Arizona - The New Democracy

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 18:43
VIEWED: 1909
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Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:04 AM


Yes, it seems like states get to do pretty much anything they want when it comes to American voting rights. Meanwhile Arizona has taken that supposed freedom to new heights. To hell with political correctness, that's what right wing death squads like to say (yes, that's right I said death squads, because of the assassination of the
freedoms we have come to know over the years, voting, to name one). Four or more hours waiting in line to vote, an American's right, obviously concocted to discourage
people from doing just that.

It is, beyond a doubt, the most despicable, low down, disgusting and decidedly un-American act of treasonable offense. Phew!!! The stench coming from that section of the country is beyond the pale, and needs to be corrected ASAP. Why? Because it leads to fascism. Pure and simple.



Thursday, March 24, 2016 1:28 AM


The 15th Amendment is under attack. Republicans constantly wrap themselves in the Constitution, actually they handpick the sections that suit them, and we get to
keep the status quo. Make America Great Again!

Breaking News

The DOJ has received a letter requesting an investigation, sent by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.

All this due to SCOTUS, between 2012 and 2016 Arizona has, because they no longer have to answer to the Supreme Court, cut polling places by 70%, and primarily in
the most populated part of Arizona in Maricopa County. You're gonna get lines, LONG
lines. Shameful, absolutely shameful.

Trump and Ted Cruz call for Muslim Patrols

I found out today that there is a group of armed Muslims in New York City. The number is 900. How do "we" know this? Because they belong to the the NYPD. Get this. Since Trump and Cruz have no idea they can't order the NYPD around, if they were to deploy a federal agency, like the FBI, it would take the country's entire
FBI force to round up the Muslims in the NYPD alone. What about the rest of the country? Brilliant!

Then how would you round up everyone? How could you tell who's a Muslim? You know
that they come in all shapes and sizes. And what about the Hispanics? How would anyone know who's who? There are those that have blonde hair and blue eyes, including Muslims. I can't wait to see how Trump or Cruz will pull this off.

What is this world coming to? Can anyone here just pick up a mic and run for the highest office in the land? Apparently so.



Thursday, March 24, 2016 10:45 AM


Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.


Saturday, March 26, 2016 5:52 AM


From what I understand, a lot of this is attributed to the rules of engagement within each party, the GOP and the Dems. To put that on Hilary is a bit disingenuous.
For instance, a lot of voting in Utah and/or Arizona is done through early voting, so much of the polling may be off because of that little detail. Basically, you can't go by the reported polling info. Plus, some of the voting is closed, meaning either it's only for registered democrats or republicans. Caucuses are different because it's a cross section of the community at large and open.

So, let's say a democrat wants to change to vote for Trump, then they would have to register as a republican to vote in a closed scenario. Same thing goes for a republican wanting to vote for a democrat. In Bernie's case, if his supporters are not registered democrats and the voting is closed to all but registered democrats, they are shit out of luck. Unless they register in time for voting in their state.

Besides everyone cheats, including Bernie, count on it.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.


Saturday, March 26, 2016 6:05 AM


Here's a good example of cheating, or sneaky politics:

The RNC sends out a letter disguised as a “Notice of delinquency” to it's registered
voters, stating that they owe a certain amount and it is past due. But it's basically a fundraising letter. Sneaky bastards!



Saturday, March 26, 2016 6:57 AM


Helen Purcell, the biggest idiot aside from Donald Trump.............

You can't make this stuff up.



Saturday, March 26, 2016 7:16 AM


Bernie's response............

And here again is Helen Purcell, answering to city council;

Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?



Saturday, March 26, 2016 5:56 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?


So the last voter turnout for similar election was 300,000 statewide. Are you saying they should have expended enough money to accommodate 1 million? Some consider that a waste of money, a merely budgetary consideration.
Are you saying that every voting district in American should expend enough funds to allow 250% or 350% of the nominal turnout?

How many ballots do you think should be preprinted next time? Are you willing to fund this expense?

