'Vault 7': Your TV is watching you

UPDATED: Saturday, March 11, 2017 17:52
VIEWED: 2936
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As it turns out, the NSA isn't the only one prying into everyone's apps. 'Vault 7' details how the CIA can turn your smart TV into a "bug", take over your car, and implicate anyone (else) as a cyber-criminal by manipulating meta data.

As Kim Dotcom said


Obama accused Russia of cyberattacks while his CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in Russia into listening devices. Wow!
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 3:00 AM


Another reason why I don't have a smart TV or a cell phone or a PS4/XBox 1. And also why I build my own PCs. When you build your own, you know if you put a camera or a microphone in it.

Me and my bros have always put tape over the cameras of laptops, and I've gotten a lot of other people to do it too. Blocking a microphone isn't nearly as simple as that. You can always go into your settings and disable these, but if anybody gets control of your computer through a virus or other means it's easy enough to turn them back on without your knowledge. And with government and corporations working in concert as they have for so long now, it's not too far fetched to believe that when you update your browser or iTunes that one of the things you're allowing is this remote functionality.

The Xbox 1 is always on, and a majority of its functionality won't work if you're not connected to the internet. It's always listening, and it can turn the camera on at any time. It's kind of cool that you could come home from work and tell it to turn your TV on and what channel to put on, but that functionality means that at any time it can be listening to anything else you're saying too.

I'm getting to be an old dog. They don't care about me, and they're not in a hurry. Changes don't happen overnight. The kids grow up with this stuff and think it's normal. Give it a few generations and we'll all be mandated to have TVs in every room of our house that are connected at all times like in 1984. By that time the technology will be so cheap that the government will be assigning them to us.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 5:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No kidding.

One reason why I'm wavering between fixing up my 15-year old car and buying new is less "electronics". The new electronics (GPS navigation, in-vehicle entertainment system, Blue-tooth everything) are failure-prone and the cause of many consumer complaints. They're also hackable.

Many people have bought into the idea of "the internet of everything". Really? The NSA and CIA get to see how many times you open your frig? I have a colleague who was bragging about his home security, and in the context of how hackable everything is, I rather sourly asked him of he could view his home via his mart phone. By the startled look on his face, it was clear that the cost of convenient of instant accessibility hadn't occurred to him. But as parents of crib-monitors know, you DON'T want your devices broadcasting all over creation!


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:29 AM


heh... that's interesting, and creepy. I never really thought about that aspect of it since I've purposely limited my access to new tech. I actually had the idea of creating an app years ago that would be able to notify you at any time if your sump pump went out, i just didn't have the knowledge of how to make the unit or the app and just let that idea go. It came up in a conversation the other day with my dad and he said that they do indeed have an app for that. I hope whoever made it made some good deals and is getting a nice kickback for that one.

Maybe now that I'm not drinking if something else like that pops in my head I'll figure out how to make it first

I love tech, and I frequently tinker with it. I'm just very selective about what I let into my home and my life, and most of the stuff I build myself or are hand me downs that I re-purpose for uses that they weren't intended for.

My favorite new toy is the Raspberry Pi Zero.

Calling it a $5 computer is a bit of false advertising. It's currently produced at such a low number that you're not very likely to ever see it at a brick and mortar store, so you're going to have to buy it online from resellers that usually charge up to 10 bucks for shipping or force you to buy it with a bundle of other things. But unless you have a ton of computer odds and ends and cables like me, they are things you'd probably want to buy with one anyhow.

It's kind of amazing. It's less than half the size of a credit card and it comes with a 1ghz processor, 512mb of ram, a micro-sd slot that takes up to 512GB of storage space, HDMI output and a USB port. This little thing is more powerful than all of the computers I've ever built in my life except for the last 2. Their high-end model runs around 60 bucks and is 3 times as powerful and comes with wi-fi built in.

I'm planning on building myself an arcade cabinet from scratch this summer and using one of my old tube TVs for a more authentic arcade experience than you'd get with the new flat screen TVs. The 40 pin GPO can be wired up to the controls.

There's nothing wrong with tech as long as it's tech on your terms.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:49 AM


I'm shocked, shocked there is gambling going on. Wow you guys are morons. Of course this is going on. It's called spying for the purpose of gathering information.

It's very different from using that information to attack an opponent.

