Jared Kushner Used Private Email

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 09:04
VIEWED: 14262
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Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:05 AM


Asked and answered. The MSM moved on to a much more important story, namely the disaster in Puerto Rico. The stories coming out of this debacle are very revealing and downright gut-wrenching. A total clusterfuck!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Let me quote WISHY


Officials are supposed to use government emails for their official duties so their conversations are available to the public and those conducting oversight. But it is not illegal for White House officials to use private email accounts as long as they forward work-related messages to their work accounts so they can be preserved.
This was from the NYT.

Now, from the NPR article ...


White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner has used both a private email account and an official email address to communicate with other government officials, according to his attorney. Responding to media reports about Kushner's email habits, his lawyer said, "All non-personal emails were forwarded to his official address."

So, what's the problem? I think the more we find out about this, the less and less there will be of this story. In fact, it's already disappeared from the MSM, probably because they realized it was a nothing-burger. If there had been a tidbit of impropriety about it, the MSM would have been after it like a terrier after a rat.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:08 AM


Nope, still Obama's fault!



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
We've moved on to how the weather is Trump's fault, dontcha know Signey.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:13 AM


How so Rappy? He's no underling. He's the president's top advisor. Regardless, he's working for the government in the White House, given security clearance...he's not working at the DMV!

One or a thousand, doesn't matter.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
Here's the thing, genius.

Hillary was in/around the White House for 8 years, Jared and Ivanka have been around it less than a year. The only reason they are doing something about it now, is BECAUSE of Hillary. If they had not gone through it with Hillary, how many e-mails do you think they would have found????

They all do it and now they DEFINITELY KNOW THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE. There is NO EXCUSE for the stupidity NOW.

Big big difference between a WH underling using a private ACCOUNT for a 100 or so e-mails , fully disclosing them, and the SecState, hiding her own, private server, in her own home, with minimal security ( which got hacked ) and allowing foreign unfriendlies access to 1000's of top secret documents, e-mails and the addresses to god who knows , lying about it to Congress, destroying govt property, etc, etc, etc...


Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:14 AM


Good answer?...typical.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey Rap......was anyone arrested?


Not that I'm aware, but what is your point? Just shows how corrupt Obama and the Deep State are.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:16 AM


A well thought out answer to the topic of civil discussion. Again, typical!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
The point goes above Wishes head for a 3rd time.

That wasn't the original story posted, or what the original story said.

She is keeping her head in her Rectum lately.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:21 AM


From the article posted above by Wish:



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I don't care what the original story says. The point is they all use unauthorized e-mail addresses, that is MY POINT.
It seems that there are others who think along those lines as well:

James Norton, a former senior homeland security official during the George W. Bush administration, said private accounts pose security risks — a criticism often raised against Mrs. Clinton.

“These private email accounts become targets of phishing attacks or other types of ways of collecting information,” he said. “It’s an issue not only for the person who owns that account, but the person who is receiving the emails. It is introducing risk into the system.”

Richard W. Painter, a chief White House ethics lawyer under Mr. Bush who is now the vice chairman of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group, said that there is often a “gray area” over what is considered official business. But, he said, “If it has anything to do with the president’s policy, including defending the president’s policy to the press, it’s very difficult to escape that being official.”

“I think Kushner was sloppy to do this,” he said. “I think Hillary was sloppy. I don’t think any of it was criminal.”

The private email accounts immediately triggered questions in Congress. Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, who was among those who most vociferously criticized Mrs. Clinton’s email use, sent a letter to the White House and federal agencies asking about the Trump administration’s personal email use.

Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, asked the White House to make sure that none of Mr. Kushner’s emails are deleted.

Mr. Cummings noted that Trump administration officials had previously said that senior White House officials did not use multiple email accounts. And he reminded the White House about the grilling that Mrs. Clinton received from congressional Republicans over her email practices.

Both political parties have fought for years over the use of private email accounts. Long before Mrs. Clinton’s emails were a campaign issue, Democrats criticized members of the George W. Bush administration for the practice.

But, of course, according to our fellow contributors, we are comparing apples and oranges.


What is the source of your "Quote" there?
Out of context cherry-picked phrases carefully selected, edited, kludged together by another of your fake news factories, again?
Really, again?

Wait a second - Elijah Cummings? You must be joking. Not even you could be clueless enough to actually quote that gasbag and conjure anybody would take you seriously!


