
UPDATED: Thursday, March 1, 2018 03:35
VIEWED: 5823
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Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:25 PM


Yeah, you remember when I said I got into the whole "microexpression" thing when we figured out hubby had Aspergers?

After he says "no" there is a smug grin and he looks down and away??


If I ever had any doubts that Trump has been bought, I don't now.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:27 PM


And there we have it folks... Wishy cracked the case!

You should really consider a career in Texas Hold'em poker Wish.

You do realize that there is a possibility that Russia could have interfered in the election with the intent of making Hillary lose without actually having any contact with Trump's team at all, right? It's not as if Trump had the DNC server in his basement or left John Podestsa's cell phone in the back of that taxi. I'm pretty sure he didn't have the passwords to either of them.

Knowing old people and computers, I'm betting their password didn't need any hacking. Hillary's server password was "password" and Podesta's cell phone password was "12345".


Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:29 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

You do realize that there is a possibility that Russia could have interfered in the election with the intent of making Hillary lose without actually having any contact with Trump's team at all, right? It's not as if Trump had the DNC server in his basement or left John Podestsa's cell phone in the back of that taxi. I'm pretty sure he didn't have the passwords to either of them.

Lol. You're good. Actually, it's this: Podestsa's was password.

Some disgruntled state dept official HRC fired said that, when he said it was him. He's also the guy who started this deep state coup rumor which appears to be true

Wish, this horse is buried. If Putin had the election rigged against HRC he wouldn't have threatened to attack America if she won. We lost and we lost because we had a terrible candidate who wikileaks showed us lost the primary 36 to Bernie's 64. If you want to win, run the winner.


Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:42 PM


Holy shit. I was only joking. His password wasn't actually password was it?


Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:51 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Wish, this horse is buried. If Putin had the election rigged against HRC he wouldn't have threatened to attack America if she won. We lost and we lost because we had a terrible candidate who wikileaks showed us lost the primary 36 to Bernie's 64. If you want to win, run the winner.

I'm sorry, but that's just too damn, I don't know, what's the word, honest? Why are you fucking with the natural order of things around here? You libs are required to hate Trump and believe all the conspiracy theories about how he stole the election. Now take back what you said!


Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:09 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Holy shit. I was only joking. His password wasn't actually password was it?

Saw that several places. Steve Pieczenik was the guy. He claimed he "hacked" Hillary's email by logging into Podesta's computer, and sent it to wikileaks. He also said Hillary was plotting a secret coup to depose Trump from teh day after election day. He's kind of a nutter. I don't know how to take what he says


Thursday, March 30, 2017 11:21 PM


Guccifer is pretty on target on the whole thing. It was actually news when it first happened, but I see they've buried it, but a lot of people picked up on it. I suspect it's not fake news, but was real, and embarrassing. I sort of like the idea that the whole hacking mystery come down to someone at the office being fed up. And a guy whose password was password.

At least it wasn't 18atcskd2w:

River, it's sad but true, I'm a Russian agent and I'm just hear to deflect criticism from Vladimir Putin because otherwise he will kill me inefficiently with very messy slow acting poisons that take just long enough for me to spill everything I know.

In 2020, we're planning to run a transgender "third gender" candidate, a man who lives as a six year old girl and an illegal alien, self defined space alien, from Mexico, as well as a former member of ISIS. It'll be interesting to see who Debbie Wasserman-Schultz wants to win.

My money's on the self aware bobble headed doll.


Friday, March 31, 2017 9:18 AM



Originally posted by G:

That would be a serious upgrade from what we have now.


Okay, I'm a dem, moderate, and I voted for Bernie. I campaigned for Dean, Kerry, Nader. I regret the Kerry thing. He was a psycho.

Issues that matter to me: environment, economics, foreign policy, civil rights/liberties, government reform, healthcare.

Issues I have opinions on: energy, education, eugenics, immigration, corporate citizenship, free trade, taxes, jobs.

Issues that don't form my world view: gay rights, national security, religious expression, entitlements, drugs, crime, gun control.

