
UPDATED: Friday, October 6, 2023 13:30
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Wednesday, August 23, 2017 9:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One last nail in the coffin of Antifa being life-saving heroes ...


“Activists Seek Peace Through Violence”: CNN Quickly Scrubs Title Of Antifa Puff Peace

How did we reach a point in our society, where groups like Antifa think nothing of wreaking havoc on the streets on a regular basis? These people routinely beat those they disagree with, cause property damage, and shut down dissent without a single iota of shame. You have to ask yourself, how did this group and others like it, get so bold as to think that they can flippantly disregard the law and openly riot in the streets?

The answer is that the media is responsible for this mess. It’s the media that has repeatedly ignored, apologized for, and even celebrated their actions. How else would these thugs have come to the conclusion that what they’re doing is okay? They’re constantly being lionized by our morally bankrupt media.

CNN made that perfectly clear last week. They published a piece that was highly sympathetic to Antifa titled “Unmasking the Leftist Antifa Movement: Activists Seek Peace Through Violence.” ....

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Wednesday, August 23, 2017 10:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
One last nail in the coffin of Antifa being life-saving heroes ...

“Activists Seek Peace Through Violence”: CNN Quickly Scrubs Title Of Antifa Puff Peace

How did we reach a point in our society, where groups like Antifa think nothing of wreaking havoc on the streets on a regular basis? These people routinely beat those they disagree with, cause property damage, and shut down dissent without a single iota of shame. You have to ask yourself, how did this group and others like it, get so bold as to think that they can flippantly disregard the law and openly riot in the streets?

The answer is that the media is responsible for this mess. It’s the media that has repeatedly ignored, apologized for, and even celebrated their actions. How else would these thugs have come to the conclusion that what they’re doing is okay? They’re constantly being lionized by our morally bankrupt media.

CNN made that perfectly clear last week. They published a piece that was highly sympathetic to Antifa titled “Unmasking the Leftist Antifa Movement: Activists Seek Peace Through Violence.” ....

what are the odds that these facts and truth will penetrate the veil of Libtardism?

Is there more linkies reminding us that the liberal thugs were recruited, paid, and armed for this professional activism violence?


Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

what are the odds that these facts and truth will penetrate the veil of Libtardism?

Is there more linkies reminding us that the liberal thugs were recruited, paid, and armed for this professional activism violence?

Man Waving “Blacks for Trump” Sign at President’s Rally has Bizarre Beliefs about Race War

He holds some very bizarre beliefs about race, including a theory that the Senate is controlled by a secret underground of “Cherokee Mormons.”

That idea, and a number of other confounding claims based on highly eccentric readings of scripture that point to a global race war, are developed at length in rambling, anti-Semitic sermons Woodside has posted on YouTube and Facebook and collected on the two websites displayed on his sign and T-shirt: and His sign at Trump’s rally directed viewers to the former site.

While it is difficult to follow the logic of most of his rants, a Facebook post from last October, explaining his opposition to Hillary Clinton in apocalyptic terms, gives a taste of his arguments. “Semiramis mother of Nimrod was a White as Snow Canaanite who’s NickName is ISIS passed to Hagar to Nefitiri [sic] to Delilah to Jezebel to Mary Magdalene & the Illuminati has passed it to HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON,” Woodside wrote on Facebook on Oct. 27, two days after Trump praised him at a rally in Florida. Clinton, he added, is “the Great Red (White as Snow see through skin to the Red Bloody Mucle [sic]) Dragon who wants to Kill Sarah the Black Woman of America Rev.12:1-12.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 24, 2017 9:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So, to go back to your first big problem (wobbly sense of right and wrong) my guess is that you've been steeped in movies and television which presents righteous violence as a good thing.

In reality, righteous violence is a crime. Two recent examples, both men fighting for custody: One killed his son, the other (allegedly) killed his ex-wife and then kidnapped his son.

Yep, I guess that showed everyone how deserving they were of custody!


Your SECOND BIG PROBLEM is that you also have an extremely wobbly sense of evidence. ANY old statement drifting your way will do, as long as it agrees with your beliefs! Naked accusations, in particular, are your meat and potatoes. You accept them absent any evidence, and you make them absent any evidence. Countervailing evidence is dismissed or denied. You'll also accept sheer speculation, stawmanning, ad hominems and other rhetorical device which suits your (emotion-based, belief-based) purpose.

