Eternal Rinse Cycle

UPDATED: Monday, May 23, 2016 20:21
VIEWED: 11089
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Friday, January 29, 2016 12:05 AM


I guess I haven't been everywhere on the internet, because I've never heard of The Forum or Landmark Education? Those were suggestions in the comment section BTW.


Friday, January 29, 2016 2:16 PM


I think I'm just gonna use this thread to post things I find interesting.

I did manage to find a piece of truth on the internet today. First I've seen in a while.

"To gain the cooperation of the principal investigators of those studies, Amgen was forced to sign non-disclosure agreements about the results of their inquiries. It seems that the authors of the “landmark” cancer studies knew that they would be found out, and unsurprisingly, setting the record straight wasn’t high on their list of priorities."


Friday, January 29, 2016 3:00 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Randall Munroe has a wonderful cartoon at xkcd that neatly summarizes the reason why most published research findings are false. People who work in life sciences are generally not crackerjack mathematicians, and there’s no requirement to involve someone with a real understanding of statistics.

"There are some potential solutions to the irreproducibility of medical science, but they would require an extensive overhaul of the system. For observational studies, Young and Karr have proposed sensible measures, like blah-blah-blah. If such changes were implemented, however, the number of published studies would plummet precipitously. Journals would go out of business and so would most scientists . . . "

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 29, 2016 3:39 PM


Having one of my "I HATE humanity days."

I see the world for what it could be and yet never will. An eternal disappointment.

How do you begin to fight stupidity in a planet that refuses to see?
I was watching "Frasier" with my kid last night, the episode where he tries to find a friend and the guy CAN'T SHUT UP ABOUT BARBEQUE. That's how I feel about the planet. I'm trying to say something and the world is having an eternal BBQ.

My hubby takes Pristiq, Lamotrigine, Lorazepam, Levothyroxine, Nuvigil, Prozac...Just to get through a week he hates. That I hate. And it doesn't matter the job, they just end up endlessly using you. When he started, they said he would probably have weekends off. In the last 14 days, he's had ONE FUCKING DAY OFF. One. We MIGHT get one week this year of vacation, and that's more than half of this country gets. You work your ass off for ONE WEEK a YEAR?????? For a half ass hotel, or worse -staying with relatives???

You know why people exterminate their entire families? Because there is NO POINT. Either you work your whole life for slave wages and end up eating Beany-Weenies for the rest of your frugal miserable life, or you have TONS of money and there is no amount of drugs or booze that can fill the empty hole. You have all that money and can't do anything more, or make yourself any more happy than anyone else.

Being optimistic is just the same as being in denial, so don't go there.

There is something terribly, terribly wrong with this Matrix.

At 2:35 where all the other probabilities scream, that is what it's like dealing with humanity.

There is so many voices, nine BILLION of them. And not one of us has any greater power than any one else. Money or no. Humanity needs to see reason ON A GLOBAL SCALE.

The sad part is that I see the probabilities when people speak. Not all of them but, I usually have the top five reactions or so up there. It makes me crazy. Really, really crazy.

Several of you aren't going to care WHAT I say. "She's off the deep end" "This isn't fun enough" "Where's the porn"

A couple of you won't even get to this point, because you don't have the time of the patience to get to even THIS point.

Two of you wouldn't read anything that doesn't have the words "Republitard" or "Demoncrat" in it. Because it's all you've got left.

One of you will ponder the drugs hubby takes for an extended length, and maybe even look up drug interactions, and maybe even attempt to post something intelligent.

One of you will say "So what, we all do that" in an attempt to minimize what I'm saying, and the energy it takes to ponder and process.

One of you will obsess that I left the hyphen out of half-ass, and know one of you wonders if there is even a hyphen in half-ass, and then one of you will look it up and one of you will think about posting on it, while missing the entire main thought completely. Because it takes too much energy to think.

Three or four will get it. Two of you will say "what do you want ME to do about it?" The other two will think about it for a while, but then ultimately come to NO conclusion.


USE TV, RADIO, INTERNET, NEWSPAPER. Debate everything publicly until EVERY PERSON comes to the same conclusion. On EVERYTHING.

Existence, Extinction?
Existence, Perfection, Continuance?
Existence, Perfection, Extinction?
Existence, Perfection, Extinction, Rebirth?



Friday, January 29, 2016 6:47 PM


Some fascinating things about my day.

Every single time we go out to eat it's been a disaster. EVERY TIME.

It's been four years since we went out to eat and NOT had a catastrophe.

From being seated near a bathroom when it overflows, to finding multiple hairs in the food, waiting two HOURS for food and then asked to pay BEFORE WE GET THE FOOD, wrong orders, burnt orders, raw orders, people taking over our table while we're at the buffet name it we've done it. Our family motto is "Let's celebrate, let's go home!"

As you might remember I cook 99% of our food. Tonight, I said let's go to Pondogrossa (not because I like it, but because Hubbs has to work tonight and that is the closest to his work)

I order one large sirloin with fries and a lemonaide-iced tea, two buffets, and two coffee mugs of hot water. I explain to the waitress that we are cutting down on high fructose corn syrup to which she replied "Thars corn syrup in WATER???"

