'Transgender'...Looking at National Geographic Magazine....

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Thursday, January 5, 2017 8:15 PM


'Transgender'...Looking at National Geographic Magazine....So who has lead to America's social decline? Christofascists? Immigrant Mohamedans? Regressive Left? Cultural Relativists?

A weird photo meets you on the cover of the National Mag, you get used to see pics of maybe mountains, animals, tribes in the Amazon, maybe a NASA photo of the stars, or some ocean wave or colored insect

A 'unique' pic to say the least is on the latest Magazine

I have always been hearing stories from the Right on America's Social Decline or some 'Conspiracy' so to speak

Wasn't there some athlete dude we can't talk about on tv? a transgender agenda kardaysheian or something?
an Androgynous meida Puppet awarded woman of the year?

Is society a weird freak show now and is there a drug agenda on tv?

So maybe you feel its all fine
maybe there is too much smut, violence and porn on tv today?

the religious Conservatives will talk of a homosexual agenda?
but maybe its always been part of the human mindset and its not an actual agenda

conspiracy will say Rome burning? a nation in debt? drugs on the street? Wars a country can not afford to pay for? So does worship of the 'Hermaphroditus' mark the end of a civilization? Islam in some passages allows and promotes a sex or love between people and siblings of the same sex, other passages may contradict which is why Islam is also know for throwing gays off rofftops. Dahomey, once had a society in West Africa, Egypt conquered them while they still worshiped a Mawu-Lisa, and just before the Spanish arrived you had Xochipilli, the Aztec god of homosexuality...that's before Spain teamed up with all those ethnic groups and cultures the Aztec were sacrificing...and over ran the Empire ending the Aztec culture and in Babylon the god Ishtar, changed male gods? making them feminine. Hindu mythology had many examples of deities changing gender, manifesting as different genders at different times, or combining to form androgynous or hermaphroditic beings.

the cover

a recent study showed that the suicide rate among “transgendered” people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among normal people.

and a question what is morality

and before you ask I have nothing against gays or transgender rights or whatever. Most are cool in my book but....I'm not 100% with them
because facts are California is fucking weird at times, I mean like a fucking freak show and there is an element of sickness in the community and they are over represented in tv, magazines, radio music and the media....not that they should not be represented but sometimes it feels like PC-bullshit culture
they are like what less than ONE PERCENT of the total population?

I rarely watch tv if ever but when I do catch sight, it feels too much like the whole USSR duck and cover days....or the days tv told you smoking is good for your health?
the 'trans' thing might be a new flavor of old propaganda, another old tv agenda?

A woman pumping herself full of man drugs and 'roids and wanting to wear a plastic 'penis' and taking more drugs? a guy trying to hard to be feminine and saving up money to go to a doctor so he can cut off the guys dick...I mean WTF? Are people who identify themselves as "transgendered" are they just mentally ill or simply unhappy, and pointed out that hormone therapy and surgery are not appropriate treatments for psychosis or unhappiness. Maybe the current political and California weird protocol is founded upon “unscientific gender ideology,” which lacks any basis in real evidence.

maybe its all ok then, fine?
or maybe there is too much on tv and it feels like an 'agenda' now?

one last thing, some Doctors are not good
once in a while they are weird, narcissistic, perverts

Psychological Horror Studies, take one Case of David Reimer
unethical doctor expert case study that involved David/Bruce/Brenda Reimer and Dr John Money.

A Doctor who messed up kids for currency
Horror Stories


Thursday, January 5, 2017 8:41 PM


The possible horror is it could be we look back on this age as a huge mistake, USA has already raised a childhood of thousands of Reimer(s)? The “transgender” craze currently being promoted by mass media as “the next civil rights frontier” what if it is in fact a mental illness and its promotion is aiding and abetting disorders, that's what the former chief psychiatrist for the Johns Hopkins Hospital said.

but its about equality
help all peoples

some will say
so maybe society has gone in the good direction

others the Conservatives the Religious the 'Moral Freaks'
may declare a weirdo horror show


Saturday, January 7, 2017 5:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's a little difficult to know what to make of America's current obsession with transgender identity. Is it a real expression of an "inborn" identity? ARE there inborn gender identities? Or just the latest Soros-funded fad?

I tend to think that being transgender is usually something you're born with, just like being heterosexual or gay is something that you're born with. OTOH, humans ave behaviorally flexible .... I suspect that one of my lesbian friends is reacting to the fact that she was molested by her stepdad when she was young; maybe if her experience with men wasn't so godawful at such a young age she would have grown up differently.

It seems to me that many men (but not all) who become women have a tendency to really "doll up" - they go the whole hair-makeup-nailpolish-high heel route. But for most women, there isn't such a desire to SHOUT one's sex. The whole hair-makeup-nailpolish-highheels route gets in the way of being a nanny, or a housecleaner, or a scientist, or a mother, or a doctor, any number of other things that real women do. Men who doll up as women ... what are they aiming for? It's as if they're aspiring to be a caricature, and I don't understand the reaction that they're looking for.

And does it matter anyway? I mean, most of the time I don't feel like I have "I am a woman" tattooed on my forehead ... I'm a lot of things BESIDES being a woman and I don't understand this deep, deep unhappiness with being treated as the "wrong" gender because EVERYBODY is more than just a gender.

But ok... whatever. Let's assume for whatever reason that many people are born transgender, and that their biological identity really, really bothers them. If we assume that is the case, then there are also people who are born autistic, some people who are born pedophiles, some people who are born sociopaths, some people are born sadistic, some people born stupid, some people born authoritarian ... Just because these are "inborn" responses doesn't necessarily make them socially desirable or functional. Do we really want to socially enable sociopaths to be even more sociopathic, and the pedophiles to prey on children, the stupid to be ignorant?

Now, IMHO, people being gay .... no skin off my nose. Personally, I'm for gay marriage - I'd rather see people who love each other and who are committed to each other being allowed to express that part of themselves.

People who are transgender, OTOH, require specialized surgical and hormonal services to help the become how they "feel". In a society where so many people lack critical medical and dental care, I find it almost criminal draw resources away from other people who need them more. "Transgender" treatment is a rich-person's option. So while I don't see anything "wrong" with being transgender, it's not something I would spend a great deal of money "fixing" until more important medical issues were addressed first.

Hubby believes that we need to elevate the status of traditional gender roles, with women being the tender and loving nurturer, and men being the protector. I agree that a society what takes raising its children SERIOUSLY (unlike this society, which simply wants to raise indoctrinated droids) needs to elevate the role of nurturer. But IMHO there's enough resources in our society where not everybody needs to be filling a critical productive or reproductive role. But if an economy and society gets so bogged down in attending to it's "deviants" that it is no longer self-sustaining, then resource allocation needs to change.

BTW, I suspect that the presence of flexible-gender gods, or homosexual gods, or male gods twinned with female gods is not so much an expression of gender flexibility as it reflects the changing power structure of society. Our "gods" and how we construct them seems to reflect the hierarchy of society more than anything. There is evidence that early societies were matriarchal and that the gods were female. (Females are associated with the moon because the 28-day menstrual cycle matches the lunar cycle.) When farming became more important than gathering/hunting, it became important to know when to plant, so ancient societies started paying a lot more attention to the sun and how high it was in the sky. Societies headed by women had female gods, societies of many tribes had multiple gods, empires which had a single leader tended to have a chief god, absolute rulers and monotheism went hand-in-hand. I would interpret the gods that way.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Saturday, January 7, 2017 10:58 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

People who are transgender, OTOH, require specialized surgical and hormonal services to help the become how they "feel". In a society where so many people lack critical medical and dental care, I find it almost criminal draw resources away from other people who need them more. "Transgender" treatment is a rich-person's option. So while I don't see anything "wrong" with being transgender, it's not something I would spend a great deal of money "fixing" until more important medical issues were addressed first.

We make accommodations for pretty much everything else (as long as it doesn't hurt other people, for that is where your rights stop) so I have no problem with transgenders doing to themselves whatever they want to do. I do suspect that- like eating disorders- being trans has more to do with OCD than even they know, but then again, most people who go full Trans also have an androgynous or other gender look about them, so it's quite possible that there is a mental component that we don't even vaguely know about yet.

