Pizza Time!

UPDATED: Monday, October 7, 2024 05:51
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:09 AM



As boring as most of you fuckers from either side are, nobody here has jumped on the Pizzagate Train?

For the first time since Donald Trump has been elected President, the "Fake News" is doing something even more crazy this time!

Why is a dude who owns one single Pizza Place in D.C. considered number 49 of the most powerful citizens in Washington?

Comet Pizza!

I'm one of the very last people who believe in any of the SUPER TERRIBLE things from either party, but here it is.

Anyone who knows me knows that I ALWAYS argue on the side of Occham's Razor.

There is just too much shit here though.

Too many supposed "secret" emails with super weird language and people getting WAY too excited about pizza parties and pasta parties.

It doesn't mean that they're all satanic peadophiles, but something was happening that they were all enjoying and using codewords for. No group of adults gets that fucking excited over chuckie cheese.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:23 AM


Because he was mentioned at least 3 times in the article, I felt I should show the article he made they were linking to.

David Seamen was, at one time, a contributor to the Huffington Post.

When he brought up issues about Hillary's health issues, they not only fired him, but they deleted every single article he wrote from HuffPo....

This video is pretty tame about PizzaGate, even by his standards.

If you are interested in it, just Google PizzaGate or watch some more of David's videos.

If Frem still comes in from time to time, I'd love to hear what he had to say about it. This is definately along the lines of Bohemian Grove and like 6 or 7 years ago he told me that Hunter Thomson was a POS because he partook in that stuff when I believed that he was a Hero.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016 7:27 AM


Just a few posts that were available on the Owners Instagram before he and many of his friends went private recently...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016 9:27 AM


I'm all about sexy Trannies that want to be called Women. I won't even lie and admit that they're even sexier to me when they're totally passable and sexy as fuck and pull out a cock when they're otherwise completely young and nobody would know like Bailey Jay. (I won't send links like this that you could easily google).

But here is over 10 minutes of a regular "After Hours" show at Comet Pizza, with plenty of under 18's still attending.

It's always pretty dark in here, and unlike Chuck E Cheeses, they don't even open until after work hours, and are open into the wee hours of the night.

Even in the almost dark i can't see who is speaking. But it's obvious it's a guy who wants to be called a girl. Sorry Bitch... Epic Fail.

You're just a sad old dude with a wig.

Your patheticness reeks off of you like a miasma of shame.

Where else but Comet Pizza or a YouTube echo-chamber of Feminazis would this be acceptable entertainment?

The victims here are the children who are allowed to tail along with their parents or babysitters or whatever.....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016 12:46 PM


Speaking of Babysitters, i remember being like 5 years old and going on a road trip with my favorite Babysitter.

She brought one of her friends along, and it was just them in the front seat and me and my middle bro in the back seat for a joyride, listening to Party Radio B96!

We got pulled over by the cops. It was my very first taste of police and at such a tender age I learned to hate them early for how they treated my Babysitter that I had a boycrush on.

She told them that Her dad was a Cop (which he was) and her uncle was a Firefighter (which he was), and they eventually let us go. I didn't even know why at the time, but I was actually "high" on endorphins at that point. I sat in the back seat wanting to kick the shit out of some dude that was threatening my Babysitter.

The memory is foggy, but I bet they both got home safely and got fucked out of their minds on whatever drugs they were after before my Mom got home.

Fortunately, my bro wasn't old enough to remember that, so I didn't have to tell him not to say anything. At least 4 more years of my fake Girlfriend Babysitter before I was "too old" to have a babysitter anymore.

Adventures in Babysitting....

Somewhere in D.C., John Podesta just came in his pants without even touching himself.....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016 12:51 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Somewhere in D.C., John Podesta just came in his pants without even touching himself.....

The Police (The band with Sting) actually made a song about that. It was called Synchronocity II.

I wonder what ever happened with Synchronicity I?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 23, 2017 10:26 PM


I don't know what to think of this but

Rothschild Twitter Account?
Lady Rothschild Blasts John "Pizzagate" Podesta On Twitter

and then you have the piratenews style conspiracy

...Trump Meeting with Anti-Human Trafficking experts

Bizarre CIA/FBI Russian Hacking Report Confirms Pizzagate! Despicable Me GRU Villain?


Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:36 PM


You seriously can't make this shit up.

Let's all focus on Milo though while the real evil ones are free to do as they please to whatever victims they want to do it to.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 24, 2017 8:14 AM


Is Pizzagate bullshit?

or is some of this real...

Take some of these upcoming headlines with a pinch of salt because some will not be 'mainstream'... they will after all come from news blogs or the alt-media...but what if any of it true?

and does any of this connect to a war or global conspiracy

and what really is the FAKE NEWS?

The mainstream media news Chris Cuomo said it was illegal to possess the Wikileaks documents...which probably is a complete lie. The First Amendment offers the same protection to the media as to the rest of US Citizens, including possessing illegal documents, as long as you weren’t involved in the original illegal hack.

Fakenews CNN calls Assange from Wikileaks a pedophile without any evidence backing the claims?


conspiracy sites claim James Alefantis' father is CIA. and say James Alefantis has a museum with two names (Pegasus and Watchtower) that are the same as CIA drug operations from the 1980s.

Jeffrey Epstein, who calls himself the co-founder of the Clinton Foundation, and has been a convicted sex criminal and has settled dozens of lawsuits (citing hundreds of victims), is reported to operate a sex blackmail operation involving CIA, yup that sounds crazy at first but it ain't, spies, corporations, army groups, political elite, intelligence....they all wanted to have leverage over each other from all parts of the world....they wanted to have 'dirt' to hold over the other guys and sometimes..... that is including sex crimes or even child abuse, which may explain why it took a long time to catch Dennis Hastert or too long to catch BBC British DJ Jimmy Savile, the protection inside the Roman Catholic Church...places like Haiti, Qatar or the Carribean....where the leaders really don't give a fuck, people are totally abused and the crimes never investigated.

tinfoil headed UFO paranoid conspiracy?

or real?

MK-Ultra...The CIA panics and later destroyed about 95% of the documents,

'Most Shocking Experiments of MK-Ultra'
Operation Mockingbird: the CIA infiltrated the media (starting with CBS) and distorted or biased the reporting in favor of the CIA's agenda. Today, Anderson Cooper is a know "ex" CIA employee. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski's father, Zbigniew, was the National Security Advisor who hand delivered weapons to Al Queda in the CIA's Operation Cyclone.
Iran-Contra: the CIA violated Congress's Boland Amendment, which banned the CIA from funding the contras, by selling cocaine in the United States and by selling military arms to Iran.
The Dark Alliance investigation by Gary Webb. Webb exposed much more information about the CIA selling cocaine in the Iran-Contra scandal. Webb was found in a "suicide" with two separate gunshots to his head

Operation Midnight Climax: another re-run of MK-Ultra members? involved secretly dosing victims with LSD and filming them with prostitutes in sex blackmail operations.


Another CIA Officer Comes Forward About 9/11 and ISIS: “Stories Manufactured by a Really Small Number of People”

....According to the estimates of some historians, the United States classifies more than 500 million pages of documents every single year, which is why organizations like Wikileaks, and whistleblowers from various agencies, remain so important to us all.

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook

I’ve shared this quote multiple times. It reveals a truth which various politicians, academics, and other professionals have been trying to impress upon us for years: the war on terror is a fabrication. It is based on false premises and used to justify the invasion of other countries for ulterior motives. Of course, this is a perspective you’ll never see on mainstream news.

The most recent person making noise from the world of intelligence is Amaryllis Fox, a former CIA clandestine service officer. When she was a teenager she worked with the Burmese democracy movement, which landed her a short stint in a Burmese prison at the age of 18. She eventually developed an algorithm to predict terrorist activity under thesis advisor Dan Byman, a leading thinker on terrorism and US security policy at Oxford university. Soon after, she began work as a political and terrorism analyst for SE Asia, commuting between Langley and Georgetown to finish her degree in 2004. Following graduation, she moved into the operational training program and served as a Clandestine Service Officer overseas until 2009, for approximately 10 years. You can learn more about her journey in this TEDx talk she gave a few years ago.

She offers a comment on terrorism rhetoric which really stood out for me:

“Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both sides that amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep killing each other.”