Clearly, you're not interested in finding out the truth. I'm not sure that you even think there is such a thing. Maybe you think the universe is subject to your opinions about it. - SIGNY

YOUR BIG PROBLEM is you can't stop making sh*t up (see above or almost any SIGNYM post).

Trump, Putin, Assad, Nazis, White Supremacists... who else am I missing from your favs list?- GSTRING


I'm absolutely certain that you're going to argue against it, but here goes ... = SIGNY
Now, if I had predicted that you would argue against my post with a GSTRING SPECIAL of PERSONAL ATTACK, 100 % LIES, WITH STRAWMANNING AND AD HOMINEM AS A FEATURE, I would have been 100% correct! You just can't stop trolling, can you?

ETA- Here is a more productive avenue for discussion, on the nature of truth and reality (among other things)

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Thursday, August 24, 2017 5:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trump, Putin, Assad, Nazis, White Supremacists... who else am I missing from your favs list?- GSTRING
100% lies?

Yup! Here they are!

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 6:56 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:


Cornel West & Rev. Traci Blackmon: Clergy in Charlottesville Were Trapped by Torch-Wielding Nazis

For some reason this thread went right on past this lame attempt to portray Cornel West as some unbiased observer, instead of the Political Activist and Leader of Democratic Socialists of America which he is.

His claims have never been believable.

And "torches" were the Tiki variety. That's like more than candles or matches, but they still blow out pretty easy - hard to keep lit.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 7:02 PM


Not sure if this got overlooked:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I won't be holding my breath waiting for Congress to actually do anything constructive for this country.

do you foresee Democraps winning everywhere now that Republicans have proven they are not conservative, and are only RINO establishment obstructionists?


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 7:16 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
OMG you guys are too much.

First, that whole repeating a lie over and over is a ploy used to near exhaustion by your fearless dickhead - D. Trump. "I know it, and you know it. Many sides were to blame" - what a fucking joke. I watched the special report when the whole thing broke out. It was plain as day, the fucking Nazi goose-stepping low life scumbags were using, bats, pipes and two-by- fours, and shields to beat on people. There was a video of 5 or 6 Nazis beating on an unarmed black student who was counter-protesting...UNARMED and they beat him with clubs, bats, sticks, punches and kicks. 5 to 6 guys.

You're only seeing what you want to see. There's plenty of video out there where antifa folks are armed and were throwing objects. And this isn't the first time Antifa has been pulling this shit before. Going back to Berkeley ( 2x ) where they vandalized, and attacked unarmed people, even one girl getting beaten over the head w/ a flag pole... Trump is 100% right here, and I don't care how much hate you have for him or the Nazis, no amount of spin can change the facts.

There were reports of these scumbags hitting women, pushing clergy (who were there to keep the peace). One eye witness was interviewed and she said that the clergy were dressed in their religious garb but that it made no difference, they were pushed and shoved by these punks and that the volunteers from Antifa came along and escorted them away from the violence.

But Trump, in his full throated glory, says that the "left" began the violence.

He never said they began the violence. Stop lying. He said they took part in it, by aggressively attacking those who had a PERMIT to be there.

But, of course, they say nothing of the fliers that were passed around openly saying that they, the Nazis, were going to kick some ass. Of course, they were "peacefully" marching without a mean bone in their body. Then why were they dressed in "riot" gear and motorcycle and bike helmets? And, of course, Trump doesn't mention the bottles filled with urine, and the cans of soda being thrown.

No lies. Of course not!

The Left uses fliers too, and every bit as vitriolic. Fliers aren't violence. It's free speech.

This is what Trump does when he doesn't get his way, the Big Baby!
Fucking scumbag and shit for brains, who follows Bannon's every word.
He can't keep his story straight. Fucking scumbag pussy-grabber!


You're just jealous he's grabbed some of the nicest kitty in the world.

( Autistic screeching in 3, 2, 1... )

SGG just conveniently forgets how well produced, directed, controlled the leftist "news" videos are proven to be.
How did they forget to include all the trucks blowing up?

Let me tell you something JSF, the Nazi Party goers and KKK do not go to rallies peacefully. They arm themselves to the teeth. As far as Antifa goes, they'd be pretty damn stupid if they didn't go prepared for a fight, especially when the so-called alt-right sends out fliers declaring there intent to kick ass.