She brings out two mugs, one has lipstick all around the rim. I'm not wearing any.

Ma'am, this lemonaide was supposed to be a lemonaide iced tea.

We proceed to tell the waitress "it's ok hon, we get something messed up EVERY TIME we go out"

We get our salads. We eat our salads. We start eyeing the dessert tray when the steak arrives. Waitress says "I'm sorry, they gave yours to someone else, so they had to re-cook it"

Hubby cuts into the dubious piece of meat, when I say "Wait we ordered a sirloin and this is a rib-eye, AND it's undercooked, AND they deep fried it to get it done quicker" Waitress says, "I'm sorry, I don't know what the difference is in meat cuts..."

Take it to manager, say "I know it's hard working with teenagers, but A.B.C.D.E"

He gives us a $5! refund.

I turn around and ask the old couple behind us if they come here frequently, and when she says "Yes", I give her the coupon.

While we were waiting for the food, hubbs told two jokes.

One. Kid says she told someone at school that they probably have ADHD. Girl comes up to her today and says "You were right, I took a test online and I came out 100% ADHD.

Hubbs says "You should tell her "I took a test online and it said I am 100% Sith Lord"


DO you know why Buddha was so happy?

He knew he was too fat to be crucified.
Jesus tried out that Adkins diet and look what happened to HIM!


Friday, January 29, 2016 11:47 PM


IS THIS THING ON? Or have I been relegated to the Nutter's Club with Youtube Boy?


Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think most people here agree with your frustration with stoopid. I could add to the gripe-fest, but I've got about 1000 threads of my own saying the same thing!

The big news here: Football comes to LA. The Raiders? The Rams? Maybe both? I dunno, and who cares?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, January 30, 2016 12:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Wishimay:
IS THIS THING ON? Or have I been relegated to the Nutter's Club with Youtube Boy?

You're so kind and thoughtful. Who would not want to give you help and money in the real world to make your life easier?

There is a PBS show called Natural Born Hustlers. The lengths to which some animals go to achieve their objectives can often be downright devious. People are devious animals, too. Must be their evolution.

There is an online game where the smoothest liars win called Epic Mafia, based on what is probably the world’s most popular modern parlor game. In a weird news story about that game, real events in and outside the game are a mixture of truth and clever deception. Spoiler: the suicide was faked so a banned player could get back into the game.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 30, 2016 6:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Originally posted by Wishimay:

Your mileage may vary. Other attempts to reproduce studies have met with somewhat better or much worse success.
Amgen found that 47 of 53 “landmark” oncology publications could not be reproduced. (11% reproducible)
Bayer found that 43 of 67 oncology & cardiovascular projects were based on contradictory results from academic publications. (35% reproducible)
Dr. John Ioannidis and his colleagues found that of 432 publications purporting sex differences in hypertension, multiple sclerosis, or lung cancer, only one data set was reproducible. (0.2% reproducible)
“The unspoken rule is that at least 50% and more like 70% of the studies published even in top-tier academic journals (in biomedical research) can’t be repeated,” says Bruce Booth, a venture capitalist ...
A large collaborative science initiative called the Reproducibility Project at the University of Virginia recently reran 100 psychology experiments and found that only about one in three studies could be replicated.
Nor is replication failure a modern phenomenon. Scientific American blogger Jared Horvath describes three famous replication failure cases from the history of science involving the work of such giants as Galileo, John Dalton and Robert Millikan. Science proceeds by fits and starts, and replication failures don’t necessarily spell doom for a scientific endeavor. Instead, they point to refinements that must be made in theory and methods.

Even Gregor Mendel, who did landmark work in genetics, is thought to have shaded his data, because it can't be entirely replicated. Mendel's numbers are too good, compared to modern studies that tried to reproduce his experiments.

The problem isn't 'people!' as I see it. It's not that 43 of 67, or 47 of 53, or 431 of 432 research groups were packed with knaves and charlatans. It's that you can't get a Masters, or PhD, or complete a post-doc, or get grant money, or IP rights, or sell a product, based on negative results. Or on repeating someone's work.

Now, the first three incentives I think can be fixed by simply changing the rules for publication, so that negative results are publishable. After all, people don't start a research project based on nothing. There's usually a historical data set and a theory that tells them something should work. That it doesn't work, no matter what's been tried, is vital information. It means that something - in the foundational dataset, or the theory, or the experiment - isn't what people THINK it is. It means that something is wrong. And that's good information. So is the ability, or inability, to reproduce previous work. It's all extremely valuable information that should be published.
But the next three incentives - the economic ones like grants, intellectual 'property', and sales - are far harder to fix. Universities are pushing their research groups to focus on anything that might be a foundation of a future product, so they can cash in on patent or licenser rights. And grant money isn't awarded to try and figure out 'what went wrong'. And sales of products don't happen until all the trials turn out 'right'.

The pernicious effects of system incentives is also the reason why I don't think we can expect the brilliant people of the world to save us from ourselves.

Einstein was born in 1879. There were an estimated 1.4 billion people on the planet at that time.

