among us would have willingly weaponized jihadists, if we had known what sort of monsters they really were and not the "freedom fighters" (mujahideen) as portrayed?

Does anyone really think that the government is open and honest about what it does and why it does it? Does anyone really think that the decisions to bankrupt Greece, or to destabilize the entire Middle East, or to buoy up banks and stock prices instead of investing in the economy would have gone over with the public, if they had been presented as they really were:

"We" (the infinitesimally small minority) need to keep financialism safe because that's where "we" really make all of our money, and

"We" really don't care where you produce, as long as "we" take a cut on each sale, and

"We" have a devil's deal with Saudi Arabia because "we" depend on the petrodollar.

And does anyone think that this happens without discussion of any sort? That the head of the IMF doesn't talk with the head of the Fed, and with the State Department, and with the BIS? And that they keep these discussions very private?

Let's not call it "conspiracy" then, let's call it "collusion".

Of course, discussing these collusions is speculative because direct information - by design- is scarce. One can only speculate on goals and strategies based on observation of events (the Izzy Stone approach). But to pretend that the upper echelon thinks about your (our) needs and interests when they decide whatever they decide is just plain counterfactual ... if they really had your (our) interests at heart, do you really think the world would be in the shape that it is? If they really had our interests at heart, could they not explain that to us, openly? So, by necessity they keep their own counsels secret.

Shoving this concept into the back of the closet because it's uncomfortable ... because we prefer to think of our leaders as people who have OUR interests at heart (not theirs) ... is counterfactual. Collusions exist. We should be interested in figuring them out.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, November 25, 2024 1:08 PM


a conventional, non-nuclear weapon Oreshnik

Judge Napolitano he does sometimes post Conspiracy like 'Brics' gossip, a libertarian and has gained prominence in part due to his criticism of the administrations of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump

and Alastair Crooke a former British diplomat


Wednesday, November 27, 2024 5:06 PM



Saturday, November 30, 2024 7:28 PM


Ross Coulthart is now 100% confident about the recovery of non-human craft & there is a global cold war and arms race to exploit non-human technology.


Sunday, December 29, 2024 6:51 AM


Larry Fink pushing all the DEI SJW nonsense?

BlackRock conspiracies you don’t know


Thursday, January 2, 2025 8:28 AM


Ex-military are doing these kamikaze suicide attacks?

some claim that both were stationed at Ft. Bragg or elsewhere together around 2012.

Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger 'was on leave from active duty in Germany' at time of attack

and for something totally unrelated

'The WEF are now openly talking about torturing people, and implanting fake memories to frame and control us.'

a totally separate MK-Ultra Manchurian story

then Snapchat bans and deletes and blocks all chat feeds on New Orleans
gotta memory hole the facts
and back to the news?

Driver kiIIed, 7 others injured after Cybertruck EXPLODES outside Trump Tower in Las Vegas
The driver pulled up, stopped right outside the front doors, and remained in the vehicle with their foot on the brake, and detonated explosives.

Matthew Livelsberger, 37, identified as the driver of the Cybertruck that exploded in Las Vegas, is listed on LinkedIn as an Operations Director and Intelligence Manager with Special Forces experience

Colorado Springs man that died in Cybertruck explosion is now the focus of a federal investigation


Saturday, January 4, 2025 7:48 AM


now it says they were both at 'Fort Liberty'

both were involved in legal break ups or divorces?

both used electric trucks, both rented from the same car company both attacked on the same night / monring both Shamsud-Din Jabbar and Matthew Livelsberger had more in common than just using the same app to rent electric trucks used

Las Vegas Cybertruck, New Orleans drivers had NC connections: Both served at Fort Liberty

and they both were at Bragg

Revealed: New Orleans ISIS terrorist and Cybertruck bomber both served at Fort Bragg

Sheriff: ‘Very strange similarities’ yield no connection in Las Vegas bombing, New Orleans rampage


Friday, January 10, 2025 6:09 PM


Gunman convicted in 'Pizzagate' shooting killed during traffic stop in North Carolina

According to The Associated Press, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge at the time, had sentenced Welch, arguing that the incident "literally left psychological wreckage" behind.


Sunday, January 12, 2025 9:26 AM


Actress Whitney Cummings is getting text messages saying there are people “trying to put gasoline in sewers. It's happening all over”
Her “neighbors caught a guy setting more fires on the back of our hill”

These choppers are one of the most crucial tools in fighting the LA fires right now. Firehawk helicopter crews were working the eastern edge of the Palisades fire in Mandeville Canyon last night + into this morning to protect the Mountain Gate community.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 2:26 PM



LA Fires are a carbon copy of Lahaina






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