The DISRESPECT Islam movement

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Saturday, January 30, 2016 3:04 PM


Should islam be DISRESPECTED

German Imam blames Cologne rape victims; 'they wore perfume'

France crack down?

I support muslims as individuals, I support their human rights however I do not support their stupid religion
I support genuine refugees, people truly wanting a better life outside of religious tyrants and religious wars, however I do not support unchecked illegal islamic immigration into Europe and the USA.
If they want Sharia Law they can go to Mecca or Tehran

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dawkins and Rushdie might have been early voices

the 'disrespect' movement grows stronger each month


Saturday, January 30, 2016 4:16 PM


rezident owtsidr

She iz brave. More power to her!

Usually, I go by the filosofy 'dont poke the hornets nest', but eventually it gets too big and you haf to do sumthing.

I dont understand wy she'z a christian. Therez alot uv wife beating, stoning to deth, slavery and assorted assholizm in the Bible also.

Wen I get elected King uv Earth, I will ban all organized relijun. Individualz can believ wutevr they like. They can meet with fellow bleevrz and talk all they want, do their ritualz, etc, but nobody gets to make a living off uv it. Not a dime. And no 'sacrifisez'!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


More than half (51%) of Muslims in America believe they should "have the choice of being governed according to Sharia." Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts. Nearly a quarter believed that, "It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed." Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the U.S. is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land in this country. – Poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, Washington, D.C.

If you don't like the law of the land, go back to where you came from.

I disrespect ALL religions, except the Pastafarians.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 31, 2016 6:26 AM


rezident owtsidr

A good way to juj any organization iz to think uv it az a person. In that lite, most organizationz look like slow witted ill behaved 5 yir oldz.

Or worse.

Corporationz, guverments, relijunz, charityz. Pick wutever just randomly, like Mexico or General Motorz, giv it a nikname such az Todd or Becky, then grade its interactionz with the world.

Little Timmy(Islam), for exampl, iz a terrible tooz toddler, prone to violent tantrumz over the slitest provocation. WA! Tommy drew a nasty pictur uv me! WA! And Kristen didnt do wut I told her! WA! I'm going to blow up everybody! WA!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, January 31, 2016 4:45 PM



the 'disrespect' movement grows stronger each month

Stupidest thing I ever heard of. Life's too short to waste time on crap like that.


Monday, February 1, 2016 1:43 AM


I think it should be disrespected but moderately, using logic and words to disrespect, voices like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Rushdie and Sam Harris are good voices


Originally posted by Riverlove:

Stupidest thing I ever heard of. Life's too short to waste time on crap like that.

There's much louder than me out there


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 12:52 AM


Ex Muslim Drops the hammer

Sarah Haider


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A gang of middle-eastern-appearing men attack two elderly train passengers after they defend a young woman who was being threatened because she refused their advances.

They held, kicked and threatened the two elderly passengers.

This was uploaded to Facebook, so this is the best link I can get

The extra-disturbing part of the story, as reported by RT, goes like this ...


The assault that took place on a train going from Sendlinger Tor station to the Munich city center terminal was recorded on a mobile phone by Munich citizen Tom Roth, who uploaded it to his Facebook page. [The faces of the attackers are CLEARLY VISIBLE in the video= SIGNY] Once the train arrived at the station, Tom Roth called the police, but law enforcement officers said there was nothing they could do.

"Nothing they could do"?


How about arresting their sorry asses for assault?

The more the police stand back and refuse to DO THEIR JOBS, the more the media stands back and refuses to do IT'S job, the more you will see mob rule. Beefy white young European men, many with shaved heads, who will aggressively patrol public spaces and beat up whoever they think should be beaten up.

Wow. Merkel really unleashed a shitstorm, didn't she?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 3:55 PM


I am all for helping the refugees, the true refugees, the honest refugees and family who run from the radical religion and horror and war of the middle east.

Yet we have known about Western multi-cultural cover ups for years now, the British people covered up the rapes of 1400 children, the Swedish have covered up riots and sex assaults, Merkel herself the Chancellor of Germany spoke to the Facebook CEO about censoring anti-refugee posts


Originally posted by G:

WTF? Now you believe social media? I though you thought Facebook and Twitter were shite? Bissen sie ein heuchler?

You do know if it were not for youtube, liveleak, twitter and alternative news websites some of these riots and rapes would have never been known

Sind Sie ein deutscher Sprecher? Sind Sie von der Schweiz?
What's your position? Are you the type of person to vote for the Swiss or maybe Austrian Social Democratic Party? La Gauche? Die Linke? Or would you support Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands?

Why do you think it wrong to be against unchecked illegals from the Middle East?


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:00 PM


Bill Maher: I Wish Liberals Would Have Same Intolerance For Muslims That They Do For Christians

taken from atheistforums
Why is it that when one criticizes Islam, and criticizes the extremists of Islam and points to their religion as being, in part, responsible for such behavior, that it is Atheists who will come in rushing to defend the religion?

Many Atheists will be the first to point out the ills of Christianity, what it is doing to American culture and who it is oppressing. However, when someone points to Islam and the oppression that happens under Sharia Law, or the behaviors of those who follow the religion, the statistics saying close to 80% of western Muslims support putting you in prison for drawing a picture, many Atheists will call you a racist, a bigot, an Islamaphobe, and basically just shut down the conversation by spouting those accusations rather than actually addressing, or even acknowledging the criticisms. There's a massive double standard in much of the Atheist community about this right now, and I think it's time Atheists start to address them.

Inb4 not all Muslims, that is an irrelevant statement. There are enough Muslims behaving this way to cause a real problem, and just downplaying it or ignoring it won't make these problems go away. Yes there are millions of Muslims that just want to be left alone to subjugate their women in peace. There are even moderates that speak out against Terrorists, some even political leaders. This much is true.

Let us take a look at a rather moderate Muslim country, Turkey. It's technically secular and has many of the freedoms western countries have, technically. However, if you drink on Ramadan, you're likely to get the snot beaten out of you, as one of my friends from Turkey was along with his friends. The country in recent years has also started to be more religious in its policies. Banning cigarettes, taking away rights for gays, etc. If this is the greatest country that Muslims are capable of creating, I'm not impressed. Only about 30% of the country voted for a more secular leader. The majority support Sharia Law. The 30% that don't are the people in cities, educated by English schools.

This is all information from a friend that was born and raised in Turkey. He's agnostic, doesn't like the word atheist (yeah, one of those) and so this might be all hearsay and anecdotal, but I tend to take experiences of people from such countries with as much credibility as statistics and etc., especially one as levelheaded and logical about the issue as this guy.

Inb4 you're a racist islamaphobe bigot, Islam isn't a race, it's an ideology. Something you can convert to is not a race, and stating objective facts is not bigotry. Islamaphobia is a word made by fascists used by cowards to manipulate morons.

Pakistan bill aiming to ban child marriages shot down as 'anti-Islamic' and 'blasphemous'

imam Shabir Ahmad looked up from prayers at his mosque to see a 15-year-old boy approaching with a plate in his outstretched left hand. On it was the boy’s freshly severed right hand.

