Libel & Slander

UPDATED: Sunday, March 26, 2017 22:08
VIEWED: 3903
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Monday, March 6, 2017 7:59 PM


rezident owtsidr

Can Obama now sue Trump for slander and libel now that he'z a private sitizen?

I'm fairly sure The Prez cannot sue, but can be sued. Accuzing Obama uv wire tapping Trump during the campane iz an open & shut case, unless its true.

Casez with less merit than this involving selebritez hav rezulted in 10,000,000$ & up jujments.

I think Obama shoud do it, not only for the cash, but also to help the country. If Trump manajez to stay in offis for a full term, he needz to learn az early az possibl that wordz matter wen youre the prez. A 30,000,000$ kick in the nuts woud teach him good. (actually, he duznt seem to be capable uv lerning, but still..)


Monday, March 6, 2017 8:11 PM


He could, but it's not done. It would be suicidal in Obama's case because everything he has done in surveillance, which would range from the dubious to the illegal to the treasonous, would have to be examines, and he could end up in a lot worse trouble. But many people are suing Trump, and passed presidents over many things.


Monday, March 6, 2017 8:51 PM


Not to mention, DT, all of the other lies Obama told while in office.

If you want somebody to sue Trump, I suggest that you do it yourself J0. Just be ready for your entire life to be put under the microscope, and don't be surprised when they unwillingly put people you care about under it too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 6, 2017 10:15 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
It would be suicidal in Obama's case because everything he has done in surveillance,...

Thats assuming he actually did anything uv the sort. Seemz very unlikely, kuz the GoPs woud hav been all over it like piranaz.

6string, you keep harping on 'Obama liez', but I hav yet to hear any proven.

The GoP media haz had nothing but "you can keep your insurans" to chew on for 7 yirz.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, March 6, 2017 10:29 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
6string, you keep harping on 'Obama liez', but I hav yet to hear any proven.

The GoP media haz had nothing but "you can keep your insurans" to chew on for 7 yirz.

Thank you for that opportunity to repost this here since you've been dodging it for the last few days.


Originally posted by JO753:
I'm not clear on how you are getting your 36% inflation, 6string.
pleez explain.

Therez a problem with inflation calculationz anyway - it dependz on wut you buy, so sumwun who duznt drive, for example, iz not going to feel any differens if the prise uv gas jumps. At least not till it cauzez the prise uv sumthing he buyz to go up.

You may hav made a good choise to not get a TV in the last 10 yirz, kuz now you can get a 50" 1080HD for haf wut you woud hav paid for a 32" 720 in 2007. An exampl uv negativ inflation.

Where everybody (exept you) iz getting milked like cowz iz houzing, either morgaj & taxez or rent. Its the main pipeline thats taking all the money up to the 1%.

2nd iz rite about wite privilij. The poverty & prizon stats tell the story.

My reply:


Inflation rates are hard to pinpoint and very easy to manipulate. Gas and food are usually not included in any of the calculations, for example. I did not see in your link if they were included or not, but I can assume at 2.5% that food at least is not included. Everybody's got to eat. Now that I'm on foodstamps there's not much decent food I can buy, but prices have risen so much in the last 5 years that I wasn't buying much good food when I still had them either.

Generally speaking, a 4% average yearly inflation is considered the normal figure. This means that everything costs twice as much about every 20 years. Ask your grandparents what they paid for a new car or for a can of soda and compare that to now and the math works.

I'll revise what I said to your graph though. I don't think you're going to like it:

Year 0: 100
Year 1: 102.70 (2.7%)
Year 2: 104.24 (1.5%)
Year 3: 107.37 (3.0%)
Year 4: 109.19 (1.7%)
Year 5: 110.83 (1.5%)
Year 6: 111.71 (0.8%)
Year 7: 112.50 (0.7%)
Year 8: 114.86 (2.1%)

That's still nearly a 15% increase you would have needed to make in pay to be compensated the same amount for the work. Obama's 3.4% increase during his administration still means that on average Americans are being paid 11.6% less than they were in 2008.

The part you're not going to like much? If corporations only had to make the same 15% to break even and they made 66% then under these new numbers while Americans saw a 11.6% decrease in pay, corporations are doing a whopping 55% better than they were before he took office.

I'm just using your numbers here. The numbers are so easy for anybody at the top to manipulate one way or another for whatever reason. All I'm saying is no matter what you can't fudge the numbers enough to make it look like Obama was good for the average American, economically speaking.