As for Russia, I don't give a shit if we go aggressively at them through cyber wars. I want us to be real about the fact that if we don't neither will our foes. They most certainly will. Anyone surprised this falls on the heals of Trumps accretion that Obama wire taped him. Is Assange still taking his cues from Russia and Trump?

As for this revelation about our capabilities, hey Russia, surprise.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:52 AM


inevitable. I remember samsung's big brother tv, and their argument was "uh, so you can skype"

Otoh, your computer already has a setup with a little spyware, can do the trick.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 12:42 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
I'm shocked, shocked there is gambling going on. Wow you guys are morons. Of course this is going on. It's called spying for the purpose of gathering information.

It's very different from using that information to attack an opponent.

As for Russia, I don't give a shit if we go aggressively at them through cyber wars. I want us to be real about the fact that if we don't neither will our foes. They most certainly will. Anyone surprised this falls on the heals of Trumps accretion that Obama wire taped him. Is Assange still taking his cues from Russia and Trump?

As for this revelation about our capabilities, hey Russia, surprise.


See what I mean about these people DT and anyone else who is level headed and somewhere in the middle?

I didn't even comment on the article or attack anyone or anything. I didn't even post an opinion on it.

But I'm a moron.

Remember when GWB was doing this type of stuff and the Patriot Act and all of these people were on my side back then? Funny how when their side is in power it's just the way things are done, huh?

But no. That's not THIGGRI. He's already told us that he's completely independent and a champion of the Truth. lol


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1:10 PM


Shit Jack, I look at you conversing with SIG the paranoid, SIG, who is only bothered by America doing this. SIG the conspiracy theorist and complainer. I see no push back from you pointing out that when it's Russia on the chopping block for hacking, according to SIG it didn't happen. When it's us, ohhh the outrage.

Get the point? Hey, post as you like and so will I. When I see SIG the hypocrite I'll continue to point it out.


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
I'm shocked, shocked there is gambling going on. Wow you guys are morons. Of course this is going on. It's called spying for the purpose of gathering information.

It's very different from using that information to attack an opponent.

As for Russia, I don't give a shit if we go aggressively at them through cyber wars. I want us to be real about the fact that if we don't neither will our foes. They most certainly will. Anyone surprised this falls on the heals of Trumps accretion that Obama wire taped him. Is Assange still taking his cues from Russia and Trump?

As for this revelation about our capabilities, hey Russia, surprise.


See what I mean about these people DT and anyone else who is level headed and somewhere in the middle?

I didn't even comment on the article or attack anyone or anything. I didn't even post an opinion on it.

But I'm a moron.

Remember when GWB was doing this type of stuff and the Patriot Act and all of these people were on my side back then? Funny how when their side is in power it's just the way things are done, huh?

But no. That's not THIGGRI. He's already told us that he's completely independent and a champion of the Truth. lol



Wednesday, March 8, 2017 2:08 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Shit Jack, I look at you conversing with SIG the paranoid, SIG, who is only bothered by America doing this. SIG the conspiracy theorist and complainer. I see no push back from you pointing out that when it's Russia on the chopping block for hacking, according to SIG it didn't happen. When it's us, ohhh the outrage.

Get the point? Hey, post as you like and so will I. When I see SIG the hypocrite I'll continue to point it out.

The point is that I think it's pretty obvious what you did. You saw me and Sigs conversation and without even reading any of it you just called both of us idiots. This is a regular pattern from you and completely predictable.

I didn't take Sigs side when she said her piece about you, so I see no reason to take your side when you pile on her. Sig's never attacked me. You called me a moron simply because you assumed I had an opinion on the matter.

Now that we are talking about it, I'll point out again that there is no evidence that we were hacked by Russia, and we know that our own government has been doing surveillance on its citizens at least since GWB was in office.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 6:02 PM


That was pretty trollish T, to interject that into someone eles's conversation


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 8:33 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Shit Jack, I look at you conversing with SIG the paranoid, SIG, who is only bothered by America doing this. SIG the conspiracy theorist and complainer. I see no push back from you pointing out that when it's Russia on the chopping block for hacking, according to SIG it didn't happen. When it's us, ohhh the outrage.

Get the point? Hey, post as you like and so will I. When I see SIG the hypocrite I'll continue to point it out.

