Hillary's health

UPDATED: Monday, October 3, 2016 09:00
VIEWED: 11199
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 3:04 AM


It wasn't pneumonia.

I've had pneumonia when I was a child. Granted, you come back from stuff like that easier when you're a child than when you're 70, but if it were pneumonia she would not be taking photo ops an hour later with a minority child on her way to important work after being escorted by 3 people by hand on the way to her motorcade with 10 other people standing around here with sunglasses on that said "nothing to see here".

What does she suffer from? Who can say?

How was she seemingly A-Okay an hour later, at least the 90 seconds it takes to do a photo op with a minority girl that's as cute as a button before she walked away?

Who can say?

This isn't a laughing matter at all, and I have no love for the "Righties" here and on youtube and other media that laugh about it.

Instead of laughing about it and/or spouting the hate that the Lefties expect from all of you, why don't you show your human side and be empathetic to what is probably a very serious health issue for Hillary.

At this point, depending on the condition, possibly Hillary Herself doesn't want to continue with this, but with less than 2 months left to go and the DNC banking all of their future hopes for the next 4 years on her, what choice does she have other than just dying?

If the Dems pulled Hillary out and put in another candidate, no matter who it was, they would lose against Trump at this point.

The PuppetMasters behind the scenes at this point don't give a shit if Hillary lives 2 weeks into her first term. All they care about is securing another 4 years.

That's not knocking the Lefties. The Rethugs would do the same thing if their Prize Horse was knocking on heaven's door.

I said here 2 or 3 years ago that we'd have another Rich White Republican for president next. Even with Trump, I'm still confident that this will happen. I don't give a shit what any polls show, and they're about even now and Hillary might be dying or at least showing the far-more-than-moderate stages of some debilitating illiness like MS.

She's still sharp of mind, no doubt, but I believe her body is failing her otherwise. Assuming she's not dying, I do hope she loses just so she can fade back into relative obscurity and just enjoy the rest of her time with her family.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 4:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by whozit:
You're right Sig, it was time to change the title

I'm glad you changed it, the discussion has gone far afield from Hillary hacking up a lung, and it deserves all the attention it can get. Thanks.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 4:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


9 posts on the first day of this post. Then 41 more in the past day. Whozit is quite prescient, again.- JSF

If Whozit is "quite prescient" then Scott Adams, famous for being the Dilbert cartoonist and a professional observer of people, must be superlatively prescient because he saw this coming in December of 2015. He wrote an "I told you so" blog yesterday.-SECOND

Oh drats, has my identity been outed?

Select to view spoiler:

No of course not

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 5:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


How was she seemingly A-Okay an hour later, at least the 90 seconds it takes to do a photo op with a minority girl that's as cute as a button before she walked away?
Good question 6IX!


Who can say? This isn't a laughing matter at all, and I have no love for the "Righties" here and on youtube and other media that laugh about it. Instead of laughing about it and/or spouting the hate that the Lefties expect from all of you, why don't you show your human side and be empathetic to what is probably a very serious health issue for Hillary.

Actually, I feel sorry for Hillary.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 6:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Actually, I feel sorry for Hillary.

Actually, I don't. Illness goes with being elderly and all the major candidates are too old for the job: Hillary (68), Trump (70), Jill Stein (66), and Bernie (75) are all older than the full retirement age for social security. And they all are going after a job that lasts 8 years. The exception is libertarian for President Gary Anderson who will be 64 when he is sworn in and he has no chance of being elected. He is just running for the thrill of it -- he needs a hobby in his retirement years, if I can be perfectly frank about what Anderson is doing on the campaign trail.

Mike Pence (57) and Tim Kaine (58) are VP candidates and will be retirement age in 8 years. If either of these two run for President in 2024 following Trump or Hillary, Pence or Kaine will be too old for the job by the time they finish their second term as President in January 2033.

In contrast to the USA, Vladimir Putin is only 63 and has been in charge since 1999. No wonder Trump is so impressed with Putin, the vigorous youth compared to the Americans.

Any of these people could end as mere figurehead Presidents unable to function, like President Woodrow Wilson, who had a stroke at 62. No one close to Wilson, including his wife, his physician, or personal assistant, was willing to take responsibility to certify, as required by the Constitution, his "inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office". So Wilson's administration meandered along with his wife holding Wilson's hand as he signs documents. Sorry, no more long speeches to the nation.

And then there was Reagan.

The LA Times and the Wall Street Journal have two front-page stories related to Hillary Clinton's pneumonia. The Washington Post has three. But the New York Times has six!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 12:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kentucky’s governor said that if Hillary survives pneumonia, somebody will have to kill her, without saying who will do the bloody slaughter of the tyrant Hillary.

Speaking at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin alluded to Thomas Jefferson’s famous aphorism about the need to periodically water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Except in Bevin’s telling, the tyrant is Hillary Clinton:

Somebody asked me yesterday, I did an interview, and they said, “Do you think it’s possible, if Hillary Clinton were to win the election, do you think it’s possible that we’ll be able to survive? That we would ever be able to recover as a nation?”

And while there are people who have stood on this stage and said we would not, I would beg to differ. But I will tell you this: I do think it would be possible, but at what price? At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots.

Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood that is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something, that we through our apathy and our indifference have given away.

Governor Bevin later tried to clean up those remarks by saying we should construe them as being about military service in the war on terrorism. The text of his actual speech, however, is completely at odds with that — he is very clearly talking about patriots winning back liberty from the tyranny of Democratic Party governance.

Bevin is arguing not that Clinton will implement some policies that he disagrees with and hopes will be reversed in a future election, but that Clinton will fundamentally imperil the viability of the American republic. "Death to Hillary" shall be the battle-cry of the Republican Party.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:00 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
9 posts on the first day of this post.
Then 41 more in the past day.

Whozit is quite prescient, again.

If Whozit is "quite prescient" then Scott Adams, famous for being the Dilbert cartoonist and a professional observer of people, must be superlatively prescient because he saw this coming in December of 2015. He wrote an "I told you so" blog yesterday.

Scott Adams predicted back in April 2016 that Clinton has a 50% chance of making it to November with sufficiently good health to be considered a viable president.
In December 2015, Adams predicted a 75% chance that we learn of an important Clinton health issue before the general election.

If you are looking for an argument against Scott Adams being a genius, you are barking up the wrong tree.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

How was she seemingly A-Okay an hour later, at least the 90 seconds it takes to do a photo op with a minority girl that's as cute as a button before she walked away?
Good question 6IX!


Who can say? This isn't a laughing matter at all, and I have no love for the "Righties" here and on youtube and other media that laugh about it. Instead of laughing about it and/or spouting the hate that the Lefties expect from all of you, why don't you show your human side and be empathetic to what is probably a very serious health issue for Hillary.

Actually, I feel sorry for Hillary.

Her medication for her Parkinson's takes effect within an hour. Not so for dehydration or her other lame excuses.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 8:19 PM



Originally posted by second:

Actually, I don't. Illness goes with being elderly and all the major candidates are too old for the job:

Finally, we are in complete agreement on something.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 5:05 AM


Yep. That's my response. Allow me elaborate; the blurb I saw on national media the other day was her joking that the Donald was causing her reaction and her coughing fit.

Now, were you commenting on that or something else?

Sometimes, just sometimes a response is submitted in more than one post. My prerogative. Should you chose not to respond, that is yours. That's generally how it works.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
She kept blaming 'allergies' for her intractable, disabling coughing. Whether you believe the explanation or not I leave up to you.

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

And THIS is your 'discussion', SGG? Yeah, whatever.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 5:36 AM


Having Hillary die is the wish of many a hater. She's up there in age, although Donald is older, and she's got a few issues with privacy matters.
Not to mention that whole e-mail debacle.

But I imagine Trump, once in the oval office, lighting a few fires around the world to show what a macho man he is. I also picture him handing over the keys of the kingdom to Putin. Remember him? The apple of his eye, all Putin has to do is to remember to bring flowers.

We all know that Hillary is sick, the question could only be answered by her
doctor. Any speculation or guess is just that and nothing more. Question is could she carry on and run the country, could Donald? With her, we know that
question can be answered (although the right will go ape-shit over it), but
with Trump - well, let's say Forrest Gump had the right idea; you never know
what you're gonna get! And it ain't chocolates!

Past presidents have governed despite illnesses and afflictions, is Hillary
different? Is she unable to do the job because she has the flu, or has been
crippled by a debilitating disease? FDR had polio, Papa Bush vomited on a foreign dignitary, Bush Jr. choked on a pretzel, Bill Clinton had laryngitis, Reagan was shot for crying out loud. Were any of these men unable to fulfill their duties - well maybe Bush Jr. - but that was for an
entirely different reason. Trump is an egomaniac, does that disqualify him?

Seems to me that there's much ado about nothing.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It wasn't pneumonia.

I've had pneumonia when I was a child. Granted, you come back from stuff like that easier when you're a child than when you're 70, but if it were pneumonia she would not be taking photo ops an hour later with a minority child on her way to important work after being escorted by 3 people by hand on the way to her motorcade with 10 other people standing around here with sunglasses on that said "nothing to see here".

What does she suffer from? Who can say?

