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Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:06 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Inspector General Probes Trump Administration’s Move To Pull Obamacare Enrollment Ads

The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general has launched an investigation into the Trump administration’s decision to pull ads encouraging people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act during the enrollment period. By shutting down such outreach, the action could be seen as a stealth way to starve the health plan without legislative authority, critics say.

I'm pretty sure that everybody knows about Obamacare now.

I haven't seen a TV commercial outside of the Superbowl in 10 years, but I always wondered why Coke and Pepsi spent all that money on ads.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:08 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Either way, it was bad news. I didn't agree with it. It was doing as much to fix the actual problem as the ACA itself did, which is nothing.

There is a list of things that could be done to improve Obamacare, without repealing it. Nothing on the list will be done because everything on the list costs money and money makes the world go around.

The real justification for Trumpcare is tax cuts. There can't be tax cuts if federal government spends more money on health care, leaving us where we started, except Trump already signed an executive order to sabotage Obamacare before repealing it.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Obamacare doesn't need to be fixed. The healthcare industry as a whole needs to be fixed. Obamacare was designed to fail because it only handled health insurance while not touching the healthcare industry itself.

It should be completely scrapped, but at the same time there should be a lot of work done addressing the real problem.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is far too large of an issue for me to discuss right now, but ...

The rightwing end of the GOP envisions - or at least propagandizes - a situation where healthcare is a bunch of country doctors competing for the dollars in your pocket. They believe - or at least propagandize - that "more competition" will solve all of our healthcare problems.

Needless to say, I don't believe that will happen, or help.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:32 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

The healthcare industry as a whole needs to be fixed. Obamacare was designed to fail because it only handled health insurance while not touching the healthcare industry itself.

It should be completely scrapped, but at the same time there should be a lot of work done addressing the real problem.

U.S. health care spending reached $9,990 per person in 2015. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.8 percent. That is exactly how the health care industry intended it to work. Since 17.8 percent is way out of line with every country in the world, I think Trump can reduce costs by firing all the greedy American doctors (keeping only the least greedy) and replace them with foreigners.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:35 PM


I'll use a personal example.

I cannot currently afford the care I need for work done in my mouth, but when you think of what it would actually entail, the price is very reasonable compared to minor procedures that a hospital would charge you.

I need laser treatment, followed by injections of powered bone matter. For the parts of my jaw that are too far gone for that treatment, the teeth need to be pulled, and I need to have cadaver bones surgically grafted to my jawbone. After that, I get the fake implanted teeth installed on these bone grafts.

All told, this amounts to about $20-25k worth of work.

15 years ago, I had a lump on one of my balls. I put it off a long time, but eventually I went in to get it checked. I had an old nurse lube me up and give me an ultrasound. The entire process was about 5 minutes. The bill for that? $2,800!!!

And that was 15 years ago.

The only reason that massive dental surgery is still somewhat reasonable is because the insurance game doesn't get involved in dental care. If it did, the work I need done would easily cost $100k.

It doesn't change the fact that I still can't afford it at current prices. It just illustrates that insurance is the reason that healthcare costs so much, and all the ACA did was make it that much less affordable for the ever-diminishing middle class.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I'll use a personal example.

It doesn't change the fact that I still can't afford it at current prices. It just illustrates that insurance is the reason that healthcare costs so much, and all the ACA did was make it that much less affordable for the ever-diminishing middle class.

What price can you afford? And you are aware that Canadians with no money don't have to go without healthcare just because they have no money? That is not the Canadian way; it's the American way!

At this point somebody says "You can go to an American Emergency Room if you have no money. They have to treat you!" Shirley's Father tried that and he died in the parking lot of the East Houston Regional Medical Center from a heart attack. The ER wasn't convinced he needed their help; mostly the ER was convinced he had no insurance. The American system was not designed to serve patients, although it does as a secondary goal. It was designed by doctors to make money, which is its primary goal. It is very successful at making money, which is why it consumes so much of the national income, far more than Canada or any other country. See the graph:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:32 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


some (moderate) GOPers were afraid to vote for the Ryan version because it went too far, and some (radical) GOPers were afraid to vote for the Ryan version because it didn't go far enough.
To take this very cogent argument about the president being powerful in foreign affairs and not so much with domestic affairs a bit sideways ... where were the democrats in all of this? Even if they don't have the votes, they should be serving up a cogent, pointed, opposition rhetoric.