We aren't a "poor people only" country. They have the right to be free with themselves, even if you don't agree with it.

As a woman who scores higher on the male side of gender based logic tests than 90% of women, there is more of this world than we know, Plato...

BTW, I read the other day that there are over 36 variants of gender/sexed related disorders, like women who have no vagina, or men that are born with both genders' sexual organs. They think they are far more prevalent than reported. It's a shame most people don't know that and that we can't even have a public dialogue about it with out bible thumpers getting irate.

We aren't an "either/or" species, that's for sure..


Saturday, January 7, 2017 5:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


We make accommodations for pretty much everything else (as long as it doesn't hurt other people, for that is where your rights stop)
No, we don't. Autistics don't get adequate schooling. Autistics don't get adequate therapy. There are almost NO "accomodations" for adults with autism, and they die very early deaths, on the average, most often from an undiagnosed seizure disorder, so it's rather clear that autistics don't get adequate neurological and medical care either.


so I have no problem with transgenders doing to themselves whatever they want to do.
Not a question of rights, it's a question of money: Do we, as a society, believe that treating transgender identity is a reasonable expenditure of public or common healthcare money?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Saturday, January 7, 2017 10:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Not a question of rights, it's a question of money: Do we, as a society, believe that treating transgender identity is a reasonable expenditure of public or common healthcare money?

There's the million dollar question Sigs.

Fiscally speaking, I look at this issue the exact same way as I do Abortion. The government should not be involved, period. That means they cannot pass laws prohibiting you from doing it, but they also cannot fund these operations on tax dollars either.

I can't get the necessary surgery I require to have a healthy mouth, even though I've been told by a Periodontist and a D.D.S. that by ignoring it I could be doing serious damage to my heart among other things. Even if I had good health insurance from a great job today, it would cover very little of the procedures. Outside of regular dental checkups and the occasional cavity, dental care is viewed by the insurance industry as "Cosmetic".

I actually have no problems with transgendered people on a social/moral level. The idea that my tax dollars could fund those operations while my jaw rots and my teeth begin to fall out of my mouth is appalling though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 7, 2017 11:28 PM


Where do transgender convicts end up being incarcerated?

The director holds final approval and can ask for additional findings or have the offender housed at a facility corresponding with their gender identity within four months of approval.

from a writer making waves



History Study Shows: Right before ALL ancient societies COLLAPSED homosexuality SPRUNG UP high!


Ever since North Carolina became the first U.S. state to require transgender people to use restrooms in public buildings and schools that match the sex on their birth certificate rather than their gender identity – the “transgender” political issue has dominated American media headlines.

Best-selling feminist author, social critic and self-described "transgender being" Camille Paglia said in an interview that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse.

"Nothing... better defines the decadence of the West to the jihadists than our toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now," Paglia said during an October 22 interview on the Brazilian television program Roda Viva.

Paglia also said during the interview that "transgender propagandists" are overstating their case.

Camille Paglia, an American college professor and social critic, is one of a kind: a feminist who objects to almost every form of feminism known to womankind; a sexual radical who believes in complete freedom of sexual expression, yet a realist who insists that women have to take full responsibility for the sexual choices they make; and a lesbian who objects to the current censorship of any discussion about the causes of homosexuality.

Today’s college students

“They have no sense of the great patterns of world history, the rise and fall of civilisations like Babylon and Rome that became very sexually tolerant, and then fell. If you’ve had no exposure to that, you can honestly believe that ‘There is progress all around us and we are moving to an ideal state of culture, where we all hold hands and everyone is accepted for what they are … and the environment will be pure…’ – a magical utopian view that we are marching to perfection. And the sign of this progress is toleration – of the educated class – for homosexuality, or for changing gender, or whatever.

“To me it’s a sign of the opposite, it’s symptomatic of a civilisation just before it falls: ‘we’ are very tolerant, not passionate, but there are bands of vandals and destroyers circling around the edge of our civilisation who will bring it down.”

On homosexuality

“There is censorship of discussion about the causes of various gender issues – for at least 25 years, now, in the case of homosexuality itself. In the 1980s there was talk of finding a gay gene, but when that was not found, silence [became the rule]. To even raise the question of how homosexuality is caused is considered homophobic. But I think it is imperative for everyone to ask questions about matters of development of the personality and sexual orientation.

“I’m waiting for some brave young gays to protest against the censorship.”

On identity politics and transgenderism

“This hyper-self-consciousness about ‘Who am I? Where exactly am I on the gender spectrum?’ is mere navel-gazing, while in the Middle East ISIS is beheading people. It is a kind of madness of self-absorption.”

Noting that Hillary Clinton gave transgenders specific mention at the beginning and end of a rally speech last week, the interviewer asks why this issue gets so much attention in the news.

Paglia throws up her hands in exasperation at the daily coverage of “transgender bathrooms” in the US media. She suggests it is “symptomatic of people feeling that world events are out of their control.” Transgender activists can be very aggressive, she adds. As for the others:

“I really pity young people today in this environment because the pressures are enormous. It’s one thing to feel, ‘I’m not quite comfortable in the gender I was assigned at birth,’ but the pressures are to change, change, change, and to telegraph it to the world. People are pushed into making choices about surgical interventions and taking hormones, which is dangerous, and they will have all kinds of medical problems in the long run, I believe…

“I think there are authentic transgender people who had a genetic issue from the start, but they are a tiny, tiny minority of the population, and medical science is still developing to help these people.

“But now it’s become a fashion statement, or a mask [for other problems]. People are being induced to think that all their unhappiness -- in family life, in school, in relation to society – is to do with this gender issue. Well, maybe it isn’t. Maybe there are other issues a person needs to deal with.

“In the old days there were different kinds of guidance to help you focus and develop yourself psychologically, spiritually, culturally. Instead, now, all the unhappiness that people feel in these areas is consolidated in the gender issue. Maybe there is a gender issue for you, but it’s not the whole issue.”

Earlier Paglia noted that millennials seem to have "no sense of the great patterns of world history" and, thus, believe that "we are marching to perfection," that we are reaching a "transnational" "utopia," while our sexual tolerance is actually a sign that we, like Babylon and Rome, are about to fall.

"We are very tolerant, not passionate, but there are bands of vandals and destroyers circling around the edge of our civilization who will bring it down," she said, making clear in her comments about ISIS that she was at least in part referring to Radical Islamists.

As for the "causes of various gender issues," the lesbian feminist ripped the current "censorship" of honest discussion. "To even raise the question of how homosexuality is caused is considered homophobic," she said, adding, "I'm waiting for some brave young gays to protest against the censorship."

Paglia also said during the interview that “transgender propagandists” are overstating their case.

“I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender,” she said.

“Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact change anyone’s sex, okay. You can define yourself as a trans man, or a trans woman, as one of these new gradations along the scale. But ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological birth.

“So there are a lot of lies being propagated at the present moment, which I think is not in anyone’s best interest.

I like the term "Transgendermania"

maybe not much different than the philosophy of nihilism Marquis de Sade?


Paglia: There [comes] a time when these fine gradations of gender identity—I’m a male trans doing this, etc.—this is a symbol of decadence, I’m sorry. Sexual Personae talks about this: That was in fact the inspiration for it, was that my overview of history and my noticing that in late phases, you all of a sudden get a proliferation of homosexuality, of sadomasochism, or gendered games, impersonations and masks, and so on. I think we’re in a really kind of late phase of culture.

reason: So that the proliferation of cultural identities, the proliferation of all sorts of possibilities is actually a sign that we’re…

Paglia: On the verge of collapse? Yes! Western culture is in decline. There’s absolutely no doubt about it, in my view, looking at the history of Egypt, of Babylon, of Byzantium, and so on. And so what’s happening is everyone’s so busy-busy-busy with themselves, with this narcissistic sense of who they are in terms of sexual orientation or gender, and this intense gender consciousness, woman consciousness at the same time, and meanwhile…

reason: Is that also racial or ethnic consciousness as well?

