I bid one no Trump

UPDATED: Thursday, March 23, 2017 23:02
VIEWED: 5344
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017 11:28 PM


Srsly. New topic. This ain't Trump'll fry fans. He ain't a real world event. Spouting partisanship is something ants do. And bees. And termites. Yes, a termite, with one millionth of a human brain of cognitive capacity, can be a partisan and argue politics. It can work, go on strike, engage in collective bargaining, go to war, and probably prosthelytize a set of religious beliefs. It can also make an airconditioner, which is kind of impressive. But yes, all those things take one milligram of brain. The other 99.9999% of your brain is thinking "who is this a*hole?"

Maybe more. There's the part that would rather be building an air conditioner.

I'm going to keep a list here of active threads that are not about Trump, got one in mind, please suggest it.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 12:18 AM


Yeah, let's chat about the weather, it's a real world event...oh wait we do that every day in CHAT. Bad weather, good weather...can't do a damn thing about either...

Ok, let's talk about race relations and how black people and brown people are all bad and do all the bad things, never mind the horrid white people beating toddlers to death... and a BUNCH of that lately.

OK, let's talk movies..


Ok, done there.

Religion? Obnoxious people doing obnoxious things and trying to get everyone else to be as obnoxious as they are.

Educashun? Five years away from purely communicating in text speak, even ME AND I HATE THE GODDAMN THINGS. And coming to a school near you, people who won't ever understand carbon dating...that's right.... EVANGELICALS!


You've got duct tape, and an aspirin held between the knees for contraception, right??? You say you are pregnant and the kid will need 24-7 care for the rest of it's life?? Too bad, Republicans say you should've used the Force to not get pregnant. Oh, and don't ask them for help until it would make them look good to give it.

Women's rights??

Yeah, today I offered to help build sets at my kid's school, since I've been woodworking since I was 12, and I got passed over for the holders of the penis with NO EXPERIENCE. BECAUSE A GROWN MAN CAN'T WORK WITH A WOMAN.
It's hard to look a woman in the eye when you are busy dragging your knuckles, isn't it guys??

And what do I care about women, since 99% of women would stab another woman in the back for a chance of a hump and a dinner, right? It's why we can't ever get enough of us together to actually change anything, because we are all so busy checking our backs for a knife. We had a chance for a woman president and we got the most two-faced bitch possible. Now we are stuck with a serial cheater, a boldface liar, and paranoid delusional misogynist bigot psychopath Russian puppet pervert with a god complex and the general education of a third world voodoo doctor and rock star status with every ne'er do well and cretin in the country and just may get the entire planet obliterated on a whim.

What was it you'd like to talk about again?

Sorry, I'm all out of flowers and sunshine, princess.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:04 AM




Thursday, March 16, 2017 1:47 AM


Married leader of Trump's Oklahoma primary campaign is facing prostitution charges after he was found in a Super 8 motel room with a teenage boy

How many times has THIS gotta happen before EVERYONE sees republicans for the hypocrites they are??? I seriously wonder if clergy or republicans are the bigger sexual predators, I see them at the same rates in the news... I would actually LOVE to be a part of that study.

At least when Democrats cheat it's usually with an adult of the opposing sex... or they just hide it better.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:54 AM


GOP = Gay Olde Pedophiles, yes?

{ O, that was mean, Oonj -- bad, Baad!! }

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life. Now all I want is a cookie.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:25 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
... or they just hide it better.

I'm going to go with that. Well, kinda. Nobody is looking for it with Democrats because they are inherently progressive, and you don't usually associate democrats with church goers (which isn't inherently true).

If you were to bust a Democratic politician for cheating on their opposite sex spouse with a member of the same sex they'd probably spin it in some way that they're a hero, or they were oppressed by society and pressured into marrying the opposite sex and living a lie.

Here's a link to an article about this.