I've tried to get it through the thick skulls of the people here mesmerized by the Trump cobra - there needs to be a democratic opposition if the party is to survive. Where is that opposition, SECOND?

Here is a critique of the party's failure on a different issue (because there wasn't even token opposition on the ACA)
/ "If the Democrats had any semblance of a coherent messaging apparatus, the Gorsuch nomination would be finished. But, of course, they don’t."

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The FACTS revealed by the CDC show fewer people are being DIAGNOSED with manageable chronic diseases in 2014 as compared to 2011.

The FACTS revealed by the CDC show that more people are DYING of manageable chronic diseases in 2014 as compared to 2011.

The FACTS reveal that insurers have dropped out of Obamacare because it's uneconomic, leaving many people with one, and only one, choice.

The FACTS reveal that deductibles, copays, and premiums, are going up under Obamacare, leaving even insured people at MEDICAL AND ECONOMIC risk.

Anyone care to comment?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:29 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I'll use a personal example.

It doesn't change the fact that I still can't afford it at current prices. It just illustrates that insurance is the reason that healthcare costs so much, and all the ACA did was make it that much less affordable for the ever-diminishing middle class.

What price can you afford? And you are aware that Canadians with no money don't have to go without healthcare just because they have no money? That is not the Canadian way; it's the American way!

At this point somebody says "You can go to an American Emergency Room if you have no money. They have to treat you!" Shirley's Father tried that and he died in the parking lot of the East Houston Regional Medical Center from a heart attack. The ER wasn't convinced he needed their help; mostly the ER was convinced he had no insurance. The American system was not designed to serve patients, although it does as a secondary goal. It was designed by doctors to make money, which is its primary goal. It is very successful at making money, which is why it consumes so much of the national income, far more than Canada or any other country. See the graph:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I'm not arguing any of that.

You're talking about the ACTUAL problem that I mentioned earlier.

The problem that Obamacare did NOTHING to fix, and anything the Trump administration has proposed so far does NOTHING to fix.

I don't only propose getting rid of Obamacare, but getting rid of Health Insurance altogether and restructuring the entire healthcare industry from the ground up.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:30 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The FACTS revealed by the CDC show fewer people are being DIAGNOSED with manageable chronic diseases in 2014 as compared to 2011.

The FACTS revealed by the CDC show that more people are DYING of manageable chronic diseases in 2014 as compared to 2011.

The FACTS reveal that insurers have dropped out of Obamacare because it's uneconomic, leaving many people with one, and only one, choice.

The FACTS reveal that deductibles, copays, and premiums, are going up under Obamacare, leaving even insured people at MEDICAL AND ECONOMIC risk.

Anyone care to comment?

Only to say that I agree with all of this and have been saying it myself for quite some time.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:32 PM


rezident owtsidr

Obamacare had the same problem az alot uv haf ass solutionz: trying to patch up a pile uv junk insted uv replasing it.

If the GoPs werent blocking everything, we woud hav had a single payer expanded Medicare system. Get the entire paper storm jenerating insurans monstrosity off everybodyz back, especially employerz.

Its alwayz been about squeezing $$$ out uv peepl.

Everything gets crazy expensiv wen insurans iz available. Youv probably seen commercialz for insurans for mekanikl failure for carz. The alredy crooked mekaniks must be feeling like they are about to win the lottery!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:
It would be great if you would propose a point and use links/cites to back it up instead of just dropping links. I don't know what to make of those.

Even Trump was smart enough to says 'it's complicated'. There are a lot of facts to grasp, and you need to weigh them against each other and in total to conclude anything of value. And I can't do your reading for you. Yanno - you can load a horse to water ...

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I've tried to get it through the thick skulls of the people here mesmerized by the Trump cobra - there needs to be a democratic opposition if the party is to survive. Where is that opposition, SECOND?

"If the Democrats had any semblance of a coherent messaging apparatus, the Gorsuch nomination would be finished. But, of course, they don’t."

“I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat.” – Will Rogers (1935)

There won’t be much organized opposition because Democrats disagree with each other. The party is pulled in too many directions. It would fracture into mini-parties but for the fact that would make each little piece as irrelevant as the Green party and the Libertarians.

