The wiretap tweet IS true (update)

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 06:16
VIEWED: 12267
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Thursday, May 4, 2017 7:59 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Wrong, if there is evidence of wrongdoing in plain sight SIG. The authorities don't need a warrant. If there is probable cause, or they wish to see what will turn up if they wait to act, then a warrant is sought. The problem here is that Trumps claims of being wiretapped have been debunked by all the relevant intelligence agencies. You keep acting as though you know best, when you can't even rap your head around that.

If any of the massive amounts of collected information is to be securitized, a warrant is requested. Until then it is located in a massive data base. Imagine a google type search. Certain things like phone numbers of foreign agents, or contacts with some foreign countries triggers interest. Were talking billions of conversations SIG. It's collected, not reviewed. And not all requests for a warrant are granted. It's a very thorough process you have to go through to get one. You should have such protections in Russia comrade.

You keep posting shit about current events, and how our laws work, that shows you are being intentionally misleading, or that you are clueless. Either way, you are wrong.

Lots of words - playing dodge-em?
Regarding the points in my April 20 post, ae you still denying the truth? If so, which particular point in the progression of illegal actions are you claiming didn't happen when Obama wiretapped Trump?


Thursday, May 4, 2017 8:49 PM


Look it up. All of our relevant intel agencies said Obama didn't order a wiretap of Trump. Legally he can't do that.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Wrong, if there is evidence of wrongdoing in plain sight SIG. The authorities don't need a warrant. If there is probable cause, or they wish to see what will turn up if they wait to act, then a warrant is sought. The problem here is that Trumps claims of being wiretapped have been debunked by all the relevant intelligence agencies. You keep acting as though you know best, when you can't even rap your head around that.

If any of the massive amounts of collected information is to be securitized, a warrant is requested. Until then it is located in a massive data base. Imagine a google type search. Certain things like phone numbers of foreign agents, or contacts with some foreign countries triggers interest. Were talking billions of conversations SIG. It's collected, not reviewed. And not all requests for a warrant are granted. It's a very thorough process you have to go through to get one. You should have such protections in Russia comrade.

You keep posting shit about current events, and how our laws work, that shows you are being intentionally misleading, or that you are clueless. Either way, you are wrong.

Lots of words - playing dodge-em?
Regarding the points in my April 20 post, ae you still denying the truth? If so, which particular point in the progression of illegal actions are you claiming didn't happen when Obama wiretapped Trump?


Friday, May 5, 2017 7:52 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
This is one of the reasons to post here... to hear ideas from other people, even if it's things you've already thought about for years but didn't put the puzzle pieces together.

Of course Obama didn't authorize a wire tap. He didn't need to. All of our phone calls are recorded and stored already... they just need a reason to listen to them. I don't even think it needs to be a good reason. I'd imagine it's along the same lines as the reason you would "need" medicinal marijuana.

That being said, they already have all of the conversations that Trump and all of his cronies have had with anybody going back probably as far as the Access Hollywood tape. If there was collaboration with Russia, show the proof please.

So are you denying that Obama wiretapped Trump and his campaign? Or are you agreeing that it is obvious that it certainly did happen?

Neither... Both... Pick one.

I'm sure that Trump and his campaign were "wiretapped". I'm just saying that Obama had nothing to do with it, because his input wasn't required and it was likely above his pay grade. We can thank the Bush administration and the Patriot Act for that.

All of us at any time are being recorded. The only difference between us and Trump are we are nobodies and nobody gives a shit about what we're saying. Try running for President yourself one day and watch Wolf Blitzer show a drunk-dial to an ex-girlfriend at 3:00A.M. 20 years ago to the American public.

There is no privacy anymore. If you're plugged in the information is out there. Unless Trump and his team were speaking in code on burner cell phones, every relevant conversation was recorded and listened to 100 times by now. Follow the money... if bribes were made, they've already found the paper trail.

So, that's the deal. They have EVERYTHING they need if they wanted to prove that anything nefarious was going on. I'm just not sure that "they" want to do it.

I'm a big boy, and I can admit I made a bad choice if they show damning evidence that there was collaboration with Russia. String him up by the balls and make an example of him if he committed treason. Just don't expect me to watch Rachel Maddow and all the journo-idiots and their three ring circus and get my daily fill of their opinion pieces and bullshit they're spoon feeding everybody.


Sunday, May 7, 2017 4:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


President Obama's team sought NSA intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election
Because .... there were thousands of potential terrorists that he was tracking???


