Hillary Clinton: just because she deserves her own thread

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Sunday, March 13, 2016 5:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I always wondered why Hillary gave me a big case of the willies every time she tried to be charming. Now I know why:



Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:56 PM


My god SIG. Is there anything about you that isn't doom and gloom? Is there anything about you that isn't hypocritical? voicing outrage about the behavior of Hillary Clinton while praising people like Putin and his Iranian allies.

Is there any part of you that isn't a warped and sick bitch? I am about finished with my BSW and I currently work in the mental health field. Trust me, you are one sick bitch.


Sunday, March 13, 2016 10:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Troll, much?

Of course you do.


Sunday, March 13, 2016 11:51 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Troll, much?

Of course you do.

An Internet troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory remarks in online discussion forums or chat rooms with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response.

It is always you and SIG that start these inflammatory threads and since day one I have called you on it, comrade troll.

I really think it is time for the rest of us to talk past you as if you are not even posting.


Monday, March 14, 2016 12:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.

Troll, much?

Of course you do.


Monday, March 14, 2016 1:11 AM



News Flash Everyone!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I always wondered why Hillary gave me a big case of the willies every time she tried to be charming. Now I know why:



Monday, March 14, 2016 11:11 AM


It's pretty obvious SHINYGOODGUY. SIG's first post on her newly created thread matches what I said a troll is as well as 1kiki's definition. I had to laugh as I read 1kiki describing both herself and SIG in her definition of a troll.

Thread after thread is created by these two designed to draw the ire of others. It is what they do, what they live for. Much the same as JAYNESTOWN. Below is a decryption of trolls that if you think about it, fits much of what we have labeled these two over and over again. Liars and exaggerators who twist the truth. When they get caught it doesn't even slow them down. They just start another thread like this one. That is what trolls do. ""Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others."

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists

" Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response."

SIG and 1kiki take topic after topic and post as though it is near and dear to them. They claim to be American yet take every opportunity to praise Putin, Iran and anyone they perceive will upset their American and Western allied audience. Think about it, TROLLS.

What I don't understand is why anyone here responds to them as though what they post deserves an answer. I respond by shinning a light onto them that exposes' them for who and what they are. I don't respond to their points of view because thier posted view is designed to stir up emotions and start controversy. Posting back to them in any other way feeds into what they desire. I am to smart for that. If others here believe as I do, they are trolls, why would you treat them as though they are not? Some of us here call them out for who they are. Others continue to be victims of their sadism. The best way to deal with a troll is to humiliate them. One way is to respond to their posts as silly nonsense ( not to be taken seriously ) and the other is to ignore them.


Monday, March 14, 2016 12:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are other troubling aspects of Hillary's (and Bill's) reigns.

Victoria "fuck the EU" Nuland, who was recorded hand-picking the next government of Ukraine ("Yats is our guy"), worked for Hillary.

The shipment of 78 planeloads of weapons from Qatar and Saudi Arabia thru Turkey to jihadists in Libya? On Hillary's watch.

The transshipment of those same weapons from Benghazi to Syria by the CIA, with Ambassador Stevens' involvement? ALSO in Hillary's watch. (And don't forget- ambassadors work for the State Department).

There was a reason why Hillary wanted a private email server, and it wasn't to exchange recipes!

Those multi-hundred thousand speaking engagements to Wall Street? Yep, Hillary.

And those campaign contributions!

Emily's List $939,881 (identity-voters, rumored to have been started by Soros)
Citigroup Inc $883,547 (international bank)
DLA Piper $847,930 (international law firm for corporations and banks)
Goldman Sachs $821,031 (I think we all know who this is)
JPMorgan Chase & Co $771,111 (same here)
Morgan Stanley $754,538 (ditto)
University of California $608,858
Time Warner $591,524
Skadden, Arps et al $522,688 (international law firm for corporations, banks and financials)
Corning Inc $492,750 maker of specialty glass, including weapons-sighting systems
Kirkland & Ellis $443,420 (yet another intl law firm this one for corporate tax, intellectual property etc)
Paul, Weiss et al $427,062 intl corporate law firm with offices in China and elsewhere
Greenberg Traurig LLP $411,640 yet another intl law firm, from Mexico City to Seoul to Berlin
Sullivan & Cromwell $396,625 yet another intl law firm, corporate and ultrawealthy individuals
Akin, Gump et al $393,531 yet another intl law firm, IP, trade, labor, energy etc
National Amusements Inc $366,640 of which Viacom and CBS are subsidiaries
21st Century Fox $363,899 like above
Lehman Brothers $362,853 we all know who this is
Ernst & Young $360,127 intl audit firm
Harvard University $359,451 we all know who this is

A lot of people seem to think that because "she's a woman" or because "she's a Democrat" or because "she's the Party's choice" that she's going to be a safe candidate who will work for our interests.


And that glowing smile about killing Qaddafi. WTF??????