If the Democratic party was completely money oriented (making it, keeping it, wealth, lower taxes) like the Republican party, then because of the organizing power of money the Democratic politicians would have a much stronger organization. Think of the difference between Exxon and Goodwill Industries. That is the difference between Republican party and Democrats. But for fifty years the Democratic Party has had too many #1 priorities, besides money, while Republicans only have a single #1.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:51 PM


Don't worry G. It's only March. If they don't fix Obamacare soon, there are going to be pitchforks on the white house lawn when the rate increases come in November.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Now they want to "let it die!"
All indications are that Obamacare will collapse under its internal weaknesses. Of course, only time will tell. But Obamacare is certainly a failure on the medical level. It's time to move on.

Hey! There's always hope the DEMOCRATS will come up with something that will get the entire country fired up and agitating for it!

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 4:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

I don't only propose getting rid of Obamacare, but getting rid of Health Insurance altogether and restructuring the entire healthcare industry from the ground up.

Good for you! That would be the Medicare For All option. Talked about in the Senate in 2009, but it would not get 60 votes. The Republicans always hated Medicare. They don't want it expanded to younger than 65. Best that could happen is dropping the eligibility age to 64, then 63, then 62, . . . then 2, 1, 0 stretched out over a century.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2017 4:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I'm in DC right now - and the town is out of pitch forks.
Are you implying that you're one of the self-important fuck-ups that brought this country to its sorry state?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:


I'm in DC right now - and the town is out of pitch forks.
Are you implying that you're one of the self-important fuck-ups that brought this country to its sorry state?

The Republican party brought this country to its sorry state and they prospered doing it, too. That is why they did it.

A coming example of sorrow caused by Republicans for the benefit of their party: "With the collapse of Republicans’ health plan in the House on Friday, the Trump administration is set to ramp up its efforts to weaken the Affordable Care Act in one of the few ways it has left—by making changes to the law through waivers and rule changes."

1kiki, when Obamacare collapses because of Trump's machinations, are you going to claim it was the Democrats' fault? The Democrats have nothing to gain while the Republican have much prestige to gain by wrecking Obamacare. And so Trump will do what he can to wreck it, then blame the ACA failure on anyone except himself.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:42 PM


Obamacare bad.
Ryancare bad.

Let's go back to Fuckyoucare. That worked just fine for 235 years. Darwinism demands survival of the fittest.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:42 PM



Saturday, March 25, 2017 7:08 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

I don't only propose getting rid of Obamacare, but getting rid of Health Insurance altogether and restructuring the entire healthcare industry from the ground up.

Good for you! That would be the Medicare For All option. Talked about in the Senate in 2009, but it would not get 60 votes. The Republicans always hated Medicare. They don't want it expanded to younger than 65. Best that could happen is dropping the eligibility age to 64, then 63, then 62, . . . then 2, 1, 0 stretched out over a century.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I might be open to this option.

I'm big enough to admit that I wasn't before, but what we have now clearly isn't working, both pre and post Obamacare. I'm technically not on Obmamacare myself. Indiana has the "Healthy Indiana Plan", which is an extension of Medicare. I don't know how that would work in a state like Illinois though, where Medicare is beyond broke.

Even if the only way to pass this was to do yearly incrementals like you suggest, it would still be better than nothing if this would be a better option.

I am for smaller government in almost every aspect of our lives, but there are some things I think the government would be better at doing. I'm not saying I'm convinced that Healthcare is one of them, but I'm open to the idea of it simply because of what a failure the current unsustainable system has become.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 7:13 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by G:
Trump's and the GOP's attitude toward ObamaCare has been petty, vindictive, punitive, like they wanted to KILL it and him in more ways than one. It was a rallying cry for all of those Obama haters, "join us as we dismantle and destroy that blank!" The language has been all too obvious for anyone paying just a little attention. It was more about satiating the anger towards Obama than Health Care.

Spot on!

Universal helthcare iz sumthing Prezidents hav wanted sins Teddy Roosevelt, making it a prize that you can not let your opponent take. Its a perfect exampl uv how the system failz to control political partyz.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 25, 2017 8:23 PM


A lot of the people who voted for Trump are people who voted for Obama. Most of the people who voted for both Hillary and Obama are on Obamacare or make so much money that it doesn't matter where they get their healthcare.

The people who flipped in the middle likely wanted change on Obamacare as well as other things. I still think that the massive health insurance increases that came out about 10 days before the election played a much larger role in Hillary losing than Comey did.

The ACA is a far cry from Universal Health Care. It's just a huge unfair tax on the middle class.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 10:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Universal helthcare iz sumthing Prezidents hav wanted sins Teddy Roosevelt, making it a prize that you can not let your opponent take.
So, what has prevented its implementation?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:39 AM


rezident owtsidr

Warring gangz. The Demz vs The GoPs.