Trump on those:

Environment, bad in word, deed? wait and see. Obama was good in word and worst in deed.
Economics. good in word so far. Very pro American. Obama, Bush, Clinton were terrible.
Foreign Policy. best in a long time. Yemen is an issue. Not new, but should be gone.
Civil rights/liberties: If you extract identity politics, these are the same issue. Trump is quite good on them so far. Bush and Obama were constitution shredders.
Government reform: nothing yet. I didn't like any of the recent leaders on this front.
Healthcare: I actually liked Trumpcare. I'd prefer free market system, but I like Berniecare. Obamacare was a disaster.

Less important to me:
Energy: Good. I like the Russian/arctic oil plan. Sure beats the hell out of predecessors. I'd like to see more alt energy, maybe Musk can sway him.
Education: Good in word. (pro-school choice,) no deeds.
Eugenics: I'm anti, I think Trump's pretty good on this issue.
Immigration: I'm pro, Trump is awful. If this were your only issue, then, sure. Maybe his wives should knock some sense into him.
Corporate citizenship: Trump has done nothing.
Free trade: Trump is excellent on this issue.
Taxes: He's great in word. Let's see what happens in deed.
Jobs: He's quite good at this.

Stuff I don't base a vote on:
Gay rights: He's on the left here.
National security: Anti-ISIS.
Religious expression: i'm sure he's for, he hasn't done anything
Entitlements: He's probably left of where the republicans want him
Drugs: I suspect he'll let legalization pass, and won't invest too much in the war on drugs.
Crime: More cops. That's be annoying if I lived in a city.
Gun control: I'm sure he's against. It's a political partisan football.

Now, taken objectively, that's a lot better a scorecard than anyone we've had since the 80s.

Here's what I think.

Anti-Trump is the result of listening to the filter. People let the media set a narrative for them, and then allow themselves to get angry over it.

As always, also, psychological investment. People pull an Obama level, they end up defending his disastrous policies. I had this experience with Kerry. I defended his plans for the middle east. They were terrible, but i defended them.

What's so bad about the Russia deal? That's a great deal. Beats the hell out of kowtowing to the Saudis. Hate Russia? That's not even logical. It's a narrative.

Worse: Because he talked about sex. He had three wives and five kids. I think he's had sex. I've never been one to glom to the gaff, but there are a lot of these that are just made up. It's part of the media narrative. Trump hasn't offended me, and I don't care that much if he did. I mean, Biden made some supposedly derogatory comments about Obama, who then chose him for a VP. Smart people ignore this kind of narrative.

Here's some Trump hate pages

What that sounds like to me is: Waah! We wanted Hillary!
No, they didn't. She's awful. Consider yourself lucky.

Here's a conservative one
That's just a bunch of media narratives. I'm not sure they're even real. The sexism is not as bad as Bill Clinton, worse than Bush; the handicapped thing is bogus, as is the racism, and the anti-semitism is extremely bogus, the guy is basically handing the reigns over to jews. I think this is actually some of the origin of the hate.

Melania is right: His worst feature is he spends too much time complaining on twitter

All that said, why should I hate Trump? And if I did, where would it get me?


Friday, March 31, 2017 2:51 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Melania is right: His worst feature is he spends too much time complaining on twitter

That's without a doubt the most delusional thing I've read this month.

He's cheated on his last two wives, he's refused to pay workers that he's contracted causing people to go out of business, he lies 73% of the time, he's been bought by the Russians, he's a misogynist (have you looked at his twitter past with women at ALL???), committed insurance fraud by claiming damage no one has ever seen, backed a university that was fraudulent, known racist that DOZENS of people have know gone on record that he calls pretty much every black person a nigger, institutes gag orders like a fascist, implied several times he's attracted TO HIS OWN DAUGHTER, harassed old people out of their homes in Scotland, put his name on a building and did dealing with a person that the dirtiest dealers in Azerbaijan called "dirty", is supported by the KKK, may have been a drug and sex addict...

The LEAST of his problems is that he has a personality disorder and has ZERO control or ethics of any kind.

To support a sub-human is to BE sub-human!!!!!!