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 14, 2016 12:24 PM



Monday, March 14, 2016 12:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm kind of hoping for a robust defense of Hillary. But meanwhile ...


Hillary Clinton has excoriated Donald Trump for failing to stop a supporter from roughing up a protester during a speech, saying “This kind of behavior is repugnant. We set the tone for our campaigns — we should encourage respect, not violence.” Yet, in 2011, she did nothing to stop security personnel from brutalizing a 71-year-old veteran who stood silently with his back to her during a speech.

The protester, Ray McGovern, a retired Army officer and CIA analyst, was wearing a black “Veterans for Peace” T-shirt, when he was set upon within sight of Secretary of State Clinton, who ironically was delivering a speech about the importance of foreign leaders respecting dissent. The assault on McGovern left him bruised and bloodied but it didn’t cause Clinton to pause as she coolly continued on, not missing a beat.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 14, 2016 12:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
My god SIG. Is there anything about you that isn't doom and gloom? Is there anything about you that isn't hypocritical? voicing outrage about the behavior of Hillary Clinton while praising people like Putin and his Iranian allies.

Is there any part of you that isn't a warped and sick bitch? I am about finished with my BSW and I currently work in the mental health field. Trust me, you are one sick bitch.

Anyone working in the mental health field would never call anyone a "sick bitch". You're either a liar, or you've chosen the wrong profession!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 14, 2016 2:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

In Internet slang, a troll (/'tro?l/, /'tr?l/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community ... At times, the word can be abused to refer to anyone with controversial opinions they disagree with. Such usages goes against the ordinary meaning of troll in multiple ways.

Wow, that sounds just like what THUGGR is doing!

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, March 14, 2016 2:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... and I currently work in the mental health field ..."

Janitor, perhaps? Because I'd sure hate to see you working with people with your (proven) racism and your (proven) hatred towards anyone who disagrees with your politics.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, March 14, 2016 3:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
My god SIG. Is there anything about you that isn't doom and gloom? Is there anything about you that isn't hypocritical? voicing outrage about the behavior of Hillary Clinton while praising people like Putin and his Iranian allies.

Is there any part of you that isn't a warped and sick bitch? I am about finished with my BSW and I currently work in the mental health field. Trust me, you are one sick bitch.

Anyone working in the mental health field would never call anyone a "sick bitch". You're either a liar, or you've chosen the wrong profession!

Think again. Since you are thriving off the dismay of others and not a ward of the state, but instead someone who considers themselves accomplished, I will call it like I see it.


Monday, March 14, 2016 3:20 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"... and I currently work in the mental health field ..."

Janitor, perhaps? Because I'd sure hate to see you working with people with your (proven) racism and your (proven) hatred towards anyone who disagrees with your politics.

This is what I love about you 1kiki. You are clueless to my beliefs because most of what I post in the RWT is debunking what you and SIG post. As for me being a bigot, sorry but you and SIG have shown that it is you who care about others, only when it means you can stir up trouble in these forums. You blast a country for bombing one hospital and make excuses for another who bombs many.

Sorry asshole, all your posts in these threads are full of proof of that.


Monday, March 14, 2016 3:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... because most of what I post in the RWT is "debunking" what you and SIG post."

To debunk means to show something is false. To show something is false, you'd have to address the topic - which is something you never do. In addition you'd have to show the facts that make it false - which is something you also never do.

Nope, your posts are entirely off-topic, lacking facts and unsourced; and consist entirely of ad hominem attacks (name-calling) and lies like this one: "Syria rebels shoot down regime warplane"

Granted, it's hard to find a source that backs up off-topic posts, ad hominem attacks and fabrications. And that SHOULD be your first clue that you're going off the rails - that you can't find anything BASED IN REALITY that supports what you post. But, not you. You're too 'smart' for that. And I'm being ironic btw, in case you didn't get it.

But, enough about you and your foibles. It's boring.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, March 14, 2016 5:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hillary's record as Sec State is replete with serious judgment errors (private server, bombing Libya), claimed lack of information (re the US running arms out of the US embassy annex in Benghazi through Turkey to ISIS - she claimed she didn't know arms were being shipped, and then that she didn't know they were going to ISIS), and support for neo-con action (Victoria "fuck the EU" Nuland, who was taped selecting the US pick for the next Ukrainian PM after the coup). And she voted for the Iraq war.

Along with her vote for the US Patriot Act, and her support of so-called 'free -trade' agreements, her record is full of indications she'd be an interventionist hawk, escalate confrontations with Russia and China, use and expand spying on ordinary people, and support corporations at the expense of us, the people of this country.

"The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.
Was the mistake the decision to intervene in the first place, or the mission creep from protecting civilians to ousting a dictator, or the failure to send a peacekeeping force in the aftermath?
Mrs. Clinton declined to be interviewed. But in public, she has said it is “too soon to tell” how things will turn out in Libya and has called for a more interventionist approach in Syria."