If the Prez iz a Republican, the Demz stop any attempt at healthcare reform az quickly az they can. If the Prez iz a Democrat, the GoPs stop any attempt at healthcare reform az quickly az they can.

And the insurans industry haz alwayz revved up their lobbyists wenever their wuz any wispering about reform. New Prezidents usually giv up the campane promis on Day 1. Just too big a mountain to clime.

Herez a breif history:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, March 26, 2017 10:15 AM


A vote for Trumps health care bill, means you too can look as good as this guy.


SIG says I'm a deep state troll.oh me, oh my.


Sunday, March 26, 2017 10:58 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
Warring gangz. The Demz vs The GoPs.

If the Prez iz a Republican, the Demz stop any attempt at healthcare reform az quickly az they can. If the Prez iz a Democrat, the GoPs stop any attempt at healthcare reform az quickly az they can.

And the insurans industry haz alwayz revved up their lobbyists wenever their wuz any wispering about reform. New Prezidents usually giv up the campane promis on Day 1. Just too big a mountain to clime.

Herez a breif history:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

I don't know if this is really true though J0. I don't think either side actually wants it (The politicans, and other high level government employees, I mean). They already have great healthcare for life. They gain nothing by fixing the system.

There have been quite a few periods in time when the "stars aligned" and it still didn't get done.

Obama had that at one point, and all we got was the ACA. Trump has it right now and all we get is a failed proposal that also wouldn't fix anything.

I think they're all putting up a front. It's good business to pretend that you give a shit in politics. It's usually bad for the bottom line to actually give a shit.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:06 AM


Undermining Obamacare Would Cause A Lot Of Pain In Trump Territory

Sabotage could hit rural areas and the South hardest.

If President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress want to undermine the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, they’re going to be wreaking havoc in the places their voters call home.

In counties with just one or two insurers offering coverage through the law’s new exchanges, 54.5 percent of residents voted for Trump in 2016, while just 40.8 percent voted for Clinton, according to a Huffington Post analysis of election returns and data from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.

Overall, among the roughly 62 million voters in those counties, 34 million cast ballots for Trump while 25 million went


SIG says I'm a deep state troll. oh my.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:30 AM


I might take those numbers seriously if you can find another source besides the huffington post.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 5:27 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I might take those numbers seriously if you can find another source besides the huffington post.

I tend to believe it regardless. These people been screaming for years to repeal Obamacare, until they realize they might lose theirs. Then they scream Replace. Sure, no problem.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 6:29 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I might take those numbers seriously if you can find another source besides the huffington post.

I tend to believe it regardless. These people been screaming for years to repeal Obamacare, until they realize they might lose theirs. Then they scream Replace. Sure, no problem.

You've got a point there. Go ahead and take mine away. I'm not using it.

I'm really starting to like this whole sobriety thing. Seems I care less and less about all this bullshit everyday. They're going to do whatever it is they want to do in the long run and just keep us fighting each other and pretend that they're not just 2 sides of the same coin.

I got my hobbies and my family, and eventually I'll find some sort of job to take up most of my time.

All we need to do is legalize weed in Indiana and I'm set.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I might take those numbers seriously if you can find another source besides the huffington post.

I tend to believe it regardless. These people been screaming for years to repeal Obamacare, until they realize they might lose theirs. Then they scream Replace. Sure, no problem.

Obamacare isn't healthcare. It's a money engine with constant denial of care. My condition which was initially easily treatable, just gets worse and worse as I continue on Obamacare. My sister of course lost her life in a denial of care situation that was directly connected to Obama's healthcare executive orders, so it's worth saying that it's not just the insurance product Obamacare, but the related ethics panels, etc. It's really no care at al, so its disappearance would have on effect.

The conflation of a paid service with what that service says its going to do is a common weakness in American politics and in our economy.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:37 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I might take those numbers seriously if you can find another source besides the huffington post.

I tend to believe it regardless. These people been screaming for years to repeal Obamacare, until they realize they might lose theirs. Then they scream Replace. Sure, no problem.

You've got a point there. Go ahead and take mine away. I'm not using it.

I'm really starting to like this whole sobriety thing. Seems I care less and less about all this bullshit everyday. They're going to do whatever it is they want to do in the long run and just keep us fighting each other and pretend that they're not just 2 sides of the same coin.