How was she seemingly A-Okay an hour later, at least the 90 seconds it takes to do a photo op with a minority girl that's as cute as a button before she walked away?

Who can say?

This isn't a laughing matter at all, and I have no love for the "Righties" here and on youtube and other media that laugh about it.

Instead of laughing about it and/or spouting the hate that the Lefties expect from all of you, why don't you show your human side and be empathetic to what is probably a very serious health issue for Hillary.

At this point, depending on the condition, possibly Hillary Herself doesn't want to continue with this, but with less than 2 months left to go and the DNC banking all of their future hopes for the next 4 years on her, what choice does she have other than just dying?

If the Dems pulled Hillary out and put in another candidate, no matter who it was, they would lose against Trump at this point.

The PuppetMasters behind the scenes at this point don't give a shit if Hillary lives 2 weeks into her first term. All they care about is securing another 4 years.

That's not knocking the Lefties. The Rethugs would do the same thing if their Prize Horse was knocking on heaven's door.

I said here 2 or 3 years ago that we'd have another Rich White Republican for president next. Even with Trump, I'm still confident that this will happen. I don't give a shit what any polls show, and they're about even now and Hillary might be dying or at least showing the far-more-than-moderate stages of some debilitating illiness like MS.

She's still sharp of mind, no doubt, but I believe her body is failing her otherwise. Assuming she's not dying, I do hope she loses just so she can fade back into relative obscurity and just enjoy the rest of her time with her family.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

If you are looking for an argument against Scott Adams being a genius, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Scott Adams says "The Race for President is (Probably) Over. . . Hillary Clinton just became unelectable." No matter who wins, Adams will have plenty of new inspiration for comic strips about bad bosses for his Dilbert comic.

Posted September 11th, 2016 @ 10:58am in #Clinton #Trump

If you are following breaking news, Hillary Clinton abruptly left the 9-11 memorial today because she was reportedly “overheated.” Her campaign says she is fine now.

You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same.

Here’s why.

If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11 . When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable.

The mainstream media might not interpret today’s events as a big deal. After all, it was only a little episode of overheating. And they will continue covering the play-by-play action until election day. But unless Trump actually does shoot someone on 5th Avenue, he’s running unopposed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 10:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


We all know that Hillary is sick, the question could only be answered by her
doctor. Any speculation or guess is just that and nothing more. Question is could she carry on and run the country, could Donald? With her, we know that question can be answered (although the right will go ape-shit over it), but with Trump - well, let's say Forrest Gump had the right idea; you never know what you're gonna get! And it ain't chocolates

Past presidents have governed despite illnesses and afflictions, is Hillary
different? Is she unable to do the job because she has the flu, or has been
crippled by a debilitating disease?

It depends on the disease. If it's Parkinson's she will become demented before she dies. It's not as if Hillary would be able to govern with a sharp mind from her sickbed.


I agree totally on her and her behavior recently though I disagree on your take. "Covering up" is not how I would characterize what her campaign did. Not volunteering that info was definitely the right thing to do given the Trump/Nutter camp's penchant for exaggeration/lying/conspiracy agenda.
Calling everyone who questioned Hillary's health a "conspiracy theorist" or "rightwing nutter" .... when it was a legitimate question, as Hillary and her campaign surely know... was a very bad decision.

And the mainstream media followed Hillary over a cliff:


Some in the mainstream media are so freaked out about Hillary’s health becoming a campaign issue, they are publicly begging Google to hide results deemed to be conspiracy theory by New York Times columnists.
What I am referring to is this, now famous, tweet by [NYT]Farhad Manjoo:

Google should fix this. It shouldn’t give quarter to conspiracy theorists — Farhad Manjoo (@fmanjoo) August 21, 2016

In other words, the columnist was advocating that a conspiracy be committed to stop people from researching Clinton’s health, which he labeled a conspiracy.

Many others in the media also chimed in using the “conspiracy theory” moniker. It’s designed to convince the public to tune out the discussion, in much the same way as other common astroturf terms such as “debunked,” “bonkers,” “tin-foil hat,” “shoddy,” “discredited,” “quack,” “bogus,” “denier,” and “crank.”

Left-wing apparatus Vox chimed in with an article titled: “The bonkers conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton’s health.”

The pro-Hillary Clinton smear machine, Media Matters, chided NBC News for “mainstreaming conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health.”

Vice picked up the theme writing, “How conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health went mainstream.”

CNN published an article “Debunking conspiracy theories” about her health. CNN media critic Brian Stelter urged the media: “Do Not Give Oxygen To ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Hillary Clinton Is ‘Secretly Ill’.” [CNN also fired Dr Drew Pinsky for questioning Hillary's health]

HuffPost wrote, “Let’s call the conspiracy theories about Clinton’s health what they are…” [HuffPo also fired David Seaman for even referencing Hillary's health.]

ThinkProgress joined in with, “Trump campaign embraces conspiracy theory…” From

MSNBC: “Trump, allies push conspiracy theory about Clinton’s health.”

NPR: “Trump adds fuel to conspiracy theory about Clinton’s health.”

You get the idea. Everybody’s on the same page.

It was as concerted a push to bless Hillary as the push to invade Iraq. But anyone looking at videos of Hillary could have seen that what she was doing was NOT NORMAL.


Today, a Washington Post reporter acknowledged that he, too, had recently argued the discussion was “the stuff of conspiracy theorists.” But now, in the face of the obvious, he agrees there are legitimate concerns.

In other words, all this was “the stuff of conspiracy theorists” until the reporters who appear to have been proven wrong, decided it was not. It’s almost as if we in the media take an editorial position with no factual basis, dare critics to prove us wrong, and then when events do, we modify our stance.

If there was a conspiracy anywhere, it was to hide the situation about Hillary's health.


Having said that I also blame her - like I have over her use of a private server - for how she has handled this. I'm very disappointed. But she would have to shoot the pope on live tv for me to vote for Trump.
I thought you were Canadian.


Face it - no matter how you look at the next 4 years, it's a big sh*t sandwich and we all gotta take a bite.
It would be a shit sandwich even if Jesus were in the WH. I personally believe that there will be a financial crash some time in the very new future ... the current situation is floating on a sea of bad debt, it's going to implode some time sooner rather than later. I think Trump is not constitutionally prepared to deal with a meltdown, and I think Hillary (and her backers) are ideologically unprepared to deal with a meltdown.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Does Donald Trump Have Some Mysterious Medical Malady?

To make Hillary look bad, Trump announced that he would release a full personal medical report on the Dr. Oz show tomorrow. But Trump changed his mind:

Trump has sought to raise questions about the health of Mrs. Clinton, 68, and his supporters have asserted that she is hiding something about her health (her aides have strenuously denied this). But Mr. Trump has answered almost no questions about his own health over the last 15 months of his campaign, except for issuing a highly unusual doctor’s note.

So the appearance on Dr. Oz’s show, announced last Friday, had been anticipated as a potential breakthrough, as Mr. Trump’s aides had said that over the next few days he would release results from the physical examination, which was conducted last week.

Earlier on Wednesday, Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, told Fox News that she did not think the candidate should release medical information on a television show.

This is either the biggest tease in history, or else Trump's months-long innuendo campaign about Hillary Clinton's health has backfired spectacularly. Maybe Trump has a disease that he no longer wants to disclose on advice of his campaign manager? But one thing is certain: I now want to see Trump’s full and complete medical report, which is as unlikely to happen as Trump releasing his full and complete income tax return.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:04 PM


TMZ doing the job the MSM is not doing at this time. She's on "4" meds and her temp is below normal...cause she's a lizard.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 7:26 PM


Donald Trump has revealed he is 'overweight' during an interview with television host Dr. Mehmet Oz, while also saying he 'kisses his daughter' Ivanka 'every chance he gets'. The Republican candidate provided medical details during a taping on Wednesday for an episode of the Dr. Oz Show to be aired on Thursday. While full details of what went down on the show will not emerge until Thursday, audience accounts claim the doctor told Trump he is 'overweight'. Some of those in the audience claim the nominee said he weighs 236 pounds and added he wants to lose about 20. However, others claimed Trump said he weighs 267

NO WAY IN is he 236!!!


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:33 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Donald Trump has revealed he is 'overweight' during an interview with television host Dr. Mehmet Oz, while also saying he 'kisses his daughter' Ivanka 'every chance he gets'. The Republican candidate provided medical details during a taping on Wednesday for an episode of the Dr. Oz Show to be aired on Thursday. While full details of what went down on the show will not emerge until Thursday, audience accounts claim the doctor told Trump he is 'overweight'. Some of those in the audience claim the nominee said he weighs 236 pounds and added he wants to lose about 20. However, others claimed Trump said he weighs 267

NO WAY IN is he 236!!!

Is trump having coughing fits?

Does he have "episodes" and have to be thrown into a van?

Des he have a history of blood clots?

Has he fallen down, wacked his head and may have brain damage?

So here's my brilliant question, do we REALLY need to see Trumps medical records?


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 10:13 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

So here's my brilliant question, do we REALLY need to see Trumps medical records?

Hon, here in the midwest if yer a man and you hit 55 you really need to make funeral arrangements so yer family doesn't have to.