I am shocked - shocked I say - that partisan Democrap Greg Stanton called for oversight. Curious how much excessive funding he provides to his election clerks to print excessive number of ballots.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 4:09 AM


You must admit that there is great interest in this year's presidential race, regardless of party. Then you have THE most populated county in the state. You with me so far? The other counties average between 2,100 - 2,300 voters per polling place (according to records). Maricopa County, after the closures of 140 polling places, went to an average of 21,000 per polling place. Do you think there might be
a line outside the polling places?

Now, I'm not claiming I know all the details of the voting process in Arizona, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that cutting back on voting/polling places by that much would cause problems. Ms. Purcell admitted as much in an interview and took full responsibility before a City Council meeting. She said she screwed up, of course after blaming the voters for exercising their right to vote.

Pesky voters!

Funny thing was that she guaranteed that Hilary would win in Arizona by her idiot move. Of course, that's not the issue. What makes it all the more insane is that
Ms. Purcell is a republican, smug bitch, tried to deny the taxpayers of the county
their rights as citizens to participate in the political process. All this without
issuing advance notice as to her plan. You want to save taxpayers money, RESIGN.

From the Maricopa County Recorder's website:
Helen Purcell (Republican) is your Maricopa County Recorder. Helen was elected to the office in November 1988 and is now serving her 7th term. Ms. Purcell’s statutory duties and responsibilities include recording and maintaining for permanent public record, 3,000 to 7,000 documents per day (digital recording is 80% of the daily recording) and maintaining voter registration rolls for nearly 2,000,000 registered voters. She is responsible for administering the Elections Department which conducts all national, state and county wide elections, and provides support for cities, towns, school districts, special districts, and other jurisdictions.
Most years since 1999, the office has processed over 1,000,000 documents reaching 1,974,576 in 2005.

You want to save money? Why not advertise the Permanent Early Voting Method? Arizona has such a law in place. You can cut costs by encouraging people to apply and vote early. Of course, it would take a person with some brains to do that. And, just in case, as others have suggested, that Hilary had anything to do with this debacle; riddle me this: Why would a republican elected official ever listen to a Democratic candidate?




Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?


So the last voter turnout for similar election was 300,000 statewide. Are you saying they should have expended enough money to accommodate 1 million? Some consider that a waste of money, a merely budgetary consideration.
Are you saying that every voting district in American should expend enough funds to allow 250% or 350% of the nominal turnout?

How many ballots do you think should be preprinted next time? Are you willing to fund this expense?

I am shocked - shocked I say - that partisan Democrap Greg Stanton called for oversight. Curious how much excessive funding he provides to his election clerks to print excessive number of ballots.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 12:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 12:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 12:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I was just trying to grab the URLs of the videos since they weren't playing for me on this page.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, March 28, 2016 2:32 AM


Riddle me this Reaverfan...............

Do you think that a democrat can influence a Republican, especially one that has been in her position since 1988. Also within a state that is decidedly Republican, as is Arizona. That person is Helen Purcell, the County Recorder, who has served 7 terms.

So tell me, can Hilary force her to cheat on her behalf? Think about it!

The scenario is more likely that Purcell wanted to ensure a republican win, than to help Hilary. One thing is sure, Purcell has mismanaged to help her party of choice, because now there will be a watchful eye on the comings and goings of her office and cushy position as County Recorder. Already challengers are surfacing.

So, try as they may, the dye has been cast and watchdogs are on the horizon ready to pounce upon the slightest error or act of omission.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.


Monday, March 28, 2016 2:47 AM


And one more thing: Provisional Ballots

Perhaps one of the reasons that Provisional votes aren't being counted is due to this:

An elector who does not provide sufficient identification shall not be issued a regular ballot, but shall receive a provisional ballot and will have five (5) business days after a Federal General election and three (3) business days after any other election to provide sufficient identification to the County Recorder in order for their provisional ballot to count.

Obtained from the Maricopa County Recorder's website



Monday, March 28, 2016 8:14 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?


So the last voter turnout for similar election was 300,000 statewide. Are you saying they should have expended enough money to accommodate 1 million? Some consider that a waste of money, a merely budgetary consideration.
Are you saying that every voting district in American should expend enough funds to allow 250% or 350% of the nominal turnout?