I got my hobbies and my family, and eventually I'll find some sort of job to take up most of my time.

All we need to do is legalize weed in Indiana and I'm set.

You need to get yourself to some AA meeting. They'll explain to you that an alcoholic can not exchange one drug for another. If you like your sobriety, you need to come to terms with the fact your getting high days are over.


SIG says I'm a deep state troll. oh my.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 10:24 PM


Thanks for the tip.

How many alcoholics do you think are on anti-depressants or other drugs once they got sober?

How many people who never did a "drug" in their life do you think are on pharmaceuticals?

Do you drink coffee?

I'll be just fine on my weed when I start smoking again.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 10:32 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

I got my hobbies and my family, and eventually I'll find some sort of job to take up most of my time.

All we need to do is legalize weed in Indiana and I'm set.

".. said Coloradee is the place you ought to be, so he loaded up his truck and moved to the land of weed. Legal that is .. cannabis pools .. sativa stars."


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:37 PM


rezident owtsidr

Bernie introdused a medicare for all bill today.

Herez hiz paje about it:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

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Editorial: Crisis Upon Crisis in Venezuela
Bruni: Nunes Is Dangerous
Douthat: Is Obamacare a Lifesaver?
Friedman: Trump Is a Chinese Agent
Are Britain and the E.U. Ready for Brexit?

How America Fails Black Girls


A viral image has drawn attention to a big problem: Nonblacks aren’t stepping up to help missing black kids.
The Art of a Deal With the Taliban


America’s yearslong war in Afghanistan has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. It’s time for peace talks.

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Thirteen people on their way home from a church retreat in West Texas were killed when their bus collided head-on with a pickup truck, the authorities said.

William McPherson, a novelist and Pulitzer Prize-winning critic for The Washington Post who later wrote an acclaimed essay on his descent into poverty, has died. He was 84.

In a rare apology, William A. Ackman, the brash activist investor, said his firm’s wager on Valeant Pharmaceuticals was a “huge mistake.” The deal cost investors $4 billion.

The spectacular best picture mix-up at this year’s Oscars was a humiliating moment for the accounting firm PwC — but it will not cost the firm its prized client.

The price of ivory in China has fallen sharply, which may spell a reprieve from the intense poaching of elephants in the past decade.

Mets relief pitcher Jeurys Familia was suspended for the first 15 games of the season in connection with a domestic violence incident last year involving his wife.

Three storm chasers died when their vehicles collided in Texas while they were pursuing a tornado. The cause of the crash remains under investigation.

A bronze bust of Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese soccer star, looks nothing like him. It was quickly declared to look more like Sloth from the movie “The Goonies.”

If ”True Detective” returns for a third season, as is rumored, who would you want to see in it? Readers were happy to help with suggestions.

Faced with controversial campus speakers and protests, many U.S. colleges and universities are adopting new policies to address ethics and security costs.

A video shows the body of an Indonesian man being recovered from a python that had swallowed him whole.

Bob Dylan will finally receive his Nobel Prize this weekend in Stockholm. He will meet with members of the Swedish Academy with no media present.

Bad for America? Sean Hannity is still lashing out at Ted Koppel, the former “Nightline” host, about an interview that ran on CBS.

Officials in Georgia would not allow parents to give their daughter the surname “Allah,” leading to a lawsuit over the murky laws governing how children can be named.

Two-day concerts in Los Angeles and New York in July will feature Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Steely Dan, the Doobie Brothers, Journey, and Earth, Wind and Fire.

In Rome, archaeologists found 38 well-preserved skeletons that they believe were once buried in a long-vanished medieval Jewish cemetery, Campus Iudeorum.

When the Olympics are held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018, NBC will be broadcasting the Winter Games live across all time zones for the first time, the network said.

Eleven people who performed a macabre ceremony outside the gates of Auschwitz were pacifists trying to send an antiwar message, not neo-Nazi extremists, officials said.
March 28, 2017

Steve Stockman, a former United States representative from Texas, and an ex-aide are accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars meant for charity.

The bodies of two United Nations researchers investigating a rebellion in the Democratic Republic of Congo were found in shallow graves. Colleagues said they were known as professionals with experience in tough places.

Here’s an interactive look at Britain’s new pound coin, the first in 30 years, which is replete with security features aimed at preventing counterfeiting.