The boy, Anwar Ali, the son of a poor laborer, had been attending an evening prayer gathering at the mosque in the village, Khanqah, when Mr. Ahmad asked for a show of hands of those who did not love the Prophet Muhammad. Thinking the cleric had asked for those who did love the prophet, Anwar’s hand shot up, according to witnesses and the boy’s family.
He realized his mistake when he saw that his was the only hand up, and he quickly put it down. But by then Mr. Ahmad was screaming “Blasphemer!” at him, along with many others in the crowd. “Don’t you love your prophet?” they called, as the boy fled in disgrace.
Anwar went home, found a sharp scythe and chopped off his right hand that same night. When he showed it to the cleric, he made clear it was an offering to absolve his perceived sin.

This is absolutely sick but to make it worse ..

The boy’s family, however, argues that the cleric did nothing wrong and should not be punished.

“We are lucky that we have this son who loves Prophet Muhammad that much,” Muhammad Ghafoor, Anwar’s father, said in a telephone interview. “We will be rewarded by God for this in the eternal world.”


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 9:40 PM


links and reading material

here you go


Sea Slugs, and why the Left love Islam
Why Liberals Admire and Romanticize Islam

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins

Moral Relativism, Religion, and the Political Left

Have you guys seen this new "regressive left" meme floating around reddit and...

Why Do Liberals Refuse to Criticize Islam?

The British Left’s Hypocritical Embrace of Islamism

Nick Cohen and Dave Rubin Discuss the Regressive Left, Free Speech, Radical Islam

Former Islamic extremist: ‘The far Left is helping ISIS’
Regress of regressivism, documented

Siding with the oppressor: the pro-Islamist left - Maryam Namazie

Dutch Journalist Raped by Taliban: They Respected Me

an ISIS supporter in Sweden calls brother Rachid

Judgment at Amsterdam

The Left Hates It When Real People Make Their Opinions Known

The Guardian Shuts Down Reader Comments as the Left’s War on Dissent Continues
by Allum Bokhari
1 Feb 2016

The Guardian has announced it will close comments underneath articles on race, immigration, and Islam. The reason, according to the ultra-progressive newspaper, is that such topics attract an “unacceptable level of toxic commentary.”

“The overwhelming majority of these comments tend towards racism, abuse of vulnerable subjects, author abuse and trolling” said Guardian executive editor Mary Hamilton. “The resulting conversations below the line bring very little value but cause consternation and concern among both our readers and our journalists.”

Quote from: Vox

The overwhelming majority" of people's comments at Guardian are ones the editors don't like, that they characterize as "racist." "Racist" means nothing these days in typical discourse. For ex., I love how people talk about "racist" attitudes toward Muslims, as if "Islam" is genetic, a matter of biological race. And, of course, it's "racist" if European and European-derived (EED) people want to protect their cultures, pay attention to little things like borders (you know, those things without which you can't have a country), to not want to play host to a financially parasitical underclass who suck up in benefits more than they produce, to not want to have to "imprima el numero dos" in order to pay a bill by phone, to not want their wages driven down by cheap labor -- and to not have to compete for jobs against a larger pool of competitors in the first place. And so forth. (of course, if Jewish people in Israel want all the above sort of thing, it's OK. Because Hitler.)

The Guardian’s new policy stipulates that comments will only be opened under articles covering those topics if moderators “have the capacity to support the conversation” and “believe a positive debate [is] possible.” They did not explain what a “positive debate” on immigration would look like. Readers are welcome to take guesses in our comments section, which will of course be open as usual.

Quote from: Vox

A "positive debate" to these progs could only involve things like trying to figure out which cities should serve as "sanctuary cities," or how to best go about allowing Muslim men to retain their precious and beautiful culture while not being quite so "rough" with women, and how the media should deal with stories about Muslim raping and blowing things up without making Muslims feel unwelcome or inciting violence from the Idiot Bible and Gun People.

This is another chapter in the left’s long-running war on comments sections, which we have previously covered at Breitbart Tech. Once upon a time, comments sections were welcomed by the left as the a huge leap forward for democracy and free speech. “For the first time ever, we are thinking aloud, unfiltered by mass media gatekeepers,” wrote a former Hillary Clinton advisor in 2008. “Never before has the global discourse been so accessible, recursive, and durable.”

Quote from: Vox

"Recursive"? What does that mean in this context?

Anyway, it's hilarious that these Leftists apparently really, truly thought that normal people think the way they do, that the see Leftist solutions as just "common sense," isn't it? They are so incredibly out of touch with -- well, reality, that it's almost sad.

The Guardian, too, was part of this left-wing adulation of open commentary on the internet. They continue to call their commentary pages “comment is free,” after the late C.P Scott’s dictum, “Comment is free, but facts are sacred.” It’s become a point of mockery for the paper’s critics in recent years, as the removal of readers’ comments (no matter how many facts they contain) grows ever more severe.

The left’s embrace of comments sections lasted only as long as commenters agreed with them. Once the masses started challenging the elites above the comment line, it was only a matter of time before the innate authoritarianism of the regressive left showed itself.
You'd be surprsied what kinds of attitudes you can find left and right - I've met a lot of people who seem to hold what I call "Neovictorian" beliefs


WTF *happened* to the Arab World?
Full disclosure: I’m a bit more than sufficiently intoxicated right about now, and it’s roundabout 5am, when perhaps I ought to defer to better judgment and keep from posting these things. But WTH, perhaps this blog deserves *one* impassioned drunken post.

So yes, I’m drunk, and my normally amusical self started with Nancy Ajram, feeling the Lebanese throwback blues–even activists get debilitatingly homesick– and then shifted straight into our folk-goddess Fairuz, and then found myself lost in the glamor and sexiness of the Arab 50’s and 60’s.

And beejeebus, wtf happened to the Arab world when the fervor and spirit was all alight with veneration of the womanly form and body? When Egyptian movies had this sexy, sexy retro oddly Shirley Temple-esque vibe, when Souad Hosni was all flirtily admonishing the stand-offishness of her boys in 1966, when skirts slit up to the hip and belly dancing graced the golden screen in Egypt and beautiful women with rich, deep voices like Asmahan, a princess with expectations and responsibilities from the deepest mountains of Lebanon, could transcend their dutiful roles and were all the rage and everything was lustrous and joyful?

When Um Kulthoum shed her hijab for a noble head-knot and enticing handkerchief on stage and people almost sank to their knees in worship of her glory? I mean, not only did she shed her hijab and transcend emboldened stigma and ostracization for it–she became a fucking *idol*. Can we dream today of a woman shedding her hijab and escaping the hate and peril of others, let alone being near-deified thereafter? Wtf happened to the time when women bared their shameless bellies and danced and danced in power and grace?

So many rhetorical questions. But we know this, don’t we? So many people think that the Arab world and ex-Muslim movements and people from Muslimland are new to discover englightenment, modernity, that we come from a tradition irrevocably steeped in humility and shame. But watch Souad Hosni decades ago here, not some oversexualized extra, but an idolized star, her pride in her voice, her belly, her tits, and tell us that we have never known enlightenment, dare to:

It’s not that we don’t know, we who our parents only became religious in the 70s and 80s after a frantic revival of faith in the face of poverty, subjection, and imperialism, in the face of being othered. Sure I was brought up with religious fervor attached to every movement of my limbs, but my mother and grandmother were not. My own mother and grandmother, from the deepest South of Lebanon, mere miles from the Israeli/Palestinian border, didn’t don the hijab and start cleaving to Shia doctrine in earnest until the mid to late 80’s. What happened? What happened, I say?