I'd like to see a follow up on this. I think instead of trying to do the juvenile thing and tie this to Trump's presidency, people should be looking at what is important here. Is there a child sex ring in Oklahoma? Who is in charge of it? Why aren't people rabid about putting whoever is in charge of it behind bars? Why is Christopher Brennan not trying to put the focus on this when writing about it?


Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:


WISHY just needs to rant. She hates her life. Once she gets offa this fixation, she'll go back to bitching about "stupid people". Or something else. It doesn't really matter what, this is more about her than anything.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

“Do you think we have free will?”
“We? No. I’m a radical semi-compatibilist. I think everyone has free will except me. You are culpable for your bad actions. Me? I’m just along for the ride.”
The last panel in this comic has a Firefly reference.

Philosophy professors, authors of Why We Argue (and How We Should), engage in an unscripted dialogue about “Argumentative Cynics”. There are such cynics at RWED.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:43 AM


Wow. We have a forum comprised of
Who posted this

Meanwhile, over at Trump'll fry fans...
I guess I have to post a Trump thread.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:42 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

WISHY just needs to rant. She hates her life.

Hellooooo? Arthritis at 24??? Strict diet, in-laws from HELL? You just figured that out NOW?? Way to go, Sherlock

But, don't we all, I mean, isn't that why we are all HERE? This is just a place to bitch, since we have nowhere else to go, really...

Well, I don't entirely know why YOU'RE here, I mean anyone who thinks socialism has a chance in this country after seeing the Trumpturds lost the other brain cell in their head loooong ago. You and your comrade are probably the most prime examples of oblivious that I could ever come up with.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:31 PM


Here's your new topic DT. I'm re-posting it because I think it was missed in here, and it's appalling that a story like this is used for political mud-slinging instead of the real issue that lies on the surface.


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
... or they just hide it better.

I'm going to go with that. Well, kinda. Nobody is looking for it with Democrats because they are inherently progressive, and you don't usually associate democrats with church goers (which isn't inherently true).

If you were to bust a Democratic politician for cheating on their opposite sex spouse with a member of the same sex they'd probably spin it in some way that they're a hero, or they were oppressed by society and pressured into marrying the opposite sex and living a lie.

Here's a link to an article about this.

I'd like to see a follow up on this. I think instead of trying to do the juvenile thing and tie this to Trump's presidency, people should be looking at what is important here. Is there a child sex ring in Oklahoma? Who is in charge of it? Why aren't people rabid about putting whoever is in charge of it behind bars? Why is Christopher Brennan not trying to put the focus on this when writing about it?


Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:17 PM


Awww, Jack is trying to use that whole "hocus-pocus-do-not-focus" thing to deflect that ANOTHER member of the GOP is a pedo, and is inflating the incident to "it must be a child sex ring, they had to have roped him in".

There IS child sex rings all over this country, and it's usually conservatives who can marginalize a human being so well that they can do that. I see it every day, the most religious conservative people are the ones that say god is telling them to starve, beat, kill kids.

Yet another study I'd like to see done...


Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:45 PM


Talk to me when you can give me a good reason why Bill and Hillary went to Epstein's pedophile island so many times Wish.

The guy broke the law, ruined and embarrassed his family and will go down in disgrace. That's already done. Nobody is defending him.

What I want to know is why the author doesn't seem to care at all about the fact that there is a child sex ring going on there and instead he is playing another game of pin the pedo on Trump.

You Dems are seriously sick in the head.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:08 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Talk to me when you can give me a good reason why Bill and Hillary went to Epstein's pedophile island so many times Wish.

Frequent flyer discounts?


Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:32 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Talk to me when you can give me a good reason why Bill and Hillary went to Epstein's pedophile island so many times Wish.

I'm not going to let you squirm out if the subject. Years ago we had people post lists of Dems and Repubs that were charged with crimes, the Repubs were the pedos and the dems were the embezzlers... Have you ever given half a thought to why that is?

