Mueller Adds Government Bulldog Counsel - Andrew Weissman

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 15:28
VIEWED: 4665
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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 1:57 AM


Fasten Your Safety Belts Folks


Special counsel Robert Mueller is assembling a prosecution team with decades of experience going after everything from Watergate to the Mafia to Enron as he digs in for a lengthy probe into possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

A smart move by the no-nonsense prosecutor, Mueller.


Mueller’s biggest hire to date was [Andrew] Weissmann, who is taking a leave from his current post leading the Justice Department’s criminal fraud section. The two men have a long history together at the FBI, where Weissmann served as both the bureau’s general counsel from 2011 to 2013 and as Mueller’s special counsel in 2005.

Whatever side you land on in the Russia probe, whether you deny any involvement by the Russian government, or whether you feel Trump is getting a raw deal by the MSM, make no mistake this is a completely sober move on the part of Mueller.
Just think of it as a tag team match against the Russian bear and the new Teflon Don (Trump).


Weissmann was the power behind breaking up the New York crime families and bringing down Enron CEO Ken Lay.

Mueller is laying out a course that, with his choice, is taking careful aim to follow the money...


Former Obama DOJ spokeswoman Emily Pierce called Weissmann “an inspired choice” to help Mueller lead the Russia probe.
“As a fraud and foreign bribery expert, he knows how to follow the money. Who knows what they will find, but if there is something to be found, he will find it,” she said.

In following the money will Mueller also seek out experts in money laundering and real estate fraud.


You know when shit is getting heavy
Like it's weights a ton
I will run you down like a marathon
Tape you up good
Put you in the trunk
See you next Tuesday
You is a punk

-Robyn, Konichiwa Bitches, 2005




Wednesday, June 7, 2017 10:20 AM


SHINY, good account of what's going on. Of course SIG and 1KIKI will complain Trump has not been found guilty of anything. Further insinuating this is all smoke and mirrors. No one has said he has been found guilty. Only that we believe because of all the circumstantial evidence, he will be found to have broken laws, and acted treasonously with Russia.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Fasten Your Safety Belts Folks


Special counsel Robert Mueller is assembling a prosecution team with decades of experience going after everything from Watergate to the Mafia to Enron as he digs in for a lengthy probe into possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

A smart move by the no-nonsense prosecutor, Mueller.


Mueller’s biggest hire to date was [Andrew] Weissmann, who is taking a leave from his current post leading the Justice Department’s criminal fraud section. The two men have a long history together at the FBI, where Weissmann served as both the bureau’s general counsel from 2011 to 2013 and as Mueller’s special counsel in 2005.

Whatever side you land on in the Russia probe, whether you deny any involvement by the Russian government, or whether you feel Trump is getting a raw deal by the MSM, make no mistake this is a completely sober move on the part of Mueller.
Just think of it as a tag team match against the Russian bear and the new Teflon Don (Trump).


Weissmann was the power behind breaking up the New York crime families and bringing down Enron CEO Ken Lay.

Mueller is laying out a course that, with his choice, is taking careful aim to follow the money...


Former Obama DOJ spokeswoman Emily Pierce called Weissmann “an inspired choice” to help Mueller lead the Russia probe.
“As a fraud and foreign bribery expert, he knows how to follow the money. Who knows what they will find, but if there is something to be found, he will find it,” she said.

In following the money will Mueller also seek out experts in money laundering and real estate fraud.


You know when shit is getting heavy
Like it's weights a ton
I will run you down like a marathon
Tape you up good
Put you in the trunk
See you next Tuesday
You is a punk

-Robyn, Konichiwa Bitches, 2005




Thursday, June 8, 2017 6:00 AM



There's no way he's not guilty of MANY things. Russia is guilty as well. I'm not surprised they were being sh*tty - it's in the DNA of their gov institutions. We got rolled on that one.
I don't think Trump should have been allowed to run for office in the first place though - way too many foreign financial entanglements. He blew up the Emoluments Clause before he got a single vote. We need extreme vetting for future candidates.

I agree 1000%....there should be some sort of vetting process to assure the

American people that we are going to get a competent candidate, there's just too much at stake to give the position to any idiot who happens to capture the "imagination" of the people. That and the fact that there are dark forces looking to destroy our way of life.

I actually watched snippets of Megyn Kelly's interview with Putin and it was uncanny just how much alike he and Trump sound. I mean watch it and you will see
it as plain of our "comrades" faces.

This is getting to be quite a journey for our "orange" fuck-up.



Thursday, June 8, 2017 6:14 AM


Unfortunately our resident comrades have taken repeated sips from the Russian Kool-Aid vat. Yes, they have been complaining quite a bit about Trump not being guilty of anything untoward.

Granted...the jury is still out.