Also, his father made it to 93, but the last six years had Alzheimer's and was thinner and shorter than Trump, who is 6'3 and 260 if I'm a day.
Not to mention YEARS of spray chemical tans. If he doesn't have a heart attack in the next five years, I'd be thoroughly surprised.

Yeah, we kinda do need to see his medical records.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016 10:30 PM


Here is bigger news.

Since 1903 they have been here, and now they are headed to Mexico.
At first I was mad, and had thoughts of boycotting since we are now looking for a good used truck....then I remembered *I* don't wanna be here either.

Case in point.

This country is beyond fucked and Obamy is giving it away by the tanker truck full....


Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:24 AM


It was reported today (Wednesday) that Donald is more at risk for a heart attack than Hillary is. So yeah, medical records and the overall health of
the candidates is important.



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by whozit:

So here's my brilliant question, do we REALLY need to see Trumps medical records?

Hon, here in the midwest if yer a man and you hit 55 you really need to make funeral arrangements so yer family doesn't have to.

Also, his father made it to 93, but the last six years had Alzheimer's and was thinner and shorter than Trump, who is 6'3 and 260 if I'm a day.
Not to mention YEARS of spray chemical tans. If he doesn't have a heart attack in the next five years, I'd be thoroughly surprised.

Yeah, we kinda do need to see his medical records.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:50 AM



This country is beyond fucked and Obamy is giving it away by the tanker truck full....

I don't agree. How so? How is it that this country is fucked? Companies are
making shitloads of money and the economy is in a better position than say... 2008. Right now, at my job, it's been busier lately, when, not to long ago, it was deader than Christmas in July. Plus the fact that "we" protect Israel, our ally, although you couldn't tell that from the way Netinyahu shit on Obama last year; and now he's all better.

Funny how a little money in your pocket changes your perspective. Someone, somewhere is making money, maybe not you & me, but someone. Ford moving their production to Mexico shouldn't be such a shocker. Corporations don't want to pay the American worker, they want increased profit margins, so off they go overseas and south of the border. People don't want to believe 2 things:

1- That the US companies are squeezing the American workers, and bleeding them dry; and
2- That the immigration problem from Mexico has slowed to a halt because currently the Mexican economy has turned around.

Now, let's take a look at this latest development from the POV of the Obama-haters. Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president,
so blaming him for the immigration "crisis" is like blaming Santa Claus for the fake war on Christmas. He has taken a hit from within the Latino community for his policy on deportation of illegals.

He has been excoriated regarding the economy, hell almost tarred and feathered, since he was handed the keys to the Oval office. The haters were
waiting in the wings ready to pounce, blaming him for everything under the sun. Now, if he's "good" enough to be blamed for the nasty fall of the economy, then it stands to reason that he get the credit for the turnaround.

The numbers, generally, are all up.

Where does that leave the American worker? Well FUCKED! like you say,
economically speaking. They might have to move to Mexico to find work, imagine that! Trump's Wall will be in the way were that to happen. Next thing you'll be hearing is that Congress will be looking to petition to absorb Mexico into the union. Then the shit will really hit the fan; and Donald will be first in line to propose such a move - he stands to make more money; especially with the advent of his "blind" trust.

$38 Billion, that's chump change compared to what these fuckers will make from all the dirty dealing and secret pacts. Funny how Trump calls the president weak, and here he goes and reaches into his deep pockets and pulls out a wad of cash. It amazes me the load of crap that floats around out there and no one questions it.

Update (9/15) That's $38 Billion over 10 years, plus Netinyahu had to agree
to certain conditions.



Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



September 14, 2016

This letter is a summary update on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health since the release of my previous medical statement in July 2015.

Mrs. Clinton has been seen by me regularly this year for routine care. She has had recurrent blood testing for Coumadin dosing and adjustments. Her blood levels have been relatively stable. She also has had several allergy flares over the past year, which has been a typical pattern for most of her life. In consultation with her allergist, she responded well to her medication adjustments.

Why not get allergy testing and allergy shots?


In January of 2016, Mrs. Clinton developed symptoms of sinusitis and an ear infection, which was treated with antibiotics and steroids. Over the ensuing few weeks, she noted progressive pain in her left ear despite treatment, and subsequently was evaluated by her ENT physician. This evaluation confirmed a sinus and ear infection, with increased fluid in her left ear. To help alleviate her symptoms, a myringotomy tube was placed in her left ear in January of 2016. After the tube was placed, Mrs. Clinton had significant improvement in her symptoms. Further follow-up evaluation with a CT scan of her brain and sinuses was done in March of 2016. This scan showed no abnormalities of the brain and mild chronic sinusitis. Her symptoms resolved and she continued symptom-free for the next six months.
So why were they looking at her brain? Was she actually having symptoms of a potential stroke, including dizziness?


On Friday, September 2nd, I evaluated Mrs. Clinton for a 24-hour history of a low grade fever, congestion and fatigue. On examination, she was noted to have a temperature of 99.4; her vital signs were otherwise normal as was her physical exam. She was advised to rest, put on a short course of antibiotics and continued on her allergy medications for an upper respiratory tract infection in the setting of her seasonal allergies. Over the next several days as she traveled, her congestion worsened and she developed a cough. She was advised to see me when she returned from her travels for further testing. On Friday, September 9th, she was seen and evaluated in my office. A non-contrast chest CT scan, including a CTA calcium score, was performed.
This is what's called EBT here. They look for calcium plaques in your coronary arteries, which reveals (some) of your risk for heart attack. But since this only checks large blood vessels, and many more women have small-vessel blockage, the best test is a perfusion test. Long story.


This test allowed for specific imaging of her lungs while also following up on cardiac risk stratification from 2010 given her family history of heart disease. The results of the CT scan revealed a small right middlelobe pneumonia; her coronary calcium score was again zero. She was treated with antibiotics for pneumonia and advised to rest. This was a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia. On Sunday, September 11 at the 9/11 Memorial event, she became overheated and dehydrated and as a result felt dizzy. I examined her immediately upon her return home; she was re-hydrating and recovering nicely. I advised her to stay home and rest for the next several days. Mrs. Clinton has since been evaluated by me several times and continues to improve.

Mrs. Clinton’s current medications include

But are not limited to???

Armor Thyroid, Coumadin dosed as directed, Levaquin (for a total ten days), Clarinex, as well as B12 as needed. After consultation with her hematologist, it was decided again not to change her anticoagulation to a newer agent.
Why would they consult with a hematologist for "overheating and dehydration"? They seem to be very concerned with the possibility of more blood clots/strokes (previous brain CT scan, most recent hematology consult).

Hillary may have, among other things, Factor V Leiden, a genetic disorder which leads to increased risk of forming deep vein clots.


Her recent testing, all of which was done within the past month
What did they test for [all inclusive list]?


has been normal. She remains up to date on all of her immunizations, including Prevnar and Pneumovax. Her Coumadin levels have been adjusted as needed according to regular lab testing. She had a normal mammogram and breast ultrasound. She receives routine dental care. Her thyroid blood tests are within normal limits. Of note, she has remained stable for many years on Armor thyroid to treat her hypothyroidism (a low T3 level). Her laboratory testing (vitamin D, CBC, fasting blood glucose, comprehensive metabolic panel, hemoglobin A1-C, vitamin B12) was normal, including cholesterol of 189, LDL of 103, HDL of 56 and triglycerides of 159. Her vital signs showed blood pressure of 100/70, heart rate of 70, respiratory rate of 18, temperature of 97.8 and pulse-oximetry of 99%. The remainder of her complete physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition.

My overall impression is that Mrs. Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year other than a sinus and ear infection and her recently diagnosed pneumonia. She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest. She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States.

Lisa Bardack, MD
Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine
Chair of Internal Medicine, CareMount Medical

One of the things she fails to mention is the results, if any, of standard neurological testing. The (IMHO) carefully-worded letter reveals a continuing medical concern about the formation of more blood clots and more potential strokes, hence the interpretation of the CT scan for brain abnormalities and the continuing check on Hillary's clotting time. But, of course, the first test that a doctor does for stroke is a standard neurological test ("follow my finger, touch your finger to your nose and my finger, squeeze my hand, make a big smile" etc) which the letter doesn't address at all. Also, it seems to me that Dr Bardack did not provide a comprehensive list of Hillary's meds, but a partial one. So the letter, while sounding transparent and informative, may be hiding information.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What did they test for [all inclusive list]?

Trump's entire health history is a single sheet of paper with a cover letter from Lenox Hill Hospital. Since that is all Trump gives Dr. Oz, he has fewer medical records than a new born baby.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:03 AM


You know something Siggy, I didn't know that you have a MD after your name, plus a penchant for reading minds. You never cease to amaze me.

From what I read, I know that Dr. Bardack gave a hell of a lot more than did
Donald Duck's "doctor" Borstein, or whatever his name is. A gastro Dr giving a letter written in 5 minutes, saying how "excellent" his patient is and how he is the most fit potential president ever. Really!? He got to examine all the presidents since Washington. How does he know this?

