
UPDATED: Friday, October 6, 2023 13:30
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017 1:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Show me one example of how Barack Obama was any better for the working class.

Nope... not about Trump. At least not specifically. It's all about the power elite as a group and a class.

Same old shit, different figurehead.

Have you seen the movie Hell or High Water ? Chris Pine plays a Texas bank robber. Unlike you and millions of other Americans, he’s not gonna wait for Washington DC to rescue him from his money troubles.

At the end of the movie, retired Texas Ranger Jeff Bridges has a strong suspicion that Chris Pines is the bank robber he was hunting before he retired. Chris Pines gives him a little speech on the front porch of the Pine ranch, confirming the suspicion: “I've been poor my whole life. So were my parents, their parents before them. It's like a disease… passing from generation to generation, becomes a sickness. That's what it is. Infects every person you know...but not my boys. Not anymore.”

I could explain how Chris Pines can get the money he needs to stop foreclosure on his oil producing West Texas property from the well drillers. I could give Chris Pines lessons on how to negotiate with the power elite, but it is wasted on boneheads. Pines already knew how to rob and kill bank tellers so he stayed with what he knew. He could also have done nothing, just waited for his money to run out and the bank to foreclose, but then there wouldn’t be a movie. Nobody is interested in that particularly movie about doing nothing but whining about how unfair the powerful are. It’s an on-going movie starring millions of Americans.

6stringJoker, Washington DC will not come to your rescue. The Republicans would never allow it. You don’t have to take Chris Pines’ example, either, and rob banks. Be smarter than a movie antihero. Be smarter than the typical poor person doing nothing but waiting for death. There is some middle ground between waiting for help that can never come because of Republicans and going on a bank robbery/murder rampage. I hope you are energetic enough to find that middle ground and stop blaming Democrats for not bringing another New Deal, eighty-five years after the previous New Deal. Or at least blame Republicans for no more New Deals.

We keep coming back to this....

I don't need DC to rescue me. I could get a job at WalMart part time tomorrow and work about 20 hours a week and save 1/3 of that every year now that I'm not drinking it away. I also have some plans to start doing my own thing for some more scratch.

I didn't realize until about a month or two ago when my brother called me "semi-retired" that this is actually what I am. Now that I'm nearly 8 months sober and starting to feel good and take care of myself again, I'm really starting to embrace that. I have no need for wealth. Don't want it, don't need it.

When you've got a paid for house, low property taxes, zero debt, no kid to clothe and feed and put through college and no wife spending all of your money, you can live on next to nothing. In other words... I prepared very well for the world we find ourselves in today.

I opted out.

The rich can go eat each other.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 1:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Control over our future?
So .... what's the problem? - SIGNY

You just answered your own question.- WISHY

I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Please explain.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:09 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by reaverfan:
As Second said, only after being pressured. The Nazis, being his biggest fans and supporters, understood he was just saying what he had to say.

Hitler had his brownshirts. Trump has his khaki-and-polo thugs. They worship him as much as you do.

Doesn't matter if you BELIEVE he only said it after being pressured. He said it. Far more than Obama ever did after the BLM supporting gunman shot and murdered 5 police officers in Dallas.

Did Obama ' NAME ' the organization ? Nope. He INVITED THEM OVER FOR COFFEE in the WHHITE HOUSE, because that is how the Leftist radical Obama rolls.

FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE. You've been schooled, yet again.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:33 PM


From Greg Palast:
A special education teacher named De’Andre Harris was beaten with metal poles and a yellow hunk of lumber by a group of white supremacists in a parking garage in Charlottesville on Saturday night.

Harris was saved when some courageous young Black men — with no weapons — ran into the underground garage and the white posse scattered. Except for one. The gunman.

He pulled out what looks to be a 9mm pistol, maybe a Glock semi-automatic, and positioned himself to fire on the rescue squad. But then he heard the click of our photographer Zach D Roberts' camera, just three feet away, and realized he was getting photographed.

Simultaneously, Roberts realized he'd left his bullet-proof vest in his car. In this strange stand-off, the camera proved mightier than the bullet: The would-be shooter figured it would be wiser to quickly conceal the weapon and flee.