During his final year in office, President Obama's team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election.
None of these people were surveilled with a warrant, and none of them have been shown to have done anything wrong. This is s clear violation of a plain reading of the Fourth Amendment.


The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally


collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections
Broke the Fourth Amendment

to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security. A court affirmed his order.

The revelations are particularly sensitive since the NSA is legally forbidden from directly spying on Americans and its authority to conduct warrantless searches on foreigners is up for renewal in Congress later this year. And it comes as lawmakers investigate President Trump's own claims that his privacy was violated by his predecessor during the 2016 election.

In all, government officials conducted 30,355 searches in 2016 seeking information about Americans in NSA intercept metadata, which include telephone numbers and email addresses. The activity amounted to a 27.5 percent increase over the prior year and more than triple the 9,500 such searches that occurred in 2013, the first year such data was kept.

Bullshit. NOT the first year such data was kept. Just the first year they had to admit to it.


The government in 2016 also scoured the actual contents of NSA intercepted calls and emails for 5,288 Americans, an increase of 13 percent over the prior year and a massive spike from the 198 names searched in 2013.
Here's the difference between "metadata" and "content". If there is evidence in plain sight, it's not considered to need a warrant. Just like the address in the outside of an envelope is considered "plain sight", the "addresses" of emails and other electronic information was analogized by the courts to be "plain sight" (I disagree, but that's another story). OTOH, opening up a letter and reading the CONTENTS would require a warrant. Which, in thousands of cases, didn't happen under Obama.


The searches ultimately resulted in 3,134 NSA intelligence reports with unredacted U.S. names being distributed across government in 2016, and another 3,354 reports in 2015. About half the time, U.S. identities were unredacted in the original reports while the other half were unmasked after the fact by special request of Obama administration officials.

Among those whose names were unmasked in 2016 or early 2017 were campaign or transition associates of President Trump as well as members of Congress and their staffers, according to sources with direct knowledge.

The CIA was caught snooping on the Senate Intelligence Committee a while back. Now the NSA has been caught snooping for political purposes as well. Who elected these assholes, anyway? Oh, that's right- nobody.


The data kept by ODNI is missing some information from one of the largest consumers of NSA intelligence, the FBI, and officials acknowledge the numbers are likely much higher when the FBI’s activity is added.
More warrantless snooping, by the FBI.


"There is no doubt that there was a spike in the requests to search for Americans in the NSA database,” a U.S. official familiar with the intelligence told Circa, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the data. “It’s simply easier for people to make requests. And while we have safeguards, there is always concern and vigilance about possible political or prurient motives that go beyond national security concerns.”

A top lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which has long raised concerns about the NSA’s ability to spy on Americans, said the rise in searches is a troubling pattern that should concern members of both political parties because it has occurred with little oversight from the courts or Congress.

“I think it is alarming. There seems to be a universal trend toward more surveillance and more surveillance that impacts Americans’ privacy without obtaining a warrant,” said Neema Singh Guliani, the ACLU’s legislative counsel.

“This data confirms that there is a lack of acknowledgment that information is being specifically and increasingly mined about Americans for investigations that have little or nothing to do with international terrorism,” she added.

The ACLU’s concerns were heightened by the release last month of apreviously classified Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document that revealed that then NSA has a “potentially very large and broad" collection of data on U.S persons that was never intended under the law.

No shit, Sherlock. They didn't build the exabyte data center in Utah to play solitaire, you know!


U.S. intelligence officials confirmed the growth in queries about Americans’ data held by the NSA but declined to explain the reasons, except to say the requests for access grew after intelligence agency officials became more comfortable with Obama's 2011 order.

They stressed the NSA has strict rules in place

Which are routinely ignored

to govern when searches for Americans are being conducted and when a U.S. person’s identity can be unmasked. They also hailed the release of the new data as a step toward greater transparency."

As a community, we look for new ways to enhance transparency,” said Alex Joel, who leads ODNI’s Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency. “Our goal is to provide relevant information, distilled into an accessible format. This year's report leans forward in that direction, providing significant information beyond what's statutorily required, and reflecting our concerted effort to enhance clarity."

The data emerges just weeks after Circa first reported that Obama substantially eased the rules starting in 2011 allowing for government officials, including political appointees, to unmask and obtain information about Americans in NSA intercepts.

The easing allowed appointees like former National Security Adviser Susan Rice to request and review the unmasked names of Trump campaign or transition officials intercepted in foreign conversations late last year. And it also resulted in the frequent unmasking of members of Congress and their staff, as often as once a month, Circa reported.

