Hillary Clinton: just because she deserves her own thread

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Monday, August 1, 2016 5:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

WALLACE: I want to ask about one aspect, what you told the American people.

I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified materials.
I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time.
I had not sent classified material nor received anything marked classified.

WALLACE: After a long investigation, FBI Director James Comey said none of those things that you told the American public were true.

CLINTON: Chris, that's not what I heard Director Comey say, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity, in my view, clarify. Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails. ...

WALLACE: But in a congressionally hearing on July 7th, Director Comey directly contradicted what you had told the public.

Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received. Was that true?
That’s not true.

Secretary Clinton said, "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material." Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mailed.

He directly contradicted --

Well, I --

Well, let me just say -- he not only directly contradicted what you said, he also said in that hearing that you were extremely careless and negligent.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Saturday, August 6, 2016 9:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Now that we've come to understated that the Great Pumpkin isn't going to 'push the button' because he thought the Chinese said his hands were too small ... let's get rid of a lot of others things that also aren't going to happen - which is nearly the entire DNC platform. Yes that includes worthwhile things like health care and climate change.

But if you believed those cheap - and empty - promises, let me explain why I eliminated the ones I did. It was because they were either 1) an empty statement of belief, usually starting with 'democrats believe ...', or 'we believe ...', and with no plan of action attached; 2) they were packed with empty action verbs like 'will make', 'fight', 'guarantee', or 'expand', but also with no plan of action attached; and/ or 3) they depended on congress to pass laws that the republican-dominated body is categorically opposed to.

The rest I left either because I gave them extra discussion, or because they are things that could occur.

WISHI - you listening?
Thanks to Saint Bill and the Third Way Democrats, the FSLA acquired a new barrier to being a non-exempt employee - ie it put more workers in the 'exempt from the protections of the FSLA' category.
That means they're 'exempt' from time-and-a-half overtime-pay rules, maximum-hours-worked protections, lunch and break requirements, protections against being given 'hours' credited for work instead of pay (a dodge of companies that know they're about to go under - rather than pay employees, they credit them with hours worked, then close shop, stiffing employees an unlimited number of hours worth of pay), etc.
Increased minimum wage and eliminating the Herman Cain law (not called that, it's another Saint Bill special which holds restaurant workers' minimum wage to $2.13 per hour until actively amended in law) mentioned in this plank are not going to pass Congress.
An amendment of the FSLA, not mentioned, might.
This was one item of a number of items where the DNC pretended to accommodate Sanders' position, knowing full well democrats wouldn't be held accountable. Yes, it was a cheap, empty, cynical promise among literally hundreds of other cheap, empty, cynical promises in this platform.

Social Security
"We will fight every effort to cut, privatize, or weaken Social Security ..."
Veto might be a good word to use here. Is that asking too much?

"... we need a major federal jobs program that puts millions of Americans back to work ..."
REALLY not going to happen!

Clean Energy Jobs
"We must help American workers and businesses compete ... by making it the greenest and most efficient in the world ..."
She either fundamentally doesn't know, or intentionally mis-states, the problem.

Research, Science, and Technology
Hillary's looking for more government-funded research. It's hard to say how this will go. US business likes its free, publicly funded research. OTOH, government spending ...
"will oppose any effort by Republicans to roll back the historic net neutrality rules" Do you mean veto, Hillary?
"We will protect the intellectual property rights of artists, creators, and inventors at home and abroad." IP overwhelmingly benefits corporations, not individuals. Sigh. Hillary just can't help herself when it comes to padding the speech with stuff that isn't true.

Fixing our Financial System
"all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again."
Does that mean Hillary will LET banks fail? I doubt it.
"Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail."
That would have been nice when it counted.
"Democrats support ... breaking up too-big-to-fail financial institutions that pose a systemic risk to the stability of our economy."
I'd argue that if congress had to pass bail-in provisions they already ARE a risk. But there doesn't seem to be any focus on that already too-big-to-notice problem of Hillary's corporate donors.
"And we will bar financial service regulators from lobbying their former colleagues for at least two years."

"... we believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share ... claw back tax breaks ... eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies ... end deferrals ... establish a multimillionaire surtax ... shut down the “private tax system” ... immediately close egregious loopholes ..."
Somebody sure likes to make promises.

"On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party."
And that says it all.
But just to be clear, this is in the category of 'could happen'. Hillary wants it, and republicans are not opposed.

Racial Justice
"We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and there is no place for racism in our country."
It would be easy to make federal money contingent on mandatory full-time body cams, and mandatory federal police-shooting reporting. I don't think it would even require a change in the law, since these are administrative requirements. Hmmmm.
But no, she only wants to 'encourage' and 'support' ...

Criminal Justice
"... and encourage ... the use of smart strategies like police body cameras' ... 'We support states and localities that choose to make the investigations and prosecutions of police-involved shootings more independent and transparent ..."

Civil Rights
"We also condemn the recent uptick in other forms of hate speech, like anti-Semitism ..."
I wonder if she intends something like this:
"I’m proud to sign this nation’s leading executive order, which will help protect Israel from the threat of divestment. This order sends the message that this state will do everything in its power to end this hateful, intolerant campaign."
Governor Cuomo's banning NYS from doing business with people and companies divesting from Israel - that are divesting, not because they're intolerant of Israel being Jewish, but in protest of its Human Rights violations. Could she possibly mean that?

"We will invest in high - quality STEM classes ..."
How about getting rid of the L1-B visas (65,000 per year) instead of making it EASIER to get one, as Saint Obama is doing now, and getting rid of the H1-B visas (85,000 per year), both of which make it that much harder for 150,000 US STEM graduates every year to compete in the STEM job market? Or is getting rid of cheap, skilled, foreign labor too high a cost for your corporate donors?

Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
"We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers ..."
Veto might be an appropriate word here as well.

Principled Leadership
"We cannot outsource our position of global leadership ..."
I guess that means we keep our 800 bases around the globe - to, yanno - protect home soil?
"Democrats further believe that when America leads, it should be as a principled force for peace and prosperity in the world. ... These principles have underpinned the important progress of the last eight years. "
Iraq? Libya? Ukraine? Syria? Are you calling that 'peace and prosperity'? Or 'important progress'?

"We must defeat ISIS ..."
It would help if you stopped arming them, and stopped Turkey from providing them with a lucrative oil market, medical care, and safe haven. Or is that too hard to do?
"The Syrian crisis is heartbreaking and dangerous ..."
Crocodile tears, honey. Not a good look on you.

"Democrats will also address the detrimental role Iran plays in the region ..."
The chief one being a partner with Russia and Syria in fighting ISIS, when the US was arming it.
"Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism."
No, that would be Saudi Arabia.

North Korea
"Donald Trump ... encourages the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region."
Rather, that would be saint Obama, whose lack of response to NK's (and China's) provocations have ALREADY led both S Korea and Japan to openly consider arming with nuclear weapons.

What to say about Russia ... if you're going to lie, lie big?
"The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's (NATO) military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) during the Kosovo War. The air strikes lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999." Note that the NATO bombing was done without a UN mandate. Meanwhile, Milosevic, the 'reason' for the NATO (US) bombing, was acquitted of all charges by the ICTY. Also note: NATO states - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, 12 March 1999; Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, 29 March 2004; Albania, Croatia; 1 April 2009.
NATO (US) has been aggressively expanding its military in the area since 1999. But when the US funded, fomented, and participated in a coup against a democratically elected president in Ukraine ... I guess that was too much for Russia.
So, who's threatening who? You have to examine WHO STARTED IT to know that, and in this case, the answer would be the US, going back to 1999.
And Hillary claiming Russia is the threat? I guess she learned that lesson from Hitle ... history.
But, meanwhile, undeterred by the rousing successes Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and Syria, Hillary will steamroll forward on the assumption Russia will show endless patience with continued US provocation.
I personally don't feel like betting my life on that.
But this is in the category of 'could happen' The state department has its neocon contingent covertly running foreign policy, and Hillary is a neocon herself. And republicans would not be opposed.