"Libya’s descent into chaos began with a rushed decision to go to war, made in what one top official called a “shadow of uncertainty” as to Colonel Qaddafi’s intentions. The mission inexorably evolved even as Mrs. Clinton foresaw some of the hazards of toppling another Middle Eastern strongman. She pressed for a secret American program that supplied arms to rebel militias, an effort never before confirmed."

"CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'
The CIA has been subjecting operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an attempt to suppress details of a reported US arms smuggling operation in Benghazi that was ongoing when its ambassador was killed by a mob in the city last year, according to reports."

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Friday, March 18, 2016 10:04 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

I hear you Sig, warmongers are the worst.

Except Russian ones <3 <3



Friday, March 18, 2016 11:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by kpo:
I hear you Sig, warmongers are the worst.

Except Russian ones <3 <3


Yes, because defending one nation from jihadists is so much worse than destabilizing two nations and destroying another, to the benefit of jihadism.

Yanno what they say, KthirdstoogePO - "the proof of the pudding". Since peace has broken out in Syria and all of the enemies are holding hands in Geneva and singing kumbayah (except the Kurds, who really need to be included) ... what are you bitching about THIS time? Care to compare Syria to the USA projects: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Sudan ... to Syria - which was a former USA project and heading into the toilet along with the rest?

Or do you think the USA might suffer in the process?

Nevermind, I know the answer already.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, March 18, 2016 11:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Saturday, March 19, 2016 8:49 AM


I'm confused SIG. When you say destabilizing a nation are you referring to what Russia is doing in the Ukraine? Because the consensus is that Russian has invaded Ukraine for the purpose of stealing territory and treasure.


Saturday, March 19, 2016 9:32 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I thought this was funny...


Our source has obtained these draft notes from the waste paper basket in the office of the Director, Spin Central, Western Main Stream Media Holdings.

ISSUE: Putin has recently announced a partial pullout from Syria and claimed success.

BACKGROUND: For months we have been saying that Putin's air force has been clusterbombing civilians, good moderate rebels, sand and hospitals; that Putin is getting bogged down; that it was turning into another Afghanistan; that he was lying when he said he was bombing terrorists; that all he was doing was propping up Assad. In short that it was a failure that could only grow worse. "Russia's Failed Adventure in Syria" by Con Coughlin, Defence Editor of the Daily Telegraph is a typical example. Others are "Putin bogging down in Syria", "Russian army in Syria: A failure foretold" and "Putin Dare Not Send More Forces to Syria". These must now, as it were, be unspun in such a way that we do not look like fools [who were just speaking stenography to power -crossout].

PROBLEM: Many of our [dupes -punters -sheeple - crossout] citizens are in danger of forming the impression that Putin actually did what he said he would do, when he said he would do it and, having done it, is finished. Some are even going so far as to suggest Putin did us a service by attacking ISIS. Such an impression would directly threaten our [credibility- profits- crossout] freedoms and values.

SOLUTION: It is imperative that we develop a media campaign to [save our faces-crossout] regain the moral high ground. Consultations with our specialists have developed the following themes. The essence is that, while not a complete failure, Putin's war had a very limited and short-lived success. All writers are instructed to work these themes into their coverage.

* Putin attacked Syria to distract the population from the catastrophic economy. Nonstop videos of explosions on state-controlled TV had an initial effect which soon wore off. With the collapse of his popularity ratings [from 90% to 85%- crossout] he realised he had milked it for as much as he could and it was time for another diversion.

* The attack on Syria diverted attention from Putin's war in Ukraine. The pullout has successfully diverted attention from Putin's war in Syria.

* Putin's war has been countered by the successful diplomacy of President US President Obama and (insert the name of local stooge leader) which created the ceasefire and brought the warring parties to the negotiating table.

* Humorists can make the point that Putin has run out of Syrian hospitals and orphanages to bomb.

* Find "some expert" to "believe" that the cost of the intervention was ruinously high and that "probably" Putin's supporters told him to stop or they would dismiss him.

* Suggest there was a big argument with Assad and Putin left to punish him. "Some experts believe" is the way to introduce this story.

* Other departments will be trying to create a "Soldiers' Mothers Committee" to claim there were thousands of hidden casualties. Be ready to quote them.

* Don't forget to say that Putin claimed "mission accomplished" and that he promised to completely withdraw. This allows us to call him a liar if these things do not happen. In the meantime, anything short of 100% "accomplished" can be spun as failure.

Standard instructions continue as usual:

Scatter the expressions "barrel bombs", "troll factories", "hybrid war", "carpet bombing" and "weaponising" freely through your writings. But I don't think we can get away with "weaponising success" though.

Question the reliability of everything Putin says and observe that, while his motives are always obscure, they are always malign.