The NSA is allowed to spy on foreign powers without a court warrant under Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act but is forbidden from targeting Americans. For years, the NSA was required to follow strict rules to protect the accidental intercepts of Americans from being consumed by other government agencies. The rules required a process known as minimization, where the identity of an intercepted American is redacted or masked with generic references like “American No. 1.”

But the intelligence community fought hard over the last decade starting under President George W. Bush and continuing under Obama to gain greater access to NSA intercepts of Americans overseas, citing the growing challenges of stopping lone wolf terrorists, state-sponsored hackers, and foreign threats. Obama obliged with a series of orders that began in 2011, moves that were approved by the FISC.

That's two things Rethugs and Demcraps can agree on: fucking the American people and breaking the Constitution.

Today, the power to unmask an American’s name -- once considered a rare event in the intelligence and civil liberty communities -- now resides with about 20 NSA officials. The FBI also has the ability to unmask Americans’ names collected under FISA to other intelligence professionals and policymakers, though it hasn't provided data on its frequency. And the justification for requesting such unmasking can be as simple as claiming “the identity of the United States person is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance,” according to a once-classified document that the Obama administration submitted in October 2011 for approval by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

That memo laid out specifically how and when the NSA could unmask an American’s identity. Intelligence officials try to assauge concerns by saying that FISA Section 702 activities are really focused only on foreign powers and stopping national security threats, an argument FBI Director James Comey struck anew Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“702 is a critical tool to protect this country and the way it works is we are allowed to conduct surveillance again, under the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on non-U.S. persons who are outside the United States if they're using American infrastructure; an email system in the United States, a phone system in the United States. So it doesn't involve U.S. persons and doesn't involve activity in the United States,” Comey testified.

But numerous civil liberty experts, including the ACLU’s Guliani, say such representations aren’t accurate because the NSA accidentally collects so much information on Americans and then shares it after the fact. The FBI, for instance, regularly queries the NSA database

"The NSA database". The only person who regularly talks about this database is "fake news" Alex Jones. MSM routinely dismisses the concept, and yet here it is mentioned so offhandedly it's like it's common knowledge.


and the declassified court document in March said “there is no requirement that the matter be a serious one nor that it have any relation to national security.”
It could, in fact, be entirely political, or even worse- the NSA/CIA/FBI etc seeking to smear anyone that it perceives to be a threat to its own funding.


“I think it shows that the facade that government gives that these programs are just targeted at foreigners is just that, a façade,” Guliani told Circa. “The reality is we have an invasive surveillance program and the data we have shows the impact on Americans is quite substantial.”

A federal judge in Washington has ruled in 2013 and again in 2015 that the NSA collection of data on Americans violates the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, but that ruling is winding its way through appeals. The FISA court, meanwhile, continues to support the intelligence community’s continued use of the data, as recently as in 2015.

Circa is in the process of filing what's called a "Mandatory Declassification Review," the legal process that asks the government to declassify certain information. The process if pretty long, so, in the meantime, share your thoughts: Should the U.S. government declassify the unredacted information of citizens who were compromised in the NSA data sweep?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Sunday, May 7, 2017 5:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

NSA stops one abuse, but many remain

The National Security Agency has decided to halt a controversial surveillance program, but this was just the tip of an iceberg of government abuses of privacy and due process.

The NSA said last week that it will no longer engage in warrantless spying on Americans’ digital communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target, referred to in the intelligence community as “about” communications. The agency had claimed the authority to engage in such surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows it to target non-U.S. citizens or residents believed to be outside the country, although Americans’ communications are oftentimes swept up as well.

“NSA will no longer collect certain internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target,” the agency announced in a statement. “Instead, NSA will limit such collection to internet communications that are sent directly to or from a foreign target.”

“Even though NSA does not have the ability at this time to stop collecting ‘about’ information without losing some other important data, the Agency will stop the practice to reduce the chance that it would acquire communications of U.S. persons or others who are not in direct contact with a foreign intelligence target,” it continued.

It is a significant departure from previous assurances that the program was vital to national security, though many have forcefully disputed that claim. Its effectiveness has always been difficult to gauge, however, due to the lack of information the NSA has provided about it.

The agency’s decision is certainly welcome, though we must make the perhaps generous assumption that it will do — or not do, in this case — what it says it will, and that it will not simply change its mind in the future. Our enthusiasm is also tempered by the realization that this is an agency, along with various other government intelligence agencies, that is built on deception and has repeatedly lied about its spying activities and violations of Americans’ constitutional rights.

We are reminded of the public testimony of then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper at a March 2013 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. At one point, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Clapper plainly, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper then lied to his face, and the faces of all Americans, saying, “No, sir,” and then, “Not wittingly.”