But I wonder out loud how is it that Trump, being innocent, is behaving as though he has something to hide. Why, in all that is holy in this land, is he being so protective of Kelly? What does he have on Trump that has him shitting bricks? Trump is way too nervous for my taste. He's like a vampire, except that it's his followers that can't see his reflection in the mirror.

Well, I'm about to go home, have breakfast and get my front row seat ready for Comey's roasting of a rather foul piece of human mess, otherwise known as Trump.

As an aside, did you hear the latest? That this man and his despicable off spring were actually syphoning off money from a kid's charity. Scumbags! All the shit will be coming out soon enough. Imagine, this was the man who was, up to a few months ago, yelling - "Lock Her Up!"

The chickens are coming home to roost!



Originally posted by THGRRI:
SHINY, good account of what's going on. Of course SIG and 1KIKI will complain Trump has not been found guilty of anything. Further insinuating this is all smoke and mirrors. No one has said he has been found guilty. Only that we believe because of all the circumstantial evidence, he will be found to have broken laws, and acted treasonously with Russia.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Fasten Your Safety Belts Folks


Special counsel Robert Mueller is assembling a prosecution team with decades of experience going after everything from Watergate to the Mafia to Enron as he digs in for a lengthy probe into possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

A smart move by the no-nonsense prosecutor, Mueller.


Mueller’s biggest hire to date was [Andrew] Weissmann, who is taking a leave from his current post leading the Justice Department’s criminal fraud section. The two men have a long history together at the FBI, where Weissmann served as both the bureau’s general counsel from 2011 to 2013 and as Mueller’s special counsel in 2005.

Whatever side you land on in the Russia probe, whether you deny any involvement by the Russian government, or whether you feel Trump is getting a raw deal by the MSM, make no mistake this is a completely sober move on the part of Mueller.
Just think of it as a tag team match against the Russian bear and the new Teflon Don (Trump).


Weissmann was the power behind breaking up the New York crime families and bringing down Enron CEO Ken Lay.

Mueller is laying out a course that, with his choice, is taking careful aim to follow the money...


Former Obama DOJ spokeswoman Emily Pierce called Weissmann “an inspired choice” to help Mueller lead the Russia probe.
“As a fraud and foreign bribery expert, he knows how to follow the money. Who knows what they will find, but if there is something to be found, he will find it,” she said.

In following the money will Mueller also seek out experts in money laundering and real estate fraud.


You know when shit is getting heavy
Like it's weights a ton
I will run you down like a marathon
Tape you up good
Put you in the trunk
See you next Tuesday
You is a punk

-Robyn, Konichiwa Bitches, 2005




Thursday, June 8, 2017 6:47 AM


We shall see...


Saturday, June 10, 2017 4:29 AM


Mueller has made a new hire and have yet to get his name, I think it might be Dreeben or Dreeden. Anyway,, I will post it later today.

The noose is tightening.



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
We shall see...


Saturday, June 10, 2017 6:46 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The noose is tightening.


I already missed the opportunity to make the Final Nail store. Maybe I should start a Noose store?


Saturday, June 10, 2017 6:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Finally. Someone who seems to know what the word 'evidence' means.

Unlike the leakers, the gossipers, the msm and some people here who can't even copy/ past an internet definition.

Originally posted by G: "I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago." G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.
You have a very treasonous view of how justice in the US should work, THUGGER. In fact, you have many other treasonous views as well. You hate the election process and want to void it.


Sunday, June 11, 2017 9:48 PM


Preet Bharara thinks Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Sunday, June 11, 2017 10:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Bharara, a friend and former colleague of James Comey -- the FBI director fired by Trump in May -- attended the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday when Comey testified about conversations he had with the president about the FBI's overall Russia investigation and its probe into Flynn.

"To this day I have no idea why I was fired," Bharara added later.

He's not investigating Trump, but whether or not his opinion is valid, I would think he has a big conflict of interest on two counts (he's Comey's friend and disgruntled ex-employee).

I'll be curious how the real investigation goes.

PS - I have every expectation that we'll find out the results of this investigation, unlike the shooting down of MH17, which was intentionally not published. At some point, we'll have answers on this.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Sunday, June 11, 2017 11:39 PM


We better get answers on this.

I'm still for impeaching Trump just to shut the Maddow clan up.

6 months of bitching non-stop.

I wonder how much has flown under the radar while they're all looking the other way?


Sunday, June 11, 2017 11:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I wonder how much has flown under the radar while they're all looking the other way?
It's the democrat way, is all. No vision, no ideas, no courage, and certainly no thought of disappointing the vested interests to whom they owe so much.

Once again, they'll challenge voters to vote for them because they have a different name from those other blokes.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Monday, June 12, 2017 12:54 AM


I'm in favor of impeaching Trump because he's a huge
embarrassment to my country that I still love.