Thursday, September 28, 2017 6:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
How so Rappy? He's no underling. He's the president's top advisor. Regardless, he's working for the government in the White House, given security clearance...he's not working at the DMV!

One or a thousand, doesn't matter.


He's an underling. Not a Cabinet level positon. Not in charge of any Federal Dept. level organization.

And it absolutely matters, 100 vs 30,40, 60 thousands. He's not putting top secret documents and information in any of his e-mails. Can't say the same for Hillary. Who not only did that, but also lied about it , then destroyed (illegally ) the data she was suppose to send to State. Which then cost the tax payers probably 100's of 1000's of dollars, if not millions, to piece together and discover, after she tried to destroy them. Jared simply handed over everything, no fuss, no muss, no lawyers or delays.

Night vs fucking day.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:26 AM


I know they really believe that they're being super clever and they have a big gotcha moment here. I can only guess that Olbermann and Maddow told them that it's true. It's nothing but a false equivalency.

If they actually did something wrong, then I'm glad to know that there is enough oversight that they got caught doing it. That is the important thing. It would be nice to think that maybe our Government actually learned a lesson and at least something good came out of what Hillary did.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:48 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
How so Rappy? He's no underling. He's the president's top advisor. Regardless, he's working for the government in the White House, given security clearance...he's not working at the DMV!

One or a thousand, doesn't matter.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Wishimay:
Here's the thing, genius.

Hillary was in/around the White House for 8 years, Jared and Ivanka have been around it less than a year. The only reason they are doing something about it now, is BECAUSE of Hillary. If they had not gone through it with Hillary, how many e-mails do you think they would have found????

They all do it and now they DEFINITELY KNOW THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE. There is NO EXCUSE for the stupidity NOW.

Big big difference between a WH underling using a private ACCOUNT for a 100 or so e-mails , fully disclosing them, and the SecState, hiding her own, private server, in her own home, with minimal security ( which got hacked ) and allowing foreign unfriendlies access to 1000's of top secret documents, e-mails and the addresses to god who knows , lying about it to Congress, destroying govt property, etc, etc, etc...

Golly, I did not know Jared became a Cabinet Secretary, in Line of Succession to the Presidency, and confirmed by the Senate of the United States. You are so much smarter than everybody else to know these events occurred when nobody else is aware of them.
The rest of the world thought he was an underling at the White House, hired and subject to fire, at the sole discretion of POTUS. Like McMaster, Kelley, Scaramucci, Spicer, etc.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:53 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
A well thought out answer to the topic of civil discussion. Again, typical!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
The point goes above Wishes head for a 3rd time.

That wasn't the original story posted, or what the original story said.

She is keeping her head in her Rectum lately.

Perhaps you missed the breaking (news) wind. SodomQueen wants everubody to know and genuflect to her Anal Intrusion, Rectum Wrecking, Bung Banging superiority. Especially mixed company and children.
Get with the program, old fogey.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:58 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
From the article posted above by Wish:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I don't care what the original story says. The point is they all use unauthorized e-mail addresses, that is MY POINT.
It seems that there are others who think along those lines as well:

James Norton, a former senior homeland security official during the George W. Bush administration, said private accounts pose security risks — a criticism often raised against Mrs. Clinton.

“These private email accounts become targets of phishing attacks or other types of ways of collecting information,” he said. “It’s an issue not only for the person who owns that account, but the person who is receiving the emails. It is introducing risk into the system.”

Richard W. Painter, a chief White House ethics lawyer under Mr. Bush who is now the vice chairman of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group, said that there is often a “gray area” over what is considered official business. But, he said, “If it has anything to do with the president’s policy, including defending the president’s policy to the press, it’s very difficult to escape that being official.”

“I think Kushner was sloppy to do this,” he said. “I think Hillary was sloppy. I don’t think any of it was criminal.”

The private email accounts immediately triggered questions in Congress. Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, who was among those who most vociferously criticized Mrs. Clinton’s email use, sent a letter to the White House and federal agencies asking about the Trump administration’s personal email use.

Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, asked the White House to make sure that none of Mr. Kushner’s emails are deleted.

Mr. Cummings noted that Trump administration officials had previously said that senior White House officials did not use multiple email accounts. And he reminded the White House about the grilling that Mrs. Clinton received from congressional Republicans over her email practices.