The point is that I think it's pretty obvious what you did. You saw me and Sigs conversation and without even reading any of it you just called both of us idiots. This is a regular pattern from you and completely predictable.

I didn't take Sigs side when she said her piece about you, so I see no reason to take your side when you pile on her. Sig's never attacked me. You called me a moron simply because you assumed I had an opinion on the matter.

Now that we are talking about it, I'll point out again that there is no evidence that we were hacked by Russia, and we know that our own government has been doing surveillance on its citizens at least since GWB was in office.

First you tell me I spoke without even reading what you posted. You insinuated I was incorrect in my judgement of you. Then you give your opinion on the Russian hacking showing I was right. I can live with that.

17 American intelligence agencies say Russia did hack us Jack. A fact you forget.

And now, FBI opens criminal hunt for source of CIA hacking leak

I guess I wasn't being harsh after all dreamtrove. I'm sick of the deflecting some here do on behalf of Russia. I'm still waiting for your opinion on the Syria thread. I'll bump it so you can address my question.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I guess I wasn't being harsh after all dreamtrove. I'm sick of the deflecting some here do on behalf of Russia.
First of all, nobody is doing anything here "on behalf of Russia". Secondly, even if someone was, that doesn't give you the excuse to be the jackass.

THIS would have been the GREAT opportunity for for G or SECOND to break in and tell you that you were veering into trollish behavior by personally attacking someone. Again.

Too bad that didn't happen.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:40 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
First you tell me I spoke without even reading what you posted. You insinuated I was incorrect in my judgement of you. Then you give your opinion on the Russian hacking showing I was right. I can live with that.

17 American intelligence agencies say Russia did hack us Jack. A fact you forget.

And now, FBI opens criminal hunt for source of CIA hacking leak

I guess I wasn't being harsh after all dreamtrove. I'm sick of the deflecting some here do on behalf of Russia. I'm still waiting for your opinion on the Syria thread. I'll bump it so you can address my question.

First thing you said when you came in was "Wow you guys are morons."

You read the thread title. You saw Sigs' first post. You saw that only Sigs and I were talking in here. You assumed.

I didn't talk about the article. I didn't talk about Russia. I talked about my personal experiences with tech, my wariness of tech, my love for tech, and actual capabilities of popular tech that everybody has in their homes.

Forget about the Syria thread. We are here right now. You do this all the time. You were out of line and speaking without even knowing what you were talking about.


Thursday, March 9, 2017 5:19 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
First you tell me I spoke without even reading what you posted. You insinuated I was incorrect in my judgement of you. Then you give your opinion on the Russian hacking showing I was right. I can live with that.

17 American intelligence agencies say Russia did hack us Jack. A fact you forget.

And now, FBI opens criminal hunt for source of CIA hacking leak

I guess I wasn't being harsh after all dreamtrove. I'm sick of the deflecting some here do on behalf of Russia. I'm still waiting for your opinion on the Syria thread. I'll bump it so you can address my question.

First thing you said when you came in was "Wow you guys are morons."

You read the thread title. You saw Sigs' first post. You saw that only Sigs and I were talking in here. You assumed.

I didn't talk about the article. I didn't talk about Russia. I talked about my personal experiences with tech, my wariness of tech, my love for tech, and actual capabilities of popular tech that everybody has in their homes.

Forget about the Syria thread. We are here right now. You do this all the time. You were out of line and speaking without even knowing what you were talking about.

SIG is a one trick pony. She spreads doubts about our government and it's intentions. I've seen it here for years. The ones she protects are Iran, Russia and Syria. That's why I crack on her when she mentions Americas' intelligence agencies and what they're up to. She claims at times the countries I mention are not her concern. Really, the problems they cause for us and our allies and they are not her concern? If she's American they should be.



Thursday, March 9, 2017 8:06 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
SIG is a one trick pony. She spreads doubts about our government and it's intentions. I've seen it here for years. The ones she protects are Iran, Russia and Syria. That's why I crack on her when she mentions Americas' intelligence agencies and what they're up to. She claims at times the countries I mention are not her concern. Really, the problems they cause for us and our allies and they are not her concern? If she's American they should be.

Still talking about the "you guys are morons" thing.


