Inspector General Finds FBI, DOJ Broke Law In Clinton Email Probe, Refers To Criminal Prosecutor

UPDATED: Saturday, July 14, 2018 22:19
VIEWED: 22437
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018 1:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Another interesting twist:


Papadopoulos’ Wife: Trump Aide Was ‘Absolutely Not’ Involved In Russian Collusion
Yes, I already knew that. But here's where it gets interesting


George Papadopoulos’ wife, Simona Mangiante, said her husband was not involved in collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and that he pleaded guilty in the special counsel’s investigation to avoid facing charges that he was an agent of the Israeli government.
Not DURING the campaign, but before.


In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, Mangiante also claimed that it was former Trump campaign aide Papadopoulos who, during an interview with the FBI on Jan. 27, 2017, brought up Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor who mentioned Hillary Clinton’s emails to him during a meeting in London in April 2016.

Papadopoulos’ willingness to bring up Mifsud during that FBI interview suggests he was not trying to cover up a conspiracy involving Clinton’s emails, Mangiante said.


The same story is also here
(But you need to be a subscriber to see it)

I originally saw the story HERE;


Bombshell Claim Raises New Questions: Mueller Threatened To Charge Papadopoulos As Unregistered Agent Of Israel

... Meanwhile, it was Papadopoulos' May 10 alleged "drunken barroom admission" to former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer that the Russians had information which "could be damaging" to Hillary Clinton. Papadopolous was originally told of the alleged Russian plot two weeks earlier on April 26, by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud (missing since October 2017) - whose organization George Papadopoulos met his wife through.

The ZH article brings up a number of questions about the Misfud/Mangiante connection which I have yet to parse thru ... it's complicated.

HOWEVER, this points up a Muller tactic which I noticed when he first went after Flynn.

Flynn's connection to RUSSIA!! was tangential. He went to a dinner which featured Putin, but did not "eat at Putin's right hand" ... Jill Stein (Green Party candidate) was there and described the photo as resulting from Putin sitting at their table for a few minutes, but words were never even exchanged. Any other meetings with Russians were at the vague policy level, but not a detailed plan to "collude" on the election process, hammer out a "quid pro quo", or set up a continuing stream of communication by which Trump would receive his "orders". If Mueller COULD have charged Flynn with being an "unregistered agent" of Russia, he would have done so already.

Where Flynn REALLY was in deep doo-doo was with Turkey, not Russia. Many hundreds of thousands of dollars exchanged hands for Flynn's services to kidnap Fethulla Gulan . I believe that Mueller wrested a guilty plea from Flynn, not over anything related to RUSSIA!! but over his income from TURKEY. Mueller made the charge vaguely related to RUSSIA!! so he could claim it was part of his mandate, but it seems to me that Mueller was ignoring/ using larger issues to "build a case" over a "Russian collusion" that didn't actually exist.

The same process seems to be in play with Papadoupolus and Israel, and Manafort and Ukraine: Mueller is using larger but unrelated issues to squeeze Trump campaign members to concoct a series of RUSSIA!! "connections" that were trivial or tangential. Mueller is basically cherry-picking like crazy to create a narrative that wouldn't withstand a more balanced, open-ended approach.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 1:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



OIG Report Finds Comey "Defied Authority" And Was "Insubordinate"

The Justice Department's internal watchdog has concluded that James Comey defied authority at times during his tenure as FBI director, according to sources familiar with a draft report on the matter.

One source told ABC News that the draft report explicitly used the word "insubordinate" to describe Comey's behavior. Another source agreed with that characterization but could not confirm the use of the term.

In the draft report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz also rebuked former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton's personal email server, the sources said....

The draft of Horowitz's wide-ranging report specifically called out Comey for ignoring objections from the Justice Department when he disclosed in a letter to Congress just days before the 2016 presidential election that FBI agents had reopened the Clinton probe, according to sources. Clinton has said that letter doomed her campaign.

Before Comey sent the letter to Congress, at least one senior Justice Department official told the FBI that publicizing the bombshell move so close to an election would violate longstanding department policy, and it would ignore federal guidelines prohibiting the disclosure of information related to an ongoing investigation, ABC News was told.