Both political parties have fought for years over the use of private email accounts. Long before Mrs. Clinton’s emails were a campaign issue, Democrats criticized members of the George W. Bush administration for the practice.

But, of course, according to our fellow contributors, we are comparing apples and oranges.


What is the source of your "Quote" there?
Out of context cherry-picked phrases carefully selected, edited, kludged together by another of your fake news factories, again?
Really, again?

Wait a second - Elijah Cummings? You must be joking. Not even you could be clueless enough to actually quote that gasbag and conjure anybody would take you seriously!

Goodness, really? The actual New York Times Fake News Factory?
Well, now we know that every Fake News item they dole out is true, right? Shore yo right.


Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:01 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I know they really believe that they're being super clever and they have a big gotcha moment here. I can only guess that Olbermann and Maddow told them that it's true. It's nothing but a false equivalency.

If they actually did something wrong, then I'm glad to know that there is enough oversight that they got caught doing it. That is the important thing. It would be nice to think that maybe our Government actually learned a lesson and at least something good came out of what Hillary did.

You have made a critical error. The MSM is not the Government.


Friday, September 29, 2017 1:38 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
You have made a critical error. The MSM is not the Government.

I dunno... Jury is still out on that.

I wasn't saying that it was in that post though.


Friday, September 29, 2017 3:29 AM



If they actually did something wrong, then I'm glad to know that there is enough oversight that they got caught doing it. That is the important thing. It would be nice to think that maybe our Government actually learned a lesson and at least something good came out of what Hillary did.

Agreed, some good lessons to be learned and some justice to be delivered. Again, once investigators complete their part and find the smoking gun; (arrest, trial) and once the finders of fact find the facts; well, jail time. (I list the steps because I have been accused of "cutting to the chase" - in other words, skipping over the obvious execution of the law).



Friday, September 29, 2017 4:01 AM



Jared simply handed over everything, no fuss, no muss, no lawyers or delays.

Night vs fucking day.

Yeah, I see.



Friday, September 29, 2017 6:30 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

If they actually did something wrong, then I'm glad to know that there is enough oversight that they got caught doing it. That is the important thing. It would be nice to think that maybe our Government actually learned a lesson and at least something good came out of what Hillary did.

Agreed, some good lessons to be learned and some justice to be delivered. Again, once investigators complete their part and find the smoking gun; (arrest, trial) and once the finders of fact find the facts; well, jail time. (I list the steps because I have been accused of "cutting to the chase" - in other words, skipping over the obvious execution of the law).


Yeah. If there was true wrongdoing here than by all means there should be punishment for the crime. I wouldn't fall into the trap of "well Hillary got away for it, so everybody else should get out of jail free too".

That being said, I hope Trump makes good on the promise to lock her up. There needs to be an investigation into her crimes by a Justice Department that wasn't in her pockets.


Friday, January 26, 2018 8:18 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Non issue.
Fewer than 100 e-mails in total.
Not like the 10's of 1000's that Hillary destroyed.
Not a " personal server ", but merely 1 account.

And he's certainly not the head of a Cabinet level positon, while trading pay-for-play favors with heads of state or large international corporations.

Like Hillary.

Court rules that Kushner firm must disclose partners' names

A federal judge ruled on Friday that the family company once run by Jared Kushner isn't allowed to keep the identity of its business partners in several Maryland properties secret.

A district court in the state rejected the argument that the privacy rights of the Kushner Cos. partners outweigh the public interest in obtaining judicial records in a lawsuit before the court. The decision means that the company tied to President Donald Trump's son-in-law might be forced to provide a rare glimpse into how it finances its real estate ventures.

Tick tock



Friday, January 26, 2018 8:35 PM


Maybe this will be the one?

It must be exhausting searching all these haystacks for needles.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 26, 2018 11:35 PM


America loves a winner!

Clinton Foundation still under investigation too... billions missing from Haiti relief.

Tick tock

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, January 26, 2018 11:39 PM


Well now, we are finally accepting the truth of the matter, and the inevitable.

The law is the law, is the law! Glad to see people still believe in the Rule of Law.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Maybe this will be the one?

It must be exhausting searching all these haystacks for needles.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 27, 2018 7:41 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well now, we are finally accepting the truth of the matter, and the inevitable.

The law is the law, is the law! Glad to see people still believe in the Rule of Law.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Maybe this will be the one?

