Fly the Unfriendly Skies

UPDATED: Thursday, October 25, 2018 16:55
VIEWED: 8548
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:07 PM


Stranded on the Tarmac
Retitled because mom had a better idea

As United Airlines endures widespread criticism and mockery in the United States after a passenger was forcibly removed from a flight Sunday to make room for a United employee, the public relations fallout threatens one of the carrier's most important overseas markets: China.

Fiscal Times Columnist Liz Peek said video of the passenger being dragged off the aircraft and left bloodied has trended on Weibo, a Chinese micro-blogging site. "270 million hits on Weibo and comments because people think it was anti-Chinese," Peek told the FOX Business Network's Stuart Varney. "The fellow looks to be Asian, people are viewing that as discriminatory, and that’s a huge market for United Airlines.”

United prides itself on having the most direct flights to China than other airlines, and has seen its stock consistently drop since the video surfaced online Monday.

“He was approached a few more times after that in order to gain his compliance to come off the aircraft, and each time he refused and became more and more disruptive and belligerent…” United Airlines CEO, Oscar Munoz said in a statement.

Peek noted that Jet Blue had a similar incident where they left passengers waiting on a tarmac for hours, however the way the two airlines handled their PR nightmares has been very different.

“I mean, I don’t know if he had seen the video, and he talked about re-accommodating the passenger, I think that was his word, I mean, really that is a public relations disaster,” Peek said. “And by the way, when I say he may be shouldn’t lose his job, remember Jet Blue had a similar situation several years ago, kept people waiting on a tarmac for four hours etcetera. They engaged a very aggressive public relations effort, and they did correct their problem. This may be worse than that, I don’t know that he can really kind of bounce back from this, it is horrifying.”


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:56 PM


LOL.... Of COURSE it was discriminatory. Everything is about race, isn't it?

That being said, this is the first time I even heard that the passenger was Asian. A relative of mine was telling me about this over the phone yesterday and I said "Good for that guy for telling them to eat shit". It doesn't matter if he was a doctor that had places to go or some nobody who didn't. He paid for the ticket, that was his ride. If they really were offering a large compensation to give up his seat, I'm sure they could have offered it to others and gotten somebody to take it. 9 times out of 10 at least I would have said "hey wait a minute! you're going to give me 4 times what I paid for this flight to wait for the next one? Here's my seat!".

But they didn't do that. They made a freakin PR nightmare for themselves because they were being assholes.

I said that even if that guy is sleeping in jail last night he's getting some of the best sleep of his life after standing up and doing the right thing.

Now that I know he was asian, my opinion of that doesn't change one little bit.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:38 PM


Probably more money in a lawsuit on discrimination.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:55 PM


The facts as I have come to understand them:
The guy bloodied and dragged off the plane was Chinese. and apparently 69 years old. I have not heard if that means he was once a resident of China, or merely of Chinese heritage.
Many people have repeatedly used the phrase "over-booked" as if that is a good excuse, but it does not apply here. If overbooking was really the problem here, the seat negotiation and loss would have occurred prior to the passengers boarding, or at least the last remaining passengers. What they did was, after all passengers boarded, then UA decided some flight crew needed to get to Louisville, total of 4.
Then UA asked for volunteers, and offered $800 and a hotel night stay on them. Nobody accepted this offer.
Under Airline regulations, the airline is obligated to next make the same offer, with $1350 instead of the discount rate of $800. But the money grubbing airline did not make this offer (most seasoned travelers know this is the prevailing reimbursement, and this is likely why nobody bit on the half-price offer of $800).
UA then stated that they would "SELECT VOLUNTEERS to be involuntarily removed" from the flight, and 4 were selected, and 3 others deplaned. This guy stated he was a doctor and was needed at his hospital work at 6am (various reports indicate he had surgery, or just some patients, or some meeting).

