Road Trip to Hell

UPDATED: Monday, January 29, 2018 20:51
VIEWED: 6678
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Monday, May 15, 2017 2:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

On this mother's day, JO, I hope that you know that I remember your loss, and send you my deepest sympathies.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, May 15, 2017 2:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

WISHI, I hope your mom's day was good.

How's your injury? Getting better I trust?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, May 15, 2017 12:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
WISHI, I hope your mom's day was good.

How's your injury? Mother's Day?

Thank you for asking. Hope yours was well.

Mine started out well enough, hubby made sulfite free biscuits and gravy, my kiddo gave me a gorgeous drawing of a bleeding heart plant... Then I went outside to mow the lawn (one of the only things I can still do) and the sprayer for the weed killer had a seal break, and when I stopped the riding mower to talk to hubbs about it the starter on the mower fried with my neighbor's lawn half mowed (she's 76) . It's not worth fixing it at this point.

As such we have decided to buy a new one (BYE BYE $2000) and will not be able to afford a new used vehicle. Also, the door on our ancient fridge has decided to wear out, so we will need another of those (BYE BYE $1000+) Also, last weekend the TV remote fried, and the month before THAT one of the speakers in the TV fried as well, so we may replace it as well. (BYE BYE $500).

Really, we just need to buy a new life. Anyone know where we can get one of those?? On discount7??

And since you asked, these casts are designed to make people on the autism spectrum go psychotic. From 7-10 every night all I can think is "I WANT TO TAKE IT OFF, I WANT TO TAKE IT OFF!!!" Especially when it starts twinging or itching or sweating. I have already removed several inches of it with tin snips. It was either IT or MY LEG. Still have three 1/2 weeks to go, but they will put on a fresh one next Monday...

My grandma has picked up a respiratory infection and my aunt on chemo is taking her to the doctor today, and NO, I cannot drive the van with the cast.... I have to guess where the pedals are since I can't see them well, and holding the cast in the air over the brake DOES NOT WORK.

My house is a mess, and my kid did over 60 hours of homework and end-of-year projects for school IN TWO WEEKS so helping me is not a priority. I have been helping HER with THEM instead... Hubby is on 6 days a week right now, so no help there. I'm thankful he has energy to go get groceries on Sunday.

Also, the psych doc put him on Zoloft for OCD, unfortunately he was on it 4 years ago and we forgot that it turns him into a spend-aholic, rage-aholic because I'm not good at remembering pill names and neither is he. (He has been on a dozen different ones since the Asperger's diagnosis.) I thought that the psych doc would have had it in his notes to NEVER prescribe it again, but he didn't check. (Last month, before the accident it made him so mad he put a hole in the wall. I just hung a picture over it.)

Hubby blew through over $700 on prepper JUNK in a month and a half (last time it was $400), since I was not keeping track for three weeks after the accident. When we realized it was the pills and that the bank account was damn near empty, he felt so bad about it he was cutting himself.

Now we HAVE to take a vacation because I'm afraid he will kill himself if we don't.

So.....We're just SUPER. Never better


Sunday, May 21, 2017 11:21 PM


Had the first bit of luck in a while, new neighbor used to work in a mower repair place, helped us for a couple hours replace a half dozen things on the mower and it runs like a jackrabbit again. I was mowing with a headlamp on, but it's done for another week! Will be delivering a big batch of brownies for him and the kids this week.


Sunday, May 21, 2017 11:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Cool! May it continue.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, May 22, 2017 10:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A stroke of good fortune. Like KIKI, I hope it continues for you and your family.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Sunday, January 28, 2018 9:52 PM


God...last year SUCKED.

So....It turns out that of all of those bills, EVERY SINGLE PROVIDER needed to be called, emailed, and sometimes conference called with State Farm to get them paid...and I had no idea. I thought if I told them State Farm was paying and made sure every bill made it to them it would work out...NOPE.

Each bill I submitted was rejected for months, and I didn't know until they all started showing up "PAST DUE". At least 30 bills, at least 50 calls to get them settled. And several needed specific billing forms that I had to request and re-submit. At least a dozen conference calls. I can't imagine the waste and effort that goes down the drain processing this stuff...

AND THEN, I had to go in person to each provider and get a patient release statement. It would have taken the other insurer six months to get them all, I spent a day driving around and got them all myself. I imagine most of these type cases take longer than two years to figure out, and if you take longer then two years bad things happen. Providers can sue, insurers can deny payment.

If I had known what a mess the billing was, I would have used my credit card and submitted the final bill to the other side. Lesson learned.

At least a dozen calls later with the other guys insurance...we arrived at a settlement. It took a little investigative work, but there is a dollar amount that can be approved without lawyers involved and no further due process. I'm pretty sure if I hired a lawyer and went through the process I could have gotten about 4 times what I did, but a lawyer takes about 30%.
Not worth the time and hassle for me.

Interestingly enough, if you get a settlement for actual pain and don't have to pay taxes on it. If it's for mental anguish, you do.

We've decided to close out our crappy 401K and take the settlement and pay the house off, I think. No more house payment would mean we could save more in two years than we have in the 401K and we wouldn't be losing all the interest every month.

Stock market doesn't do any good for us peons anyway.