Paglia: Right now, to me, the real obsessions have to do with gender orientation. Although I think there’s been this flare-up [regarding race]. I voted for Obama, but I’ve been disappointed. I think we had hoped that he would inaugurate a period of racial harmony, and I think the situation has actually become even worse over recent years. It seems to be overt inflammatory actions by the administration to pit the races against each other, so I think there’s a lot of damage that needs to be healed.

But I think most of the problems as I perceive them in my students and so on, is that there’s this new obsession with where you are on this wide gender spectrum. That view of gender seems to me to be unrealistic because it’s so divorced from any biological referent. I do believe in biology, and I say in the first paragraph of Sexual Personae that sexuality is an intricate intersection of nature and culture. But what’s happened now is that the way the universities are teaching, it’s nothing but culture, and nothing’s from biology. It’s madness! It’s a form of madness, because women who want to marry and have children are going to have to encounter their own hormonal realities at a certain point.

reason: Do you see your personal liberation as having helped to grease the skids for decadence, for the collapse of Western civilization?

Paglia: I have, yes.

reason: Do you feel at all ambivalent about that?

Paglia: I’ve defined myself as a decadent. One of my first influences was Oscar Wilde. I stumbled on a little book called The Epigrams of Oscar Wilde in a secondhand bookstore in Syracuse, New York, when I was like 14, and I was fascinated by his statements. So I am a Wildean, and he identifies himself as a kind of decadent in that period of aestheticism.

Famous Feminist: While We're 'Navel-Gazing' About Gender Identity, 'ISIS Is Beheading People'



Sunday, January 8, 2017 12:10 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
No, we don't. Autistics don't get adequate schooling. Autistics don't get adequate therapy.
Not a question of rights, it's a question of money:

I think you are painting with a pretty big brush. And I am mostly referring to children. They get plenty of educational accommodations. Mine got special allowances for testing and time and electronics. That's what I'm referring to. ADD and Aspergers and Dyslexia and Bi-polar and dozens of other disorders ARE accommodated. Maybe not to your standards, but enough for many kids. And there are many adult vocational programs as well. There is a limit to how much therapy is practical for someone who won't ever be a productive member of society, no matter how much you care for them.

I'm sure if your kid was transgender and was constantly trying to commit suicide because every time they looked down they felt as if their body was hijacked by an alien, you might see things differently. And Transgenders can be functioning members of society, so I think the cost is justified in the long run...


Sunday, January 8, 2017 12:15 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I actually have no problems with transgendered people on a social/moral level. The idea that my tax dollars could fund those operations while my jaw rots and my teeth begin to fall out of my mouth is appalling though.


You pay the price for the things YOU do. These kids didn't DO anything to be born different.


Sunday, January 8, 2017 12:24 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
History Study Shows: Right before ALL ancient societies COLLAPSED homosexuality SPRUNG UP high!

Wow, yer probably the second biggest idiot on this board, der der der...

ALL societies collapse, for many reasons.

Rome collapsed partially because they used a crap ton of lead in their water supply...they had inadequate border protection because half the country didn't pay their soldiers enough, and had lazy, incompetent leadership. NOT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH SEX. Stupid ass.


Sunday, January 8, 2017 12:39 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

You pay the price for the things YOU do. These kids didn't DO anything to be born different.

Try this one

story still develops

A transgender featuring on blogs, twitter already done interview on Lauren_Southern's show Rebel Media

A case of abuse? and mommy making money directly from the abused kids?


Sunday, January 8, 2017 4:59 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

That's absolutely beside the point Wish.

In the long run, it's the insurance companies who will be paying a lot more for this. $10-$15k oral surgery right now, or quite a bit more later when I need heart surgery. It doesn't matter what I do now. If I don't have the surgery or have all of my teeth removed and replaced with dentures, I will end up very ill. Neither of those options are even close to affordable to me right now, and they are both considered "cosmetic" work because it's in my mouth.

It doesn't matter how I got where I got. The facts are that health insurance will pay for traumatic surgeries once you get past the deductible, and as long as I'm no HIP, there isn't any deductible. Just another example of the inefficiency and lack of foresight on the part of our government is all.

And BTW... Isn't that why they kept raising the taxes on cigarettes? To pay for the healthcare that smokers would eventually need? At least that's how they sold it to us when they were raising it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 8, 2017 8:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I think you are painting with a pretty big brush. And I am mostly referring to children.
So why refer mostly to children? Aren't adults people, too?


They get plenty of educational accommodations. Mine got special allowances for testing and time and electronics.
Having a child with an unusual dx, and knowing many of her classmates, I would say that the accommodations help pass kids thru the school system, but aren't enough to help the students become functional adults. The school system and the teachers say that they teach, but they don't do therapy (like "Visualizing and Verbalizing" or "LISP") but sometimes therapy IS the only way to "teach".


That's what I'm referring to. ADD and Aspergers and Dyslexia and Bi-polar and dozens of other disorders ARE accommodated. Maybe not to your standards, but enough for many kids.
uh huh. "Enough for" what? To become a functional adult? To acquire a real education? To feel comfortable in school?


And there are many adult vocational programs as well. There is a limit to how much therapy is practical for someone who won't ever be a productive member of society, no matter how much you care for them.
Seeing as autism has an accelerating incidence rate, maybe society and the school system better figure out a way towards better therapy.


I'm sure if your kid was transgender and was constantly trying to commit suicide because every time they looked down they felt as if their body was hijacked by an alien, you might see things differently.
If my child is extremely unhappy, I'm unhapppy. But would I subject her or him to irreversible treatment to accommodate his or her unhappiness??


And I can say that as a fact, because we were offered the option of radical neurosurgery for our child, and we (fortunately) refused. SIMPLY BECAUSE the surgery was irreversible. And I would say that this even was a a very direct comparison, because just as there is a claimed developmental window of oppty for gender reassignment, there is also a claimed developmental window of oppty for neurosurgery.

So, let me put it this way: IF child is extremely frustrated that they aren't a duck, do we accommodate that delusion? And why not?


And Transgenders can be functioning members of society, so I think the cost is justified in the long run...
If transgenders are functioning BEFORE reassignment, why does society and medical insurance intervene?

Not that I don't feel a great deal of sympathy for transgenders, but I question the allocation of pooled resources to medically accommodating a problem of "agita" when people are (literally) dying for lack of medical care.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Sunday, January 8, 2017 9:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just to get back to the stated topic of the thread "So who has lead to America's social decline?" you have to assume that there was a "society" to begin with, and you have to have a specific model of important features so that you can chart significant trends.

So, as always, I guess I have to say that this needs further definition.

Many liberals don't even accept that "America" does - or should- exist. They are so guilt-ridden by the sins of the past and present, that rather than allow the concept of "America" to exist and then fighting for a better America to emerge, they negate the concept altogether. To them, America a patchwork of victimized sub-cultures and the only subculture which SHOULDN'T receive any consideration is white Xtian male.

Another tenet of American "society" is the primacy of individualism: each on his or her own private bender, each on his or her own path to individual happiness. Progressive atomization, which is the antithesis of society.

Perhaps what the title implies is the fragmentation of our common ethics (if we had any such commonality).

I would probably frame the issue not so much as a problem of "decline" but a problem of survival, and to me that problem is economic, social, and political.

A society is like any organism: It has a life of its own. If it can't reproduce itself, both physically and organizationally, then that society has a serious problem. I would discuss this issue in terms of survivability and sustainability (long-term survival). That would be my approach.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Sunday, January 8, 2017 10:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

A society is like any organism: It has a life of its own. If it can't reproduce itself, both physically and organizationally, then that society has a serious problem. I would discuss this issue in terms of survivability and sustainability (long-term survival). That would be my approach.

Signym, your approach is too fucking abstract for Instead, try the one-bad-break test. The test tells a lot about a society by what happens when its economically vulnerable members encounter a majorly bad break. That bad break can be anything — an injury, the sudden need to take in and care for an ailing relative, an unexpected layoff — and the effects of a single bad break vary tremendously depending on who you are, what state you live, and what resources you have access to. Rich people hit bad breaks too, but they generally have far more resources to handle them than everyone else.