It's quite obvious that Trump wrote that letter and had his doctor sign his name to it. And then this "circus" with Dr. Oz. To be fair to Dr. Oz, he did invite both candidates to his show in the interest of health. But Dopey Duck kept Oz guessing if he was going to produce his physical exam info. At the very last minute he whips out a piece a paper and allows the good doctor to read it "live" (the show is taped). Why is this important? Here you submitted Dr. Bardack's letter, do you happen to have the Donald's letter?

If you do, please post it here I would love to read it. To continue, Dr. Oz did say that he read the report while taping his segment with Trump, but he had no time to actually speak to the doctor who conducted the tests to do exactly what you are doing with Hillary's doctor's "note" - to ask his doctor questions regarding the tests taken.

Generally, I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Past presidential candidates have submitted their medical and tax records without all the hoopla and circus atmosphere. Do you think that Hillary's doctor is part of the Clinton Machine? Because you posed some rather pedestrian questions regarding what you feel are obvious oversights by her internal medicine, board certified physician. You accuse both of hiding vital information that may reveal critical medical conditions and question Hillary's mental capacity. My question is: You based this on what? Observation, WebMD search,
internet hack, stolen medical records........what? Don't tell me common sense. Because I just can't imagine you using that time-honored gem of investigative reporting.

Trump is a known liar, cheat and general douchebag. He has produced nothing that anyone could actually follow up on. He's done it with his taxes, by saying that he's being audited, without producing a single shred of evidence
that could be corroborated. He knows that the IRS cannot divulge any information as to any official action they might be pursuing, so there's no way of checking. And he goes to have a physical, alone, far from the prying eyes of the press (which he constantly claims is corrupt, but who he constantly quotes whenever his poll numbers are in the positive. Sneaky fucks those journalists, unless, of course, they present him in a good light or they let him get away with his outrageous claims and statements).

Yes, it's obvious that Dr. Bardack is hiding something. I assume that she's been paid handsomely by Hillary, she'll be able to retire early and golf the rest of her life (Hillary takes care of her own). I wonder does she need a go-fer or lackey, I'm up for the job. I could use a couple million.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


September 14, 2016

This letter is a summary update on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health since the release of my previous medical statement in July 2015.

Mrs. Clinton has been seen by me regularly this year for routine care. She has had recurrent blood testing for Coumadin dosing and adjustments. Her blood levels have been relatively stable. She also has had several allergy flares over the past year, which has been a typical pattern for most of her life. In consultation with her allergist, she responded well to her medication adjustments.

Why not get allergy testing and allergy shots?


In January of 2016, Mrs. Clinton developed symptoms of sinusitis and an ear infection, which was treated with antibiotics and steroids. Over the ensuing few weeks, she noted progressive pain in her left ear despite treatment, and subsequently was evaluated by her ENT physician. This evaluation confirmed a sinus and ear infection, with increased fluid in her left ear. To help alleviate her symptoms, a myringotomy tube was placed in her left ear in January of 2016. After the tube was placed, Mrs. Clinton had significant improvement in her symptoms. Further follow-up evaluation with a CT scan of her brain and sinuses was done in March of 2016. This scan showed no abnormalities of the brain and mild chronic sinusitis. Her symptoms resolved and she continued symptom-free for the next six months.
So why were they looking at her brain? Was she actually having symptoms of a potential stroke, including dizziness?


On Friday, September 2nd, I evaluated Mrs. Clinton for a 24-hour history of a low grade fever, congestion and fatigue. On examination, she was noted to have a temperature of 99.4; her vital signs were otherwise normal as was her physical exam. She was advised to rest, put on a short course of antibiotics and continued on her allergy medications for an upper respiratory tract infection in the setting of her seasonal allergies. Over the next several days as she traveled, her congestion worsened and she developed a cough. She was advised to see me when she returned from her travels for further testing. On Friday, September 9th, she was seen and evaluated in my office. A non-contrast chest CT scan, including a CTA calcium score, was performed.
This is what's called EBT here. They look for calcium plaques in your coronary arteries, which reveals (some) of your risk for heart attack. But since this only checks large blood vessels, and many more women have small-vessel blockage, the best test is a perfusion test. Long story.


This test allowed for specific imaging of her lungs while also following up on cardiac risk stratification from 2010 given her family history of heart disease. The results of the CT scan revealed a small right middlelobe pneumonia; her coronary calcium score was again zero. She was treated with antibiotics for pneumonia and advised to rest. This was a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia. On Sunday, September 11 at the 9/11 Memorial event, she became overheated and dehydrated and as a result felt dizzy. I examined her immediately upon her return home; she was re-hydrating and recovering nicely. I advised her to stay home and rest for the next several days. Mrs. Clinton has since been evaluated by me several times and continues to improve.

Mrs. Clinton’s current medications include

But are not limited to???

Armor Thyroid, Coumadin dosed as directed, Levaquin (for a total ten days), Clarinex, as well as B12 as needed. After consultation with her hematologist, it was decided again not to change her anticoagulation to a newer agent.
Why would they consult with a hematologist for "overheating and dehydration"? They seem to be very concerned with the possibility of more blood clots/strokes (previous brain CT scan, most recent hematology consult).

Hillary may have, among other things, Factor V Leiden, a genetic disorder which leads to increased risk of forming deep vein clots.


Her recent testing, all of which was done within the past month
What did they test for [all inclusive list]?


has been normal. She remains up to date on all of her immunizations, including Prevnar and Pneumovax. Her Coumadin levels have been adjusted as needed according to regular lab testing. She had a normal mammogram and breast ultrasound. She receives routine dental care. Her thyroid blood tests are within normal limits. Of note, she has remained stable for many years on Armor thyroid to treat her hypothyroidism (a low T3 level). Her laboratory testing (vitamin D, CBC, fasting blood glucose, comprehensive metabolic panel, hemoglobin A1-C, vitamin B12) was normal, including cholesterol of 189, LDL of 103, HDL of 56 and triglycerides of 159. Her vital signs showed blood pressure of 100/70, heart rate of 70, respiratory rate of 18, temperature of 97.8 and pulse-oximetry of 99%. The remainder of her complete physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition.

My overall impression is that Mrs. Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year other than a sinus and ear infection and her recently diagnosed pneumonia. She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest. She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States.

Lisa Bardack, MD
Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine
Chair of Internal Medicine, CareMount Medical

One of the things she fails to mention is the results, if any, of standard neurological testing. The (IMHO) carefully-worded letter reveals a continuing medical concern about the formation of more blood clots and more potential strokes, hence the interpretation of the CT scan for brain abnormalities and the continuing check on Hillary's clotting time. But, of course, the first test that a doctor does for stroke is a standard neurological test ("follow my finger, touch your finger to your nose and my finger, squeeze my hand, make a big smile" etc) which the letter doesn't address at all. Also, it seems to me that Dr Bardack did not provide a comprehensive list of Hillary's meds, but a partial one. So the letter, while sounding transparent and informative, may be hiding information.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:15 AM


I believe it was just his most recent physical Second, and not his whole entire medical history.

A couple of interesting things though: He snuck off by himself, ditching the press, to go get this exam; and he kept hinting that he may not produce the
results for dr. Oz to review beforehand. He presented the piece of paper as they were taping the show (so almost live). Dr. Oz said that he did have some questions, but he was unable to speak to the examining doctor. But said that, aside from being overweight, he was in good shape for a man of his age.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What did they test for [all inclusive list]?

Trump's entire health history is a single sheet of paper with a cover letter from Lenox Hill Hospital. Since that is all Trump gives Dr. Oz, he has fewer medical records than a new born baby.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 10:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You know something Siggy, I didn't know that you have a MD after your name

Much of the rest of my family is (or was) in medicine one way or another, I chose chemistry because, as you might have noticed, I'm not a "people" person. I AM, however, a pretty good armchair diagnostician. I diagnosed a few people online with some pretty rare disorders after we communicated in a neurology webforum, and the dx was confirmed (they said) with their doctors. The three that I recall specifically were Hashimoto's encephalitis, a defect of potassium channel in nerves, and an epilepsy syndrome called Landau Kleffner.

plus a penchant for reading minds. You never cease to amaze me.
I take that as a compliment, thanks!


From what I read, I know that Dr. Bardack gave a hell of a lot more than did
Donald Duck's "doctor" Borstein, or whatever his name is. A gastro Dr giving a letter written in 5 minutes, saying how "excellent" his patient is and how he is the most fit potential president ever.

I just cut you off there because most of the rest is just blah-blah-blah. My post was about HILLARY'S health, not The Donald's. As I have no information about any health report from The Donald's doctor, there is nothing to analyze. If the Dr Oz show makes that two-page summary available online, I'll analyze it the same way I did Dr Bardack's: with a view for what it might be hiding, as opposed to what it is saying.


Do you think that Hillary's doctor is part of the Clinton Machine?
YES, as is her Secret Service detail who smoothly and quickly intervene at the slightest indication of "wobbliness" or "freezing" on Hillary's part.


Because you posed some rather pedestrian questions regarding what you feel are obvious oversights by her internal medicine, board certified physician.
I don't think there is any "oversight" in Hillary's care.


You accuse both of hiding vital information that may reveal critical medical conditions and question Hillary's mental capacity.
HIPPA forbids the realease of medical information without the express permission of the patient. The call on what to release and what to hold back is Hillary's, not Dr Bardack's'.