There are about 7.4 billion today.
By that ratio, there should be 5 Einsteins on the planet today.
But back in Einstein's day, roughly 90% of people lived in poverty.
/ Einstein was lucky enough to have been born in favorable circumstances. There may have been other Einsteins who were born, who died young, were uneducated, or for other reasons of circumstance and opportunity failed to reach their potential. If you ratio it out, there may have been 9 total.
That means there should 45 Einsteins on the planet today, correcting for poverty effects.

So, where are they? And why aren't they saving their fellow humanity?

Today, so the World Bank tells us, only 50% of people live in poverty. So half of the Einsteins have no opportunity. And the other half is living in a world of carefully structured incentives. The Einsteins of today would have to really not care about where they get educated, what kinds of experiments they'd have access to perform, and which minds they could contact.

Anyway, digressions aside, what you see today isn't the result of 'people!'. It's the result of a system of incentives that skew the process. And, given the existing choices in front of them, researchers are making rational decisions about what to research and what to report. And it also means they're working within the structure determined by the 0.1% and focused on the interests of the 0.1%, not on solving our imminent collapse.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, January 30, 2016 11:27 PM



Originally posted by second:
You're so kind and thoughtful. Who would not want to give you help and money in the real world to make your life easier?

Who's asking for HELP? All I want is the rest of the planet to get your shit together before I die so my kid and anything she produces don't have to put up with a buncha dumbasses.... Is THAT so much to ask?? Really?

I take care of me and my own, thanks.

Saw this today and thought of you, though.


Sunday, January 31, 2016 7:56 AM


rezident owtsidr

Its the title. I figured sumthing went rong with your washer.

Az to your last post and jeneral disapproval - I'v been trying to help with the stoopid, but nobody likes the solution. I'm getting a consistent pearlz-befor-swine reaction.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 1, 2016 4:22 AM


I'm only replying right now because I only just noticed your quote by Phillip J. Fry.

Whatever you were talking about, Bite my shiny metal ass is the answer. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 1, 2016 10:00 AM


Wish, I say this as delicately as I can - I think right now you're acting more depressed than I was during my worst times.

You have chronic pain issues and many concerns about the future, and it looks to me like it might have turned into that depression somewhere along the way. That's painful in it's own way, and I'm sorry you're going through that.

The world itself is a shithole, and it will continue to be a shithole. Oddly the first step in not being bothered as much about the global shitholery for me has been to embrace apathy and realize it is impossible for me to solve anything. I am one person, and I am inconsequential. So, understanding that, it frees me up to feel less overwhelmed by the shitholery, and focus more on what's happening locally.

But even local action isn't really necessary, so don't feel pressured by that or anything. You can make the world a slightly more positive place by finding humour in how bad it all is too. Sometimes that's really the only way to empathize with people or cope with their bad decisions, because otherwise it'll make your eyes go crossed.


Monday, February 1, 2016 6:19 PM


Just tired of people, Byte. Tired of living in this shitty state with shitty people. I literally have not seen sign of intelligent life in the eight years we've been here. I feel like I'm stuck in a Salvador Dali painting. The slow decay of time is ever present.

I'm sick to DEATH of "The Nothing." I didn't sign up for this. Embracing apathy is just the same as not living, or worse -living on your knees.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 12:06 AM


NOW it all makes sense.

We REALLY ARE a parasitic entity, sucking the life energy out of our host until all that remains is a dried-out husk. Really explains that impending sense of doom I have...


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 7:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Really explains that impending sense of doom I have...

How to Deal with Fear
Montaigne described it in 1571. The solution remains the same.

By Robert Zaretsky, for the Houston Chronicle
January 27, 2016

In 1571, a recently retired French judge decided to devote the remainder of his life to the writing of essays. He titled one of his earliest efforts, just a few pages long, "On Fear." As he tells one story after another about this "very odd emotion," and the way it strikes "terrifying confusion into even the calmest of men," he is struck by a realization: "It is fear I most fear."

Nearly half a millennium later, this truth is more relevant than ever. Rarely, it seems, has fear been more present than in our own age. Exploited by politicians, explored by pundits, experienced in countless ways by the rest of us, fear mixes with the very air we breathe.

Our essayist, Michel de Montaigne, was certainly no stranger to this emotion. By turns a magistrate, mayor and mediator, Montaigne lived in a world flush with fear. As a judge, he witnessed trials of women accused of witchcraft and men charged with heresy; and during his tenure as mayor of Bordeaux, the city was besieged by the plague. Even after 1571, when he had retired to his estate to write his essays, he agreed to serve as go-between for Henri of Navarre, leader of France's Protestant forces, and Catherine de Medici, the power behind the Catholic throne, in negotiations to bring an end to the Wars of Religion.

Consider the wars, as Montaigne was forced to do. Though both Catholic and Protestant hands dripped with innocent blood, the era's horrors are most often associated with the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Taking place in Paris just a year after Montaigne retired from public office, the massacre turned the Seine River into a blood red sluice carrying the pierced and decapitated corpses of nearly 5,000 Protestant men, women and children. This was the work of Catholic mobs that broke into Protestant homes and slaughtered entire families. In one typical instance, a group of maddened Catholics hacked to death a Protestant artisan while he was still in bed, stabbed his pregnant wife in the abdomen and heaved her body out the window. Her unborn infant died with his mother in the street, his head poking through the abdominal wound.

