Anyone seen this site yet?

UPDATED: Monday, December 20, 2004 00:18
VIEWED: 4308
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Monday, November 22, 2004 3:28 PM


Copied and pasted from a newsgroup in which someone had copied and pasted from another site...

Wednesday 17 November 2004 By Mark Morford - San Francisco Gate Columnist

Dear World : Sorry About Bush
No, seriously. Very, very sorry.
How sorry ? Well, let America show you ... in pictures.

It's a movement. It's a phenomenon. It's a Web site.
Or maybe it's far more than that. No one can really be sure.

No matter what it is, it's called
( ) and it expresses, better
than any outpouring so far, a sentiment that's omnipresent
and palpable and still going strong, and every single
Democrat and every single Kerry supporter and every
single liberal of any stripe whatsoever probably felt it
like a white-hot stab in the heart the minute Kerry's
concession speech hit the airwaves and it undoubtedly
went something like this :

Dear world : We are so very, very sorry. For Bush.
For our bitterly divided and confused nation.
For what's to come.
Please know that tens of millions of us did not vote
for him. Please do not hate us. Not all of us, anyway.
OK, maybe Utah. Do you know where Utah is ?
Never mind.

See, not only is half of America still deeply dejected
about the onslaught of Dubya Dubya II, but much of
that half wants the world to know just how crestfallen
we are, and just how awful we feel for inflicting Bush
and his middle-finger foreign policy on them like
a virus, a toxin, a nasty STD, yet again.

After all, we knew this wasn't no ordinary election.
We knew how much was at stake, how this one
represented a sea change in global attitudes,
a dramatic upheaval and reversal of long-standing
American ideas of cooperation and defense and
restraint, ideas that BushCo has now mutated into
a hollow, kill-'em-all faux-cowboy maverick
attitude, an almost irreversible shift, mostly
backward. Or downward.

But here's the genius part. Beyond e-mail, beyond
blogs or radio shows or despondent letters to the
editor or overly verbose progressively insulated
Left Coast columnists who avoid excessive
punctuation as they type because it might spill their
scotch, nails the sentiment
in a way no one could have imagined : in photographs.

Or, rather, thousands of photographs. Of people.
Ordinary people, grainy and crooked and funny
and amateurish and honest and full of pathos and
raw emotion and wry humor and surprising beauty
and you want that connecting thread ? That thing
that unifies and makes you feel less alone and
that helps you locate yourself in a country gone
mad and lost and regressive ?
You can do no better than this.

And so far the site carries nearly 5,000 photos,
with an apparent backlog of over 1,000 more
ready to be uploaded and new ones coming in
faster than the site's diverse gaggle of stunned
creators -- namely, a sly neuroscience student
from USC named James and his ragtag team of
webmasters and designers from across the country --
ever dreamed. And the reaction has been, to put it
mildly, overwhelming : a whopping 50 million
hits to the site so far, moving nearly two terabytes
of information. And growing fast.

And if a picture's worth a thousand words, then is exploding with a few million
very ardent expressions indeed, all echoing the same
simple but heartbreaking sentiment and all, presumably,
posted in the hope that the message will be somehow
reach the eyeballs of the world, the countries so very
and rightfully appalled and revolted by our apparent
lack of vision.

It seems to be working. Pictures are apparently
flooding into the site from around the world, full
of messages of "It's OK" and "Thanks for trying" and
"Just don't let it happen again" and it's even spawned
a European response page called
( )
and this is when it hits you : this little gag site,
unexpectedly, wonderfully, with its beautifully simple
concept, might have actually stumbled on a way to do
the impossible : it might just help heal our decimated
international relationships and, quite possibly, do more
for world diplomacy that Bush ever could, or ever will.

Is that taking things a bit far ? Not really. Sure the site's cute.
Sure it's a bit of a novelty. But it's also illuminating and
deeply moving and 50 million hits in under two weeks
is nothing short of staggering, and hence the creators
are receiving reams of hate mail from the BushCo Right
of sufficient vehemence and vitriol that it's even spawned
a creepy 'n' crude "We're Not Sorry" countersite with
its handful of disturbing pics of rabid right-wingers
displaying their, uh, raging pro-Bush myopia.
So you know James and Co. are onto something.

