The E-Mails That Won't Die

UPDATED: Sunday, September 11, 2016 16:54
VIEWED: 1820
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Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:40 AM


............or how I learned to bypass and cheat the system.

Makes me think that maybe, just maybe Trump is right: Crooked Hilary!
We keep hearing about the thousands of emails, about her getting away with
murder by circumventing the rules & regs of the State Dept.

One question: Aren't there any rules regarding the Secretary of State's handling of emails in place? And, if so, who is responsible for enforcement?
(Okay that's two questions).

Seriously, who's minding the store? And why would Colin Powell have
anything sneaky to tell Hillary? One thing is certain, that the handling, or mishandling, of emails is a relatively new thing within the State Dept. and must be special consideration in the age of technological scope. Spying in cyberspace is a very real thing and must be given proper attention to avoid an international incident.

Hillary, in trying to pick former Secretary of State's brains asked, rightly so, for advice. Lost in all of this email bullshit is, as I said,
who's minding the store. The FBI, in their infinite wisdom, chose to not
pursue criminal charges and the right is going ape-shit. This is an
outrage! Who's responsible for such a fallacy and miscarriage of justice?
Right! Good question, because I think they should get everyone's emails.
Let's see what comes up!



Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The article that you linked said ....


Former secretary of State Colin Powell advised his successor, Hillary Clinton, on how to circumvent federal records requirements in a newly released email exchange about how best to handle communications over digital devices.

The email, dated two days after Clinton was sworn into office in 2009, was released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

I would wonder, how did Cummings get a hold of emails destined for Hillary?


Cummings also included documentation showing that, during his tenure, Powell had sent classified emails over his private AOL account - but as of July, had still not responded to a request to contact his service provider to retrieve them.
When Colin Powell was in office, "the rules" allowed the use of private emails.


"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell said in the exchange with Clinton. "If it is public that you have a Blackberry," he said, "it may become an official record and subject to the law."
So Powell advises Hillary on HOW TO SKIRT THE LAW. From this little gem, it's obvious that Powell knew the law and, thru Powell, so did Hillary.


"Be very careful," warned Powell. "I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data," he said.
When I said, lo these many posts ago, that Hillary was "in over her head", I mean that knowledgeable people in office NEVER keep a record of their more nefarious agreements. Deals are accomplished in a private conversation, and with a handshake. Hillary, in all of her Whitewater etc dealings, shared the same weakness as Nazis in Germany: SHE KEPT DETAILED RECORDS. That's why she;s had to backtrack and expunge so many of her records.

Just as an FYI, as I have stated before: as a minion in a government regulatory agency I am highly aware of the concept that ANY of our records, at any time, may be yanked into trial. That includes emails. We have known this since 1990.


The exchange shows that Powell gave Clinton “a detailed blueprint on how to skirt security rules and bypass requirements to preserve federal records, although Secretary Clinton has made clear that she did not rely on this advice," said Cummings. It "also illustrates the longstanding problem that no secretary of State ever used an official unclassified email account until the current secretary of State," said Cummings.

Republicans are pressing for additional investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server after FBI director James Comey declined to press criminal charges, even as he concluded that Clinton was "extremely careless" in her use of a private server. The email corroborates what Clinton told the FBI about Powell's advice to her, according to transcripts of her interview released last week.

"Extremely careless" sounds like "negligence" to me. Comey laid out a very clear case for indictment as far as I can tell.


In both 2014 and 2015, the State Department asked Powell to provide all of his records that were not in the agency’s record-keeping system. In March of 2015, Powell said during an appearance on ABC’s This Week that he no longer had emails from his personal account: “I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files," he said.

As of July, Powell still had not responded to a request to contact AOL. The Powell emails containing classified information had been identified by the agency's inspector general in February.

The rules changed after Colin Powell.

"The Republican obsession with Secretary Clinton has reached a fever pitch, and they have been using taxpayer resources to single her out in a desperate and abusive attempt to hurt her presidential campaign," said Cummings.

"If Republicans were truly concerned with transparency, strengthening FOIA, and preserving federal records, they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell’s emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period — including the run-up to the Iraq War — was critical to our nation’s history," said Cummings.


Still, "But Bush" is a poor excuse Obama and his administration. Setting the bar for the Obama administration according to what Bush did is a VERY low bar, and just means that neither admin is held accountable. All officials should be held to the law then in existence.