It must be exhausting searching all these haystacks for needles.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Sure. I believe in the rule of the law. In the last 14 months the people I've been witnessing break it on a regular basis come from the extreme left.

Don't matter to me if Trump gets locked up. Pence will be in and Hillary will still be out. I'm still a happy camper.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 27, 2018 8:36 AM



Saturday, January 27, 2018 8:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Clinton Foundation still under investigation too... billions missing from Haiti relief.

Tick tock

If the Clintons are guilty of committing crimes they should be held accountable. However, it's like the boy who cried wolf. For decades they have been investigated for this and that, mostly because of politics. Nothing sticks and it always ends the same.

Yes, Clinton was impeached because he lied to the FBI about an affair. Everything else concerning White Water only led to that lie. No evidence was uncovered that Clinton did anything else wrong. That cost the tax payers over 47 million. That's like 100 million in todays dollars. All that money just to catch Clinton in a lie about getting his dick sucked while in a consensual affair.

After a more than two-year investigation into Benghazi, encompassing 33 hearings held in congressional investigations and four public hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million and counting, again nothing.

Today there are investigations in the house and senate, both controlled by the republicans. They are investigating Trump and his staffs ties to Russia. There is also the Mueller investigation because Trump fired Comey. Trump, who admitted on TV it was because of "the Russia thing" that he fired Comey.

All those Clinton investigations, all that money, for nothing. Still you can't let it go. Why, you act as though all you want is justice. Yet one investigation into Trump and his staff, one controlled by the republicans, and you guys act like the world is coming to an end. Remember, Mueller is a republican, as is much of his staff. Hypocrite, nothing but a hypocrite rappy.



Saturday, January 27, 2018 4:10 PM


WASHINGTON — As lawmakers recover from a dispiriting government shutdown and prepare for President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, Capitol Hill is absorbed with concern that Mr. Trump’s presidency has pushed an already dysfunctional Congress into a near-permanent state of gridlock that threatens to diminish American democracy itself.



Saturday, January 27, 2018 7:20 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

All those Clinton investigations, all that money, for nothing. Still you can't let it go. Why, you act as though all you want is justice. Yet one investigation into Trump and his staff, one controlled by the republicans, and you guys act like the world is coming to an end. Remember, Mueller is a republican, as is much of his staff. Hypocrite, nothing but a hypocrite rappy.

I think you're throwing people into boxes again, T.

I'm not defending Trump, and I've said if he's done anything wrong then they should lock him up... or worse. Most of my replies on the matter here are just snark that makes your head explode.

What I'm wondering is why the MSM isn't better at their jobs. It's a matter of picking your battles is all. There hasn't been a single day of moderate to positive news coverage of Trump since he was elected. Not one. Every single day since then we've had to hear stories and allegations and editorializations and "sources say" and "says anonymous" and then hear from a bunch of idiots eating all of this shit up that we're either stupid and/or racists for not just buying all of it.

The one thing that has been missing all this time is evidence. Evidence that Trump did anything, and evidence that anybody that doesn't trust the news outlets is either stupid or a racist.

Although I would be shocked if they actually did uncover any evidence at this point, Trump very well may have been in cahoots with the Russians. When that day comes and he is punished, I will admit that I was wrong.

I will not, however, admit that all this time the MSM was right, or that they went about their jobs the right way. This country is falling apart before our eyes and the burden of that blame lies squarely on the MSM. Not just in the last year, but in the last 15-20 or so.

(Note when I say "MSM" that Fox News is also included in that. I'm referring mainly to the 24 hour news networks).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 28, 2018 5:01 PM




Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:46 PM


So no reply then?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 29, 2018 4:18 AM


Yes, the left are lawbreakers. Funny thing tough, the FBI are made up mostly of conservative Republicans, so how is it that the left get away with murder?
That's one.

Oh and Pence is next. How is it that he's the vice president and not know about Flynn being a Russian stooge. Sally Yates personally came over and warned them about him. Flynn stayed in office for over 2 weeks after that warning.
Makes you go, Hmmmmmmm.

Blame that on the Deep State!

Actually, it doesn't matter. You guys will be back to work soon, you'll get your wall (although illegals will still come here by way of parachute). The inevitable changing of the guard will still happen though, pretty soon Civil War and then where will we be? Like I said, it doesn't matter because in the final analysis - in about 50 years, the landscape of this country will be totally different.

