5 Ghetto Rat Teens mock and dont help a man drowning, Zero Empathy

UPDATED: Thursday, October 5, 2017 11:18
VIEWED: 4993
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Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:40 AM


You represent everything that is WRONG with this country.

You thought boozing and x-boxing for five plus YEARS was a GENIUS plan.

You drunk yourself self sick and then complain about it, while pretending not to know getting drunk would make you sick.

You brag about your minimum wage job and how you are living off the rest of us, when you are PERFECTLY ABLE TO WORK and support yourself. You are just too lazy and pathetic.

My husband works his ass off so dregs like you can bottom feed. I would rather my money went to a black woman in the ghetto with nine different kids and nine different baby daddies than YOU.

You've run down my husband and my kid, which makes you my enemy FOR LIFE.

You complain about some girl aborting YOUR baby, which is most likely the reason she aborted it, because you think women just exist to service YOU. You don't think for one second what she had to go through, and you don't take ANY responsibility for knocking up a woman who I'm betting that you knew DIDN'T want to BE pregnant.

You complain about white men losing EVERYTHING while you produce NOTHING.

You have spent over 30 years on this planet, and think YOU are the greatest thing on it. You cannot rationalize or think for yourself and believe some people are not entitled to the same rights you have because their junk works different than yours. I cannot imagine how shallow one would have to be belong to a group that thinks that.

You have several mental illnesses (the least of which is an addictive personality), and you know NOTHING about psychiatry or mental health. Just couldn't be bothered to LOOK AT YOURSELF IN A MIRROR?

Jesus, where does it end? When do you GROW UP?

Seriously, do yourself a favor...fix up the house...SELL IT...and START OVER. Find a goddamn work ethic...Become someone you CAN look at in the mirror. Sitting on your ass holding on to the last vestiges of a twisted youth ain't doing ANYONE any good. Least of all YOU.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 3:13 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
No surprise that Wish would come to their defense.

I bet she wouldn't have if they were white boys.

When first I heard of the story, ( naturally ) there was no mention of race, color, what ever.

Then I heard the audio , via radio, and ( sorry Johnny Cochran ) they sounded black to me.

Which leads me to the inescapable conclusion. It's not race, it's ' culture '. There is an undeniable cultural gap between some in our society and others. This is learned, as best as I can tell, and has zero to do w/ genetics.

Wonder how many of those fine young men grew up in stable homes with both parents ?

Sorry, I always get a kick out of that one.

I think that when you state facts like that, we are supposed to call you racist.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:56 PM


I think Wishy has a crush on me.

She just can't stop thinking about me, and her posts about me are just getting longer and longer and...


Thursday, July 27, 2017 1:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

WISHY, much of what you say about SIX is just plain untrue.

You represent everything that is WRONG with this country.

You thought boozing and x-boxing for five plus YEARS was a GENIUS plan.

You drunk yourself self sick and then complain about it, while pretending not to know getting drunk would make you sick.- WISHY

Far as I can tell, SIX never pretended anything about drinking.


You brag about your minimum wage job and how you are living off the rest of us, when you are PERFECTLY ABLE TO WORK and support yourself. You are just too lazy and pathetic.

My husband works his ass off so dregs like you can bottom feed. I would rather my money went to a black woman in the ghetto with nine different kids and nine different baby daddies than YOU. - WISHY

SIX is not on government support, as far as I know. He doesn't even take advantage of Medicaid. He does live very, very frugally however.


You've run down my husband and my kid, which makes you my enemy FOR LIFE. - WISHY
He has?


You complain about some girl aborting YOUR baby, which is most likely the reason she aborted it, because you think women just exist to service YOU. You don't think for one second what she had to go through, and you don't take ANY responsibility for knocking up a woman who I'm betting that you knew DIDN'T want to BE pregnant.- WISHY
I probably agree with this part. Even if SIX planned on becoming the sole parent after birth (which I doubt) he would never have to face medical, social, financial, professional, and emotional consequences of nine months of pregnancy plus childbirth. In my view, responsibility = authority. Women have that responsibility, therefore they have that authority. Being a "seed donor" does not make you "part owner" of an unborn baby; there are no rights attached to being a sperm donor.