After all, has broken the
cardinal rule of Bush's bitter neocon agenda :
no matter what the atrocity, no matter the how
grossly botched the war or how insidious the
WMD lie or how debilitating the world-record
deficit or how brutal the attack on the environment,
if there's one thing the GOP simply does not do,
it's apologize.

But this is what makes
so incredibly effective. It does what no column
and no punditry and no news analysis and no
Democratic weeping can possibly do, what
the Kerry campaign failed to do, what no amount
of verbal raging into the Void can manage : it puts
a human face on the sadness.

A very real face, families and children, teenagers
and the elderly, young couples and homosexuals
and many, many disaffected liberal loners who are
stuck like sad beacons way out in the middle of the
red states and who desperately want the world to
know they exist, that they're Americans, too, that
they did their best to get the Smirking One out.

What's more, the pics, generally speaking, aren't
raunchy. They aren't gross or hateful or puerile
or full of screaming middle fingers or manly gun
collections or people holding large kitchen knives
or butane lighters up to Bush dolls in effigy.

They're just snapshots, candid and intimate and
expressive and unretouched and often rather
beautiful, taken in the living rooms and backyards
and bedrooms and small towns of the country.

It's just people. It's just America. "Real" America.
An enormous and enormously saddened half of
this amazing country that's trying to reach out to
the rest of the world and get the word out and
mend its broken heart like at no other time in
our generation's history. It's an expression of
regret for what's been lost, for what we once were,
for what we had hoped to become again but that
has now been, well, at best delayed, at worst
bludgeoned into a blind stupor.

The site proves that countless Americans still not
only care enough to apologize for our country's
massive errors of judgment, for our blind mistakes,
but also are concerned about the effect those mistakes
will have on others. As such, these pictures are
perhaps .....................
More :


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:08 PM


I posted this before. Can't remember exactly how it goes, but here it is:
Blah-blah-blah Kerry lost, but Bush is yadda-yadda-yadda, whine-whine-whine to go with your cheese, bitch-bitch-bitch move to Canada (or maybe Iran, or North Korea).
Can you people possibly get over it??? You're going to be making a lot of counselors very rich. Sheesh.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:33 PM


This isn't whining.
This is coalition-building. This is reaching out and building peace.

You can't see it, can you?
Poor limited creature.


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:41 PM


My acceptance of the apology will come when I see the protests as fighting policies doesn't end at the voting booth.

That said, I appreciate it

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:43 PM


Thank you for posting the responce that I couldn't think of. You have a way with words

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:50 PM


Reaching out and building peace, with a little "please pity us, we lost". Just a bunch of sour grapes, people. I've accepted Kerry resignation speech, why can't you? Now you can work for 2008, maybe even "Billary" Clinton.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, November 22, 2004 4:57 PM


Are you trying to provoke a fight?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, November 22, 2004 6:19 PM


Truth hurts, don't it?
Fight? Me? Nah.....

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:50 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
Truth hurts, don't it?
Fight? Me? Nah.....

Everyone dies alone.

What are you talking about?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 6:56 PM


Get over it? Thats almost funny. Not as hillarious as getting a bum that couldn't do anything right get reelected. that was funny. It just shows that this once great nation has stooped to a new low. How soon will we be compared to the French? All that arrogance and for what? What have we done right lately? Where is the war on terror? If our new job is to take out power mad dictators who's next? jrc hasn't said anything of any real value. Kinda like Dubya.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:29 PM


Uhhh, once again, YAWN.
The Marines ARE fighting a war on terror, in Iraq. Remember that terrorist animal who pledged his loyalty to Bin Laden? That's right, he's somewhere in Iraq. Is this news to you? Also, all the arguments about WMD are now out the window because, yes, there are, and always have been, terrorists in ----wait for it---- Iraq. Remember the mastermind of the hijacking of that Italian oceanliner? He got captured in, you guessed it, Iraq, by U.S. Special Forces. Who knows how long he was hiding there, courtesy of Hussein. Is this news to you? By the way, last I heard, there are approx. 14,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, looking for you-know-who. Is this news to you?