Thursday, March 9, 2017 8:14 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
SIG is a one trick pony. She spreads doubts about our government and it's intentions. I've seen it here for years. The ones she protects are Iran, Russia and Syria. That's why I crack on her when she mentions Americas' intelligence agencies and what they're up to. She claims at times the countries I mention are not her concern. Really, the problems they cause for us and our allies and they are not her concern? If she's American they should be.

Still talking about the "you guys are morons" thing.

Should I go back and grab a few more of your posts? Someone calling you a moron is nothing compared to what you've posted in these threads. Your stuck on that because I was right and you can't counter it.

Let me remind you;

"First you tell me I spoke without even reading what you posted. You insinuated I was incorrect in my judgement of you. Then you give your opinion on the Russian hacking showing I was right. I can live with that.

17 American intelligence agencies say Russia did hack us Jack. A fact you forget.

And now, FBI opens criminal hunt for source of CIA hacking leak



Thursday, March 9, 2017 8:22 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Should I go back and grab a few more of your posts? Someone calling you a moron is nothing compared to what you've posted in these threads. Your stuck on that because I was right and you can't counter it.

You weren't right.

You came in here and called me a moron. I had not expressed an opinion on the article or even reference it in any way up to that point. Why did you do that?


Thursday, March 9, 2017 10:01 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

17 American intelligence agencies say Russia did hack us Jack. A fact you forget.

No, that would be an opinon. their opinon, a fact that they have that opinion. But it's not a fact like an "it happened" sort of fact.

What else are they going to say? "Oh we fucked up and left the information on an unsecured server and then some of our employees took it, as happened in the last two administrations, in fact, ever since the advent of computer networking?"

6 is right. You're still trolling, long after you were called on it by everyone on the thread.

Know when to fold 'em, and probably apologize.

Also, I have to agree with Sig. If people think independently, call each other out on trolling.


Friday, March 10, 2017 10:44 PM


If I held my breath for an apology I'd suffocate.

I'm satisfied with THG's silence on the matter. He knows what he did. This is just one of those gotcha moments that really show how he handles everything else. Look at how he posts about anything anywhere and this is just his MO.


Friday, March 10, 2017 10:58 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Should I go back and grab a few more of your posts? Someone calling you a moron is nothing compared to what you've posted in these threads. Your stuck on that because I was right and you can't counter it.

You weren't right.

You came in here and called me a moron. I had not expressed an opinion on the article or even reference it in any way up to that point. Why did you do that?

Because you are Jack. Go back to the Putin domestic violence act thread and look at my last post. On and on and on you go because you think you have something. A flaw in my timeline of the events as I posted them. In the end you are shown to be nothing more than a pain in the ass who can't read. You post and post without any links to your claims. I had to post with you while I did the research for you. Somebody always has to figure it out, put in all together for you. Lets see if you finally get it Jack. The timeline is correct.

It's the same here. You think you see something here. You can't figure out why I said what I said even though I've told you. = moron. Sorry Jack but after going a few rounds with you the title fits.



Friday, March 10, 2017 11:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Because you are Jack. Go back to the Putin domestic violence act thread and look at my last post. On and on and on you go because you think you have something. A flaw in my timeline of the events as I posted them.
Yes, son, there IS a flaw in your timeline. The article that you posted was dated March. The event that it talked about happened in NOVEMBER. As described in the article.


In the end you are shown to be nothing more than a pain in the ass who can't read.
Oh, dear. Now egg is on YOUR face, isn't it?


You post and post without any links to your claims. I had to post with you while I did the research for you. Somebody always has to figure it out, put in all together for you. Lets see if you finally get it Jack. The timeline is correct.
THUGR, I don't even like you, but this is so embarrassing that I'm squirming on your behalf. And that's saying something.


It's the same here. You think you see something here. You can't figure out why I said what I said even though I've told you. = moron. Sorry Jack but after going a few rounds with you the title fits.
You've dug yourself a really, really ... really ... deep hole. But I'm glad I preserved this for posterity.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Friday, March 10, 2017 11:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Now, like all good (paid) trolls, since THUGR has accomplished a total derailment of the topic ... what do you think this says about our privacy?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Friday, March 10, 2017 11:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Because you are Jack. Go back to the Putin domestic violence act thread and look at my last post. On and on and on you go because you think you have something. A flaw in my timeline of the events as I posted them.
Yes, son, there IS a flaw in your timeline. The article that you posted was dated March. The event that it talked about happened in NOVEMBER. As described in the article.