The release also shows the nature of Clinton's original solicitation for advice, dated Jan. 23 of 2009: "What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I've been told that the DSS personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it! President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us."

Powell has disputed the suggestion that he played a role in Clinton's decision to use a private system. “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did," Powell told the New York Post in August. "Her people have been trying to pin it on me," he said.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:23 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The article that you linked said ....


Former secretary of State Colin Powell advised his successor, Hillary Clinton, on how to circumvent federal records requirements in a newly released email exchange about how best to handle communications over digital devices.

The email, dated two days after Clinton was sworn into office in 2009, was released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

I would wonder, how did Cummings get a hold of emails destined for Hillary?


Cummings also included documentation showing that, during his tenure, Powell had sent classified emails over his private AOL account - but as of July, had still not responded to a request to contact his service provider to retrieve them.
When Colin Powell was in office, "the rules" allowed the use of private emails.


"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell said in the exchange with Clinton. "If it is public that you have a Blackberry," he said, "it may become an official record and subject to the law."
So Powell advises Hillary on HOW TO SKIRT THE LAW. From this little gem, it's obvious that Powell knew the law and, thru Powell, so did Hillary.


"Be very careful," warned Powell. "I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data," he said.
When I said, lo these many posts ago, that Hillary was "in over her head", I mean that knowledgeable people in office NEVER keep a record of their more nefarious agreements. Deals are accomplished in a private conversation, and with a handshake. Hillary, in all of her Whitewater etc dealings, shared the same weakness as Nazis in Germany: SHE KEPT DETAILED RECORDS. That's why she;s had to backtrack and expunge so many of her records.

Just as an FYI, as I have stated before: as a minion in a government regulatory agency I am highly aware of the concept that ANY of our records, at any time, may be yanked into trial. That includes emails. We have known this since 1990.


The exchange shows that Powell gave Clinton “a detailed blueprint on how to skirt security rules and bypass requirements to preserve federal records, although Secretary Clinton has made clear that she did not rely on this advice," said Cummings. It "also illustrates the longstanding problem that no secretary of State ever used an official unclassified email account until the current secretary of State," said Cummings.

Republicans are pressing for additional investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server after FBI director James Comey declined to press criminal charges, even as he concluded that Clinton was "extremely careless" in her use of a private server. The email corroborates what Clinton told the FBI about Powell's advice to her, according to transcripts of her interview released last week.

"Extremely careless" sounds like "negligence" to me. Comey laid out a very clear case for indictment as far as I can tell.


In both 2014 and 2015, the State Department asked Powell to provide all of his records that were not in the agency’s record-keeping system. In March of 2015, Powell said during an appearance on ABC’s This Week that he no longer had emails from his personal account: “I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files," he said.

As of July, Powell still had not responded to a request to contact AOL. The Powell emails containing classified information had been identified by the agency's inspector general in February.

The rules changed after Colin Powell.

"The Republican obsession with Secretary Clinton has reached a fever pitch, and they have been using taxpayer resources to single her out in a desperate and abusive attempt to hurt her presidential campaign," said Cummings.

"If Republicans were truly concerned with transparency, strengthening FOIA, and preserving federal records, they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell’s emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period — including the run-up to the Iraq War — was critical to our nation’s history," said Cummings.


Still, "But Bush" is a poor excuse Obama and his administration. Setting the bar for the Obama administration according to what Bush did is a VERY low bar, and just means that neither admin is held accountable. All officials should be held to the law then in existence.


The release also shows the nature of Clinton's original solicitation for advice, dated Jan. 23 of 2009: "What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I've been told that the DSS personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it! President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us."

Powell has disputed the suggestion that he played a role in Clinton's decision to use a private system. “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did," Powell told the New York Post in August. "Her people have been trying to pin it on me," he said.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

So Powell showed Clinton how to break the law AND told her it was against the law, so the coughing pig KNEW she was breaking the law, she shouldn't have gotten Powell involved.


Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:36 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The article that you linked said ....


Former secretary of State Colin Powell advised his successor, Hillary Clinton, on how to circumvent federal records requirements in a newly released email exchange about how best to handle communications over digital devices.