The United States women’s hockey team will not boycott the world championship after reaching a deal with U.S.A. Hockey for better pay and more support.

Television ads for “low T” have caused a rise in the use of testosterone treatments. But recent studies of the hormone show efficacy is limited and evidence of its safety is lacking.

The Connecticut women’s basketball team, undefeated since 2014, will play Mississippi State in the national semifinals on Friday in Dallas.

The World Video Game Hall of Fame announced 12 finalists for its third class of inductees, including “Donkey Kong” and “Wii Sports.”

John Singleton’s new BET series, “Rebel,” is an attempt to mix Black Lives Matter with blaxploitation entertainment. Our critic says it’s dirty, guilty fun.

“Atlantis,” a new musical inspired by the hip-hop mogul Pharrell Williams’s childhood, is heading to the big screen. Mr. Williams will co-produce the film.

The Daily Mail sparked outrage when the tabloid’s front page focused on the legs of Theresa May, Britain’s prime minister, and Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland.

The South African anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Kathrada has died at 87. He spent 26 years in prison, many alongside Nelson Mandela, for resisting white minority rule.

There are some things you just can’t say. Argentina’s Lionel Messi has been suspended four games after using “insulting words” to an official last week.

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A Day Trip to Long Island That’s All About Oysters
On George Osborne’s New Job

The former chancellor’s new role as editor of The London Evening Standard is not good for either politics or journalism, writes Alan Rusbridger.
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How to Make a Deal With North Korea

South Korea’s election will have far-reaching implications for the Korean Peninsula — and for Trump’s North Korea policy.
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The All-Male Photo Op Isn’t a Gaffe
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The Art of a Deal With the Taliban
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U.S. War Footprint Grows in Middle East, With No Endgame in Sight
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In China, ‘Disney’ Deals Turn Out to Be Fantasy
How ‘Brexit’ Could Change Business in Britain
News Analysis: Pillars of the West Shaken by ‘Brexit,’ but They’re Not Crumbling Yet

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Op-Ed Contributor: How the Republicans Sold Your Privacy to Internet Providers
Editorial: Ignoring Diplomacy’s Past and Its Future Promise
Frank Bruni: Devin Nunes Is Dangerous

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Trump’s Raves About Chicago Have Become Rants
In Lawsuit After Lawsuit, It’s Everyday People v. Trump
Betsy DeVos Calls for More School Choice, Saying Money Isn’t the Answer

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What the Repeal of Online Privacy Protections Means for You
Samsung, After Combustible Galaxy Note 7, Unveils New Smartphone
Tech We're Using: He Turned His Home Into a Reality Television Show

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A Trove on the Women’s Suffrage Struggle, Found in an Old Box
Critic’s Notebook: Plays About the Art World? Not Sold
Books of The Times: ‘Richard Nixon,’ Portrait of a Thin-Skinned, Media-Hating President

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E.P.A. Chief, Rejecting Agency’s Science, Chooses Not to Ban Insecticide
Stepping Out, Melania Trump Honors Women Affected by Bias and Abuse
State Department Worker Is Accused of Hiding Ties to China

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Designer Tom Dixon Unveils His ‘Secret’ Project With Ikea
Styles Q. and A.: Rob Roth Previews the Black Party, a ‘Night to Let Go of Your Inhibitions’
Modern Love: The Modern Love Podcast: Ry Russo-Young Reads ‘Death Bear Will See You Now’

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Review: In ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife,’ the Holocaust Seems Tame
Review: ‘The Discovery’ of an Afterlife, Then the Suicides
Oscars Error Won’t Cost Accounting Firm Its Job

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2 Christie Allies Are Sentenced in George Washington Bridge Scandal
In School Nurse’s Room: Tylenol, Bandages and an Antidote to Heroin
De Blasio Stymied in Attempt to Pay Legal Fees With Donations

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Sports of The Times: Facing Congress, Some Sports Officials (Not All) Begin to Confront Sexual Abuse
A Ladder, Sharp Scissors and a Basketball Net. What Could Go Wrong?
Mets’ Jeurys Familia Is Suspended for 15 Games

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How to Get Cheap Tickets to Broadway Shows (Even ‘Hamilton’)
Critic’s Notebook: Plays About the Art World? Not Sold
Patti LuPone, Christine Ebersole and Broadway’s Friendliest Feud

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Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies
A Dream of Clean Energy at a Very High Price
ScienceTake: Wonders of a Marine National Monument

Obituaries »