Because Republicans MARGINALIZE PEOPLE. As in they look at human beings and write them off and look down on others, usually because of how they look. And usually to make themselves feel better.

Would you rather be associated with people who are greedy or people that are heartless?? I would rather not have either, but greedy wins for being an honest reaction, you have to LEARN to be heartless.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:58 PM




Friday, March 17, 2017 3:55 AM


Here's the problem with you Regressives.

You'll virtue signal all day about feminism and LGBT rights and equality and demonize the white American male and talk about some invisible "Patriarchy" like it's the all seeing eye of Horus that's keeping you down. You'll bitch and whine about the completely made up wage gap or freak out about what bathrooms a transgender should use, and call anyone who doesn't agree with you a nazi, and truly believe that to be the case.

Meanwhile, anybody saying they don't want Muslim refugees coming in by the hundreds of thousands from countries we're currently at war with is also evil. Not only are these refugees of countries we have been killing innocents with drone strikes since GWB got re-elected, but these are people who overwhelmingly support a religion that enslaves its women and throws gays off of buildings.

This article is another perfect example of the diseased Regressive mind.

10 years ago the story would have been focused on the fact that there is an underage prostitute in Oklahoma and how vile that is and how this needs to be pursued and stopped. Today, it's hardly mentioned other than to point out what a sick fuck politician who supported Trump does with his free time. It hardly was even attacking the guy who did the act. This story was more about tying the act to Trump than anything else.

They got the guy. They got the kid. If you really give a shit about horrible things like this happening to children than you, the journalist who wrote the article and decent people in general should be more concerned with putting the screws to this guy and working with the kid and going up that particular food chain and blowing this pedophile ring out of the water.

But that's not what you care about. You don't give a shit about that kid. You, like the rest of the Regressive Left care about nothing but yourself and your hypocritical virtue signaling.


Friday, March 17, 2017 9:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Meanwhile, anybody saying they don't want Muslim refugees coming in by the hundreds of thousands from countries we're currently at war with is also evil. Not only are these refugees of countries we have been killing innocents with drone strikes since GWB got re-elected, but these are people who overwhelmingly support a religion that enslaves its women and throws gays off of buildings.

Here is the deal: you want to violate the Constitution of the United States in five different ways because you are scared. Yes, that's right. Five different ways. Rewrite the Constitution and then you can have it your way.

1. Equal Protection. This order raises discrimination concerns surrounding the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, singling out individuals for their religion and nationality by focusing on seven predominantly Muslim countries. Additionally, our immigration laws already forbid such discrimination in issuing visas.

2. First Amendment. The order raises religious freedom concerns, including issues surrounding the ban on government establishment of religion. The law suspends admission of all refugees but asks the secretary of homeland security to “prioritize refugee claims” by members of a “minority religion” in a given country. This effectively means explicitly deprioritizing Muslim refugees in majority-Muslim countries. As Mark Joseph Stern has explained, the apparent preference for Christians of the order itself as well as Trump’s long history of comments supporting a “Muslim ban” will not help the law’s success in the courts.

3. Due Process. The procedures used to enforce the order, if they can be called procedures, are arbitrary. Past Supreme Court cases have permitted individuals to be excluded at the border but only after some modicum of individualized review and administrative process, authorized by laws and regulations. A lack of due process under the Fifth and 14th amendments for those affected should not be hard to show, considering the hasty, sweeping changes enacted without administrative process or legislation, confusion on the ground, and reports of outright refusal to follow court orders. Moreover, green card holders have enhanced rights compared to non-green card holders against arbitrary treatment.

4. Habeas Corpus. Lawyers at airports have been filing habeas corpus petitions around the clock for people being detained. In recent years, the Supreme Court strengthened the protections of habeas corpus for noncitizens repeatedly in rulings in cases brought by Guantánamo detainees. Less known were earlier rulings strengthening protections for noncitizens in detention facing removal, such as Zadvydas v. Davis. The national security or “plenary” power over immigration did not faze the justices in such rulings.

