Melania Trump Compliments Michelle Obama

UPDATED: Monday, July 25, 2016 02:34
VIEWED: 1820
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:48 AM


I really didn't think much of Melania Trump until last night's Convention. She totally surprised me by copying much of Michelle Obama's 2008 convention speech to kick off her husband's bid for the presidential election of 2016.

Who knew?

Who knew she was intelligent enough to recognize true sincere greatness. She told
Today show anchor Matt Lauer that she wrote the speech "with little help." Of course,
we all know that these politicos have speech writers, so how is it that this little
bit of plagiarism escaped everyone in Trump's campaign? Curious.

Let me tell you, the spectacle that was the convention was not exactly wowing them
in the Q (as it is known in sports circles). The afternoon session had it's fair share of controversy. I watched a clip of the afternoon festivities, and they showed
a divided hall between the die-hard Trump supporters (I wonder if Donald actually
paid them) and the Never Trump movement. While voting on the rules the speaker asked
for "voice vote" - the crowd responded and it was clear to me that the "Nays" had it over the "Ayes", yet the speaker shouted the "Ayes" have it. What a crock!

But the highlight of the evening was Melania's speech. She was gracious, humble and quite charming. The crowd loved her. Only one small problem, she (or Trump's camp)
lifted the speech. Yay Michelle! Great speech!

Let's see how the Donald handles this little nugget.

P.S. It was also reported that a female delegate, apparently from the Never Trump faction, was physically accosted, while returning from the bathroom, by a Trump campaign official to try and intimidate her.



Tuesday, July 19, 2016 9:48 AM


This supports the theory that Trump's campaign is just a Trojan horse designed to make sure Hillary gets the job.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:45 AM


Yeah, I could just see Trump "rewriting" the Iran Nuclear Deal, erasing a few words
and replacing it with a few of his own and then calling it "brilliant" best "Deal of the Century."

First of all, our friends in Israel will have a conniption. The deal, according to one Israeli official, has provided them with safety for some time to come. So why, oh why, is the Donald claiming that the president's deal with Iran is a failure? I think we all know the answer to that: It wasn't made by the Donald himself - the
ferking egomaniac of all time.

Let's say he's right. Wouldn't he think of asking his new buddies over there in Netanyahu-land? Really!? Maybe he has. Does it make him right?

Back to the Con-vention!

I really feel bad for that lady, but she's being used in such a horrible way. To prop her up as the republican poster child for the woes of the Far Right wing of the party is beyond the pale. Sorry to say, but it was like feeding red meat to the lions at the Coliseum. By the way, Chris Matthews described the convention hall (on Tuesday) as a Coliseum-type atmosphere. He equated the crowd reaction, as such, during Chris Christy's speech as "bloodthristy" as the crowds in those old sword and sandal movies, putting their thumbs up or down during those gladiator days.

BTW, I do watch the Fox channel from time to time (10 minutes at a time is all I could stand) just to see what these guys are saying. It's striking what they will say and so obviously provocative.

It's funny about the whole Benghazi/E-mail thing. They don't get it, and probably never will. They are so convinced she lied that they won't even listen to their republican investigators. The chief of the FBI recommended "no prosecution" and they still can't believe it. Even with him saying yes she lied, they don't have enough to prosecute........hence the "no prosecution" recommendation. It is one thing to be caught in a lie and still another thing being able to prosecute that lie. And boy, they have tried.

But Trump continues, as you've rightly stated, to court the Stupid and Angry...and
making money doing it!



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
But the highlight of the evening was Melania's speech. She was gracious, humble and quite charming. The crowd loved her. Only one small problem, she (or Trump's camp) lifted the speech. Yay Michelle! Great speech!

Telling and yet at the same time, not too surprising, eh SGG? This is yet another view into the future of what a Trump "ole cut-n-paste" presidency would look like.

The main part I caught was early on, when the mother of one of the service men who lost his life in the Benghazi compound, called for Hillary to be put in prison, that she held Hillary personally responsible for his death. I saw reaction to that on a couple of channels - wish I'd seen what Fox "news" people had to say. The 2 I did see were sorry to see her grief (definitely - like she almost thought she could get him back, painful) but were also sorry to see her grief and inaccuracy used to gin up the crowd. Hillary's guilt and responsibility over Benghazi has been proven to be a false claim by Republicans several times over, emphatically, and to the tune of over $7 million in investigation fees. Trump continues to court the Stupid and Angry vote.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:53 AM


He, Trump, believes he can say and do anything he wants. You have to wonder what's
going on. But that whole convention hall is filled with all of his supporters, because the "real" republicans have left the building in a staged walk-out on Monday
after they "hijacked" the rules vote that afternoon.

It is a small percentage of the population. But we can't sit on our hands, we all have to get out and vote. This guy is a total disaster.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
This supports the theory that Trump's campaign is just a Trojan horse designed to make sure Hillary gets the job.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 5:04 AM


The Trump reaction to the "scandal" of plagiarizing the First Lady.......meh!

Typical. First they threw Melania under the bus: it was reported by Robert Costa, a reporter for the Washington Post, that a "friend" of the family said that Melania wrote most of the speech with some help.

I heard today (Tuesday) that they threw some young intern under the bus. The RNC even rolled out the "My Little Pony" defense. Really!?

It's sad, really.

Chaos, what else is new?, at the Con-vention:

You can't make this stuff up.