William Powell, ‘Anarchist Cookbook’ Writer, Dies at 66
William McPherson, Book Critic and Novelist, Dies at 84
Arthur Blythe, Jazz Saxophonist Who Mixed Sultry and Strident, Dies at 76

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In AMC’s Western ‘The Son,’ the Novelist Philipp Meyer Lassoes TV
Critic's Notebook: ‘Legion’ and the Rise of Surreality TV
‘Review,’ a Workaholic’s Slapstick Tragedy Nears Its End

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F.D.A. Nominee, Paid Millions by Industry, Says He’ll Recuse Himself if Needed
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Phys Ed: Walk, Stretch or Dance? Dancing May Be Best for the Brain

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Slowing Down, Finding Hidden Paradise on St. John
When Love and Travel Intersect: Your Stories
Frugal Traveler: In Kansas City, Barbecue, Beer and Bargains

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Books of The Times: ‘Richard Nixon,’ Portrait of a Thin-Skinned, Media-Hating President
Books of The Times: A Florida of Sun, Sky, Sea and Mind
Books of The Times: A Haunting Debut Looks Ahead to a Second American Civil War

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Betsy DeVos Calls for More School Choice, Saying Money Isn’t the Answer
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Supreme Court Rejects Education Minimum Applied by Gorsuch

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To Become a Better Cook, Sharpen Your Senses
10 Ways to Sharpen Your Kitchen Senses
Restaurant Review: We’ll Always Have Paris, at Augustine

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Automation Nation: Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race for American Jobs
Political Calculus: A 2016 Review: Turnout Wasn’t the Driver of Clinton’s Defeat

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Feature: Those Indecipherable Medical Bills? They’re One Reason Health Care Costs So Much.
Talk: Phillipa Soo Doesn’t Leave It All Onstage
The Ethicist: My Friend Is Bankrupting Herself. Should I Speak Up?

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Driven: Video Review: Mini Countryman Takes On the Big Boys
Wheels: Self-Driving Cars Could Be Boon for Aged, After Initial Hurdles

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What I Love
Lena Hall’s 500-Square-Foot Apartment in Midtown


For the actress, a tidy alcove studio carpeted in silvery white has room enough for everything that really matters.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

or the LATimes
or CNN
or the New Yorker, Miami Herald, or Chicago Tribune.
Not the WaPo, USAToday, ABC, NBC, or CBS.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:04 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
".. said Coloradee is the place you ought to be, so he loaded up his truck and moved to the land of weed. Legal that is .. cannabis pools .. sativa stars."


I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I bought a house in probably the last state that will legalize it.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 9:51 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
".. said Coloradee is the place you ought to be, so he loaded up his truck and moved to the land of weed. Legal that is .. cannabis pools .. sativa stars."


I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I bought a house in probably the last state that will legalize it.

I don't know what kind of go se you smoke in Indiana, but I guarantee it cannot even come close to what they've got for sale in Colorado. I was out there last year with a friend on a ski vacation. First day we stopped in one of the many pot shops and bought a few pre-rolled. Took a few puffs, then went to Starbucks for lattes. Lemme tell you, we rode on the No-Pain Train all frikkin' day.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:35 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Thanks for the tip.

How many alcoholics do you think are on anti-depressants or other drugs once they got sober?

How many people who never did a "drug" in their life do you think are on pharmaceuticals?

Do you drink coffee?

I'll be just fine on my weed when I start smoking again.

Dumb response. Go back and look at your old posts. You'll be that guy again in short order, with that kind of thinking.


SIG says I'm a deep state troll. oh my.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:40 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
".. said Coloradee is the place you ought to be, so he loaded up his truck and moved to the land of weed. Legal that is .. cannabis pools .. sativa stars."


I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I bought a house in probably the last state that will legalize it.

I don't know what kind of go se you smoke in Indiana, but I guarantee it cannot even come close to what they've got for sale in Colorado. I was out there last year with a friend on a ski vacation. First day we stopped in one of the many pot shops and bought a few pre-rolled. Took a few puffs, then went to Starbucks for lattes. Lemme tell you, we rode on the No-Pain Train all frikkin' day.

So I've been told. One of the guys I worked with at the Mart took a month long road trip to Colorado and stayed with a friend of his when they legalized it. Got a picture of him smoking out of a glass pipe as big as your head right next to a cop.