"Democrats will protect our industry, infrastructure, and government from cyberattacks ..."
OMFingG! Sending classified emails over a democrat's unsecured private server! DNC hack! Hillary, you are too funny!

Trafficking and Modern Slavery
"We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern-day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children."
This seems achievable.

Anti - Corruption
"That is why President Obama banned torture without exception in his first week in office ..." by executive order, which can be rescinded at any time ... that doesn't cover torture on foreign soil ... or by other nations we may transfer the prisoners to ... that doesn't forbid many techniques internationally recognized as torture ... my god, that Hillary! She's like a used car salesman.

Middle East
Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism ..."
Except for Palestinians, but that's OK. They don't count.
"That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge, and oppose any effort to delegitimize Israel, including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement."
So you DID mean that earlier! Peaceful, non-violent boycotts, divestments and sanctions in the interests of Human Rights are to be punished!
Also, this 'can happen'.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, August 7, 2016 10:16 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Now that we've come to understated that the Great Pumpkin isn't going to 'push the button' because he thought the Chinese said his hands were too small ...

You mean now that you say so. Sorry lol, that doesn't cut it for me. As for the rest of your post which I deleted here, I will not waste my time even reading it. The information in these extended posts by you and SIG are edited, subjective, and designed to distort the truth.



Sunday, August 7, 2016 1:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

KIKI thanks for the detailed examination of the DNC platform.

And as usual, THUGR has not one RELEVANT thing to say. Instead, he "Troll, troll, trolls his boat..." If anyone belonged in Troll Country, it's him.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Who lied? Parents of Benghazi victims that Hillary called ‘liars’ sue her for lying


Hillary Clinton is facing a lawsuit in the midst of her presidential campaign, as the parents of Americans slain in Benghazi have decided they have had enough and are suing her for wrongful death and defamation, among other things.

The complaint was filed by the lawyer of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the mother and father of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, who were both killed in the 2012 Islamist attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

“During her campaign for President, Defendant Clinton has negligently, recklessly, and/or maliciously defamed Plaintiffs by either directly calling them liars, or by strongly implying that they are liars, in order to protect and enhance her public image and intimidate and emotionally harm and silence them not to speak up about the Benghazi attack on at least four separate occasions,” attorney Larry Klaiman wrote, in laying out the basis of the lawsuit.

Smith recently spoke to RT about how Clinton has accused the victims’ parents of forgetting what she had or hadn’t said.

“Please, tell the world what she’s really like,” Smith said in late June, after Clinton aggressively denied on-air that she had said what the victim’s parents say she said in a private conversation with them. The interview came on the heels of a report from House Republicans blaming the Obama administration for a lax response to the emergency at the US embassy compound in Libya, which called it deliberate.

Smith claimed that Clinton had told her the attack was “the fault of the video…,” referring to a slanderous, low-budget, American-made film called 'Innocence of Muslims,' which was said to have gravely inflamed tensions around the time of the Benghazi attack.

“And later when I mentioned that, she said she never said anything like that to me. How can a woman be this way!”

Remarkably, that wasn’t the last time Clinton had called Smith a liar. Further complicating an increasingly questionable Benghazi narrative, at the end of July, the former secretary of state appeared on Fox News and said, “I don’t hold any ill feeling for someone who in that moment may not fully recall everything that was or wasn’t said.”

Suspicions about Clinton’s character were raised again when she claimed that FBI Director James Comey said that she had told the truth when describing her use of a private server for classified and work-related correspondence, although it later emerged that the FBI director had said the exact opposite.

Attorney for parents of two #Benghazi victims say they are trying to hold Hillary Clinton "personally liable" in new wrongful death suit
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) August 8, 2016

Now, NBC is reporting that the parents of the victims have had enough and are suing Clinton on several counts.

MORE: Parents of two #Benghazi victims also sue Hillary Clinton for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) August 8, 2016

All day Monday, the network’s Seth McFarlane was tweeting out descriptions of the various charges – including wrongful death, negligence, and defamation.

MORE: Parents of two #Benghazi victims also sue Hillary Clinton for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) August 8, 2016

Clinton’s use of a private server will also be included in the lawsuit as a factor that possibly contributed to the embassy deaths.

The Boston Herald asked a Clinton spokesman for comment, but received none.

The attack on the American embassy in Benghazi took place on September 11, 2012. The investigation that followed, which cost US taxpayers $7 million, was highly contentious. It was eventually dubbed “one of the longest and most partisan congressional investigations in history” in a 344-page report compiled by House Democrats, which tried to absolve Clinton of any guilt or security lapses in the lead up to the death of US diplomats and personnel.

And because this was RT ....

Two Benghazi victims' parents sue Clinton

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016 12:36 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
KIKI thanks for the detailed examination of the DNC platform.

I hope that's not your definition of "detailed" in your professional life.

For instance:
"On the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), there are a diversity of views in the party."
And that says it all. " - Kiki

That's really not all - it also says:
"While we believe that openness to the world economy is an important source of American leadership and dynamism, we will oppose trade agreements that do not support good American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text with streamlined and effective enforcement mechanisms. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world.
These are the standards Democrats believe must be applied to all trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)."

One should also keep in mind that regardless of party, the Platform is considered by most people more as guidelines than written in stone. What else could it be? The world is constantly changing and evolving.

Debunking SIG and 1kiki's so called truths is like shooting fish in a barrel. As you so eloquently point out G. It is easy to show how what they reference from an article, is then twisted by them, by posting what they omit. Information from within the same article that debunks what they claim. Well, that’s one of the tricks they use, happily to no avail.

Do you think these two ego maniacs will ever realize they are not the brightest kids on the block?



Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This might be a little too much "inside ball" for you guys, but the reality is that there is NO "diversity of opinions" about the TPP within the Democratic Party. Except for Hillary and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (disgraced former head of the DNC and Hillary operative) nearly all Dems oppose it.

So why would the DNC platform not reflect the near-universal opposition?

Democratic platform fight over TPP will show what democracy we really have


The insurgent candidacies of Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and real estate mogul Donald Trump in the Democratic and Republican primaries, respectively — one uplifting and the other disturbing — together with the Brexit vote, have brought forth an unusual outpouring of discussion on the weaknesses of democratic governance in the high-income countries. There seems to be considerable agreement that all three of these unanticipated political earthquakes of 2016 are driven by discontent with a "democratic deficit." In the next few days and weeks, we will have a rare opportunity to see, close-up and raw, a historic effort to reduce that deficit.

The venue is the Democratic Party platform committee and the main event is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). If that sounds like inside baseball, it could easily become the World Series of this year's presidential race. And if presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is smart, she will reconsider her bet.

The TPP, a commercial agreement among 12 countries with 40 percent of the world's gross domestic product (GDP), is strongly disliked by the base of the Democratic Party, as well as by a sizable majority of Democratic voters and the general public. There's an awful lot not to like about this thing.