She is speaking to ‘false flag terrorism,’ the idea that terrorist activities are created, or that ‘terrorists’ are forced into certain situations, or brain washed, by Western military and intelligence agencies in order to convince the masses that there is a constant terror threat. That we are pitted against each other on purpose by a small group of élite people who have lots of power.

Back to politics...

Why would an Arkansas lawmaker want to strip Clintons' name from airport...just nasty partisan politics...or is there more to the story like for example Libya? or a Weiner pervert?

Are the Elite Real? family like The Rothschild real?

Morbid Inequality: Now Just SIX Men Have as Much Wealth as Half the World's Population - The world's total wealth is about $256 trillion....richest 10% drained nearly $4 trillion away from the rest of civilization.

Is there a conspiracy of corruption, crime and even pedophilia on the inside? or at least allegations of it?
British? Alarming number of UK police involved in paedophilia

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine”

be wary of NORWAY?
police operation which busted 51 people in a pedofile ring in Norway
Swedish too, and the 'Sweden'

Sir Edward Heath WAS a paedophile, says police chief
Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes ‘covered up by the Establishment’ — just as it once shielded Jimmy Savile
Swedish prosecutors say eight men have been detained on suspicion of being part of a child porn ring where they reportedly discussed sexual abuse and sadistic murder.

Swedish police uncover suspected paedophile ring
Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reports that in their phone conversations the men discussed acquiring a soundproofed facility where they could keep children captive. They allegedly discussed plans to take a refugee child, because they believed the attention given to such a disappearance would not be as significant.

Don't name names?

Podesta's first job in DC was butchering hogs for an 18th-Century theme park adjacent to CIA HQ
He dressed in britches, a blousy linen shirt, floppy hat and homemade shoes and learned how to butcher and roast a pig.
Standing in the kitchen and acting out his role, Podesta explained: “It’s best to do the butchering at 4 a.m., “because pigs should be slaughtered when it is cool, and it takes a long time to roast them. The pig is hauled on a front-end loader in order to split and gut it. It’s most important to slow the pig down by shooting it between the eyes so you can cut its throat. It makes the pig less ornery and a whole lot more cooperative than if you just stick a knife in its throat.”
In homage to these skills, Podesta used to have a picture of a pig on a spit as his screen saver, but his staffers made him get rid of it, because he said: “They couldn’t stand looking into the pig’s eyes during meetings.”
The powerful John Podesta does not always get his way.

Actor James Woods in full assault mode on John Podesta over Pizzagate on Twitter ... JAMES WOODS PUTS JOHN PODESTA ON BLAST OVER PIZZA GATE #SKIPPY

who knows?

maybe its all just 'hot air'

...all just 'conspiracy'


Friday, February 24, 2017 9:43 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Yet you seem to be doing jes fine at it.

I'm pretty sure we're hitting full Pirate News here. Remember to call him by his full PN title, Clintonista billionaire sex offender Jeffrey JEW Epstein.

Local eateries are often political power centers because it's where politicians and billionaires meet for lunch. It turns out they have more power than child sex slaves.

This koolaid appears way off the deep end. That link definitely improves its credibility. I had to wonder if The Right Stuff site was for real, of it was just Chrisisall trolling again.


Friday, February 24, 2017 10:13 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I'm pretty sure we're hitting full Pirate News here.

Benjamin "Ben" Swann runs a fact-check series called Reality Check, which brought him national attention, Swann has won multiple awards for his journalism while working as a TV anchor and reporter for local television affiliates

So then....
altNews: War on Truth, #Pizzagate & Fight Club...2008 James Alefantis accused of rape & murder by Commissioner!?
but maybe Ben will bring us back to reality?

strangely enough after this broadcast, post by Ben I hear Ben had many of his facebook, youtube, twitter accounts suspended
Not that I'm saying its may all just be 'hot air', tinfoil....Maybe David Icke style conspiracies are just fucking idiotic....or maybe there is a level of truth to AlexJones or whatreallyhappened radio or Piratenews...or maybe them have some 'truth' in those reports after all

Ben Swann Breaks The Pizza Gate Story On Mainstream News



Friday, February 24, 2017 10:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have to give PN his due.