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:17 AM



Originally posted by JRC:

Uhhh, once again, YAWN.
The Marines ARE fighting a war on terror, in Iraq.

Freedom fighters are in Iraq because the US went there. And you show the same arogance that Dubbya shows. Quite telling about your character really.


Originally posted by JRC:

Remember that terrorist animal who pledged his loyalty to Bin Laden? That's right, he's somewhere in Iraq.

And my humanity gets question!?!?!? Who the hell are you to call anyone an animal. They don't agree with your politics and have chosen a violent path. This doesn't make them animals, it makes them radicals.

And how do you know this? Did you phone him? Oh wait, those aren't working because of you guys. Along with the power, gas, water...


Originally posted by JRC:

Is this news to you? Also, all the arguments about WMD are now out the window because, yes, there are, and always have been, terrorists in ----wait for it---- Iraq.
Who knows how long he was hiding there, courtesy of Hussein.
He got captured in, you guessed it, Iraq, by U.S. Special Forces.

I find it amusing that you say that you are justified in illegally invading another country even though every single "reason" has gone down the crapper because the people who fight you went there to fight you.

And the possibility that he went there after you guys illegally invaded the country never crossed your mind. But, then again, that would pop your little Bush world bubble, so that couldn't be the case, right?


Originally posted by JRC:

By the way, last I heard, there are approx. 14,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, looking for you-know-who. Is this news to you?

Last you heard.

July 9, 2004 17,900

And you just stated that there are ~14,000. How many were there in the beginning? I stated that you guys are pulling out and moving them to Afgan. effectively turning your back on the war on terror. Which is true.

Your logic that terrorists are being fought in Iraq is flawed. They wouldn't be there if you guys weren't. The "But they're there now!" argument is pathetic because you guys created this mess.

Perhaps you should read some news sometime and actually remember what has been said in the past. Also, google is your friend, learn to use it.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 7:12 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:


Originally posted by JRC:

Remember that terrorist animal who pledged his loyalty to Bin Laden? That's right, he's somewhere in Iraq.

And my humanity gets question!?!?!? Who the hell are you to call anyone an animal. They don't agree with your politics and have chosen a violent path. This doesn't make them animals, it makes them radicals.

JRC is obviously referring to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian terrorist who has been active in the worst barbarities of the insurgency. You might remember him as the man who beheaded the bound and blindfolded Nicholas Berg for the video camera. Here's a good bio, which includes this info: "Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi has pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a statement posted to an Islamic forum website on 17 October 2004".

Based on his actions, I'd think that "animal" describes al-Zarqawi pretty well.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I really liked the site. I'm going to add my own pic bc there aren't enough OLD people on it!

And speaking of coalition-building... This is kind of a shaggy dog story, so I hope you stick with it...

I have a "Nothing Accomplished" bumper sticker on my car (that I refuse to take off) and because of that I found a business card on my windshield that said "come to the potluck tomorrow" from someone I have known for years at work. She works in a different department and had no idea of my politics (or my car!) and I had no idea of her politics. It turns out that there were a LOT of people from different departments at that potluck. People I had no idea carried the pissed-off progressive banner. I hate to use that over-used word "liberating", but it was that kind of experience. Which made me realize a couple of things....

Progressives, leftists, liberals... however we identify ourselves... obviously feel pretty defensively "in the closet" if a simple potluck can be so freeing. Unlike right-wingers who can gather in churches of similar persuasion, the left does not have similarly accessible meeting places. (Unitarian churches are few and far between, and unions sold out in the political realm ages ago.) And while the internet can serve as a crystalizing point for progressive opinion, it's ineffective for getting some things done. And nothing compares to the feeling of relief and fellowship when you meet people who feel as you do and realize that you're not alone.

So... we intend to do this regularly. Keep reaching out- even in unlikely places (like work). You might be surprised who'll reach back!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:08 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I really liked the site. I'm going to add my own pic bc there aren't enough OLD people on it!