Drafted mostly by corporations, negotiated in secret, with restricted access even for members of Congress, the deal would grant corporations the right to sue governments for all kinds of decisions, laws or regulations that infringe on their profits or potential profits. The lawsuits would be decided by a panel of private lawyers and their decisions could overrule our Congress and Supreme Court: The overlapping issues of national sovereignty and democracy are once again brought to the fore. Patent-boosting rules favored by pharmaceutical companies would increase the price of prescription drugs. And the economic gains, even as estimated by pro-TPP economists, are tiny: By their estimates, the agreement would make the U.S. as rich on January 1, 2030 as it would otherwise be by mid-March of the same year.

Sanders campaigned against the TPP, and Clinton — who had previously praised it as "the gold standard in trade agreements" while serving as secretary of State — has also come out against it. On June 24, at a meeting in St. Louis that produced a draft platform for the Democratic Party, Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) introduced language opposing the TPP. But it was defeated by a vote of 10–5, with only the five Sanders representatives supporting [defeating] it.

Everyone familiar with this process knows that Clinton has enormous influence over her delegates and representatives on the platform committee. So if the Democratic Party is unable to oppose the TPP, it will be because of her decision to keep it from doing so.

The idea of focusing on one meaningless paragraph to the detriment of seeing the big picture is a real problem. If you do that, you won't see what's really going on.

The standard argument for ANY trade deal ... whether its NAFTA or CAFTA or WTO or TPP or TTIP or any of the other half-dozen trade deals that Hillary has supported over the years, is

"This time, it's different"

Well, it has never BEEN different. When trade deals are negotiated in secret by corporations, do you really think that somehow they'll shit out an agreement that fosters more USA jobs or promotes greater economic robustness across it's signatories???

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This year, there are two issues that rise to the top of my personal Presidential "voter guide" list, and they will determine my vote, no matter what else gets tossed in my eyes:

War with Russia and/or China
All of the other issues pale in comparison. Unless we manage to survive the next Presidency, we won't have time to fix anything else. All of the other problems that we THINK are so important, from global climate change to the SCOTUS to gay rights, will fade into meaninglessness if we are mostly smoking, radioactive ruins. We need a President who will do something other than antagonize Russia and/or China into WWIII. And, for those of you who think Russia is an aggressor that needs to be contained, if I point out Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and the forward placement of missiles on Russia's borders, you should ask yourselves: WHO is the aggressor? Because I guarantee you that if Russia managed to foment revolution in Mexico, place missiles in Cuba and Mexico, and add Canada to its trading bloc, the USA President would prolly be a bit irascible too.

International Trade Deals
The USA economy, the number of jobs, the robustness of the worldwide economic system, are all at further and further risk with each "free trade" deal that's signed. What good does "women's rights" and "gay rights" do if everyone is competing for fewer and fewer jobs??? The whole system needs to be righted. IMHO there should be a decent job for EVERYONE who can work, not for a select few.

These are not conclusions I've reached "lately" or in the heat of the Presidential campaign or in response to anything Hillary or Trump has said, and I've posted often about these issues, so nobody can accuse me of being a "commie troll" who is merely responding to the latest political events.

Bow before your masters: TPP finalized

Build The Keystone Pipeline!

Pelosi at odds w/ Obama over free-trade agreements.

What Obama Does in Private

This is why I came to the NEVER HILLARY conclusion. Never, ever Hillary.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As far as WWIII is concerned, I believe I've pointed out, more than once, the close connection between the CIA and the State Department (The Pentagon is out of the loop in THAT cabal) and the State Department's war-mongering ways.

Former CIA deputy director: I want to scare Bashar al-Assad (And Kill Iranians and Russians, Secretly)


Michael Morell 9who has many ties with Hillary] former deputy director of the CIA, suggested on Monday that the United States should support more aggressive action by Syrian rebels in the civil war.

"When we were in Iraq, the Iranians were giving weapons to the Shi'a militia, who were killing American soldiers," Morell told "CBS This Morning" co-host Charlie Rose. "The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price."

He went on to explain making them "pay the price" would mean killing Russians and Iranians, and said he wants to make Syrian president Bashar al-Assad uncomfortable.

"I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal power base. I want to scare Assad."

See the rest of Rose's interview with Morell Monday night on the "Charlie Rose Show" on PBS.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016 1:37 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The idea of focusing on one meaningless paragraph to the detriment of seeing the big picture is a real problem. If you do that, you won't see what's really going on.

You are wrong of course. I didn't focus on one paragraph. I merely used it to show how Kiki's detailed analysis (and you understanding of analysis) was inaccurate. I stopped at the one, though I'm sure there are many more.

I can't speak for the DNC. I can speak to your inaccuracies though. Here's another:

You said, "So why would the DNC platform not reflect the near-universal opposition?"

While the article you quoted said: "Sanders campaigned against the TPP, and Clinton — who had previously praised it as "the gold standard in trade agreements" while serving as secretary of State — has also come out against it. On June 24, at a meeting in St. Louis that produced a draft platform for the Democratic Party, Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) introduced language opposing the TPP. But it was defeated by a vote of 10–5, with only the five Sanders representatives supporting [defeating] it."

10-5 is hardly "near universal." Plus, it shows Hillary coming out against it.

It's really simple SIGNYM. When you and Kiki stopped posting so many slanted and inaccurate details I'll stop posting about you 2, and we can get on with comparing and analyzing known facts.

I would add that we have given SIG and 1kiki every opportunity to show they are not Putin etts (female Russian trolls). They failed to do so, I would add miserably. When they post they do so deceptively. It is always to promote Putin’s strategies of malice against the WEST and they should be confronted.

Even if the post is accurate we must not forget that they post it because it is negative information about the United States and its allies. Their implied outrage disappears when facts show the Russians are far worse regarding this very same topic. Then their response is always the same. It’s not true and the source is biased against Russia. They are liars and bullshit artists (not very good ones) and should be treated as such.

Below is an example of 1kiki defending against Russians being guilty of doping. Wouldn't it be nice if she defended the United States this way. Yanno, the place she claims to live.

Originally posted by 1kiki:

So take your decades-festering mindless Cold War anti-Russian propaganda and go stuff it back into that dark smelly place that is your brain, where it came from. Or better yet, lance it, and let it drain. You'll be healthier for it.



Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You are wrong of course. I didn't focus on one paragraph.-GSTRING
You're right, you didn't focus on one paragraph, you focused on one PHRASE. And here you are, doing it again! ...


You said, "So why would the DNC platform not reflect the near-universal opposition?"
While the article you quoted said: "Sanders campaigned against the TPP, and Clinton — who had previously praised it as "the gold standard in trade agreements" while serving as secretary of State — has also come out against it. On June 24, at a meeting in St. Louis that produced a draft platform for the Democratic Party, Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) introduced language opposing the TPP. But it was defeated by a vote of 10–5, with only the five Sanders representatives supporting [defeating] it."

10-5 is hardly "near universal."

I guess you don't follow American politics much, since you're Canadian. The 10-5 vote reflects the DNC platform committee which was Clinton's candidates (10) versus Sanders (5). The DNC committee vote reflects Hillary's influence (not against), but it doesn't reflect the current opinion of Congress Democrats as a whole.


Plus, it shows Hillary coming out against it.
"It" - the DNC Platform "it"? Where does it show THAT???

Say, since you're not even American, what do YOU care about the election results?

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wikileaks' Assange Hints Murdered DNC Staffer Was Email-Leaker, Offers $20k Reward For Info

The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of 27-year-old Democratic-staffer Seth Rich (shot multiple times, and not robbed, at 420am near his home in Washington D.C., where no homicides have been reported within 1500 feet) have stirred Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. But it is Assange's comments during a Dutch TV interview that are most disturbing as he hinted that Rich - who was in charge of DNC voter expansion data - was the email-leaker and his death was a politically-motivated assassination.