Wednesday, July 20, 2016 7:19 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I really didn't think much of Melania Trump until last night's Convention. She totally surprised me by copying much of Michelle Obama's 2008 convention speech to kick off her husband's bid for the presidential election of 2016.

Who knew?

Who knew she was intelligent enough to recognize true sincere greatness. She told Today show anchor Matt Lauer that she wrote the speech "with little help." Of course, we all know that these politicos have speech writers, so how is it that this little bit of plagiarism escaped everyone in Trump's campaign? Curious.

But the highlight of the evening was Melania's speech. She was gracious, humble and quite charming. The crowd loved her. Only one small problem, she (or Trump's camp)
lifted the speech. Yay Michelle! Great speech!

Let's see how the Donald handles this little nugget.

P.S. It was also reported that a female delegate, apparently from the Never Trump faction, was physically accosted, while returning from the bathroom, by a Trump campaign official to try and intimidate her.


Were you equally amused when Michelle plagiarized in 2008 those same words from Elizabeth Dole's 1996 Convention speech?

Did you hear the explanation, or did you just ignore it? The speechwriter tendered her resignation, and Trump refused it. She explained that Milania had studied previous speeches, and shared some of what she wanted to say with the speechifyer, who wrote down much of what Milania said. The speechifyer failed to ask Milania if these words were directly from some other speech, and also assumed they were Milania's own words, or paraphrasing. The speechwriter also failed to check other speeches for similar words or phrases. It may be unlikely the speechwriter would have already been aware of the jibberish spewing from Michelle's piehole in a convention not attended by reasonable people. But if she noted the copying of Elizabeth Dole's speech, Elizabeth may have granted permission to share.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

While voting on the rules the speaker asked
for "voice vote" - the crowd responded and it was clear to me that the "Nays" had it over the "Ayes", yet the speaker shouted the "Ayes" have it. What a crock!

Merely a repeat of 2012, when Prebius and Romney also shut out the conservatives, in the same way. Another winning campaign strategy for Trump to copy and fail -
Were you equally appalled in 2012?

Or are your bias' showing?


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 8:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Were you equally amused when Michelle plagiarized in 2008 those same words from Elizabeth Dole's 1996 Convention speech?

Wasn't that Saul Alinsky?

Or Steven R. Covey?


Thursday, July 21, 2016 4:28 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Were you equally amused when Michelle plagiarized in 2008 those same words from Elizabeth Dole's 1996 Convention speech?

Wasn't that Saul Alinsky?

Or Steven R. Covey?

How original of you to try your usual diversionary tactic of proclaiming fictitious stories as real in order to avoid addressing the actual, real, factual situation.

Were you equally amused when Michelle plagiarized in 2008 those same words from Elizabeth Dole's 1996 Convention speech?


Friday, July 22, 2016 5:33 PM


Who cares, Melania is hot. Mobama is a pig.


Monday, July 25, 2016 1:45 AM


It may be unlikely the speechwriter would have already been aware of the jibberish spewing from Michelle's piehole in a convention not attended by reasonable people. But if she noted the copying of Elizabeth Dole's speech, Elizabeth may have granted permission to share.

Truth be told, I didn't know that Elizabeth Dole spoke "jibberish" if Michelle "copied" her speech from Mrs. Dole then she's an idiot who plagiarized "jibberish" from E. Dole's piehole.

Just copying your rhetoric...........Ha! see what I did there.

Merely a repeat of 2012, when Prebius and Romney also shut out the conservatives, in the same way. Another winning campaign strategy for Trump to copy and fail -
Were you equally appalled in 2012?

Oh dear me, I was so appalled!



Monday, July 25, 2016 2:34 AM


Thanks for posting this. Somehow I knew Rush couldn't resist commenting on this. And, of course, shoving his big fat foot into his big fat mouth - a
perfect fit.

I was also not surprised that he managed to insult his listeners as he described the plagiarism "scandal."

"the whole notion of plagiarism, I think, ordinary people? No big deal. They don't see it. They don't understand what the big deal is."

For those who may not "understand" the "whole notion" of plagiarism:

At UNC (North Carolina University) defines plagiarism thusly; as "the deliberate or reckless representation of another's words, thoughts, or ideas as one's own without attribution in connection with submission of
academic work, whether graded or otherwise."

Melania said "she" wrote it with little help from the staff. So, now we hear from a low-level lackey that it wasn't Melania, but herself and that
she was going to resign as a result of her reckless/deliberate deception.
Whom do we believe? Melania, who said she wrote it, or this young woman
who said she did. Trump threw her under the bus, but refused her resignation. That makes Melania a liar, does it not? At first, the Trump camp ignored it, then they said it wasn't true that they were common thoughts and ideas (although I don't see how 22 of 26 words verbatim isn't
stealing someone's ideas, thoughts and words); then it was written by someone else. Which is it?

Now, it's Michelle who plagiarized first, and from Elizabeth Dole no less.
Pretty soon, it'll be she plagiarized from Mickey Mouse.

About Stephen R. Covey, a world renowned writer, teacher and scholar. Who wrote "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" - a book which I read; and a contemporary of my mother. I say that because many of the lessons and principles that I read in his book, were lessons and values taught to me by my mother. I grew up with her teachings passed onto her by my grandmother.
I grew up during the mid-50s to the mid-70s (my formative years). Now, based on your argument - Mr. Covey plagiarized my mother. He published his book in 1989.

This is a hypothesis on my part.

Forgive me G, I conflated my responses with that of JSF. I was not accusing you, per se, just confused to whom I was writing. I'm leaving the response as is though. I will do better in future.







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