The white supremacist attacks on Harris and others this weekend were not isolated incidents. They are connected to a host of ongoing structural attacks against Black people in Virginia.

We will be going back to Virginia on September 9, to the capital, Richmond, to fight for the right for Black folk to arm themselves with the one weapon these white punks fear most: the vote.

Please join us:


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:33 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE. You've been schooled, yet again.

Don't feed the antifa trolls Rap.

He's a little pussy with a big mouth that hides behind a mask. Somebody will slap his bitch face in real life and knock him down a peg or two.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:34 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
As Second said, only after being pressured. The Nazis, being his biggest fans and supporters, understood he was just saying what he had to say.

Hitler had his brownshirts. Trump has his khaki-and-polo thugs. They worship him as much as you do.

Doesn't matter if you BELIEVE he only said it after being pressured. He said it. Far more than Obama ever did after the BLM supporting gunman shot and murdered 5 police officers in Dallas.

Did Obama ' NAME ' the organization ? Nope. He INVITED THEM OVER FOR COFFEE in the WHHITE HOUSE, because that is how the Leftist radical Obama rolls.

FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE. You've been schooled, yet again.

Nope. Sorry. Too late. It was "pencils down" Saturday night.

Your Obama comment isas stupid and wrong as it is irrelevant, so there's that. You really don't seem to have the first clue what' going on.

More fail from our openly fascist and white supremacist loser "president."

I always, only, without exception, school you.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:38 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE. You've been schooled, yet again.

Don't feed the antifa trolls Rap.

He's a little pussy with a big mouth that hides behind a mask. Somebody will slap his bitch face in real life and knock him down a peg or two.

Such language! Sounds like somebody's feeling the guilt and getting triggered.

As I have already proven in this thread, the Nazis are absolutely nothing more than terrorists and murderers, while the brave Antifa heroes SAVED LIVES.

Facts you can't refute. Kinda bugs you, doesn't it? LOL! Loser. I win, yet again.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:41 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
As Second said, only after being pressured. The Nazis, being his biggest fans and supporters, understood he was just saying what he had to say.

Hitler had his brownshirts. Trump has his khaki-and-polo thugs. They worship him as much as you do.

Doesn't matter if you BELIEVE he only said it after being pressured. He said it. Far more than Obama ever did after the BLM supporting gunman shot and murdered 5 police officers in Dallas.

Did Obama ' NAME ' the organization ? Nope. He INVITED THEM OVER FOR COFFEE in the WHHITE HOUSE, because that is how the Leftist radical Obama rolls.

FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE. You've been schooled, yet again.

Nope. Sorry. Too late. It was "pencils down" Saturday night.

Your Obama comment isas stupid and wrong as it is irrelevant, so there's that. You really don't seem to have the first clue what' going on.

More fail from our openly fascist and white supremacist loser "president."

I always, only, without exception, school you.

Obama comment was and is COMPLETELY relevant, so yes, there IS that. Naming hate groups seems to only apply when there's a white guy as President, but when it's a black guy, why hell. he'll invite them over for a few cold ones and show 'em around the place. Imagine if... yeah, never mind. You're a fucking moron. Not worth my time explaining.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:43 PM


"Obama's comment." WTF are you even talking about? Gonna post something from Breitbart for us?

You got spanked. You support Nazis. This thread is proof. Admit it. You're on the side of fascism. Most of your sources prove it, too.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:56 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Such language! Sounds like somebody's feeling the guilt and getting triggered.

As I have already proven in this thread, the Nazis are absolutely nothing more than terrorists and murderers, while the brave Antifa heroes SAVED LIVES.

Facts you can't refute. Kinda bugs you, doesn't it? LOL! Loser. I win, yet again.

LOL... whatever you say Guy Fawkes.

Grow up and get a job.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 3:57 PM


America loves a winner!


As I have already proven in this thread, the Nazis are absolutely nothing more than terrorists and murderers, while the brave Antifa heroes SAVED LIVES.

Murderous Antifa With Bike Lock Outed As San Francisco Area Professor

BAMN’s protest plans calculated to cause violence...

Berkeley Mayor Exposed As Member of Militant Antifa Group That Orchestrated Riots...

