Make America "GREAT"? We couldn't even hit "average"

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 08:14
VIEWED: 6584
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Wednesday, December 6, 2017 5:16 AM


Wasn't Pence Governor there....if so, I rest my case.



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Welcome to Indiana, land of the bland and home of the fucked...


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 5:44 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Wasn't Pence Governor there....if so, I rest my case.



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Welcome to Indiana, land of the bland and home of the fucked...

What case?

Indiana. State of some of the lowest overall taxes in the country. A state that knows how to run a budget? A state where everybody in the Chicagoland area is fleeing to because of their insane taxes that spread from Democratic stronghold Chicago out into the suburbs and pushes people out because they're paying more than most people pay to rent an apartment in property taxes every month?

What are you trying to say here?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 8:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Indiana. State of some of the lowest overall taxes in the country. . . . What are you trying to say here?

Indiana's ex-governor, Mike Pence, was chairing the Senate when populism finally died with tax bill’s passage. The populist right’s reward for electing Trump is legislation that takes from the poor to give to the rich.

Populism, RIP.

It croaked on a birthday of sorts. This month marks 10 years since the Great Recession — and thereby the social movement it unleashed — was born.

This obituary begins in December 2007, when the spark of the financial crisis grew into a fire. The conflagration would go on to blaze through more than 8 million jobs, trillions of dollars in wealth, millions of foreclosed homes and half the value of the stock market.

Older and middle-age workers would lose jobs and nest eggs. Younger workers would get stuck in dead-end careers, if they could find careers at all, and fall behind on milestones of adulthood such as homeownership and marriage.

And millions of children would grow up watching their parents stress about money. . . .

Amid disillusionment with elites, resentment of “banksters” and their garish bonuses, and furor with regulators who let the crisis happen and then held no one — but no one — truly accountable, a populist fever erupted.

. . . Populists hated Wall Street bailouts, but they hated handouts going to their undeserving neighbors even more. They asked: Why should their mortgages be written off, when my home is also underwater? Why should they get food stamps, when I struggle to put dinner on the table? Why should they get free health care when I’m living paycheck to paycheck?

Many increasingly concluded that the answers were some version of: because they don’t look like me.

I cannot tell you how many of the unemployed workers I interviewed during the recession and its aftermath blamed their inability to find work on employers’ supposed favoritism of the young (if they themselves were old) or of the old (if they were young), of men (if they were women), of women (if they were men) and of the nonwhite (if they were white).

Of course, the main reason these workers couldn’t get a job was that there weren’t enough jobs to be gotten. With the economic pie no longer growing, every paltry slice was in dispute.

Those on the populist, anti-establishment left eventually found a savior in a socialist senator from Vermont. The populist, anti-establishment right chose a billionaire con artist. Both leaders vowed to deliver policies that would reward their acolytes and punish special interests.

In the end, only those on the populist right successfully took over a major political party, and later the country.

But what did they win, really? Did they get the great economic de-rigging they demanded? A fair shake for good, wholesome folk like themselves? The draining, at last, of the swamp?


Instead, a week ago, the Trump administration began dismantling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a post-financial crisis creation designed specifically to protect the little guy from scam artists and swamp creatures.

And then, in the wee hours of Saturday, the Senate passed the most plutocratic, regressive, system-rigging piece of tax legislation in decades. A bill that allows multimillionaires to pass on their estates tax-free. That offers one special break to owners of private jets and another to those who send their kids to private school.

A bill that literally takes from the poor to give to the rich.

These are not policies that either left-wing or right-wing populists clamored for, and you can see as much in the poll data. The Republican tax plan is the most unpopular piece of major tax legislation in five decades, less popular even than the Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush tax hikes.

Republicans know how unpopular it is, and they just don’t care.

Instead, they expect the populist right to be satisfied with some race-baiting tweets. Some mean-spirited, occasionally unconstitutional immigration policies. The satisfaction of having a president who makes liberals angry.

Instead of bread, the populists are told to be grateful for their circuses.

Yes, friends. Populism, at least as a political force capable of extracting meaningful policy concessions, is truly, officially, undeniably dead. The time of its demise: Saturday, Dec. 2, a little before 2 A.M.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 9:18 AM


Once again quoting me to launch something completely unrelated.

I'll bite though.

I liked Bernie Sanders.

YOUR Democratic party screwed the country out of that vote. I think Bernie could probably have beaten Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 9:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Once again quoting me to launch something completely unrelated.

I'll bite though.

I liked Bernie Sanders.

YOUR Democratic party screwed the country out of that vote. I think Bernie could probably have beaten Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

So now are you claiming to be a Populist rather than a Republican? Would you have voted for Bernie, the real-populist, over Trump, the fake-populist? (There were thousands of reasons to believe Trump was faking it all through the campaign. Now that he is President, it is a proven fact he was faking.)

I googled the question: “What was the vote difference between Bernie and Hillary in the Primary?” The answer was that Bernie lost by 3,775,437. That is bigger than Trump’s lose to Hillary of 2,864,974. If Bernie can’t even get sufficient number of Democrats to vote for him, there was no way he was gonna win against Trump, but if Hillary had won, it would have been a partial victory for Bernie's populism because he would have been appointed into her cabinet. Take note that Trump has not invited Bernie into his cabinet. That is because Pence and Trump are fake-populists while Bernie is a real-populist.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 10:04 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Once again quoting me to launch something completely unrelated.

I'll bite though.

I liked Bernie Sanders.

YOUR Democratic party screwed the country out of that vote. I think Bernie could probably have beaten Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

So now are you claiming to be a Populist rather than a Republican? Would you have voted for Bernie, the real-populist, over Trump, the fake-populist? (There were thousands of reasons to believe Trump was faking it all through the campaign. Now that he is President, it is a proven fact he was faking.)

