
UPDATED: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 21:56
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Monday, July 2, 2018 1:17 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Apparently GSTRING votes against civility, too: He just can't stop himself from attacking, even in a thread about civility.

You think me strongly disapproving of you posting images of mutilated children is an attack? How so?

It is the way you do it.

Signy was making a point. One which you completely disregarded by saying what a terrible person she is for having posted such a thing.

You are a ridiculous person. It's no wonder the only people here who take anything you say seriously are either as ridiculous as you are or exponentially more ridiculous.

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen you say that killing people is wrong! How come?? By SIGGY's logic that means you are in favor of murder. Why are you in favor of murder? Damn Jack, you're a terrible person.


Monday, July 2, 2018 1:27 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
OH GSTRING!!! Sweetums!!

Let's go back to the original posts, shall we? This is how it went


The United States has "intervened" in every single nation in south and central America (except Costa Rica), in some cases many times over, covertly and overtly, all in behalf of foreign bankers and the IMF, landowners, foreign companies, and their juntas. Most of the time the CIA-deposed leaders were land-reformers who believed in greater social spending for things like education, distributed land ownership, housing and health, but this would not have set well with the profits extracted by foreign banks and transnational corporations. I can provide you with a pretty complete and damning list of "interventions" if you like, or you can read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".


For anyone who thinks there is no need for an International Women’s Day, here’s one reminder from a death squad in Central America that I cannot forget.

At dawn on February 20th 1982, I head off to ship film at the international airport, but I first encounter the victim of a right-wing death squad, later confirmed to have been a 30-year-old woman. What’s left of her body tells the rather complete story of her last hour of life. That is, for anyone willing to look long enough at it, and contemplate all the indignities collected there.
Her underwear is still stretched tight, clinging below her knees. Her attackers must have started off with that, since otherwise it would have been pointless and much more difficult to pull the cloth down after everything else that happened.
On her left hand, still in relatively fresh condition, all the finger tips have been cut off, and then the hand itself is also cut off. The muscles of her left arm are removed down to her wrists. The remainder of her left arm is burned and then also cut off. Long strips of skin are peeled off from her left leg, again an effort unlikely to have happened if she was past caring. The heel of her left foot is the one part of her body to show how hard it dug into the sand. She is finally disemboweled, then scalped. Pieces of her skull are scattered about, and then her head is cut off, which is missing from the scene.

[The picture was taken by Ross Baughman, an American photojournalist and Pulitzer Prize winner. ]

THIS IS NOT JUST A THING OF THE PAST ... Nicaragua, like the other aforementioned nations, has suffered from widespread protests due to weak currency. SNIPERS HAVE KILLED PROTESTERS THERE RECENTLY. Gee, where have I seen this movie before? Ukraine? Venezuela? Hillary Clinton supported the Coup in Honduras ...

THIS is the topic that GSTRING is not interested in talking about- SIGNY

Wrong again: I am not interested in discussing with you. I've not only "seen that movie" I've been in it.= GSTRING

Well, there you are, claiming direct experience in SOMEthing. If I'm to track the topic immediately before your claim, it was snipers in Ukraine and Venezuela, and a military coup in Honduras.

So, what WAS your role in that "movie"?


Hey Kiki - I need to borrow your lawyer when you're done so I can sue SICKY for defamation, m'kay?
HAHAHA!! One of the other possible roles I mentioned was "Peace Corps".

YOU CLAIMED some sort of direct experience with ... snipers in Ukraine and Venezuela? The military coup in Honduras? Hey, I didn't have to infer your direct involvement, because YOU claimed it. So you might want to clarify that claim, otherwise people will .... yanno ... wonder exactly what you meant.

ETA: But if you should ever decide that civility is the way to go, let's give it a try.

Yep! I had direct experience wasting my time in the Russia Invades Ukraine thread - sorry, not going to do that again.

Last chance:

How would you feel if someone was using images of your child like you are?

How do you know what I've said or felt about US activities?

So please tell us what you have done to stop this from happening?

What have you done to repay the damage you feel personally responsible for causing?

Remember, according to broken SIGGY Logic, not answering is an admission of guilt. Will you answer even one of those? It's like you are afraid or running from something.


Monday, July 2, 2018 1:49 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Apparently GSTRING votes against civility, too: He just can't stop himself from attacking, even in a thread about civility.

You think me strongly disapproving of you posting images of mutilated children is an attack? How so?

It is the way you do it.