I could go on all day. The debate is settled. The Left = hate. End of discussion.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:06 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Such language! Sounds like somebody's feeling the guilt and getting triggered.

As I have already proven in this thread, the Nazis are absolutely nothing more than terrorists and murderers, while the brave Antifa heroes SAVED LIVES.

Facts you can't refute. Kinda bugs you, doesn't it? LOL! Loser. I win, yet again.

LOL... whatever you say Guy Fawkes.

Grow up and get a job.

Oh, isn't that special! Another Nazi reveals himself.

I make way more money than you ever have.

Your punishment is that you are sentenced to remain you. I can think of nothing worse.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:09 PM


Oh, look. More fake moral equivalency.

BREAKING, we're hearing reports that the website The Daily Stormer is planning to send Nazis to the funeral of Heather Heyer, the woman killed by a white nationalist in Charlottesville.

Like I said, the more these Nazis expose themselves, the more they're gonna hurt.

Several have been identified already, and been fired from their jobs. Karma, bitches! LMVAO!

Figure it out. No one likes you, and they don't want you around.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:14 PM


Yesterday I attended a vigil for Heather. About 1,500 people showed up in my smallish city.

I talked to a guy afterwards whose grandfather fought Nazis in WWII. He said "We fought fascism years ago, then these punks come around with swastikas and Nazi salutes? Fuck them. They're traitors."

Nazis committing acts of terror and murder in the USA in 2017, and the president is their leader, and you idiots defend them. You're traitors, too.

So true.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 5:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

While Trump was distracted, North Korea calmed down. That’s not a coincidence.

While President Trump was engaged in an uncomfortable dance around condemning white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend, North Korea quietly walked back a threat to launch missiles in the direction of American bases on Guam.

That’s no coincidence. Experts think this deescalation — what analyst Robert Carlin calls “a decisive break in the action” — happened in part because the president’s focus has been on Charlottesville since Friday night.

“The media (and the president) was distracted over the weekend, which gave some breathing space for the situation,” Jenny Town, the assistant director of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins, tells me.

That’s because Trump’s own statements — such as his vow to respond to threats from Pyongyang with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” — were partly to blame for the increased tensions between the two countries. But as soon as the Charlottesville story broke, Trump stopped talking about North Korea. And sure enough, things calmed down almost immediately.

This doesn’t mean the North Korea crisis is over — US-South Korea military exercises, scheduled to begin August 21, have the potential to reignite the conflict, as North Korea sees them as little more than a dress rehearsal for an invasion.

But it does mean, amazingly enough, that a US domestic crisis has made a war with North Korea marginally less likely — merely by taking away the president’s attention.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 6:08 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Oh, isn't that special! Another Nazi reveals himself.

I make way more money than you ever have.

Your punishment is that you are sentenced to remain you. I can think of nothing worse.

You've called me Nazi several times months ago, so this is nothing new.

It must be a very scary world you live in when everybody is a Nazi. You've found 4 or 5 of them on this board alone. We're everywhere.

No.... you don't make more money than me. My house is paid for with cash. I make 1,200 per month not working at all. Enjoy your lifetime of crippling debt. Especially those student loans and your inability to get a real job with all that liberal arts social justice brainwashing you paid for.

I'm perfectly fine with who I am, and I'm not afraid of my beliefs to the point that I have to put on a mask to say them. You're a coward and a troll and you associate with lowlifes.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 7:20 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
I never understood why there are/were so many statues of


Confederate generals and

leaders across the
Racist Democrat (but I repeat myself)

South. Fuckers lost, beaten by a

(Grant) and a

sociopath (Sherman).

And what's with all that love of the Confederate flag today? That flag, which flew so proudly over Vicksburg while the people there were reduced to having to eat rats. That flag, which flew so proudly over Richmond while the entire city was being destroyed by Union artillery as the people there, including President Jeff Davis, fled for their lives. PROUD OF WHAT??

Pride of their Democrat roots and history.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 9:23 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by reaverfan:
"Obama's comment." WTF are you even talking about? Gonna post something from Breitbart for us?

You got spanked. You support Nazis. This thread is proof. Admit it. You're on the side of fascism. Most of your sources prove it, too.

I know you've got the reading skills of an inbred 3rd grader , but if I must explain everything to you then we'd be here all day.