I never said that Antifa went totally unarmed. And yes, I saw both sides throwing things and Nazis punching and kicking people as they tried to reach for things on the ground. Then there's the eye witness account of a female pastor of the church in Charlottesville, that was surrounded by a gaggle of Nazi nut jobs pushing and shoving their way toward the statue the night before the rally was to start (The night they appeared with their tiki-torches). They were knocking down clergy, not that that should matter to you, or any right-wing nut job. They were there to keep the peace. These brave "men" were punching women in the face.

And another thing, neither you, I or Drumpf the Idiot, were there to say who started what. All I'm going by is the eye witness's account. She did not say that
the Nazi pricks started it, but that they attacked the group she was with, which was made up of clergy from the area. She did say that Antifa members helped save their lives, when they gave them cover as the Nazis confronted the clergy. I was watching an interview, with that same female pastor, when suddenly she was whisked away by an Antifa volunteer, right in front of my eyes and she ran for her life as someone attacked during the interview.

And the attack by those 6 Nazis on one guy, was merely because as the KKK marched, the young student was telling them to go home. He was a student from the nearby college, UNARMED. Beatened, kicked and clubbed. Merely because he spoke to them. That's it! He also stated that one of those that was beating him had a gun.

Oh, by the way, when you say "aggressively attacking those who had a PERMIT to be there"... that means that they, Antifa, started it. Attack means that they were the aggressors. Like I said, none of us, least of all Trump, to say, as an eye witness, that Antifa started anything. So stop lying!!!

Fliers are free speech, but they show intent. It could easily be used as proof in a court of law. Fuck it, it doesn't matter because everyone with half a brain (present company excluded, you have a quarter of a brain) knows that these Nazi fucks think they are big and bad. Yeah right! A fucking dick wad gets all teary-eyed and blubbering like a bitch when he merely received a warrant for his arrest.
He CRIED because he received a warrant.....are you fucking kidding me!? And this after he bragged to a reporter how big & bad he was, working out at the gym in prep for the rally, how he was ready to kill someone. Yeah, what a fucking loser.

You guys gotta pick a better class of racist!

Ain't Karma a Bitch!

You're really funny with some of your weak so-called insults. Dude, it's like a very faint tickle. Ha, ha I scoff at your foolishness!


Funny, the only people saying somebody OTHER than Antifa started the attack on the Authorized and Permitted particiapants, are the Antifa people. Certainly they must be unbiased, and for one moment not the liars that they always are.

And now their duplicate efforts at Berserkley have laid bare all of their lies which you gobbled down like candy.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017 5:26 AM


Louie Gohmert isn't exactly playing with a full deck, but this is interesting:

FAKE News!?

You tell me!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
One last nail in the coffin of Antifa being life-saving heroes ...


“Activists Seek Peace Through Violence”: CNN Quickly Scrubs Title Of Antifa Puff Peace

How did we reach a point in our society, where groups like Antifa think nothing of wreaking havoc on the streets on a regular basis? These people routinely beat those they disagree with, cause property damage, and shut down dissent without a single iota of shame. You have to ask yourself, how did this group and others like it, get so bold as to think that they can flippantly disregard the law and openly riot in the streets?

The answer is that the media is responsible for this mess. It’s the media that has repeatedly ignored, apologized for, and even celebrated their actions. How else would these thugs have come to the conclusion that what they’re doing is okay? They’re constantly being lionized by our morally bankrupt media.

CNN made that perfectly clear last week. They published a piece that was highly sympathetic to Antifa titled “Unmasking the Leftist Antifa Movement: Activists Seek Peace Through Violence.” ....

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Friday, October 6, 2023 1:30 PM


Biden repeats story about Charlottesville white supremacist rally 'nearly word for word' minutes after telling it the first time


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
but this is interesting:

FAKE News!?

You tell me!


the early days of the Alt-media interweb

shut down in 2017 domain name was acquired by a pornography company. As a result, news articles and social media posts with an embedded Vidme video instead displayed hardcore pornography filth The Washington Post, New York Magazine and The Guardian were some of the major news sites that were affected
thankfully we now have Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon, Odysee and others

‘They are constantly scared’: Family traumatized by Waukesha parade massacre sues convicted murderer Darrell Brooks and major insurance company

Robert Byrd the U.S. senator for West Virginia

Hugo Black member of the Democratic Party and a devoted New Dealer

David Duke (D/R) a politician who ran in both Democrat and Republican presidential primaries

Hillary Link To Former KKK Leader Robert Byrd

Letters to the Editor: Biden is experienced, but not always in ways that are helpful






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