Along those same lines ...

U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton

...And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe’s death. It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack.
The problem, however, is that police on the scene reported Ashe died when his throat was crushed during a work-out accident.

The New York Post’s Page Six reported that after Ashe was found dead Wednesday, the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack. Local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.

Adding to the mysterious nature of Ashe’s death was the fact that he had been slated to be in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, from whom he reportedly received over $1 billion in donations during his term as president of the U.N. General Assembly.

And then there was this: During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Seng illegally funneled several hundred thousand dollars to the Democrat National Committee.

Source: The Conservative Tribune via The Daily Sheeple

It must be coincidence, right?

AND ....


Amid the media-hyped furor over Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment comments and Wikileaks' suggestions about the untimely death of DNC-staffer Seth Rich, we thought it perhaps of note that Democratic strategist, and CNN host, has publicly called for the "illegal assassination of that son-of-a-bitch" Julian Assange...[in 2010]

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Newly Released Emails Highlight Clinton Foundation’s Ties to State Department
In one email exchange released by Judicial Watch, Doug Band, an executive at the Clinton Foundation tried to put billionaire donor Gilbert Chagoury -- a convicted money launderer -- in touch with the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon because of the donor’s interests there.

In the email, Band notes that Chagoury is a “key guy there [Lebanon] and to us,” and insists Clinton aide Huma Abedin call Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman to connect him with Chagoury.

So the State Department is doing introductions between a convicted money-launder/Clinton donor and an Ambassador.


Chagoury is a close friend of former President Bill Clinton and has appeared on the Clinton Foundation donor list as a $1 million to $5 million contributor. He’s also pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative. Chagoury was convicted in 2000 in Switzerland for money laundering. He cut a deal and agreed to repay $66 million to the Nigerian government.
HEY! Maybe this was another money=laundering oppty for the Clintons' donor!

Another favor that the State Department is doing for the Clinton Foundation donors ....

In another email from April 2009, Band [Clinton Foundation executive] seems to pressure Clinton’s [State Dept] aides Cheryl Mills and Abedin into hiring a foundation associate.

In the email, Band writes it’s “important to take care of [name redacted].”
Abedin responds, telling Band, “Personnel has been sending him options.”

Also in

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, August 11, 2016 10:39 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Wikileaks' Assange Hints Murdered DNC Staffer Was Email-Leaker, Offers $20k Reward For Info

The mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of 27-year-old Democratic-staffer Seth Rich (shot multiple times, and not robbed, at 420am near his home in Washington D.C., where no homicides have been reported within 1500 feet) have stirred Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. But it is Assange's comments during a Dutch TV interview that are most disturbing as he hinted that Rich - who was in charge of DNC voter expansion data - was the email-leaker and his death was a politically-motivated assassination.

Along those same lines ...

U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton

...And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe’s death. It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack.
The problem, however, is that police on the scene reported Ashe died when his throat was crushed during a work-out accident.

The New York Post’s Page Six reported that after Ashe was found dead Wednesday, the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack. Local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.

Adding to the mysterious nature of Ashe’s death was the fact that he had been slated to be in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, from whom he reportedly received over $1 billion in donations during his term as president of the U.N. General Assembly.

And then there was this: During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Seng illegally funneled several hundred thousand dollars to the Democrat National Committee.

Source: The Conservative Tribune via The Daily Sheeple

It must be coincidence, right?

AND ....


Amid the media-hyped furor over Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment comments and Wikileaks' suggestions about the untimely death of DNC-staffer Seth Rich, we thought it perhaps of note that Democratic strategist, and CNN host, has publicly called for the "illegal assassination of that son-of-a-bitch" Julian Assange...[in 2010]

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

Thank you SIG. Some of us here address your posts in ways that show you as someone who conspires to spread lies and mistruths. This post is a good example of that. I remember you insisting to G it was you who relied on reliable news sources not he. The rest of us had a good laugh over that. Here is the truth concerning your sources. Zerohedge “The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (a character from the novel and film Fight club).” There is no way a news source can be trusted when the writers hide behind pseudonyms. That would be like watching the evening news and the news anchors hid behind screens and remained anonymous. lol

Time and time again we see you relying on Zerohedge as your news source. It has become your site of one stop shopping. All you are SIG is a mindless Russia drone. You are one of those people who is too weak to formulate their own opinions. Even though they have access to a wealth of information accumulated over thousands of years. The rule of law SIG is what’s important and the civilized world is trying to get synchronized behind that idea. Your country of choice Russia, is falling woefully behind. You need to stop doing Putin’s bidding and get a grip on reality.



Thursday, August 11, 2016 10:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Uh huh.

You might have noticed this is a REAL WORLD EVENT discussion forum... something you seem to by 120% incapable of. Because, as usual, you have nothing to say that's ON TOPIC, you just post personal attacks (which BTW are off-base). Somehow, you can't seem to tell the difference.

I said I would never call you "stupid" again, in deference to your apparent cognitive dysfunction. So here's a piece of SIMPLE advice that can be followed to stay out of trouble: Eliminate ANY SENTENCE with the word "you" in it.

Give that a try. It might help.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, August 11, 2016 10:58 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Uh huh.

You might have noticed this is a REAL WORLD EVENT discussion forum... something you seem to by 120% incapable of. Because, as usual, you have nothing to say that's ON TOPIC, you just post personal attacks (which BTW are off-base). Somehow, you can't seem to tell the difference.

I said I would never call you "stupid" again, in deference to your apparent cognitive dysfunction. So here's a piece of SIMPLE advice that can be followed to stay out of trouble: Eliminate ANY SENTENCE with the word "you" in it.

Give that a try. It might help.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

First, your signature is an insight into how you perceive the rest of us. As infantile and living in a fairy tale. That only describes you and 1KIKI SIG.

As for speaking to Haken about me go ahead. The problem you have is that most of the posts from the others to you say much the same thing. lol



Thursday, August 11, 2016 12:58 PM


Hey SIG when you contact Haken about me being a troll, you better hope he doesn't pay attention to your very first post when you created this thread. I'll rest my case on who the troll is based on that.



Friday, August 12, 2016 10:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR: When I what? Are you responding to the voices in your head again?

GSTRING, THUGR: I'm just responding in-kind to your posts. If you don't want to be name-called, try not starting it. Even kids in k-garten have figured that out, but apparently you missed an important developmental milestone somewhere along the way.


I will second source my Zerohedge posts, I promise. I'm just kind of busy right now to provide links to all of the stories, but I did double check them on the media that you "believe". (That's how I know that calling for Assange's assassination happened in 2010, not 2016). But EVEN WITH SOURCES THAT YOU "BELIEVE", I DOUBT THAT YOU WILL RESPOND BY DISCUSSING THE POINTS BROUGHT UP. You will either say it's "old news" or "no big deal" or something along those lines, just so you can avoid discussing the implications of Hillary's history. (I hope KRAPO puts that in the predictions thread, because THAT is a prediction that's easy to make! But I doubt it, because KRAPO is a biased arbiter.)

So, in the meantime



Leaked e-mail shows Soros urged Clinton to intervene in Albania civil unrest
Because nothing give you an entree into foreign policy like lots and lots of money

More leaked e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State prove that she was taking foreign policy advice from left-wing billionaire activist George Soros.
An e-mail provided by WikiLeaks showed Soros reaching out to Secretary Clinton over a foreign policy dispute in Albania.