Within a matter of months, news stories based on information from the Edward Snowden leaks would reveal the NSA’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone metadata and internet communications.

Then there is the matter of the “backdoor search loophole,” by which the FBI or other agencies may search NSA databases for information about Americans collected under Section 702 without having to go through all that pesky business of obtaining a warrant. The loophole is sure to be a bone of contention during congressional debate over the reauthorization of Section 702, which is scheduled to expire at the end of the year.

Given the government’s repeated abuses of Americans’ privacy through its snooping activities, those looking to reauthorize Section 702 have some serious questions to answer about how many Americans have been swept up in this supposed foreign surveillance, and how useful this intelligence actually is.

The Fourth Amendment is quite clear: Government searches require a warrant issued by a judge based on probable cause and describing the specific “place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” New technology may make our communications quicker and more convenient — as well as more easily recorded and stored — but it does not alter that fundamental principle.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:54 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
This is one of the reasons to post here... to hear ideas from other people, even if it's things you've already thought about for years but didn't put the puzzle pieces together.

Of course Obama didn't authorize a wire tap. He didn't need to. All of our phone calls are recorded and stored already... they just need a reason to listen to them. I don't even think it needs to be a good reason. I'd imagine it's along the same lines as the reason you would "need" medicinal marijuana.

That being said, they already have all of the conversations that Trump and all of his cronies have had with anybody going back probably as far as the Access Hollywood tape. If there was collaboration with Russia, show the proof please.

So are you denying that Obama wiretapped Trump and his campaign? Or are you agreeing that it is obvious that it certainly did happen?

Neither... Both... Pick one.

I'm sure that Trump and his campaign were "wiretapped". I'm just saying that Obama had nothing to do with it, because his input wasn't required and it was likely above his pay grade.

I can understand you are in denial. But have you read the post I made on 20 April? Obama did direct the illegal and treasonous actions and activities (Treason as defined in the Espionage Act), and his minions did perform his bidding, all violating the laws as well. So which do you admit, which of the specific actions I outlined do you agree were committed? Or which do you deny ever happened, specifically?

We can thank the Bush administration and the Patriot Act for that.

All of us at any time are being recorded. The only difference between us and Trump are we are nobodies and nobody gives a shit about what we're saying. Try running for President yourself one day and watch Wolf Blitzer show a drunk-dial to an ex-girlfriend at 3:00A.M. 20 years ago to the American public.

That would be illegal, as I specified - and only Obama has committed this crime.

There is no privacy anymore. If you're plugged in the information is out there. Unless Trump and his team were speaking in code on burner cell phones, every relevant conversation was recorded and listened to 100 times by now. Follow the money... if bribes were made, they've already found the paper trail.

So, that's the deal. They have EVERYTHING they need if they wanted to prove that anything nefarious was going on. I'm just not sure that "they" want to do it.

I'm a big boy, and I can admit I made a bad choice if they show damning evidence that there was collaboration with Russia. String him up by the balls and make an example of him if he committed treason. Just don't expect me to watch Rachel Maddow and all the journo-idiots and their three ring circus and get my daily fill of their opinion pieces and bullshit they're spoon feeding everybody.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:31 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I can understand you are in denial. But have you read the post I made on 20 April? Obama did direct the illegal and treasonous actions and activities (Treason as defined in the Espionage Act), and his minions did perform his bidding, all violating the laws as well. So which do you admit, which of the specific actions I outlined do you agree were committed? Or which do you deny ever happened, specifically?

Why would I be in denial JSF? I'm no Obama fan, and I've never hid that fact. Would he have done it? Sure. He just didn't need to do it is all I'm saying. GWB installed a corrupt system that Obama benefited from. Now Trump is going to benefit from it as well.

I don't agree or deny any of your specific actions that you outlined. I agree that Trump was spied on. I don't think that Obama had anything to do with it. Or... maybe I should rephrase that.... Because of the system in place, you or anybody else are NEVER going to be able to find any evidence directly connecting him to it.


That would be illegal, as I specified - and only Obama has committed this crime.

Would it? Who went to jail when the Access Hollywood tape on Trump came out? They can do whatever the hell they want to do now.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:52 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
That would be illegal, as I specified - and only Obama has committed this crime.

Would it? Who went to jail when the Access Hollywood tape on Trump came out? They can do whatever the hell they want to do now.

Are you claiming that Obama's Executive Branch Administration, or any other Federal agency, leaked the Access Hollywood tape?