The email, dated two days after Clinton was sworn into office in 2009, was released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

I would wonder, how did Cummings get a hold of emails destined for Hillary?


Cummings also included documentation showing that, during his tenure, Powell had sent classified emails over his private AOL account - but as of July, had still not responded to a request to contact his service provider to retrieve them.
When Colin Powell was in office, "the rules" allowed the use of private emails.


"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell said in the exchange with Clinton. "If it is public that you have a Blackberry," he said, "it may become an official record and subject to the law."
So Powell advises Hillary on HOW TO SKIRT THE LAW. From this little gem, it's obvious that Powell knew the law and, thru Powell, so did Hillary.


"Be very careful," warned Powell. "I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data," he said.
When I said, lo these many posts ago, that Hillary was "in over her head", I mean that knowledgeable people in office NEVER keep a record of their more nefarious agreements. Deals are accomplished in a private conversation, and with a handshake. Hillary, in all of her Whitewater etc dealings, shared the same weakness as Nazis in Germany: SHE KEPT DETAILED RECORDS. That's why she;s had to backtrack and expunge so many of her records.

Just as an FYI, as I have stated before: as a minion in a government regulatory agency I am highly aware of the concept that ANY of our records, at any time, may be yanked into trial. That includes emails. We have known this since 1990.


The exchange shows that Powell gave Clinton “a detailed blueprint on how to skirt security rules and bypass requirements to preserve federal records, although Secretary Clinton has made clear that she did not rely on this advice," said Cummings. It "also illustrates the longstanding problem that no secretary of State ever used an official unclassified email account until the current secretary of State," said Cummings.

Republicans are pressing for additional investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server after FBI director James Comey declined to press criminal charges, even as he concluded that Clinton was "extremely careless" in her use of a private server. The email corroborates what Clinton told the FBI about Powell's advice to her, according to transcripts of her interview released last week.

"Extremely careless" sounds like "negligence" to me. Comey laid out a very clear case for indictment as far as I can tell.


In both 2014 and 2015, the State Department asked Powell to provide all of his records that were not in the agency’s record-keeping system. In March of 2015, Powell said during an appearance on ABC’s This Week that he no longer had emails from his personal account: “I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files," he said.

As of July, Powell still had not responded to a request to contact AOL. The Powell emails containing classified information had been identified by the agency's inspector general in February.

The rules changed after Colin Powell.

"The Republican obsession with Secretary Clinton has reached a fever pitch, and they have been using taxpayer resources to single her out in a desperate and abusive attempt to hurt her presidential campaign," said Cummings.

"If Republicans were truly concerned with transparency, strengthening FOIA, and preserving federal records, they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell’s emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period — including the run-up to the Iraq War — was critical to our nation’s history," said Cummings.


Still, "But Bush" is a poor excuse Obama and his administration. Setting the bar for the Obama administration according to what Bush did is a VERY low bar, and just means that neither admin is held accountable. All officials should be held to the law then in existence.


The release also shows the nature of Clinton's original solicitation for advice, dated Jan. 23 of 2009: "What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I've been told that the DSS personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it! President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us."

Powell has disputed the suggestion that he played a role in Clinton's decision to use a private system. “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did," Powell told the New York Post in August. "Her people have been trying to pin it on me," he said.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

So Powell showed Clinton how to break the law AND told her it was against the law, so the coughing pig KNEW she was breaking the law, she shouldn't have gotten Powell involved.

Correction: Powell explained that if she did the things that he had been allowed to Clinton would be breaking the law AND told her it would be against the law if she did it, so the coughing pig KNEW she was breaking the law.


Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:35 AM


Every law has a loop hole, which attorneys exploit. Powell advised how to "exploit" those loop holes. In other words, he showed her how to "bob & weave."



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The article that you linked said ....


Former secretary of State Colin Powell advised his successor, Hillary Clinton, on how to circumvent federal records requirements in a newly released email exchange about how best to handle communications over digital devices.

The email, dated two days after Clinton was sworn into office in 2009, was released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

I would wonder, how did Cummings get a hold of emails destined for Hillary?


Cummings also included documentation showing that, during his tenure, Powell had sent classified emails over his private AOL account - but as of July, had still not responded to a request to contact his service provider to retrieve them.
When Colin Powell was in office, "the rules" allowed the use of private emails.