Don't forget personalisation: everything is "Putin's"

When you can't find a source for some assertion, make frequent use of the formula: "Many experts say -------"

Try and say "Putin's war on Syria" as much as possible; this makes him out to have been on the morally wrong side.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Yeah right,


Saturday, March 19, 2016 12:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

My bad, I expanded a significantly off-topic discussion. I'll move my off-topic post under the Syria thread.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 9:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Democrats, you can’t vote for Hillary: The case for writing in Bernie Sanders If Hillary Clinton is the nominee
We need structural change: Clinton as president would merge GOPers and Dems into one party on war & foreign policy
H. A. Goodman

The same neoconservatives who view the Iraq War as the right decision are now gravitating towards Hillary Clinton.

Only Bernie Sanders says “I’ll be damned” to quagmires. Trump is actually less hawkish than Clinton, which says a lot about Hillary Clinton, and lot about her supporters.

If Bernie Sanders doesn’t win the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton might be “better” than Trump in many ways, but certainly not from the vantage point of structural change. The word “better” doesn’t explain the global ramifications of allowing George W. Bush’s neoconservative advisers, and Henry Kissinger, into a Democratic White House. ...

The merger of both American political parties on war is actually the foundation for fascism. When a Democrat appeals to neoconservatives, and legitimizes Henry Kissinger’s foreign policy, then we’ve altered our democracy forever.

The Middle East is engulfed in flames because of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq (aided by Democrats like Clinton) and unintended consequences, or blowback, like ISIS. As for the devastating toll on Iraq, over 174,000 civilian deaths have been documented, and this could be a conservative estimate. One study states that around 500,000 human beings have died, but that report was published in 2013. Still, there are far higher estimates of carnage.

I’m not saying writing-in Bernie, if Clinton is the nominee, will be perfect. However, as I’ve heard throughout this election, “don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.”

If you blame Ralph Nader for 2000, then remember Iraq was the biggest tragedy of the Bush years. Not only did Clinton vote for Iraq, she’s learned from her “mistake” by appealing to neoconservatives on foreign policy.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 10:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t get it: Paul Krugman, Bernie Sanders and the truth about the free trade scam
Trade has been a disaster for Democratic voters, but a boon for Democratic politicians -- especially the Clintons

/ Stung by the bad showing, Mrs. Clinton was already recalibrating her message, even altering her standard line before the Michigan race had been called. “I don’t want to be the president for those who are already successful — they don’t need me,” she said at a rally Tuesday night in Cleveland. “I want to be the president for the struggling and the striving.”/

It’s a characteristically breathtaking move on Clinton’s part. It sounds great, of course. But how can she be a president for the struggling and striving when she’s so out of touch with them that she’s been blindsided by the brokenness of their dreams? There’s so much more than messaging that needs to be adjusted here. As Paul Krugman now admits, “much of the elite defense of globalization is basically dishonest…. So the elite case for ever-freer trade is largely a scam.”

Just as Clinton, the candidate, was so disconnected from public anger, and the objective suffering it springs from, the entire policy apparatus around trade has for years been totally disconnected from virtually anyone outside of the corporate sector.

That might sound hyperbolic, but it’s quite literally true. Last year, when an early Senate vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership was about to be held, the Intercept explained that “Even members of Congress can only look at it one section at a time in the Capitol’s basement, without most of their staff or the ability to keep notes.” Hence, the only way the public knew what was in the TPP ahead of time was through Wikileaks. Things were different for our corporate overlords, however:

But there’s an exception: if you’re part of one of 28 U.S. government-appointed trade advisory committees providing advice to the U.S. negotiators. The committees with the most access to what’s going on in the negotiations are 16 “Industry Trade Advisory Committees,” whose members include AT&T, General Electric, Apple, Dow Chemical, Nike, Walmart and the American Petroleum Institute.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, April 16, 2016 10:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Would The World Survive President Hillary?

Paul Craig Roberts


This is an English translation of an article that I wrote for the German magazine, Compact. I was encouraged by the high level of intelligent discourse that Compact brings to its readers. If only the US had more people capable of reaching beyond entertainment to comprehending the forces that affect them, there might be some hope for America.

Compact brings hope to Germany. The German people are beginning to understand that their country is not sovereign but a vassal of Washington and that their chancellor serves Washington’s hegemony and American financial interests, and not the German people.

Hillary Clinton is proving to be the “teflon candidate.” In her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, she has escaped damage from major scandals, any one of which would destroy a politician. Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations. She is under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison. Hillary has survived the bombing of Libya, her creation of a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terrorist jihadists, and the Benghazi controversy. She has survived charges that as Secretary of State she arranged favors for foreign interests in exchange for donations to the Clintons’ foundation. And, of course, there is a long list of previous scandals: Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate. Diana Johnstone’s book, Queen of Chaos, describes Hillary Clinton as “the top salesperson for the ruling oligarchy.”

Hillary Clinton is a bought-and-paid-for representative of the big banks, the military-security complex, and the Israel Lobby. She will represent these interests, not those of the American people or America’s European allies.

The Clintons’ purchase by interest groups is public knowledge. For example, CNN reports that between February 2001 and May 2015 Bill and Hillary Clinton were paid $153 million in speaking fees for 729 speeches, an average price of $210,000.