I googled the question: “What was the vote difference between Bernie and Hillary in the Primary?” The answer was that Bernie lost by 3,775,437. That is bigger than Trump’s lose to Hillary of 2,864,974. If Bernie can’t even get sufficient number of Democrats to vote for him, there was no way he was gonna win against Trump, but if Hillary had won, it would have been a partial victory for Bernie's populism because he would have been appointed into her cabinet. Take note that Trump has not invited Bernie into his cabinet. That is because Pence and Trump are fake-populists while Bernie is a real-populist.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Google is re-writing history. Hillary did not win.

I've always said I wasn't a Republican.

My choices were Hillary and Trump. I don't think I'll ever feel sorry about the choice I made.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 10:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Google is re-writing history. Hillary did not win.

I've always said I wasn't a Republican.

My choices were Hillary and Trump. I don't think I'll ever feel sorry about the choice I made.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

"Google is re-writing history. Hillary did not win." Google did not change the vote total and you are very skilled at not understanding simple things. How's that working out for you? The not understanding things?

"My choices were Hillary and Trump. I don't think I'll ever feel sorry about the choice I made." And I think the choices you make that have nothing to do with elections are causing trouble for you. When I make bad choices, I feel sorry and I promptly stop then turn 180 degrees and choose differently. I don't try justifying my past wrong choices as the best I could do at the time.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 6, 2017 10:53 AM



Originally posted by second:
Google did not change the vote total and you are very skilled at not understanding simple things. How's that working out for you? The not understanding things?

I understand things just fine.


And I think the choices you make that have nothing to do with elections are causing trouble for you. When I make bad choices, I feel sorry and I promptly stop then turn 180 degrees and choose differently. I don't try justifying my past wrong choices as the best I could do at the time.

My choices since the election that I've made are fine as well. My life has improved 1000% percent in the last year, regardless of what's going on in politics.

Out of Trump and Hillary, voting for Trump was the best I could do at the time, and I'm not justifying anything. I'm not sorry that I voted for Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, December 21, 2017 1:19 AM


"I'm not sorry I voted for Trump."

That is quite possibly the dumbest statement I've seen on the internet all year.

Been saying for a while Trumptard and his ilk have screwed up this country, people are finally figuring that out...

Well, the damage done to the social fabric is pretty self-evident. Just look around and notice what’s been done. On the economic front, the damage is equally obvious, and it trickles down to all sorts of other social phenomena. I don’t want to get bogged down in an ocean of numbers and data here (that’s in the book), but think of it this way: I’m 41, and when I was born, the gross debt-to-GDP ratio was about 35 percent. It’s roughly 103 percent now — and it keeps rising.

The boomers inherited a rich, dynamic country and have gradually bankrupted it. They habitually cut their own taxes and borrow money without any concern for future burdens. They’ve spent virtually all our money and assets on themselves and in the process have left a financial disaster for their children.

We used to have the finest infrastructure in the world. The American Society of Civil Engineers thinks there’s something like a $4 trillion deficit in infrastructure in deferred maintenance. It’s crumbling, and the boomers have allowed it to crumble. Our public education system has steadily degraded as well, forcing middle-class students to bury themselves in debt in order to get a college education.


Thursday, December 21, 2017 1:52 AM


lol... I can think of a dozen things that you've said in December alone that are quite a bit stupider.

But you keep rocking your batshit crazy lifestyle, Sunshine.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9:33 PM


Now they want you to diagnose yourself before you go to the E.R.

"Emergency room services can be approved ... when a health problem is recent and severe enough that it needs immediate care.”

The Anthem letter goes on to list “stroke, heart attack, and severe bleeding” as examples of medical conditions for which ER use would be acceptable.

Anthem’s new policy mirrors similar recent developments in state Medicaid programs, which increasingly ask enrollees to pay a higher price for emergency room trips that the state determines to be non-urgent.

Indiana implemented this type of policy in 2015, and the Trump administration recently approved a request from Kentucky to do the same. Beginning in July, Kentucky will charge Medicaid enrollees $20 for their first “inappropriate” emergency room visit, $50 for their second, and $75 for their third.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 8:14 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Now they want you to diagnose yourself before you go to the E.R.

"Emergency room services can be approved ... when a health problem is recent and severe enough that it needs immediate care.”

The Anthem letter goes on to list “stroke, heart attack, and severe bleeding” as examples of medical conditions for which ER use would be acceptable.

Anthem’s new policy mirrors similar recent developments in state Medicaid programs, which increasingly ask enrollees to pay a higher price for emergency room trips that the state determines to be non-urgent.

Indiana implemented this type of policy in 2015, and the Trump administration recently approved a request from Kentucky to do the same. Beginning in July, Kentucky will charge Medicaid enrollees $20 for their first “inappropriate” emergency room visit, $50 for their second, and $75 for their third.

My opinion on this is mixed. You know there are a lot of people who abuse the E.R., but scaring people out of using it isn't right either.

Those fees aren't much... now. But as we know, once they've been started THE SKY'S THE LIMIT!!! Especially with healthcare.

I'd feel better about this if there was at least a 1 time per year deal where you weren't billed, but you were warned that your visit was not deemed an emergency, and you were then provided with a SHORT AND TOO THE POINT pamphlet of what is and what is not considered an emergency, with ABSOLUTELY NO LEGALESE inside of it so you don't need a gorram lawyer to figure it out.

This could even be decided by the hospital themselves, rather than a state by state or even federal approach, as there likely is a much more congested E.R. in urban and suburban areas than there are in more rural places. There's probably no need at all for something like this to happen in most cases around you for instance, Wishy.

The Human Resources Department at the Hospitals should be in charge of this. Make them actually do some work for their money instead of bullying people around for thoughtcrime.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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