... But in backing Trump's ultimate decision to fire Comey last year, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein slammed Comey's letter to Congress and said it "was wrong" for Comey "to usurp the Attorney General's authority" when he announced in July 2016 that the FBI would not be filing charges against Clinton or her aides.

"It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement," Rosenstein said in a letter to Trump recommending Comey be fired.
"At most, the Director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to federal prosecutors."


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:51 PM


... stay crunchy...

Look, the monkey is throwing shit again...

Remember, your statement that I said was full of monkey crap was:
"The MSM just regurgitates what the Deep State tells it to."

Maybe reading that now again you will see what a piece of sh*t that is? No? Ok:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

1) Linked three articles

Yeah, thanks for showing those. I'm a little surprised since they didn't prove your staatement. What was Berstein's most recent CIA/Reporter citing? WWI? Ok, almost 50 years ago. So, enormous fail. Even if they were from today, it was what 3 reporters? So not "The MSM" as you said. IN other words, your statement was sh*t.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
2) Referred to many more instances (eg. every "intervention" we openly engaged in since the Korean war, including Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya) and the ones we did less openly (Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and indeed most of South and Central America over the past 60 years)

Whatever, nothing to do with, "The MSM just regurgitates what the Deep State tells it too."


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
3) Posted a video of a former "chief propagandist" and Time Editor

Was that the one from the Civil War? Just one? So not, "The MSM just regurgitates what the Deep State tells it too."


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
4) Cited Brennan and Richard Stengel as "deep state" officers who are subsequently welcomed into the media, and there are plenty more examples ..

Right - did you scout that out by reading the heading underneath their image where the channel discloses exactly who they are? So full disclosure? Don't you think it's valuable to hear what they have to say in that context so you can make up your own mind? I hear Sarah Sanderson and I know she's lying and I still welcome the chance to hear what lies they find valuable to tell.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You have not engaged in specifically discussing even ONE of these examples, much less refuting any of them.

Gee, I dunno, maybe that's because I'm just getting around to answering them now...?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But that's what liars do: They accuse others of what they themselves do.

Ha - u so funny, Siggy Goebels. I'm at least glad we can agree that your statement, "The MSM just regurgitates what the Deep State tells it too," was way over the top and a silly joke that face planted at best.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You CAN engage in the discussion. Or you can STFU

Wait, you just tried to runaway, "I guess we've beat this to death..."


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 4:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I've already provided a few dozens of examples of how the media just regurgitates what it's told, from the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident (which never happened) to Brennan now working for CNN. I'm not going to continuously counter your reflexive denial of events caused by, yanno, your cognitive dissonance. You know what they say about horses and water? Well, that's you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:19 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I've already provided a few dozens of examples of how the media just regurgitates what it's told, from the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident (which never happened) to Brennan now working for CNN. I'm not going to continuously counter your reflexive denial of events caused by, yanno, your cognitive dissonance. You know what they say about horses and water? Well, that's you.

Ok - pretend you are a reporter at one of the top newspapers. Or pretend you are a reporter at a secondary, even third rate paper. Even: pretend you are a reporter for an up and coming Internet magazine and you are trying to show you can bring the news just like old media does. Who do you think has the resources to find information and who do you think has a lot of the secrets? Right - the spooks. So you try and find them, or maybe they find you, and you try and "work your source." That's what a pro does. Do you make a deal for info? Maybe. Do you trust what they tell you? Maybe. Do you just go back to your desk and type what they tell you? That's where the work starts.

Do you really think today's journalists have no clue about the history of Intel and Journalism? Like you're the first person to discover it? I'm thinking journalists who go to school know about it freshman year - 19 years old - and they know the history and the risks and the consequences (NYTimes) . Sorry, your trying to white wash an entire profession, all MSM and their efforts is the very smelliest of bullshit. Thank the gods for the press we have and screw Trump and anyone else who tries to undermine or minimize them. Hold them accountable? Always. I think Trump's daily lying-sack-o-sh*t routine has made most of them tighten up their reporting even more. "We're not going to be like him."