Hillary Clinton George Soros email

“Dear Hillary,

“A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property.

“There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims.

“The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process.”

Soros urges the then-Secretary of State to get the international community involved and pressure the Prime Minister to “forestall further demonstrations” and “tone down public pronouncements” as well appointing a senior European official to act as the mediator.

More at


Official: No formal Secret Service discussions with Trump camp on remark

A federal official on Wednesday said the U.S. Secret Service had not formally spoken with Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign regarding his suggestion a day earlier that gun rights activists could stop Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from curtailing their access to firearms.

Following Trump's comment at a rally on Tuesday in which he suggested that gun rights activists could stop Clinton from appointing liberal anti-gun justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, a federal official familiar with the matter told Reuters that there had been no formal conversations between the Secret Service and the Trump campaign.

Earlier CNN had reported that there had been multiple conversations between the campaign and the agency.

CNN Admits “We Couldn’t Help [Hillary] Any More Than We Have”

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Friday, August 12, 2016 1:55 PM



THUGR: When I what? Are you responding to the voices in your head again? GSTRING, THUGR: I'm just responding in-kind to your posts. If you don't want to be name-called, try not starting it. Even kids in k-garten have figured that out, but apparently you missed an important developmental milestone somewhere along the way.

NO SIG you are not responding to what I post. You are always the one driving the message. A message with an agenda that is anti-American. As for you calling me names, I couldn’t be happier. As G pointed out in an earlier post. Your calls for less insults and name calling amongst each other always includes an insult. Lol, so I’m good comrade.


I will second source my Zerohedge posts, I promise. I'm just kind of busy right now to provide links to all of the stories, but I did double check them on the media that you "believe".

So what you are saying is that sourcing a fake news outlet where the writers hide their identities is ok with you. Telling…SIG very telling.


(That's how I know that calling for Assange's assassination happened in 2010, not 2016). But EVEN WITH SOURCES THAT YOU "BELIEVE", I DOUBT THAT YOU WILL RESPOND BY DISCUSSING THE POINTS BROUGHT UP.

First this is a subjective statement. Now, because you are a Russian troll my responses are designed to enlighten. Why, you are posting what you post?

Second, you are trying to turn my responses to you in a direction that better suits your agenda. Not going to happen comrade.


You will either say it's "old news" or "no big deal" or something along those lines, just so you can avoid discussing the implications of Hillary's history. (I hope KRAPO puts that in the predictions thread, because THAT is a prediction that's easy to make! But I doubt it, because KRAPO is a biased arbiter.)

No, what I will do is what I have always done. Point out why your opinions are what they are, and show why they are not in the best interest of America. In this case it is because one candidate is more to the Russians liking.

Further let me point out, that in the same post where you challenge us to insult each other less, you have presented us with a post full of said insults. Check your quoted posts here SIG. There are many. Can you find them? Telling…SIG, very telling. lol



Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not all insults are words or name-calling, and not all of them are as obvious as yours.
So, I go for the obvious insults and you .... go for the unobvious ones??? HAHAHAHA! I don't know how else to interpret that! Yanno, out of all of you Three Stooges, THUGR is the worst. You and KRAPO attempt to discuss topics at least 20% of the time, THUGR can't even hit THAT low bar. I don't know why you keep trying to defend him.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


When I what? Are you responding to the voices in your head again? -SIGNY

I'm just responding in-kind to your posts. If you don't want to be name-called, try not starting it. Even kids in k-garten have figured that out, but apparently you missed an important developmental milestone somewhere along the way. -SIGNY

NO SIG you are not responding to what I post.

Well, mostly what YOU post is that I'm a "commie troll". What kind of response are you looking for? "No I'm not?" Ridiculous personal attacks don't deserve a response.


You are always the one driving the message.
YES! THANK YOU FOR NOTICING! It's called "staying on topic". You might want to try it some time.


A message with an agenda that is anti-American.
I fervently love America. Which is why I expect her leaders to do so much better than selling everyone off to the highest bidder, and use everyone as unwitting cannon fodder for personal gain. Didn't you go thru that with Vietnam? Iraq?? If you really think I'm "anti-American" then maybe YOUR best tactic is to show = exactly = where I don't have America's interests at heart. That would make for interesting discussion.


As for you calling me names, I couldn’t be happier.
Yes, I agree, you're a pig wallowing in shit. We got that.


Your calls for less insults and name calling amongst each other always includes an insult. Lol, so I’m good comrade.
Dood, I'm just trying to point out internet etiquette. ("politeness") I don't know if you noticed, but I don't call you a name unless YOU CALL ME ONE FIRST. Word, man! Check it out! The moment YOUR name-calling disappears, so does mine!


I will second source my Zerohedge posts, I promise. I'm just kind of busy right now to provide links to all of the stories, but I did double check them on the media that you "believe". -SIGNY

So what you are saying is that sourcing a fake news outlet where the writers hide their identities is ok with you. -THUGR

No. Try reading with comprehension. I said I SECOND SOURCED what ZEROHEDGE had posted, which means I found it on media that YOU would believe.


I. Think. I. said. That. Already.


(That's how I know that calling for Assange's assassination happened in 2010, not 2016). But EVEN WITH SOURCES THAT YOU "BELIEVE", I DOUBT THAT YOU WILL RESPOND BY DISCUSSING THE POINTS BROUGHT UP. -SIGNY

First this is a subjective statement.=THUGR

No, it's an objective one, because I'm not saying anything about your origins ("military") or your presumed intentions (troll") or what I think you feel ("pro-imperium") or why ("too drunk or too propagandized to do any better"). I'm predicting your VERY OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOR, which can be viewed by everyone here. The basis of science. And amazingly (or maybe not so) you did EXACTLY as I predicted: You avoided talking about Hillary 100%.

Try understanding the difference between "subjective" (What is personal, emotional, instinctive, intuitive, FELT BY YOU) and "objective" (not influenced by emotions, observable by many, fact) and you will have gotten farther than many.


Second, you are trying to turn my responses to you in a direction that better suits your agenda. Not going to happen comrade.
No, limpdick I'm trying to discuss the topic.

Every time you name-call, and every time you use the word "you" or "your" in a sentence, it is obvious.... by the rules of grammar ... that you are attempting to make the person you're talking to THE SUBJECT of the conversation. English. Grammar. Use it.


You will either say it's "old news" or "no big deal" or something along those lines, just so you can avoid discussing the implications of Hillary's history. (I hope KRAPO puts that in the predictions thread, because THAT is a prediction that's easy to make! But I doubt it, because KRAPO is a biased arbiter.)- SIGNY
No, what I will do is what I have always done. Name-call. Because, when I'm totally incompetent to discuss the topic, that's what I do -THGUR

Fixed it for you.


Further let me point out, that in the same post where you challenge us to insult each other less, you have presented us with a post full of said insults.
Furthermore, you started it. At ANY post about Hillary, and solely about Hillary (Nothing in there about you at all, sorry. You're not that important.) where you could have easily and naturally posted ABOUT HILLARY, you didn't. Nope. You decided to name-call.

OK, have you got that clear? If you stay on topic, so will I. If you complain that I DIDN'T stay on-topic, I will point out where you veered off into the ditch or I will completely ignore you. If you bring sources to the board, you're expected to second source them.

If we can manage to converse here by the rules of rhetoric, then we'll get along fine.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 13, 2016 8:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm glad MAL5PREZ is gone. She, like SECOND (and you) could never manage to stay on topic. ANYthing to avoid discussing the discussion!