But of course we know, we know. We know it even in recent pop culture, from TV series like Al-Ghaliboun that chronicle the history of the rise of Hezobllah and deep religious sentiment in the deep south. And yes, my native South Lebanon, predominantly Shia, witnessed a particularly powerful resurgence of religious sentiment following the Iranian Revolution in the late 70’s and the Israeli invasion in 1982. My mother’s entire family, including her mother and siblings and aunts etc, began veiling in adulthood circa the mid 1980s, and began to more strongly cleave to religious doctrine and more seriously practice as they never had befoer, as did the entire South at the time. My mom attended a Catholic school run by nuns in her childhood in Southern Lebanon. Not ten years later, her family fled from the civil war to the States in ’78, and they felt a huge sense of connection to the Lebanon they’d left behind by, in a new country, where, Francophone as they were, they did not know the language. And strangely enough, they cleaved to a religious belonging that had been merely tangential when they were in the Middle East, listening to Khomeini’s speeches on audio cassette tapes in basements in Detroit. They pinned photos of clerics up like other teenagers do movie stars while they struggled to learn English, almost contradictorily beside pinups of Princess Di preceding her tragic death.

Although I was compelled to when I was a child of eight, my own mother did not veil until she entered college in 1980’s Detroit, because this sense of needing to turn to religion didn’t come until she needed to put together a life and a home that had been torn apart by aggression and displacement, in adulthood. By contrast, a decade later as expats in Saudi Arabia, still Shia, still a minority, still silenced for it, she and my father had me start veiling before I’d begun to even articulate a sense of self, and they viewed it to be absolutely morally incumbent that I do so, child that I was, and spoke to me of it in terms of it being a matter of pride and identity. My sisters and girl cousins were all the same. And when we moved back to Lebanon a few years later–I was 13– back to the culture that all of this kind of tied into, I learned a lot about how Hezbollah’s control and support among the Shia demographic very closely ties into rhetoric that continuously couches religious adherence in terms of standing up to aggression and not having the values and identities of the aggressors thrust upon us, all of that built into a narrative of divine deliverance with the coming of the Mahdi. It’s not dissimilar to rapture narratives among some Christian folks, and is not too difficult to understand if one does not continuously take an othering stance towards Muslim women.

Surely the imperialism does not excuse our falling into violence and bigotry as a result, and we must be responsible agents with all of our constraints and struggles, but it does do very much to explain a whole lot of what is going on. I’ve written about it before, what it is like to grow up, really, in Hezbollah culture, how it is reminiscent of deep Christian conservatism that I’ve encountered in the US.

But still, knowing my family’s history, their struggles, these reasons, I pull up videos of Souad Hosni dancing and dancing with her unabashed body ablaze with beauty and reverence, and wonder, wonder, what happened to my Arab word that the decades should thrust us back so instead of moving us forward.

Most days it is hard not to weep.


A refugee centre worker has revealed incidents of death threats and harassment by migrants
In a searing indictment of the behaviour of some refugees, the woman said her idealism has been eroded and virtually destroyed.

At first she said was enthusiastic in her role of helping process tens of thousands of migrants arriving in Germany on a weekly basis.

Now, she says she is disillusioned, disheartened and on the verge of quitting due to demands and sexual harrassment.

She told Welt am sonntag newspaper she took on the role at the refugee centre in Hamburg last Autumn and was "overjoyed" at the thought of "helping the refugees".

Many refugees demand luxury apartments and high paid jobs
Many refugees are extremely demanding
Refugee centre worker
But after a few days, she said, her enthusiasm was drained away.

The woman, whose identity has been protected, said: "Of course you may not assess all refugees the same: there are many who are very friendly, happy to be here, very grateful, very willing to be integrated.

"But if I am honest, working with 90 per cent of them is rather awkward and unfortunately not as I previously thought.

"First of all, many of them are extremely demanding. They come to me and ask to get an apartment and a fancy car and, best of all, even a really good job for them.

"If I try to explain to them that's not possible, they are often noisy or even really aggressive.

"An Afghan only recently threatened to kill himself. And a few Syrians and a group of Afghans have declared they would go on hunger strike unless I would help them to move to another place.

Women at march against sexual harrasmentGETTY

According to the woman some of the refugees have no respect for women at all
"Some from an Arab region recently yelled at a colleague of mine: 'We decapitate you!'.

"Because of these and other things, the police were called to us several times a week."

She said she has also been horrified by refugees attitudes towards women.

She said: "It is well known that it is mainly single men who come here - about 65 per cent, many less than 25-years-old.

"And some of them do not respect women at all. They accept that we're there but they don't take us seriously at all.

"If I tell them or give them a statement, as a woman they barely listen to me, dismiss it as irrelevant and just contact one of our male colleagues.

1 of 22

Protestors in Lepzig rally after over 100 women were sexually assualted on New Year's Eve

"For us women they have often only scornful looks - or just intrusive. They whistle loudly, say something to one another in a foreign language, laugh.

"It's really very unpleasant. It even happened that they have photographed us with their Smartphone.

"They do it without asking even if one has protested. I once walked up some steep stairs and some of the men walked behind me and they were laughing the whole time and, I guess, talking about me. They shouted something at me.

"Colleagues have told me similar things have happened to them. But they said that there's nothing you can do.

"If they whistled at me or said something to me I said nothing to encourage them - to make them feel they can hurt me or influence me.

"But that has not helped; It is even worse - honestly: especially in the last few weeks, as more and more men from North Africa, from Morocco, Tunisia or Libya are arriving here.

"They were more aggressive. I could ignore them no longer - and reacted."

Children learning German at refugee centreGETTY

The worker likes working with the refugee children but can no longer put up with harassment
She said she has gone from wearing close-fitting clothes to "wide-cut trousers" and tops with high necklines. She also wears little make-up.

She added she has also made mental changes, adding: "I avoid, for example, going to those places at our site where I know single men gather.

"And if I do have some business there I try to get through it very quickly and smile.

"But mostly I spend all day if possible in my little office. And I no longer go by train to work or back - because the other day a colleague of mine was pursued by some of the young men and harassed, even in the railway carriage.

"I spare myself that and come to work in the car.

"I think it's horrible that I do this and I consider it necessary. But what should I do, what would be the alternative?"

The upset worker went on to claim information given by the refugees is often unreliable.

She said their papers and their story regularly do not match up.

Two workers at a refugee centreGETTY

The woman, not pictured, said working at the camp has become a very unpleasant experience
She added: "For example, a resident, who came with his deportation notice to me wanted to know what would happen now. I told him he would have to leave the country.

"Soon after, he went before my colleague and showed an entirely new set of documents under a different name, claiming he was this man with the different name.

"He was not expelled, but only moved to another camp.

"They rarely stick to things that have been agreed. They don't show up for medical appointments that have been made for them.

"This happened so often that doctors asked us not to schedule any more appointments."

Quitting her role is the only option left she said but she sees this as failure.

She said: "Termination is really the only thing left for me. But I originally excluded that because I like my colleagues very much, the refugee children also.