5. Family Reunification Rights. The tragic stories of separated families bring out yet another constitutional right at stake that few have commented on: The Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the importance of the fundamental right to family relationships. Family reunification is also of primary importance in immigration law.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:14 AM


More off topic virtue signaling. Big surprise.


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:47 AM


Second, you must really hate Obama for that travel ban.


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
More off topic virtue signaling. Big surprise.

You are not even in the first one hundred millionth right wingers to assume only the parts of the Constitution you like are the parts that Federal Judges should enforce. The National Review did what you're doing a month and a half before you. You are late for the party. It started without you: "Exclusion of Aliens from Specific Countries Is Legal. Arguments to the contrary ignore the Constitution and misstate federal law." Except they weren't about specific countries. They are about specific religions being excluded, but they are trying to hide that, except they can NOT because the Federal Judges already know too many people who blabbed in public on the record about their real intentions.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 17, 2017 1:28 PM


I was talking about a child sex trafficking ring and exposing them and how we should be going after them, and how you Regressives only use these things as a political tool and don't actually give a shit about the abuse.

You pressing this off topic issue only serves to illustrate that point.


Friday, March 17, 2017 7:58 PM


Republican politicians are convicted of sex crimes 18 times more often than Democrats. Fact!


Friday, March 17, 2017 8:03 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Republican politicians are convicted of sex crimes 18 times more often than Democrats. Fact!

Democrats have 18 times more opportunities to work to put an end to the crime syndicates that exploit these women and children rather than using these events and statistics to further their political agenda. Fact!


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:36 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I was talking about a child sex trafficking ring ...

Like YOU care, you only changed the topic so you could run away from the truth you faker! And you still doing it!

You wanna start a thread a bout sex trafficking, go ahead, but don't think for a minute we don't see right through you.


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:38 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Democrats have 18 times more opportunities to work to put an end to the crime syndicates that exploit these women and children rather than using these events and statistics to further their political agenda. Fact!

Repubs are 18 times more capable of exposing the creeps in their midst, but just recruit more! Fact!

Who is more culpable, the ones DOING the thing or the ones who have nothing to do with the creeps to know what they are doing??
Uh, huh... try again...


Friday, March 17, 2017 10:44 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I was talking about a child sex trafficking ring ...

Like YOU care, you only changed the topic so you could run away from the truth you faker! And you still doing it!

You wanna start a thread a bout sex trafficking, go ahead, but don't think for a minute we don't see right through you.

What truth? What exactly is the message you're trying to convey?


Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:20 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

What truth? What exactly is the message you're trying to convey?



Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Because Republicans MARGINALIZE PEOPLE
As opposed to Democrats, who don't?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 18, 2017 1:48 AM


You seem to be spinning even more out of control Wish. Your posts are getting crazier and I'm scared that you're going to hurt yourself or somebody you love. I hope you get the help you need.


Saturday, March 18, 2017 2:14 AM


California Democrats Decriminalize Child Prostitution:

I did have to do a bit of searching to find a seemingly neutral site on this, since the right leaning fake news sites go all the way and say that California Democrats full-on legalized underage prostitution, and the left leaning fake news sites say that nothing at all is wrong with this law.

That being said, forgive me for having to post this news from a health website by a journalist who seems to be a staunch anti-vaccer. I just wanted to throw that out there before anybody swoops in and completely derails the discussion.

If I could have posted this from an un-biased "real" news source, I would have.

There is no such thing.

For your reading pleasure, here is the actual law. Use your brain and decide for yourself instead of letting some biased overpaid turd tell you what to think.


Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:14 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I hope you get the help you need.

Coming from the king of stupid and useless, that's hilarious


Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

After the law was changed, children accused of the crime go to Juvenile Protection, but it is still a crime. Before the law changed, children were imprisoned in a county jail for not less than 72 hours and fined not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). I'm thinking 6stringJack is a stereotypical enraged Republican who wants to jail children with adults.