"Law Enforcement Authorities" were summoned (some say merely Airport Cops) and they removed the guy, where he first smashed is head on an armrest (a video is available somewhere) and then he was dragged off. Some minutes later, the same guy gets back on the plane, running to the back, blood on his face. Reportedly, in order to restore order and get him medical attention, the plane was evacuated of other passengers, then medical personnel boarded and treated him, then he wa removed, then the passengers reboarded, and then the 4 UA employees boarded to rounds of despisement and beratement from the passengers.
If this part is true, that would have been one decent solution - have all passengers deplane, then "select involuntary volunteers" and not allow them to reboard.

Of course, the first correct action would have been to offer the $1350 to any volunteers, which UA was apparently too cheap to do in this case.

Hopefully UA will lose all of it's China business, or this Munoz tard gets booted out the door, as well as whatever United manager they have at O'HARE AIRPORT who created this debacle. This is NOT the smallest Airport in the United hub listing.

Some people say the guy should have submitted to whatever clowns showed up claiming to be cops. But if the guy is from China, cops are not exactly know for being honest, forthright, or helpful - and Chicago PD isn't exactly known for that either. I'm not a lawyer, but some have heard of "possession is 9 tenths of the law" - so as long as his butt is in the seat, isn't the seat in his possession? Would you be willing to risk losing your job at the behest of some rent-a-cop clown? If he misses surgery, who really believes that charge will be absorbed with $800 or even the $1350 which wasn't offered?


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:11 AM


Uh oh. Dr. Dao isn't the only one. A bad week for United and its passengers:


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:32 PM


I'm not convinced that story was even real.

Seems to me like they needed a token white rich guy to parade around and say "See! See! We're not racist!"

One thing is for sure though. Mr. Oscar Munoz better polish up his resume. Let's hope he's current on his Thrown-Under-The-Bus insurance policy.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:09 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
I'm not convinced that story was even real.

Seems to me like they needed a token white rich guy to parade around and say "See! See! We're not racist!"

One thing is for sure though. Mr. Oscar Munoz better polish up his resume. Let's hope he's current on his Thrown-Under-The-Bus insurance policy.

Or Oscar is on bath salts.

Also this

It could be a setup. Maybe SJWs are trying to get a rise out of someone. But if so, why an Asian? The Politically Correct left never protects Asians. They're only interested in the rights of blacks, jews and arabs; and muslims, not christians, and gays, including transgender males who just want to take female spots in sports competitions. Because women's rights. But Chinese have always been fair game. Or Vietnamese in this case.

But I don't see any reason why they would want to assassinate United, unless someone has a conspiracy theory that glues it all together, I'm tempted to go with the Oscar's on bath salts explanation. Because this.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 7:37 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Also this

Now you are off-base.
"girls" are flying for free under airline's employee benefit program, which strictly regulates many things, including dress while flying on the program. The "girls" effectively must pay the tax on the airfare, because it is considered a gift to the employees. Domestic this means 5 or 10 bucks, and I recall the most I paid under this program was $80 to Australia, round trip.
United, and any other airline which might do this, is completely in he right on this one. If the girls want to wear something not within the UA clothing guidelines, they can pay for the fare like the rest of us.

Other things which would be applicable would be unreasonable consumption of alcohol, being unruly towards crew or other passengers, disobeying the instructions of the flight crew or cabin crew, etc.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 8:17 PM


So, a twitter war is the way to deal with customer complaints. I'm going back to the Oscar is on bath salts theory.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:28 PM


Nah... I doubt the SJWs have anything to do with this. Asian men fly completely under their radar since most of them statistically do better than anybody else in almost every measurable way. (And no, I don't believe anything anybody says about average package sizes of any races).

Seems to me that the ones calling this racism are the Chinese themselves. They watch from afar and see America make every single event that ever happens, no matter how mundane, and turn it into some sort of race or sex or religious issue. Why not cash in on it themselves?

I don't think Oscar has anything to do with this at all besides sitting in the wrong $5,000 leather chair at the wrong time.

That is an awesome family portrait by the way. Who's the girl way off the the right looking all sad and lonely? She looks like the Mexican Jan Brady.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 2:50 AM


Hey JSF,

From what I heard on the news, both Dr. Dao and his wife accepted the $800 package, but, once they found out that they wouldn't get home until the next day, well all hell broke lose. Plus, I could see in the video that as he was being dragged out, he was clutching his I-Phone.