There is zero proof that I ever support ' Nazis ' , and for you to suggest such bullshit shows just how much an idiot you are.

Go back to running with scissors. In traffic.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 10:45 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
"Obama's comment." WTF are you even talking about? Gonna post something from Breitbart for us?

You got spanked. You support Nazis. This thread is proof. Admit it. You're on the side of fascism. Most of your sources prove it, too.

I know you've got the reading skills of an inbred 3rd grader , but if I must explain everything to you then we'd be here all day.

There is zero proof that I ever support ' Nazis ' , and for you to suggest such bullshit shows just how much an idiot you are.

Go back to running with scissors. In traffic.

There is a street in Charlottesville that needs a few more idiotic Libtards obstructing traffic right about now.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:34 PM


I know I write a lot about people and how stupid they are, but if you add JSF's, and Rappy's, and 6ix's IQ's all up'd get 3.

I have never been more convinced of the stupidity of this country than I am right now. The three of you have made me a true believer.

Holy Hell. On Earth.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Do you enjoy writing fiction?

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Just look at the pics of the Alt right Nazis who showed up to Charlottesville.

Typically, they are young, 20-30-somethings. They all dress and look alike. They are weak individually, but feel strong when marching together with their tiki torches. The majority have never successfully dated or had consensual sex with any woman. They don't have girlfriends or active social lives.

They don't have any friends except for their fellow Nazis, most of whom they only know online. Many of them have sex with each other, but keep it “on the down low.”

They don't have college degrees or good jobs. Their IQs are just below average (like police). They didn't do well in school and never made a lot of friends. They are loners, except for when they get together to terrorize communites.

They're the same types who skinheads recruit: Lonely, immature boys who aren't very bright and feel alienated. The Nazi cult pays attention to them and makes them feel special, like they're part of something. They finally feel important.

Half of them would quit tomorrow if a woman would just sleep with them. But, they hate women so much, that will never happen. Those women would sleep with a black man before they'd sleep with a racist. This makes the lonely Nazis even angrier.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:51 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I know I write a lot about people and how stupid they are, but if you add JSF's, and Rappy's, and 6ix's IQ's all up'd get 3.

I have never been more convinced of the stupidity of this country than I am right now. The three of you have made me a true believer.

Holy Hell. On Earth.

We all know how much you know about how stupid people are Wish. Every post you ever write is insulting one person or group of people or another.

We get it. You are the epitome of everything right and just and good in this world and you're surrounded by all of these stupid and bad people.

Poor you.

I don't know what happened to you over the last 3-4 years, but if you actually believe even 1/4 of the garbage you post than you are just about the saddest creature I know of and are so very deserving of my pity and the pity of every member of this board.

Your life must truly be horrible, and you must make the lives of everybody who has to put up with you every day completely miserable.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 11:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


It looks like you espouse firing people from their jobs not because of anything they've DONE - but because they belong to the 'wrong' group. Do you think we should burn their books? Maybe we should pass laws forbidding their beliefs? How about making them live in ghettos? After all, they're so hateful, we need to just be rid of them.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:11 AM


Greg Palast is a heckuva investigative journalist.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
From Greg Palast:
A special education teacher named De’Andre Harris was beaten with metal poles and a yellow hunk of lumber by a group of white supremacists in a parking garage in Charlottesville on Saturday night.

Harris was saved when some courageous young Black men — with no weapons — ran into the underground garage and the white posse scattered. Except for one. The gunman.

He pulled out what looks to be a 9mm pistol, maybe a Glock semi-automatic, and positioned himself to fire on the rescue squad. But then he heard the click of our photographer Zach D Roberts' camera, just three feet away, and realized he was getting photographed.

Simultaneously, Roberts realized he'd left his bullet-proof vest in his car. In this strange stand-off, the camera proved mightier than the bullet: The would-be shooter figured it would be wiser to quickly conceal the weapon and flee.

The white supremacist attacks on Harris and others this weekend were not isolated incidents. They are connected to a host of ongoing structural attacks against Black people in Virginia.

We will be going back to Virginia on September 9, to the capital, Richmond, to fight for the right for Black folk to arm themselves with the one weapon these white punks fear most: the vote.