As it became evident that Hillary Clinton would emerge as the likely Democratic presidential candidate, she was paid more. Deutsche Bank paid her $485,000 for one speech, and Goldman Sachs paid her $675,000 for three speeches. Bank of American Morgan Stanley, UBS, and Fidelity Investments each paid $225,000.

Despite Hillary’s blatent willingness to be bribed in public, her opponent, Bernie Sanders, has not succeeded in making an issue of Hillary’s shamelessness. Both of the main establishment newspapers, the Washington Post and the New York Times have come to Hillary’s defense.

Hillary is a war-monger. She pushed the Obama regime into the destruction of a stable and largely cooperative government in Libya where the “Arab Spring” was a CIA-backed group of jihadists who were used to dislodge China from its oil investments in eastern Libya. She urged her husband to bomb Yugoslavia. She pushed for “regime change” in Syria. She oversaw the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Honduras. She brought neoconservative Victoria Nuland, who arranged the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine, into the State Department. Hillary has called President Vladimir Putin of Russia the “new Hitler.” Hillary as president guarantees war and more war.

In the United States government has been privatized. Office holders use their positions in order to make themselves wealthy, not in order to serve the public interest. Bill and Hillary Clinton epitomize the use of public office in behalf of the office holder’s interest. For the Clintons government means using public office to be rewarded for doing favors for private interests. The Wall Street Journal reported that “at least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her [Hillary Clinton’s] tenure as Secretary of State donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

According to, “All told, the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates have collected donations and pledges from all souces of more than $1.6 billion, accoring to their tax returns.”

According to, multi-million dollar donors to the Clinton Foundation include Saudi Arabia, Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, Kuwait, ExxonMobil, Friends of Saudi Arabia, James Murdoch, Qatar, Boeing, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Walmart, and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the International Business Times, “Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments had given millions to the Clinton Foundation.”

Hillary Clinton has escaped unharmed from so many crimes and scandals that she would likely be the most reckless president in American history. With the arms race renewed, with Russia declared “an existential threat to the United States,” and with Hillary’s declaration of President Putin as the new Hitler, Hillary’s arrogant self-confidence is likely to result in over-reach that ends in conflict between NATO and Russia. Considering the extraordinary destructive force of nuclear weapons, Hillary as president could mean the end of life on earth.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, April 16, 2016 9:39 PM


Give me a break SIG. You and 1kiki have no credibility here. Your Putin bitches. If you can support him and continue to defend everything the moron does, you can't think you have credibility when complaining about Hilary.

Really you guys crack me up.


Saturday, April 16, 2016 11:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

ONEOFTHETHREESTOOGES, do you have any idea who Paul Craig Roberts is? He worked as the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981. Reagan was hardly a "commie-lover", and neither is Paul Craig Roberts.

Just like THEOTHERTWOSTOOGES, you argue "source" not facts.

Has Hillary not accepted massive speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations? Were not Bill and Hillary Clinton paid $153 million in speaking fees for 729 speeches, an average price of $210,000?

As Presidential candidate, was she not paid $485,000 for one speech by DB and $675,000 by Goldman Sachs?

Is she not "under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison"?

Did she not promulgate the destruction of Libya, and create "a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terrorist jihadists, and the Benghazi controversy"?

Was she not charged with arranging "favors for foreign interests in exchange for donations to the Clintons’ foundation" as Scy State?

As Scy State, did she not bring in "neoconservative Victoria Nuland into the State Department"?

Did Hillary not call President Vladimir Putin of Russia the “new Hitler”?

What, if anything, is factually wrong with the article?

Or is it that you simply don't like what it reveals about Hillary?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 10:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hillary Clinton is a bought-and-paid-for representative of the big banks, the military-security complex, and the Israel Lobby. She will represent these interests, not those of the American people or America’s European allies.

Hillary is a war-monger. She pushed the Obama regime into the destruction of a stable and largely cooperative government in Libya where the “Arab Spring” was a CIA-backed group of jihadists who were used to dislodge China from its oil investments in eastern Libya. She urged her husband to bomb Yugoslavia. She pushed for “regime change” in Syria. She oversaw the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Honduras. She brought neoconservative Victoria Nuland, who arranged the coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine, into the State Department. Hillary has called President Vladimir Putin of Russia the “new Hitler.” Hillary as president guarantees war and more war.

In the United States government has been privatized. Office holders use their positions in order to make themselves wealthy, not in order to serve the public interest. Bill and Hillary Clinton epitomize the use of public office in behalf of the office holder’s interest. For the Clintons government means using public office to be rewarded for doing favors for private interests. The Wall Street Journal reported that “at least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her [Hillary Clinton’s] tenure as Secretary of State donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

According to, “All told, the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates have collected donations and pledges from all souces of more than $1.6 billion, accoring to their tax returns.”