How could you be unconscious and clutching your cell phone? Anyway, the airline handled this extremely poorly. I doubt that anything will happen.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The facts as I have come to understand them:
The guy bloodied and dragged off the plane was Chinese. and apparently 69 years old. I have not heard if that means he was once a resident of China, or merely of Chinese heritage.
Many people have repeatedly used the phrase "over-booked" as if that is a good excuse, but it does not apply here. If overbooking was really the problem here, the seat negotiation and loss would have occurred prior to the passengers boarding, or at least the last remaining passengers. What they did was, after all passengers boarded, then UA decided some flight crew needed to get to Louisville, total of 4.
Then UA asked for volunteers, and offered $800 and a hotel night stay on them. Nobody accepted this offer.
Under Airline regulations, the airline is obligated to next make the same offer, with $1350 instead of the discount rate of $800. But the money grubbing airline did not make this offer (most seasoned travelers know this is the prevailing reimbursement, and this is likely why nobody bit on the half-price offer of $800).
UA then stated that they would "SELECT VOLUNTEERS to be involuntarily removed" from the flight, and 4 were selected, and 3 others deplaned. This guy stated he was a doctor and was needed at his hospital work at 6am (various reports indicate he had surgery, or just some patients, or some meeting).

"Law Enforcement Authorities" were summoned (some say merely Airport Cops) and they removed the guy, where he first smashed is head on an armrest (a video is available somewhere) and then he was dragged off. Some minutes later, the same guy gets back on the plane, running to the back, blood on his face. Reportedly, in order to restore order and get him medical attention, the plane was evacuated of other passengers, then medical personnel boarded and treated him, then he wa removed, then the passengers reboarded, and then the 4 UA employees boarded to rounds of despisement and beratement from the passengers.
If this part is true, that would have been one decent solution - have all passengers deplane, then "select involuntary volunteers" and not allow them to reboard.

Of course, the first correct action would have been to offer the $1350 to any volunteers, which UA was apparently too cheap to do in this case.

Hopefully UA will lose all of it's China business, or this Munoz tard gets booted out the door, as well as whatever United manager they have at O'HARE AIRPORT who created this debacle. This is NOT the smallest Airport in the United hub listing.

Some people say the guy should have submitted to whatever clowns showed up claiming to be cops. But if the guy is from China, cops are not exactly know for being honest, forthright, or helpful - and Chicago PD isn't exactly known for that either. I'm not a lawyer, but some have heard of "possession is 9 tenths of the law" - so as long as his butt is in the seat, isn't the seat in his possession? Would you be willing to risk losing your job at the behest of some rent-a-cop clown? If he misses surgery, who really believes that charge will be absorbed with $800 or even the $1350 which wasn't offered?


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:39 AM


Not sure. That's John McAfee and his pirates. Yes, of McAfee Antivirus.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 10:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What an excuse to post "UNITED BREAKS GUITARS"!


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 5:33 PM


The last time I was on a plane was with United Airlines flying to Denver. The seats were ridiculously narrow, the air didn't work, and the people next to me didn't shut up for three hours. I WISH they would have dragged me off that plane.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:11 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
So, a twitter war is the way to deal with customer complaints. I'm going back to the Oscar is on bath salts theory.

To make clear a point:
Wherever this clueless Munoz is from, the business mantra "The customer is ALWAYS right" is never spoken.
He needs to be out of a job. Unless he accepts custodian, or sanitation engineer.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 10:33 PM


Yeah, that was basically where I was. There were three incidents in a few weeks, and each time his response was the gorram customer is wrong. He risking sinking the corporation to win minor little ego battles. I'd fire him.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 11:26 PM


What companies have gone by "The Customer is Always Right?" I didn't think that was a thing anymore.


Friday, April 14, 2017 9:24 AM


Was curious as to who this Dr Dao guy was anyway. Interesting.


Friday, April 14, 2017 9:56 AM


I saw all the anti-Dr. Dao stories. The customer's past will now be made public for the world to see. Pretty sure he wasn't on trial here.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:09 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:

Was curious as to who this Dr Dao guy was anyway. Interesting.