I know how tech works J0. I'm glad I don't have a $3000 brick sitting here that isn't even a smart TV. That wasn't my point. My point was that nobody, not even the dregs of society that have to work overnight at Kmart for peanuts, has a fucking clue about how to wisely spend their money. With so little available to them, I couldnt' figure out how they all had nice rides and new clothes and were smoking brand name smokes for $6/pack.

You keep talking about white privilege though. I was the only one showing up to the grocery store to spend food stamps that looked like he should be on food stamps.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Any time Obama has said that he was good for the economy or the American workers in general he was lying.

Again, when he said that you could keep your doctor and that the average American family would save $2,500 a year on health insurance he was lying.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:22 PM



One nation, under surveillance. People have been harping about it for years, and not just republicans. Any case Obama launched would end up investigating Obama. Why would he do that when he could just take the cushy ex-president's job and never face war crimes and not go up against a firing squad?

I'll share my deep dark political secret: You know how to never find yourself defending a man who just murdered 30 million people? Never vote for a winner. It's that psychological investment that has you hooked.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:47 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Can Obama now sue Trump for slander and libel now that he'z a private sitizen?

I'm fairly sure The Prez cannot sue, but can be sued. Accuzing Obama uv wire tapping Trump during the campane iz an open & shut case, unless its true.

Casez with less merit than this involving selebritez hav rezulted in 10,000,000$ & up jujments.

I think Obama shoud do it, not only for the cash, but also to help the country. If Trump manajez to stay in offis for a full term, he needz to learn az early az possibl that wordz matter wen youre the prez. A 30,000,000$ kick in the nuts woud teach him good. (actually, he duznt seem to be capable uv lerning, but still..)

The last two paragraphs are cut and pasted information. This first paragraph must not include laws of governing. They can be taken down through investigation. I cite Nixon as an example. Obama would be suing for libel and that may be what the writer means.

While in Office, the President (and Congress) are immune to the laws of the USA (I learned that in High School). Once they leave office, the are subject to the laws .. even the stupidest ones they enacted. so wait a few years, then sue for all he's worth.

The reason that you can not sue the President is, The President of the United States is representing the country and you can not sue because he is a symbol. Congress is also a symbol/branch of government, so the members can not be sued. Also, while in office, they are immune from most tax laws and other things that they subject us to.



Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:50 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Any time Obama has said that he was good for the economy or the American workers in general he was lying.

I suppoze therez sum debatable issuez with the end rezult frum our perspectiv, but the only real alternativ we had wuz McCain, who woud hav sertainly been WAY THE HELL WORSE. Maybe you coud make a case for Romney in 2012, but it woud be pure speculation to give him any chans uv being better for us based on him not having the entire GoP blocking everything. I believe he woud hav been pretty much a revival uv the Bush administration and sent America into a real depression. Dont forget he'z a Wall Street guy.


Again, when he said that you could keep your doctor and that the average American family would save $2,500 a year on health insurance he was lying.

See wut I'm saying? Thats all you got. If you had the barj load uv stuff the GoPs believ they hav, this woud be long forgotten old newz.

I see Hell Cats occasionally here in a backwater far nw burb uv Chicago. Thoze are about 90,000 buks. Then therez the common Escaladez, BMWz, Ranje Roverz, Hummerz, etc that are 60,000 & up. All rolling around towing boats amongst the McMansionz, pretty blond housewivez out on weekly shopping spreez. Peepl with 100" TVz in the checkout line at Samz Club.

No. The GoP propaganda that Obama ruined the economy iz a fairy tale.

The only true part iz that there are lots uv us hoo got dealt out uv the game.

And all the money us ordinary sitizenz can see iz just a minor fraction uv the real wealth.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 8:52 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
I suppoze therez sum debatable issuez with the end rezult frum our perspectiv, but the only real alternativ we had wuz McCain, who woud hav sertainly been WAY THE HELL WORSE. Maybe you coud make a case for Romney in 2012, but it woud be pure speculation to give him any chans uv being better for us based on him not having the entire GoP blocking everything. I believe he woud hav been pretty much a revival uv the Bush administration and sent America into a real depression. Dont forget he'z a Wall Street guy.

Fair enough. I just don't want to hear from anybody anymore how great Obama was for the average American. The left continually throws out stats like the article you sited me and a lot of people believe it because they either just want to, or because they are not educated enough to know that those stats are bullshit.