"There is no hostility," Montaigne remarked, "which exceeds Christian hostility." His own life threatened at various times by both one side and the other, he marveled at the power of religious passions and frailty of human reason: "Our zeal does wonders when it is seconding our leaning towards hatred, cruelty, ambition, avarice, detraction and rebellion." Equally appalled by the pitiless cruelty of both Catholic and Protestant extremists, Montaigne grasped the tragic logic at work. Not only does an act of inhumanity by one side inevitably spark an even greater act of barbarism by the other, but the race to extremes constricts and finally collapses the space for dialogue. Against religious zeal, Montaigne concluded, "goodness and moderation will neither walk nor fly, unless as by a miracle some rare nature bears it."

Such natures, inevitably, are as rare in our time as they were in Montaigne's. No less inevitably, fear is as abundant today as it was then. In fact, while the face of fear has changed over the centuries, its underlying nature has remained largely intact. The economic, social and existential insecurities we think unique to own age were also the daily concern of early modern Europeans. Great mobs of unemployed youths lurched from city to town across the continent seeking food and work, striking fear into townspeople who dreaded their arrival. They were "refugees" in everything but name, since national borders were still a fuzzy concept.

Similarly, just as the fears and anxieties of Montaigne's contemporaries were inflamed and exploited by political and religious leaders, so too does our modern culture have what we can call fear entrepreneurs. From the movie studios of Hollywood and the lobbying firms of K Street to political handlers and presidential candidates, the path to worldly success is paved by fear. Cable news stations, with their blood-red graphics and sensationalist teasers, relentlessly scratch at our anxieties over critical matters like immigration, gun control, global warming and terrorism. Like many of our political leaders, our sources of infotainment inflame rather than inform viewers, terrify instead of testify to the complexity of these issues.

Of course, fear is fungible: It seeps and slides into all sides of human affairs, from big to small, momentous to momentary, even at my place of work, the University of Houston. With the passage of concealed carry, many UH faculty now live with the fear of assigning failing grades, while many students express the fear that, one day, their campus will become the OK Corral. Likewise, some supporters of concealed carry fear a terrorist event on campus, while others fear the prospect of jackbooted federal agents coming to their homes for their weapons. There is the anxiety of adjunct professors wondering if they will have a job come next semester, the dread of students walking across vast and dimly lit parking lots, and even the trepidation of staff who forget to wear the right colors on Red Friday.

In a word, fear has remained a constant in human affairs. What does change, though, is the way we respond to it. Knowingly or not, Roosevelt cribbed Montaigne's line, via Henry David Thoreau, in his first inaugural address. When he spoke to a nation reeling from the effects of the Great Depression, defenseless against demagogues and fear entrepreneurs, FDR did not play to fear. Instead, like Montaigne taking the measure of those in his own age who manipulated fears, FDR reminded the country that the one thing to fear was "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror." It is this fear, he declared, which paralyzes our efforts to remedy the crises we confront. "In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory."

If our own era is dark, it is in part because we have confused frankness with fearmongering, and vigor with violent rhetoric. As Montaigne and Roosevelt understood, fear will always be a constant in human affairs. Reason, on the other hand, requires a great deal more effort. We have nothing to fear except fear itself, and perhaps something to gain by keeping reason close at hand.

Robert Zaretsky teaches at the University of Houston and is the author, most recently, of "Boswell's Enlightenment." He's currently writing "The Empress and the Philosophe: Catherine the Great, Denis Diderot and the Eclipse of the Enlightenment."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 2:56 PM


I don't have a sense of impending doom for the WORLD, I have one for ME.

It's the year of the Monkey, and I am a Monkey.

When I was born there was a giant late spring snowstorm, and I was born on a full moon.

When I was 12, my dad lost his job, my parents got divorced, I ended up living on mom's boyfriends' couch.

When I was 24, I realized I had R.A, but not bad enough to get any kind of medical help. Two doctors have basically told me to "shut up and suffer."

This year I will be 36....I'm not one for astrology, but sometimes a pattern is a pattern...


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:00 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Just tired of people, Byte. Tired of living in this shitty state with shitty people. I literally have not seen sign of intelligent life in the eight years we've been here. I feel like I'm stuck in a Salvador Dali painting. The slow decay of time is ever present.

I'm sick to DEATH of "The Nothing." I didn't sign up for this. Embracing apathy is just the same as not living, or worse -living on your knees.

Maybe. Or maybe trying to not let the world get to you is not letting your depression and despair control you.

The world, and the people in it, are shit, and will continue to be shit. Why worry about it? Why even hate them for it? They are what they are, and it is what it is, they do what they do. The most we can do is find some glimmer of something, anything worthwhile in all the rubbish.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:25 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
The most we can do is find some glimmer of something, anything worthwhile in all the rubbish.

That's just it, I'm fresh out. And Type "A".

Type A's have a burning desire to fix it, whatever "it" is. It can't be unwired, leastways not without serious meds...