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
California Democrats Decriminalize Child Prostitution:

I did have to do a bit of searching to find a seemingly neutral site on this, since the right leaning fake news sites go all the way and say that California Democrats full-on legalized underage prostitution, and the left leaning fake news sites say that nothing at all is wrong with this law.

That being said, forgive me for having to post this news from a health website by a journalist who seems to be a staunch anti-vaccer. I just wanted to throw that out there before anybody swoops in and completely derails the discussion.

If I could have posted this from an un-biased "real" news source, I would have.

There is no such thing.

For your reading pleasure, here is the actual law. Use your brain and decide for yourself instead of letting some biased overpaid turd tell you what to think.

I admit I did read the law and discovered that wonderful Republicans are lying about the law and about their motives to take over government by, well, lying about the law in this fashion: "Pimps rejoice as California’s lunatic liberal lawmakers open the floodgates to exploiting young teens for the sex trade"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 18, 2017 9:20 AM



Originally posted by G:
How about from some biased, unpaid turd? You take the yellow cake dude - you'll believe anything. "If it's on the web it must be 4 reals!"

What is "anti-vaccer?" Anti vaccine? I can't keep up with all the abbreviations and slogans you copy off the web. SWJ, VIRTUE PANTS something? is there a web site that translates these? I think you need to take a break from the Interwebs.

Google any part of that title G and you'll be flooded with pages and pages of that story from huffington post to zerohedge. I picked one that wasn't a politically affiliated site by somebody who's view on it seemed far more neutral than all the typical sites you guys all post here all the time.

I have zero doubt that you neglected to actually read the law and form your own opinion about it.


Saturday, March 18, 2017 9:26 AM



Originally posted by second:
After the law was changed, children accused of the crime go to Juvenile Protection, but it is still a crime. Before the law changed, children were imprisoned in a county jail for not less than 72 hours and fined not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). I'm thinking 6stringJack is a stereotypical enraged Republican who wants to jail children with adults.

I admit I did read the law and discovered that wonderful Republicans are lying about the law and about their motives to take over government by, well, lying about the law in this fashion: "Pimps rejoice as California’s lunatic liberal lawmakers open the floodgates to exploiting young teens for the sex trade"

It is not still a crime, for the child. So long as the child wasn't on drugs or committing any other crimes at the time, they are not charged with anything. Any adults paying for the service are still charged, as they sure as shit should be. Hence decriminalization and not legalization.

That is why I looked for a neutral site to post this story. I'm well aware of how crazy the right wing websites were spinning it and I didn't agree with them. You, apparently, did not read the law and have not formed your own opinion about it. Your reply sounds like it came straight off the pages of the Huffington Post.

The answer lies somewhere in the middle. I'm trying to meet you there, but you just like to argue and insult other people as usual.


Saturday, March 18, 2017 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Coming from the king of stupid and useless, that's hilarious

I hope they legalize weed in Indiana soon so you can get yourself a script. You have become a ranting and raving lunatic and you're just really mean for no reason.


Saturday, March 18, 2017 9:56 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
California Democrats Decriminalize Child Prostitution:

I did have to do a bit of searching to find a seemingly neutral site on this, since the right leaning fake news sites go all the way and say that California Democrats full-on legalized underage prostitution, and the left leaning fake news sites say that nothing at all is wrong with this law.

That being said, forgive me for having to post this news from a health website by a journalist who seems to be a staunch anti-vaccer. I just wanted to throw that out there before anybody swoops in and completely derails the discussion.

If I could have posted this from an un-biased "real" news source, I would have. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YA THINK?

There is no such thing.

For your reading pleasure, here is the actual law. Use your brain and decide for yourself instead of letting some biased overpaid turd tell you what to think.

How about from some biased, unpaid turd? You take the yellow cake dude - you'll believe anything. "If it's on the web it must be 4 reals!"