I hear the edibles are pretty great too, but I'm good with just regular 'ol weed. I only smoked to get really high when I was a dumb kid. Most of the 15 years that I smoked I just had a hitter box and took a few puffs every now and then after work. A $60 bag of suburban better-than-average black market weed lasted me a month or two.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:59 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Lemme tell you, we rode on the No-Pain Train all frikkin' day.

You couldn't ride the train that goes places, because the conductor was like "i'm not feeling it today, man"


Monday, April 10, 2017 5:37 PM


Dueling Obamacare ads confront members of Congress as future of health-care law hangs in balance

The ads are "calling out" seven GOP House members by name "for their failure to stand up and protect their constituents from a disastrous right wing healthcare repeal bill," Save My Care said in an announcement of the campaign.


Monday, April 10, 2017 8:52 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Dueling Obamacare ads confront members of Congress as future of health-care law hangs in balance

The ads are "calling out" seven GOP House members by name "for their failure to stand up and protect their constituents from a disastrous right wing healthcare repeal bill," Save My Care said in an announcement of the campaign.

What planet are ou on?
I've never seen ads such as those.


Monday, April 10, 2017 9:02 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Dueling Obamacare ads confront members of Congress as future of health-care law hangs in balance

The ads are "calling out" seven GOP House members by name "for their failure to stand up and protect their constituents from a disastrous right wing healthcare repeal bill," Save My Care said in an announcement of the campaign.

What planet are ou on?
I've never seen ads such as those.

I posted an article from CNBC. If you wish to know the answer to your question, read it.


Sunday, July 2, 2017 4:24 PM


How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums

Effects on Insurance Coverage. By CBO and JCT’s estimates, enacting H.R. 3762 would increase the number of people without health insurance coverage by about 27 million in the year following the elimination of the Medicaid expansion and marketplace subsidies and by 32 million in 2026, relative to the number of uninsured people expected under current law. (The number of people without health insurance would be smaller if, in addition to the changes in H.R. 3762, the insurance market reforms mentioned above were also repealed. In that case, the increase in the number of uninsured people would be about 21 million in the year following the elimination of the Medicaid expansion and marketplace subsidies; that figure would rise to about 23 million in 2026.)


Sunday, July 2, 2017 4:30 PM


Report: Pennsylvania could lose 85,000 jobs by 2026 under House GOP health-care plan

A new report released on Wednesday says the House Republican healthcare overhaul plan could result in nearly 1 million jobs being lost nationwide by 2026 and almost 85,000 jobs lost in Pennsylvania, second highest only to New York.


Thursday, July 13, 2017 12:24 PM



Friday, July 14, 2017 5:19 AM


I'm a little curious Kiki. I've read the above posts, responses and comments on this topic. You ask for cites, but I've noticed that none of your posts have any cites regarding your claims about what's wrong with the ACA.

Now, you do state your opinion and post the positive aspects of the ACA, which most people are aware of, but no cites as to the negative aspects. I'm assuming that you want cites so as to verify the veracity of a person's claims on the matter, but I wonder about the double standard here. Am I missing something?

My contribution:

The ACA has been around since 2010 (virtually copied from RomneyCare). The Republicans have gone all out to "Repeal and Replace" to no avail, but this year, since the shellacking of the Democrats in 2016 (which many took great pleasure in rubbing "our" noses in it), and the subsequent Republican majority in all three branches of government, they continue to fail miserably to garner a solution.

Now, it does not take a cite to realize and recognize that failure. It's been in existence for 7 years, and, to this point, they have not come with a replacement. I'm not going to claim I know the reasons why, just that they've had 7 years and here we are - still nothing, with both houses and the exec in the White House. Hiding in back rooms and "covering" their paper so that none can see. Keeping secrets from the Dems and the people whom they represent. No public hearings, no cooperation....nothing.

I suggest that we adopt the Universal Health Care system of Australia, the U.K. or Canada. All seem to be functioning at higher levels than the "greatest" country in the world (although some may argue that Russia is that country).

Just saying...



Originally posted by 1kiki:
On another topic, your idea that insurance (money) distorted the medical marketplace and turned it into 1) a big-money racket and 2) screwed the consumer with only a consumer's ability to pay is interesting.

For myself, I'd need to see that insurance coverage (numbers of people, dollar amounts, services covered) went up first, followed by prices. But like a lot of other interesting things, I don't have the time to do the research. So unless you or someone can provide me with supporting information, I'm going to put that into the 'interesting/ waiting for information' bin.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?






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