I have no resources, really, to do anything else. All I can do is sit and wait for grandma to die. No one else is willing to help her, and she won't move. Never been much good at thumb twiddle-ing...


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 6:28 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Wishi, we all know churches are idiots and that just proves it.

Yeah, but that's a new low. She's 84, her husband just died, AND it's winter. That letter was just exceedingly harsh on top of it.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 7:37 PM


rezident owtsidr

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 9:21 PM


You ain't kiddin' Jo


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 1:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Wishimay:
You ain't kiddin' Jo

A 69-year-old monk who scientists call the 'world's happiest man' says the secret to being happy takes just 15 minutes a day (although he feels his "happiest man" title is a media-driven overstatement).

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 8:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

The world's happiest man is definitely not French.

At least his web page is in French. He is the French interpreter for the Dalai Lama.

His mother was Tibetan Buddhist nun Yahne Le Toumelin, but he was born in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie, France, son of the late Jean-François Revel.

I anticipate somebody claiming meditation never solved anybody's personal problems. And they would be right! Except you feel better about your misery.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 12:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

The French are a brooding, moody lot who look lost outside of a dining room or when not gesticulating angrily about tiny parking spaces "waouh! waouh!"... je suis impressionné!

And that is why Matthieu Ricard jumped ship and ended up caddying for the Dalai Lama, which inspired Bill Murray's story about Tibet. That is good reason for WishIMay to start meditating -- the next life will be so much better.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

That's just it, I'm fresh out. And Type "A".

Type A's have a burning desire to fix it, whatever "it" is. It can't be unwired, leastways not without serious meds...

I have no resources, really, to do anything else. All I can do is sit and wait for grandma to die. No one else is willing to help her, and she won't move. Never been much good at thumb twiddle-ing...

Ah, I didn't realize you were grieving and had the loss of a loved one coming up on the horizon. That would explain a lot.

You still have a husband, right? Though I can understand how things might be so stressful that even they're not a bright spot.

There's things you can do though, ways to refocus your thoughts to get away from the despair and refill that tank. If you focus on all the bad, it'll keep that tank drained.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 8:03 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

My hubby takes Pristiq, Lamotrigine, Lorazepam, Levothyroxine, Nuvigil, Prozac...Just to get through a week he hates. That I hate. And it doesn't matter the job, they just end up endlessly using you. When he started, they said he would probably have weekends off. In the last 14 days, he's had ONE FUCKING DAY OFF. One. We MIGHT get one week this year of vacation, and that's more than half of this country gets. You work your ass off for ONE WEEK a YEAR?????? For a half ass hotel, or worse -staying with relatives???

I think you missed this part Byte.

Not only are we sick to DEATH of this place, and waiting for people to DIE before we could even think of leaving, I have neighbors that have a dog (a beagle) that HOWLS EVERY TIME!!!! I WALK OUT THE DOOR, and another neighbor that has an overflowing septic tank.

Literally, smells like shit when I walk outside. Yes. I've called the city. No, I don't know what they are doing about it, but it looks like NOTHING. Yes, others have called too.

I am doing NOTHING with my life, but cooking and cleaning. Can't even afford a car until NEXT YEAR, so I can't leave the house between 2pm and 5 am. Even if I could, what IS there to do????



No, I'm not going to take up online la-de-dah courses, or underwater basket weaving.

No, there isn't anyway I could make or sell anything that would be worth it. There isn't enough people here to make it worthwhile.

No, I can't learn to play an instrument, since he sleeps in the next room all day.

All I can do is SIT........AND..........WAIT............for......eternity...

If I had known, I definitely would've done the hermit gig...


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 8:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Wishimay:

All I can do is SIT........AND..........WAIT............for......eternity...

If I had known, I definitely would've done the hermit gig...

You can meditate without being a hermit.

Remember Matthieu Ricard on meditation: “My friends tease me about it, you know, ‘here comes mister happy!’ That’s OK. I’m not unhappy, for sure.”

The obvious question to be asked of Mr Happy is what there is to be so goddamn happy about when a devastating earthquake in Nepal has led to the deaths of thousands. Because evolution has equipped us to focus on danger and drama “we have this overwhelming feeling of this wicked world”. He says: “The banality of goodness is overlooked. Of course there was a moment after the earthquake when everyone ran for their life. But immediately afterwards, there was calm, discipline, helping. They do it in solidarity.”

He is well attuned to cynicism in any event, especially from “Parisian intellectuals”; his late father, the distinguished philosopher Jean-Francois Revel, was one such. But he is also by training and instinct a scientist, having begun studying Buddhism at the same time as he was completing a PhD at the Pasteur Institute, in Paris. “It wasn’t like slamming any doors,” he says of his decision to leave the scientific life for the contemplative one. “It is that you cross a mountain pass and the next valley is so beautiful you want to settle there. It’s more like that.”

He chooses to participate in studies on meditation to back up his thesis that altruism can make humans better people, and in so doing can nudge society, bit by bit, towards something better.