"And I was previously so very convinced of the job and the whole refugee thing in itself; it is a little different than anyone has imagined. And the termination would of course recognize this admission.

"Now I think more specifically about it. Many colleagues also want to quit.

"Because they can stand it no longer."

here is one post on reddit
The muslim world practiced widespread slavery until the 1960s when they were pressured into abolishing it by Western countries.


Thursday, February 4, 2016 12:09 PM


If you support disrespecting Islam, you cannot be upset by this.


Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:09 PM


You Pay, I Say: Website Says It Exposed Russian TV Fakery

The Insider, a Moscow-based investigative website run by Editor in Chief Roman Dobrokhotov, says "no." In a story published on January 26, the publication accuses a woman named Natalya of posing as Viktoria Schmidt and of helping “fabricate” news for a raft of Russian state TV stations in exchange for money.


Friday, February 5, 2016 4:27 AM


"Wen I get elected King uv Earth, I will ban all organized relijun. Individualz can believ wutevr they like. They can meet with fellow bleevrz and talk all they want, do their ritualz, etc, but nobody gets to make a living off uv it. Not a dime. And no 'sacrifisez'!"




Friday, February 5, 2016 4:29 AM


Like they say in the City...................

That's Cold! ;-)



Originally posted by ElvisChrist:

If you support disrespecting Islam, you cannot be upset by this.


Friday, February 5, 2016 4:36 AM


Ha, ha, ha .................... Jo, you kill



Originally posted by JO753:
A good way to juj any organization iz to think uv it az a person. In that lite, most organizationz look like slow witted ill behaved 5 yir oldz.

Or worse.

Corporationz, guverments, relijunz, charityz. Pick wutever just randomly, like Mexico or General Motorz, giv it a nikname such az Todd or Becky, then grade its interactionz with the world.

Little Timmy(Islam), for exampl, iz a terrible tooz toddler, prone to violent tantrumz over the slitest provocation. WA! Tommy drew a nasty pictur uv me! WA! And Kristen didnt do wut I told her! WA! I'm going to blow up everybody! WA!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, February 5, 2016 5:35 AM


You know, hmmmm, it's funny. I've been on this earth for quite some time and I always wondered about the people with the long "robes" "turbans" and
"covered faces" ever since I was a boy, well mostly teenager. And when I
think about it now, they've been here an awful long time.
Since 9/11 it has become increasingly difficult for Muslims to live here.

Hmmmm, they are the latest influx of immigrants, yes. They do have violence
in their history, yes. The world has become more dangerous since 'we' began
to hate them so, yes. Yep, they're to blame, yes.

My grandmother came to this country right after WWII. She worked hard and long hours, raised 2 kids by herself (one of them my mom). She was a great lady, who believed in the good ole USA. Hell, back in her country she worked for the US Army. Everyone believed in the good ole USA in those days.
She had it hard when she first landed here, and was given a tough time
because she spoke with an accent (she learned her English from the US soldiers) but she did speak broken English, but all the while she held on
to that dream of living in the good ole USA.

She made a living for herself, followed the rules, and strived for her dream.
She became somewhat of a local celebrity, a strong-willed woman who would give anyone the shirt of her back. She was the female version of Dr. Phil and somewhat of a matchmaker. My mother had the gift, the gift of being able to tell a pregnant woman the baby's gender, hell she could even tell when they were pregnant. I was always amazed by that. My mom was also all gung-ho about America, and did her
best to raise us proper.

"Mom, you did okay!"

Why? Why am I saying all this and what does it have to do with Muslims?
There are over 1 billion Muslims in this world, if they were all bad evil
motherfuckers, the world would tilt towards Syria and the like. There have been Muslims living in this country for many, many years...and it's now that 'suddenly' that 'we' should no longer tolerate them. Of course you have bad ones, evil, vicious motherfuckers. But ever since the Pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock there have been evil motherfuckers of all
kinds landing here. I say, point out the fuckers and let's hang 'em.
String them up by the Statue of Liberty (which was given to us by the French by the way). I suggest that most that come here seek freedom, in
all shapes and sizes. In all it's glory.

In every case, we get a few scumbags thrown into the mix. The rich exploit the poor, the strong take advantage of the weak, and religion is often used for evil purposes. That's fucking life. But, and I say this with hope in my
breath, we, for the most part, have good people in this country. Like my grandmother, who believed in hard work and family - something that's been instilled in me since I was a kid. I was also taught fair play and manners
(okay, sometimes I fuck up the manners part), but overall I'm a good American. Born and raised.

My grandma came with her values here to pursue a dream. A piece of her is in me, and I say that we are good people. I dare say that others have come here with that same thought in mind. My grandmother did not tolerate assholes and would promptly dispatch them with extreme prejudice, that's
what I learned for her, that and family values.

In loving memory of my grandmother, I am a motherfucking American.



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Should islam be DISRESPECTED

German Imam blames Cologne rape victims; 'they wore perfume'

France crack down?

I support muslims as individuals, I support their human rights however I do not support their stupid religion
I support genuine refugees, people truly wanting a better life outside of religious tyrants and religious wars, however I do not support unchecked illegal islamic immigration into Europe and the USA.
If they want Sharia Law they can go to Mecca or Tehran

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dawkins and Rushdie might have been early voices

the 'disrespect' movement grows stronger each month


Friday, February 5, 2016 9:21 AM


rezident owtsidr

But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:38 AM


I want to make sure my point gets across. Besides I've been a gentleman all my life and it seems no one cares about manners and respect, so I cuss a little. But I use it to dramatic effect. Mostly when I write here in RWED.

So with appo-polly-lagies to the faint-hearted, that's my way of putting an
exclamation point on my contributions.
n'es pa?



Originally posted by JO753:
But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:43 AM


Answer, Take 2:

So, then you're okay with the Jesus Bang-a-Thong in the Orangutan position (sorry, I meant doggie position), but you're a little squeamish when I use a few "french" words. Really!?



Originally posted by JO753:
But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, February 6, 2016 6:53 AM


rezident owtsidr

Duznt bug me at all. Just taking the opportunity to squeez in a Lebowski ref.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, February 6, 2016 3:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Why Do Liberals Refuse to Criticize Islam?

Do they? I hadn't noticed that, myself. In any case there are 'types' of liberals - from 100% pure neocons-in-democrat clothing like Hillary, to people who are on the leftish side of anarchy. If you hadn't noticed, the neocons are running the State Department, which means they're running US foreign policy, which means the media is on board with the message; and probably Merkel as well since there seems to be a German submission to the US agenda. So, the lack of official government or media outrage is a neocon agenda.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, February 7, 2016 7:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


... Why? Why am I saying all this and what does it have to do with Muslims? There are over 1 billion Muslims in this world, if they were all bad evil motherfuckers, the world would tilt towards Syria and the like. There have been Muslims living in this country for many, many years...and it's now that 'suddenly' that 'we' should no longer tolerate them. Of course you have bad ones, evil, vicious motherfuckers. But ever since the Pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock there have been evil motherfuckers of all kinds landing here. I say, point out the fuckers and let's hang 'em. String them up by the Statue of Liberty (which was given to us by the French by the way). I suggest that most that come here seek freedom, in all shapes and sizes. In all it's glory.