"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell said in the exchange with Clinton. "If it is public that you have a Blackberry," he said, "it may become an official record and subject to the law."
So Powell advises Hillary on HOW TO SKIRT THE LAW. From this little gem, it's obvious that Powell knew the law and, thru Powell, so did Hillary.


"Be very careful," warned Powell. "I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data," he said.
When I said, lo these many posts ago, that Hillary was "in over her head", I mean that knowledgeable people in office NEVER keep a record of their more nefarious agreements. Deals are accomplished in a private conversation, and with a handshake. Hillary, in all of her Whitewater etc dealings, shared the same weakness as Nazis in Germany: SHE KEPT DETAILED RECORDS. That's why she;s had to backtrack and expunge so many of her records.

Just as an FYI, as I have stated before: as a minion in a government regulatory agency I am highly aware of the concept that ANY of our records, at any time, may be yanked into trial. That includes emails. We have known this since 1990.


The exchange shows that Powell gave Clinton “a detailed blueprint on how to skirt security rules and bypass requirements to preserve federal records, although Secretary Clinton has made clear that she did not rely on this advice," said Cummings. It "also illustrates the longstanding problem that no secretary of State ever used an official unclassified email account until the current secretary of State," said Cummings.

Republicans are pressing for additional investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server after FBI director James Comey declined to press criminal charges, even as he concluded that Clinton was "extremely careless" in her use of a private server. The email corroborates what Clinton told the FBI about Powell's advice to her, according to transcripts of her interview released last week.

"Extremely careless" sounds like "negligence" to me. Comey laid out a very clear case for indictment as far as I can tell.


In both 2014 and 2015, the State Department asked Powell to provide all of his records that were not in the agency’s record-keeping system. In March of 2015, Powell said during an appearance on ABC’s This Week that he no longer had emails from his personal account: “I do not have thousands of pages somewhere in my personal files," he said.

As of July, Powell still had not responded to a request to contact AOL. The Powell emails containing classified information had been identified by the agency's inspector general in February.

The rules changed after Colin Powell.

"The Republican obsession with Secretary Clinton has reached a fever pitch, and they have been using taxpayer resources to single her out in a desperate and abusive attempt to hurt her presidential campaign," said Cummings.

"If Republicans were truly concerned with transparency, strengthening FOIA, and preserving federal records, they would be attempting to recover Secretary Powell’s emails from AOL, but they have taken no steps to do so despite the fact that this period — including the run-up to the Iraq War — was critical to our nation’s history," said Cummings.


Still, "But Bush" is a poor excuse Obama and his administration. Setting the bar for the Obama administration according to what Bush did is a VERY low bar, and just means that neither admin is held accountable. All officials should be held to the law then in existence.


The release also shows the nature of Clinton's original solicitation for advice, dated Jan. 23 of 2009: "What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I've been told that the DSS personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it! President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us."

Powell has disputed the suggestion that he played a role in Clinton's decision to use a private system. “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did," Powell told the New York Post in August. "Her people have been trying to pin it on me," he said.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.

So Powell showed Clinton how to break the law AND told her it was against the law, so the coughing pig KNEW she was breaking the law, she shouldn't have gotten Powell involved.


Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Every law has a loop hole, which attorneys exploit. Powell advised how to "exploit" those loop holes. In other words, he showed her how to "bob & weave."
And now you're pulling sheer nonsense out of your ass. THE LAWS CHANGED AFTER COLIN POWELL. I believe I posted that more than once, but somehow it didn't penetrate your clouded awareness.

But if you really think that is the case, then I'm sure you'd be able to quote the loophole that Hillary took advantage of. I'm sure you don't that that statute at-hand, so tell us WHEN we can expect that important piece of information.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, September 11, 2016 4:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Every law has a loop hole, which attorneys exploit. Powell advised how to "exploit" those loop holes. In other words, he showed her how to "bob & weave."
And now you're pulling sheer nonsense out of your ass. THE LAWS CHANGED AFTER COLIN POWELL. I believe I posted that more than once, but somehow it didn't penetrate your clouded awareness.

But if you really think that is the case, then I'm sure you'd be able to quote the loophole that Hillary took advantage of. I'm sure you don't that that statute at-hand, so tell us WHEN we can expect that important piece of information.

facts just do not fit his worldview.






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