In societies that function well, there are various safety nets in place to prevent a bad break from leading to a tailspin for particularly vulnerable victims. Compared to many other rich nations, the U.S. is not such a society — all too often, when vulnerable Americans encounter a bad break, there’s nothing underneath them to stop their slide. Instead, devastation follows, sometimes in the form of bankruptcy and addiction and death.

For a particularly painful example of the one-bad-break test in action, take Inara Verzemnieks’s wrenching New York Times story about “Life in Obamacare’s Dead Zone” — that is, the Republican-controlled states that turned down the Obamacare-trigger Medicaid expansion after the Supreme Court ruled they had the right to do so in 2012 (19 states did so in total, and the illness and death toll of this missed opportunity to cover vulnerable populations is staggering to think about).

The story continues at

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

Rather than mocking this in your signature, Signym, prove that it is false. I will make it easier for you. Prove that there ever was a time in the past when it was false. You won't be able to do it with facts, because state governments are not charitable toward the citizens of other states. Some states in the old Confederacy aren't even charitable toward their own citizens. By the way, so you don't get confused, that doesn't mean that nobody in the old Confederate states gives to charity.

I am waiting for your proof, Signym.

One example from one state toward another does not count as proof, Signym. It is simple to prove that the Federal Government hands out charity every week to the needy in the states. Give me some proof that there are states that follow the Federal example in handling charity toward other states.

And if you dare come back with the states are just receiving back what they paid in Federal Taxes, you are nuts. South Carolina receives $7.87 back from Washington for every $1 its citizens pay in federal tax and receives $0.00 from the other 49 states. South Carolina is the stingiest state toward its own citizens. The Federal government partially makes up the difference, but nowhere near enough.


Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:24 AM


The irony here is that we're thinking of moving our Indiana factory working butts to Texas.

Also, Indiana was a border state to the Mason-Dixon so half of the people here think of themselves as Yankees, and many of these redneck idiots still talk about their "Southern Pride." Most couldn't SPELL Mason-Dixon...

I think Sig and Jack are doing a lotta bitchin' about "the government doesn't do enough, wahhh wahhh."

The government has a limited duty to make you an adult, it organizes education, but there is no way it should be responsible for the myriad of things involved in adulthood. I guess if you care for someone with issues YOU should help, and if you don't then...they'll just have to figure it out on their own...or not...But, hello???? ....ADULT. Not my problem. Not the gov'ts problem. You had your chance as a teen to get it figured out!


Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:36 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So, let me put it this way: IF child is extremely frustrated that they aren't a duck, do we accommodate that delusion? And why not?

Not that I don't feel a great deal of sympathy for transgenders, but I question the allocation of pooled resources to medically accommodating a problem of "agita" when people are (literally) dying for lack of medical care.

I see that all the time, and it is STILL one of the dumbest analogies on the internet. We have the tech to make a kid pretty much pass for another gender, we don't have the tech to make them pass for a DUCK. But hey, if the kid wants to wear yellow and walk around quacking, GO FOR IT. There actually ARE groups of animist people who DO walk around pretending to be dogs, cats, whatever. AND, there are a couple of wealthy people who actually feed and protect them while they do it, I've seen the documentary.

Also, in my experience, many Trans people here have their operations donated by sympathetic docs, or they wait until they can finance it themselves. The number of Trans kids is not that many, so I don't think they are that big a drain on the system anyway... But they ARE known to commit suicide if they don't get it... A few surgeries for a life? I got no problems if it keeps kids from killing themselves. Surprised YOU do...


Sunday, January 8, 2017 2:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


A society is like any organism: It has a life of its own. If it can't reproduce itself, both physically and organizationally, then that society has a serious problem. I would discuss this issue in terms of survivability and sustainability (long-term survival). That would be my approach.= SIGNY

Signym, your approach is too fucking abstract for

I don't think so. JAYNEZTOWN is heading in the direction of societal survival already.

I've heard of similar studies of dying cultures which tend to have "outbreaks" of hyper-focus on sex and food and entertainment. Maybe societies which focuses on the lowest common denominator- bread and circuses - are already circling the drain?


Instead, try the one-bad-break test. The test tells a lot about a society by what happens when its economically vulnerable members encounter a majorly bad break.- In societies that function well, there are various safety nets in place to prevent a bad break from leading to a tailspin for particularly vulnerable victims.
You're assuming that societies need to focus on the welfare of each individual in order to survive, but that's not true. Look at Sparta - "one bad break" could mean not surviving your first day as a newborn out in the cold. Now, one could say that the Spartan society didn't survive, but then again, in the long run, neither did the Athenian society. Modern Taliban society survives by using women as baby-factories. So there are a lot of societies which survive well enough, although they're societies that we probably wouldn't want to live in.


"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

Rather than mocking this in your signature, Signym, prove that it is false.- SECOND

I'm not mocking it SECOND, I'm merely quoting it.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Sunday, January 8, 2017 3:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So, let me put it this way: IF child is extremely frustrated that they aren't a duck, do we accommodate that delusion? And why not? Not that I don't feel a great deal of sympathy for transgenders, but I question the allocation of pooled resources to medically accommodating a problem of "agita" when people are (literally) dying for lack of medical care- SIGNY

I see that all the time, and it is STILL one of the dumbest analogies on the internet. We have the tech to make a kid pretty much pass for another gender, we don't have the tech to make them pass for a DUCK. But hey, if the kid wants to wear yellow and walk around quacking, GO FOR IT. There actually ARE groups of animist people who DO walk around pretending to be dogs, cats, whatever. AND, there are a couple of wealthy people who actually feed and protect them while they do it, I've seen the documentary.- WISH

This fits in with my hubby's contention that those wish to break social mores are the people who are in echelons of power.

Apparently gender reassignment surgery is not the total answer to gender dysphoria, because according to a study by the Karolinska institute people who have had gender reassignment are about 20X more likely to attempt suicide than "cis" (same-born) gender. The study didn't compare gender dysphorics who DIDN'T have surgery and their suicide rate as compared to those did, so it's difficult to tell whether surgery is "better" than not, but it's easy to tell that it's still not good.

Pediatricians weigh in as follows:


When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such.

You compared gender dysphoria to OCD. Do we treat OCD with surgery?


Also, in my experience, many Trans people here have their operations donated by sympathetic docs, or they wait until they can finance it themselves. The number of Trans kids is not that many, so I don't think they are that big a drain on the system anyway... But they ARE known to commit suicide if they don't get it... A few surgeries for a life? I got no problems if it keeps kids from killing themselves. Surprised YOU do...
I would not want to impose a near-irreversible decision on a child who is an otherwise functional (ie. not ill or disabled) person who is simply not old enough to make that decision for themselves. I think the best thing to do is acknowledge how the child feels, and offer non-permanent interim strategies, along with the information that permanent changes can be accessed later, when the child is of-age.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Sunday, January 8, 2017 10:56 PM


It's pathetic watching the usual reichwingers here looking desperately for someone or something on which to spew their deep seated hate.

Give it a rest, hatriots. Those bad, evil transgender folks aren't trying to hurt you, so why don't you pack up your hatred and fuck off?


Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's pathetic watching the usual reichwingers here looking desperately for someone or something on which to spew their deep seated hate.
Except since that's not what's happening here, the person who is spewing deep-seated hate seems to be you. Yanno, like this:


Why don't you pack up your hatred and fuck off?

See? THAT'S deep-seated hate!

Now, if you want a refresher as to what I've been saying: I don't think it's a good idea to have children undergo irreversible surgery for something that may be a psychological issue. I heard (on NPR) that roughly half of the kids who identify with the other gender at some point in their young lives will change their minds again at puberty. I'll see if I can find that study.