I was HUGE against GWB when I first got here. My two biggest problems with him were our military/wars and the run away spending. None of that changed with Obama in office. They both got worse.


See wut I'm saying? Thats all you got. If you had the barj load uv stuff the GoPs believ they hav, this woud be long forgotten old newz.

I see Hell Cats occasionally here in a backwater far nw burb uv Chicago. Thoze are about 90,000 buks. Then therez the common Escaladez, BMWz, Ranje Roverz, Hummerz, etc that are 60,000 & up. All rolling around towing boats amongst the McMansionz, pretty blond housewivez out on weekly shopping spreez. Peepl with 100" TVz in the checkout line at Samz Club.

No. The GoP propaganda that Obama ruined the economy iz a fairy tale.

The only true part iz that there are lots uv us hoo got dealt out uv the game.

And all the money us ordinary sitizenz can see iz just a minor fraction uv the real wealth.

It's not old news J0. 7 years ago people weren't hit by it yet. That only started happening 3 years ago. Then, right before the election, many Americans received another HUGE increase in their health insurance premiums.

My parents and my brother's family are not driving around Bentleys and these increases are killing them.

Forcing a health insurance company to accept people with a pre-existing condition is bankruptcy. The name escapes me, but my second cousin has a neurological disorder somewhere between MS and ALS. She was uninsurable until the ACA came out. She, like me, doesn't pay a dime for health insurance now, and she was immediately put on an experimental prescription that costs the insurance company $250,000 per year.

I mean, it's great. She couldn't even get out of bed before. She still can't work, but it has greatly improved her quality of life. There are a lot of days that she actually can get around with very little issue now. She SHOULD have access to this medicine.

But ACA is not the answer. When most people from the left say the "rich" should pay more, they don't realize that a far greater group of not-rich people end up paying far more than they were and they are the ones hurt most by it.

Why should insurance be the answer? I think the problem lies with the system as it is and the fact that anybody thinks it's okay to charge $250,000 for a yearly prescription of pills that probably amount to no more than about 6oz. if weighed together on a scale.

I don't know what the answer is. It's a hugely complecated issue, and all we've been given is ritualistically oversimplified answers to it from the government and the media.

But wittingly or unwittingly, Obama lied to the American people when he said that you can keep your doctor and that the average American family would save $2,500 a year. And this remains very relevant today because we are still paying the price for it.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:06 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

But wittingly or unwittingly, Obama lied to the American people when he said that you can keep your doctor and that the average American family would save $2,500 a year. And this remains very relevant today because we are still paying the price for it.

I'm still dying from that lie. Insurance but no healthcare as this typhoid eats away at me, destroying my nerves, my hearing, sight, muscle tissue.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:16 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

I just don't want to hear from anybody anymore how great Obama was for the average American.

Why did you make a new member name?

Averaj iz a very wide ranje. Lots uv peeps make 6 dijit salaryz. And its us chumps under 100,000K doing most uv the real work.

I think uv Obama az a Micheal Jordan level talent for the job uv being Prez.
Imajin how well MJ & The Bullz woud hav dun if haf the team wuz doing everything they coud to obstruct him.


I was HUGE against GWB when I first got here. My two biggest problems with him were our military/wars and the run away spending. None of that changed with Obama in office. They both got worse.

Incorrect. Counterfactual. Bad conclusion based on bad info.


It's not old news J0. 7 years ago people weren't hit by it yet.

They started tokking about it very soon after Obama sed it. The bottom line fact iz that wut he sed wuz obviously not going to hold up wen insurans companyz coud no longer sell bogus planz that woud cover next to nothing - that there'd be minimum standardz.


My parents and my brother's family are not driving around Bentleys and these increases are killing them.

And you blame Obama for that? Try blaming the guyz who are actually doing the crime - insurans company executivez and the GoPs who mangled the ACA az much az they coud wen it wuz being cobbled together.


Forcing a health insurance company to accept people with a pre-existing condition is bankruptcy.

This iz the cost uv the sivilization we hav created. If you dont want your weak relativez expiring out in the elements or getting eaten by predatorz, we all haf to help keep them alive.

At sum point, we are either going to defeat old aje & deth AND expand to more planets or we will collapse under the load uv incapasitated peeps & a ruined ecosystem.