By the way, don't give a rat's ass that Clinton is out on her keister. Didn't vote for her, but nice try.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well now, we are finally accepting the truth of the matter, and the inevitable.

The law is the law, is the law! Glad to see people still believe in the Rule of Law.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Maybe this will be the one?

It must be exhausting searching all these haystacks for needles.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Sure. I believe in the rule of the law. In the last 14 months the people I've been witnessing break it on a regular basis come from the extreme left.

Don't matter to me if Trump gets locked up. Pence will be in and Hillary will still be out. I'm still a happy camper.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 29, 2018 4:24 AM



I believe in the rule of the law. In the last 14 months the people I've been witnessing break it on a regular basis come from the extreme left.

By the way...who are these people from the "extreme left" that you're talking about?
Exactly who is breaking the law and getting away with it?

Curious minds want to know.



Monday, January 29, 2018 6:22 AM


America loves a winner!


All those Clinton investigations, all that money, for nothing. Still you can't let it go. Why, you act as though all you want is justice. Yet one investigation into Trump and his staff, one controlled by the republicans, and you guys act like the world is coming to an end. Remember, Mueller is a republican, as is much of his staff. Hypocrite, nothing but a hypocrite rappy.

Those investigations took so long and cost so much because the Clintons refused to play ball and submit subpoenaed material. Just as w/ the Rose Law Firm records, which 'magically ' turned up in Hillary's office, to the e-mails she was suppose to turn over, but instead attempted to destroy ( federal crime ) , along w/ the devices she wiped...

Mueller isn't a Republican. People need to stop saying that as if has any meaning. It doesn't. First and foremost, he's ( suppose ) to be a federal law man, but instead, he's more of a Deep State swamp dweller. NONE of his staff are GOP either, so scratch that lie right off the list.

Think of the Clintons as Al Capone in The Untouchables. They'd whack the guy who has all the goods ( Seth Rich ) and then mock Eliot Ness to his face that he's got nothin' !!

Only this is worse. Much worse.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, January 29, 2018 7:48 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
All those Clinton investigations, all that money, for nothing. Still you can't let it go. Why, you act as though all you want is justice. Yet one investigation into Trump and his staff, one controlled by the republicans, and you guys act like the world is coming to an end. Remember, Mueller is a republican, as is much of his staff. Hypocrite, nothing but a hypocrite rappy.

Those investigations took so long and cost so much because the Clintons refused to play ball and submit subpoenaed material. Just as w/ the Rose Law Firm records, which 'magically ' turned up in Hillary's office, to the e-mails she was suppose to turn over, but instead attempted to destroy ( federal crime ) , along w/ the devices she wiped...

Mueller isn't a Republican. People need to stop saying that as if has any meaning. It doesn't. First and foremost, he's ( suppose ) to be a federal law man, but instead, he's more of a Deep State swamp dweller. NONE of his staff are GOP either, so scratch that lie right off the list.

Think of the Clintons as Al Capone in The Untouchables. They'd whack the guy who has all the goods ( Seth Rich ) and then mock Eliot Ness to his face that he's got nothin' !!

Only this is worse. Much worse.

I'm sure you do not understand what you say doesn't make sense. Sure, the Clintons didn't make it easy, they were resentful. Still, no guilt was ever found. And make no mistake, these Clinton investigations turned over every rock they could. If there were anything Ken Starr could've done to convict Clinton, he would've and did. A lie about having sex with someone other than his wife. 47 million for that. The American people were so pissed at the republicans for that Clinton's favorable ratings jumped 10 points.

Hillary and Benghazi, over and over again. So much concern over a perceived lack of judgement on Hillary's part. Yet none for the Russians interfering in our politics. None for the Russians circulating false stories via the internet designed to stir up negative emotions. Fake stories pitting American against American. No new policies protecting us from that reoccurring. Nothing put in place to prevent it. No one even leading a group to find ways to stop it. So, it's reoccurring.

Check it out. All the top people investigating Trump are republicans, not democrats. That says it all rappy. You're full of shit.

Joe Scarborough?
Verified account

Follow @JoeNBC

Robert Mueller—Republican
Rod Rosenstein—Republican
Jeff Sessions—Republican
Don McGahn—Republican

Some conspiracy you got there, boys. (Did I mention the FBI letter that helped elect Trump?)



Monday, January 29, 2018 8:12 AM


Again, the facts show just how biased you are. Stop defending Trump by dismissing what the Russian's did. And are still doing.