How many ballots do you think should be preprinted next time? Are you willing to fund this expense?

I am shocked - shocked I say - that partisan Democrap Greg Stanton called for oversight. Curious how much excessive funding he provides to his election clerks to print excessive number of ballots.

You must admit that there is great interest in this year's presidential race, regardless of party. Then you have THE most populated county in the state. You with me so far? The other counties average between 2,100 - 2,300 voters per polling place (according to records). Maricopa County, after the closures of 140 polling places, went to an average of 21,000 per polling place. Do you think there might be
a line outside the polling places?

So there was an expected turnout of about 6,000 per polling place, judging from the 2012 turnout?
And you consider the 2012 election cycle to be of little interest? Are you showing your bias because you only vote for Obamination?

Now, I'm not claiming I know all the details of the voting process in Arizona, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that cutting back on voting/polling places by that much would cause problems. Ms. Purcell admitted as much in an interview and took full responsibility before a City Council meeting. She said she screwed up, of course after blaming the voters for exercising their right to vote.

Pesky voters!

Funny thing was that she guaranteed that Hilary would win in Arizona by her idiot move. Of course, that's not the issue. What makes it all the more insane is that
Ms. Purcell is a republican, smug bitch, tried to deny the taxpayers of the county
their rights as citizens to participate in the political process. All this without
issuing advance notice as to her plan. You want to save taxpayers money, RESIGN.

From the Maricopa County Recorder's website:
Helen Purcell (Republican) is your Maricopa County Recorder. Helen was elected to the office in November 1988 and is now serving her 7th term. Ms. Purcell’s statutory duties and responsibilities include recording and maintaining for permanent public record, 3,000 to 7,000 documents per day (digital recording is 80% of the daily recording) and maintaining voter registration rolls for nearly 2,000,000 registered voters. She is responsible for administering the Elections Department which conducts all national, state and county wide elections, and provides support for cities, towns, school districts, special districts, and other jurisdictions.
Most years since 1999, the office has processed over 1,000,000 documents reaching 1,974,576 in 2005.

You want to save money? Why not advertise the Permanent Early Voting Method? Arizona has such a law in place. You can cut costs by encouraging people to apply and vote early. Of course, it would take a person with some brains to do that. And, just in case, as others have suggested, that Hilary had anything to do with this debacle; riddle me this: Why would a republican elected official ever listen to a Democratic candidate?



You want the ERecorder to tell voters when they need to vote? Control-freak much?
your arguement is falling flat.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016 5:54 AM


The law is clear on Provisional ballots, as stated above.

I'm sure Arizona has other laws governing elections, ballots and voting in the
state. I neither have the interest or the patient to look those up. Suffice it
to say some rules were bent beyond recognition, and others ignored, well maybe.
But one thing's certain, they were under the watch of a republican official.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?


So the last voter turnout for similar election was 300,000 statewide. Are you saying they should have expended enough money to accommodate 1 million? Some consider that a waste of money, a merely budgetary consideration.
Are you saying that every voting district in American should expend enough funds to allow 250% or 350% of the nominal turnout?

How many ballots do you think should be preprinted next time? Are you willing to fund this expense?

I am shocked - shocked I say - that partisan Democrap Greg Stanton called for oversight. Curious how much excessive funding he provides to his election clerks to print excessive number of ballots.

You must admit that there is great interest in this year's presidential race, regardless of party. Then you have THE most populated county in the state. You with me so far? The other counties average between 2,100 - 2,300 voters per polling place (according to records). Maricopa County, after the closures of 140 polling places, went to an average of 21,000 per polling place. Do you think there might be
a line outside the polling places?

So there was an expected turnout of about 6,000 per polling place, judging from the 2012 turnout?
And you consider the 2012 election cycle to be of little interest? Are you showing your bias because you only vote for Obamination?

Now, I'm not claiming I know all the details of the voting process in Arizona, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that cutting back on voting/polling places by that much would cause problems. Ms. Purcell admitted as much in an interview and took full responsibility before a City Council meeting. She said she screwed up, of course after blaming the voters for exercising their right to vote.