Why should insurance be the answer? I think the problem lies with the system as it is and the fact that anybody thinks it's okay to charge $250,000 for a yearly prescription of pills that probably amount to no more than about 6oz. if weighed together on a scale.

The ansr iz clear. Find & copy the best system in the world.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:28 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

I just don't want to hear from anybody anymore how great Obama was for the average American.

Why did you make a new member name?

Averaj iz a very wide ranje. Lots uv peeps make 6 dijit salaryz. And its us chumps under 100,000K doing most uv the real work.

I think uv Obama az a Micheal Jordan level talent for the job uv being Prez.
Imajin how well MJ & The Bullz woud hav dun if haf the team wuz doing everything they coud to obstruct him.


I was HUGE against GWB when I first got here. My two biggest problems with him were our military/wars and the run away spending. None of that changed with Obama in office. They both got worse.

Incorrect. Counterfactual. Bad conclusion based on bad info.


It's not old news J0. 7 years ago people weren't hit by it yet.

They started tokking about it very soon after Obama sed it. The bottom line fact iz that wut he sed wuz obviously not going to hold up wen insurans companyz coud no longer sell bogus planz that woud cover next to nothing - that there'd be minimum standardz.


My parents and my brother's family are not driving around Bentleys and these increases are killing them.

And you blame Obama for that? Try blaming the guyz who are actually doing the crime - insurans company executivez and the GoPs who mangled the ACA az much az they coud wen it wuz being cobbled together.


Forcing a health insurance company to accept people with a pre-existing condition is bankruptcy.

This iz the cost uv the sivilization we hav created. If you dont want your weak relativez expiring out in the elements or getting eaten by predatorz, we all haf to help keep them alive.

At sum point, we are either going to defeat old aje & deth AND expand to more planets or we will collapse under the load uv incapasitated peeps & a ruined ecosystem.


Why should insurance be the answer? I think the problem lies with the system as it is and the fact that anybody thinks it's okay to charge $250,000 for a yearly prescription of pills that probably amount to no more than about 6oz. if weighed together on a scale.

The ansr iz clear. Find & copy the best system in the world.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

I explained the new member name in the coffee thread. It's hopefully only temporary until gets the problem sorted out, and I picked one that was obviously me so nobody would accuse me of sock puppetry. ;)

Sorry, I won't be trying to figure out making new quotes within quotes, so I'm just going to answer all your points in one paragraph form down here.

Most of the people making under 100k a year do most of the work. On that we can agree. Those are the people who have been hit the hardest by the ACA as well. Those making closer to 250k are getting hit a little harder, but they have a lot more at their disposal so the ACA isn't crippling them. None of my family is that lucky. Only my rich aunts and uncles lived on the North side of Chicago like you ;)

Incorrect info based on bad info? Really? How much above GWB's out of control raising of the deficit has happened under Obama? How much of that was military spending? How many wars are we in now?

It doesn't matter why the ACA didn't work J0. Obama sold it to us as something that it was not, and could never possibly work. Again, I will state, that either wittingly or unwittingly he lied to us. Just because Republicans were harping on it from day one does not make it irrelevant 7 years later. If left unchecked it will raise another 30-40% next year. It's broken. It never would have worked. Doesn't matter why. It was an impossible dream.

We're not going to make it to space. Our civilization is going to crumble beneath its own weight way before that happens. There is a storm coming.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 12:41 AM


rezident owtsidr

all you need to do iz put a [ and a / with the word quote followed by ] at the end uv where you want the quoted section to stop. Then to start it agen, do the same thing without the /

I shoud buy myself a book about the Bush admin. I didnt pay much attention to politics back then. Probably hard to find sumthing objectiv, so maybe a few from rite & left leaning riterz. I think enuf time haz passed to get a reazonabl assessment uv the damaj. I know I get angry wenevr I read about sum self serving actionz he and Chaney took.

Wut I know iz you cant let a guy dig a big hole in the road then complain about how much the next guy charjez to fill it in.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 2:49 AM


That may be the issue right there J0. Not enough data to form objectivity. Just remember when you read GWB to keep in mind that there were more behind him too.

I'm not trying to then go back and pin it all on Clinton either. Everyone has had a hand in this, and it goes back well before I was born.

I just can't take anybody's political opinion very seriously when they have a such a high opinion of any of them as you do Obama, no matter how intelligent that person is otherwise.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 4:01 AM


rezident owtsidr

Its like most peepl get a filter welded onto their lenz, so they can only see thingz colored red or blue.