Please join us:


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:21 AM


Bravo Wish, well said.



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I know I write a lot about people and how stupid they are, but if you add JSF's, and Rappy's, and 6ix's IQ's all up'd get 3.

I have never been more convinced of the stupidity of this country than I am right now. The three of you have made me a true believer.

Holy Hell. On Earth.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 6:13 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:
I know I write a lot about people and how stupid they are, but if you add JSF's, and Rappy's, and 6ix's IQ's all up'd get 3.

I have never been more convinced of the stupidity of this country than I am right now. The three of you have made me a true believer.

Holy Hell. On Earth.

What in the holy fuck are you even talking about ? You're literally just babbling nonsense and inanities for no purpose, what so ever.

Have a point, or shut the hell up. Please.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 6:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Bravo Wish, well said.


Nothing, at all was said. How could it have been said " well " ????

Truly demented.

Seriously, what in anything I posted here do you take exception to ? Be specific.

( And don't be a child and say " everything ! " , or some such shit... when I say ' be specific', I mean exactly that. GIVE EXAMPLES, and then state WHY you think it wrong.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:16 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Do you enjoy writing fiction?

No. I just state facts, using available information. Do you enjoy supporting Nazi terrorists? Because that's what you're doing.

You know, Russia fought the Nazis, too...


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:18 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
"Obama's comment." WTF are you even talking about? Gonna post something from Breitbart for us?

You got spanked. You support Nazis. This thread is proof. Admit it. You're on the side of fascism. Most of your sources prove it, too.

I know you've got the reading skills of an inbred 3rd grader , but if I must explain everything to you then we'd be here all day.

There is zero proof that I ever support ' Nazis ' , and for you to suggest such bullshit shows just how much an idiot you are.

Go back to running with scissors. In traffic.

there is a street in Charlottesville that needs a few more idiotic Libtards obstructing traffic right about now.

And yet another Nazi voices their support of murder, terrorism and treason. Yay!


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:33 AM


Why the GOP Sides With the Klan and the Nazis
If you can’t win on issues, you win on racism.

"Yet on August 12, members of the oldest terrorist organization in the United States—the Klan—along with devotees of one of Europe’s most terrible terrorist cults—Nazis—showed up in Charlottesville, Virginia, to reprise the Nazi and Klan traditions of torchlight nighttime parades specifically to create terror. And when asked about it, Trump waffled.

He’ll threaten North Korea with nukes, but won’t even name the terrorists who showed up in Virginia.

And it’s very, very hard to find an elected Republican (who isn’t a presidential wannabe) who will call this what it is: White Christian Racial Terrorism.


The answer is really simple: If you can’t win on issues, you go for what used to be called “wedge issues.”


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:37 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Why the GOP Sides With the Klan and the Nazis
If you can’t win on issues, you win on racism.

"Yet on August 12, members of the oldest terrorist organization in the United States—the Klan—along with devotees of one of Europe’s most terrible terrorist cults—Nazis—showed up in Charlottesville, Virginia, to reprise the Nazi and Klan traditions of torchlight nighttime parades specifically to create terror. And when asked about it, Trump waffled.

He’ll threaten North Korea with nukes, but won’t even name the terrorists who showed up in Virginia.

And it’s very, very hard to find an elected Republican (who isn’t a presidential wannabe) who will call this what it is: White Christian Racial Terrorism.


The answer is really simple: If you can’t win on issues, you go for what used to be called “wedge issues.”

Video or it didn't happen.

I find this all hilarious after 8 full years of Obama being completely unwilling to call a terrorist a terrorist.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:43 AM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Video or it didn't happen.

I find this all hilarious after 8 full years of Obama being completely unwilling to call a terrorist a terrorist.

Jesus, Nazi boy. Just google it.

And stop with the false equivalence. Obama has nothing to do with Trump's overt support of racist terrorists. You've proven without a doubt that you're a Nazi bitch.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:45 AM


Trump's a Nazi bitch, too. He doesn't even try to deny it.

Trump Asks, ‘What About the Alt-Left?’ Here’s an Answer


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:45 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Video or it didn't happen.

I find this all hilarious after 8 full years of Obama being completely unwilling to call a terrorist a terrorist.

