Wondering how many of you already commented on this article

UPDATED: Thursday, September 15, 2016 19:56
VIEWED: 1947
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Friday, September 9, 2016 5:54 PM


I spot at least two, and maybe a third.

No I haven't commented, if you are wondering.


Friday, September 9, 2016 6:57 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

That writer had some strange ideas:

I used to think dating across the political aisle was not only possible, but practical. Hell, if James Carville and Mary Matalin can get along, I can date someone who thinks my genitals automatically give me privileges that they don’t have, right? Wrong.
It just so happens that Mary Matalin, a high-profile political pundit and veteran strategist for the Republican Party, changed her party registration to Libertarian from Republican in May 2016.

Pressed about why she switched political parties, Matalin told Bloomberg Politics that she was a Republican in the “Jeffersonian, Madisonian sense.”

“I’m not a Republican for a party or a person,” she continued. “The Libertarian Party represents those constitutional principles that I agree with.”

Maybe I should check what Libertarians believe?

We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose any legal requirements forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

Retirement planning is the responsibility of the individual, not the government. Libertarians would phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. The proper and most effective source of help for the poor is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.

Sounds great! For the rich! Matches the Libertarian preamble: "As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others."


Saturday, September 10, 2016 3:42 AM


rezident owtsidr

It suprizez me how many reazonably intellijent peepl call themselvz Libertarianz.

I woud suspect they dont read much sifi and hav weak imajinationz, but even that duznt hold up. Penn Gillette, for example, relied on a great imajination to exel in hiz career az a majician.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JO753:
It suprizez me how many reazonably intellijent peepl call themselvz Libertarianz.

I think that James Carville, the Democrat, is smart enough to not talk to his wife, Mary Matalin the Libertarian, about her new political position that Social Security should end, along with the end of Medicare, Obamacare, EPA, etc. because these programs are not mentioned in the Constitution. Excerpt from the Libertarian Platform (2016):

We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. . . . Libertarians would phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. . . . We believe members of society will become even more charitable and civil society will be strengthened as government reduces its activity in this realm.
There is not much room on the Libertarian platform for a Democratic husband to put his feet and stand with his Libertarian wife. There could be heated arguments between Mary and James at the dinner table if the subject comes up. Best not to talk about it.


Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:34 AM


The same douchebags who think all Conservatives are racists are shocked to believe that most people think feminists hate men? When have you heard a feminist NOT bitching about something? Most men respect strong independent women, feminists like being victims. Who wants to date that?


Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:51 AM


Interesting post, you proved your own point.



Originally posted by whozit:
The same douchebags who think all Conservatives are racists are shocked to believe that most people think feminists hate men? When have you heard a feminist NOT bitching about something? Most men respect strong independent women, feminists like being victims. Who wants to date that?


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 3:57 AM


Hey Wish,

I like the title of your thread, although I have to admit that I only read it because you were the OP. Very interesting article. I'm going to be just kind of doing my streamofconscioness thing here while I read it rather than quote much.

First of all, there is no wage gap. There is no "rape culture".

Do some women get raped? Of course. Do some women get paid less than men? Of course.

But.... and I think you're a strong willed, independent woman who can agree with this and not be threatened by it.....

Some men get raped. Some men get paid less than women.

It's 2016.

If I took the time to make a graph with a makeup of all races and sexes an sexualities on it, according to Federal Law, the White Male (at least in America) is given ZERO breaks. At the Opposite End of that spectrum, I would put a Black Woman who was Gay and a First Generation Immigrant on the other end.

Think about that for a moment.

Think about a Black Female Lesbian who was straight off "the boat" and working along side of you. No matter what her performance was, who would ever fire her if it was below expected standards?


Unless some manager was to catch her in the act of actually killing somebody on her shift and he or she had no less than 2 witnesses that would back them up in a court of law, the answer is NOBODY.

That being the Equal and Opposite End of the Equation, the Straight White Male is at the other end of the spectrum.

Not the Rich and Privliged ones. I'm just talking about all of the rest of us. Your Hubby is likely included there, although you do live in a small town where people likely grew up with each other and rules are a little different than in "Metropolis". In that case, move to Chicago or Indianapolis and I'm willing to bet that you are more likely to get a GOOD job than your husband. Not just because you're a woman, but because of your physical issues as well.

I do not believe that "All Feminists Hate Men".

On the contrary, I believe that as much as 80% or more of self proclaimed "Feminists", especially those under 30 years old, are mis-labeling themselves.

They are Egalitarians and are looking for a world where there are equal rights for everyone.