But mainly, I think he's a serious danger to the USA
and the World! A real loose cannon.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, June 12, 2017 1:40 AM


Why do you think that O? You seem like a reasonable person to me. I'm interested in actually hearing what you have to say about the matter, assuming it's not just repeating Maddow or Olberman or the like.


Monday, June 12, 2017 2:05 AM


rezident owtsidr

Calling Comey 'a leaker' iz rediculous.

Trump blabz out insults and claimz uv crimez agenst Comey and then hiz GoP defenderz say Comey haz no rite to respond? Trumps claimz to hav tapes to support hiz side, yet duznt immediately prodoos them, but Comeyz notes are privilajed info or classified?

The fundamental idea being offered iz that Trump iz The Law & anything he sez iz The Truth.

Bold stoopidity.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, June 12, 2017 2:47 AM


The only thing that Comey or anybody at the FBI didn't "leak" was the fact that Trump was not under investigation. He was just one of the "anonymous sources" of many that was feeding dis-information to Rachel Maddow. He wasn't really running a very tight ship.

He would have been fired from any private sector job for incompetence.


Monday, June 12, 2017 2:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Calling Comey 'a leaker' iz rediculous.
** I ** thinks it's a funny description. It makes it sound like Comey needs Depends™.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Monday, June 12, 2017 3:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Oonjerah:
But mainly, I think he's a serious danger to the USA
and the World! A real loose cannon.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Personally, I think the most dangerous thing he's doing is attacking Syrian troops directly. That's exactly the same shit that Obama was doing, and that Hillary was set to do.

Yes, why NOT take a stick and poke the Russian bear. What could possibly go wrong with that?

The neo-cons got to him. He's going down the exact same reckless path as before, what with bombing Syrian forces, getting firmly in bed with Saudi Arabia, among other shit.

I'm not at all bothered by anything he says or tweets. It's irrelevant. What he does is consequential.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Monday, June 12, 2017 3:18 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:


Calling Comey 'a leaker' iz rediculous.
** I ** thinks it's a funny description. It makes it sound like Comey needs Depends™.


Monday, June 12, 2017 3:47 AM


Really!? This is your best response! HI-larious!



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The noose is tightening.


I already missed the opportunity to make the Final Nail store. Maybe I should start a Noose store?


Monday, June 12, 2017 4:04 AM


Trump had the presence of mind to have no witnesses by asking his staff to leave him alone with Comey. That, in and of itself, connotes premeditated thought.

Some would say that using the word "hope" is not an order. It does, of course, depends on the tone in which it is used.

For example: "I hope you don't plan on going out tonight."

You're not telling your spouse not to go out, but you are "suggesting" that she make other plans. That may well be the tone that was used by Trump. No, I wasn't there, but it follows. Another thought that crossed my mind was that Comey came across as a rather weak man who is easily intimidated by the most "powerful" man
on the planet (that's still up for debate, since Putin makes Trump nervous).

Obstruction of justice depends upon intent. Trump wanted the investigation to go away and so he made it known to Comey just what he wanted. Why else clear the room of everyone but Trump and Comey. Clearly there was intent.



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

Preet Bharara thinks Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, June 12, 2017 4:15 AM


Do you really think that he knows what he's doing? In Syria, in the White House or anywhere for that matter.

Even Ryan admits to his ignorance. And, you're right...his tweets don't matter. It's all misdirection, it's the "trap play" you influence the linemen to go one way but your runner goes in the opposite direction.

Straight out of the playbook.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Oonjerah:
But mainly, I think he's a serious danger to the USA
and the World! A real loose cannon.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Personally, I think the most dangerous thing he's doing is attacking Syrian troops directly. That's exactly the same shit that Obama was doing, and that Hillary was set to do.

Yes, why NOT take a stick and poke the Russian bear. What could possibly go wrong with that?

The neo-cons got to him. He's going down the exact same reckless path as before, what with bombing Syrian forces, getting firmly in bed with Saudi Arabia, among other shit.

I'm not at all bothered by anything he says or tweets. It's irrelevant. What he does is consequential.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Monday, June 12, 2017 9:37 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Really!? This is your best response! HI-larious!



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The noose is tightening.


I already missed the opportunity to make the Final Nail store. Maybe I should start a Noose store?

I guess I'm running out of my "A" material since you guys have been lobbing slow balls right over the plate at me for 6 months.

Back to the lab!


Monday, June 12, 2017 2:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Saturday, March 24, 2018 9:50 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.



Sunday, March 25, 2018 6:41 AM


Weissman is a serious hardballer.......good, I hope he fucks them right in the ass.

Go Team it without Vaseline or any other lubricant.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.



Sunday, March 25, 2018 12:09 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.


Weissman is a serious hardballer.......good, I hope he fucks them right in the ass.