Just got back from taking my kiddo and her bestie (her birthday) clothes shopping and it was a good day. Kiddo was the first person to get paid when we got the money. I am so grateful for everything she did, could not have lived this without her...

My foot still occasionally twangs, but I'm generally walking, limps some when the weather is bad. My knee is going to take years for the odd bruising to fade I think (it jammed into my keys at high speed).

I am FAAAR more vigilant of semi's now, and truly have to fight down the flashbacks quite a bit...but I'll survive. I got my grans teeny tiny car in exchange for running her groceries and taking her to the docs, so not worrying about what vehicle to buy either.

I'm just glad I can put all this crap behind me... Every part of it was a nightmare...


Monday, January 29, 2018 3:49 AM


rezident owtsidr

Payed the hous off. Soundz like an unreachable fantasy to me. Congrats!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, January 29, 2018 8:11 AM


Assuming your house is worth keeping, you won't be sorry by paying off that house Wishy. I'm actually extremely happy for you and your family, and very impressed with your tenacity dealing with all of those issues and your refusal to get lawyers involved who would have just milked you for months.

I'm not saying not to put money back into your retirement from here forward, but there is nothing you can possibly own or put your money into that is safer than your home. Once you've paid it off, as long as you keep up to date on your property taxes, NOBODY can take it away from you. It's safe from bankruptcy, it's safe from college loans, it's safe from hospital bills... Should you ever need any governmental assistance it will not be counted against you at all for it.

Just keep it insured, and keep those tax payments up to date. You will have to do that yourself now, likely twice per year. If you're locality is like me you will get a bill in the mail with instructions on how and when to pay and what the penalties are for late payments. I'd advise going the extra step to call your assessor and/or treasurer immediately after paying off the house to get this information rather than relying on them. I'd also call two different times to talk to two different people who (hopefully) give you the same information.

Oh... and if you were paying flood insurance because the bank forced you to for living on a flood plane, you probably will want to keep doing so. It would be tempting not to, but depending on the severity of your plane it probably isn't worth the risk.

Good luck. This is really awesome news. I'm not bullshitting you here. I'm very happy for you. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 29, 2018 2:28 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Assuming your house is worth keeping,

Just keep it insured, and keep those tax payments up to date.

Oh... and if you were paying flood insurance because the bank forced you to for living on a flood plane, you probably will want to keep doing so.

Good luck. This is really awesome news. I'm not bullshitting you here. I'm very happy for you. :)

Our house has doubled in value since we've been here. Our county has a massive deficit in housing going on, and once we re-do the shower this spring, every single part of the house will have been remodeled.

We live on one of two hills in our county. The worst flooding we had was last spring, but our hill was completely dry. Don't think we have flood insurance, or would ever need it. We make up for it with extra tornado risk, I guess.

I did know about the taxes, thanks anyway.


Monday, January 29, 2018 2:41 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Payed the hous off. Soundz like an unreachable fantasy to me. Congrats!

Yeah, but we got a fixer-upper and put a ton of sweat equity into it. It's not for everyone. I don't think I could do it again. I don't know how big your place is, but is it possible to downsize? My mom lived in a camper van for 5 years when she was trying to figure out where she wanted to be. One person doesn't need a ton of space...We've gone minimalist and gotten rid of/sold 80% of our stuff and I think this place is probably too big for us.
When gran goes and the kiddo moves out we will for sure need something much smaller...


Monday, January 29, 2018 3:18 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well hey! Great news!



Monday, January 29, 2018 3:43 PM


rezident owtsidr

Put alot uv work in my hous. Its plenty big for me & the cats, but therez only 1 bathroom. Got my machine shop in the basement, so its like I'm getting a house and a shop for less than the rent on a small apartment.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, January 29, 2018 4:48 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Put alot uv work in my hous. Its plenty big for me & the cats, but therez only 1 bathroom.

Are the cats complaining?

I dunno how we did with the one bathroom before...Hubby lives in there. He's got really slow bowels.


Monday, January 29, 2018 8:51 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Our house has doubled in value since we've been here. Our county has a massive deficit in housing going on, and once we re-do the shower this spring, every single part of the house will have been remodeled.

We live on one of two hills in our county. The worst flooding we had was last spring, but our hill was completely dry. Don't think we have flood insurance, or would ever need it. We make up for it with extra tornado risk, I guess.

I did know about the taxes, thanks anyway.

Nice. If I ever finally getting around to rehabbing everything, I could more than double what I paid for it if the market conditions were right. I hear the housing market has greatly improved since I bought it, but I haven't really been paying attention in my area. I'm not looking to sell for a very long time and I really have some big money things that need doing before any of the lower level work happens.

You would probably know if you had flood insurance. It's a lot more than homeowners insurance in most cases. There's probably a map in your county that you can look at that would tell you what plots are considered a flood risk.

I know what you mean about too much house. I still think back to the other house I was looking at that was $5k more but only around 900 sq feet with a tiny plot. It takes me 1 1/2 hours to mow my lawn and that doesn't include any other lawn care. I really only use about 1/3rd of my house on any given day. I bet that tiny house would have been nice and toasty for my current monthly heating bill. Easier to clean. No flood worries and changing sump pumps in freezing water....

Oh well... It's got its benefits too. I like my neighbors, and I don't have a lot of them. The other house had a lot more people right on top of each other.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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