Do some of them have bad experiences with men in the past? Sure. My sis-in-law believes that I'm a mysoginist because of my views on women's rights. It was only recently that I finally let a 13 year old cat out of the bag and told my family how I got a girl pregnant and she just aborted it without even talking to me about it.

"My Body, My Choice"

That's easy to say and get behind, right?

Not so much when you are told one day that you've got a kid on the way and then 2 weeks later you're told "oh, about that thing?..... don't worry about it...."



I'm sorry Wish, and anyone else here about this but...






If you were going to get an abortion in the first place, why did you tell me we were having a kid 2 weeks prior?

Ignorance is Fucking Bliss.

It's the same thing I told my Old Man 30 years after the divorce when I said that his biggest crime wasn't cheating on my Mom, but fucking telling her that he did. If he kept that guilt secret to himself they might still be married today.

"My Body, My Choice is BULLSHIT!"

And if women are going to stand by that, nobody can have their cake and eat it too. If some guy knocks a girl up and decides he wants nothing to do with her after the fact, she can't pursue him for child support.

One or the Other, or Fuck You.

Holding all of the cards here isn't Equality. It's Superiority.


As far as the Wage Gap?

I worked 3 and 1/2 years at KMart. I was employee of the month so many months that sometimes they forgot to give it to somebody else. That says a lot when you're a night-shift stock person who never interacts with customers.

I never got a nickle raise in that time. "Corporate Policy" didn't allow it. They're a dying horse. I was fine with that because as you know I can easily live on minimum wage and I just kind of said fuck it and made my own schedule and they were just glad when I showed up. Also, the job was a great workout and I was in great shape just by making my minimum wage.

My point here is The Earned Income Credit.

Do you know how many Women I worked with there that were single mothers?

Let's just say.... A LOT.

I was making roughly 11k a year before taxes. I got most of that back because of my low income and the measly $250 or so EIC I got back for being a single male.

Meanwhile, Women who did the EXACT SAME JOB I DID (on paper) got paid the same hourly wage as I did, but every kid they had they got $3000 "back" on their taxes. This wasn't a Tax Deduction. This was a Tax Credit. They would laugh and joke about how they couldn't wait for Tax Day. They were the very first people to get their taxes done the second they got their W2 in the mail.

One woman I worked with. A single Mom with 4 kids, got a bigger lump sum check at tax day than I made in an ENTIRE YEAR OF WORK at the same job.

Essentially, She was paid more than DOUBLE I was being paid for the job through Government Subsidies.

It's not my fault she had 4 kids. I don't have any. I would have had a 13 year old boy or girl right now, and likely gotten the $3000 credit because of what a piece of shit the mother was, but they were murdered because the Government says that's OK too.

And as far as "statistics" on how much time mothers and fathers spend with their kids, that's all very subjective as well. My mom never did shit with us outside of taking us out to Denny's every night. On the weekends she would either bathe in the sun or sleep nearly 48 hours when it was cold.

My Dad always took us to the Planetarium or the other Museums in Chicago nearly every week. If he didn't take us there he took us mini-golfing our out of state to a Yogi Bear Park that my Grams and Gramps bought a trailer at years ago.

My Dad always wanted custody of us, but my Mom would never have allowed it, even though she was such a shitty Mom. He saw lawyers, but they all told him that it could take years and be really ugly and cost him over $50,000 in early 90's money and there was no guaranty that he could even get custody after all of that.

When my youngest brother had a brain hemmorage, it was my Dad who spent countless hours every single day doing whatever he could to "re-hab" him. He was making over 60k a year (in 80's money) and he quit his job to do so.

Fuck the stats.

Fuck what you heard.

I know what I grew up with, and I've lived with.

It's a goddamned miracle that I don't outright hate women after all of that.

The only thing worse than a loudmouthed, ill-informed, over-privliged woman spouting a bunch of Misandry is the fucking pussy bitch men who echo them.

So Yeah.

That's what I think of that article.

Love ya Wish.

I know you're not one of them. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 4:30 AM


I suppose I should follow that up with what my Old Man has been doing since.

He married a 20 year old when he was 40.... 25 years ago. They're going to Jamacia for their anniversary. The 3 year old she had who wasn't his son is making bank in Renewable Energies on the East Coast. The child they had together works for Google now and makes more in 1 year than I would have made working at KMart in 13 years.

Between scholarships and grants, neither of them owe a dime in college debt.

Years later, when everyone else had given up on him, and he'd done enough to make most other Dad's give up on him as well, my Dad took in my youngest brother who had the brain hemmorage. He was a hopeless alcoholic who was kicked out of his apartment for not paying rent and likely would have killed himself in short time. My Dad spent over 2 years fighting to get him considered disabled, and would not let him drink while he was living there, and unlike most parents today, he watched over him like a hawk about it.