Russian bots retweeted Trump almost half a million times in final weeks of 2016 campaign

Russian-linked automated Twitter accounts, or bots, retweeted Donald Trump almost half a million times in the final weeks before the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, Twitter told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The 50,000 automated accounts the company determined had ties to Russia sent more than 2 million election-related tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Russian bots retweeted Trump nearly 500,000 times in final weeks of 2016 campaign



Monday, January 29, 2018 2:00 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Just as w/ the Rose Law Firm records, which 'magically ' turned up in Hillary's office, to the e-mails she was suppose to turn over, but instead attempted to destroy ( federal crime ) , along w/ the devices she wiped...

Mueller isn't a Republican. People need to stop saying that as if has any meaning. It doesn't. First and foremost, he's ( suppose ) to be a federal law man, but instead, he's more of a Deep State swamp dweller. NONE of his staff are GOP either, so scratch that lie right off the list.

Yeah, cites please. I'm sure you'd hate to be spreading fake news. I would also like cites concerning the investigation into the deep state issue.

Sorry, I gotta laugh. Who's left to carry out that investigation? Nobody I think.



Monday, January 29, 2018 4:49 PM


America loves a winner!

Strozk , McCabe and Page ?? All HUGE Hillary or DNC donors. All the lawyers on the " Russian investigation " team ? Huge Obama / Hillary / DNC donors.

McCabe is stepping ( being force ) down. Strozk was removed from the investigation. I

And boo freaking hoo, but when you have records or emails which are subpoenaed, there's no room for " resistance " pal. Sorry, you're duty bound to comply.

Also, the fact that we NOW KNOW for a fact that the Hillary e-mail investigation was a shame, she was covered for by the FBI participants themselves, only solidifies the view that the FISA business of wire taps and were all a bogus front to undermine the Trump campaign / administration.

Rose Law firm records -

In January 1996, a long sought-after copy of billing records from the Rose Law Finn were identified and turned over to prosecutors by Carolyn Huber, a White House assistant to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Ms. Huber, herself a former Rose Law Firm employee, recognized the records and realized that they had been among papers that she had removed six months earlier from the First Lady's book room on the third floor of the White House.

The mysterious appearance of the billing records, which had been the specific subject of various investigative subpoenas for two years, sparked intense interest about how they surfaced and where they had been. Shortly after the discovery of the records, Hillary Clinton made history -- she became the only First Lady ever called to testify before a Grand Jury inquiry.


Monday, January 29, 2018 9:12 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Strozk , McCabe and Page ?? All HUGE Hillary or DNC donors. All the lawyers on the " Russian investigation " team ? Huge Obama / Hillary / DNC donors.

McCabe is stepping ( being force ) down. Strozk was removed from the investigation. I

And boo freaking hoo, but when you have records or emails which are subpoenaed, there's no room for " resistance " pal. Sorry, you're duty bound to comply.

Also, the fact that we NOW KNOW for a fact that the Hillary e-mail investigation was a shame, she was covered for by the FBI participants themselves, only solidifies the view that the FISA business of wire taps and were all a bogus front to undermine the Trump campaign / administration.

Rose Law firm records -

In January 1996, a long sought-after copy of billing records from the Rose Law Finn were identified and turned over to prosecutors by Carolyn Huber, a White House assistant to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Ms. Huber, herself a former Rose Law Firm employee, recognized the records and realized that they had been among papers that she had removed six months earlier from the First Lady's book room on the third floor of the White House.

The mysterious appearance of the billing records, which had been the specific subject of various investigative subpoenas for two years, sparked intense interest about how they surfaced and where they had been. Shortly after the discovery of the records, Hillary Clinton made history -- she became the only First Lady ever called to testify before a Grand Jury inquiry.

So they found the records and Hillary testified. Like I said, no charges filed. The fact that the two sides argued about what the documents showed or portrayed, is standard operating procedure. If you can prove you are right you win. Hillary, the Clintons won.

GET OVER IT, as you and others here like to say. It was decades ago. Your side lost. Only a sicko would still be trying to make the same losing argument today that Ken Starr made then. An argument mind you, that led to no charges being filed.



Thursday, February 1, 2018 10:51 AM


Rep. Schiff: Nunes gave Trump 'secretly altered' version of classified memo

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee says the secret GOP memo sent to the White House -- that sources told ABC News could be released as early as Thursday -- is not the same one the committee voted to make public.



Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:56 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Non issue.
Fewer than 100 e-mails in total.
Not like the 10's of 1000's that Hillary destroyed.
Not a " personal server ", but merely 1 account.

And he's certainly not the head of a Cabinet level positon, while trading pay-for-play favors with heads of state or large international corporations.

Like Hillary.

New York Regulator Asks Deutsche Bank, Others About Kushner Loans

(Reuters) - New York’s state banking regulator asked Deutsche Bank AG and two other lenders for information on their relationships with U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and his family’s real estate company, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Trading favors is exactly what this crook is doing. And, it's now going to be revealed in droves. Something is now being reported that has been known by insiders for a long time. He is holding secret meetings with foreign countries and discussing personal business. Arab Emirates and China to name two. Where's your outrage rappy, jsf, jack, ikiki, sig?



Friday, March 2, 2018 7:08 PM



Friday, March 9, 2018 11:28 AM




Sunday, March 18, 2018 6:21 PM


Jared Kushner's company filed fake rent-control paperwork about its properties in order to turn a massive profit

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's company faked paperwork about three apartment buildings it owned in order to make a huge profit.

•In the documents, obtained by the AP, the company said it didn't have any tenants living in rent-controlled units in the apartment, when in fact it had hundreds.

•The company pushed people out of the buildings in order to sell the properties at 50% more than it paid for them.

•People reported being forced out and harassed once the company took over the buildings.

So, is this what some here call draining the swamp? SAPS


Thursday, March 22, 2018 10:56 AM


Saudi Arabia's crown prince reportedly bragged about having Jared Kushner 'in his pocket

ared Kushner reportedly discussed classified information obtained from the President's Daily Brief with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who bragged that he had Kushner "in his pocket," according to a report by The Intercept.



Thursday, March 22, 2018 1:28 PM


He's a traitor. The entire Trump crime family are traitors.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Says Jared Kusher is "in his pocket"


Thursday, March 22, 2018 1:41 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
He's a traitor. The entire Trump crime family are traitors.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Says Jared Kusher is "in his pocket"

F.B.I. Investigated Sessions for Possible Perjury Over Russia Denials

Here's a good one REAVERFAN. I'd add, if this was Clinton or Obama doing any of what's coming to light about the Trump administration, sig rappy jsf jack and kiki would be outraged.

Since it's Trump, it's either silence or a vigorous deflection away from all these criminal actions being reported. It's further proof they are here to troll and nothing more.



Thursday, March 22, 2018 1:42 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

He's a traitor. The entire Trump crime family are traitors.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Says Jared Kusher is "in his pocket"

F.B.I. Investigated Sessions for Possible Perjury Over Russia Denials

Here's a good one REAVERFAN.

I'd add, if this was Clinton or Obama doing any of what's coming to light about the Trump
administration, sig rappy jsf jack and kiki would be outraged.

Since it's Trump, it's either silence or a vigorous deflection
away from all these criminal actions being reported.
It's further proof they are here to troll and nothing more.



Friday, March 22, 2019 7:00 AM



Members of Trump’s family are facing allegations of email hypocrisy and rampant nepotism as reporting reveals Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are under scrutiny for the use of private emails and messaging apps. Author of “Kushner Inc.”,


Friday, March 22, 2019 7:02 AM



Jared Kushner And Ivanka Using Private Email Is 'Dangerous' |


Friday, March 22, 2019 8:16 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Non issue.
Fewer than 100 e-mails in total.
Not like the 10's of 1000's that Hillary destroyed.
Not a " personal server ", but merely 1 account.

And he's certainly not the head of a Cabinet level positon, while trading pay-for-play favors with heads of state or large international corporations.

Like Hillary.

Nothing to say? I have something to say hypocrite. Opps...



Friday, March 22, 2019 9:29 AM



We've got a handbag designer with a failed clothing line getting patents in China.

Her husband is a 1%er whose daddy bought him a spot at Harvard for 2.5 million.

They made 82 million last year. Nope, nothing to see here...


Friday, March 22, 2019 10:06 AM


‘But His WhatsApp’: AOC, Hillary Clinton Taunt Jared Kushner Over Private Messaging

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Trump’s former presidential rival rip the White House adviser for hypocrisy.

Lock him up!


Friday, March 22, 2019 10:08 AM







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