Remember: just like Trump, all outlets have a base, and they have to be considered when putting together content. But that's not necessarily as B&W as you might think. Not, "Trump Good v Trump Bad." Sadly, a large portion of the US population is either too lazy or too indifferent or too ignorant to want to deal with understanding the differences or the significance of subtly or nuance.


Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:46 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I've already provided a few dozens of examples of how the media just regurgitates what it's told, from the "Gulf of Tonkin" incident (which never happened) to Brennan now working for CNN. I'm not going to continuously counter your reflexive denial of events caused by, yanno, your cognitive dissonance. You know what they say about horses and water? Well, that's you.

Ok - pretend you are a reporter at one of the top newspapers. Or pretend you are a reporter at a secondary, even third rate paper. Even: pretend you are a reporter for an up and coming Internet magazine and you are trying to show you can bring the news just like old media does. Who do you think has the resources to find information and who do you think has a lot of the secrets? Right - the spooks. So you try and find them, or maybe they find you, and you try and "work your source." That's what a pro does. Do you make a deal for info? Maybe. Do you trust what they tell you? Maybe. Do you just go back to your desk and type what they tell you? That's where the work starts.

Do you really think today's journalists have no clue about the history of Intel and Journalism? Like you're the first person to discover it? I'm thinking journalists who go to school know about it freshman year - 19 years old - and they know the history and the risks and the consequences (NYTimes) . Sorry, your trying to white wash an entire profession, all MSM and their efforts is the very smelliest of bullshit. Thank the gods for the press we have and screw Trump and anyone else who tries to undermine or minimize them. Hold them accountable? Always. I think Trump's daily lying-sack-o-sh*t routine has made most of them tighten up their reporting even more. "We're not going to be like him."

Remember: just like Trump, all outlets have a base, and they have to be considered when putting together content. But that's not necessarily as B&W as you might think. Not, "Trump Good v Trump Bad." Sadly, a large portion of the US population is either too lazy or too indifferent or too ignorant to want to deal with understanding the differences or the significance of subtly or nuance.

I can't remember the last time I saw an article that was written by somebody who didn't cite anonymous sources that can't be traced back by anybody else.

Names or it didn't happen.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 7, 2018 9:40 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I can't remember the last time I saw an article that was written by somebody who didn't cite anonymous sources that can't be traced back by anybody else.

Names or it didn't happen.

Six: "Trump robot reporting for duty, sir!"

You obviously don't read much.

It's called protecting sources. Journalists go to jail to protect their sources. That's HOW information gets out, that's how we learn the sh*t they don't want us to know. When there's so much at stake people can loose a lot if they leak or if they get caught or if they allow it. So, duh, no names.


Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ok - pretend you are a reporter at one of the top newspapers. Or pretend you are a reporter at a secondary, even third rate paper. Even: pretend you are a reporter for an up and coming Internet magazine and you are trying to show you can bring the news just like old media does. Who do you think has the resources to find information and who do you think has a lot of the secrets? Right - the spooks. So you try and find them, or maybe they find you, and you try and "work your source." That's what a pro does. Do you make a deal for info? Maybe. Do you trust what they tell you? Maybe. Do you just go back to your desk and type what they tell you? That's where the work starts.

Do you recall the videos posted by Project Veritas? How editors/ reporters said outright that the Russia story was a "big nothingburger", but they were riding that hobby-horse anyway?

Your intrepid reporter seems to be working in a vacuum ... no editorial control whatsoever ... unlike the real world, where editors tell reporters which stories they're going to follow and which ones they're going to spike. Any major media organization already has a well-established editorial board, so we can cross off the "intrepid reporter" scenario off the major media. News manipulation depends on story selection as well as content.

But, OK .... let's say that you're an internet reporter (somebody YOU already wouldn't pay any attention to because, yanno, not "trustworthy") and you aren't reporting to an editorial board, and you aren't dependent on Youtube "monetization" (Youtube controls search results, revenue, and content) but you have an independent source of income which allows you to more-or-less follow the stories YOU want to follow. As long as you don't have to travel too far a abroad or make too many trips to DC which would put a dent in your pocketbook.