What is "anti-vaccer?" Anti vaccine? I can't keep up with all the abbreviations and slogans you copy off the web. SWJ, VIRTUE PANTS something? is there a web site that translates these? I think you need to take a break from the Interwebs.

The guys not working with a bright bulb G. And the only things untrue on the internet to Jack are facts, the things posted by you, me, SECOND, and KPO. Anyone really, who exposes the lies and fake news posted by SIG and the other Russian trolls here.



Saturday, March 18, 2017 10:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Coming from the king of stupid and useless, that's hilarious - WISHY

I hope they legalize weed in Indiana soon so you can get yourself a script. You have become a ranting and raving lunatic and you're just really mean for no reason.- SIX

I agree with you that WISHY is mean, but it's not for "no reason". Her life sucks. She's in pain, her family suffers from multiple chronic conditions, and the help that SHE needs is to be cured and to have her family cured, and if not cured at least alleviated. And if not alleviated, at least recognized by the people who count: the medical profession. Nothing is more crazy-making than to know that you or your family member suffer from "something" that medical professionals are all-too-eager to dismiss and ignore. It was a relief to have the doctors throw up their hands with our daughter - they at least acknowledged that she had something that they didn't know how to deal with.

But THAT kind of help if probably not forthcoming for WISHY.

Some people respond with anger, and anger is an amazing drug- it makes you feel powerful and in-control, and when you feel like life is tumbling you around like a washing machine, anger is the antidote for confusion, pain, and helplessness. And angrily calling EVERYONE "stupid" just makes you feel smarter, as well as "in control".

Sometimes life just hand you lemons and - guess what?- making lemonade isn't the answer.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 18, 2017 10:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The guys not working with a bright bulb G.
Trolling, by the King of Stupid.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 18, 2017 10:35 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
The guys not working with a bright bulb G. And the only things untrue on the internet to Jack are facts, the things posted by you, me, SECOND, and KPO. Anyone really, who exposes the lies and fake news posted by SIG and the other Russian trolls here.



Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:12 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But THAT kind of help if probably not forthcoming for WISHY.

Some people respond with anger, and anger is an amazing drug- it makes you feel powerful and in-control, and when you feel like life is tumbling you around like a washing machine, anger is the antidote for confusion, pain, and helplessness. And angrily calling EVERYONE "stupid" just makes you feel smarter, as well as "in control".

Sometimes life just hand you lemons and - guess what?- making lemonade isn't the answer.

Oh my gerd, what sanctimonious CRAP. You think talking about my life bothers me...well, I'm not in high school. I grew up. And Jack IS fucking stupid. Anyone that posts the shit he posts about wanting to work minimum wage jobs and whining about how he himself ruined his own health and wanting someone else to pay for his damn teeth is CRAZY. I was the only one pointing that out while turds like you did nothing...

Sometimes anger is a useful tool to help you point out the fucking morons!


Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trolling, by the King of Stupid.

Really? Reusing insults I just used? Not bright enough to come up with your own?


Saturday, March 18, 2017 12:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sometimes anger is a useful tool to help you point out the fucking morons!
Uh huh. Getting all hysterical, angry, and righteous not only drives people away here (which in YOUR grand scheme of things is inconsequential) it also drives away friends, doctors, teachers, neighbors, family, and others from whom you may need help, or at least a sympathetic ear.

You're not so smart, so perfect, and so rich that you can afford to do that, are you?

SIX at least acknowledged his drinking problem. What are you doing about your anger addiction?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Tuesday, March 21, 2017 8:42 PM


I understand your quest, but did you hear about the Comey Press conference where Trump was live tweeting the questions that the reporters should have been asking, and then the reporters did ask Comey those questions, and Comey gave his excuses?
That sounds like something new in White House/FBI/Press relations, whether or not you like the person engaging in this milestone.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:27 PM


Yeah, did you see the one where Comey said "That's correct, at this time there was no evidence of collusion IN THE ONE REPORT FROM JANUARY 6"

And idiot-man-baby Trump went "See, he said no collusion" and in general had NO IDEA what the comment was about AT ALL.