Also, since people are literally dying for lack of medical care, I'm not sure insurance dollars should be spent to treat gender dysphoria. I really don't have any personal animus against the transgendered. I DO have an issue with self-righteous liberals.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, January 9, 2017 12:45 AM


Meh- gender is pretty much about socialisation. I predict the day will come when we look at how we currently label people and expect certain behaviours from them based upon their genetalia and we'll consider it nothing short of ludicrous. If there wasn't so much gender labelling then there'd be less need for medical intervention. A thought anyway.


Monday, January 9, 2017 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've heard of similar studies of dying cultures which tend to have "outbreaks" of hyper-focus on sex and food and entertainment. Maybe societies which focuses on the lowest common denominator- bread and circuses - are already circling the drain?


Instead, try the one-bad-break test. The test tells a lot about a society by what happens when its economically vulnerable members encounter a majorly bad break.- In societies that function well, there are various safety nets in place to prevent a bad break from leading to a tailspin for particularly vulnerable victims.
You're assuming that societies need to focus on the welfare of each individual in order to survive, but that's not true. Look at Sparta - "one bad break" could mean not surviving your first day as a newborn out in the cold. Now, one could say that the Spartan society didn't survive, but then again, in the long run, neither did the Athenian society. Modern Taliban society survives by using women as baby-factories. So there are a lot of societies which survive well enough, although they're societies that we probably wouldn't want to live in.

Have you ever been to Greece? What is left of Spartans’ culture? Nothing. Who now lives like Spartans? No one. Spartans were a blight on the Earth. The annihilation of their culture by the centuries was an advancement for humanity.

The ancient Athenian culture is all around you when in modern Athens. The living Greeks are proud of their history going back to when the Parthenon was new. Of Sparta? Not so proud. The Roman Empire admired the Athenians and copied them. The historians, philosophers and playwrights of ancient Athens and their books and plays are still discussed. Athenian culture survived. Sparta is dead.

Men’s and women’s clothing are utterly different in the USA while ancient Greek men and women typically wore two pieces of clothing draped about the body: an undergarment (chiton or peplos) and a cloak (himation or chlamys). Since Greek men and women were wearing approximately the same clothing and the same length hair, there would be less desire to surgically re-engineer their bodies to the opposite sex to justify a change of wardrobe and haircut to the opposite sex. Or, maybe, the ancients were not as superficial as present day Americans who have little interior depth and are mostly surface appearances.

The good-old days for the USA (when it was at the height of its Athenian glory days) were after Herbert Hoover and before Ronald Reagan. Those were the days when richest 10% had the least money, leaving more for the survival of the bottom 90%. That could be fixed with taxes, but it won’t be for at least eight more years. In the meantime, have surgery now if you can’t wait for a new President. That (and radically different clothes and hairstyle to complement your new sex assignment) will fix your life when Congress won’t. I'm only kidding.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 9, 2017 9:57 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've heard of similar studies of dying cultures which tend to have "outbreaks" of hyper-focus on sex and food and entertainment. Maybe societies which focuses on the lowest common denominator- bread and circuses - are already circling the drain?


Instead, try the one-bad-break test. The test tells a lot about a society by what happens when its economically vulnerable members encounter a majorly bad break.- In societies that function well, there are various safety nets in place to prevent a bad break from leading to a tailspin for particularly vulnerable victims.
You're assuming that societies need to focus on the welfare of each individual in order to survive, but that's not true. Look at Sparta - "one bad break" could mean not surviving your first day as a newborn out in the cold. Now, one could say that the Spartan society didn't survive, but then again, in the long run, neither did the Athenian society. Modern Taliban society survives by using women as baby-factories. So there are a lot of societies which survive well enough, although they're societies that we probably wouldn't want to live in.

Have you ever been to Greece? What is left of Spartans’ culture? Nothing. Who now lives like Spartans? No one. Spartans were a blight on the Earth. The annihilation of their culture by the centuries was an advancement for humanity.

The ancient Athenian culture is all around you when in modern Athens. The living Greeks are proud of their history going back to when the Parthenon was new. Of Sparta? Not so proud. The Roman Empire admired the Athenians and copied them. The historians, philosophers and playwrights of ancient Athens and their books and plays are still discussed. Athenian culture survived. Sparta is dead.

maybe your confused is all

Athenian and Spartan Women


Monday, January 9, 2017 11:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The ancient Athenian culture is all around you when in modern Athens.- SECOND
Yes, I see the slaves and slave-status women everywhere.


Classical Athenian girls were not formally educated; rather, their mothers would have taught them the skills they would need to run a household. They married young, often to much older men. When they married, Athenian women had two main roles: to bear children, and to run the household. In elite families, there was an ideology of seclusion, and wealthy women would not have been permitted to socialise with unrelated men. However, in most families this ideology would have been impractical: women were needed to carry out tasks such as going to the market and drawing water, which required taking time outside the house where interactions with men were possible.

Legally, women's rights were limited. They were barred from political participation, and Athenian women were not permitted to represent themselves in law, though it seems that metic women (a metic was a resident alien; free, but without the rights and privileges of an Athenian citizen) could. They were also forbidden from conducting any economic transactions worth more than a nominal amount. However, it seems that this restriction was not always obeyed. Especially in poorer families, women would have worked to earn money, and would also have been responsible for household tasks such as cooking and washing clothes. Athenian women had limited capacity to own property, although they could have significant dowries, and could inherit.

If this culture survives anywhere, I guess it would be in the mideast: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.

MY POINT, SECOND (and thank you for focusing on something trivial to distract from the main issue) is that "society" can survive quite nicely on the backs and bodies of its members. The rules that govern a society's survival aren't the same rules that govern personal survival. A very warlike society which colonizes extensively, imposes its culture and language on its subjects, and still manages to crank out babies has a good chance of survival, at least for a few hundred years. It's sad, but true: Justice and fairness don't result from evolution. Fairness is a human construct, and the only ones responsible for promoting it is us.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, January 9, 2017 11:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

maybe your confused is all

Athenian and Spartan Women

Hey Jayneztown! Now you're a fashion expert on Ancient Athenians? You're quoting Will Burton, whose video which praises the advantages of being a Spartan woman over Athenian woman has been seen by 1,569 in two years. I don't think Burton's opinion is widely accepted.

The point I was making is that the Spartans are dead and good riddance to them, while Athenians' culture has some life in it.

The fashions that Athenian men and women wore were very similar between the sexes while USA men's fashions are very different from women's. If Athenians had the concept of transgender, it would not have been more than a day's work to swap genders as far as Athenian male fashion. Shave off the beard, comb your hair different and put on a belt to accentuate your waist. For Athenians no plastic surgery was necessary nor years of indecision, slow drift, and general confusion like in the case of Caitlyn Jenner:


Monday, January 9, 2017 11:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

MY POINT, SECOND (and thank you for focusing on something trivial to distract from the main issue) is that "society" can survive quite nicely on the backs and bodies of its members. The rules that govern a society's survival aren't the same rules that govern personal survival. A very warlike society which colonizes extensively, imposes its culture and language on its subjects, and still manages to crank out babies has a good chance of survival, at least for a few hundred years. It's sad, but true: Justice and fairness don't result from evolution. Fairness is a human construct, and the only ones responsible for promoting it is us.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, January 9, 2017 11:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

MY POINT, SECOND (and thank you for focusing on something trivial to distract from the main issue) is that "society" can survive quite nicely on the backs and bodies of its members. The rules that govern a society's survival aren't the same rules that govern personal survival. A very warlike society which colonizes extensively, imposes its culture and language on its subjects, and still manages to crank out babies has a good chance of survival, at least for a few hundred years. It's sad, but true: Justice and fairness don't result from evolution. Fairness is a human construct, and the only ones responsible for promoting it is us.

You've drifted off into abstraction again, Signym. Most of the society of the USA in 1900 is as dead today in the USA as the society of Sparta is dead in Greece. Most Americans in 1900, except the wealthy back then, lived nothing like most people live today. That 1900's American society is dead, extinct, evolution passed it by. It did not last hundreds of years. IT DID NOT SURVIVE. It was gone by 1970 when electricity arrived everywhere and everybody had a TV and an auto and only a few million farmers were left alive, none of them plowing with horses or oxen.