When he would go off on his Nazi-Templar- Commie- Masonic Bilderberger- Rothschild- QueenElizabeth- whathaveyou conspiracy theories .... weaving together sometimes even conflicting organizations and people from across time and space .... my eyes would kind of roll. But I came to realize that he DID notice continuing themes which parallel conflicting organizations. One theme is "the globalists" versus "the nationalists", and another theme is "the bankers" (who tend to be globalists) versus everyone else.

Another one of his hobby horses was the BohemianGrove- child- sexslave- mindcontrol- CIA/MKULTRA - perversion conspiracy. (At times, he would feature as a victim. At other times, he would just closely identify with them.)

There are some pretty sick, creepy people who control the world ... Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg ... in previous times the "robber barons" Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, JP Morgan etc ... who are constitutionally devoid of empathy. It's a natural outcome of a system that rewards and venerates greed: the greediest and smartest rise to the top, and those are (naturally) people who don't fear negative consequences and who couldn't give a shit about people in general. The system is tailor-made for psychopathy.

But if you want to rise to near the top, you need to be psychopathic yourself, and if you aren't born a psychopath, you'll want to be made into one! That would consist of purposefully violating any tenets of moral behavior or sympathetic/ empathetic impulses that you might have ... and I'm sure that there are organizations and people that will help you do that: Anything from the Bohemian Grove to Epstein's sex slave island to Marina Abramovich's "spirit cooking dinners" to offshoots of the CIA. Yanno, kind of like a fraternity hazing. But better.

Not only do people get to "get in touch" with their "dark side" in order to get closer to the centers or power and money, but it provides such lovely blackmail material to the organizers.

So I don't automatically discount the stories, they actually make sense in the world we live in. Most of the allegations I put in the quarantine area I call "interesting but true", and there they stay unless more probative information comes forward.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Friday, February 24, 2017 10:43 AM


Wow, what a load of subjective paranoid garbage. And what, no Russians on your list. I guess they really are third rate country.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I have to give PN his due.

When he would go off on his Nazi-Templar- Commie- Masonic Bilderberger- Rothschild- QueenElizabeth- whathaveyou conspiracy theories .... weaving together sometimes even conflicting organizations and people from across time and space .... my eyes would kind of roll. But I came to realize that he DID notice continuing themes which parallel conflicting organizations. One theme is "the globalists" versus "the nationalists", and another theme is "the bankers" (who tend to be globalists) versus everyone else.

Another one of his hobby horses was the BohemianGrove- child- sexslave- mindcontrol- CIA/MKULTRA - perversion conspiracy. (At times, he would feature as a victim. At other times, he would just closely identify with them.)

There are some pretty sick, creepy people who control the world ... Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg ... in previous times the "robber barons" Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, JP Morgan etc ... who are constitutionally devoid of empathy. It's a natural outcome of a system that rewards and venerates greed: the greediest and smartest rise to the top, and those are (naturally) people who don't fear negative consequences and who couldn't give a shit about people in general. The system is tailor-made for psychopathy.

But if you want to rise to near the top, you need to be psychopathic yourself, and if you aren't born a psychopath, you'll want to be made into one! That would consist of purposefully violating any tenets of moral behavior or sympathetic/ empathetic impulses that you might have ... and I'm sure that there are organizations and people that will help you do that: Anything from the Bohemian Grove to Epstein's sex slave island to Marina Abramovich's "spirit cooking dinners" to offshoots of the CIA. Yanno, kind of like a fraternity hazing. But better.

Not only do people get to "get in touch" with their "dark side" in order to get closer to the centers or power and money, but it provides such lovely blackmail material to the organizers.

So I don't automatically discount the stories, they actually make sense in the world we live in. Most of the allegations I put in the quarantine area I call "interesting but true", and there they stay unless more probative information comes forward.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake




Friday, February 24, 2017 11:32 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There are some pretty sick, creepy people who control the world ... Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg ... in previous times the "robber barons" Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, JP Morgan etc ... who are constitutionally devoid of empathy. It's a natural outcome of a system that rewards and venerates greed: the greediest and smartest rise to the top, and those are (naturally) people who don't fear negative consequences and who couldn't give a shit about people in general. The system is tailor-made for psychopathy.