Fast Forward 4 years. My brother is living in a decent sized Village in the Boonies. He "makes" about as much every month from Social Security as I used to get paid at KMart. He lives in a great apartment complex made mostly of seniors or disabled and pays less than $200 a month rent with all utilities included. He's an avid and very gifted photographer and spends most of his free time outdoors taking photographs or volunteering at his local church.

None of that would have happened with my Mom and Step Dad. They went to the office, filled out some forms, they were denied and they said that was the end of that. My dad fought for him for over 2 years.

My Dad wasn't a man of privilege. He came from a poor, broken family himself. He joined the army right out of high school and worked at the Pentagon in intelligence and made a living with computers and ended up being a manager for 20 years before he retired nearly 10 years earlier than Social Security benifits kick in.

My Dad was a goddamned American Hero and nobody will ever know his name 100 years from now.

I love you Dad. I'm glad you're finally going on a vacation outside of the road trips in the states. You've spent your entire life taking care of others. Take some time to go see all of that shit you told me that we'd go see when I was 3 years old and you taught me how to read and brought home all of those cool books about the solar system and taught me about all of the planets and moons five years before we even started learning that shit in school.

Maybe we'll get to do that together in another life. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 10:40 PM


Six, if you could pick out just one or two thoughts when you talk at me, I would appreciate it. I just don't have the time to write tomes like I used to....


Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:56 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Six, if you could pick out just one or two thoughts when you talk at me, I would appreciate it. I just don't have the time to write tomes like I used to....

I respect that Wish.

I also wasn't just talking at you, although you're one of the only very few people still here I care about at all.

The state of the RWED is pretty sad these days.

Time was, not even that long ago, that I could say something and leave and show up 5 days later and there would be 20 new threads and 1,000 new posts.

Assuming that you actually took the time to read it all, I'll do my best to pick out two thoughts for you to ponder.

Automatically, I have to go with "Rape Culture".

Can somebody please define that one for me?

You were either raped, or you were not raped. Who took time out of their day to create an entire "culture" based around rape? Why would they do such a thing?


You could spend thousands of hours for the rest of your life and I guarantee that you won't find anyone who will argue this. NOBODY wants to be raped. NOBODY wants to rape.

There are some sick individuals in our world, for sure, but they are the vast minority. Between 2001 and 2013, the amount of Reported Rape cases have only barely doubled to 5,000 per year. Given that we live in a country with many more than 3,000,000 people, wouldn't you agree that it's a misnomer to title Ours a "Rape Culture"?

I've talked about my own story here before, at least once. I told a huge black dude it was time for him and his friends to leave when he told the Girl who lived there to "Shut the Fuck Up, Ho!"....

I was 19 then. I was stupid. I was still under that teenage assumption that I was going to live forever. I was beaten nearly to death and stabbed for it. She was not that innocent. She was the reason that a 240lb, black, recently ex-convict, coke dealer and his friends were at a party that I was only invited to because my friend who wouldn't be there for another few hours.

She begged me for help. I was about 120 lbs back when I was 19. This MAN was a MONSTER. I did not act tough. I played the diplomat when we finally met. Before I met him, I had gone into the basement where the keg was. Instead of teens partying and having a good time, every one of them, boy and girl were glued to the chairs or sitting on the floor.

Things spiraled out of control quickly and I ended up in the hospital and the doctors said he must have been a surgeon because by some miracle no vital organs had even been nicked.

I've told that story before. You've likely read it Wish.

That story wasn't my point.

For better or for worse, as much as it pains me to say it, I will never be anyone's "White Knight" again.


Not One Single Woman is a Virtuous Princess.

Not One Single Woman you will EVER know is worth getting killed or mamed for.


Not only did I find out a few days later when I started asking "Why the Fuck?" that happened to me, but not only did I find out that she was a Suburban Princess who had all the drug hookups, but a few of my friends had regularly been doing coke at my own apartment parties. Some of them supplied through the guy who nearly killed me, and that's how my friend started dating one of his female cohorts.

Even though they knew I was against hard core drugs, they did it anyway because that's how drunk I got that I wouldn't know.

I was going to get to a second point, but I realize that my first was very long as well.

I don't mind short replies if they mean something Wish. Please. Indulge me with your short replies.

It's the thought that you just don't take the time to read anything that makes me feel bad.

What do I want?


I'd just like one Rational Woman here to say that I'm not full of shit.

Is the RWED really that dead that I'm not even being torn apart by the rest of the Women who used to reside here?

Or did I really make some legitimate points?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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