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 13, 2016 8:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Back on topic.

FBI to probe Clinton Foundation?

Obama admin blocked FBI probe of Clinton Foundation corruption: Report

By too many sources to count,

...and many more ... earlier in the year Saint Obama blocked the FBI from investigating the Clinton Foundation for its potential acceptance of money from terrorist or criminal sources.

But according to an exclusive report, (before you ask for multiple sources, please look up the word "exclusive") that investigation is back on again.

EXCLUSIVE: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway

Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.

The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.

Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.

The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 13, 2016 11:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I'm glad MAL5PREZ is gone. She, like SECOND (and you) could never manage to stay on topic. ANYthing to avoid discussing the discussion!

Back on topic.

But according to an exclusive report, (before you ask for multiple sources, please look up the word "exclusive") that investigation is back on again.

EXCLUSIVE: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway
. . .

The Daily Caller is running an “Exclusive” on Hillary. Does anyone here remember that they are front for the Republican Party? I do! The Daily Caller is award winning, too! Most Unethical News Publication!

The Daily Caller is a politically conservative American news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded by Tucker Carlson, a libertarian conservative political pundit, and Neil Patel, former adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney. Does anyone here remember who Carlson and Cheney are? I do!

I checked the columnists at The Daily Caller. First on the list was Ann Coulter. Does anyone here remember who Coulter is? I do! She is the ex-girlfriend of the Writer/Director for this partisan movie, Hillary's America.

The “Exclusive” on Hillary at the Daily Caller also included this completely partisan survey, just so you’d know they’re hacks for the GOP:


Saturday, August 13, 2016 5:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"You pretty much have listed everyone on this site but Kiki and JSF as stupid. THAT should tell you something."

That a million flies eat shit? And that just because a million files are eating it, it doesn't make it non-shit? And that you're a fly, G?

That's what it tell me.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Saturday, August 13, 2016 5:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I merely used it to show how Kiki's detailed analysis"

I actually posted the entire dnc platform. Then I posted it - AGAIN! - where I labeled the parts that weren't going to happen because they required the republican congress to vote for them, or because they were meaningless statements like 'believe' or 'fight' instead of action plans like 'veto' or 'filibuster'.

It was only after posting the entire platform - TWICE! - the second time with extensive annotation, that I posted an abbreviated commentary.

But I guess ALL that posting went past you - TWICE! - because, frankly, you're too biased, lazy and stupid to even notice it, let alone deal with it.

Shoo, fly.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You pretty much have listed everyone on this site but Kiki and JSF as stupid. THAT should tell you something.-G
Yes, it tells me that FREM, BYTE, ANTHONYT, WULFENSTAR, SUCCOTASH, GINO, DREAMTROVE, SARGEX, even GEEZER, and many others, have left the forum.


Did you hear both candidates speeches on the economy?
No. All I know about Trump's speech is what NPR said what Hillary's campaign said about it, and a few clips here and there from both. Which doesn't prevent me from having an opinion about what I heard.


Where did you get those Hillary is sick videos I keep asking about?
Youtube. Where else?


Did this CNN video - which I discussed and you have failed to ("stay on topic!") come in that same batch or was that in the next day's anti-Hillary email instructions? Like it or not, where you and Rumplekiki get your instructions IS part of the topic of this election, try as you might to deny and deflect from that.
Oh, is that one of your "subtle" digs?
Do you REALLY expect an answer to that? And why are you stumping for Hillary anyway? You're not even American!


Simple Stupid questions even you could answer.

Well. I answered your stupid, un-American questions! Happy now?

I have a comment about what little I heard of Hillary's plan and Trump's plan, which has to do with tax rates on businesses (Trump) and wealthy individuals (Hillary). But it needs a story. Because while I think (or at least assume) that everyone KNOWS that large international corporations NEVER pay the nominal 35% ... they either have lobbied successfully for tax breaks and subsidies, or have moved their corporate offices abroad, etc ... not as many people know about the tax avoidance schemes available to the very rich.

But first, a story about Mossack Fonseca, the kind of "international wealth management law firm" that is SO PROMINENTLY FEATURED IN HILLARY'S DONATION LIST. (They are those name you know nothing about, which I looked up.)

Nothing causes the eyes to glaze over like a story about international tax law. But Mossack Fonseca, which had its records spilled by an internal whistleblower, provides the kind of insight that is usually missing from the picture. What Mossack Fonesca does (or did) is help companies and wealthy individuals avoid taxes. In order to take advantage of their services, you have to be referred by a previous customer. If you are, you're discreetly shown thru the door where you get to pick from their services:

Those include pre-formed "foundations", all set to go with a mission statement, registration, board*, mailing address, email address, fax number, and all the accoutrement of a "foundation" into which the very wealthy can pour their wealth.

Off-the-shelf dummy corporations, with a registration, board*, mailing address, email address, fax number, and all the accoutrement of a "corporation" into which 0.01% individuals can pour their wealth. These, BTW, are already set up.

What blew my mind: "Aged" corporations and foundations. Because, for a much larger fee, one can access "corporations" and "foundations" which have been registered and been "in operation" for over 15 years! These entities were set up years ago and allowed to age on the shelf, until needed. Instant history!

*One Mossack Fonseca employee appeared on the "board" of over 100 shell corporations.

Now, back to Trump and Saint Hillary.

If you're talking about the top 0.01%, or international corporations, the nominal tax rate REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. Hillary can raise it to 30% for the wealthy. Trump can lower it to 15% for business. The ultra wealthy and their corporations, who have access to tax breaks and international financial law firms, NEVER PAY THE NOMINAL RATE ANYWAY. I'm sorry, but they don't, they just don't.

If Trump promises to lower the nominal business tax rate, the only beneficiaries are the small and medium-sized businesses who can't afford access to international services. And if Hillary threatens to raise the tax rate on wealthy individuals, the only people affected are the upper middle class, who can't afford or can't access the "international wealth management law firms" that feature so highly in Hillary's donation list.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, August 14, 2016 11:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Now, back to Trump and Saint Hillary.

If you're talking about the top 0.01%, or international corporations, the nominal tax rate REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. Hillary can raise it to 30% for the wealthy. Trump can lower it to 15% for business. The ultra wealthy and their corporations, who have access to tax breaks and international financial law firms, NEVER PAY THE NOMINAL RATE ANYWAY. I'm sorry, but they don't, they just don't.

We don't know what Trump pays because he broke his promise to release his tax returns, but Hillary and Bill Clinton paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% in 2015. In 2014 they paid an effective rate of 35.7%.

Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine and his wife also released 10 years of tax returns on Friday. In 2015, Virginia Sen. Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, paid an effective federal rate of 20.3% on $313,441 in adjusted gross income.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 14, 2016 11:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


We don't know what Trump pays because he broke his promise to release his tax returns, but Hillary and Bill Clinton paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% in 2015. In 2014 they paid an effective rate of 35.7%.

And avoided taxes on $1 million dollars of a $10 DECLARED income income by donating to their favorite charity ... the Clinton Foundation!

I've spoken disparagingly in the past about the wealthy and their foundations. Quite often, the foundations are ways to further business or political goals in a tax sheltered way.