In the end you are shown to be nothing more than a pain in the ass who can't read.
Oh, dear. Now egg is on YOUR face, isn't it?


You post and post without any links to your claims. I had to post with you while I did the research for you. Somebody always has to figure it out, put in all together for you. Lets see if you finally get it Jack. The timeline is correct.
THUGR, I don't even like you, but this is so embarrassing that I'm squirming on your behalf. And that's saying something.


It's the same here. You think you see something here. You can't figure out why I said what I said even though I've told you. = moron. Sorry Jack but after going a few rounds with you the title fits.
You've dug yourself a really, really ... really ... deep hole. But I'm glad I preserved this for posterity.

This is too much. He is what you posted in that thread and my response.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
THUGR, did you even bother to READ you link??? The story that you posted may have been dated March, but the event was in .... wait for it ... NOVEMBER

Yana Savchuk could have been saved. But when the Russian hairdresser, 36, called police in November saying that her partner was going to kill her, the officers who arrived cast off her cries for help as ridiculous.


Good lord, how can anyone get so close to retirement and still... OK, nevermind.

My response

Wait, are you ready for it SIG. I posted a headline and link to a story written in March 2017 after the law was signed into effect by Putin. You post the same link. It was intended as background highlighting domestic violence in Russia. I did not post the incident in the story you quote. That was just a part of the story. How is it you're such a complete moron you don't know the difference? And I quote you SIG, " The story that you posted may have been dated March but the event was in .... wait for it ... NOVEMBER.". So what SIG, again you quote a part of the story. A part of a story written in March 2017. There's nothing wrong with my timeline and I didn't mislead anyone. It's just that I'm dealing with some very confused people.

Holy shit, talk about stupid.



Saturday, March 11, 2017 12:20 AM


I think the evidence speaks for itself people.


Saturday, March 11, 2017 12:23 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Now, like all good (paid) trolls, since THUGR has accomplished a total derailment of the topic ... what do you think this says about our privacy?

At this point I would assume that THG was a paid troll if we were in a forum that got a lot of traffic.

Then again, who knows? Maybe this was all in anticipation of the revival of the series and a new influx of users?


Saturday, March 11, 2017 1:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess nobody cares if we have any privacy anymore?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 11, 2017 1:50 AM


It's really just a moot point now. There's more cameras out there now than ever before. Everybody has them on their phones. Drones are all over the place. They're going to be so small and so cheap someday they'll probably be on nanobots in the air that you can't even see.

All you can do now if it bothers you is limit the tech you have in your home today. If you're super paranoid, move out in the boonies and cut yourself off from the rest of the world.

That stuff used to bother me. I hate taking the Orwellian "if you're not doing anything wrong than what do you have to worry about?" mentality, but if you don't you can drive yourself crazy with it. I figure most people online do things that are considered wrong to some degree or another. I'm not planning any terror attacks or looking at underage kids, so I'm not worried about it.


Saturday, March 11, 2017 10:02 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I think the evidence speaks for itself people.

It does. It shows I have confidence in the laws that protect my privacy from government spying. That's because I understand the process. It shows you don't Jack. Trump claiming Obama ordered a wiretap on his phones shows he doesn't either. For that, he is paying a high political price.

It shows you, SIG and Trump are incapable of understanding all the nuances and subtle differences in our laws that protect us. That separates us out from foreign entities. That insures our intelligence agencies have to get warrants issued by judges, if they wish to read or listen to information they may have, without intention, collected on a US citizen. And again a warrant to knowingly wiretap a citizen. There are many laws in place to keep these agencies in check.

It shows SIG continues to spew falsehoods about how we do things in this country. And your lack of good sense makes you receptive to her rants. You would understand my response to SIG'S posting on this topic, if you were privy to my, and others here, past experiences with her. Her constantly miss representing the truth. And her years of trolling on behalf of Russia. She gets no free ride here from me as she continues to post her lies and bullshit.

I am also confident Jack that you do not possess the skill to research any of this. Not that you don't know how to look something up, or read threads created here about Russia Jack, but instead because you lack the discipline it takes to actually do it. All you have shown yourself to be capable of is spewing opinions compiled on the ingredients of ignorance.

As far as your rant about what I posted on the topic of domestic violence in Russia goes, you were wrong. SIG was wrong. And the proof is in the reading.