Pesky voters!

Funny thing was that she guaranteed that Hilary would win in Arizona by her idiot move. Of course, that's not the issue. What makes it all the more insane is that
Ms. Purcell is a republican, smug bitch, tried to deny the taxpayers of the county
their rights as citizens to participate in the political process. All this without
issuing advance notice as to her plan. You want to save taxpayers money, RESIGN.

From the Maricopa County Recorder's website:
Helen Purcell (Republican) is your Maricopa County Recorder. Helen was elected to the office in November 1988 and is now serving her 7th term. Ms. Purcell’s statutory duties and responsibilities include recording and maintaining for permanent public record, 3,000 to 7,000 documents per day (digital recording is 80% of the daily recording) and maintaining voter registration rolls for nearly 2,000,000 registered voters. She is responsible for administering the Elections Department which conducts all national, state and county wide elections, and provides support for cities, towns, school districts, special districts, and other jurisdictions.
Most years since 1999, the office has processed over 1,000,000 documents reaching 1,974,576 in 2005.

You want to save money? Why not advertise the Permanent Early Voting Method? Arizona has such a law in place. You can cut costs by encouraging people to apply and vote early. Of course, it would take a person with some brains to do that. And, just in case, as others have suggested, that Hilary had anything to do with this debacle; riddle me this: Why would a republican elected official ever listen to a Democratic candidate?



You want the ERecorder to tell voters when they need to vote? Control-freak much?
your arguement is falling flat.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016 7:12 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The law is clear on Provisional ballots, as stated above.

I'm sure Arizona has other laws governing elections, ballots and voting in the
state. I neither have the interest or the patient to look those up. Suffice it
to say some rules were bent beyond recognition, and others ignored, well maybe.
But one thing's certain, they were under the watch of a republican official.


An official elected by the majority of voters, to administer their directives and budgetary considerations.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016 8:25 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Riddle me this Reaverfan...............

Do you think that a democrat can influence a Republican, especially one that has been in her position since 1988. Also within a state that is decidedly Republican, as is Arizona. That person is Helen Purcell, the County Recorder, who has served 7 terms.

So tell me, can Hilary force her to cheat on her behalf? Think about it!

The scenario is more likely that Purcell wanted to ensure a republican win, than to help Hilary. One thing is sure, Purcell has mismanaged to help her party of choice, because now there will be a watchful eye on the comings and goings of her office and cushy position as County Recorder. Already challengers are surfacing.

So, try as they may, the dye has been cast and watchdogs are on the horizon ready to pounce upon the slightest error or act of omission.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.

On Monday, Anonymous released the preliminary results of their own investigation into Arizona election fraud.

So far the group has confirmed 151 voters whose party affiliation was altered ahead of the Arizona primary. Of those, Anonymous has verified that 12 republicans, 139 Democrats and one voter of unidentified party affiliation were impacted.

The group further confirms that of the 139 Democrats they have identified thus far, two were Hillary Clinton supporters, 113 were Bernie Sanders supporters and 24 were of unknown preference.

Anonymous is trying to determine if the voter database was hacked.

During the hearing, Geoff Woods of Phoenix Rising Media testified that his organization is aware of at least 4,000 people whose party affiliation was changed.

Secretary of State Reagan stated that her office handled more than 2,000 calls on election day, while acknowledging that the lack of staffing at her agency likely resulted in many calls going unanswered.

After the Arizona legislature made the decision to shut down the hearing, in spite of the fact that many more disenfranchised voters had waited for hours to have their turn to speak, the hearing ended in chaos.


Sunday, April 3, 2016 3:44 AM


I will try to re-locate the videos and post the links instead of the videos.

And this one I did not post previously because I was not aware it existed until today. Please check out 27:06; and 53:10 (public comments) very interesting.