Unrealisticly simplistic.

Youre a chess player, so shoud understand the importans uv being able to chanje perspectivez and pick the wun that works the best.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 6:32 AM


That's truth right there.

You remember being a kid and seeing somebody who was in their late 20s and thinking that they really had it all figured out?

Now I look at a 27 year old and think they're just a kid. Then I think about how much my own outlook changes all the time. I'm hesitant to use the word "evolved" because I don't really know what to think about almost anything anymore. How many things do I not believe in anymore that were actually right?

A big part of me is starting to think that money doesn't really mean anything, from that 20 trillion dollar debt we've got all the way down to the minimum wage I was making. They keep telling us that by the time I retire there won't be any social security, but do you really believe that? The debt was like 3 trillion when I was a kid. It's 20 trillion now. What's actually different if it's 100 trillion before I die? Are they really going to let an entire generation of retires who made poor choices or were dealt a shitty hand just starve in the streets?

I'm starting to think that it's all just another manipulation tool and it's all meaningless beyond that.

It's really an interesting time to be alive.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 10:46 AM


The debt is about convincing people we need to give handouts to the banks.

Social security will always be there, but the dollar will be ridiculously devalued, in terms of buying power.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 12:53 PM


I agree that it will be ridiculously devalued. It already has been in the last 20 years. I just don't think that really matters either. I've pretty much resigned myself that I'll be on foodstamps for the rest of my life. Why should I even bother trying to make more than 18k per year when I would lose $200/month in foodstamps, I'd lose a $40/month subsidy on my internet, I'd lose roughly $400/yr in energy assistance, and I'd lose a $300 property tax credit. Especially when I'd go from $1/month health insurance to having to pay thousands of dollars for worse coverage?

If I had a chance of making $50-60k a year again it would be worth it, but anything between $18k and $30k just doesn't even make any sense. Why work a full time stressful job that I hate when I can just work part time and have essentially the exact same quality of life outside of work?

The dollar will decrease until that eats away and completely destroys the middle class and the entire 99% is completely dependent on government. Then they can really step into your life and tell you exactly how you need to live your life in order to keep getting the benefits because nobody will be able to live without them.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 5:35 PM


It's worse than that. At $100k, you'd be paying $4-12k for health insurance, $15k for FICA, $8-10k state tax, $7k AMT, $4k 401k, $39k federal income tax, and then most likely a mortgage and student loans associated with the job. I've known a number of people in this income range with <$10k disposable income.

I make around $8k, but i am not eligible for any benefits because i own a small business. I can't sell it, but i'm still ineligible


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 7:22 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

It's worse than that. At $100k, you'd be paying $4-12k for health insurance, $15k for FICA, $8-10k state tax, $7k AMT, $4k 401k, $39k federal income tax, and then most likely a mortgage and student loans associated with the job. I've known a number of people in this income range with <$10k disposable income.

I make around $8k, but i am not eligible for any benefits because i own a small business. I can't sell it, but i'm still ineligible

Yep. My family makes anywhere between 60-100k and are being slammed by it all. My parents own their own business and are being hit especially hard.

I'm not actually receiving any of the benefits I mentioned above at the moment except for the insurance because I'm not working. I have to maintain at least 20 hours of work per week to get them, but with no real prospects of making anywhere close to 50k per year there is almost zero incentive for me to actually look for any full time work beyond that.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 9:02 PM


I have insurance, which I have had as a result of my accident back in '89, but lost under obamacare, and have now been shuffled into the "you get no care" plan, so i'm cover for any care okayed by a unanimous vote of seven people, which is none, and as a result, very very ill and not real happy about it.

The whole economy is shot. I'm in favor of a complete free market system, like it used to be, when the doc cost three bucks. And then I think I could grow my business.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017 9:02 PM


Rare double post. Oh, I remember a day when it was almost a given.


Thursday, March 9, 2017 1:57 AM


Yeah. I just don't know what to think about it anymore. At this point, you can't take away from people who are getting the handouts, or you'd have people with pitchforks burning down the cities. Go to youtube and do a search for EBT not working and look how people freak out when it goes down in a small area for a single day.