Jesus, Nazi boy. Just google it.

And stop with the false equivalence. Obama has nothing to do with Trump's overt support of racist terrorists. You've proven without a doubt that you're a Nazi bitch.

You don't even know what the word Nazi is. It doesn't even bother me anymore when you say it because you call everyone a Nazi.

I don't have to google shit. You're saying it happened and showing no proof. Everything you say is bullshit, so don't be surprised when nobody takes you seriously unless you show actual proof.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:50 AM


Cornel West & Rev. Traci Blackmon: Clergy in Charlottesville Were Trapped by Torch-Wielding Nazis


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:59 AM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

You don't even know what the word Nazi is. It doesn't even bother me anymore when you say it because you call everyone a Nazi.

No. Just Nazis. You're defending Nazi terrorism. What else is it?


I don't have to google shit. You're saying it happened and showing no proof. Everything you say is bullshit, so don't be surprised when nobody takes you seriously unless you show actual proof.
You, like all the fascist trolls here, lie defeated at my feet, crushed by the truth.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:04 AM



Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:05 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

You don't even know what the word Nazi is. It doesn't even bother me anymore when you say it because you call everyone a Nazi.

No. Just Nazis. You're defending Nazi terrorism. What else is it?


I don't have to google shit. You're saying it happened and showing no proof. Everything you say is bullshit, so don't be surprised when nobody takes you seriously unless you show actual proof.
You, like all the fascist trolls here, lie defeated at my feet, crushed by the truth.

I'm not defending Nazi Terrorism. I'm saying that it doesn't exist.

Anybody who has murdered anyone else should be put on trial, sentenced and spend the rest of their life in jail or put to the death penalty.

Why don't you put your mask on and go down to Charlottesville and attack some garbage cans until they get on that? Isn't that what you clowns do?


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Calling something a "false" equivalence doesn't make it so.

I know that you don't want to believe or accept that your call for categorically "eradicating" fascists by any means necessary is JUST LIKE Hitler's call to exterminate the Jews by any means necessary, but guess what .... IT IS.

Here, let me remind you how that went


Fascists didn't win then, and they won't, now, even with Trump's support. They will be eradicated, by any means necessary. - REAVERFAN

Maybe gas chambers are an efficient means??
Careful there, son. You're going down the wrong path.
"Antifa", btw, has been designated a terrorist organization by NJ DHS. - SIGNY

Fuck off, troll. They just poked the bear. Their live are about to become short and miserable. - REAVERFAN

BTW- Just to show you how off-kilter your thinking has become .... did you know that the law might consider you to be "making terrorist threats"?

Wow, huh? Whooda thunk that threatening to kill people en masse is a crime? Especially when your reasons are so pure?!?!? But, to continue ...


REAVERFAN- Don't you realize that is EXACTLY how TPTB get - or stay- in control??? By making people who have an awful lot in common fight each other? How do you think Ukraine collapsed? Is that what you want here? Bitter, internecine fighting leading to chaos and death???- SIGNY


“‘Many sides’ suggests that there is no right side or wrong side, that all are morally equal. But I reject that. It’s not hard to spot the wrong side here. They’re the ones with the torches and the swastikas.” -Kamala Harris. - REAVERFAN

There is no "right side", and there is no "wrong side". There IS, however, right and wrong, NO MATTER WHICH SIDE YOU'RE ON. Being on the so-called "liberal" side doesn't make you "right", and believing that it does is your ethical failure, right there.


Like ANYTHING would justify ANYONE driving a car into a group of ANY people.= WISHY

Ok, so can we generalize that to: It's bad if ANYONE drives a car into a group pf people, whether they are Nazis, radical jihadists, militant Hindus, or anyone else? If fact, can we make that an even MORE general statement, killing or injuring anyone for a political cause is bad???

Yup, I think we can.

By the way, thanks for that quote from Kamala. She's a first-class political weasel, As our State Atty General she rolled over and accepted Obama's miserable "settlement" with the banks for the 2008 financial crisis, a settlement which made NONE of the defrauded homeowners whole, and let the banks off the hook. Just for that, I refused to vote for her. But this dividing up America into "sides" for political advantage is dangerous and treasonous. I'll be sure to tell everyone I know what a byatch she is.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:31 AM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

I'm not defending Nazi Terrorism. I'm saying that it doesn't exist.