Wednesday, May 10, 2017 10:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Are you claiming that Obama's Executive Branch Administration, or any other Federal agency, leaked the Access Hollywood tape?

Please tell me you don't believe that's all that happened!

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Friday, May 12, 2017 10:15 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
That would be illegal, as I specified - and only Obama has committed this crime.

Would it? Who went to jail when the Access Hollywood tape on Trump came out? They can do whatever the hell they want to do now.

Are you claiming that Obama's Executive Branch Administration, or any other Federal agency, leaked the Access Hollywood tape?

Nope. Your reply was to me saying that if you were to run for President, Wolf Blitzer would be showing a recorded cell phone conversation you had 20 years ago when you drunk dialed your ex-girlfriend at 3AM. (Obviously, that was just something thrown out there in place of (whatever dirt somebody has on you here).

Doesn't matter where it comes from. It will get out there if you were to try to run for office or became high profile enough in any meaningful way. Trump's been Prez for a while now and nobody has investigated where that leak came from. My guess is nobody ever will. At this point it would be a terrible PR move for Trump to investigate it and bring "pussy grabbing" back into the forefront of discussion.

My point is that just because something is illegal doesn't mean that it isn't going to happen or that somebody is going to be punished for it.

Trump might have earned a lot of the bad things people have said about him, but you have to hand it to him that he brilliantly dodged that bullet. That tape would have buried 99% of the people that were in his shoes. Not only didn't it bury him, but Trump had a rather strong female voter turnout in the end as well, even against what would have been the first Female President.


Saturday, May 13, 2017 5:56 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I can understand you are in denial. But have you read the post I made on 20 April? Obama did direct the illegal and treasonous actions and activities (Treason as defined in the Espionage Act), and his minions did perform his bidding, all violating the laws as well. So which do you admit, which of the specific actions I outlined do you agree were committed? Or which do you deny ever happened, specifically?

I don't agree or deny any of your specific actions that you outlined. I agree that Trump was spied on.

That would be illegal, as I specified - and only Obama has committed this crime.

Would it? Who went to jail when the Access Hollywood tape on Trump came out?


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Are you claiming that Obama's Executive Branch Administration, or any other Federal agency, leaked the Access Hollywood tape?

Please tell me you don't believe that's all that happened!

You mean regarding Access Hollywood tape?


Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:25 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I just wanted to say a belated thanks for the information. It might go further without the 'libtard' name-calling, but I understand the frustration about people who're unable to deal with facts.

I wanted to thank you for reminding me about this subject. I am fair certain that I have already posted several times about the definition of this term, and the accurate application of it, but it seems that many have either never saw it, or read it, or have forgotten (all perfectly reasonable - who can remember everything that somebody else posted or said?), or have conveniently found excuses to deny that they are Libtards when they obviously fit the definition and application.
So let me review again.
Libtards are specific people or characters who selectively choose to be retarded only in clear relation to their Liberal beliefs and delusions. They may be able to balance their checkbook IRL, but if math does not agree with the diatribe of the Looney Lying Lefty Liberals they adore, they make the decision to ignore real world rationality in favor of the delusions of Liberalism. When Liberals declare that a huge drastic budget cut drops the budget from $9 Trillion down to only $11 Trillion, then somebody who chooses to forego sense and critical thought in favor of this delusion is, quite clearly, a Libtard - Retarded in the very specific parameters that their Liberal doctrine requires.
I hope that clarifies, again. There are no Libtards that have not made the choice and decision to be Libtards. This is also the reason that they render themselves devoid of credibility - they are proclaiming that they refuse to reason or be rational while they are reality-impaired.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It appears some detractors in this thread are up-to-date on their FACTS Vaccine Booster shots, and seem incapable (or at the minimum, unwilling) of comprehending what the contributors of this thread are providing in terms of facts.

So perhaps we can iron out a few details in the framework, and then address which specific items the Libtards and other Democrats are in feverish denial about.

It looks like most of these illegal acts are covered under 50 U.S.C. Sec 1809 and 18 U.S.C. Sec 798, and provide both criminal sanctions as well as civil liability. Also 50 U.S. Code Sec 1813.

1. Obamabots target Trump and his campaign people for wiretapping, but dance and jump around the legalese terms of the law by claiming that they are "officially" targeting only foreign subjects who are most likely to be in phone conversations with the real targets, the Trump people. Only Libtards and other Democrats claim this is "normal" or "regular" or "common" practice, policy, or procedure. Practiced by every President all the way back to Benjamin Franklin's first term.
By avoiding the intent and spirit of the law while dancing around the letter of the law, they violated the spirit and intent of the law. At this point Libtards will start arguing what the definition of the word "is" is.