Go Team it without Vaseline or any other lubricant.


A Career Criminal dressed in a suit - the very epitome of the Best the Democraps have to offer. Perjurous, Fraudulent, Malicious, Unjust, everything that Libtards could hope for.
And then you wonder why honest law-abiding citizens despise Democrap Regimes.


Monday, March 26, 2018 12:52 AM


Like I said ----- Balls Deep right in the ass.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Weissman is a serious hardballer.......good, I hope he fucks them right in the ass.

Go Team it without Vaseline or any other lubricant.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.


A Career Criminal dressed in a suit - the very epitome of the Best the Democraps have to offer. Perjurous, Fraudulent, Malicious, Unjust, everything that Libtards could hope for.
And then you wonder why honest law-abiding citizens despise Democrap Regimes.


Monday, March 26, 2018 3:57 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And that's why you support Hillary. You have no respect for, or interest in, justice, the rule of law, freedom of speech, or the democratic vote. You will to get what you want to get no matter how much democracy you have to crush to get it.

ETA: we will survive everything but nuclear war. Once Trump is gone - and sooner or later he will be - progress will resume. But you really don't want to establish precedents in your cause just because you think you're righteous. Because sooner or later the tide will turn, the ring will slip from your finger, and find itself a new home on another hand.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, March 26, 2018 7:05 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hmmm ... looking more deeply at Weissmann, I reverse my opinion on the credibility of this investigation:

Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe

By Sidney Powell | Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017 11:28 AM

Former FBI Director, now special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has added Andrew Weissmann to the prosecution team investigating allegations of the Trump Administration's "collusion" with Russia.

Mainstream media has touted both men's credentials, but there is a huge back-story they all ignore.

Mr. Weissmann's real record as a "special prosecutor" is so egregious that Mr. Mueller's decision to choose his former counsel Weissmann should cause concern for anyone with even a passing interest in truth and justice.

From a tough mob prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York United States Attorney's Office (with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell), Mr. Weissmann became the first Deputy Director — and then Director — of the elite Enron Task Force, formed in 1991.

The Task Force quickly devolved into a cabal that used mob tactics itself.

It dealt the death penalty to the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP, which employed 85,000 people world-wide and represented approximately 2500 publicly-traded companies. It even coerced a guilty plea out of Andersen partner David Duncan.

In a trial rife with prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required.

Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required."

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing.

The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea.

Weissmann ran the grand jury like a petty tyrant. He instructed one defendant (my client) — who had appeared voluntarily — to share his "personal understanding" of a telephone call he had not even participated in, "whether his understanding was accurate or not." Then, Weissmann indicted him for perjury and obstruction of justice for his answer.

Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.

Weissmann left the Enron Task Force amid escalating allegations of prosecutorial misconduct during the Enron Broadband case.
No one seemed to notice what had happened to the victims, or that all of the cases they actually tried and at least two of the guilty pleas they coerced were reversed.

Not only has our Department of "Justice" failed to drain the swamp, it has just restocked it with a swamp-monster who has proven that he is willing to do anything to win. To paraphrase Billy Jack, "When [prosecutors] break the law, there is no law."

Sidney Powell served in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice – a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions including Arthur Andersen LLP, the Ted Stevens case, and the Enron Barge case in which she represented one of the Merrill Lynch executives.


Weissman is a serious hardballer.......good, I hope he fucks them right in the ass.

Go Team it without Vaseline or any other lubricant.


A Career Criminal dressed in a suit - the very epitome of the Best the Democraps have to offer. Perjurous, Fraudulent, Malicious, Unjust, everything that Libtards could hope for.
And then you wonder why honest law-abiding citizens despise Democrap Regimes.

Like I said ----- Balls Deep right in the ass.


Quoted for preservation.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:22 AM


I just finished listening to a radio interview of Sidney Powell. She was quite convincing up until the subject of Jim Sessions as the country's AG was brought up.

She said that Jim Sessions is a good man and that it was a shame that he had to recuse himself from the Russia probe.

I'm done with this one.


P.S. I am one righteous dude!


Originally posted by 1kiki:
And that's why you support Hillary. You have no respect for, or interest in, justice, the rule of law, freedom of speech, or the democratic vote. You will to get what you want to get no matter how much democracy you have to crush to get it.

ETA: we will survive everything but nuclear war. Once Trump is gone - and sooner or later he will be - progress will resume. But you really don't want to establish precedents in your cause just because you think you're righteous. Because sooner or later the tide will turn, the ring will slip from your finger, and find itself a new home on another hand.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:28 PM


Ecuador Embassy cuts off Assange's Internet access over tweets

The Ecuadorian Embassy in London has decided to shut off Internet access to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, saying his use of social media is harming the South American country's international relations.

Step one, step two, get out.







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