Hmmm... already, we've narrowed the field down quite a bit, from "thousands" of potential investigative reporters to maybe hundreds, or dozens.

And being a small outfit, you don't have high-level spooks beating a path to your door to feed you tidbits of information (something that should be highly suspect to any decent reporter. Because WHY are you getting this information, anyway? Cui bono?). Maybe you depend on "unofficial" leaks ... disgruntled employees who realize that going the full "whistleblower" path is a pointless exercise in self-sacrifice ... or social media. What do you do then? What "work" will you put into the story to validate the claims?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, June 7, 2018 2:23 PM




Thursday, June 7, 2018 3:26 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Do you recall the videos posted by Project Veritas? How editors/ reporters said outright that the Russia story was a "big nothingburger", but they were riding that hobby-horse anyway?

I sure do, but I bet the one I remember is different than the one you do:

"At the unusually late hour of 9.04am on Monday morning, Donald Trump marked his return to Washington after Thanksgiving by announcing a big new idea. There should be a contest, he tweeted, to determine which media outlet should be awarded the “fake news trophy” for being “most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage”.

Just hours later, the first winner of the president’s new medal emerged, though the trophy holder was not quite as he had expected. Instead of CNN or one of the TV networks that Trump frequently assails, the award for scurrilous and deceitful practice went to someone much closer to home.

On Monday afternoon, Project Veritas, the discredited rightwing attack organization run by James O’Keefe that specializes in sting operations against liberal groups and the established media, was itself thoroughly exposed. The Washington Post turned the spotlight that O’Keefe had tried to put on the newspaper back on him by disclosing a plot to dupe its reporters into publishing an entirely false story.

The fake account was peddled by a woman named Jaime Phillips who claimed to have had an abortion when she was 15 after sexual encounters with the Republican senatorial candidate in Alabama, Roy Moore. Post reporters did their due diligence, grew suspicious of her narrative, and later watched her walking into the Project Veritas offices in New York."

And when Van Jones said "nothing burger" he clearly meant there was nothing going on right now. Have you ever heard of Cambridge Analytica?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Your intrepid reporter seems to be working in a vacuum ... no editorial control whatsoever ... unlike the real world, where editors tell reporters which stories they're going to follow ... and which ones they're going to spike. Any major media organization already has a well-established editorial board, so we can cross off the "intrepid reporter" scenario off the major media. News manipulation depends on story selection as well as content.

You have no idea how journalism works, or you are yet again just acting like a stooge. Maybe if you are an unproven, first year writer you are helped by and editorial staff, but proven writers follow their instincts and get support from editors.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But, OK .... let's say that you're an internet reporter (somebody YOU already wouldn't pay any attention to because, yanno, not "trustworthy")...

Siggy invents fake news. Making sh*t up is her default way to try to win a discussion. Siggy invents a reporter and then invents that I wouldn't pay any attention without specifics, just cardboard cutout that I wouldn't trust - lazy and weak.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... and you aren't reporting to an editorial board, and you aren't dependent on Youtube "monetization" (Youtube controls search results, revenue, and content) but you have an independent source of income which allows you to more-or-less follow the stories YOU want to follow. As long as you don't have to travel too far a abroad or make too many trips to DC which would put a dent in your pocketbook.

Hmmm... already, we've narrowed the field down quite a bit, from "thousands" of potential investigative reporters to maybe hundreds, or dozens.

Narrowed it down quite a bit??? How about to zero? Who are these professional journalists with an, "independent source of income," and also tick off the other boxes you suggest? Everyone works for someone, even if it's just their readership. Fail.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And being a small outfit, you don't have high-level spooks beating a path to your door to feed you tidbits of information (something that should be highly suspect to any decent reporter. Because WHY are you getting this information, anyway? Cui bono?).

Exactly, now keep thinking... so none of your *Deep State* for them - check.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Maybe you depend on "unofficial" leaks ... disgruntled employees who realize that going the full "whistleblower" path is a pointless exercise in self-sacrifice ... or social media. What do you do then? What "work" will you put into the story to validate the claims?