2. Obamabots intentionally violate US 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter I. B. IV. 1813. By refusing to mask the identities of "incidentally collected" American Citizen subjects of no National Security interest. This is illegal, fer every surveillance and for every person whose privacy is violated.

3. Illegal dissemination of the information to other Obamabots. See my March 22 post (the 49th post) of this thread for part of this.

4. Conspiracy to leak Classified information to non-authorized persons (political hacks), for the purpose of leaking the Classified information to non-authorized persons without Classified Clearance. This would include BimbObamabot Evelyn Farkas bragging about the Obamabot Army Conspiring to disseminate the Classified information (which she was not even authorized to have possession of - no "Need-To-Know" for her, a political Campaign Director for Hilliary, and no position whatsoever in the National Security arena) for the specific purpose of leaking the Classified data to the media (see my post on March 29 in this thread - the 56th post).

5. The illegal leaking of the Classified information, illegally collected against Private American Citizens, to non-authorized persons. Authorized people for recieving Classified are required to have valid Security Clearance as well as Need-To-Know (meaning the Classified information is pertinent to their work in the National Security arena).

6. The leaking of Classified information to the media, for distribution to the masses, without authorization from competent authorities to release Classified information.

So, which of these specific and particular illegal acts are the Libtards and other Democrats trying to claim they are not guilty of? Or are you agreeing that Obama is guilty of all of them?


Tuesday, June 6, 2017 8:50 PM


So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?


Thursday, March 1, 2018 8:34 PM


Kinda funny how claiums of protest have evaporated following the release of The Nunez Memo.

Now Libtards don't even bother to deny this truth.


Friday, March 2, 2018 4:01 AM


And Santy Claus wears red suspenders...

Still delusional.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Kinda funny how claiums of protest have evaporated following the release of The Nunez Memo.

Now Libtards don't even bother to deny this truth.


Friday, March 2, 2018 7:43 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.


Friday, March 2, 2018 10:53 AM



Friday, March 2, 2018 10:54 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.

What is absolutely true is stupid is forever. You can quote me on that.

Others were being surveilled. Like the Russians, ambassadors and such who are in this country. Those interacting with them get caught up in that surveillance. No way at all to prevent that. If nothing is afoul then nothing comes of it. If you work for our government and don't know that then as I've said, stupid is forever.

How many times does this have to be explained to you? Our intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA etc., have testified in front of congress about this. All said it was not true. The fact that you two continue to insist it still happened, tells the rest of us something about you isn't quite right.

Let me refer you back to the thread title. You'll notice it changed and was updated. That's because it was proven wrong so sig tweaked it to save face.


Friday, March 2, 2018 2:58 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.

And beyond that, all of those Testifying before Congress that it was not true have by this time admitted they were lying to Congress, right?
Clap Clap Clapper was the big one.


Saturday, March 3, 2018 10:19 AM


Dozens register as foreign lobbyists since start of Mueller inquiry, fearful of Manafort's fate

WASHINGTON - No one knows how special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian political interference and potential White House obstruction will end, but Mueller is already changing how the nation's capital does business.

His prosecutors have taken the rare step of pursuing some of President Donald Trump's former senior aides for not registering as lobbyists for foreign governments, rattling the rarefied world of highly-paid professionals who advocate in Washington for traditional foreign allies, unsavory strongmen and other overseas clients.

Mueller shinning light on the swamp...



Saturday, March 3, 2018 8:00 PM


This was posted 7 May 2017. It seems recent posts in this forum indicate the points made here were overlooked or discounted:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

President Obama's team sought NSA intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election
Because .... there were thousands of potential terrorists that he was tracking???


During his final year in office, President Obama's team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election.
None of these people were surveilled with a warrant, and none of them have been shown to have done anything wrong. This is s clear violation of a plain reading of the Fourth Amendment.


The data, made available this week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides the clearest evidence to date of how information accidentally


collected by the NSA overseas about Americans was subsequently searched and disseminated after President Obama loosened privacy protections
Broke the Fourth Amendment

to make such sharing easier in 2011 in the name of national security. A court affirmed his order.

The revelations are particularly sensitive since the NSA is legally forbidden from directly spying on Americans and its authority to conduct warrantless searches on foreigners is up for renewal in Congress later this year. And it comes as lawmakers investigate President Trump's own claims that his privacy was violated by his predecessor during the 2016 election.