My question is: You based this on what? Observation, WebMD search, internet hack, stolen medical records........what? Don't tell me common sense. Because I just can't imagine you using that time-honored gem of investigative reporting.
I base it on hard-won knowledge of medicine, thanks to my family's significant medical history, input from my sister who is an amazing store of medical knowledge (she's like a walking Wikipedia of medicine) and a close reading of what the letter did NOT say in addition to the parts that it DID say which were minimized/ mentioned offhand, like the CT scan of the sinuses ... and, oh yeah, the brain too.


Yes, it's obvious that Dr. Bardack is hiding something.
So you think that Dr Bardack is part of the Hillary machine too. Good to know.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, September 15, 2016 11:43 AM


Sig, you posed some questions and made some accusations that leaned heavily toward a possible cover-up. But, at the very top of the letter it states that this is a summary, and not a comprehensive report on Hillary's overall
medical history. Which her campaign has stated that they feel it is not warranted.


Why not get allergy testing and allergy shots?

It does state that: "In consultation with her allergist, she responded well to her medication adjustments."

I'm going to assume, by this sentence, that this may have be taken into consideration. Of course, I am not privy to her medical records, so I can't
say that for certain. But her allergist may have conducted such a test.
Yes, she may well be hiding something. Hillary may have told the doctors
to keep this under wraps for national security reasons.

"Oh no, I can't have people knowing that I'm allergic to pollen and ragweed."

Oh, the horror. Perhaps we may find out once the "Bears" get a hold of Hillary's emails. Funny how they were able to hack Colin Powell's emails so easily.


So why were they looking at her brain? Was she actually having symptoms of a potential stroke, including dizziness?

Oh, obviously she's cray-cray. All that laughing and her manner of speech.
Besides, why scan her brain? Nothing can be determined and ruled out by
conducting a CT scan. They're just trying to run up the bill. Yes, that's
it Sig, you cracked the case: she's hiding a potential stroke. By the way,
how could you tell? Was it really the dizziness? So, anyone who gets dizzy
is ripe for a stroke. You could tell that from a simple summary letter?
You're good!


This is what's called EBT here. They look for calcium plaques in your coronary arteries, which reveals (some) of your risk for heart attack. But since this only checks large blood vessels, and many more women have small-vessel blockage, the best test is a perfusion test. Long story.

I will not even touch this, 'cause obviously you've had some experience with this. I will not comment.


But are not limited to???

Again, Summary. Her full medical history will not be divulged.


Why would they consult with a hematologist for "overheating and dehydration"? They seem to be very concerned with the possibility of more blood clots/strokes (previous brain CT scan, most recent hematology consult).

Hillary may have, among other things, Factor V Leiden, a genetic disorder which leads to increased risk of forming deep vein clots.

I actually looked this up: An inherited blood-clotting disorder due to a mutation of the blood's factor V protein. According to the Mayo Clinic,
very common, more than 3 million cases per year. It can't be cured, but treatment may help. Requires a medical diagnosis, lab tests or imaging always required, it can last for years or be lifelong.
Treatment may include blood-thinning drugs.

You may be right, since this affects 3 million people a year. But the only way to determine that is by a medical diagnosis through lab tests and
imaging. I would imagine that Hillary wouldn't want that getting out.
Would you? Despite her history of blood clots, concussions and the like, she's managed to serve as Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady for
the last 30 years. You may hate her politics, but she keeps on keeping on.
A bit uptight when it comes to privacy issues, mishandles simple situations
but she's better than a Nazi-saluting egomaniac (with orange skin);-)


One of the things she fails to mention is the results, if any, of standard neurological testing.

Perhaps, as you have suggested, there are none - neuro tests. Besides the
scan of her brain showed no abnormalities. Or perhaps she just failed to
mention it, guess is there isn't one. But, if there is.....
you got her by the short hairs. Call a press conference and report on both
Hillary and her doctor for the cover-up. Another thing, you state that the
doctor does not provide a comprehensive list of her meds.....does she
really take more meds than the good doctor reveals in this obviously "doctored" letter (see what I did there?)

It's quite obvious Hillary is keeping something from the public. She should be horsewhipped!



Thursday, September 15, 2016 12:29 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I believe it was just his most recent physical Second, and not his whole entire medical history.

Trump has said he has been perfectly transparent about his complete medical records and Hillary is the one, not him, holding back information. I expect him to also say that he does not have his fingers crossed when he takes the Presidential oath and he kept his hands hidden, not to prevent anyone from seeing if his fingers were crossed, but to keep his hands warm during the outdoor ceremony in January 2017.

"I will run the most transparent administration in history. You will be able to see through me, I will be that transparent." - Donald Trump

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:38 PM



Originally posted by second:
Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I believe it was just his most recent physical Second, and not his whole entire medical history.

Right, Hilary gave a history of her health. Trump turned over some blood tests recently taken as well as an EKG. Doctors will tell you that even people with heart problems have many days where an EKG can suggest no problems. To understand if someone is truly healthy you need to see their health history. At least for the past several years.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:50 PM



Originally posted by G:
Quite frankly, I'm impressed by the stamina shown by both of these candidates.

True G but we both know and can see, hate is driving some here's posts about Hilary. And as usual our Russian trolls are hard at it.

I'll bet we don't see any discussion from the haters and trolls about recent revelations concerning Trumps charities and overseas holdings.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Friday, September 16, 2016 11:18 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
True G but we both know and can see, hate is driving some here's posts about Hilary. And as usual our Russian trolls are hard at it.

I'll bet we don't see any discussion from the haters and trolls about recent revelations concerning Trumps charities and overseas holdings.

I think people are immune to Bad Trump's behavior (lies on top of lies on top of lies...) at this point. Like a really bad smell that your brain eventually compensates for by blocking it out. It's Hillary's to loose and she might just do that. I will find little joy in her "winning," mainly because so many people said they would vote for Trump. It's a kind of sad reckoning. Hopefully, it will just be a low point we can reference when things turn around, "phew! That was too damn close!"

I don’t think Hilary understands what is truly going on. I don’t think she gets it. Our representatives are concerned globally, not about what is going on in their own back yard. It is what is going on in their own back yard that is driving this election. We created many ways to dismantle jobs in this country and for the last 40 years we have built China, Mexico, India, Japan and others into countries that compete with us. We even gave them an edge. It has created havoc and despair within this country for far too many. Whole swaths and regions exist without a means to provide for themselves. It is also creating power houses out of countries ruled by communists and dictators like China. They are intruding upon their neighbors and trying to change boundary lines that have been the norm for a century. Those decisions have been coming back and biting us in the ass.

I understand what some are trying to accomplished by this. One rule of law globally. Countries so intertwined that going to war against another would be like going to war against oneself. The cost or losses would be too great. The problem is that it is being driven by corporations looking for larger markets and cheaper labor. Corporations who believe they are sovereign yet still rely on America as their protector and perpetrator of their wants globally. Add to that the loose of jobs due to technology without a plan on how to supplement people’s incomes from lost wages. The many without a means to provide for themselves grows exponentially.

In today’s world we need to educate our own better, especially in impoverished areas. Import more of the worlds educated, not the uneducated. We need to consider global warming and future mass migrations to our shores and how to prevent that. We also need to development within our government plans to provide for its citizens when only one in twenty is employed. And we need to hold those who trade with us to our standards of workers’ rights and environmental protections. We need to remove the edge which allows them to compete unfairly with us. Our leaders wish to take us into the future but none have a clear vision of how to do that.

I really don't think they get it yet, hence Trump and perhaps more like him.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Saturday, September 17, 2016 3:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, to provide some background on annual physical exams, here are the basics, from WebMed


Annual Physical Examinations

For some people, having an annual physical examination is a source of reassurance that they're as healthy as they feel. Others see it as an alarm system, to catch health problems before they become serious. The value of the routine annual exam has been debated recently, but it remains a cherished tradition among many doctors and patients. What can you expect from your annual physical exam?

Annual Physical Exam: The Basics
The physical exam is an essential part of any doctor's visit. Surprisingly, though, there are no absolutes in a routine physical. A good doctor may be thorough or brief, but he or she will spend time listening to your concerns and providing counseling for your particular needs.

Annual exams usually check your:
History. This is your chance to mention any complaints or concerns about your health. Your doctor will also likely quiz you about lifestyle behaviors like smoking, excessive alcohol use, sexual health, diet, and exercise. The doctor will also check on your vaccination status and update your personal and family medical history.

Vital Signs. These are some vital signs checked by your doctor:
Blood pressure: Less than 120 over 80 is a normal blood pressure. Doctors define high blood pressure (hypertension) as 140 over 90 or higher.

Heart rate: Values between 60 and 100 are considered normal. Many healthy people have heart rates slower than 60, however.

Respiration rate: From 12 to 16 breaths per minute is normal for a healthy adult. Breathing more than 20 times per minute can suggest heart or lung problems.

Temperature: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the average, but healthy people can have resting temperatures slightly higher or lower.

General Appearance. Your doctor gathers a large amount of information about you and your health just by watching and talking to you. How is your memory and mental quickness? Does your skin appear healthy? Can you easily stand and walk?