I support muslims as individuals, I support their human rights however I do not support their stupid religion I support genuine refugees, people truly wanting a better life outside of religious tyrants and religious wars, however I do not support unchecked illegal islamic immigration into Europe and the USA. If they want Sharia Law they can go to Mecca or Tehran.

It seems to me that you two are saying the same thing. You both would like to treat Muslim immigrants as individuals, depending on whether each one is willing to follow the law of the land in the USA (which is, among other things, a secular nation not following sharia law). So, maybe you should make peace with each other.


My grandma came with her values here to pursue a dream. A piece of her is in me, and I say that we are good people.

You sound rightly proud of your maternal grandma. As you should be.

My maternal grandma came to this nation in 1917-8. She grew up on a farm on Poland, was abused by her (literally) evil stepmother, ran away from home at the tender age of 15 to become a hod-carrier helping to build the cobblestone streets, and then an understudy maid in a rich family's home, where she learned fancy Polish cooking. At 21, she emigrated to the USA in an arranged marriage, where she became a stepmother herself and had four children of her own. She was a strong, strong-minded, hardworking Polack who demanded much of her children (and stepchildren!) ... and her husband ... As demanding as she was as a mother, she flowed pure strong love to her grandchildren, and we basked in it. We remember her love to this day, decades later. AND her cooking!


But, and I say this with hope in my breath, we, for the most part, have good people in this country. Like my grandmother, who believed in hard work and family - something that's been instilled in me since I was a kid. I was also taught fair play and manners (okay, sometimes I fuck up the manners part), but overall I'm a good American... In loving memory of my grandmother, I am a motherfucking American.
Family, hard work, fair play and (hopefully) manners. that is what being American means to you.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, February 7, 2016 5:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

In case any of you are wondering, she wasn't spared the brutal physical labor because she was female. As she described it: 'they worked us like donkeys'.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, February 8, 2016 5:06 AM


Sorry, I didn't catch the bad!



Originally posted by JO753:
Duznt bug me at all. Just taking the opportunity to squeez in a Lebowski ref.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 8, 2016 5:31 AM


Huh!? Hilary a neocon? That means that Obama's a neocon. Never saw that coming. Now I do know that Bush & the Dark Lord Cheney are neocons, but I have trouble wrapping my head around Hilary & Obama rubbing elbows with Cheney & Bush.

But let me take a crack at it, will ya Doc! (said in Bugs Bunny voice)

You see, we here in America believe in the Constitution (something that Repubs and Conservatives love to beat people over the head with. Of course
only when it's convenient). In that document they have a little something called Freedom of Religion:

"The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment gives you the right to worship or not as you choose. The government can't penalize you because of your religious beliefs."

Look it up! Or is that too left for ya!?

Contrary to Right Wing belief, it does not mean that the government are evil because they don't allow prayer in schools, or remove religious ornaments from government property. It's separation between church and state. These were written by the founding fathers:

"The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all. Our country's founders -- who were of different religious backgrounds themselves -- knew the best way to protect religious liberty was to keep the government out of religion. So they created the First Amendment -- to guarantee the separation of church and state. This fundamental freedom is a major reason why the U.S. has managed to avoid a lot of the religious conflicts that have torn so many other nations apart."

A brilliant sentiment and genius move, created over 200 years ago and stupidly being threatened by the very people who swear up and down that the country is going to hell in a hand basket because their "religious freedoms" are being violated.

I have a word that sums it all up:


The defense rests...........



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Why Do Liberals Refuse to Criticize Islam?

Do they? I hadn't noticed that, myself. In any case there are 'types' of liberals - from 100% pure neocons-in-democrat clothing like Hillary, to people who are on the leftish side of anarchy. If you hadn't noticed, the neocons are running the State Department, which means they're running US foreign policy, which means the media is on board with the message; and probably Merkel as well since there seems to be a German submission to the US agenda. So, the lack of official government or media outrage is a neocon agenda.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, February 8, 2016 6:01 AM


Along with my grandmother came some of those "vicious motherfuckers" who gave us all a bad name. These 'individuals' were criminals in their country
and brought with them the evil that men do. The majority were good hardworking folk; like my grandmother. Some would steal, rob and even kill for various reasons. But, as I said, the majority were good folk looking to
improve their situation and grow a family - in freedom.

My grandmother, mother and uncle were of "good" folk stock. They raised us to be good citizens and good folk. "Go to school and get an education," my mother would say, and she was dead serious (as was my grandmother) she expected us to do well in school. My sister and I were the first to attend
college in our family. Me, despite my education, I was always a bit of a smartass, I always questioned the rules. Then I grew to understand them.
But since a child, I loved this country and what it stood for - freedom.
Good hard work and freedom, those were my mother's words. She worked hard, and by way of example, got her G.E.D. at the age of 44. Became a translator
at the Board of Education.

She came here legally, but it wasn't all honey and roses. Not for any of us, not even the ones born and raised loving this country. I'm not for indiscriminately opening up the borders. But can you look anyone in the eye and be able to tell with certainty who the bad ones are? Of course, there
must be a way to determine that, perhaps through a vetting process whereby
"we" can search their criminal records (if any are available).

I know a woman who came here illegally from South America. She's been here over 25 years and is now legal. She's an x-ray tech and lives with her husband and 2 girls - one's in college and one's a senior in high school.
The senior in high school just received an award from a junior law program
and was recognized by the state she lives in as well. She may have a future in law. They all love their new country and are productive individuals.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

... Why? Why am I saying all this and what does it have to do with Muslims? There are over 1 billion Muslims in this world, if they were all bad evil motherfuckers, the world would tilt towards Syria and the like. There have been Muslims living in this country for many, many years...and it's now that 'suddenly' that 'we' should no longer tolerate them. Of course you have bad ones, evil, vicious motherfuckers. But ever since the Pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock there have been evil motherfuckers of all kinds landing here. I say, point out the fuckers and let's hang 'em. String them up by the Statue of Liberty (which was given to us by the French by the way). I suggest that most that come here seek freedom, in all shapes and sizes. In all it's glory.



I support muslims as individuals, I support their human rights however I do not support their stupid religion I support genuine refugees, people truly wanting a better life outside of religious tyrants and religious wars, however I do not support unchecked illegal islamic immigration into Europe and the USA. If they want Sharia Law they can go to Mecca or Tehran.

It seems to me that you two are saying the same thing. You both would like to treat Muslim immigrants as individuals, depending on whether each one is willing to follow the law of the land in the USA (which is, among other things, a secular nation not following sharia law). So, maybe you should make peace with each other.


My grandma came with her values here to pursue a dream. A piece of her is in me, and I say that we are good people.

You sound rightly proud of your maternal grandma. As you should be.

My maternal grandma came to this nation in 1917-8. She grew up on a farm on Poland, was abused by her (literally) evil stepmother, ran away from home at the tender age of 15 to become a hod-carrier helping to build the cobblestone streets, and then an understudy maid in a rich family's home, where she learned fancy Polish cooking. At 21, she emigrated to the USA in an arranged marriage, where she became a stepmother herself and had four children of her own. She was a strong, strong-minded, hardworking Polack who demanded much of her children (and stepchildren!) ... and her husband ... As demanding as she was as a mother, she flowed pure strong love to her grandchildren, and we basked in it. We remember her love to this day, decades later. AND her cooking!