In all, government officials conducted 30,355 searches in 2016 seeking information about Americans in NSA intercept metadata, which include telephone numbers and email addresses. The activity amounted to a 27.5 percent increase over the prior year and more than triple the 9,500 such searches that occurred in 2013, the first year such data was kept.

Bullshit. NOT the first year such data was kept. Just the first year they had to admit to it.


The government in 2016 also scoured the actual contents of NSA intercepted calls and emails for 5,288 Americans, an increase of 13 percent over the prior year and a massive spike from the 198 names searched in 2013.
Here's the difference between "metadata" and "content". If there is evidence in plain sight, it's not considered to need a warrant. Just like the address in the outside of an envelope is considered "plain sight", the "addresses" of emails and other electronic information was analogized by the courts to be "plain sight" (I disagree, but that's another story). OTOH, opening up a letter and reading the CONTENTS would require a warrant. Which, in thousands of cases, didn't happen under Obama.


The searches ultimately resulted in 3,134 NSA intelligence reports with unredacted U.S. names being distributed across government in 2016, and another 3,354 reports in 2015. About half the time, U.S. identities were unredacted in the original reports while the other half were unmasked after the fact by special request of Obama administration officials.

Among those whose names were unmasked in 2016 or early 2017 were campaign or transition associates of President Trump as well as members of Congress and their staffers, according to sources with direct knowledge.

The CIA was caught snooping on the Senate Intelligence Committee a while back. Now the NSA has been caught snooping for political purposes as well. Who elected these assholes, anyway? Oh, that's right- nobody.


The data kept by ODNI is missing some information from one of the largest consumers of NSA intelligence, the FBI, and officials acknowledge the numbers are likely much higher when the FBI’s activity is added.
More warrantless snooping, by the FBI.


"There is no doubt that there was a spike in the requests to search for Americans in the NSA database,” a U.S. official familiar with the intelligence told Circa, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the data. “It’s simply easier for people to make requests. And while we have safeguards, there is always concern and vigilance about possible political or prurient motives that go beyond national security concerns.”

A top lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which has long raised concerns about the NSA’s ability to spy on Americans, said the rise in searches is a troubling pattern that should concern members of both political parties because it has occurred with little oversight from the courts or Congress.

“I think it is alarming. There seems to be a universal trend toward more surveillance and more surveillance that impacts Americans’ privacy without obtaining a warrant,” said Neema Singh Guliani, the ACLU’s legislative counsel.

“This data confirms that there is a lack of acknowledgment that information is being specifically and increasingly mined about Americans for investigations that have little or nothing to do with international terrorism,” she added.

The ACLU’s concerns were heightened by the release last month of apreviously classified Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document that revealed that then NSA has a “potentially very large and broad" collection of data on U.S persons that was never intended under the law.

No shit, Sherlock. They didn't build the exabyte data center in Utah to play solitaire, you know!


U.S. intelligence officials confirmed the growth in queries about Americans’ data held by the NSA but declined to explain the reasons, except to say the requests for access grew after intelligence agency officials became more comfortable with Obama's 2011 order.

They stressed the NSA has strict rules in place

Which are routinely ignored

to govern when searches for Americans are being conducted and when a U.S. person’s identity can be unmasked. They also hailed the release of the new data as a step toward greater transparency."

As a community, we look for new ways to enhance transparency,” said Alex Joel, who leads ODNI’s Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency. “Our goal is to provide relevant information, distilled into an accessible format. This year's report leans forward in that direction, providing significant information beyond what's statutorily required, and reflecting our concerted effort to enhance clarity."

The data emerges just weeks after Circa first reported that Obama substantially eased the rules starting in 2011 allowing for government officials, including political appointees, to unmask and obtain information about Americans in NSA intercepts.

The easing allowed appointees like former National Security Adviser Susan Rice to request and review the unmasked names of Trump campaign or transition officials intercepted in foreign conversations late last year. And it also resulted in the frequent unmasking of members of Congress and their staff, as often as once a month, Circa reported.

The NSA is allowed to spy on foreign powers without a court warrant under Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act but is forbidden from targeting Americans. For years, the NSA was required to follow strict rules to protect the accidental intercepts of Americans from being consumed by other government agencies. The rules required a process known as minimization, where the identity of an intercepted American is redacted or masked with generic references like “American No. 1.”

But the intelligence community fought hard over the last decade starting under President George W. Bush and continuing under Obama to gain greater access to NSA intercepts of Americans overseas, citing the growing challenges of stopping lone wolf terrorists, state-sponsored hackers, and foreign threats. Obama obliged with a series of orders that began in 2011, moves that were approved by the FISC.