That was hi-larious-ly moronic!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:49 PM


Trump's a moron. That's funny.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:51 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

There IS child sex rings all over this country, and it's usually conservatives who can marginalize a human being so well that they can do that. I see it every day, the most religious conservative people are the ones that say god is telling them to starve, beat, kill kids.

Yet another study I'd like to see done...

I have a close relative who is angry. I know she loves every
second of her screaming, bitching & bullying. Rageoholics are
dedicated to the intimidating power trip; they don't even want
to get straight & treat others well. Meanwhile, her husband vents
his anger by beating the kids. They are devout Christians -- but
I think they always skip the parts where Jesus demonstrates
healing, peace & love.
Forgiveness? That seems to be the tricky one.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

The meaning of life is Work on Myself.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:26 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

I have a close relative who is angry. I know she loves every
second of her screaming, bitching & bullying. Rageoholics are
dedicated to the intimidating power trip; they don't even want
to get straight & treat others well. Meanwhile, her husband vents
his anger by beating the kids. They are devout Christians -- but
I think they always skip the parts where Jesus demonstrates
healing, peace & love.
Forgiveness? That seems to be the tricky one.

From the first time I read the bible all the way through, I've thought that if Jesus existed he was the first hippy. I mean, the hair, the wine, the sandals, hanging out with people of ill repute. Turn carpentry into sculpture and he sounds like the guys I knew from art classes

I've yet to meet a Christian like that.

Feel sorry for the kids, but on a good note...I've found that a lot of those kids get away from it when they grow up, as long as they don't fill the void with drugs they can turn out better...


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:52 PM


I'd say it's a pretty even split overall. Some people are pretty awesome and some people just suck. As long as nobody is preaching to me whatever they do or don't believe in to me than we start on neutral ground. I tend to avoid anybody who is vocal about it.

It seems to be working well for my brother. My dad got him sober and he's been living on his own now, hours away from everyone, for just going on a year. Most of the people he knows in his new life are from a Baptist church downstate and he spends a lot of his free time doing charity work. I actually enjoy hearing from him now when we talk instead of dreading the conversations. For the first time in his life he's putting his energy into other people instead of himself. He's enjoying his hobbies and getting himself back in shape.

I give him a few minutes now and then to talk about religion but I usually cut that part of the conversation short pretty quick.


Thursday, March 23, 2017 11:02 PM


Oonj on the "Christian religion":

Most of it was presented to me as verses in the Old Testament,
The Bible, based on the Jewish version at the time. I've no
real grasp of Bible history, don't know how much of the Old
Testament was rewritten by the early Catholic church.

A friend of mine had an annotated version of the Old Testament;
the notations section of it was bigger than the Bible itself.

As for the New Testament, written by Jesus' disciples: Matthew,
Mark, Luke & John, my friend told me, "No, the New Testament
was written by the Catholic church a couple hundred years after
the crucifixtion of Christ."

As I am no Bible student, these comments are mere rumors.

But for years, I thought, the Bible is the history of the Jews.
All it would have to do with Christ, I imagine, is to trace his
line back to Adam. But why bother with that since, I was told
that God, not Joseph, was the father of Christ? What they need
is a book that traces Mary's line back to Eve.

Please don't be offended, folks ... but the story of Christ as
presented in those 2 books makes no sense to me at all.

Did Jesus even exist? Not in our secular history. He's a legend,
a rumor.

I always liked the idea of Christ. Here was this guy who was born
perfect, loving humanity the way we're told God loves us. He could
heal the sick, raise the dead (if they weren't too rotten yet).
As for the walking on water, I'd have to see that.

I do know this: there is a State of Grace. One can learn to live

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life. Now all I want is a cookie.






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