But if you want to rise to near the top, you need to be psychopathic yourself, and if you aren't born a psychopath, you'll want to be made into one! That would consist of purposefully violating any tenets of moral behavior or sympathetic/ empathetic impulses that you might have ...

You've been Fremmed over the years.

All true.. yet...

Sure, there's a possibility to all of this, but then it needs to lead back ot something substantial, not nec a full story on a majo network, but something that is real, or verifiable, or completely consistent with reality.

Even the Epstein story has major holes in it. But sometimes a pizza place is just a pizza place. I mean, I've been to the Slavica, the diner that overthrew communism, several times. I doubt it ever had child sex slaves in the basement.

Revolution, conspiracy and treason do not happen in back alleys, they happen in the light of day.


Friday, February 24, 2017 2:25 PM


are they crazy to put these paranoid code words together or is wikileaks just BS?

WikiLeaks Exposed April Ryan as More Than ‘Just a Reporter’

Roger Stone, Trump confidant: I did not know John Podesta’s email would be hacked

John St. Lawrence: Let’s hear the truth behind DNC and Podesta emails


Friday, February 24, 2017 7:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sure, there's a possibility to all of this, but then it needs to lead back ot something substantial, not nec[?] a full story on a majo network, but something that is real, or verifiable, or completely consistent with reality.- DT
Which is why it goes into the "interesting IF true" category.

Can't anyone retain an idea without either immediately rejecting or accepting it? I mean, what's the rush?

There are a lot of stories "out there", some are going to sound preposterous but wind up being true, a lot sound true but are going to be false. So I'll wait for more probative information to come along before I make up my mind. I think I made that point already.

The only reason why I posted is to say that it should not be immediately rejected because it "sounds" loopy .... I'm sure MKULTRA did too ... just kind of keep it in a large memory warehouse for further correlation, if possible.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Friday, February 24, 2017 7:55 PM


I sees pizza fly, see lots of pasta too.

Looking better with bogus cover story

but worse with instant victim

now we have partisan pedophiles.

Hmmm... jury is out, but aren't there more important things, like illegal wars?


Friday, February 24, 2017 10:02 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You seriously can't make this shit up.

Yet you seem to be doing jes fine at it.

I'm pretty sure we're hitting full Pirate News here. Remember to call him by his full PN title, Clintonista billionaire sex offender Jeffrey JEW Epstein.

Local eateries are often political power centers because it's where politicians and billionaires meet for lunch. It turns out they have more power than child sex slaves.

This koolaid appears way off the deep end. That link definitely improves its credibility. I had to wonder if The Right Stuff site was for real, of it was just Chrisisall trolling again.

It's possible it's not true. I like what Signey had to say about it earlier.

I wouldn't compare it to PN though. I found his posting here very offensive, and that was mostly because of his constant capitilization of Jew in almost every thread topic and leaving little doubt of his hatred for Jews.

It's like that discussion we had about the term Deep State, but multiplied by 10 times. Didn't matter if any of the stuff he was saying carried any weight because 99% of people were automatically going to tune him out when he posted like that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:34 AM


6, Sig,

Of course, but it's in that maybe category, so I can't base other conclusions upon it until other things lead there.

PN et al don't realize what a Jew is. They would argue w/ me if I said that the NWO is not a jew thing. Wells was not jewish, neither were any of the original conspirators. But that's not the point: The Synagogue is open. Anyone can be a Jew. Ivanka, by all means, come on it. But people don't. Okay, Jews have a lot of money and power. But in time we're losing this advantage to Islam. So that's why the Zionist nutters want to take it out.


Sunday, July 23, 2017 10:13 AM


Weird, all the youtube videos got pulled...I guess it might be time to move to liveleak, vid dot . me twiter etc

Blogs and news media seem to be going crazy about Cernovich, Jack Posobiec etc and others names

Not sure this 'Seaman' guy went anywhere, maybe what some of what he said was true...or maybe he was to write a weird tinfoil headed fictional book?

How far does the story go?

talk of "Luciferian" , elite illuminati etc


Sunday, April 12, 2020 2:01 PM



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