You continue to demonstrate your fascism, along with the fact that you personify the "low information voter" type who are ignorant and uneducated, and fall for Trump's carnival barking.

You bought the snake oil. You support Nazis, just like Trump does.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You continue to demonstrate your fascism, along with the fact that you personify the "low information voter" type who are ignorant and uneducated, and fall for Trump's carnival barking.- RF

REAVER - there are no more Nazis. Hitler isn't telling them what to do (unless they're following the voices in their head). There are, however, NEO-Nazis. I'm sure you think that's splitting hairs, but the reality is that people who are NEO-Nazis are interpreting Nazi ideology differently than the original Nazis, because the circumstances are different. For example, there is no hyper-inflation (yet), our economy hasn't collapsed to nothing (yet); we aren't paying war reparations; there is no Communist or Socialist party struggling for the soul of the workers; and there isn't the possibility of an entire nation rising up to adopt the Nazi philosophy, which was as much of an economic program as it was a racial/ ethnic one. (BTW "Nazi" - "national socialism").

On a different point, do you have a comment on being accused of potentially making terrorist threats (above)? Yanno, this is an anonymous site, and probably nobody is going to report you, but I sure hope your FB page isn't more of the same!

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 10:26 AM


Trump and Terrorism: Why Is the White House Ignoring the Real Danger of Homegrown Extremism?
Ask the FBI—the biggest danger comes from white supremacists, "sovereign citizens" and other homegrown nuts.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 10:28 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You continue to demonstrate your fascism, along with the fact that you personify the "low information voter" type who are ignorant and uneducated, and fall for Trump's carnival barking.- RF

REAVER - there are no more Nazis. Hitler isn't telling them what to do (unless they're following the voices in their head). There are, however, NEO-Nazis. I'm sure you think that's splitting hairs, but the reality is that people who are NEO-Nazis are interpreting Nazi ideology differently than the original Nazis, because the circumstances are different. For example, there is no hyper-inflation (yet), our economy hasn't collapsed to nothing (yet); we aren't paying war reparations; there is no Communist or Socialist party struggling for the soul of the workers; and there isn't the possibility of an entire nation rising up to adopt the Nazi philosophy, which was as much of an economic program as it was a racial/ ethnic one. (BTW "Nazi" - "national socialism").

On a different point, do you have a comment on being accused of potentially making terrorist threats (above)? Yanno, this is an anonymous site, and probably nobody is going to report you, but I sure hope your FB page isn't more of the same!

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is

Let's see.

You walk around with swastikas and Nazi flags, doing Nazi salutes, spewing hate and racism, but you're not a Nazi because the only Nazis were from WWII.


Nazi is just short for neo-Nazi, or do you deny they exist, too?


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You walk around with swastikas and Nazi flags, doing Nazi salutes, spewing hate and racism, but you're not a Nazi because the only Nazis were from WWII. - REAVERFAN

I said they were NEO-Nazis. Just like NEO-liberals aren't liberals. You DID learn to read with comprehension, right?

The original Nazis were responding to an economic crisis: hyperinflation under the Weimar Republic, massive unemployment, starvation in the streets. I'm sure you've heard of the story where a man took out his life savings, went to a deli to buy a cup of coffee with it, and then shot himself? Hubby used to work for an ethnic Hungarian who was a young boy during that time - that man recalled his family boiling and eating shoe leather to stay alive. That's one of the reasons why the Nazi (National Socialism) message found such fertile ground: many people bought into the economic message first.

The current NEO-Nazis don't have any similar economic program of nationalized industries, a new currency, and nationalized banks. They don't have to appeal to people who are getting a different set of promises from Communists and Socialists, so THEIR message is primarily racial.

I wouldn't be so quick to call ANYone a "low information" voter, if I were you.

By the way .... how do you feel about having potentially made criminal terrorist threats?

The law is funny in that regard - it cuts both ways.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:32 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Let's see.

You walk around with swastikas and Nazi flags, doing Nazi salutes, spewing hate and racism, but you're not a Nazi because the only Nazis were from WWII.