And speaking of coalition-building... This is kind of a shaggy dog story, so I hope you stick with it...

I have a "Nothing Accomplished" bumper sticker on my car (that I refuse to take off) and because of that I found a business card on my windshield that said "come to the potluck tomorrow" from someone I have known for years at work. She works in a different department and had no idea of my politics (or my car!) and I had no idea of her politics. It turns out that there were a LOT of people from different departments at that potluck. People I had no idea carried the pissed-off progressive banner. I hate to use that over-used word "liberating", but it was that kind of experience. Which made me realize a couple of things....

Progressives, leftists, liberals... however we identify ourselves... obviously feel pretty defensively "in the closet" if a simple potluck can be so freeing. Unlike right-wingers who can gather in churches of similar persuasion, the left does not have similarly accessible meeting places. (Unitarian churches are few and far between, and unions sold out in the political realm ages ago.) And while the internet can serve as a crystalizing point for progressive opinion, it's ineffective for getting some things done. And nothing compares to the feeling of relief and fellowship when you meet people who feel as you do and realize that you're not alone.

So... we intend to do this regularly. Keep reaching out- even in unlikely places (like work). You might be surprised who'll reach back!!

I envy you.

Being from NY and not a church goer, it is almost taboo to be conservative or libertarian. I would never dare to put a bumper sticker on my car that said anything conservative LOL, nor would I try and discuss anything at work really. The Leftwing radical folks around here get pretty damn violent in their politics. Smashed car windows, sliced tires etc..etc.. The local cops nabbed a guy with about 100 BUSH CHENEY signs he had stolen out of peoples yards. When I voted for Badnarik, I knew my vote was moot LOL.

What sucks IMHO, is that Progressives (I like that term) and Conservatives can't get together and have constructive discussions and find a common ground in many cases. Too often it feels more like a football game, where you have the bandwagoners for both sides, who couldn't tell you who the vice president of the US is let alone any of the other issues at hand. Yet they still seem to have an opinion on the election. I actually talked to a girl who said she would never vote for the Imperialist George Clinton!! ROFLMAO, that was a scary assed conversation, I spent the entire time nodding my head and wondering where our educational system went wrong.

The only freeing dialogue I get is when I get together with my wife's uncle who is a Marxist(not derogatory..he claims to be one) poetry teacher from NYU. An amazing guy really, whom I can sit down with and discuss politics without it becoming a bloodbath. What I find really cool about the time I spend with him, is that it is more a discussion on philosophy rather then a discussion on party affiliation. I can't say the same for sitting down with some of my conservative relatives who basically spew Limbaugh at me for 20 minutes, until I change the topic or leave the room. I'm the type of person who needs a little substance hehe.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well then I feel sorry for you bc you are really very isolated! BTW, the most insightful person I have ever talked to was a self-avowed Marxist.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:26 AM


I have only one comment so far, before I go to work tonight.
I don't recall ever questioning your humanity. Maybe I should Google it....
I would sincerely hope that you don't put yourself or any other person into the same category of "human" as bin Laden or the rest of his pack, gaggle, flock, pride, etc. No normal "human" could do what they did three years ago, or behead people in front of a camera, or blow up the UN headquarters (these people are freedom fighters??), or two embassies in Africa, shall I go on?

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:31 AM


JRC wrote:

Reaching out and building peace, with a little "please pity us, we lost". Just a bunch of sour grapes, people. I've accepted Kerry resignation speech, why can't you? Now you can work for 2008, maybe even "Billary" Clinton.

Wow - perfect example of a sore winner. Talk about whining! Yes, JRC, you "won" - get over yourself.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:43 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Well then I feel sorry for you bc you are really very isolated! BTW, the most insightful person I have ever talked to was a self-avowed Marxist.