Signy was making a point. One which you completely disregarded by saying what a terrible person she is for having posted such a thing.

You are a ridiculous person. It's no wonder the only people here who take anything you say seriously are either as ridiculous as you are or exponentially more ridiculous.

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen you say that killing people is wrong! How come?? By SIGGY's logic that means you are in favor of murder. Why are you in favor of murder? Damn Jack, you're a terrible person.

Well... nobody ever asked me the question.

I pretty much go through my life believing that everyone I make contact with believes that killing is wrong. Call me naive, but I think it's a lot healthier to view the world through that lens than dealing with the paranoia of say... RF and how he sees murderous Nazis everywhere.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 2, 2018 1:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Last chance
Or what? Or you'll treat me even worse than you have already? You'll be a bigger troll than before? Not possible. If you try, you'll just be sent to troll country. Again.


How would you feel if someone was using images of your child like you are?
First of all: the pictures were obtained from journalists and ALREADY posted online, so it's not as if I posted something that wasn't already public. But to answer your question: I think if my child had been killed because of pointless aggression in my country, and someone were distributing his or her picture to try an make it stop, I'd probably feel OK with the idea.


How do you know what I've said or felt about US activities?
I have no idea how you "feel", but I certainly know how you post.


So please tell us what you have done to stop this from happening?
All of the things that a USA citizen can and should legally do to stop USA aggression in other nations.


What have you done to repay the damage you feel personally responsible for causing?
Whatever gave you the idea that I feel "personally responsible"? Yanno, this habit that you have of putting words in people's mouths is really annoying.

I don't feel "personally responsible", I feel indirectly responsible. My responsibility comes from paying taxes which are used to kill people.


Remember, according to broken SIGGY Logic, not answering is an admission of guilt.
HA! I seem to recall YOU and your best-buddy-trolls using that logic on me, remember?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Monday, July 2, 2018 4:59 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Last chance
Or what? Or you'll treat me even worse than you have already? You'll be a bigger troll than before? Not possible. If you try, you'll just be sent to troll country. Again.

You're not fooling anyone with your "but I'm the victim!"

Here you are saying I was in a snuff film torturing people:

SIGNYM: "Still, GSTRING claims to have been part of "that movie". So if he isn't making a claim about something that never happened, what WAS his role in that south-of-the-border snuff film? Maybe his objection to the picture is that he recognized his own handiwork?"

But right, you're so innocent.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:First of all: the pictures were obtained from journalists and ALREADY posted online, so it's not as if I posted something that wasn't already public.

So? That doesn't mean it can't be uncivil and in extremely poor taste.

SIGNYM: But to answer your question: I think if my child had been killed because of pointless aggression in my country, and someone were distributing his or her picture to try an make it stop, I'd probably feel OK with the idea. "

You posting that image on this forum is going to make "it" stop??? How? Do you think any of us work for the Pentagon?

And the true WINNER - SIGNYM admitting her ignorance:
"I have no idea how you "feel", but I certainly know how you post."

So your ignorance gives you the excuse to post defamatory BS? Thanks for admitting it at least!


So please tell us what you have done to stop this from happening?

SIGNYM: "All of the things that a USA citizen can and should legally do to stop USA aggression in other nations."

Me too! Except I have never posted pictures of mutilated children on a public forum and lie about the reason - that's all you.


What have you done to repay the damage you feel personally responsible for causing?
Whatever gave you the idea that I feel "personally responsible"?

You said "we've tortured" - don't you remember making that sh*t up? Here:
"Rather than being upset by the FACT that we've tortured and killed people in their own nations..."

At least now you have admitted to making sh*t up - progress!

SIGNYM bullsh*t encore:

"Still, GSTRING claims to have been part of "that movie". So if he isn't making a claim about something that never happened, what WAS his role in that south-of-the-border snuff film? Maybe his objection to the picture is that he recognized his own handiwork? So far, he's refused to answer that question, despite claiming direct experience."

bat sh*t crazy. ^


Monday, July 2, 2018 5:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

GSTRING: I expressed my opinion that our habit of destroying foreign nations is a significant source of migrant crises in the world. I posted a picture AND a description by the (award-winning) photojournalist who took it. And, what was your first response?

I've not only seen that movie, I've been in it

How was I supposed to know that you had changed topics to Ukraine? It looked like nothing so much as a claim to direct experience in some form with our south-of-the-border interventions, which was the topic of my post. Next time, maybe you should be clearer.