I wonder how that message goes down at the World Economic Forum in Davos, at which Ricard has become an almost annual fixture, an event which one might conclude had been designed to drive the greatest optimist to despair. The happy monk doesn’t see it that way. Even among the masters of the financial universe, Ricard sees signs that encourage him. “I think if we can raise our voice and bring those ideas in every possible walk of life, whether in the hermitage, or when I was invited to speak at the UN about gross national happiness – why not?”

Meanwhile, he says, ongoing neurological studies suggest that you do not need to own a pair of sandals and have a Himalayan view to develop your capacity for positivity and compassion. Four weeks of “caring mindfulness” meditation for 20 minutes a day was also shown to alter the brain and enhance the immune system, he says. The lesson? “Anyone can be the happiest man or woman in the world if you look for happiness in the right place.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:44 PM



Originally posted by second:
“Anyone can be the happiest man or woman in the world if you look for happiness in the right place.”

I'm sorry, I couldn't possibly shove my head THAT FAR up my own ass.

Here's a *love* ballad for my neighbor...


Thursday, February 4, 2016 12:19 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Since you've got no money, but you've got plenty of boredom and misery, it seems like 20 minutes of daily meditation is perfect for you -- you don't have pay for it. And with meditation there is a thrilling reincarnation bonus -- the eternal wash, rinse and repeat cycle.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 4, 2016 2:54 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by Wishimay:

I guess I haven't been everywhere on the internet, because I've never heard of The Forum or Landmark Education? Those were suggestions in the comment section BTW.

Soundz like the typical unspesified life chanjing quazi-relijun that preyz on sheepl'z suseptabilty to super salezmen.

There are peepl who can sell ANYTHING, even NOTHING. They are born with this tremendous talent and, mainly due to the crappity condition uv the educational system, never get pointed in a direction that will make the best use uv their talent for society. Sum uv them end up selling junk on TV infomercialz. Sum go to Wall Street. Sum end up starting a cult. They get rich wichever way they go and the world gets a little more worn out & tattered for everybody else.

Sure, our civilization looks like a big ugly coagulation uv cults from an objectiv point uv view, so the next 'Guru' can claim hiz program iz the real deal on how we shoud liv. A 10 year old can make up a better story than any uv the major relijunz, so you cant disproov any uv them. Wut iz Catholisizm other than a big old cult?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, February 4, 2016 1:59 PM


I said that in the off chance that you don't hate your husband and he's still maybe some manner of positivity in your life.

Do you have any family members still around that you don't hate who you could move in with temporarily? It sounds like there's a lot that's bothering you and draining you just around your home and with the neighbors. You said you don't have a car, but they might be able to pick you up. It's just something that might get you out of this rut.

Does your husband get paid at all for over time? Because it sounds like he's working well over 40 hours a week, and if they're not paying him for that amount of work, that might be something to dispute with the department of labor.

Look, I don't have your chronic pain issues, but you know that I've kinda been in the sad state of "oh the world is terrible, and I'm in a hole, and even if I work to get out of that hole, there's no guarantee that it will be any better if I get out of that hole." I know about how everything feels like an emotionally painful and tedious eternity. I even know quite a lot about being alone and lonely, which even with your husband there, with him having as hard a time as he is, you might be feeling.

I still feel all that. You know, I might reach one of my own personal life goals this year, but even something that I've worked for and waited for like that isn't something that will give me joy, and I know it. That's something that can only come from inside, and I've spent so much time hollowing myself out into a shell that I'm not even able to feel anything positive anymore. I've seen how so many of the things I wanted turned out to be not so great after all, or even increased my misery. I don't hope anymore.

The reason I've endured the time of working towards that goal, even though it's completely pointless, is because if I didn't have something to do, I'd be bored and even more depressed. And I've worked towards my goal not by focusing on the distant horizon, but by focusing on what is immediately in front of me, just so I could keep putting one foot in front of the other.

And it's hard, and it's awful, and it's still pointless and painful, and fuck it all. But I do it, because it's not like I have any other or better choices.

The other thing I do, is that I started doing something I used to do before I came here to Fireflyfans and turned into the sopping mess you all knew me as. I stopped talking to people about how I feel, or how I'm sad. It changes nothing, and ultimately made me just dwell on everything more, even made me feel like a victim when I wasn't.

I have no idea if me saying any of that helps you, or even applies, it probably doesn't. But that's what I've got to say. I'll head out again now. Later Wish.


Friday, February 5, 2016 12:22 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
Wut iz Catholisizm other than a big old cult?

Um. Scary...


Friday, February 5, 2016 12:42 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I said that in the off chance that you don't hate your husband and he's still maybe some manner of positivity in your life.

Do you have any family members still around that you don't hate who you could move in with temporarily? It sounds like there's a lot that's bothering you and draining you just around your home and with the neighbors. You said you don't have a car, but they might be able to pick you up. It's just something that might get you out of this rut.

Does your husband get paid at all for over time? Because it sounds like he's working well over 40 hours a week, and if they're not paying him for that amount of work, that might be something to dispute with the department of labor.