Well..I don't feel isolated in the traditional sense. I spend alot of time reading and can find constructive dialogue on-line, not so much on this board, because just about every topic is an attackfest rather then a discussion. What I find disturbing in NY anyways, is that it is virtually impossible to have a dissenting opinion on any topic, be it taxation, the environment, industry etc..etc... Liberals here are very elitist and in many cases less then open minded to any dialogue that doesn't wholly agree with their viewpoints. Most NY liberals decry the horrors of conservatism, yet systematically hinder others rights to an opinion with a serious smothering effect.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:07 PM



Originally posted by JRC:

I don't recall ever questioning your humanity.

Sorry, maybe that's a different thread. Juggling many things right now.


Originally posted by JRC:

I would sincerely hope that you don't put yourself or any other person into the same category of "human" as bin Laden or the rest of his pack, gaggle, flock, pride, etc.

Shall we do a genetic test? I would think that they would come back as human.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, November 26, 2004 7:15 PM


Humans: the only creatures on the planet capable of evil. None of the other animals think in moralistic terms (that we know of). That's what makes humans different.

And because we know the difference between good and bad-- yet there's still gun use, war and poverty, profiling and ethnic cleansing and all the rest-- because of all that stuff we should know is wrong but we do or cause anyway, we're human and not some "lower animal."

We can't pretend to disown members of our species, no matter how execrable their crimes against us. That's like breaking a mirror to try and change your face.

The only way to deal with guys like Osama Bin Laden and win is to build strong, personal ties over a period of many years with people at the ground level all over the world. Only when we all see each other as human will we even begin to prevent the kind of hatred that led to a terrorist act.

War is a short-term, temporary treatment, not a long-term solution, to this problem.

Okay, I think I delved into a vat of Pollyanna with that post. Ew.

There is no such thing as a weed.


Friday, November 26, 2004 7:47 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
Uhhh, once again, YAWN.
The Marines ARE fighting a war on terror, in Iraq. Remember that terrorist animal who pledged his loyalty to Bin Laden? That's right, he's somewhere in Iraq. Is this news to you? Also, all the arguments about WMD are now out the window because, yes, there are, and always have been, terrorists in ----wait for it---- Iraq. Remember the mastermind of the hijacking of that Italian oceanliner? He got captured in, you guessed it, Iraq, by U.S. Special Forces. Who knows how long he was hiding there, courtesy of Hussein. Is this news to you? By the way, last I heard, there are approx. 14,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, looking for you-know-who. Is this news to you?

So um, what about the Saudis? Or is their accountability for 9/11 (all but one of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, and that one wasn't from Iraq either) not in our best interests?

And why the whole smokescreen about WMD in the first place, if they knew (we have seen the intelligence reports; they knew) there weren't any WMD based on the evidence we had? See, I think that's all still on the table because 'our leader' put it there.

Heck, what about Chechnya? Or are we only interested in guys who attack America directly? So, not all terrorists.

I mean if we come down to it, name me a country that hasn't, at some point, had terrorist links attached to it somehow? I'm sure there are a few quietly active cells here on our native soil right now.

Those of us who are 'whining,' as you put it, are upset because we feel that BURYING EVIDENCE and IGNORING INTELLIGENCE are not ideally the American way of doing things. We can't be the land of the free if we give up all of that freedom (transparency in government) in the name of fighting terror. We can't be the land of the brave if we're afraid to use all of the information we have in our decision-making process, even if it contradicts what we had previously believed.

Those of us 'whining' are tired of having to defend our right to disagree and speak out about it without being told we're whiners or traitors. We love America too, dude, we just hate what some people are doing to it, both from the outside and from higher-up places right here at home.

News to us would be if differing points of view were encouraged at the cabinet level and higher, so that the President had more than one way of looking at stuff before he made decisions about it. THAT would be news.

And yes, I saw that site. I especially love the acceptances from people all over the world. I wanna post a picture and message, too!

There is no such thing as a weed.


Friday, November 26, 2004 9:10 PM


Well said

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, December 20, 2004 12:18 AM


America loves a winner!

Biggest bunch of sorry ass whiners and losers to appear on the internet. I feel sorry that some Americans have become so.... French. Pathetic.

And by the way...I'm NOT sorry Bush won. Now get over it and get a gorram life.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "






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