Saturday, March 11, 2017 10:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


That's because I understand the process. -THUGR
Ah, yes, you understand "the process".

1) You DON'T understand "the process", you don't even know "the process". You demonstrated your complete ignorance of basic facts about the FISA court ... such as how many judges are involved, and who can request a warrant.

2) And you have evidence to support your faith that our intelligence agencies always ... or even usually... follow "the process"?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 11, 2017 11:03 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That's because I understand the process. -THUGR
Ah, yes, you understand "the process".

1) You DON'T understand "the process", you don't even know "the process". You demonstrated your complete ignorance of basic facts about the FISA court ... such as how many judges are involved, and who can request a warrant.

2) And you have evidence to support your faith that our intelligence agencies always ... or even usually... follow "the process"?

I have complete confidence you troll on behalf of Russia and you post to confuse. I also have complete confidence you are a hypocrite because you defend Iran, Assads' Syria and Russia. Further, it isn't our intelligence agencies spying on us that bothers you. It's their spying on Iran, Syria and Russia that pisses you off. But Americans don't care about that so you post they are spying on us. You are an endless stream of I hate everything America. Well SIG, @!ck you.



Saturday, March 11, 2017 11:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


...and you post to confuse.- THGUR

In order to learn, one must first feel that they don't know or perhaps that they're misinformed. That often leads to a feeling of confusion. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with confusion. I'm often confused. I look at a set of information and I KNOW that it doesn't make sense ... that clearly I'm missing one - or many- critical pieces of information. Or that I'm misinterpreting something. That's why I have a mental warehouse full of loose odds and ends which are looking for a mated piece of info.

Your desire to feel absolutely righteous about .... everything .... and your discomfort with the feeling of confusion are the reasons why you refuse to learn.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 11, 2017 11:42 AM


You're a clown T.

Don't feed the trolls Sig. T's on Ignore.


Saturday, March 11, 2017 11:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ah, yes. I must remember: Don't feed the trolls. Sorry SIX.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 11, 2017 4:04 PM


Trouble with site


Saturday, March 11, 2017 4:05 PM


Trouble with the site


Saturday, March 11, 2017 4:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

...and you post to confuse.- THGUR

In order to learn, one must first feel that they don't know or perhaps that they're misinformed. That often leads to a feeling of confusion. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with confusion. I'm often confused. I look at a set of information and I KNOW that it doesn't make sense ... that clearly I'm missing one - or many- critical pieces of information. Or that I'm misinterpreting something. That's why I have a mental warehouse full of loose odds and ends which are looking for a mated piece of info.

Your desire to feel absolutely righteous about .... everything .... and your discomfort with the feeling of confusion are the reasons why you refuse to learn.

Just more bullshit. You post subjectively, deliberately. This is how you attempt to devalue our democratic institutions. Something you work at all day everyday. And anyone SIG, who defends the dictators and tyrants of the world as you do, has no creditability or business criticizing this country or our leaders. You agree with Putin a dictator. You agree with Assad a dictator. Because Iran is a Russian ally you deflect criticisms on their behalf.

It's simple SIG. You 1kiki and dreamtrove always side with Russia. Why, because you three are of Polish decent and your posts reveal an affinity for Russia. It is because of that affinity, I believe some of your family members probably migrated from Russia to Poland. Then from there to here. I know 1kiki's did because she admitted as much. I believe the same of you and dreamtrove. Your posts reveal attitudes resembling those of the Russian migrants who have annexed parts of the Ukraine. Betraying SIG betraying, any loyalties they should have for a country that welcomed them.

Same thing with the Russian migrants who annexed parts of Georgia. Betraying SIG betraying, any loyalties they should have regarding a country that welcomed them.

Same thing with the Baltics SIG, who are desperately reaching out to the Russian migrants there. Why SIG, because they believe they are next. Migrants SIG, whom they welcomed but are now afraid will turn on them.

Yep, just like with the three of you. Now, being of Polish decent means nothing on it's own. Unless you have betrayed the loyalties you should have for a country that welcomed you. And you have SIG. There is thread after thread here of you and 1kiki implying it is America that is ruining the world. And it is Russia that is trying to save it.



Saturday, March 11, 2017 5:52 PM


All I see is 20 posts of threadjacking that has nothing to do with the original post.






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