There are old people that can remember that dead society that once prospered on the same soil as present day USA. They wonder why things have changed. Things changed because the society of 1900 died while their attention was focused on those new fangled TV shows and we are living in the middle of that old society's burial ground of old houses and streets.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 9, 2017 12:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Of course I'm talking about an abstraction. And so were you, when you were talking about Athenian culture surviving. But now that "abstraction" isn't taking you in a direction that you want, all of the sudden you think it's a bad thing to do.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Friday, February 24, 2017 10:37 AM


Trigger warning guys, its 'Breitbart

Transgender Anti-SJW YouTuber Blaire White’s Facebook Ban Lifted Following Breitbart Inquiry

Blaire White/Twitter

Blaire White, a transgender YouTuber and critic of cultural marxism, was hit with a 30-day ban on her Facebook page for “violating Facebook policies” but given no reason as to why the ban was implemented. However, after Breitbart News reached out to Facebook for comment, White’s ban was lifted.

White revealed her ban from Facebook through her Twitter account on Tuesday evening:

I've been suspended from Facebook for a month, so don't expect to see me there. I can't stop accidentally doing wrongthink ????

— BLAIRE WHITE ?? (@MsBlaireWhite) February 21, 2017

White told Breitbart News, “Facebook has repeatedly shown their dedication to censoring libertarian and conservative pages. They’ve also shown that their claim to want to protect minorities is disingenuous, as they have no problem booting minorities from their website if they have the wrong opinion.”

Facebook has previously temporarily suspended other anti-social justice figures for going against the mainstream leftist narrative. Libertarian commentator Lauren Southern was also suspended for 30 days for questioning the ban of another Trump supporter.

After reaching out to Facebook for comment on the situation, a representative stated that “this was a mistake. Her account should be restored and she should be able to use it normally.”

Many other pages and people have had their permanent bans or suspensions lifted following Breitbart reporting; most recently, the popular comedy page Polandball, which faced permanent deletion, was reinstated after Breitbart coverage.

....Polandball for those of you who missed it
from tumblr


Originally posted by second:

The point I was making is that the Spartans are dead and good riddance to them, while Athenians' culture has some life in it.

The rural Peloponnese region which was once part of ancient Sparta/Greek Empire, is nowrenowned for being among the most traditionalist and conservative regions of Greece and is a stronghold of the right-wing New Democracy party. Sparta is probably the most rightwing pride conservative city in Greece....It has never had a left-wing mayor and it was one of the few cities that voted in 1974 to retain the monarchy. The Spartathlon takes place every September it is an ultramarathon starting in Athens and finishing in Sparta at the statue of Leonidas, that guy who fought the Persian and the competition comes with with many international participants.

and the 'scary' or 'nazi' guys....Who are Golden Dawn?

StateofNation youtube channel


Friday, February 24, 2017 11:25 AM


It's far worse than abuse. It's mutilation, torture. It's based on the fantasy of the child's sexuality. It's a child and doesn't have a sexuality.

This is moral relativism, invented in Frankfurt by Marcuse et al to destroy us, and no conspiracy theory, they were the enemy (Germany) and that was their stated goal, and now everyone's drinking their toxic koolaid.


Friday, February 24, 2017 1:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

It's pathetic watching the usual reichwingers here looking desperately for someone or something on which to spew their deep seated hate.
Except since that's not what's happening here, the person who is spewing deep-seated hate seems to be you. Yanno, like this:


Why don't you pack up your hatred and fuck off?

See? THAT'S deep-seated hate!

Now, if you want a refresher as to what I've been saying: I don't think it's a good idea to have children undergo irreversible surgery for something that may be a psychological issue. I heard (on NPR) that roughly half of the kids who identify with the other gender at some point in their young lives will change their minds again at puberty. I'll see if I can find that study.

Also, since people are literally dying for lack of medical care, I'm not sure insurance dollars should be spent to treat gender dysphoria. I really don't have any personal animus against the transgendered. I DO have an issue with self-righteous liberals.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

Another baseless pile of nonsense. You are indeed the hateful one, here. And terribly uninformed. The low information type, for sure.

Fight it all you want. The future isn't yours.


Friday, February 24, 2017 9:07 PM


Two extremes?

Cross-dresser beaten for entering women's restroom
China, unlike progressive countries like the US, does not tolerate cross-gender restrooms.


Then USA
Cuomo Suggests 12 Yr Old Girls Are The Problem If They Don’t Want To See A Male’s Genitals

CNN Talking Head Goes On Twitter Meltdown

Mark Dice



Saturday, February 25, 2017 11:14 AM


Euless Trinity transgender wrestler Mack Beggs met with boos after advancing to semifinals at UIL state tournament


Saturday, February 25, 2017 1:28 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
It's far worse than abuse. It's mutilation, torture. It's based on the fantasy of the child's sexuality. It's a child and doesn't have a sexuality.

That's not true. My kid had crushes on boys before she knew what sex was as she told me so. I had crushes on boys at a young age, and all my girl friends did as well. I had a crush on my male swim teacher when I was 5. Hello, "PUPPY LOVE" ??

What is a crush but an extension of a biological drive to mate? Children cannot give consent to mate, but unfortunately gender based decisions must be performed before puberty to be effective. It's a catch 22. If it was just a fantasy, I highly doubt they would have that fantasy all the way through puberty and far unto adulthood. What about body dysmorphia? Many of those people get limbs and bits cut off and are much happier. I don't think fantasy alone would account for that kind of a knowingly deleterious drive... I think they never received innate files during formation in the womb, the ones that form self-image.

If a male kid was effeminate and liked Broadway plays, pretty sure most people would say "gay". If my female kid was masculine and liked collecting guns and trucks and wearing flannel I doubt anyone would say that that is a stereotypically female neurology. The brain controls all, is it just that people cannot see the subtle clues of a gender disorder?? Most of the kids that decide to go Trans display non-stereotypical gender cues from a young age.

Again, I don't see how it's ANYONE'S business but the parent, the child, and the doctor. I don't care what anyone else thinks of my body, why should anyone think they get a say in anyone else's?? All they can do is take the leap and hope the kid is happy, but it's not like it can't be reversed AGAIN, so again....WHAT IS IT TO YOU?

The money argument is just a shallow one. All kinds of people "mutilate" themselves, whether it's pierced ears, or bigger boobs or manhood. WE DON'T GIVE THOSE PEOPLE HALF AS MUCH CRAP AS THE TRANSGENDERS. What is the difference??


Saturday, February 25, 2017 3:37 PM



While i am loathe to bump this thread about child mutilation, you wrote directly to me, so I'll respond.

I was a fashion major.


body dysmorphia

See Kalifornia, if you haven't. Some people just aren't happy unless they're killing, raping and mutilating. And some people want to listen to everything a five year old says as grounds for mutilation.

I like you, I really do. I don't want to look under the hood here, because you're making Rappy look like a liberal. Either commie media fed you a line, or there's something deeply disturbed that horror movies are made from that I don't want to know.

Jewish Taoist DT, body is a temple, that's all, and because he's not here to say it

Keep the Shiny side up.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 3:43 PM


That's some good points there. When is too early? When is too late?

I remember crushes on girls when I was like 5 years old. I wouldn't even know what was happening if it wasn't for cartoons (remember twitterpated?). My parents never got around to telling me anything until long after I already learned it or figured it out for myself.

It's easy to look back and say I was just a dumb kid. I can look back at any point in my life and say that about myself really, but I definitely didn't think of myself as dumb when I was a kid.

This is a HUGE choice though... so you have to ask yourself when is the proper time to allow it? It's less frequent today, but I still change my mind on things from time to time. When I was a kid I could change my mind on what I wanted in the middle of a sentence.

I agree it's nobody's business but the parent and the child, and whatever doctor or support group they have (and they're going to need a support group, because kids are assholes). I just don't agree that it should be paid for with taxpayer dollars.

Welcome back Wish. I trust you had a relaxing vacation?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 25, 2017 4:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

A viking ship reenactment?