Heart Exam. Listening to your heart with a stethoscope, a doctor might detect an irregular heartbeat, a heart murmur, or other clues to heart disease.

Lung Exam. Using a stethoscope, a doctor listens for crackles, wheezes, or decreased breath sounds. These and other sounds are clues to the presence of heart or lung disease.

Head and Neck Exam. Opening up and saying "ah" shows off your throat and tonsils. The quality of your teeth and gums also provides information about your overall health. Ears, nose, sinuses, eyes, lymph nodes, thyroid, and carotid arteries may also be examined.

Abdominal Exam. Your doctor can use a range of examination techniques including tapping your abdomen to detect liver size and presence of abdominal fluid, listening for bowel sounds with a stethoscope, and palpating for tenderness.

Neurological Exam. Nerves, muscle strength, reflexes, balance, and mental state may be assessed.

Dermatological Exam. Skin and nail findings could indicate a dermatological problem or disease somewhere else in the body.

Extremities Exam. Your doctor will look for physical and sensory changes. Pulses can be checked in your arms and legs. Examining joints can assess for abnormalities.

Male Physical Exam: An annual physical exam for men might also include:
Testicular exam: A doctor can check each testicle for lumps, tenderness, or changes in size. Most men with testicular cancer notice a growth before seeing a doctor.
Hernia exam: The famous "turn your head and cough" checks for a weakness in the abdominal wall between the intestines and scrotum.
Penis exam: A doctor might notice evidence of sexually transmitted infections such as warts or ulcers on the penis.
Prostate exam: Inserting a finger in the rectum lets a doctor feel the prostate for its size and any suspicious areas.

Female Physical Exam; A woman's annual exam might include:
Breast exam. Feeling for abnormal lumps may detect breast cancer or benign breast conditions. The doctor will also check the lymph nodes in the underarm area and look for visual abnormalities of the breasts and nipples.
Pelvic exam: The pelvic exam allows examination of the vulva, vagina, and cervix. Routine checks for sexually transmitted infections are often done. A Pap test and HPV test can screen for cervical cancer and help assess risk.

Laboratory Tests ; There are no standard laboratory tests during an annual physical. However, some doctors will order certain tests routinely:
Complete blood count
Chemistry panel
Urinalysis (UA)

Unless symptoms already suggest a problem, however, these tests are unlikely to provide useful information.

A screening lipid panel (cholesterol test) is recommended every 4 to 6 years, according to the American Heart Association. Your doctor might check more frequently if you have risk factors for heart disease. Abnormal cholesterol levels increase the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

If you are overweight or have any risk factors for diabetes, your blood sugar will likely be checked. Otherwise, a test for diabetes may be done starting at age 45. Your doctor will decide how often you need it to be checked.

At age 50, it's time to begin regular screening for colorectal cancer or other risk factors. People with immediate family members with colorectal cancer may need to be screened before age 50.
For some women, age 40 marks the time to begin annual mammogram screening for breast cancer. Talk to your doctor about possible benefits and risks to starting mammography before age 50.

Healthy behaviors work far better than medicine at preventing illness, and don't require a prescription:
Do 30 minutes of brisk walking or other exercise most days of the week (or about 150 minutes a week). And add in some strength training at least twice a week. Your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer will fall dramatically.
Eat a mostly plant-based diet, low in animal fats.
Above all, don't smoke.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, September 17, 2016 3:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I don’t think Hilary understands what is truly going on. I don’t think she gets it. Our representatives are concerned globally, not about what is going on in their own back yard. It is what is going on in their own back yard that is driving this election. We created many ways to dismantle jobs in this country and for the last 40 years we have built China, Mexico, India, Japan and others into countries that compete with us. We even gave them an edge. It has created havoc and despair within this country for far too many. Whole swaths and regions exist without a means to provide for themselves. It is also creating power houses out of countries ruled by communists and dictators like China. They are intruding upon their neighbors and trying to change boundary lines that have been the norm for a century. Those decisions have been coming back and biting us in the ass.

I understand what some are trying to accomplished by this. One rule of law globally. Countries so intertwined that going to war against another would be like going to war against oneself. The cost or losses would be too great. The problem is that it is being driven by corporations looking for larger markets and cheaper labor. Corporations who believe they are sovereign yet still rely on America as their protector and perpetrator of their wants globally. Add to that the loose of jobs due to technology without a plan on how to supplement people’s incomes from lost wages. The many without a means to provide for themselves grows exponentially.

In today’s world we need to educate our own better, especially in impoverished areas. Import more of the worlds educated, not the uneducated. We need to consider global warming and future mass migrations to our shores and how to prevent that. We also need to development within our government plans to provide for its citizens when only one in twenty is employed. And we need to hold those who trade with us to our standards of workers’ rights and environmental protections. We need to remove the edge which allows them to compete unfairly with us. Our leaders wish to take us into the future but none have a clear vision of how to do that.

I really don't think they get it yet, hence Trump and perhaps more like him.

It sounds like you and I agree.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:10 AM


RUFKM...................Trump is about as transparent as a block of a melting

The fking Blockhead. HE FKING LIES; he looks right at the camera and lies, he's had plenty of practice too.

He lies about who started the Birther movement, fking dickhead. He was the only one and then he fking shits his pants and doesn't give a press conference that he called......fking coward, slime........Heil hitler!!@!


Where the FUCK are his tax returns, the slimy Neo-Nazi scumbag.

I rest my case.

SGG fuming mad!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I believe it was just his most recent physical Second, and not his whole entire medical history.

Trump has said he has been perfectly transparent about his complete medical records and Hillary is the one, not him, holding back information. I expect him to also say that he does not have his fingers crossed when he takes the Presidential oath and he kept his hands hidden, not to prevent anyone from seeing if his fingers were crossed, but to keep his hands warm during the outdoor ceremony in January 2017.

"I will run the most transparent administration in history. You will be able to see through me, I will be that transparent." - Donald Trump

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:11 AM


Of course, it's argument!



Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:16 AM


I hope Trump chokes on a French fry, like Bush.

Choke and die motherfucker!



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Actually, I feel sorry for Hillary.

Actually, I don't. Illness goes with being elderly and all the major candidates are too old for the job: Hillary (68), Trump (70), Jill Stein (66), and Bernie (75) are all older than the full retirement age for social security. And they all are going after a job that lasts 8 years. The exception is libertarian for President Gary Anderson who will be 64 when he is sworn in and he has no chance of being elected. He is just running for the thrill of it -- he needs a hobby in his retirement years, if I can be perfectly frank about what Anderson is doing on the campaign trail.

Mike Pence (57) and Tim Kaine (58) are VP candidates and will be retirement age in 8 years. If either of these two run for President in 2024 following Trump or Hillary, Pence or Kaine will be too old for the job by the time they finish their second term as President in January 2033.

In contrast to the USA, Vladimir Putin is only 63 and has been in charge since 1999. No wonder Trump is so impressed with Putin, the vigorous youth compared to the Americans.

Any of these people could end as mere figurehead Presidents unable to function, like President Woodrow Wilson, who had a stroke at 62. No one close to Wilson, including his wife, his physician, or personal assistant, was willing to take responsibility to certify, as required by the Constitution, his "inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office". So Wilson's administration meandered along with his wife holding Wilson's hand as he signs documents. Sorry, no more long speeches to the nation.

And then there was Reagan.

The LA Times and the Wall Street Journal have two front-page stories related to Hillary Clinton's pneumonia. The Washington Post has three. But the New York Times has six!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 18, 2016 9:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


RUFKM...................Trump is about as transparent as a block of a melting glacier. [Actually, that's pretty transparent- SIGNY] The fking Blockhead. HE FKING LIES; he looks right at the camera and lies, he's had plenty of practice too. He lies about who started the Birther movement, fking dickhead. He was the only one and then he fking shits his pants and doesn't give a press conference that he called......fking coward, slime........ Heil hitler!!@! PLUS Where the FUCK are his tax returns, the slimy Neo-Nazi scumbag. I rest my case. SGG fuming mad!!!!!!!!


I hope Trump chokes on a French fry, like Bush. Choke and die motherfucker!

I guess you're not so much a "shiny good guy" after all. Seems like (to mix metaphors) you found your dark side, yes?


In any case, I wanted to get back to your comments about HILLARY'S HEALTH (which is, after all the subject of this thread) and then move on to Trumps's physical.


So why were they looking at her brain? Was she actually having symptoms of a potential stroke, including dizziness?- SIGNY

Oh, obviously she's cray-cray. All that laughing and her manner of speech. Besides, why scan her brain? Nothing can be determined and ruled out by conducting a CT scan. They're just trying to run up the bill. Yes, that's it Sig, you cracked the case: she's hiding a potential stroke. By the way, how could you tell? Was it really the dizziness? So, anyone who gets dizzy is ripe for a stroke. You could tell that from a simple summary letter?

Anyone with a history of stroke, especially at that level of prominence, should be - and will be - immediately evaluated for stroke at the first sign of syncope.


You're good!
Thank you!