But, and I say this with hope in my breath, we, for the most part, have good people in this country. Like my grandmother, who believed in hard work and family - something that's been instilled in me since I was a kid. I was also taught fair play and manners (okay, sometimes I fuck up the manners part), but overall I'm a good American... In loving memory of my grandmother, I am a motherfucking American.
Family, hard work, fair play and (hopefully) manners. that is what being American means to you.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, February 8, 2016 2:25 PM


The controversial Dawkins

Qatar ponders special courts to deal with offenders at 2022 World Cup

Hassan al-Thawadi vows tournament will be ‘fun’

middle east tv


Tuesday, February 9, 2016 12:07 AM


I stand corrected. I'll have you know I failed French several times in grade least I got the n e s right!



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I want to make sure my point gets across. Besides I've been a gentleman all my life and it seems no one cares about manners and respect, so I cuss a little. But I use it to dramatic effect. Mostly when I write here in RWED.

So with appo-polly-lagies to the faint-hearted, that's my way of putting an
exclamation point on my contributions.
n'es pa?



Originally posted by JO753:
But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

Excuse me if I correct you for a moment SGG . But there is "t" on the end of "n'est pa".

Just thought I'd bring in my French-Canadian great grandfather.


Friday, February 12, 2016 3:32 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I stand corrected. I'll have you know I failed French several times in grade least I got the n e s right!



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I want to make sure my point gets across. Besides I've been a gentleman all my life and it seems no one cares about manners and respect, so I cuss a little. But I use it to dramatic effect. Mostly when I write here in RWED.

So with appo-polly-lagies to the faint-hearted, that's my way of putting an
exclamation point on my contributions.
n'es pa?



Originally posted by JO753:
But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

Excuse me if I correct you for a moment SGG . But there is "t" on the end of "n'est pa".

Just thought I'd bring in my French-Canadian great grandfather.

Yes, you did SGG. I think I did alright in French in High School. But I do sort of have an ear for the language. I can understand a certain amount of written French or spoken French.

You and Sigm, should be proud of your grandmothers for being accepted by their adopted country.
Heck, even my mother's mostly Irish family was accepted though it would have been a slog.
I do think that my Scot grandfather(my father's father) did the right thing in coming up to Canada after marrying my Metis grandmother. At least here being Metis was more respectful than she would have possibly gotten in the US, her home country.

That's the problem with this country, any new immigrants are treated with disdain. Hell, even the natives are treated like second class citizens. So I laugh (not that I find it funny) whenever I see one of these "Cliven Cowboys" talk about "public" lands should be public - come on now! You
have some nerve talking that smack when this land was occupied by those
who revered it most and hogged it less - the Native Americans. Talk about
misguided fools and ill-conceived notions. A man died because of his belief
that this land was "his", sorry this land was actually free
and belonged to no one. The notion of property is a European one.

What arrogance and downright stupidity. They break the law because they want to receive "welfare" from the government; the very thing they claim
to be against. It is that attitude that feeds into the mind frame of privilege and exclusivity - a type of prejudice. The "this is mine" mentality that lends itself to bigotry and hate of anything new; a
rewriting of history to lay claim to something that never really truly existed - original ownership. If anyone can claim that it's the Native Americans.

Imagine for a moment we send astronauts to another planet, let's say Mars,
and we plunk down our flag and claim it for the good old USA. But then we
find that the planet is already inhabited by a humanoid life form, who show us their hospitality and give us the tour. We, in turn, show our greediness and take over the planet as our own. I dare say that wouldn't sit well with the natives; especially if we find out that underneath all that rock there's gold. According to Bundy, that claim is proper and lawful; they weren't using it anyway.

Oh well! Ces't la vie!

SGG ;-)


Saturday, February 13, 2016 7:36 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I stand corrected. I'll have you know I failed French several times in grade least I got the n e s right!



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I want to make sure my point gets across. Besides I've been a gentleman all my life and it seems no one cares about manners and respect, so I cuss a little. But I use it to dramatic effect. Mostly when I write here in RWED.

So with appo-polly-lagies to the faint-hearted, that's my way of putting an
exclamation point on my contributions.
n'es pa?



Originally posted by JO753:
But dood - do you haf to uze so many cuss wordz?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

Excuse me if I correct you for a moment SGG . But there is "t" on the end of "n'est pa".

Just thought I'd bring in my French-Canadian great grandfather.

Yes, you did SGG. I think I did alright in French in High School. But I do sort of have an ear for the language. I can understand a certain amount of written French or spoken French.

You and Sigm, should be proud of your grandmothers for being accepted by their adopted country.
Heck, even my mother's mostly Irish family was accepted though it would have been a slog.
I do think that my Scot grandfather(my father's father) did the right thing in coming up to Canada after marrying my Metis grandmother. At least here being Metis was more respectful than she would have possibly gotten in the US, her home country.

That's the problem with this country, any new immigrants are treated with disdain. Hell, even the natives are treated like second class citizens. So I laugh (not that I find it funny) whenever I see one of these "Cliven Cowboys" talk about "public" lands should be public - come on now! You
have some nerve talking that smack when this land was occupied by those
who revered it most and hogged it less - the Native Americans. Talk about
misguided fools and ill-conceived notions. A man died because of his belief
that this land was "his", sorry this land was actually free
and belonged to no one. The notion of property is a European one.

What arrogance and downright stupidity. They break the law because they want to receive "welfare" from the government; the very thing they claim
to be against. It is that attitude that feeds into the mind frame of privilege and exclusivity - a type of prejudice. The "this is mine" mentality that lends itself to bigotry and hate of anything new; a
rewriting of history to lay claim to something that never really truly existed - original ownership. If anyone can claim that it's the Native Americans.

Imagine for a moment we send astronauts to another planet, let's say Mars,
and we plunk down our flag and claim it for the good old USA. But then we
find that the planet is already inhabited by a humanoid life form, who show us their hospitality and give us the tour. We, in turn, show our greediness and take over the planet as our own. I dare say that wouldn't sit well with the natives; especially if we find out that underneath all that rock there's gold. According to Bundy, that claim is proper and lawful; they weren't using it anyway.

Oh well! Ces't la vie!

SGG ;-)

You are not funny McGee.

Yes, new immigrants have problems.

The reason the Irish left in droves was caused by a little thing called "The Potato Famine". Which was also compounded by the English overlords exporting food out of the country that could have fed the Irish instead of the English Aristocracy. Ireland lost population to starvation and then more to immigration.

My mother's family fled because of that, so they arrived in America when it was a fledgling.

I take pride in being part American Indian. In knowing that some of my family has been on this continent for 20,000 years.

My anger I turn towards the churches, the first being the Catholic. Residental schools that were designed to strip of us of our identities and languages.

Perhaps I was not clear..............