What was I supposed to see?

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Saturday, February 25, 2017 5:50 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
It's far worse than abuse. It's mutilation, torture. It's based on the fantasy of the child's sexuality. It's a child and doesn't have a sexuality.

This is moral relativism, invented in Frankfurt by Marcuse et al to destroy us, and no conspiracy theory, they were the enemy (Germany) and that was their stated goal, and now everyone's drinking their toxic koolaid.

Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

People whose psychological experience of their gender that differs to their genitalia can be found in cultures all over the world, often with much more acceptance

Hijra (for translations, see [n 1]) is a term used in South Asia – particularly in India and Pakistan – to refer to transgender individuals who are born male.[1][2] In different areas of Pakistan and India, transgender people are also known as Aravani, Aruvani or Jagappa.[3]

In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, the hijras are officially recognized as third gender by the government,[4][5] being neither completely male nor female. The term more commonly advocated by social workers and transgender community members themselves is khwaja sira (Urdu: ????? ????) and can identify the individual as a transsexual person, transgender person (khusras), cross-dresser (zenanas) or eunuch (narnbans).[6][7]

Hijras have a recorded history in the Indian subcontinent from antiquity onwards as suggested by the Kama Sutra period. This history features a number of well-known roles within subcontinental cultures, part gender-liminal, part spiritual and part survival.

Kathoey or katoey (Thai: ?????; rtgs: Kathoei [kàt???j]) is a Thai term that refers to either a transgender woman or an effeminate gay male in Thailand. A significant number of Thais perceive kathoeys as belonging to a third gender, including many kathoeys themselves, while others see them as either a kind of man or a kind of woman.[1] However, when considering transgender women (MtF) as a group in Thai society, most refer to themselves as phuying (Thai: ??????? "women"), with a minority referring to themselves as phuying praphet song (a "second kind of woman") and only very few referring to themselves as kathoey.[2] Related phrases include phet thi sam (Thai: ?????????, "third gender"), and sao praphet song or phu ying praphet song (Thai: ????????????, ????????????????— both meaning "second-type female"). The word kathoey is of Khmer origin.[3] It is most often rendered as ladyboy or lady boy in English conversation with Thais and this latter expression has become popular across Southeast Asia.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Camille Paglia doesn't make her case.

There are MANY societies that failed over human history. In fact when you look around at the extant societies, you can calculate that EVERY SOCIETY, with the exceptions of the ones around today, are deader n' a doornail. Did they ALL fail due to cultural corruption? I seriously doubt it.

For example, the Vikings of Greenland didn't go extinct because they experienced cultural dissipation. If anything, it was their rigid adherence to the cultural norm of dairying, and an inability to adapt enough and take advantage of the seas' bounty, that did them in.

If you look at Rome, what many people have pointed out is that the literal cost of maintaining an Empire did them in. Their paradigm of 'expand or die' was intrinsically unsustainable.

Do I agree with anything based on Camille Paglia's premise?

99.9% no.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's a little difficult to know what to make of America's current obsession with transgender identity.

I see it as yet another example of two things: liberal thought trying to identify another oppressed group to bring into the victim-hood for political gain, with conservative thought trying to exclude them as the reviled 'other' for political gain.

On the topic of gender roles -

Once an embryo is conceived, birthed as a baby, and suckled to the point of eating semi-solid food, nature is very tolerant about what they need in order to survive long enough to have children of their own. Look at the Spartans or the Tierra del Fuegians.

And even something as vital as suckling, warming, and minding an infant is subject to A LOT of variation in monkeys, for example. There are good monkey mothers, and bad monkey mothers, and in-between monkey mothers. Given all the variation in monkeys, which are not as behaviorally complex as humans - AND WHICH STILL MANAGE TO SURVIVE ANYWAY DESPITE NON-CONFORMANCE TO MOTHERHOOD BEHAVIORS - I'm not sure a case can be made that rigidly defined gender roles in humans are necessary for survival.

And too, people who don't conform to gender roles also can have valuable skill sets in other areas that contribute to group survival. I don't see that a group, with survival as its primary focus, would benefit by excluding those people and their efforts.

(I imagine it's similar to looking at economic organization of pre-monetary societies - it turns out that environment is NOT the driving force. Groups of people do things because that's what they tell themselves people do - and it's good enough to continue into the future.)

So overall, I don't see trying to enforce stereotyped gender roles as being necessary.

Though I think that a society that values its children - which are the society's future - will make it EASIER for nurturers to nurture.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

A transgender featuring on blogs, twitter already done interview on Lauren_Southern's show Rebel Media

I would argue that our society's obsession with making young children fit one or the other role at an early age is what's damaging.

I also find our insistence that little boys are born to prefer toy guns and cowboy hats while little girls are born to prefer dolls with long hair hilarious. Because that notion is ALREADY past its cultural expiration date. Now it's video games and social media. So the idea that somehow those particulars are XX and XY determined fell apart in 30 years.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:49 PM


I'm always amazed how societies can muddle along in apparent chaos and dysfunction and keep on keeping on...


Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
It's pathetic watching the usual reichwingers here looking desperately for someone or something on which to spew their deep seated hate.


Why don't you pack up your hatred and fuck off?
Science confirms: Online trolls are horrible people (also, sadists!)
New research out of Canada finds trolls are sadistic. Who knew?

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:37 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Gender and sexuality are not the same thing.

uh oh.

People whose psychological experience of their gender that differs to their genitalia can be found in cultures all over the world, often with much more acceptance
Or it's toxic malthusian koolaid mixed up by the Frankfurt School in the mid-20th c.

Yep, there have always been cross dressers and eunuchs. And slaves.
Why not just jump right to Shiva?

My point isn't to prove you wrong, but to point out that this is as dangerous as any you've ever heard of, and is condoning the torture and mutilation of children.

Think twice before you drink it.

Originally posted by 1kiki:

For example, the Vikings of Greenland didn't go extinct because they experienced cultural dissipation.

Nor did they go extinct at all. Which is why Greenland is still part of Denmark.

You're thinking of the Vinlanders in Nova Scotia. My sister wrote a book about this and I had an extensive correspondence on the subject with an arachaeologist in nova scotia. She explained it in detail, and it's fairly well known. The Vikings had intended to colonize Nova Scotia much more seriously than they had Greenland, and so they needed the support of agriculture to support the population. When the crops failed repeatedly, they returned to Europe, after much tension, negotiation and trade with the native americans.

What happened to them? Christianity. If they'd travelled south to the Carolinas, they could have re-encountered their gulf stream again, and had a serious head start on the spanish, and America would be a very different place.

If anything, it was their rigid adherence to the cultural norm of dairying, and an inability to adapt enough and take advantage of the seas' bounty, that did them in.
basically, but more a desire not to. They had a ship that would take them back to europe in a few weeks, why risk another year of no crops and intermittent conflict with the locals.

If you look at Rome, what many people have pointed out is that the literal cost of maintaining an Empire did them in.
Oh, definitely. Rome was completely done for economically by the time the goths overthrew them.

Their paradigm of 'expand or die' was intrinsically unsustainable.
Yes, absolutely. It was their retirement package. and ours is killing us. I suspect a successful society has a structured valuable role for its elders rather than just moving those too old for manual labor to the side and making them into a burden. Doesn't matter how much the romans respected their elders, there wasn't really a positive place for them in their economic model. Particularly, soldiers pensions were very pricey, which made it advantageous to roman emperors to have them get rich or die trying, because either way they didn't end up a burned to Rome, so each soldier had to add enough land to pay for his own retirement, or not live to see it.


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I see it as yet another example of two things: liberal thought trying to identify another oppressed group to bring into the victim-hood for political gain, with conservative thought trying to exclude them as the reviled 'other' for political gain.

first half i agree with. The right is actually right here. It doesn't exist. It's a made up thing. It doesn't bother me that much other than that I know it's moral relativism, and therefore intended to help us commit suicide as a society, because that's its stated goal.