You complain about white men losing EVERYTHING while you produce NOTHING.- WISH
WISHY, give the guy a break. He did have a good job before the crash. He just crawled out of a bottle and it sounds to me like he's a little agoraphobic. Let him solve his problems one at a time. He's not costing you anything.


You have spent over 30 years on this planet, and think YOU are the greatest thing on it. You cannot rationalize or think for yourself and believe some people are not entitled to the same rights you have because their junk works different than yours. I cannot imagine how shallow one would have to be belong to a group that thinks that.- WISH
I don't get that impression of SIX. I think he's a short man in a tall man's world.


You have several mental illnesses (the least of which is an addictive personality)
I'm not sure that doctors and scientists have figured out if there is an "addictive personality".

and you know NOTHING about psychiatry or mental health. Just couldn't be bothered to LOOK AT YOURSELF IN A MIRROR? - WISHY

And, what would he see?

BTW, WISHY, what would YOU see if you looked in a mirror? Someone who can turn the "nice" on and off, and become the world's biggest grotch at a moment's notice?


Seriously, do yourself a favor...fix up the house...SELL IT...and START OVER. Find a goddamn work ethic...Become someone you CAN look at in the mirror. Sitting on your ass holding on to the last vestiges of a twisted youth ain't doing ANYONE any good. Least of all YOU. - WISHY
I don't get the impression that SIX's "youth" was all that hot. There were probably a few good years with a great-paying job.

It's one thing to be angry about the continuing prejudice against women (Oh, and BTW- men face prejudice too. They're held to different - and in some cases tougher - standards than women. Just because women face prejudice doesn't cancel out the prejudice than men face. Can't we all just agree that prejudice is bad, even if different groups face different kinds?)

But WISHY, I don't know what it is that triggers your nastiness. You're not just angry about the way the world is, you're personally going after SIX with tooth and claw. What gives?


Oh, BTW- Yes, I was wondering if you were going to tell me that the problem with Asperger's (and other parts of the spectrum) is not "lack of empathy" but TOO MUCH SENSITIVITY. Yep, some people are just overwhelmed by the barrage of input that they have to deal with. Living in a world that's too, too much, and they can't even turn down the volume.

But these kids ... yanno, the ones in Florida ... can hardly claim to be overwhelmed with input. They really do lack empathy. MOST people .... MOST primates, in fact many mammals ... have an inborn empathy. Humans born without it are called sociopaths. And then there are a lot of people where empathy is kind of beaten out of them by experience. They live in a harsh, harsh world.

I recall on one of those medical ER shows that we used to watch (We're now watching all of those car restoration shows) there was this black kid with his 15-year-old girlfriend who was deeply in active labor; and there he was, backed into a corner of the ER bay like a trapped wild animal, eyes rolling in all directions, repeating over and over that he didn't trust hospitals and that he was going to take his girlfriend home; and the hospital staff were trying desperately to convince him to let her stay, and I realized ...

we have cities-full of feral people.

I guess these kids might be called feral people. Or, they grew up in an alternate culture; one where callousness is a survival trait.


I hope your accident settlement goes OK. It's so hard to live with a broken anything, and people are rarely compensated with what they deserve.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Friday, July 28, 2017 1:31 AM


I appreciate that Sigs... You pretty much nailed it. :)

Some points you made that I feel I should highlight for Wish.

I do not receive any benefits. I live extremely frugally to a fault and have very little bills besides regular monthly power/water/trash bills, a very small property tax and whatever it costs to keep my belly full with ramen noodles and peanut butter. The money won't last forever.

I've never said anything negative about Wish's kid or husband. I have however said several times that I feel sorry for them.

I am undoubtedly agoraphobic at this point. I can overcome it some days with a lot of effort, so I'm not trapped in my house everyday. I'm working on this, and now that I'm not drinking I'm making an effort to spend a lot more time with my brother and my niece when they have the time, so that makes it easier.