What a complete failure this guy is.
His wife and 4 of his 5 children are Doctors.

What difference does his past make? This gives United authorization to beat him up, break his teeth, give him a concussion, use excessive violence to move him after seating him? All so they can save a few bucks by not paying passengers to volunteer themselves?


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:20 PM


That is absolutely disgusting that they would drag the guys name through the mud now. I hope he sues the fuck out of them.

Not that I ever fly anyhow, but if I ever do see out my dream to go to New Zealand before I die, it will not be on United.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:45 PM


Everything you guys say is not wrong. But I just think that when law enforcement is telling you to do something, you do it. Complain about it later. I think this guy knew exactly what he was doing. He saw lawsuit and $$$ by not complying. Sure law enforcement was wrong. No doubt. But I think having the press give out this guys history, it kinda gives you a small glimpse on his mind set. 3 other people complied with the request and left the plane. Right or wrong, Dao should have followed suit. Not trying to start a war with you guys, been coming here for too long. This is just how I feel. Cops were wrong, but so was he.


Friday, April 14, 2017 5:56 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:
Everything you guys say is not wrong. But I just think that when law enforcement is telling you to do something, you do it. Complain about it later. I think this guy knew exactly what he was doing. He saw lawsuit and $$$ by not complying. Sure law enforcement was wrong. No doubt. But I think having the press give out this guys history, it kinda gives you a small glimpse on his mind set. 3 other people complied with the request and left the plane. Right or wrong, Dao should have followed suit. Not trying to start a war with you guys, been coming here for too long. This is just how I feel. Cops were wrong, but so was he.

The 3 other people didn't have patients wsaiting for him at 8 am the next morning.

I have had offers of the vouchers and reimbursement type before, many times. I inquired at my company, and I was not allowed to accept their offers (they would have created overtime or extra charge scenarios, which would have then been passed on to our customers and clients, so we needed to avoid that type of "volunteering" when asked. I assume many others are in the same boat. But if they selected me as an involuntary volunteer, I would not have had a problem - in almost all cases I can recall. I could have delayed my return home, or more likely just rescheduled my next flight the following day to skip a stop at home altogether. This just would have generated more pay and expense reports for me. Anyhow, the point is this: many of us cannot "volunteer" to accept this offer, but we are much less imperitive than a doctor trying to get to his awaiting patients.


Friday, April 14, 2017 7:23 PM



He has every right to be there. 14th amendment. He bought his ticket, now they have to sell it to him. If they need another employee in Kentucky that day, buy one a plane ticket, or hire a temp in Kentucky.


Friday, April 14, 2017 7:44 PM


Yeah. I agree with Dreamtrove on this one. I don't care if he was a Doctor or a bum. He paid for the ticket and he was sitting in his seat.

Law enforcement was wrong for sure, but they should never have been a part of this equation in the first place.

New Rule. If you absolutely need to fly personnell to another spot on a full plane, you start auctioning off what you will pay customers to give up their spot for. If you don't get any takers, than tough titty.

Assuming that he was thinking $$$ and a big lawsuit equates to finding him guilty of thought crime without a trial. I would have done the exact same thing if I were in his position and it wouldn't have been about the money. It would have been the principal of the thing.


Friday, April 14, 2017 8:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


How could you be unconscious and clutching your cell phone?
Concussions don't always cause unconsciousness.
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). It can occur after an impact to your head or after a whiplash-type injury that causes your head and brain to shake quickly back and forth. A concussion results in an altered mental state that may include becoming unconscious.
Symptoms of a concussion vary depending on both the severity of the injury and the person injured. It’s not true that a loss of consciousness always occurs with a concussion. Some people do experience a loss of consciousness, but others don’t.

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, April 14, 2017 11:01 PM


I know this first hand. I wrestled in high school. I won a challenge match after being illegally slammed on my head (lifting a person and slamming them is fine if your knees touch the mat before the other person does).