Arizona House Elections Committee

Streamed live on Mar 28, 2016
March 28, 2016 live mirror of Arizona State House hearing on elections. Video starts about 25 minutes after hearing begins and includes statements and from Maricopa elections officials and all of the testimony. Then they adjourn the Election Committee hearing to attend a floor session to vote on bills including SB1516 which would basically legalize political corruption in Arizona. Then the video switches to the House floor session where protests erupted in the gallery. Includes periscope video from the floor. House goes into recess until order is restored, and then finally comes back into session and tables SB1516. House reconvenes at 10am tomorrow. Not sure if the election committee takes any further action - it adjourned.

official meeting agenda notice
Members: Mrs. Carter Mr. Larkin Mr. Mesnard, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Clark Mr. Weninger Ms. Ugenti-Rita, Chairman

1.Call to Order
2.Invited: The Honorable Michele Reagan, Secretary of State or representative; The Honorable Helen Purcell, Maricopa County Recorder or representative; and the Arizona Association of Counties
3.Discussion on:
a. Selection and criteria of polling places
b. Polling location consolidation practices
c. The implications of the Permanent Early Voting List as it relates to the Presidential Preference Election (PPE)
d. Overview of the process of how a voter registered independent participates in a PPE
e. Cost of the PPE
4.Public Testimony

AZ House video archives

periscope link

Bill SB1516 legalizing campaign finance corruption

Hopefully this should enlighten you regarding this issue. Below attached is a comment from the YouTube site, which I thought summed this up, by Serenadesong:

There is usually/always/should be a paper trail that can be tracked of those who got the chance to vote that day. If you provide ID and they check it against the paper trail and see that you indeed were robbed of your chance to vote that day, then you should be allowed to vote. This way, only those who did NOT vote will be given the chance to do so, and it will cut down the confusion and the waiting drastically. I think that something such as this would be easier to organize and to do. But it looks like they are going to do nothing. Voter suppression at it's finest. And their media has the balls to say "Well, it doesn't matter, cause the same people will probably win anyhow". Excuse me? The results MAY be different, since so many were robbed. And even IF the results were the same, as a U.S. citizen you have a RIGHT to vote, and why the f*ck should the media tell you that it "doesn't matter" that you were robbed?!?!?! Bullshit.?


For some reason it's not letting me post the link:

If it doesn't post again, go to YouTube and type in:

#ArizonaElectionFraud AZ House Elections Committee 3/28/16


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I was just trying to grab the URLs of the videos since they weren't playing for me on this page.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 3, 2016 6:55 AM


Yes, that is part of her job - public education on voting, both her and the Secretary of State, according to the Elections Committee Meeting I just watched on YouTube. Arizona is a fucking mess, and I don't blame the people from being pissed off.
Both Dems & Repubs got screwed during the fucking mess, independents too. But I don't get how they, after hearing about the total screw up, can blame this all on Hilary. I guess that the Bernie faction is getting desperate, either that or they're prepping for the Old Republican Obstruction Committee agenda.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Now, it is my understanding that she was looking to save money by cutting down the overall number of polling places in the most populace county in Arizona, but by 70%? They went from 200 polling places to 60. This in a year where reports went out that there would be a record amount of voters. It is stated in this video, that they have 4 million voters in the Phoenix area. Maricopa county was expecting 800,000 voters and, it is estimated that only 600,000 got to vote. Okay, unless they had concrete info that only young people live the Maricopa County, usually Bernie supporters, then how is it that Hilary influenced Ms. Purcell to cut the polling places?


So the last voter turnout for similar election was 300,000 statewide. Are you saying they should have expended enough money to accommodate 1 million? Some consider that a waste of money, a merely budgetary consideration.
Are you saying that every voting district in American should expend enough funds to allow 250% or 350% of the nominal turnout?

How many ballots do you think should be preprinted next time? Are you willing to fund this expense?

I am shocked - shocked I say - that partisan Democrap Greg Stanton called for oversight. Curious how much excessive funding he provides to his election clerks to print excessive number of ballots.

You must admit that there is great interest in this year's presidential race, regardless of party. Then you have THE most populated county in the state. You with me so far? The other counties average between 2,100 - 2,300 voters per polling place (according to records). Maricopa County, after the closures of 140 polling places, went to an average of 21,000 per polling place. Do you think there might be
a line outside the polling places?