AFA what I said about the overall effect of raising tax rates on the wealthy (will tap those who can't escape) or lowering tax rates on business (will benefit small and medium-sized businesses based in the USA) ... talking about nominal tax rates is kind of a dodge unless you also tax about TAX LAW. The taxes that are paid are so subject to what it considered taxable, and the kinds of deductions that individuals and businesses can take, that talking about changing the nominal tax rate is meaningless without further discussion. For example, if Trump has said that he was going to lower the nominal corporate tax to 15% but eliminate loopholes, special considerations, and subsidies, that would have been more meaningful

Reagan, you may recall, lowered the nominal individual tax rates, but then eliminated so many deductions (like interest paid on ANY debt) that the middle class actually wound up paying more.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, August 14, 2016 11:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The lower income classes have a W-2 form to keep them honest. Since income is self-reported in the upper income classes, there is nothing to keep them honest but their own integrity and their slight concern of a possible audit by the IRS. The bigger the liar the smaller the taxes.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And avoided taxes on $1 million dollars of a $10 million income income by donating to their favorite charity ... the Clinton Foundation!

I've spoken disparagingly in the past about the wealthy and their foundations. Quite often, the foundations are ways to further business or political goals in a tax sheltered way.

AFA what I said about the overall effect of raising tax rates on the wealthy (will tap those who can't escape) or lowering tax rates on business (will benefit small and medium-sized businesses based in the USA) ... talking about nominal tax rates is kind of a dodge unless you also tax about TAX LAW. The taxes that are paid are so subject to what it considered taxable, and the kinds of deductions that individuals and businesses can take, that talking about changing the nominal tax rate is meaningless without further discussion. For example, if Trump has said that he was going to lower the nominal corporate tax to 15% but eliminate loopholes, special considerations, and subsidies, that would have been more meaningful

Reagan, you may recall, lowered the nominal individual tax rates, but then eliminated so many deductions (like interest paid on ANY debt) that the middle class actually wound up paying more.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 14, 2016 12:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

How much did the Clintons hide in their foundation, do you think?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, August 14, 2016 12:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So I did some calculations. A person making minimum wage, who starts working full time at 18, and who works non-stop till 67, will earn 738,000 in their entire lifetime - or roughly what Saint Hillary earns with one speech.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, August 15, 2016 12:42 AM


OMG! This is too stupid for words. Anyone with half a brain can see that Chris Cuomo is being sarcastic.

BTW, Trump sure does owe the MSM hundreds of millions of dollars for the FREE
publicity. So there!




Monday, August 15, 2016 12:44 AM


You mean, you don't know? What a mi-RAC-le!

Gun to my head (don't say it), if I had to guess easily a billion.....a billion and a half with $.53 cents.



Monday, August 15, 2016 12:56 AM


While we are on the subject......who invented the charitable contribution and when did it come into effect?

Just asking, since you know..........ya know, everything!



Monday, August 15, 2016 12:39 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

I'm preparing for her reign is by getting my "I told you so" posts ready ahead of time.

1kiki predicts Trumps loss.



Monday, August 15, 2016 12:41 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
How much did the Clintons hide in their foundation, do you think?

Not nearly as much as Putin comrade. Troll much, lol.



Monday, August 15, 2016 5:14 PM


“Russia’s flirtation with fascism: Putinism is real, but fleeting” – The Daily Star (Lebanon)/Vladislav Inozemtsev

the Russian system should be characterized as proto-fascist – tamer than European fascist states during the 1920s and 1930s, but still featuring key elements …. the structure of Russia’s political economy; the idealization of the state as a source of moral authority; and … international relations.

Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal constraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.’



Monday, August 22, 2016 8:32 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So now that the Hillarities* can rest assured Hillary will be elected, maybe they can comfortably examine her faults. Because, yanno, unless she's a saint, she has them. But if people CAN'T admit she has any faults, then I'll continue to call her Saint Hillary, out of respect for their obvious reverence for her pristine holiness.

* FWIW I've been an equal opportunity insulter. I call people who support Trump 'Trumpettes'. Well, I did, up until I watched Samantha Bee and found out they actually refer to themselves that way. I have yet to come up with a new nickname.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016 3:11 AM


As far as Hilary is concerned, whoever is advising her is doing a horrendous job. I don't get the whole saint thing, but yeah she's fumbled so many times
that she's lucky no decent candidate has come out from the other camp.

Still though, the Trumpsters (as in Trumpster fire) could always get jobs in
the carriage business in New York. Really, the insult is in the fact that they believe the blithering idiot. Poor deluded simpletons.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
So now that the Hillarities* can rest assured Hillary will be elected, maybe they can comfortably examine her faults. Because, yanno, unless she's a saint, she has them. But if people CAN'T admit she has any faults, then I'll continue to call her Saint Hillary, out of respect for their obvious reverence for her pristine holiness.

* FWIW I've been an equal opportunity insulter. I call people who support Trump 'Trumpettes'. Well, I did, up until I watched Samantha Bee and found out they actually refer to themselves that way. I have yet to come up with a new nickname.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Friday, August 26, 2016 6:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Early on, in the discussion of Hillary's deleted emails, I wrote this


Just as an aside, working as I do at a government agency, we ALL know about record-retention, down to the lowest employee. It would be incomprehensible that Hillary, a long-time Senator, wife of a former President, and fully-read-in head of the State Department, "not know" about record retention.

So that explains her 30,000 deleted emails and her incomplete submitted schedules and her burned daily ones? This woman is clearly "cleaning up" her data.

Just OOC, I wonder if the FBI has tried a forensic reconstruction of her server's hard drives. If they have ... and if the drives are unreadable ... that certainly implies that the erasure was more than just casual, because it takes a lot of rewrites to fully eliminate data from a disc. - SIGNY

and KIKI chimed in with this ...


We already know that the trove of Clinton’s work-related emails is incomplete. In his comments on Tuesday, Comey declared, “The FBI … discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014.” We also already know that some of those work-related emails could be permanently deleted. Indeed, according to Comey, “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that [Clinton and her team] did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”

A brief, semi-technical explanation: as the head records on the hard drive, the track of the head 'wanders' a bit, causing leakage recording along either side. When you 'delete' a file, what the computer does is not 'erase' date - it simply tells the computer that certain areas on the hard drive are now available to be recorded over. With the proper software, you can easily read the ones and zeros on those sectors, and recover all the information, intact (unless it's already been over-written).
To actually erase data, you have to record over those sectors with random ones and zeros ... not once - because you need to erase the 'leakage' information - but multiple times. Otherwise the data is still FORENSICALLY recoverable.

In other words - somebody didn't just 'delete' the files. They wrote over those sectors, and only those sectors, and re-wrote over them, and re-re-wrote - and so on - until no trace of the data remained. That that data was well and truly erased indicates a CONCERTED and technical effort on Clinton's part to get rid of ... well ... we'll never know. But it was roughly HALF of whatever was there. Yep. Apparently, HALF of her emails on her private server set up for work, were "personal".

Why does this matter? Because Clinton signed documents declaring she had turned over all of her work-related emails. We now know that is not true. But even more importantly, the absence of emails raises troubling questions about the nature of the correspondence that might have been deleted.

Now we know WHAT her lawyers used ...

Gowdy: Clinton used special tool to wipe email server


Hillary Clinton’s lawyers used a special tool to delete emails from her personal server so that “even God can’t read them,” House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy said on Thursday.

Gowdy (R-S.C.) said the use of BleachBit, computer software whose website advertises that it can “prevent recovery” of files, is further proof that Clinton had something to hide in deleting personal emails from the private email system she used during her tenure as secretary of state.

Clinton has long said that the deleted emails were all of a personal nature, relating largely to yoga and her daughter’s wedding, but Gowdy said he did not know whether the Democratic nominee considered emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation to be personal. It’s a question he said he hopes reporters ask Clinton the next chance they get.