Nazi is just short for neo-Nazi, or do you deny they exist, too?

I call them clowns, just like you antifa idiots.

When they (or you) escalate to violence, I call them (or you) threats to society.

When they (or you) further escalate to murder, I call them (or you) criminal scum that should be locked away or put to death.

You're a mirror image of these people. There is some subtle differences, but on the whole there isn't any real difference between these asshats you're calling Nazis and you antifa jokers.

You're both just a couple of rag-tag hate groups and I for one can't wait until you all just go away.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I know I write a lot about people and how stupid they are, but if you add JSF's, and Rappy's, and 6ix's IQ's all up'd get 3.
I have never been more convinced of the stupidity of this country than I am right now. The three of you have made me a true believer.
Holy Hell. On Earth.- WISHY

Yep, I know.... everyone is stupider than you.

Feel better now?

You haven't answered this question, I think it got buried in the shuffle:


Control over our future?
So .... what's the problem? - SIGNY

You just answered your own question.- WISHY

I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Please explain. - SIGNY

I'd really like to know what you meant.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 12:52 PM


KKK Celebrates Heather Heyer’s Murder, Promises More Violence

"Nothing makes us more proud at the KKK than we see white patriots such as James Fields Jr, age 20, taking his car and running over nine communist anti-fascist, killing one [expletive]-lover named Heather Heyer. James Fields hail victory. It’s men like you that have made the great white race strong and will be strong again."

This is who you're supporting and defending, Nazi boy. How are you NOT a complete piece of shit?


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 2:25 PM


I've never once supported or defended any of that.

Show me what you're talking about, or fuck off clown.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 3:39 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump launched a defense of the Robert E. Lee statue that compared Lee and Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States, to Washington and Jefferson.

But there is something wrong with Trump's argument: We celebrate the good things the founders did. Confederates didn’t do anything good.

As part of Tuesday afternoon’s bizarre remarks on the white supremacist demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump suggested that removing monuments to Confederate military and political leaders could put the United States on a slippery slope.

“Was George Washington a slave owner?” he asked, rhetorically. “So will George Washington now lose his status ... are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson?”

Tucker Carlson sought to further muddy the waters on his Fox News show Tuesday night, by observing that figures such as Plato and Mohammed also owned slaves.

These arguments aren’t exactly offered in good faith. But even then, they reflect a profound misunderstanding of the nature of the Confederacy as a project — and of the difference between commemorating its leaders compared to America’s Founding Fathers.

Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and the other politicians and generals who served the Confederate States of America aren’t noteworthy historical figures who also happened to benefit from the institution of slavery. They are historical figures who are noteworthy almost exclusively because they led an insurrection against the United States of America, an insurrection whose primary purpose was to perpetuate slavery.

Owning human chattel — and offering intellectual and political defenses of the institution of American slavery — is an important and dishonorable part of Thomas Jefferson’s legacy. But it’s the entirety of Davis’s legacy.
We celebrate the good things about the founders

Historiographical arguments about the relative merits of the different Founding Fathers are a staple of American intellectual life, playing out in scholarly works and popular histories and even Broadway musicals. The reputations of individual founders wax and wane over time. Jefferson’s reputation is currently in something of a slump, thanks to revelations about Sally Hemings and “Cabinet Battle No. 1.”

Still, Jefferson’s contributions remain largely celebrated today. That’s in keeping with another staple of American life: The big-picture point of the pantheon of American founders is to celebrate the good things about them.

Jefferson is in the pantheon because he wrote the Declaration of Independence and because of his wartime diplomatic service. Alexander Hamilton is in the pantheon because he wrote the Federalist Papers and laid the foundations of the American political economy. Washington is in the pantheon because he was the military leader of the successful war of independence and because he established the peaceful transfer of power from president to president.

It’s true that the real historical figures at work were more complicated than the storybook heroes conventionally presented to young children. But the storybook hero version of Washington makes sense because Washington really did participate in great acts worth celebrating, even if he also did terrible things like own human beings as personal property or sleazy things like pick the location for the nation’s capital to maximize the value of his own landholdings.

Confederate leaders, by contrast, are being celebrated purely for doing something bad.

There are no good parts to the Confederacy.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:06 PM







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