1. Native Americans - I support your anger and the plight of the original Americans.
2. I was not trying to be funny. I was commenting on the folks up in Oregon who
think they have the right to take over lands they are not entitled to.
3. I did not mention the Irish, and yes I do know of the Potato Famine and the reason for their immigration to this country.
4. The Europeans I spoke of were those "English overlords" and others, that brought with them the concept of ownership - people and lands, property. That is a historical fact.
5. I may be wrong but, as I understand it, the Native American did not think of
ownership of land and people. Perhaps you could enlighten me on that subject.
6. I would never besmirch the name of a family, especially that of the Native American. I too come from a family of mixed cultures, so I am aware of your experience, in the figurative sense.
7. Ever since I was a kid, I've had issues with the corporate church, religion and
institutional racism in our schools (subtle as it may be). I grew up ashamed of my
culture, until I became educated and knowledgeable.
8. Sometimes I write in stream of consciousness form and my skill level is that
of an amateur. So please forgive the rather crude form I submit, it was not aimed at you - not in the least.
9. People claim that the law of the land, the Constitution, is the end all and be all, but they apply, like religion, selectively. Cherry-picking what suits their beliefs. When I say people, I'm talking about the bigoted ass-hats that parade
around wielding weapons and proclaiming their victimization at the hands of the
Federal government - who's sovereignty is deeply embedded in the Constitution. Hence the ironical "funny" (as in strange) part of my comments. How can you claim to love and uphold the very law you are breaking?

Anyway, if I offended, it was not my intent.



Sunday, February 14, 2016 9:19 AM


America loves a winner!

Islam is a senseless lie and a scourge on all humanity. While religions all are based on the fairy tale of there being an over seeing God™, Islam in particular goes the extra mile to impose their imaginary friend's will be done here, on Earth, by humans, to other humans.

You want to live your life by what ever rules and customs you seem fit , that's fine and dandy. But once you go lobbing off heads or stoning to death those who DON'T follow your cult views, and who have done nothing to infringe upon the lives, freedom or property of others, then I have to say I reject you, and your way of life.

Too bad there are so many who refuse to stand up to such lunacy, for fear of having their own fairy tale sky master questioned.


Sunday, February 14, 2016 5:11 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Everything you criticize Islam for, other religions have done in their own time and place. I can't think of any religion that could be said to be innocent.

But speaking of imposing religious beliefs - I recall you have problems with contraception, abortion, and even evolution in practice.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, February 14, 2016 8:19 PM


Agreed, religion is used to control people, but not for the betterment of humankind.

Although there are pockets of Do-gooding, for the most part it brings out the
worst - all in the name of.................fill in the name in the blank.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Everything you criticize Islam for, other religions have done in their own time and place. I can't think of any religion that could be said to be innocent.

But speaking of imposing religious beliefs - I recall you have problems with contraception, abortion, and even evolution in practice.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, February 14, 2016 8:21 PM


"religions all are based on the fairy tale of there being an over seeing God..."

That is correct sir!



Originally posted by AURAPTOR:
Islam is a senseless lie and a scourge on all humanity. While religions all are based on the fairy tale of there being an over seeing God™, Islam in particular goes the extra mile to impose their imaginary friend's will be done here, on Earth, by humans, to other humans.

You want to live your life by what ever rules and customs you seem fit , that's fine and dandy. But once you go lobbing off heads or stoning to death those who DON'T follow your cult views, and who have done nothing to infringe upon the lives, freedom or property of others, then I have to say I reject you, and your way of life.

Too bad there are so many who refuse to stand up to such lunacy, for fear of having their own fairy tale sky master questioned.


Sunday, February 14, 2016 11:52 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Everything you criticize Islam for, other religions have done in their own time and place. I can't think of any religion that could be said to be innocent.

But speaking of imposing religious beliefs - I recall you have problems with contraception, abortion, and even evolution in practice.

Wrong. On all accounts. None of my views have anything to do w/ religious belief.

Contraception ? By all means, use it. But don't expect others to pay for it.

Abortion ? Same thing, but do remember, it IS a human life, not a disease, or a tumor, or a cancer. Don't want a little human ? Abstain, or use contraception.

And 'evolution in practice ' ? WTH are you even talking about ? Biological evolution is a fact. It has zero to do w/ religious belief, so you're going to have to dig real hard in your Rappy files to clarify that one.


Monday, February 15, 2016 3:12 AM



I'm glad we were able to communicate, that's rare these days of "knee jerk" reaction
on social media.

Another ironical part of that whole fiasco in Oregon is that the "idiots" are from
Nevada, Cliven Bundy and sons, who have deputized themselves to behave in such a
manner that inspires the "idiot" label. But too, the Constitutional hypocrites
that they are. They claim to be bound by the state law and not the federal law
and believe that our government is dispensing tyranny like chewing gum.

They ridicule and criticize minorities for begging for hand outs, but they ask
that the government allow them free access to grazing land for their livestock
(mainly horses) without having to pay for it. Bundy makes millions from his ranch
and yet he asks for free grazing rights that others pay for. Does that seem right
to you? Not only that, but the local sheriff in Oregon asked that they leave his
jurisdiction, which is basically the local law under state supervision (the very
law he and his cohorts claimed they would abide) and yet they remain trespassers.

Apparently, the stand off has been resolved.

The problem that I spoke of regarding immigration was from the perspective of
the immigrants. How they, over the last 2 centuries, have been treated and
manipulated. Like I said my family were immigrants to this country directly
after WWII and, despite being loyal Americans, were treated in a shameful manner.

Well, I'm glad we came to an understanding.



Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:14 AM


While the shootings in San Bernardino were terrible and I have great sympthy for the victims and wish those injured a speedy recovery I think we should also cover the terrible happenings in Africa by Islamists

Boko Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead: officials

Associated Press By ISMAIL ALFA and HARUNA UMAR
8 hours ago

DALORI, Nigeria (AP) — A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children burning to death, among 86 people officials say died in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown Islamic extremists.

Scores of charred corpses and bodies with bullet wounds littered the streets from Saturday night's attack on Dalori village and two nearby camps housing 25,000 refugees, according to survivors and soldiers at the scene just 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the biggest city in Nigeria's northeast.

The shooting, burning and explosions from three suicide bombers continued for nearly four hours in the unprotected area, survivor Alamin Bakura said, weeping on a telephone call to The Associated Press. He said several of his family members were killed or wounded.

The violence continued as three female suicide bombers blew up among people who managed to flee to neighboring Gamori village, killing many people, according to a soldier at the scene who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to journalists.

Troops arrived at Dalori around 8:40 p.m. Saturday but were unable to overcome the attackers, who were better armed, said soldiers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. The Boko Haram fighters only retreated after reinforcements arrived with heavier weapons, they said.

Journalists visited the carnage Sunday and spoke to survivors who complained it had taken too long for help to arrive from nearby Maiduguri, the military headquarters of the fight to curb Boko Haram. They said they fear another attack.

Eighty-six bodies were collected by Sunday afternoon, according to Mohammed Kanar, area coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency. Another 62 people are being treated for burns, said Abba Musa of the State Specialist Hospital in Maiduguri.

Boko Haram has been attacking soft targets, increasingly with suicide bombers, since the military last year drove them out of towns and villages in northeastern Nigeria.

The 6-year Islamic uprising has killed about 20,000 people and driven 2.5 million from their homes.


Umar reported from Abuja, Nigeria.


Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:50 PM


America loves a winner!

I was wondering if / when 1kiki would come slithering back to this topic and respond to her laughably absurd remarks towards me, and if she had an follow up on the 3 whiffs she served up, but I guess I'll not hold my breath.


Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:29 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
While the shootings in San Bernardino were terrible and I have great sympthy for the victims and wish those injured a speedy recovery I think we should also cover the terrible happenings in Africa by Islamists

Boko Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead: officials

Associated Press By ISMAIL ALFA and HARUNA UMAR
8 hours ago

DALORI, Nigeria (AP) — A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children burning to death, among 86 people officials say died in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown Islamic extremists.

Scores of charred corpses and bodies with bullet wounds littered the streets from Saturday night's attack on Dalori village and two nearby camps housing 25,000 refugees, according to survivors and soldiers at the scene just 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the biggest city in Nigeria's northeast.

The shooting, burning and explosions from three suicide bombers continued for nearly four hours in the unprotected area, survivor Alamin Bakura said, weeping on a telephone call to The Associated Press. He said several of his family members were killed or wounded.

The violence continued as three female suicide bombers blew up among people who managed to flee to neighboring Gamori village, killing many people, according to a soldier at the scene who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to journalists.

Troops arrived at Dalori around 8:40 p.m. Saturday but were unable to overcome the attackers, who were better armed, said soldiers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. The Boko Haram fighters only retreated after reinforcements arrived with heavier weapons, they said.

Journalists visited the carnage Sunday and spoke to survivors who complained it had taken too long for help to arrive from nearby Maiduguri, the military headquarters of the fight to curb Boko Haram. They said they fear another attack.

Eighty-six bodies were collected by Sunday afternoon, according to Mohammed Kanar, area coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency. Another 62 people are being treated for burns, said Abba Musa of the State Specialist Hospital in Maiduguri.

Boko Haram has been attacking soft targets, increasingly with suicide bombers, since the military last year drove them out of towns and villages in northeastern Nigeria.

The 6-year Islamic uprising has killed about 20,000 people and driven 2.5 million from their homes.


Umar reported from Abuja, Nigeria.

It's not about Islam.


Sunday, March 20, 2016 7:02 AM


Obama lauds Belgium, France on arrest of Paris attack suspect

US President Barack Obama congratulated Belgium and France on the arrest of Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam, a statement said.

Obama on Friday called Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and French President Francois Hollande, sending his congratulation on the arrest, Xinhua quoted the White House as saying.

"The president commended the work of Belgian security services and noted that this significant arrest was the result of hard work and close cooperation between Belgian and French law enforcement authorities," the statement said.

Obama also reiterated that the US "stands together" with Belgium and France in the fight against terrorism, and to degrade and destroy the Islamic States (IS) terrorist group.

Abdeslam is suspected of providing logistics last November for other attackers in Paris, who killed 130 people at multiple locations.

The IS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

'I was a suicide bomber': Paris suspect charged in Belgium

Paris Suspect Claims He ‘Backed Out’ of Stadium Bombing, Prosecutor Says

ExMuslim Woman Explains Muslim Mindset

Canada: 70 Muslim organizations advocate Sharia Bill 59 to criminalize criticism of Islam

Canadians have been debating all week in the Quebec legislature about potential passage of a bill called, Bill 59. What is Bill 59? It’s a hidden Sharia model of how to implement phase 1 of sharia blasphemy laws. However, when the enemy lives right amongst the people how many decades does it take before this presence manages to gradually picks the freedom apart, in small pieces at a time? Eventually left-wingers will give them the freedom to block everyone else the access to freedom.

The full clip from the National Assembly of Quebec, in French, can be seen here. Listen to the Muslim duplicity, weaved into careful wordings, that would endorse the condemnation of the non-islamic world and views, while islam will be exclusively protected. A subtle threat is given by stating that laughing at Islam or criticizing it will give Canada “many problems down the road”.

Watch the clip at 1:04 minutes as Imam Salam Elmenyawi of the Muslim Council of Montreal tries to conceal his agitation when Quebec politician Agnes Mailtais, a Member of National Assembly of Quebec, suggests that criticism on religion is discussing ideas and not a reference to hatred and to propose a ban on criticism of religion would be ‘rather extreme’:

Why People Leave Islam

"10 Lies You Were Told about Islam"


Sunday, May 29, 2016 9:14 PM


17 year old former child actor, YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity #FreeAmosYee

Stop the Islamic Occupation of Non-Muslims Lands!

17 y/o faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity #FreeAmosYee


Saturday, June 18, 2016 8:49 AM


Orlando Shooter's Dad Blames Gay Nightclub for Shooting

Pakistani Woman Throws Acid at Man Who Refused to Marry Her

Acid attacks and other so-called honor crimes against women are not unusual in Pakistan, but women are rarely the perpetrators of such attacks.


Sunday, October 16, 2016 6:53 AM



Sunday, October 23, 2016 12:05 PM


moslem refugee originally from Iraq, who then raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in a 'sexual emergency' has his conviction overturned because the Austrian court 'didn't prove he realised the boy was saying no'

Tunisian talk show host 'tells rape victim to marry her attacker'

Moslem Woman at an Airport Threatened to Bomb America!


Sunday, October 30, 2016 5:35 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Stupidest thing I ever heard of. Life's too short to waste time on crap like that.

Interview of Zineb El Rhazoui of Charlie Hebdo

Worked with Charlie Hebdo Magazine


Sunday, October 30, 2016 7:06 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

I support muslims as individuals, I support their human rights however I do not support their stupid religion

I feel the same way about Christians.


Monday, January 9, 2017 2:35 AM


Arab Secularist DESTROYS Islamists on live TV!

Criticising Islam is Islamophobia Debunked


Wednesday, January 11, 2017 1:54 AM


conservative woman discusses Moroccan day time tv

Margaret MacLennan


Sunday, May 27, 2018 8:03 AM


Caught On Video: Islamist Mob Attacks Refugees In Greece "For Not Observing Ramadan"

Happens a lot moslems kill others for not being islamic enough, Egypt, Jordan, into Europe, France, Germany, Greece etc

Kurds attacked in Greek camp, accused of not fasting

Riot, Fires?

'Ramadan row' behind fire at German refugee shelter


Graphic video has emerged online showing a mob of baton-wielding Islamists attacking other Muslims in a refugee camp in Greece reportedly for not observing the Ramadan fast. Early unconfirmed Kurdish media reports claim 4 men were killed and many others injured as the group of attackers entered refugee tents with weapons Friday afternoon at a crowded camp in Moria on the eastern Aegean island of Lesbos.

However, initial Greek media reporting indicates authorities are refuting rumors of the deaths, instead only confirming large clashes between Arab and Kurdish asylum seekers which resulted in injuries and evacuations.

One Greek news broadcast showed seriously injured victims being carried out of the camp, while viral video of the attack itself appears to show up to three bloodied men lying motionless on the ground with attackers carrying large metal batons standing over them, which could suggest the early reports of fatalities are indeed accurate.

The UK-based Kurdish Solidarity Campaign said the men were brutally attacked by Islamists in the refugee camp specifically "for not observing Ramadan." The Kurdish rights group identified at least three Kurds among the dead, while Iraq-based Kurdistan 24 identified a 60-year old man as among those brutally beaten, his legs broken after being hit with metal bars.

footage like this happens all the time Turks killing Kurds killing Arabs...middle east problems come to europe






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