It's this: When I was five, I wanted to be a rabbit. I'm sure glad no one cut my brain out and downsized it into a rabbit body because I was "born the wrong species." Because maybe that wasn't what was happening: Maybe I'd been given a lot of books about anthropomorphic rabbits and could tell in the stories that rabbits pretty much got to do whatever they liked.

nature is very tolerant about what they need in order to survive long enough to have children of their own.
Which doesn't include castrating them as kids. Acutally, nature is rough as hell. Warning, this is not for the faint of heart (whom I assume never appear on RWED ) This twitter feed is the creepiest thing ever created.

A LOT of variation in monkeys, for example.
And none of them are communist monkeys, transgender monkeys, in fact, monkey family values suck, which is how we defeated them evolutionarily, but our society today would definitely not defeat them.

So overall, I don't see trying to enforce stereotyped gender roles as being necessary.
No, but encouraging neutering your kids was the next logical step after neutering your pets, just like euthanasia. First pets, then grampa, then my sister with cancer, and now Belgium and Holland have it for kids.

Communism is a frog on slow boil. It's creeping incrementalism towards total suicide. Yeah, you can expect the knee jerk reaction from the right, and the frankfurt school et al, New Left, etc. are counting on that, which is why they invented alt-right.


Sig said this, and I didn't notice it earlier

Or just the latest Soros-funded fad?

Ookay, you're way closer than anybody else. good call.

But by all means, look up moral relativism, frankfurt school, culture of pessimism, the new left, everyone.

*oh and ignore the fluff pieces they've just started putting out about themselves like "how frankfurt school predicted trump" No, they didn't, they didn't even predict Hitler. They thought afterwards, oh, he might come back, or something like him, but Obama was objectively a lot more like him, jes saying, it's the guy who builds concentration camps and exterminates 30 million people you have to watch out for as your "Hitler" not the guy who says "Wrong!" regardless of how tasteless he is.



When is a good time to mutilate your children: never. Never going to be okay.
We live in a society that condones and commets the torture and dismemberment of children in the mideast by the millions. Okay, not demon trump, but the last guy, the son of god, as i recall people joking he was at this point in his presidency, that guy. And the guy before him, in lower numbers, but still junior grade furher. and maybe this new one will get there too, but lets judge him then. so, you can bomb schools, and execute kids, and cut their fingers off, but you cannot spank them, because that's wrong and evil. Now you can neuter them tho.

Everyone remember all those corporate CEOs being quoted as saying the right population for the earth was 400 million? 95% of the population has to go? That
the malthusian catastrophe. Ted Turner said it, Bill gates said it, soros, rockefeller, everyone but ironically rothschild who said "that's evil." (even took me by surprise) but i'm sure the whole bilderberg group, CFR that i'm sure they're all in, including nat rothschild, i'm sure mika is in there, i know zuck is, i'm sure they're all down with the plan.

neuter your kids. it's all part of the package

global warming. too many humans of you lower classes, we're gonna have to kill you off. And you know it's for the good of the earth, so hug a tree before you off yourself.

quick, everyone, paint the swastika on the trump so no one will notice.

Stay shiny all


Saturday, February 25, 2017 8:11 PM


Sex-identifying sex organs (what sex is that cat)
Gender- masculine/feminine and depending of your acceptance level other categories - defined by society
Sexuality- attraction/ erotic orientation and experience

Gender- how they have found expression vary all throw culture and history - there have always been examples of men who dressed as women and women as men and those norms - what constitutes normal gendered behaviour have varied enormously.

Likewise same sex attraction is there throughout history, including Sparta, just different levels of tolerance.

Gender reassignment is relatively new as are the hormone therapy - yes I would err on the side of caution with these interventions for kids. Adults - I guess whatever really


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:18 PM


All I keep hearing is FEAR.

Fear, that children are being hurt, fear that we are pushing it on them, fear that it will be the down fall of a society....

MANY things cause the downfall of societies. Sitting around obsessing what will cause ours is POINTLESS. The cause will only be visible in hindsight.

From the stories I have read of Transgenders, most of the kids (AND PARENTS) have been thoroughly informed and had much therapy before it is undertaken. Also, at least half don't do full genital conversions until adulthood just to be sure.

So really, all we are talking about is hormones, boob jobs, shaving an Adam's apple... Kids have far far worse surgeries ALL THE TIME. Cancer, twin separations, internal surgeries, brain surgeries. You don't call THEM tortured or mutilated???

It sounds like some of you view a young childs' body in an almost purist form. Like if you change it they are somehow less??

It is still their body. They can still make decisions. You don't just suddenly realize you have a body when you turn 18. When children are born with severe birth defects they usually know from about age three that they are different, and seek to change it. We don't condemn parents for "fixing" those cosmetic issues because it DOES affect their psyche. We don't say "Oh, you'll be stronger in the long run for having cleft lip."

I don't see any difference with Trandgenders, other than their difference is in their BRAIN.

PS. Six I am not BACK. I will not engage in any political discussion here, as it is pointless. I do feel I have a unique point of view on THIS subject, as I am a female on the autism spectrum which studies say makes my brain more male oriented. And YES, if I was not married, I would have a MAJOR breast reduction. Boobs just get in the way, both physically, and in terms of how you are treated as a person. I really wish we were all hermaphrodites. Then maybe we could stop arguing for 30 seconds about shit that just don't matter....


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:34 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I like you, I really do. I don't want to look under the hood here

That's great. You need to understand that that doesn't mean ANYTHING to me.
I never asked for anyone to like me and I feel forming attachments in a place like this is counterproductive and makes one sensor where they would not.

I have a feeling you have seen too many kids have surgeries for vanity reasons. Transgenderism is NOT the same thing. You would have to be in a different brain to understand. Imagine you woke up in the morning with the other gender, and were forced to feel like an alien every time YOU go in a public bathroom that isn't what you were yesterday. Some people could deal with that, some can't. Either way, not your call.

BTW, I also have female hereditary hirsutism. That's right, if I don't shave twice a day I can grow a BEARD.

I accept this is something I have to deal with, but I certainly DO NOT LIKE IT. If I could afford the unending laser treatments, I would do so. Some women actually like it. No one in my husbands family even knows, and neither would people on the street, but it is still there.

Doesn't mean ANYONE but me has a say in how I deal with it.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:16 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

forming attachments in a place like this is counterproductive

Nah, I've met a lot of great people here.


I have a feeling you have seen too many kids have surgeries for vanity reasons.

Nope. I have seen a lot of disabled people, including my sister and some close friends and relatives. It's very painful for them to watch people without physical problems create problems for themselves. and when I say that, I mean people are way underestimating the difficulties here. It's not emotional, or feelings, it's a life perspective of the disabled.


shave twice a day

And I don't. High estogen levels. And I was a fashion major.
So maybe there is something to it.

but I said that this wasn't my problem. If you place children in this situation, they have no rights of their own. Someone, a parent, a doctor, a legal guardian, who might be the state, will make that decision for them.

To me, ushering back in the eunuch goes right in line with our re-adoption of torture and slavery. It's hard to see how people can't see what's happening. The power that be never really step in and do something for your rights. They have no interest whatsoever in what's good for you. They're only interested in weapons. And they're interested in this. That worries me.

Stay Shiny


Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:31 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Nope. I have seen a lot of disabled people, including my sister and some close friends and relatives. It's very painful for them to watch people without physical problems create problems for themselves. and when I say that, I mean people are way underestimating the difficulties here. It's not emotional, or feelings, it's a life perspective of the disabled.

HELLOOO? I had arthritis and severe intestinal issues at 24? What does that have to do with anything? I'm happy they have options other than prostitution, which is what happened to most of them historically.

ANYONE having ANY surgery is at risk of having a complication just as they are also as likely to NOT have any and be completely happy with it.

Trans people aren't CREATING problems, their own neurobiology created the problem. I think you are saying they should just ignore it and it will go away, and that isn't even REMOTELY the case. Many untreated Trans kids KILL themselves, so evidently it IS a problem for them.

NO ONE if forcing kids to be Trans, the kids ASK FOR IT. They know they are different somehow.

I don't even get where you are coming from here...






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