I never lost consciousness but my vision was blurry for a few minutes and I wasn't responding to questions the right way. I never did go to the hospital or even tell my parents about it. My mom freaked years later when I told her about it after Coach died. I knew she'd probably attack him if he was still alive for not taking me immediately to the hospital, so I didn't tell her about that for years.

All these years later it has become one of those "Ignorance is Bliss" things for me. For about 30 seconds afterward it was like I was pissing out of my nose, I shit you not. Probably lost some brain fluid there, but I always just told myself that he knocked my sinuses clean.

Do me a favor and don't post me any studies or links to WebMD, mmmmkay?


Friday, April 14, 2017 11:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I promise to not post anything like that

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, April 15, 2017 8:07 AM



and yes, on the airlines, there's a situation already when they don't have space for their employees called they fucked up. In that case, despite owning airplanes, they're in the same boat as everyone else. There are lots of ways to get to Louisville, and they include other airlines, trains and cars. Many of us have been in the position of "I'm in Chicago, and I need to be in Kentucky. None of us have then thought "I know what, I'll mug someone, throw them out of their seat and drag them out into the parking lot and then I can take the passenger seat in their car!"


Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:28 PM



Monday, April 17, 2017 7:20 PM


Who is going to believe United's excuses now, unless there is video to prove their lame story?


Monday, April 17, 2017 7:29 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The facts as I have come to understand them:
The guy bloodied and dragged off the plane was Chinese. and apparently 69 years old. I have not heard if that means he was once a resident of China, or merely of Chinese heritage.
Many people have repeatedly used the phrase "over-booked" as if that is a good excuse, but it does not apply here. If overbooking was really the problem here, the seat negotiation and loss would have occurred prior to the passengers boarding, or at least the last remaining passengers. What they did was, after all passengers boarded, then UA decided some flight crew needed to get to Louisville, total of 4.
Then UA asked for volunteers, and offered $800 and a hotel night stay on them. Nobody accepted this offer.
Under Airline regulations, the airline is obligated to next make the same offer, with $1350 instead of the discount rate of $800. But the money grubbing airline did not make this offer (most seasoned travelers know this is the prevailing reimbursement, and this is likely why nobody bit on the half-price offer of $800).
UA then stated that they would "SELECT VOLUNTEERS to be involuntarily removed" from the flight, and 4 were selected, and 3 others deplaned. This guy stated he was a doctor and was needed at his hospital work at 6am (various reports indicate he had surgery, or just some patients, or some meeting).

"Law Enforcement Authorities" were summoned (some say merely Airport Cops) and they removed the guy, where he first smashed is head on an armrest (a video is available somewhere) and then he was dragged off. Some minutes later, the same guy gets back on the plane, running to the back, blood on his face. Reportedly, in order to restore order and get him medical attention, the plane was evacuated of other passengers, then medical personnel boarded and treated him, then he wa removed, then the passengers reboarded, and then the 4 UA employees boarded to rounds of despisement and beratement from the passengers.
If this part is true, that would have been one decent solution - have all passengers deplane, then "select involuntary volunteers" and not allow them to reboard.

Of course, the first correct action would have been to offer the $1350 to any volunteers, which UA was apparently too cheap to do in this case.

Hopefully UA will lose all of it's China business, or this Munoz tard gets booted out the door, as well as whatever United manager they have at O'HARE AIRPORT who created this debacle. This is NOT the smallest Airport in the United hub listing.

Some people say the guy should have submitted to whatever clowns showed up claiming to be cops. But if the guy is from China, cops are not exactly know for being honest, forthright, or helpful - and Chicago PD isn't exactly known for that either. I'm not a lawyer, but some have heard of "possession is 9 tenths of the law" - so as long as his butt is in the seat, isn't the seat in his possession? Would you be willing to risk losing your job at the behest of some rent-a-cop clown? If he misses surgery, who really believes that charge will be absorbed with $800 or even the $1350 which wasn't offered?

Hey JSF,

From what I heard on the news, both Dr. Dao and his wife accepted the $800 package, but, once they found out that they wouldn't get home until the next day, well all hell broke lose. Plus, I could see in the video that as he was being dragged out, he was clutching his I-Phone.