Look, I don't have your chronic pain issues, but you know that I've kinda been in the sad state of "oh the world is terrible, and I'm in a hole, and even if I work to get out of that hole, there's no guarantee that it will be any better if I get out of that hole." I know about how everything feels like an emotionally painful and tedious eternity. I even know quite a lot about being alone and lonely, which even with your husband there, with him having as hard a time as he is, you might be feeling.

I still feel all that. You know, I might reach one of my own personal life goals this year, but even something that I've worked for and waited for like that isn't something that will give me joy, and I know it. That's something that can only come from inside, and I've spent so much time hollowing myself out into a shell that I'm not even able to feel anything positive anymore. I've seen how so many of the things I wanted turned out to be not so great after all, or even increased my misery. I don't hope anymore.

The reason I've endured the time of working towards that goal, even though it's completely pointless, is because if I didn't have something to do, I'd be bored and even more depressed. And I've worked towards my goal not by focusing on the distant horizon, but by focusing on what is immediately in front of me, just so I could keep putting one foot in front of the other.

And it's hard, and it's awful, and it's still pointless and painful, and fuck it all. But I do it, because it's not like I have any other or better choices.

The other thing I do, is that I started doing something I used to do before I came here to Fireflyfans and turned into the sopping mess you all knew me as. I stopped talking to people about how I feel, or how I'm sad. It changes nothing, and ultimately made me just dwell on everything more, even made me feel like a victim when I wasn't.

I have no idea if me saying any of that helps you, or even applies, it probably doesn't. But that's what I've got to say. I'll head out again now. Later Wish.

Some days the Aspergers bothers me, but he fights with it more. He knows what he's doing is crazy, but it's so hardwired... He truly fights with himself till he's mentally bleeding.

Nope, One on Dad's side tried to molest my kid, and then the rest sided with the parent of the molester. Not that there was many left anyway, so no loss. I actually think there was a letter about him in Dear Abbey a while back. I think he was the little bastard that asked his cousin to see her boobs. I think he'll be in prison soon.
Mom's side are all self centered pricks. I used to think there was something wrong with ME until I figured out they ALL have some degree of narcissism. The rest are bi-polar messes.
Drugs and suicidal. Um, no.....

He gets paid for overtime, but it STILL isn't as much as he made coal-mining, and he has NO SAY in the hours.

"Diminishing returns" isn't what they call that, the longer you work at something, the less it feels like a victory?

"... I keep putting one foot in front of the other."
That's our OTHER family motto. You ask the kiddo what she wants to do with her life and that's what she tells you...

At least SHE gets a realistic outlook. Her father and I got flying jetpacks and unicorns and magical never-never lands where God gives you warm fuzzies every day....


Friday, February 5, 2016 9:03 AM


I watched Wal-mart throw away about ten pounds of food (at 4:30 in the evening) the other day and wondered if SOMETHING couldn't be done....


Friday, February 5, 2016 10:16 AM


This one could be easily explained by a LOT of things, the Chaplin vid IS odd though...


Friday, February 5, 2016 10:31 AM


This just in... for like the thousandth time... AMERICA SUCKS ASS.


Friday, February 5, 2016 4:48 PM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.


Originally posted by Wishimay:

This one could be easily explained by a LOT of things, the Chaplin vid IS odd though...

There is no way (some) people will ever be convinced, but;

The Greek lady (who is dead as it is a grave naiskos or a relief placed on graves) is reaching into a shallow chest that likely has a mirror on the lid and objects she would want to have in her "life after death".
It has also been modified from its original state as it hung over the door of some house in London for a period until it was sold in 1972 to the museum in California.

As for the woman, she is holding either a Western Electric Model 34A "Audiphone" Carbon Hearing Aid or a a carbon microphone/amplifier device made by Siemens.

Seen both of these before and both have been explained pretty clearly.

Interesting though aren't they?

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face;
With stars to fill my dream;
I am a traveler of both time and space;
To be where I have been


Friday, February 5, 2016 4:58 PM



Originally posted by DEVERSE:

As for the woman, she is holding either a Western Electric Model 34A "Audiphone" Carbon Hearing Aid or a a carbon microphone/amplifier device made by Siemens.

Yeah, but she's talking to herself at the end of it? I never went with the time-travel aspect, but it certainly is odd. Not to mention she has like size 13 shoes on, and looks like a guy.


Friday, February 5, 2016 5:21 PM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Yeah, but she's talking to herself at the end of it? I never went with the time-travel aspect, but it certainly is odd. Not to mention she has like size 13 shoes on, and looks like a guy.

If you notice, her shadow is also a lot less dark than the man's who walks by first. Someone made the video up maybe?

The other explanation I heard once was that she is holding a cloth with ice to her face as she has a tooth ache. Apparently she is seen later in the movie at the dentist.

I do want the zebra though. It would look pretty cool in my office.

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face;
With stars to fill my dream;
I am a traveler of both time and space;
To be where I have been


Friday, February 5, 2016 5:41 PM



Originally posted by DEVERSE:

The other explanation I heard once was that she is holding a cloth with ice to her face as she has a tooth ache. Apparently she is seen later in the movie at the dentist.

I do want the zebra though. It would look pretty cool in my office.

Ohhh, ok, yeah I can buy that one.