I'm in a pretty unique position, so it's hard for me to be objective. I'm essentially poor with little opportunity at this point to actually make a decent buck, yet I don't have a monthly mortgage/rent. I have healthcare, but it won't pay for the work I need done now that would save my teeth and prevent other health issues down the road. It will only kick in when I end up seriously ill or I have a heart attack or stroke because of it. Since I live alone, there's a pretty good chance that if that were to happen they wouldn't have to pay anything either since somebody would find me a few weeks later when I stop answering phone calls and they have to break my door down.

I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about some economist who was proposing some "universal income" thing where everyone in America, regardless of wealth, would be paid $12,000/year for doing absolutely nothing and all of the benefits that would bring our economy. The poor would obviously have to use most or all of that for necessities, and the rich would just have more disposable income to buy more products and services to keep businesses going. For the first time in my life I actually thought something like that might not be a bad idea.

I really don't know what to think about anything anymore. There's no going back to the way things used to be at this point, but maybe the future isn't all bad.


Thursday, March 9, 2017 10:39 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I have insurance, which I have had as a result of my accident back in '89, but lost under obamacare, and have now been shuffled into the "you get no care" plan, so i'm cover for any care okayed by a unanimous vote of seven people, which is none, and as a result, very very ill and not real happy about it.

The whole economy is shot. I'm in favor of a complete free market system, like it used to be, when the doc cost three bucks. And then I think I could grow my business.

Then you long for the days when we would be without representation. When we worked in the mines, 12 hour shifts, for a few penne's a day. This, with only a potato to eat. You can keep those days.



Thursday, March 9, 2017 10:41 AM


There were unions before there was health insurance.


Thursday, March 9, 2017 10:54 AM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
There were unions before there was health insurance.

The labor movement goes back to the 1700's. In the United States it grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.

Health insurance came about in 1940's. It still has a exemption from anti-trust laws. At the time it was allowed to help them get started. That's why today you see such outrageous fees. They still get together and set prices with each other as well as divvy up territory. I won't go there if you don't come here. That needs to change. It certainly doesn't represent a free market.



Tuesday, March 21, 2017 7:27 PM


rezident owtsidr

Started a petition:

At 5:35 am on Saturday, March 4th 2017 President Trump sent the 1st Tweet accusing former President Obama of wire tapping Trump Tower during the 2016 election. He then followed it up with more Tweets, public verbal statements by him and his spokespeople, and called for an investigation.

An earthshaking charge, on the level of Watergate. But, from the beginning, it was obvious that the charge was as false.

The charge has been clearly and unequivocally denied, dismissed and disproven, declared rediculous by all intellegence officials, and yet 'President' Donald Trump continues to promulgate it.

Not only is he making himself look like a fool and proving yet again that he is a liar, he is damaging the credibility of the office, the Federal government and the entire country.

With his Russian scandal and the AHCA boondoggle taking up so much attention, this issue is likely to sink out of the news within weeks. Especially if Trump throws another outrageous mistake onto the rapidly growing pile.

President Obama was clearly slandered and libeled by this. It is an open & shut case with mounds of irrefutable proof. Cases of slander/libel in the world of celebrities have routinely resulted in multimillion dollar verdicts.

As a private citizen Mr. Obama is not restricted by laws that prevent a sitting president from taking legal action against such attacks.

I believe Trump needs to be taught a serious lesson for the good of the country. The words of the President have great power, yet he blabs and Tweets things out with little or no consideration for the possible consequences. Since he cares only about money, the best way to teach him this lesson is to take a bite out of his wallet - 50,000,000$ at least.

Maybe that will make him think twice before his next Tweet storm.

Even if Obama does not want the money, he should sue anyway for the good of the country and donate it to a good charity.


Dear President Obama, We The People of the United States of America feel that you need to take action against the lies of your successor. Since they are a clear case of slander/libel against you personally, you are in a unique position to teach President Trump the lesson that his words matter. We ask that you sue for at least 50 million dollars.

It mite be in Care2 Petitions, or it mite not. The thing locked up wen I tried to edit it. If its there at all, its missing the actual petition!!!
Krappola software.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 4:28 AM


rezident owtsidr

Still cant get the Care2 edit function to work so I started a MoveOn:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:28 AM


Good luck with that J0.

16 years later we might finally be getting a Firefly reboot nobody wanted.

Maybe you can impeach Trump in 2033?


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 9:35 AM


Maybe we'll get his tax returns in 2033 too!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 11:29 AM


rezident owtsidr

How do I put a picture in here?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 12:14 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

How do I put a picture in here?