This is what's called EBT here. They look for calcium plaques in your coronary arteries, which reveals (some) of your risk for heart attack. But since this only checks large blood vessels, and many more women have small-vessel blockage, the best test is a perfusion test. Long story.- SIGNY

I will not even touch this 'cause obviously you've had some experience with this. I will not comment. - "SGG"

Which you just did. While twice saying you wouldn't. Say, do you believe yourself when you lie??
Actually, what I meant was that it's a long story about how the perfusion test is conducted. And I'm still not going to explain it, but if you're interested search on "myocardial perfusion scan stress"


Tests ... which include ... But are not limited to???- SIGNY

Again, Summary. Her full medical history will not be divulged.-SFF

Yep. only the relevant parts will be deleted!


Factor V Leiden- SIGNY
You may be right - SGG.


One of the things she fails to mention is the results, if any, of standard neurological testing.= SIGNy

Perhaps, as you have suggested, there are none - neuro tests... Or perhaps she just failed to mention it, guess is there isn't one.-SGG

THIS is where my brain made that sound like a needle skipping sideways over a vinyl record!

SGG, somewhere in your increasingly angry screeds, you mentioned people who opine about things that they have no knowledge of, and this, classically, is one of them.

In a wealthy, highly public person with a history of concussion AND (blood clot) stroke, it would be beyond imagination that that person NOT have multiple neurological exams, immediately following the events, AND as follow-up, AND as routine annual exam. A standard neurological exam would reveal what I believe I personally observe in videos or Hillary: a movement disorder of some sort I mentioned this as soon as I saw some of the videos, as well as the reason for Hillary's dark dark blue sunglasses when almost no one else was wearing sunglasses at all. (But if you want to poke into the meaning of THAT you'll have to search Parkinson's+ sunglasses)


Besides the scan of her brain showed no abnormalities. But, if there is..... you got her by the short hairs. Call a press conference and report on both Hillary and her doctor for the cover-up. Another thing, you state that the doctor does not provide a comprehensive list of her meds.....does she really take more meds than the good doctor reveals in this obviously "doctored" letter (see what I did there?) It's quite obvious Hillary is keeping something from the public. She should be horsewhipped!- SGG

Despite our daughter's Grade IV intraventricular hemmorhage (and you should look THAT up, you fucking moron who opines on shit you have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of)
once the bleed was resolved it left NO VISIBLE CT SCAN EVIDENCE. That doesn't mean "no brain damage", of which we and her doctors see significant evidence every time/every day. I know why OUR daughter is cognitively compromised, but what the hell is YOUR excuse? Too much brainwashing???

In addition, since my mom was dx with Factor V Leiden and since my DAD was dx with Parkinson's, I think I have far more experience than you do, since you opine about shit you have no knowledge of. None whatsoever.

I hope I bitch-slapped you into some sort of humility about the importance of your conditioned and your possibly drunken fears, which fade into insignificance when compared with reality.

We're all here, trying to scrut the inscrutable. are we not? Then stop wasting everyone's time with your baseless, worthless conditioned fears and opinions and start trying to do a little independent thinking, if that's at all possible.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Sunday, September 18, 2016 9:19 PM


Wow SIG you're a blowhard. And the fact that you are speculating on Hilary's health in such a negative fashion shows me you're still pushing Putin's agenda. All you comrades are hoping she loses.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Wow SIG you're a blowhard. And the fact that you are speculating on Hilary's health in such a negative fashion shows me you're still pushing Putin's agenda. All you comrades are hoping she loses.

Yes, I hope she loses.
Because she's a warmongering globalist bitch who would sell Americans down river to Saudi Arabia or China or Goldman Sachs or all of the above to ensure that she'll be able to continue making millions of dollars in "speaking fees". She doesn't believe in America and she isn't going to work for Americans.

Now, as far as me "speculating" about Hillary's health .... have you not also "speculated" about Trump? You haven't "speculated" about his mental health and his motivations and basic personality?

Well then, so what's your problem?

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 2:35 AM



Hope I didn't waste your time, fucking idiot!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

RUFKM...................Trump is about as transparent as a block of a melting glacier. [Actually, that's pretty transparent- SIGNY] The fking Blockhead. HE FKING LIES; he looks right at the camera and lies, he's had plenty of practice too. He lies about who started the Birther movement, fking dickhead. He was the only one and then he fking shits his pants and doesn't give a press conference that he called......fking coward, slime........ Heil hitler!!@! PLUS Where the FUCK are his tax returns, the slimy Neo-Nazi scumbag. I rest my case. SGG fuming mad!!!!!!!!


I hope Trump chokes on a French fry, like Bush. Choke and die motherfucker!

I guess you're not so much a "shiny good guy" after all. Seems like (to mix metaphors) you found your dark side, yes?


In any case, I wanted to get back to your comments about HILLARY'S HEALTH (which is, after all the subject of this thread) and then move on to Trumps's physical.


So why were they looking at her brain? Was she actually having symptoms of a potential stroke, including dizziness?- SIGNY

Oh, obviously she's cray-cray. All that laughing and her manner of speech. Besides, why scan her brain? Nothing can be determined and ruled out by conducting a CT scan. They're just trying to run up the bill. Yes, that's it Sig, you cracked the case: she's hiding a potential stroke. By the way, how could you tell? Was it really the dizziness? So, anyone who gets dizzy is ripe for a stroke. You could tell that from a simple summary letter?

Anyone with a history of stroke, especially at that level of prominence, should be - and will be - immediately evaluated for stroke at the first sign of syncope.


You're good!
Thank you!


This is what's called EBT here. They look for calcium plaques in your coronary arteries, which reveals (some) of your risk for heart attack. But since this only checks large blood vessels, and many more women have small-vessel blockage, the best test is a perfusion test. Long story.- SIGNY

I will not even touch this 'cause obviously you've had some experience with this. I will not comment. - "SGG"

Which you just did. While twice saying you wouldn't. Say, do you believe yourself when you lie??
Actually, what I meant was that it's a long story about how the perfusion test is conducted. And I'm still not going to explain it, but if you're interested search on "myocardial perfusion scan stress"


Tests ... which include ... But are not limited to???- SIGNY

Again, Summary. Her full medical history will not be divulged.-SFF

Yep. only the relevant parts will be deleted!


Factor V Leiden- SIGNY
You may be right - SGG.


One of the things she fails to mention is the results, if any, of standard neurological testing.= SIGNy

Perhaps, as you have suggested, there are none - neuro tests... Or perhaps she just failed to mention it, guess is there isn't one.-SGG

THIS is where my brain made that sound like a needle skipping sideways over a vinyl record!

SGG, somewhere in your increasingly angry screeds, you mentioned people who opine about things that they have no knowledge of, and this, classically, is one of them.

In a wealthy, highly public person with a history of concussion AND (blood clot) stroke, it would be beyond imagination that that person NOT have multiple neurological exams, immediately following the events, AND as follow-up, AND as routine annual exam. A standard neurological exam would reveal what I believe I personally observe in videos or Hillary: a movement disorder of some sort I mentioned this as soon as I saw some of the videos, as well as the reason for Hillary's dark dark blue sunglasses when almost no one else was wearing sunglasses at all. (But if you want to poke into the meaning of THAT you'll have to search Parkinson's+ sunglasses)


Besides the scan of her brain showed no abnormalities. But, if there is..... you got her by the short hairs. Call a press conference and report on both Hillary and her doctor for the cover-up. Another thing, you state that the doctor does not provide a comprehensive list of her meds.....does she really take more meds than the good doctor reveals in this obviously "doctored" letter (see what I did there?) It's quite obvious Hillary is keeping something from the public. She should be horsewhipped!- SGG

Despite our daughter's Grade IV intraventricular hemmorhage (and you should look THAT up, you fucking moron who opines on shit you have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE of)
once the bleed was resolved it left NO VISIBLE CT SCAN EVIDENCE. That doesn't mean "no brain damage", of which we and her doctors see significant evidence every time/every day. I know why OUR daughter is cognitively compromised, but what the hell is YOUR excuse? Too much brainwashing???

In addition, since my mom was dx with Factor V Leiden and since my DAD was dx with Parkinson's, I think I have far more experience than you do, since you opine about shit you have no knowledge of. None whatsoever.

I hope I bitch-slapped you into some sort of humility about the importance of your conditioned and your possibly drunken fears, which fade into insignificance when compared with reality.

We're all here, trying to scrut the inscrutable. are we not? Then stop wasting everyone's time with your baseless, worthless conditioned fears and opinions and start trying to do a little independent thinking, if that's at all possible.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 9:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hope I didn't waste your time, fucking idiot!- S not so GG

Not at all. You just did a GREAT job of demonstrating how propagandized people fall apart when confronted with reality. Thanks for playing!

And thanks for the sympathy about our family's medical situation which made me all-TOO-knowledgeable about dopamine and movement disorders and seizures. It's always nice to know that "liberals" are there to help those in need and to understand one's plight when the chips are down.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 11:15 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Wow SIG you're a blowhard. And the fact that you are speculating on Hilary's health in such a negative fashion shows me you're still pushing Putin's agenda. All you comrades are hoping she loses.

Yes, I hope she loses.
Because she's a warmongering globalist bitch who would sell Americans down river to Saudi Arabia or China or Goldman Sachs or all of the above to ensure that she'll be able to continue making millions of dollars in "speaking fees". She doesn't believe in America and she isn't going to work for Americans.