So there was an expected turnout of about 6,000 per polling place, judging from the 2012 turnout?
And you consider the 2012 election cycle to be of little interest? Are you showing your bias because you only vote for Obamination?

Now, I'm not claiming I know all the details of the voting process in Arizona, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that cutting back on voting/polling places by that much would cause problems. Ms. Purcell admitted as much in an interview and took full responsibility before a City Council meeting. She said she screwed up, of course after blaming the voters for exercising their right to vote.

Pesky voters!

Funny thing was that she guaranteed that Hilary would win in Arizona by her idiot move. Of course, that's not the issue. What makes it all the more insane is that
Ms. Purcell is a republican, smug bitch, tried to deny the taxpayers of the county
their rights as citizens to participate in the political process. All this without
issuing advance notice as to her plan. You want to save taxpayers money, RESIGN.

From the Maricopa County Recorder's website:
Helen Purcell (Republican) is your Maricopa County Recorder. Helen was elected to the office in November 1988 and is now serving her 7th term. Ms. Purcell’s statutory duties and responsibilities include recording and maintaining for permanent public record, 3,000 to 7,000 documents per day (digital recording is 80% of the daily recording) and maintaining voter registration rolls for nearly 2,000,000 registered voters. She is responsible for administering the Elections Department which conducts all national, state and county wide elections, and provides support for cities, towns, school districts, special districts, and other jurisdictions.
Most years since 1999, the office has processed over 1,000,000 documents reaching 1,974,576 in 2005.

You want to save money? Why not advertise the Permanent Early Voting Method? Arizona has such a law in place. You can cut costs by encouraging people to apply and vote early. Of course, it would take a person with some brains to do that. And, just in case, as others have suggested, that Hilary had anything to do with this debacle; riddle me this: Why would a republican elected official ever listen to a Democratic candidate?



You want the ERecorder to tell voters when they need to vote? Control-freak much?
your arguement is falling flat.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016 7:52 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Riddle me this Reaverfan...............

Do you think that a democrat can influence a Republican, especially one that has been in her position since 1988. Also within a state that is decidedly Republican, as is Arizona. That person is Helen Purcell, the County Recorder, who has served 7 terms.

So tell me, can Hilary force her to cheat on her behalf? Think about it!

The scenario is more likely that Purcell wanted to ensure a republican win, than to help Hilary. One thing is sure, Purcell has mismanaged to help her party of choice, because now there will be a watchful eye on the comings and goings of her office and cushy position as County Recorder. Already challengers are surfacing.

So, try as they may, the dye has been cast and watchdogs are on the horizon ready to pounce upon the slightest error or act of omission.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.

On Monday, Anonymous released the preliminary results of their own investigation into Arizona election fraud.

So far the group has confirmed 151 voters whose party affiliation was altered ahead of the Arizona primary. Of those, Anonymous has verified that 12 republicans, 139 Democrats and one voter of unidentified party affiliation were impacted.

The group further confirms that of the 139 Democrats they have identified thus far, two were Hillary Clinton supporters, 113 were Bernie Sanders supporters and 24 were of unknown preference.

Anonymous is trying to determine if the voter database was hacked.

During the hearing, Geoff Woods of Phoenix Rising Media testified that his organization is aware of at least 4,000 people whose party affiliation was changed.

Secretary of State Reagan stated that her office handled more than 2,000 calls on election day, while acknowledging that the lack of staffing at her agency likely resulted in many calls going unanswered.

After the Arizona legislature made the decision to shut down the hearing, in spite of the fact that many more disenfranchised voters had waited for hours to have their turn to speak, the hearing ended in chaos.

So you think all that hacking would not have happened under anybody else's watch? You still blame that on her?


Wednesday, April 6, 2016 5:48 AM


Let's say: Incompetence is incompetence! How's that!?



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Riddle me this Reaverfan...............

Do you think that a democrat can influence a Republican, especially one that has been in her position since 1988. Also within a state that is decidedly Republican, as is Arizona. That person is Helen Purcell, the County Recorder, who has served 7 terms.