How could you be unconscious and clutching your cell phone? Anyway, the airline handled this extremely poorly. I doubt that anything will happen.


I missed this mention of Dao being unconscious. Did you get that from a news report?
Regarding his wife, Dr. Teresa Dao, maybe she was not scheduled to see critical patients the next day. What difference would this make in their treatment of Dr. David Dao?


Thursday, April 27, 2017 5:35 PM


Well at least dipstick Munoz has lost his arranged Chairmanship, which had been scheduled for 2018. How is that clown not sent packing?


Thursday, April 27, 2017 6:44 PM


Nobody wants to pay out that $2 million golden parachute that's in his contract. Maybe there's a loophole and they can make him a janitor until he quits and not have to pay it out.


Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:02 PM


And now even Delta needs to get in on the act - kicking off a guy who had to urinate, after they forbid him for over a half hour, after a 2 hour period sitting on the tarmac, in Atlanta. Does anybody think this is reasonable, other than the Delta crew?

Are they just power hungry? Want to be the boss of everybody? I've seen a few rude Stews and agents, but these are beyond my experience.


Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:11 PM


I'd have just pissed on the floor of the plane. That's what I did years back when the cops wouldn't let me pee and took their sweet ass time with me in the back of the squad car.

They're already treating you like an animal. Go ahead and act like one.


Friday, April 28, 2017 12:02 PM



Originally posted by G:
'Cuz doubling down on stupid always works. You have a way of finding the worst solution for just about everything.

I got off. It's always worked out for me.


Sunday, April 30, 2017 3:47 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now even Delta needs to get in on the act - kicking off a guy who had to urinate, after they forbid him for over a half hour, after a 2 hour period sitting on the tarmac, in Atlanta. Does anybody think this is reasonable, other than the Delta crew?

Are they just power hungry? Want to be the boss of everybody? I've seen a few rude Stews and agents, but these are beyond my experience.

JSF - My understanding of waiters and service people on general did a 180 once I became one. If you have only been a customer, you have no idea what it's like to be a "customer care" person. People/customers are rude, insane, demanding, offensive, and often just plain f*cking nuts. Maybe not these customers, but many customers deserve this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, the worst ones make it bad for everyone.

I have worked in the service industry before - which is why I am perplexed by the actions of these Stews.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:40 PM



Monday, September 11, 2017 7:34 PM


More fun from Canada Air.
Does anybody think it matters if Canada Air has all government employees?


Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:49 AM


Earlier this week United endeavored to endear itself by killing a family dog on flight from Houston to NY.
Flight Attendant forced family to stuff dog in overhead bin for 3 hours, where it died - apparently from asphyxiation, no air to breath.
Yep, United Airlines. But hey, they offered to refund the cost of their tickets, so all is square, right?

Does ANYBODY there even try to do anything right? WTF is wrong with these clowns, did nobody get a Memo?


Thursday, March 15, 2018 2:56 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And now even Delta needs to get in on the act - kicking off a guy who had to urinate, after they forbid him for over a half hour, after a 2 hour period sitting on the tarmac, in Atlanta. Does anybody think this is reasonable, other than the Delta crew?

Are they just power hungry? Want to be the boss of everybody? I've seen a few rude Stews and agents, but these are beyond my experience.

JSF - My understanding of waiters and service people on general did a 180 once I became one. If you have only been a customer, you have no idea what it's like to be a "customer care" person. People/customers are rude, insane, demanding, offensive, and often just plain f*cking nuts. Maybe not these customers, but many customers deserve this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, the worst ones make it bad for everyone.

I have worked in the service industry before - which is why I am perplexed by the actions of these Stews.

Now that we know more about G or CC, it is immensely hilarious that he claims to have ever been a waiter or service person.
But no shock to hear that he considers the customers to be the problem. And the customers deserve rude, insane, demanding, offensive and nuts treatment from him.
No sh!T.


Thursday, March 15, 2018 8:42 PM


Apparently of all animals killed by airlines, 75% are killed by United Airlines.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 4:55 PM


Gee, search engines could not find this the other day. Even with the actual title in the search box.






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