According to, multi-million dollar donors to the Clinton Foundation include Saudi Arabia, Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, Kuwait, ExxonMobil, Friends of Saudi Arabia, James Murdoch, Qatar, Boeing, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Walmart, and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the International Business Times, “Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments had given millions to the Clinton Foundation.”

Hillary Clinton has escaped unharmed from so many crimes and scandals that she would likely be the most reckless president in American history. With the arms race renewed, with Russia declared “an existential threat to the United States,” and with Hillary’s declaration of President Putin as the new Hitler, Hillary’s arrogant self-confidence is likely to result in over-reach that ends in conflict between NATO and Russia. Considering the extraordinary destructive force of nuclear weapons, Hillary as president could mean the end of life on earth.

Geezus, the man likes his hyperbole. (even his name is hyperbolic as fas as names go) -ONEOFTHETHREESTOOGES

Wait ... wha ...? You're attacking a man because of HIS NAME???

How about ... Martin Luther King? Gosh, with such a hyperbolic name, I guess he had nothing worthwhile to say!

James Earl Jones? Couldn't have been much of an actor!

George Walker Bush Sounds like some hick from Bumfuk Kentucky. Couldn't have gotten very far in his life!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Gosh, with a name like that, I'll bet he was given to hyperbole too. He might have even said something exaggerated like We have nothing to fear but fear itself. What a twit!

You have plumbed the depths of "nothing rational to say", ONEOFTHETHREESTOOGES. You suck as a source of reasonable discussion, but you're sometimes a hoot!


"...Hillary as president could mean the end of life on earth."

ANYONE as President could mean "the end of life on earth". What is one of the criticisms of Trump? Can you imagine a man like that with his finger on "the button"? Where is that wrong?


With all of the chaff that you threw into your post, it would be easy to overlook the fact that you had NOT A SINGLE THING TO SAY ABOUT THE FACTS LISTED IN THE ARTICLE.

But, that's just like you: You're deathly allergic to facts. So allergic, you'll do anything to deny them.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 11:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know you hope to distract from the facts of Hillary's whoring by turning this into yet another thread about... you! So you have not addressed her terrible deficiencies as a person and as a policy-maker, and you will never do so.

Hillary Clinton is a proven war-monger and demonstrably corrupted by international money. All you have to do is look at her top 20 donors, her speaking fees, the "donations" to "The Clinton Foundation", her voting record, and her record as Scy State.

You can forget about igniting a flame-war.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 9:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, let me just post this quote, which is still 100% true:

With all of the chaff that you threw into your post, it would be easy to overlook the fact that you had NOT A SINGLE THING TO SAY ABOUT THE FACTS LISTED IN THE ARTICLE.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 10:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Getting back to Hillary, this old definition applies to her:

The definition of an honest politician is one who, once they're bought, STAY bought.

By that definition, Hillary is not an honest politician.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 9:19 AM



Monday, April 18, 2016 11:57 AM


Well, here's the thing, and I said this to a bunch of folks at a barbecue yesterday - If any of you are going to be distraught, devastated, or depressed about Hillary getting elected President, you best start preparing to deal with it now.


Monday, April 18, 2016 2:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, here's the thing, and I said this to a bunch of folks at a barbecue yesterday - If any of you are going to be distraught, devastated, or depressed about Hillary getting elected President, you best start preparing to deal with it now.

Not going to be any of those, I'm going to be angry. Also, the way I'm preparing for her reign is by getting my "I told you so" posts ready ahead of time.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 2:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Thanks for the link 'G'.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 2:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Well, here's the thing, and I said this to a bunch of folks at a barbecue yesterday - If any of you are going to be distraught, devastated, or depressed about Hillary getting elected President, you best start preparing to deal with it now.-RIVERLOVE

Angry, yup. And "I told you so" also being readied for deployment, assuming that Hillary does what I think she's going to do.

Yours is exactly the attitude that yawns when presented with official wrongdoing, and then freaks out when there is a major terrorist attack/ financial meltdown in this country. You don't think that there'll be consequences.

Also you and your compatriots are ethically-challenged.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, April 18, 2016 9:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

She WILL get us into another war. Put that in the predictions thread.


Does this sound like she learned anything from Libya and Ukraine?

By Philip Rucker March 5, 2014

Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday compared Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression in Ukraine to actions taken by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler outside Germany in the run-up to World War II.

Making her first extensive comments about the crisis in Ukraine, Clinton said at a private fundraiser in California that
Putin's campaign to provide Russian passports to those with Russian connections living outside his country's borders is reminiscent of Hitler's protection of ethnic Germans outside Germany, according to a report published overnight.

"Now if this sounds familiar, it's what Hitler did back in the '30s," Clinton said Tuesday, according to the Long Beach Press-Telegram. "All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they're not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that's what's gotten everybody so nervous."

The Press-Telegram appears to have been the only publication present for Clinton's remarks at an otherwise closed-press luncheon fundraiser Tuesday attended by about 250 people to benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach.