Now, as far as me "speculating" about Hillary's health .... have you not also "speculated" about Trump? You haven't "speculated" about his mental health and his motivations and basic personality?

Well then, so what's your problem?

Not being too bright SIG you fail to understand that in these threads, it is our intelligence and honesty that is being measured by all who follow our posts. They make their determinations based on the totality of our comments.

Is this poster a jerk or not is what they determine. Is this poster a liar? All you cut and paste SIG. All the sources you cite. All the arguments you make for or against is the road map others follow to gain insights into who you are. This is how they evaluate our credibility and intelligence. Around the world SIG. This site has followers from all over the world. Quietly they sit in judgement as we entertain them.

Now because what you post is obviously part of an agenda. Consisting of truths and untruths equally mixed, to form a cacophony or harshness for and therefor against something. And because each of your posts are subjective and meant to confuse issues rather than enlighten. I’d say I am happy with the way others are perceiving who represents what in these threads.

Your latest diatribe against Hilary in multiple threads, along with your suggestions Trump is more honest, lol, is just another in the throng of posts by you that show you to be a moron and other unappealing things.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Monday, September 19, 2016 1:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Not being too bright SIG you fail to understand that in these threads, it is our intelligence and honesty that is being measured by all who follow our posts. They make their determinations based on the totality of our comments.

Is this poster a jerk or not is what they determine. Is this poster a liar? All you cut and paste SIG. All the sources you cite. All the arguments you make for or against is the road map others follow to gain insights into who you are. This is how they evaluate our credibility and intelligence. Around the world SIG. This site has followers from all over the world. Quietly they sit in judgement as we entertain them.

Followers from all over the world?? Maybe a few here and there. Not as many as there used to be, and not enough to make any difference to ... anyone, really.


Now because what you post is obviously part of an agenda.
Hmm... are you saying you DON'T have an agenda?

I know that you do, THUGR, and so does everyone else.


Consisting of truths and untruths equally mixed
You OTOH are constantly spewing untruths, because you're a troll. 99% of the time you're ranting against me, and if it's not me it's KIKI. Rarely do you post on topic about anything. Because, like I said, you're a troll.


to form a cacophony or harshness for and therefor against something. And because each of your posts are subjective

And yours are objective?


and meant to confuse issues rather than enlighten. I’d say I am happy with the way others are perceiving who represents what in these threads.
People "all over the world" would probably agree with me more than with you.

As far as confusing issues... "issues" aren't confused, TROLL, only people are confused. The world is what it is; it's up to us to figure it out and, yes, it may be confusing.


Your latest diatribe against Hilary in multiple threads, along with your suggestions Trump is more honest
Liar. I have never suggested that trump is "more honest".


is just another in the throng of posts by you that show you to be a moron and other unappealing things.
You, of course, with your constant trolling and your attack-style, content-free posts, are so much more attractive!

Now, I have made my case about Hillary's health in this thread, from unmodified videos posted on Youtube. I didn't post the one when she went with Biden to visit his family home: there he is, older than she, bounding up the sidewalk to hug his mom, and there SHE is, subtly steadying herself against the kitchen table, countertops, and railings. There is something wrong with Hillary, there has been for a long time, and its not just pneumonia.

I tested my response against how I would feel if I saw the same behavior in a candidate that I actually LIKED - Bernie Sanders for example - and I would be very worried. Extremely worried. It's not that I'm rooting for Hillary to be sick, and I'm not taking pleasure in her misery. I feel sorry for her in that regard.

The evidence is there, all you have to do is look.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 1:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The fact that you feel the need to call her a "bitch" is telling - jealousy perhaps? Meeeeoooww! You and kiki have never successfully proven her to be a war monger any more than Putin is or Trump will be, so that's a dead end. Globalist? In terms of acknowledging that the Globe/Planet has gotten smaller and American politics cannot be just about ourselves? Then, I agree. I know that's not what you mean though, so whatever.

Your post is so much blah blah blah I'm not even going to quote it all.

Alas for you and Hillary, Hillary has a long-established foreign policy and free-trade record. What she's supported isn't a matter of "opinion", it's a matter of fact, and all you have to do is look at (if nothing else) her voting record.

At this point, I'm a three-issue voter:

I'm against "free trade".
I'm against foreign policy aggression.
I'm against the international banking cartel.

My posts from years ago should have made that plain, and my huge concern about the environment will have to wait. I have explained my motives why I'm against Hillary over and over; you don't need to question my motives or speculate about them unless you want to insinuate that I'm hiding some deep dark secret. Which, apparently, you want to do. Dishonest, much?

From your behavior, and that of MAL4, SECOND and SGG, what I gather is that liberals are as big assholes as conservatives.

When liberals feel threatened, out goes the "reasoned", "tolerant" "respectful" behavior, oh so careful to avoid "microaggressions" and "microassaults" and in comes the insults, irrationality, lies, trolling, rainbow-colored hobnailed boots, and just plain nastiness.

It turns out, that you're not as nice and reasonable as you think you are. That, by the way, has some interesting consequences for the rest of the world. Because liberals, in their desire to "help" the world in the way they think it should be "helped", think nothing of first bombing and killing those they disagree with. It's called "R2P" and it's been a great rationale for killing an awful lot of people.

When you want to discuss the topic of Hillary's health, I'll be here.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 2:08 PM




Not being too bright SIG you fail to understand that in these threads, it is our intelligence and honesty that is being measured by all who follow our posts. They make their determinations based on the totality of our comments.

Is this poster a jerk or not is what they determine. Is this poster a liar? All you cut and paste SIG. All the sources you cite. All the arguments you make for or against is the road map others follow to gain insights into who you are. This is how they evaluate our credibility and intelligence. Around the world SIG. This site has followers from all over the world. Quietly they sit in judgement as we entertain them.


Response SIG

Followers from all over the world?? Maybe a few here and there. Not as many as there used to be, and not enough to make any difference to ... anyone, really.

If you would spend more time in the FireFly threads above you would see there are many members. And you would see they come from all over the world.



Now because what you post is obviously part of an agenda.


Response SIG

Hmm... are you saying you DON'T have an agenda? I know that you do, THUGR, and so does everyone else.

I am not like you SIG. I had no agenda when I arrived to this site except to enjoy the company of my FireFly brethren. I like to discuss issues so I was attracted to real world. I became frustrated with your and 1kikis’ constant attacks against America and our allies. After dealing with the two of you over a period of time I came to realize your Russian trolling agenda.

Of course I now have an agenda. It is to keep the two of you honest and to shine a light on your trolling comrade. Unlike you SIG, I am not posting deceptively and dishonestly.



And because each of your posts are subjective


Response SIG

And yours are objective?

Yep, everyone



People "all over the world" would probably agree with me more than with you.

Yeah no. You promote Putin's agenda and most of the world finds him to be a rouge and a problem.



Your latest diatribe against Hilary in multiple threads, along with your suggestions Trump is more honest


Response SIG

Liar. I have never suggested that trump is "more honest".

As I have said SIG. You’re not too bright. When you suggest as a reason why you won’t vote for Hilary is her dishonesty, then you’re suggesting the other candidate (Trump) would be better along those lines. Like I said, moron.

The rest of your post is just too subjective to bother with.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Monday, September 19, 2016 2:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Of course I now have an agenda. It is to keep the two of you honest and to shine a light on your trolling comrade.
In other words, you're a troll.

Got it.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 2:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Of course I now have an agenda. It is to keep the two of you honest and to shine a light on your trolling comrade.
In other words, you're a troll.

Got it.

In other words asshole, the readers of our posts will read what I posted and come to a very different conclusion. What's that, you're a moron.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Monday, September 19, 2016 3:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Fortunately, I make no pretense of being a "tolerant" liberal.

Also, you started it.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 4:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR, I'm going way off topic to follow your comments, but I just have to ask


You promote Putin's agenda

What, for god's sake, is "Putin's agenda"?

I'll bet you can't even describe what it is you're so afraid of. I know I've asked you in the past and you couldn't describe it then, either.

The way you think of Putin, he's like the monster under your bed or the bogeyman in the closet.

Please take some time to describe here what you think "Putin's agenda" is.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Monday, September 19, 2016 5:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
THUGR, I'm going way off topic to follow your comments, but I just have to ask


You promote Putin's agenda

What, for god's sake, is "Putin's agenda"?

I'll bet you can't even describe what it is you're so afraid of. I know I've asked you in the past and you couldn't describe it then, either. The way you think of Putin, he's like the monster under your bed or the bogeyman in the closet. Please take some time to describe here what you think "Putin's agenda" is.

You’re right SIG I can't. That's because I am not afraid of Russia. Their budget for defense is currently around 70 billion which they can’t sustain much longer. America’s is just under 700 billion. We also have NATO’s budget when combined is estimated at 300 billion. Combine that with the United States and you’re talking a trillion dollars. Afraid SIG, I don’t think so. Laughing at your suggestion of fear, yep.

As for Putin’s agenda. It has been present in your posting here for the past few years. Create threads that undermine the institutions of democracy, deny Russia’s wrongdoing around the world and lie, lie, lie.


Russia trolls get contract extension






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