“She and her lawyers had those emails deleted. And they didn’t just push the delete button; they had them deleted where even God can’t read them,” Gowdy said Thursday morning during an interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “They were using something called BleachBit. You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails or bridemaids emails. When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.”

The South Carolina congressman said Clinton’s previous statements, chiefly her disproved statement that she did not send or receive classified information on her private server, should inform whether or not the public believes her when she says Clinton Foundation donors were never granted special treatment by her State Department.
A screenshot of the BleachBit program.

A screenshot of the BleachBit program. | BleachBit screenshot

Presented with audio from a Wednesday-night Clinton interview on CNN in which she said “there is a lot of smoke and there’s no fire,” Gowdy scoffed.

“It's arson. It's pyromania. It's not smoke. Even listening to her talk about the Clinton Foundation, I couldn't help but go back and remember the press conference she gave on her emails where every single thing she said proved to be false,” he said. “That’s the interesting thing about credibility and believability: You can't just keep it in one compartment. When you are a habitual, serial liar in this facet of life, it tends to make people not believe you in other facets of life. So when she’s talking about the Clinton Foundation, I go back and remember her saying there’s no classified information, I only used one device, I did it for convenience. All of which were proven to be false.”

On its website, BleachBit touted the mention from Gowdy in an orange box on its homepage, misquoting the congressman slightly as it sought to take advantage of the free media attention: "South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy says Hillary Clinton deleted emails 'so even God couldn't read them' using BleachBit."

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Friday, August 26, 2016 7:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

EXCLUSIVE: Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives

With some Secret Service coming forward about Hillary's terrible temper, the consensus seems to be that Hillary's role in Vince Foster's death is not that she had him killed, but that she drove him to suicide by haranguing him in front of colleagues. Some feel that the body might have been moved to a more neutral location. In any case, the FBI files on that are missing.

Hillary's staff retrieved a "partial" suicide note for the FBI... weeks later. It had been torn. Probably, the part of the note where he mentioned his boss' name was torn off by loyal staff who were wearing latex gloves!

In addition, Foster's office was "cleaned up" by Hillary's staff. Papers on Hillary's role in Whitewater went "missing", only to return TWO YEARS LATER.

This woman has survived SOLELY by cleaning up her records. She's in way over her head.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Friday, August 26, 2016 7:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

CNN releases Dr Drew after he discusses Hillary's health care.

The discussion is here

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 27, 2016 8:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails


A technology company that provided the program Hillary Clinton's team used to scrub her private server of emails bragged on its website Thursday that it had prevented the FBI from accessing deleted records.

BleachBit, the publicly-available application that was used to deleted some of Clinton's emails ahead of an FBI investigation, said it had not yet been served a subpoena over its involvement in the destruction of potentially classified records.

A headline on the company's website read: "BleachBit stifles investigation of Hillary Clinton."

Rep. Trey Gowdy brought the involvement of the program to light Thursday when he told Fox News that Clinton's emails were so fully deleted that "even God can't read them."

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:49 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


The logic behind the Hillarities is a bit like the logic of an abused spouse - my spouse doesn't really hit me; my spouse doesn't really mean it; and it's not a lot; and not too often; and not too hard; and it doesn't hurt that much; at least, not for very long; and I've never been to the hospitable; I can manage it; and it's always for a reason; I can figure out how to do better; and my spouse might be a jerk, but my spouse is MY jerk ...

The end result is that even if people admit that Hillary's not perfect, there's always a denial, a reason, a minimization, to sweep it away. NOTHING wrong with Hillary MATTERS. So these people will never demand better, from anyone else OR from her. Not only are they loyal, they're blind.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Saturday, August 27, 2016 11:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



The logic behind the Hillarities is a bit like the logic of an abused spouse - my spouse doesn't really hit me; my spouse doesn't really mean it; and it's not a lot; and not too often; and not too hard; and it doesn't hurt that much; at least, not for very long; and I've never been to the hospitable; I can manage it; and it's always for a reason; I can figure out how to do better ...

NOTHING wrong with Hillary MATTERS. There's always a denial, reason, a minimization.= KIKI

If you add...

"It could be worse", and
"But he's sorry afterwards", and
"He wants to do better, its his job/his family/circumstances that make him behave so badly."

... I think you've got the liberal/Democrat dysfunction right there. Liberals don't realize that the party leadership has not only abandoned them and their principles, but is actively working against them.

That is not to say that there aren't great individual politicians out there. I like Feingold and I hope he wins. I like Grayson. But the party leadership has been bought and paid for.

BTW- Just because I criticize Dems doesn't mean Repubs get a pass from me either. But right now, the party leadership of BOTH parties is so corrupt that it literally doesn't make a difference which one is in office, especially at the national level, and particularly in the Office of the President.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, August 27, 2016 12:19 PM


True. There aren't very many liberals in the party. Most are indistinguishable from Republicans outside of a few social issues.


Saturday, August 27, 2016 1:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, and I really like Tulsi Gabbard. She's my hero.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, August 29, 2016 11:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hillary Clinton often inhabits a fictional universe. Claiming she was targeted by snipers in Bosnia and telling Fox News interviewer Chris Wallace that FBI Director James Comey exonerated her grossly negligent mishandling of classified information are just two examples of Hillary’s fictional existence. However, Hillary’s State Department was no cheap Mississippi hotel, and the latest batch of emails confirming close, coordinated contact between Hillary’s top State aides and the kind strangers who donate to the Clinton Foundation ain’t rumors spread by traveling salesmen. Even The Associated Press is troubled by the number of Clinton Foundation donors with quick access to Hillary’s senior staff. The second paragraph in the AP report has numbers, not rumors:

“At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.”

“Released so far.” That’s the AP acknowledging the drip, drip, drip technique. More of Hillary’s emails continue to appear, including emails she swore she destroyed because they were personal.

Indeed, it appears evidence of an axis has emerged, drip by drip, an axis that operationally connected Clinton Foundation donors to Hillary’s State Department. That suggests from 2009 to 2013, when she was secretary of state, Hillary ran a hybrid organization—what we might call the Clinton State-Foundation—which served the needs of Foundation donors, in return for their… kindnesses.

If the Clinton State-Foundation looks like a pay-to-play bribery operation, well, it sure looked like Blanche Dubois was sleeping around a bit with kind strangers, didn’t it?

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, August 29, 2016 11:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A sports executive who was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation and whose firm paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars in consulting fees wanted help getting a visa for a British soccer player with a criminal past.

The crown prince of Bahrain, whose government gave more than $50,000 to the Clintons’ charity and who participated in its glitzy annual conference, wanted a last-minute meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

U2 rocker and philanthropist Bono, also a regular at foundation events, wanted high-level help broadcasting a live link to the International Space Station during concerts.

In each case, according to emails released Monday from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, the requests were directed to Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and confidante, Huma Abedin, who engaged with other top aides and sometimes Clinton herself about how to respond.

The emails show that, in these and similar cases, the donors did not always get what they wanted, particularly when they sought anything more than a meeting.

But the exchanges, among 725 pages of correspondence from Abedin disclosed as part of a lawsuit by the conservative group Judicial Watch, illustrate the way the Clintons’ international network of friends and donors was able to get access to Hillary Clinton and her inner circle during her tenure running the State Department.

The release of the correspondence follows previous disclosures of internal emails showing a similar pattern of access for foundation contributors, and it comes as Republicans allege that Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, used her perch in the Obama administration to trade favors for donations. Clinton and the foundation have vigorously denied the charge.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.






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