Just post an image URL
like this:


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 4:48 PM


rezident owtsidr

Hassle-O-Tron, dood! xanks.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:48 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Hassle-O-Tron, dood! xanks.

Confused on the "x" there J0.

Is that "thanks" or "zanks"?


Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:37 PM



I remember having fun at my old job with our Chennai branch.

X as in Xylophone.
P as in Pneumonia.
T as in Tsunami.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 8:43 AM


rezident owtsidr

Got the picture on the Care2 posted:

I am trying to combine it with the 1st attempt kuz that wun haz 41 sigz wile this wun only haz 5.

The orijin for Trump's claim appearz to be Fox Newz, so Obama shoud also sue them for another 50,000,000$.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 25, 2017 8:46 AM


rezident owtsidr

Came up with a name for this!

Hate Farming!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 25, 2017 10:04 AM


Good luck with that J0.

Not a fan of your name. Too much like Hate Speech or Hate Crime, which are bullshit.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 11:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Rice University professor Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian: “There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley told the Washington Post after listening to James Comey’s congressional testimony. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president. It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

The FBI and NSA chiefs verify a Russia probe and refute Trump's claims as Republicans scramble to pretend the "drip, drip, drip" hasn't started.

Comey agreed that Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee was not unlike the 1972 physical break-in at the DNC. You know, the one that precipitated the revelations, resignations and prison convictions of Watergate. Drip, drip, drip…


Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:02 PM


I guess we'll see.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:17 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Not a fan of your name. Too much like Hate Speech or Hate Crime,

No! Not like them at all! Nothing to do with rasizm.

Hate farming: Making money on hateful actionz agenst yourself. A good farmer will carefully cultivate that hate to maximize profit.

Obama coud conseivably harvest 100,000,000$ from just this 1 example uv defamation. He coud possibly get Fox, Trump, Limbaugh, and many otherz to start promulgating the birther lie agen. Now that he'z a private sitizen, it will be a bumper crop!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:23 PM


Ah... so you mean actual hate then. I see.

I would think that if Obama were to do such a thing that he would just be proving all the bad stuff his detractors were saying about him. I believe he has his eyes set on a position in the UN. If he were actually going to cultivate this "hate", I think he wouldn't do it for money outright. It's much more valuable to make himself look like a martyr. It would be part of that power grab, and also be used to someway open doors to a one world government.


Sunday, March 26, 2017 3:59 AM


rezident owtsidr

I'v never understood the objection to a 1 world goverment. Az long az its not a nasty dictator, it woud solv alot uv problemz.

For example, think uv all the money we woudnt be spending on the military!

And therez a hyooj HYOOOJ problem with obstructing efforts to unify the world - guyz like Putin are alwayz thinking about, if not actively working on taking over the world. So working agenst a unified democratic world helps Putin & hiz ilk.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, March 26, 2017 4:15 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by second:“There’s a smell of treason in the air,”

A smell?

More like the Trump administration iz swimming in it.

The scary thing to me iz how fast the number uv conspiratorz iz going up. Nunes stampped hiz own forehed with TRAITOR a few dayz ago. Then therez that guy who knew about Flynn'z plot to kidnap the exiled Turkish dude but didnt say anything till now, 6 months later. (not clear on wether its tied in with Russia or not) Then therez the possibilty that Ryan iz aiding TrumPutin by helping a coverup. He coud hav asined anybody to lead the investigation, so why did he pick sumwun who wuz on Trumps team? And now that Nunes haz compromized hiz pozition, why didnt Ryan replase him immediatly?

Did you read It Big & It Stinks yet?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, March 26, 2017 4:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JO753:
I'v never understood the objection to a 1 world goverment. Az long az its not a nasty dictator, it woud solv alot uv problemz.

Tell me, son, do you think you would get to VOTE on our Fearless World Leader? See any plans to draw up international elections any time in the near future? WHO would take over, do ya think?


For example, think uv all the money we woudnt be spending on the military!
YES! It could all go to the banks and the top 0.0001% who would own- literally- everything! That's so much better!


And therez a hyooj HYOOOJ problem with obstructing efforts to unify the world - guyz like Putin are alwayz thinking about, if not actively working on taking over the world. So working agenst a unified democratic world helps Putin & hiz ilk.
Unifying the world is a horrible idea. It's the political equivalent of a monocultured crop- all subject to the same diseases and syndromes. No robustness built in. Nobody able to have any personal agency in the giant hive that you envision.