Friday, March 31, 2017 2:53 PM




Friday, March 31, 2017 5:20 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

is supported by the KKK, may have been a drug and sex addict...

I think you're mistaken. We were talking about Melania. Bill Clinton isn't First Lady, because HRC lost that election. Yeah, i know y'all missed the memo. I think I'll go start an America now. This one is shot.

6ix, you wanna be Sec of State?


Friday, March 31, 2017 6:38 PM


Couldn't be any worse than the ones we've had since Y2K.


Friday, March 31, 2017 6:50 PM


It didn't even fall to Y2k, or even 18atcskd2w, it was "password" what got 'em.

Okay, I declare these states of somewhere online to be the New Knighted States of America. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Friday, March 31, 2017 10:04 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I think you're mistaken. We were talking about Melania.

Why bother, she's just a Renta-Stepford wife? She's paid not to notice even if Trump killed and ate two yr old kids for dinner...

And who the hell still cares what Bill or Hillary is doing right now or in the past, old news..... LET IT GO. Trump is now. He SHOULD be yesterdays news.


Friday, March 31, 2017 11:24 PM




Saturday, April 1, 2017 10:48 AM


ETA: Where can I get a stepford wife like that? Will Russia pay for her?


Monday, April 3, 2017 8:33 PM



Monday, April 3, 2017 8:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's the second most popular password.

Now, the most popular HUMAN generated passwords are - you guessed it - 'password' and '123456'. But 18atcskd2w is computer generated. That it's so popular, or at least, frequently used, indicates there are a lot of bots requesting registrations using that password. In other words, there are a lot of bot 'users'.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 3, 2017 10:00 PM


1kiki is right. Though a number of computer programs also default to "password"

I have my machine in the store set to "password" because I have to have a password and everyone has to use the machine. I don't know why Podesta used it. I have seen enough of Hillary Clinton to know that she had no idea that the full content of her emails would show up on Podesta's account. Specifically, when she first heard about the leak, her reaction was to order her whole staff to stomp on their blackberries. And she could be running the country if the whingers get their way. She actually ran the not-so-covert ops through JSOC during the Obama administration. They were so covert that New Yorker columnist Seymour Hersh pretty much spilled the whole thing. And good thing too, there were some toxic policies there, like running chemical weapons to ISIS faction Al Nusra. Those weapons were used to kill nearly 15,000 civilians. But back to passwords. The theory presented in the article is that it's bots. That said, I read a competing theory that some piece of common server software generates a random default password instead of using the default "password" it pulls it from the random number generator, and if RAND() hasn't been set up, it returns the same thing every time, which could be interpreted by this software as 18atcskd2w.


Users of popular online forums are being advised to change their passwords following the leak of some 45 million credentials.

As LeakedSource reports, millions of user credentials from over 1,100 websites and communities – including,, and – have been exposed after parent company VerticalScope suffered a previously undisclosed hack in February.

VerticalScope confirmed the breach obliquely in a security advisory posted on its website, where it described how it was rolling out stricter password rules:

“…we recently became aware of potential risks to community accounts (username, userid, encrypted password and email address) on many Forum online communities, including some owned and operated by VerticalScope. To be safe, these changes are being implemented on all of our Forum communities to help protect all of our users on each of our websites.”

A ZDNet report provides more information, explaining that many of the affected websites appear to have been running outdated versions of the VBulletin forum software and did not have elementary HTTPS in place to prevent man-in-the-middle attackers from simply sniffing passwords as users logged in.

Furthermore, if LeakedSource is to be believed, most of the records (over 40 million) were using the MD5 hashing algorithm to store passwords – a technique which is not felt to provide adequate protection against password cracking.

What does this mean if you are one of the many users of VerticalScope’s popular and varied online forums?

You should obviously change your passwords as soon as possible. And ensure that you are not using the same password anywhere else on the internet.

After all, you may not care that much if your account on is compromised, but if a hacker were to use that same information to break into your Gmail account, you may feel very differently about things.

But the data breach also throws up another interesting question: just why are so many people seemingly using the same bizarre passwords?