So tell me, can Hilary force her to cheat on her behalf? Think about it!

The scenario is more likely that Purcell wanted to ensure a republican win, than to help Hilary. One thing is sure, Purcell has mismanaged to help her party of choice, because now there will be a watchful eye on the comings and goings of her office and cushy position as County Recorder. Already challengers are surfacing.

So, try as they may, the dye has been cast and watchdogs are on the horizon ready to pounce upon the slightest error or act of omission.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Many independents who switched parties to Democrat (Bernie fans) were found to not have been registered as such, and were given provisional ballots (which weren't counted).

Whole lotta hijinx going on in this election. Hillary's cheated in other states, too.

On Monday, Anonymous released the preliminary results of their own investigation into Arizona election fraud.

So far the group has confirmed 151 voters whose party affiliation was altered ahead of the Arizona primary. Of those, Anonymous has verified that 12 republicans, 139 Democrats and one voter of unidentified party affiliation were impacted.

The group further confirms that of the 139 Democrats they have identified thus far, two were Hillary Clinton supporters, 113 were Bernie Sanders supporters and 24 were of unknown preference.

Anonymous is trying to determine if the voter database was hacked.

During the hearing, Geoff Woods of Phoenix Rising Media testified that his organization is aware of at least 4,000 people whose party affiliation was changed.

Secretary of State Reagan stated that her office handled more than 2,000 calls on election day, while acknowledging that the lack of staffing at her agency likely resulted in many calls going unanswered.

After the Arizona legislature made the decision to shut down the hearing, in spite of the fact that many more disenfranchised voters had waited for hours to have their turn to speak, the hearing ended in chaos.

So you think all that hacking would not have happened under anybody else's watch? You still blame that on her?


Wednesday, April 6, 2016 8:30 AM


You left out a few factors. The rigging was deliberate. It helped Hillary, regardless.


Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:39 AM


There was no hacking involved. Watch the hearing in front of the Elections
Committee of the State Council, it's on You Tube. It gives a lot of detail as
to what happened and how it affected the average voter.

All were affected, the majority were democrats, who were switched to registered republicans. Just watch the tape, you'll see. Purcell went to that hearing totally
unprepared and was very nonchalant about the whole thing; horrible attitude -
someone described it as a Marie Antoinette attitude - "let the eat cake."

#ArizonaElectionFraud AZ House Elections Committee 3/28/16



Thursday, April 7, 2016 5:42 AM


Really!? You care to elaborate? Watch the House Elections committee hearing,
you'll see.

#ArizonaElectionFraud AZ House Elections Committee 3/28/16



Originally posted by reaverfan:
You left out a few factors. The rigging was deliberate. It helped Hillary, regardless.


Friday, April 8, 2016 6:04 AM


Oh, I have no doubt the rigging was deliberate. You could almost see the smirk
on Purcell's face during the Election Committee hearing. Plus Arizona is the
current champ of voter suppression in these here United States.

There was a former council member that testimony as to the history of voter
suppression and shenanigans in the state. League of Women Voters also gave
testimony in addition to citizens.

In the AZ House Elections Committee hearing (3/28/16) at 27:06, the Committee
chair asks about the reimbursement rate for each registered voter that the
state receives from the Feds. They get back $1.25 for each registered voter
in the PPE (Presidential Preference Election) whether they vote or not.

The independent registered voters, although they can't vote in a closed election,
the state still gets reimbursed for. Purcell had claimed that they weren't
getting sufficient reimbursement and requested an increase, but the state was
being reimbursed for those independents that she did not have to manage. There
was an increase in voters since the last election, so do the math. Plus she closed down more than half of the polling stations in the state's largest county.

Does that make sense to you?



Originally posted by reaverfan:
You left out a few factors. The rigging was deliberate. It helped Hillary, regardless.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:43 PM


Will we hear the same hue and cry for the fraudulent NY primary election? People who were removed or moved on the voter roles without their permission, all to benefit Hilliary? Or, because these were controlled by Democrat Party hacks, not a whisper will be heard?






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