Congratulations! You just described the hard part, the work, of being a journalist (the last bit at least). That's why some people win Pulitzers.


Thursday, June 7, 2018 4:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Congratulations! You just described the hard part, the work, of being a journalist
Congratulations! You just evaded my question!

I didn't "describe" the work at all! I asked YOU to describe it! I would categorize your reply as "utter failure"!

But, if you think about it, you MIGHT come up with some ideas on how to validate a story! (OTOH, since you tend to swallow "mainstream" press hook, line, and sinker, it seems you have not a clue on how to do fact checking at all, so maybe this is a tougher assignment for you than I thought)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:52 PM



Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:25 PM



Originally posted by JJ:

Is this proof that Trolls are so stupid they think EPA is part of DoJ/FBI?
Is this proof that Trolls are so retarded they think Hilliary destroyed SecState emails about EPA?
Is this proof that Trolls are so moronic they think the DoJ Inspector General was investigating EPA?
Is this proof that Trolls are so insipid they cannot read the title of a thread?

Although these Trolls have clearly not mastered human speech, it is still amazing such idiots can function among the human populace.


Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:01 PM


So many untruths like the Trump campaign was spied on, so little time to concern myself with them.

tick tock



Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:01 PM


Trump: ‘I don’t think I have to prepare very much’ for North Korea meeting

Who the fuck was stupid enough to vote for this guy? No one who posts in these threads I'm sure.



Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


DOJ To Release Report On Clinton Email Probe On June 14 With Explosive Hearing To Follow

As we have reported over the past year, the inspector general's probe has so far focused on former FBI Director James Comey's various statements and letters regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, as well as the unauthorized disclosure of nonpublic information by Justice Department employees. ...

As ABC reported yesterday - oddly enough this particular leak did not make it to either WaPo, nor NYT nor CNN - the report is expected to fault Comey, accusing him of defying authority at times during his tenure as the nation's top FBI official. It's also expected to criticize former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the Clinton email investigation...

So, June 14.

What I want to know is, when will we get a report on Strzok, Page, McCabe, and Comey spying on the Trump campaign?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

DOJ To Release Report On Clinton Email Probe On June 14 With Explosive Hearing To Follow

As we have reported over the past year, the inspector general's probe has so far focused on former FBI Director James Comey's various statements and letters regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, as well as the unauthorized disclosure of nonpublic information by Justice Department employees. ...

As ABC reported yesterday - oddly enough this particular leak did not make it to either WaPo, nor NYT nor CNN - the report is expected to fault Comey, accusing him of defying authority at times during his tenure as the nation's top FBI official. It's also expected to criticize former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the Clinton email investigation...

So, June 14.

What I want to know is, when will we get a report on Strzok, Page, McCabe, and Comey spying on the Trump campaign?

I think they needed to filter all of this through the criminals at DoJ/FBI so they could cover up redact all of their crimes and embarrassments from the report.


Thursday, June 7, 2018 9:42 PM



Friday, June 8, 2018 2:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JJ:
New Book: Trump Team, Not Deep State, Revealed Flynn’s Talks With Russians


The Trump transition team told Barack Obama’s White House about Mike Flynn’s fateful conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to a senior Obama aide’s new memoir.
Phffftttt!!! Like I believe him.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 8, 2018 8:35 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Congratulations! You just described the hard part, the work, of being a journalist
Congratulations! You just evaded my question!

Congratulations! You just helped me prove your statement was shite! The MSM doesn't just regurgitate what the Deep State tells it to - thanks you!

Bonus ape feces from Siggy:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"since you tend to swallow "mainstream" press hook, line, and sinker..."


Friday, June 8, 2018 8:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Congratulations! You just helped me prove your statement was shite! The MSM doesn't just reurgitate what the Deep State tells it to - thanks you!

It seems that GSTRING just made MY point for me! So, does this make sense to ANYone? If so, can you explain to me how GSTRING's inability to describe the "hard work" of journalism proves that journalists actually DO that "hard work"?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 8, 2018 9:08 AM


I can't explain anything G says to you or anyone else.