Earlier Tuesday, BuzzFeed reported that Clinton spoke extensively about the situation in Ukraine, quoting Harry Saltzgaver, the executive editor of the Gazette newspapers group in Long Beach, who attended the Clinton event as a guest.

"She compared issuing Russian passports to Ukrainians with ties to Russia with early actions by Nazi Germany before Hitler began invading neighboring countries," Saltzgaver told BuzzFeed.
"She said, however, that while that makes people nervous, there is no indication that Putin is as irrational as the instigator of World War II."

Saltzgaver later told The Washington Post that he did not intend to "start a firestorm" with his description of Clinton's speech. A Clinton spokesman did not reply to a request to provide a recording or transcript of her remarks or to elaborate on them or offer additional context.

Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, said Putin "believes his mission is to restore Russian greatness," including reasserting control of former Soviet Union countries, the Press-Telegram reported. "When he looks at Ukraine, he sees a place that he believes is by its very nature part of Mother Russia," Clinton said, according to the Press-Telegram.

Clinton added that she believes any compromise between Ukraine and Russia will come in Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula where there are many Russian speakers and where Putin has stationed Russian troops. She said she was hopeful about Secretary of State John F. Kerry's diplomatic efforts in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

"So everybody is hoping that there will be a negotiation but a negotiation that respects Ukraine and doesn't ratify a reoccupation by Russia of Crimea," Clinton said, according to the Press-Telegram.

"So it's a real nail-biter, right now, but
nobody wants to up the rhetoric. Everybody wants to cool it in order to find a diplomatic solution, and that's what we should be trying to do."

Clinton is giving a series of speeches this week in California and western Canada. She plans to appear at the University of California at Los Angeles on Wednesday afternoon to give a lecture, answer questions from a faculty member and accept an award from the university.
Philip Rucker is a national political correspondent for The Washington Post, where he has reported since 2005.

So, there's Clinton, upping the neo-con rhetoric.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 11:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yours is exactly the attitude that yawns when presented with official wrongdoing, and then freaks out when there is a major terrorist attack/ financial meltdown in this country. You don't think that there'll be consequences.

Also you and your compatriots are ethically-challenged.

Fuck you and the little red pony you rode in on. Seriously, you need to see a shrink a.s.a.p.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 12:19 AM


I didn't mean Russia. Iran is likely the next target. Don't let the talks fool you.

The people who plan America's (constant) wars aren't elected. They just get what they want. Hillary has repeatedly demonstrated her hawkishness and wants to prove to the world she's as "tough" as any man.

Hillary = war. She loves it. Always has. It makes her rich.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 1:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I agree about her hawkishness.

I was looking at her speech more indirectly. It seems to me that she wants to continue provoking Russia, under the assumption that Russia won't respond directly militarily, especially not with nuclear weapons. She's going to presume on Putin having endless restraint, though he's already said he'll use nuclear weapons if threatened. She seems like she'll keep poking the Russian (nuclear) bear with no goal or stopping point.

So, where does her confidence in her omniscience come from? Is it because Libya went s well? Or Ukraine? How did Syria turn out?

Either Libya et al turned out exactly according to plan, or she's pathological.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 3:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yours is exactly the attitude that yawns when presented with official wrongdoing, and then freaks out when there is a major terrorist attack/ financial meltdown in this country. You don't think that there'll be consequences.

Also you and your compatriots are ethically-challenged.

Fuck you and the little red pony you rode in on. Seriously, you need to see a shrink a.s.a.p.

Also, you and your compatriots are ethically-challenged.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have a question for all you Hillaryphiles.

You've thrown a lot of snark. You really dislike Bernie's age. You've discussed politics. Numbers. Trump.

But none of you have discussed Hillary's voting record, her warmongering record as Secy of State, her collusion with neocons, her support of prison corporations, her profitable relationship with international corporatists, support of 'free' trade agreements (all of them) or her stated policies like for example her support of Israel no matter what. You seem to think she''l sail past her ~55% unfavorability rating. You seem to think simply having a 'D' after her name is enough of a reason to vote for her.

But it's not enough for me. I'm not about scoring points for 'my' 'side'. I'm about what kind of economy we'll have, whether or not we'll be at war, and will it be with Russia, how much spying will we be subject to, and other vital questions.

So, assume I'm like a lot of other Bernie supporters who truly don't see a future with Hillary. I'm asking you to discuss Hillary's potential in the face of these questions, and to give me a reason to vote FOR her.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:32 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Well, here's the thing, and I said this to a bunch of folks at a barbecue yesterday - If any of you are going to be distraught, devastated, or depressed about Hillary getting elected President, you best start preparing to deal with it now.

Not going to be any of those, I'm going to be angry. Also, the way I'm preparing for her reign is by getting my "I told you so" posts ready ahead of time.

Sorry 1kiki, Putin can't be president. Really laughable how you worship him but can't stomach Hilary or any other western leader. Comrade


Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have a question for all you Hillaryphiles.