I don't have any delusions that I'm something amazing. I may have been at some point, but not anymore. I know that I'm riddled with mental illness. Agoraphobia, OCD, addictive personality disorder are at the top of the list, although I've never been diagnosed. I don't believe it ends there. I think I'm actually extremely in tune with knowing who and what I am.

One thing I can say positive though is that I know I'm a good person who tries to be nice to people and has an extreme sense of empathy and I care a great deal for those few in my circle. I try my best not to hate or espouse hate. People who know me, but not very closely, can't believe that I have the extreme anxiety and problems talking to people I don't know when they find out.

Unlike both Wishy and Ikki have claimed, I am not a sexist. Thank you for being a voice of reason Signy. Simply pointing out that many men are oppressed and do not benefit from the "patriarchy" simply because they have male genitalia does not make somebody a sexist or a misogynist.


Friday, July 28, 2017 6:37 AM


Ha, got it! I remember seeing a video of that "cash me outside" girl on Dr. Phil.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
@SGG - Cash me outside !

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, October 4, 2017 8:58 AM


Jamel Dunn: Hundreds attend funeral of disabled man who drowned as teenagers looked on and filmed

Police have asked that charges be filed against the teenagers


Originally posted by Wishimay:
She's distancing herself from the pain. Any first year psych student could tell you that.

Wishi I sometimes find your so called reasoning to be very emotionally charged and maybe irrational

Remember how you seen the figures for Black Female Crimes vs White Male crime, the Black Woman or Black Women would rank higher in violent crime, murder, gun crime etc

You somehow found a way to Blame the sex of Males for Black Female Violent criminals, how was that so?


Wednesday, October 4, 2017 2:06 PM


Uh Oh... Is that 4 or 5 people to make that observation this week?


Wednesday, October 4, 2017 10:10 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I think that when you state facts like that, we are supposed to call you racist.


Thursday, October 5, 2017 1:13 AM


6STRINGJOKER: "I know that I'm riddled with mental illness.
Agoraphobia, OCD, addictive personality disorder are at the
top of the list ... "

OCD: obsessive compulsive disorder shows up on a brain scan;
it's a bright spot behind the left eyeball (left orbital gyre, I

The scans can show clinical Depression; I don't recall what
it looks like.

Alcoholism: that shows up in the liver, before we ever take
a drink; the liver enzyme Acetydehyde-dehydrogenase is in
short supply. That enzyme changes most of the alcohol into
sugar, harmless compared to alcohol.

If we have such disorders, I'm pretty sure they were there
the day we were born, & are inherited.

Schizophrenia, likewise, shows up on a brain scan.
Boy, does it ever!
So much so, that I forgot all the ways it changes the brain.

Knowing that such things are inborn, we might have compassion
for those who received them.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Thursday, October 5, 2017 1:49 AM


I didn't know all of that.

I still like to think that we all make choices in life though, good or bad. I never believed in pre-determination when it was being preached to me, and I don't just buy that we are a slave to our impulses because we were born that way.

I may have been born with more of a tenancy to become an alcoholic, but I wasn't born, doomed from day one, to become one. Hell... I could have been raised in a strict Muslim family and never touched it a day in my life, for instance.

I'm not talking about all things genetic, mind....

Schizophrenia... we'll that's just a whole different bag. I may have let loose online and acted like a different person when I was drunk, and that's no excuse for the behavior, but I was always me. Just a really shitty version of me.

You're right though. Empathy and understanding doesn't make you weak. It allows you to judge yourself fairly without flogging yourself before casting judgement on other people all the time and, in turn, live a life that's not consumed with hate.

I'm no monk, but I do my best these days to remember that.


Thursday, October 5, 2017 11:06 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

You somehow found a way to Blame the sex of Males for Black Female Violent criminals, how was that so?

That was a JOKE, DUMBASS.


Thursday, October 5, 2017 11:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You somehow found a way to Blame the sex of Males for Black Female Violent criminals, how was that so? _JAYNEZ


uh huh.

Hon, if you start blaming "male genes" for violence, you're going to have to own that argument for "black genes" too. Because, clearly, blacks are more violent than whites.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake






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