You really REALLY should read the beginning chapters of Rissa Kerguelen

The answer is to break things into SMALLER units, not force them into bigger ones. You lack imagination.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Sunday, March 26, 2017 8:58 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I'v never understood the objection to a 1 world goverment. Az long az its not a nasty dictator, it woud solv alot uv problemz.

For example, think uv all the money we woudnt be spending on the military!

And therez a hyooj HYOOOJ problem with obstructing efforts to unify the world - guyz like Putin are alwayz thinking about, if not actively working on taking over the world. So working agenst a unified democratic world helps Putin & hiz ilk.

Humanity is the objection to the one world government.

I can't remember if you're one of the people who support California leaving the US right now, but that's a thing.

You can't say "But Trump!", because there hasn't been a President in my lifetime that we'd all be happy with. Maybe there never was.

There would never be a world without wars. "Unification" of the world would only be possible through totalitarianism.


Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:02 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I'v never understood the objection to a 1 world goverment. Az long az its not a nasty dictator, it woud solv alot uv problemz.

For example, think uv all the money we woudnt be spending on the military!

And therez a hyooj HYOOOJ problem with obstructing efforts to unify the world - guyz like Putin are alwayz thinking about, if not actively working on taking over the world. So working agenst a unified democratic world helps Putin & hiz ilk.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early



Okay, in a word: China.

Think about what a large empire does when it has a population locked in. De-Militarization? Unlikely. You never see that. You see that military turn on its own population.

Now imagine a nation that it was impossible to leave. Nation Earth. The abuses of power would be completely unchecked.

Your post is a campaign poster for Putin. "Taking on the world, and stopping global governance!" And maybe he is that hero. Global governance would be war without end or hope.


Sunday, March 26, 2017 8:29 PM


rezident owtsidr

You guyz arent thinking very far ahed.

The Earth must eventually unite. It will wun way or another. Trying to stop the inevitable never works out for the obstructorz.

We can work to take the world in a democratic direction or it will end up az a dictatorship, oligarky, comunist wutevrthehell China iz, a corporate cattle ranch or sum other unfortunate for us control structure.

The game iz on. Pretending it iznt, or that you dont haf to play only puts you behind the serious playerz like Putin.

The most probabl outkum in my opinion: Skynet.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:32 PM


Skynet = Totalitarianism.

It would never happen voluntarily. The only way we'll be united as a species is if we are forced to be by something more powerful than we are collectively.




Sunday, March 26, 2017 10:08 PM



A couple things.

First, as a carbon based lifeform, I shouldn't. I should be worried about what's going to torture and kill me and my kids, and not what happens to the species five centuries from now, which is anybody's guess.

Next, I want to challenge your underlying assumption.

In the post-medieval period, Russia was united, Austria was united, and western Europe was scattered to the four winds. Yet it's W. Europe that went out and conquered the world.

I don't see any reason this is going to be any different. It's not unthinkable to channel some atmosphere from jupiter to terraform Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. It might very well end up like that, with Chinese Io, European Europa, American Ganymede and Russian Callisto.

Next, the obstructorz are right. Govt. shouldn't do anything. It never ends well.

Putin is not the bad guy. Okay, he is. But he's a kind of cool james bond villain. Still, he's probably on the right track for how to make Russia great again. Merkel is on track to make Europe suck.

Skynet *IS* one world govt!

The most successful society in recent centuries is unquestionably Europe. 20th, it's real only major challengers are US and Japan, and 19th, 18th c., they pretty much own it. Which is why "white supremacy" became the boogeyman. 21st cenury? it's Asia, all over, and it'll be Asian supremacy that will be the boogeyman of the 22nd century. But the reason Europe succeeded was not that they were white, but that they had the right idea. little tiny states with far reaching trade platforms. And who ultimately came out ahead in that I think was Switzerland. Little alpine republic. Like Slovenia, not doing bad for themselves. Empire is expensive, and world empire is the most expensive concept ever. We've bankrupted ourselves into the next millennium with our attempts to do it and failure. Just imaging the cost of running the thing. It will be a never ending global civil war. It'll be the USSR time 20. It'll be world war forever.

The future domination will be a competition of Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and whatever mess China leaves behind when the Maoists die off or retire, which probably means an independent Taiwan, with strong bases in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

6, HG Wells, New World Order. Some people will hate the NWO, even fight against it.







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