You've thrown a lot of snark. You really dislike Bernie's age. You've discussed politics. Numbers. Trump.

But none of you have discussed Hillary's voting record, her warmongering record as Secy of State, her collusion with neocons, her support of prison corporations, her profitable relationship with international corporatists, her support of 'free' trade agreements (all of them) or her stated policies, for example, her support of Israel no matter what. You seem to think she'll sail past her ~55% unfavorability rating. You seem to think simply having a 'D' after her name is enough of a reason to vote for her.

But it's not enough for me. I'm not about scoring points for 'my' 'side'. I'm about what kind of economy we'll have, whether or not we'll be at war, and will it be with Russia, how much spying will we be subject to, and other vital questions.

So, assume I'm like a lot of other Bernie supporters who truly don't see a future with Hillary. I'm asking you to discuss Hillary's potential in the face of these questions, and to give me a reason to vote FOR her.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 25, 2016 4:36 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Getting back to Hillary, this old definition applies to her:

The definition of an honest politician is one who, once they're bought, STAY bought.

By that definition, Hillary is not an honest politician.

I don't trust Hillary, but I find this fascinating.

Who turns down the kind of dough they come with?


Monday, April 25, 2016 9:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You seem to think simply having a 'D' after her name is enough of a reason to vote for her.
No, of course not. Just being a Democrat is never enough to deserve election. She's also a woman!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, April 25, 2016 9:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The dratted double!


Monday, April 25, 2016 12:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The facts, from Paul Craig Roberts


Has Hillary not accepted massive speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations? Were not Bill and Hillary Clinton paid $153 million in speaking fees for 729 speeches, an average price of $210,000?

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented
That's not thousand, but MILLION


As Presidential candidate, was she not paid $485,000 for one speech by DB and $675,000 by Goldman Sachs?

$675 from Goldman Sachs
Hillary Clinton, Deutschebank connections ... and more! Please note that this is from that left-wing website Investopedia


Is she not "under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison"?

You don't really need me to provide links for this, do you?


Did she not promulgate the destruction of Libya, and create "a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terrorist jihadists, and the Benghazi controversy"?

"We came, we saw, he died [laughter]" infamously recorded by CBS


Was she not charged with arranging "favors for foreign interests in exchange for donations to the Clintons’ foundation" as Scy State?



As Scy State, did she not bring in "neoconservative Victoria Nuland into the State Department"?



Did Hillary not call President Vladimir Putin of Russia the “new Hitler”?

Well, not exactly! What she did was compare what Hitler did to what Putin did!


What, if anything, is factually wrong with the article?

I wouldn't put it past you "G"ONEOFTHETHREESTOOGES, to have gone thru all of the points in Paul Craig Roberts'* article and to ignore all of the provable supportive facts that you found, and the additional muck that you dug up, simply to focus on the most trivial and least supported. Because ... Hillary! ... yanno?

* BTW, I still your your criticism of Paul Craig Roberts' name was a hoot! It was so funny, and so completely trivial (yanno, kind of like you) that I thought to reproduce it here. My god, I laughed my ass off over it.


Geezus, the man likes his hyperbole. (even his name is hyperbolic as fas as names go) -"G"

Wait ... wha ...? You're attacking a man because of HIS NAME???
How about ... Martin Luther King? Gosh, with such a hyperbolic name, I guess he had nothing worthwhile to say!
James Earl Jones? Couldn't have been much of an actor!
George Walker Bush Sounds like some hick from Bumfuk Kentucky. Couldn't have gotten very far in his life!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Gosh, with a name like that, I'll bet he was given to hyperbole too. He might have even said something exaggerated like We have nothing to fear but fear itself. What a twit [FDR must have been]!

You have plumbed the depths of "nothing rational to say", ONEOFTHETHREESTOOGES. You suck as a source of reasonable discussion, but you're sometimes a hoot! - SIGNY

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, April 25, 2016 4:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

. . . give me a reason to vote FOR her.

Sanders and Clinton are arguing about soda taxes — Clinton for, as a way to raise money for good stuff while discouraging self-destructive behavior, Sanders against, because regressive. I have no illusions that rational argument will make much difference in the short run; we’re in that stage where anything Clinton supports is ipso facto evil. It’s like that point in 2008 when Obama supporters hated, hated the individual mandate that eventually became, as it had to, a central piece of Obamacare.

But anyway, it does seem worth pointing out that progressivity of taxes is not the most important thing, even when your concern is inequality. Notably, Nordic countries — very much including Denmark, which Sanders has praised as a model — rely heavily on the VAT, which is a regressive tax; but they use that revenue to pay for a strong social safety net, which is much more important.

If we add in the reality that heavy soda consumption really is destructive, with the consequences falling most heavily on low-income children, I’d say that Sanders is very much on the wrong side here. In fact, I very much doubt that he’d be raising the issue at all if he weren’t still hoping to pull off some kind of political Hail Mary pass.






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