Don't do the zebra. Mom hada 7 foot tall wooden giraffe that kept getting knocked over, and when she moved NO ONE wanted it. Popped the top on her Chrysler convertible and drove it to Goodwill...

Something like that is best used for yard art...


Friday, February 5, 2016 5:47 PM


These people have a scientifically verified chromosomal problem and people STILL don't see anything wrong with making fun of them just because of their weight.


This falls under

"Legitimate Reasons Why Obesity Exists"

1. Thyroid Conditions
-Causing metabolic and insulin resistance. Stabilizing TSH levels only helps about half the time to lose weight. Personal trainers have been reported to develop thyroid disorders and still not be able to lose weight despite severely limited diets and rigorous exercise.

2. Chronic pain conditions
-Not "I need an aspirin" pain, think "I need morphine! but I know it will kill off my intestine if I keep taking it" kinda pain.
-See Fibromyalgia, Immune disorders, Diabetes, Lupus, Sjogren's, Multiple Sclerosis

3. Neurological conditions
-Ranging from "When I'm stressed, I overeat" to full psychiatric patient unable to function around food.
-See Binge-eating disorder, Severe depression, Food-related child abuse

4. Hormone deficiencies and imbalances
-See Prader-Willie, Hypothalamus disorder, Leptin Deficiency, Pro-opiomelanocortin deficiency, PCOS

5. Intestinal disorders
It's kind of hard to go for a jog when crossing the room to go to the bathroom is your main activity, and is far more exhausting.
-See Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, food allergies and intolerances

6. Gene related obesity issues
We already know that some teens of different backgrounds, when given the same food and exercise lose weight at very different rates. Scientists suspect some people are programmed to gain until they reach certain weights. 44% of people who have European DNA possess at least one copy of the obesity gene. Many families report siblings of vastly different size, despite eating exactly what other siblings eat.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:27 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I don't have a sense of impending doom for the WORLD, I have one for ME.

Well, was I right about THAT one.

The Dentist missed and hit a vein, and for the last two weeks I've been re-learning to walk all over again. I know why babies flail so much, it's the only way to integrate all the sensory information....

Normal people just get a little fever, but not when you already have 3 auto-immune diseases

Don't think this year is done fucking me over though.

I will say the neighbors FINALLY hashed out who owns the stink spot and it's fixed...


Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:29 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
I don't have a sense of impending doom for the WORLD, I have one for ME.

Well, was I right about THAT one.

The Dentist missed and hit a vein, and for the last two weeks I've been re-learning to walk all over again. I know why babies flail so much, it's the only way to integrate all the sensory information....

Normal people just get a little fever, but not when you already have 3 auto-immune diseases

Don't think this year is don't fucking me over though.

I will say the neighbors FINALLY hashed out who owns the stink spot and it's fixed...

Expound, elaborate?
Did you lose your ability to walk?
To control leg muscles?
Sense of balance?
Ability to concetrate or focus?


Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:38 PM


It's because of the Ehlers-Danlos.

If you think of regular fabric and say old gunny sack material, that's the difference. You scratch your fingers over the regular stuff and if it were a person, it might get a little pink. You scratch your fingers over gunny sack you may tear a few threads, inflammation sets in, bruising. That's me.

I have a hard time getting numb, and I reminded the dentist of the last time, where if he moved a millimeter I could feel it, so I think he decided to double load me, also it was on the top so there are two nerves to be numbed. The first was fine, the second felt...odd. It immediately shot strait up to my eye and I said my eye felt weird.

Plus, all these shots are still preserved with sulfites, which I still have an intolerance for.

The first night I just had a little fever, but the next morning I could barely move. There was a bruise the size of a half dollar on my cheek.
When I would try to walk I would stagger, and I had the energy and control of an 11-month old. By then the fever had spread and it felt like my atlas bones were going to pop out of my skull. I had chills AND sweating. I sat and rocked for HOURS just to hold down the nausea. I STILL feel like my motor neurons haven't connected all the way, and can only do a block after 20 days. Also, my stomach would only digest baby food. I've been living off rice cereal and honey-dews and mello-yellow.

My blood-pressure has shot back up, after all I had gone through to get it to go down, and I have localized pain in my head when I cough. I have found others on-line that have gone through this and they call it a "temporary Parkinson's-like affliction" which about sums it up. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, because all the others were hospitalized and I'm sure had a lovely bill to go with the "Uh, we don't know what happened"...


Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:31 PM


That's nice. What do you plan to do with the rest of your life?....


Sunday, May 22, 2016 9:15 PM


Aaaand I got a lovely grease burn today when a piece of chicken slipped out of the tongs....

Another in a long line of happy days.

Oh, and it top it off, I read that the ultraviolet blanket they used on my daughter when she was born MAY cause leukemia...


Monday, May 23, 2016 6:26 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Aaaand I got a lovely grease burn today when a piece of chicken slipped out of the tongs....

Another in a long line of happy days.

Oh, and it top it off, I read that the ultraviolet blanket they used on my daughter when she was born MAY cause leukemia...

Do you plan to use maple syrup to prevent or cure your daughter's leukemia?
And do you use Rosemary for your brain issues?






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