He's recently been patting is back pretty hard for some real zingers he thought he was making that don't make any sense at all in the context he was presenting them.

I think all that Leftist brainwashing might just have broken his poor brain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 8, 2018 12:45 PM


... stay crunchy...

6IXSTRINGJACK: "I can't explain anything G says to you or anyone else."

SIGGY: "So, does this make sense to ANYone?"

Lack of basic Intelligence - one of the hallmarks of a typical Trump follower, on full display. Sorry I bothered both of you - please go back to your mouth breathing.


Friday, June 8, 2018 1:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
6IXSTRINGJACK: "I can't explain anything G says to you or anyone else."

SIGGY: "So, does this make sense to ANYone?"

Lack of basic Intelligence - one of the hallmarks of a typical Trump follower, on full display. Sorry I bothered both of you - please go back to your mouth breathing.

Maybe you can explain yourself more clearly? Or maybe you can't!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 8, 2018 9:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess maybe you can't. I mean, REALLY can't.

I wouldn't go claiming that others on short on brains, if I were you.

In the meantime, June 14 is the target date.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 8, 2018 9:55 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
6IXSTRINGJACK: "I can't explain anything G says to you or anyone else."

SIGGY: "So, does this make sense to ANYone?"

Lack of basic Intelligence - one of the hallmarks of a typical Trump follower, on full display. Sorry I bothered both of you - please go back to your mouth breathing.

Maybe you can explain yourself more clearly? Or maybe you can't!

I'm betting can't.
Every reasonable person will be betting can't.
Anyone with basic Intelligence will be betting can't.


Saturday, June 9, 2018 8:23 AM


I did hear about one reason they needed to wait until this next week before release.
Sean Hannity is to be in Singapore for the week. They are terrified of him and didn't want to work their Spin while he was in town.


Saturday, June 9, 2018 5:53 PM


I bet can, I bet can. Put me down as a can vote.



Saturday, June 9, 2018 5:53 PM


I bet can, I bet can. Put me down as a can vote.



Saturday, June 9, 2018 5:53 PM


I bet can, I bet can. Put me down as a can vote.



Saturday, June 9, 2018 5:53 PM


I bet can, I bet can. Put me down as a can vote.



Wednesday, June 13, 2018 7:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tomorrow is the day.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, June 13, 2018 9:21 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tomorrow is the day.

Thursday? First day of World Cup 2018? The Day Cohen flips? Perhaps a Qanon prophecy?

Do tell.


Thursday, June 14, 2018 2:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Tomorrow is the day.-SIGNY

Thursday? First day of World Cup 2018? The Day Cohen flips? Perhaps a Qanon prophecy? Do tell. - PLEASE SIGN ME "CLUELESS"

Tick tock.

I can hardly wait for the criminal probe.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, June 14, 2018 7:32 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tomorrow is the day.

Your first day working at TJMAX? Get your driver's license day? Going out for "sodas" day? Retainers coming off?

O-Right! The Clinton Distraction probe! Good job underling! march, march, march... I'd forgot all about her with all this lying and blatant racism and prison state for children and immigrant bashing and North Korea and Russians running the White House and Dictator ball washing ...


Thursday, June 14, 2018 5:42 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Tick tock.

I can hardly wait for the criminal probe.

And...and...? The day is almost over and you have said anything - why not butter cup? Not the "criminal probe" you were expecting? Not happy with the selection from the all-you-can-eat crow buffet?? No worries - we'll be here waiting for you to get with HQ and post their official sh*t spin on this.


Thursday, June 14, 2018 7:37 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Tick tock.

I can hardly wait for the criminal probe.

And...and...? The day is almost over and you have said anything - why not butter cup? Not the "criminal probe" you were expecting? Not happy with the selection from the all-you-can-eat crow buffet?? No worries - we'll be here waiting for you to get with HQ and post their official sh*t spin on this.

It takes time for comrade sig to get her instructions. Don't forget, Russia is several time zones away. Anyway the big take away from the report. Nobody and no institutions are perfect. Since the agency consists of more than 10,000, I think the FBI comes off looking pretty good. The justice department as well.