That's two things Rethugs and Demcraps can agree on: fucking the American people and breaking the Constitution.

Today, the power to unmask an American’s name -- once considered a rare event in the intelligence and civil liberty communities -- now resides with about 20 NSA officials. The FBI also has the ability to unmask Americans’ names collected under FISA to other intelligence professionals and policymakers, though it hasn't provided data on its frequency. And the justification for requesting such unmasking can be as simple as claiming “the identity of the United States person is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance,” according to a once-classified document that the Obama administration submitted in October 2011 for approval by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

That memo laid out specifically how and when the NSA could unmask an American’s identity. Intelligence officials try to assauge concerns by saying that FISA Section 702 activities are really focused only on foreign powers and stopping national security threats, an argument FBI Director James Comey struck anew Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“702 is a critical tool to protect this country and the way it works is we are allowed to conduct surveillance again, under the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on non-U.S. persons who are outside the United States if they're using American infrastructure; an email system in the United States, a phone system in the United States. So it doesn't involve U.S. persons and doesn't involve activity in the United States,” Comey testified.

But numerous civil liberty experts, including the ACLU’s Guliani, say such representations aren’t accurate because the NSA accidentally collects so much information on Americans and then shares it after the fact. The FBI, for instance, regularly queries the NSA database

"The NSA database". The only person who regularly talks about this database is "fake news" Alex Jones. MSM routinely dismisses the concept, and yet here it is mentioned so offhandedly it's like it's common knowledge.


and the declassified court document in March said “there is no requirement that the matter be a serious one nor that it have any relation to national security.”
It could, in fact, be entirely political, or even worse- the NSA/CIA/FBI etc seeking to smear anyone that it perceives to be a threat to its own funding.


“I think it shows that the facade that government gives that these programs are just targeted at foreigners is just that, a façade,” Guliani told Circa. “The reality is we have an invasive surveillance program and the data we have shows the impact on Americans is quite substantial.”

A federal judge in Washington has ruled in 2013 and again in 2015 that the NSA collection of data on Americans violates the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, but that ruling is winding its way through appeals. The FISA court, meanwhile, continues to support the intelligence community’s continued use of the data, as recently as in 2015.

Circa is in the process of filing what's called a "Mandatory Declassification Review," the legal process that asks the government to declassify certain information. The process if pretty long, so, in the meantime, share your thoughts: Should the U.S. government declassify the unredacted information of citizens who were compromised in the NSA data sweep?

And it also makes clear that Obama's Comey lied to Congress, under Oath.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 5:05 AM


Exactly. But trying to explain that to these "dense as a brick" right-wing conspiracy theorists is exhausting. Forrest Gump got more sense!



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.

What is absolutely true is stupid is forever. You can quote me on that.

Others were being surveilled. Like the Russians, ambassadors and such who are in this country. Those interacting with them get caught up in that surveillance. No way at all to prevent that. If nothing is afoul then nothing comes of it. If you work for our government and don't know that then as I've said, stupid is forever.

How many times does this have to be explained to you? Our intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA etc., have testified in front of congress about this. All said it was not true. The fact that you two continue to insist it still happened, tells the rest of us something about you isn't quite right.

Let me refer you back to the thread title. You'll notice it changed and was updated. That's because it was proven wrong so sig tweaked it to save face.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 5:10 AM


Saying it doesn't make it so. Why hasn't Congress indicted anyone, or held anyone in contempt of Congress? Where the fuck is the proof? Produce something concrete. You know, evidence.

Why doesn't the AG go after Obama if that's the case? He's a private citizen now, and Congress is filled to the brim with fucking right-wing members of the Good Ol' Boys Club.

Where the fuck are the charges against Obama? Come on, produce one shred of evidence.....besides fucking news from zerohedge.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 6:16 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Saying it doesn't make it so. Why hasn't Congress indicted anyone, or held anyone in contempt of Congress? Where the fuck is the proof? Produce something concrete. You know, evidence.

Why doesn't the AG go after Obama if that's the case? He's a private citizen now, and Congress is filled to the brim with fucking right-wing members of the Good Ol' Boys Club.

Where the fuck are the charges against Obama? Come on, produce one shred of evidence.....besides fucking news from zerohedge.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So has everybody come to agree that the title of this thread is true?

It's absolute fact. Truth beyond all measure. The Obama admin ( Obama ) did in fact surveille ( wire tap ) Trump ( Trump Tower )

And further, this was done illegally, for strictly political purposes, under the guise of " national security ".

100% Hokum.

There's no other way to spin it.

Are you trying to claim it is not true? The truth is untrue?






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