LeakedSource’s analysis of the leaked data reveals, for instance, that over 91,000 people appear to have chosen to use the password “18atcskd2w,” making it the second most popular password in the haul. It’s nestled between the sadly, rather more predictable “123456” and “password”:

Password chart

Can so many people really be choosing to protect their online accounts with the same, seemingly random choice of “18atcskd2w”, “3rjs1la7qe,” or “q0tsrbv488”?

The answer, of course, is no. People are not choosing those passwords.

Yes, those credentials can be found amongst the stolen data, and those passwords are being used on many tens of thousands of accounts, but it wasn’t a human being who chose that password. It was a computer.

Human brains were responsible for choosing passwords like “123456”, “password,” and “qwerty.” But there is no way that 91,103 people independently chose to secure their accounts with “18atcskd2w.”

Instead, what I believe happened is that these accounts were created by bots, perhaps with the intention of posting spam onto the forums.

If a user forum does not have strong measures in place to verify that an account is being registered by a living, breathing human being, it’s relatively trivial for someone with mischievous intent to write a program that creates multiple accounts for the purposes of spreading spammy messages or malicious links.

It’s equally possible for the ne’er-do-well to generate a random password for each of their bot accounts, but that clearly requires more coding effort on their part and can complicate the later exploitation of the accounts because of the need to remember which password goes with which rogue account.

All in all, it’s easier for a spammer who is creating tens of thousands of accounts to use the same password over and over again – especially if the site doesn’t appear to notice anything suspicious is going on.

This is all by-the-by, of course, to anyone whose credentials have been exposed because of the hack of some 1100+ websites run by VerticalScope. You probably don’t care too much about the bogus accounts on the sites at the moment and, quite rightly, are more concerned about your own security.

So, if you believe you might be at risk, change your passwords both on the sites and anywhere else on the web that could be using the same passwords.

As I explained in a recent video, I’m not a big fan of users being forced to change their passwords regularly (a regime that VerticalScope says it plans to introduce), but there is no argument in this case: your password has been exposed, so you really must change your password.

My recommendation is to use a good password manager to help you with that process. A password manager can generate truly random passwords for you and remember them for you, thereby reducing the chances that you reuse passwords in future or choose weak ones that are easy to guess.

Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Tripwire, Inc.

That said there are other password charts out there, but 18atcskd2w is anomalous.


Monday, April 3, 2017 10:53 PM


I really don't understand why we have problems like this today...

My mom worked for a major telecom company back in the day. She was among some of the first people who could do a lot of work from home remotely. (Not as glamourous as it sounds... All that meant was that she was expected to do way more work and was tied down with her pagers and company cell phone so they could reach her at anytime... it was a nightmare job).

Back to the point though...

I was like 12 years old when she started doing this, and in order to log into whatever she was logging into, she had to use a special password that changed every 30 seconds. She was given a solar powered unit that was the size of a credit card and about 3-4 times as thick as one. The old school LCD display showed the number and a weird little countdown timer until the password changed.

I'd imagine that when she got that unit it cost the company a fortune to outfit their people with them. Today I can't imagine they'd cost hardly anything at all.

Although I'm guessing that they didn't have much security and could have been pretty easily intercepted... But who would have been doing that? Not many people would have had the tech necessary to intercept it, let alone the knowledge to do so.

Maybe they didn't go forward with that tech because it would be too easy to intercept them today even if they were heavily encrypted?


Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:50 AM


It's the business model where there's one guy working on the website for every one million customers.


Thursday, March 1, 2018 1:50 AM


I'd like to point out I WAS RIGHT. Russians were hacking and manipulating everything they could get their grubby hands on...

My new one is Omarosa ..

You watch the clip...she's wringing her hands and then she WINCES.

The hand wringing is a self comforting measure people do when they aren't telling the whole truth, but the WINCE says it all.

Trump's going down and she knows it!


Thursday, March 1, 2018 3:35 AM


That's old news by now and has been deemed fake for "reality TV" drama.

Move along... nothing to see here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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