Yes some things are troublesome in the report but when put into perspective, the FBI and justice department are on top of it. Oh yeah, no one is guilty of anything they are going to be charged with except in the publics eye. A few were stupid and one was arrogant.

OK sig, back to Trump and Russia. tick tock



Friday, June 15, 2018 12:01 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"and you have said anything"

Not your most coherent attempt to use human language.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Friday, June 15, 2018 12:27 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"and you have said anything"

Not your most coherent attempt to use human language.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Have you forgotten? The bar is set extremely low there.


Friday, June 15, 2018 9:10 AM


I haven't seen who/what was referred to Criminal Prosecutions. Would that be not included in the IG Report?


Friday, June 15, 2018 9:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

NO, this is NOT the "criminal probe" which ... btw .. is still ongoing.

tick tock

Horowitz' findings placed blame squarely in your hero- Comey- for deviating from FBI policy and being insubordinate, which wreaked havoc on the integrity of the FBI.


Ironically, Comey, fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, former FBI agent Peter Strzok and others, by their actions, just made it more difficult for special counsel Robert Mueller to prosecute Trump for obstruction. There is now a comprehensive conclusion by career investigators that Comey violated core agency rules and undermined the integrity of the FBI. In other words, there was ample reason to fire James Comey...

The IG report found additional emails showing a political bias against Trump and again featuring the relationship of Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. In one exchange, Page again sought reassurance from Strzok, who was a critical player in the investigations of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, that Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Strzok responded, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

The IG noted that some of these shocking emails occurred at that point in October 2016 when the FBI was dragging its feet on the Clinton email investigation and Strzok was a critical player in that investigation. The IG concluded that bias was reflected in that part of the investigation with regard to Strzok and his role. Notably, the IG was in the same position as Mueller: The IG admits that the Strzok-Page emails “potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations.” This includes the decision by Strzok to prioritize the Russian investigation over the Clinton investigation. The IG states that “[w]e concluded that we did not have confidence that this decision by Strzok was free from bias.”

On the other hand, they couldn't find any evidence that bias was the sole reason for those decisions. So, unlike Mueller who seeks to concoct a case by going on an endless fishing expedition and cobbling together a case from coincidence and forced testimony, Horowitz did what investigators are supposed to do.

Here is the referral for criminal prosecution

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 15, 2018 11:10 AM


Did anybody think it funny that the scheduled release time for the Report yesterday was 3pm Eastern?

The minute after the Rush Limbaugh Show ends each day.


Friday, June 15, 2018 11:19 AM


Yes, the world hinges on when Limbaugh is on.


Friday, June 15, 2018 11:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The person who's throwing "cheap smoke bombs" is YOU, my friend. You just did, with that "cheap smoke bomb" smoke bomb. But that's what liars do: They accuse others of what they themselves do.

You CAN engage in the discussion. Or you can STFU, which would be another good alternative. Personally, I think I provided more than enough references to keep you busy for a while (if you intend to learn about the topic), and any further information from me would be a waste of my time (You would probably reject anything else I posted anyway) and a distraction from the topic of the thread, so until you come up with something OTHER THAN lies and snark, I think the discussion has reached it's end.

Signym, you lied when you wrote "The FBI did EVERYTHING it could to put all of the evidence of Hillary wrongdoing permanently out of reach." You lie too often and with too many words. You are completely untrustworthy because you took zerohedge's slanted report and made it even more misleading.

Signym, use the original. And then don't lie about what is in the report.

From the Inspector General’s Comey Report about Comey’s decision not to accuse Clinton of “gross negligence”.

We further found that the statute that required the most complex analysis by the prosecutors was Section 793(f)(1), the "gross negligence" provision that has been the focus of much of the criticism of the declination decision. As we describe in Chapters Two and Seven of our report, the prosecutors analyzed the legislative history of Section 793(f)(1), relevant case law, and the Department's prior interpretation of the statute. They concluded that Section 793(f)(1) likely required a state of mind that was "so gross as to almost suggest deliberate intention," criminally reckless, or "something that falls just short of being willful," as well as evidence that the individuals who sent emails containing classified information "knowingly" included or transferred such information onto unclassified systems.

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section 793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department's historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

from page vi of

So Clinton did nothing even remotely prosecutable, and she clearly didn’t display “gross negligence.” Despite this, Comey just had to say something to keep Republicans at bay, so he made up his “extremely careless” remark—something that was both inappropriate and lacked any legal foundation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 15, 2018 11:44 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Yes, the world hinges on when Limbaugh is on.

It is heartening to learn that you have accidentally swerved into Reality for a brief moment today.


Friday, June 15, 2018 1:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Signym, you lied when you wrote "The FBI did EVERYTHING it could to put all of the evidence of Hillary wrongdoing permanently out of reach."

Did Hillary wipe her files AFTER she was subpoenaed for them? Yes, she did.

Were they wiped in such a way (BleachBit) as to make them permanently irretrievable, even with forensic analysis/reconstruction of the hard drive, via looking at the margins of the electronic track? Yes, they were. (You can only achieve this by over-writing the files multiple times, ensuring that even when the head "wobbles" a little bit and writes a little off to the side of the track, that TOO will be overwritten.)

Were file selections overseen by Hillary aides? Were these aides granted immunity, allowing them to NOT testify? Yes, they were.

Were their smart phones and laptops, which MAY have contained copies or other evidence of willful wrongdoing, allowed to be destroyed ... NOT like with a cloth but more like, with a hammer? Yes, they were

Were any other possible copies of files ... such as at the Clinton Foundation ... or other possible sources of information pursued and subpoenaed? No, they were not.

Did Loretta Lynch inadvisably and inexplicably chat with Bill Clinton for 20 minutes while the DOJ/ FBI was investigating his wife?

Did ANY of this follow normal investigatory procedure? NOT FOR A SECOND.

All that Horowitz' report demonstrates is that HILLARY ERASED ENOUGH EVIDENCE - WITH FBI ASSISTANCE- THAT PROOF OF WRONGDOING WAS NOT AVAILABLE. Gee, just like with "Whitewater", where the files mysteriously showed up right after the statute of limitations ran out.

That is reality, and it's indisputable. If you can ignore that entire history while chasing Russian phantoms, then you have one or two screws missing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 15, 2018 1:19 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Horowitz' findings placed blame squarely in your hero- Comey- for deviating from FBI policy and being insubordinate, which wreaked havoc on the integrity of the FBI.

Nice try, moon brain, I can't stand Comey, or Hillary. Plus it looks like Comey's actions cost Clinton the presidency. The only upside for me from that would be no lying sack of Trump in the WH.

And as far as prioritizing Russia over Emails, that seems like an obvious choice. Careless handling of unknown email content or an assault on our Democracy - easy.

Face it - this flopped harder than a Nunes memo.


Friday, June 15, 2018 1:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Careless handling of unknown email content
which may have included "pay for play" while Hillary was at the State Department, allowing foreign nations like Saudi Arabia to influence our foreign policy through the application of money ...

Nah... not a problem!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, June 15, 2018 2:04 PM



Wow, I wish I knew how to post a pic in here. I think the "how to" needs an update.


Friday, June 15, 2018 2:09 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Horowitz' findings placed blame squarely in your hero- Comey- for deviating from FBI policy and being insubordinate, which wreaked havoc on the integrity of the FBI.

Nice try, moon brain, I can't stand Comey, or Hillary. Plus it looks like Comey's actions cost Clinton the presidency. The only upside for me from that would be no lying sack of Trump in the WH.

And as far as prioritizing Russia over Emails, that seems like an obvious choice. Careless handling of unknown email content or an assault on our Democracy - easy.

Face it - this flopped harder than a Nunes memo.

Lets not forget Trump refuses to stop using unsecured phones. Our local hypocrites say nothing about that. Clinton's emails were more secure than that. Everything they say defending Trump comes from the fantasy world of the delusional.

Trump is caught lying more than six times a day. These guys repeat those lies. The clock is running so no concerns there.

tick tock







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