Me too! Except I have never posted pictures of mutilated children on a public forum and lie about the reason
My god, now you claim that I "lied" about the reason why I posted the picture. Dood, I EXPLAINED why I posted it. I referred to Hearts and Minds as a powerful documentary which achieved its strength by not removing gore. I think it's far too easy to put all of those dead people into a gray background unless people see the reality. It's the same reason that OTHERS HERE post audios of crying children to make a point about the results of OUR immigration policies. .


You said "we've tortured" - don't you remember making that sh*t up? Here:
"Rather than being upset by the FACT that we've tortured and killed people in their own nations..." At least now you have admitted to making sh*t up - progress!

"We" as in "we Americans". How should I have referred to those who drop bombs, snipe demonstrations, and provide torture training? "Them"?


You posting that image on this forum is going to make "it" stop??? How? Do you think any of us work for the Pentagon?
"They" are an extension of "our" government, paid for by "our" taxes and presumably under "our" democratic control. "They" are "we". "We" are even more responsible than the average German under Hitler for the results of "our" policies, because "we" live in a democracy.

Oh, and BTW ... you're hurt because you think you've been "defamed" here? This, from the poster who has constantly trolled and defamed me? That's priceless.



So please tell us what you have done to stop this from happening? - GSTRING

All of the things that a USA citizen can and should legally do to stop USA aggression in other nations.- SIGNY

Me too! - GSTRING

It looks as if we agree on at least one thing then: The United States should not intervene in foreign nations

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Monday, July 2, 2018 6:35 PM


I think you missed this the first time, so here it is again.

Why are Blumpists so violent?

Man yells, "Make America Great Again!" Before shooting 6 people dead.

Man wearing, "Make America Great Again" hat murders 2 strangers for no reason.

A Trump supporter murders 2 police officers because they told him he couldn't wave a Confederate flag at a high school football game.

Two men beat a homeless man with a metal bar and urinate on him screaming, “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” When asked for a comment about the incident Trump defends them saying, "My supporters are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again."

Trump supporter attacks a Hispanic man and a Muslim student at a gas station while yelling, "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

Trump supporter stabs a black man unprovoked because he was holding hands with a white woman, tells police they need to release him so he can attend a Trump rally that night.

Trump supporter attacks Muslim woman at airport.

A Trump supporter punches a 70 year old protester in the face.

Trump supporter arrested for brutally beating protester.

3 Trump supporters arrested planning terrorist attack to kill Muslims.

Trump supporter confuses an Indian man for a Muslim at restaurant and says, "Things are different now, I don't want you sand n*ggers sitting next to me." Before attacking the man.

"We got a new President you fucking f*ggots." Men yell as they attack gay man.

Trump supporters track down and brutally beat an artist because she made a painting of Trump with a small penis.

Trump supporter who sucker punched protester: “Next time, we might have to kill them.”

Trump is asked to comment on his supporters brutally beating a black man, he responds with, “He was obnoxious! Maybe he should have been roughed up,”

"You fucking gorillas and baby monkeys, We voted for Trump. Trump's building a wall, beaners, and you'll be going back to where you belong." Man yells at black elementary school children unprovoked before he swerves his car at them attempting to hit them.

Trump supporter assaults woman at rally and then says he wouldn't of done it if Trump didn't inspire him to attack her.

Trump supporter recognizes famous anti-Trump playwright, walks up to him in a restaurant and says, “Sieg Heil! Fuck you, you Jew cunts, we’re gonna kill all of you." before attacking him.

Trump supporters beat black man so badly he’s hospitalized for concussion and call him the n-word.

Trump supporter pepper sprays a 15-year-old girl point-blank in the face after another Trump supporter groped her breasts, shouting “n*gger lover” as she attempted to run away.

Trump supporter walks up to a black man in the middle of a downtown area and says, "Donald Trump will deport you." Before punching the black man.

“Trump is going to win and if you don’t like it I’m going to beat your ass,” Trump supporter yells at random black woman outside of convenient store.

Man attacks and kicks Muslim airport employee shouting, "Trump is here now, he will get rid of all of you."

In 8 months Trump supporters attacked protesters at 20 different rallies.

Trump supporter tracks down a local Latino Democratic political candidate and tries to run him and his elderly mother over with a car. (The Latino candidate is also a former marine.)

"This is for Donald Trump!" man yells as he runs up a Latino person and punches them in the head.

Trump supporter goes to Hillary Clinton rally to disrupt the event, ends up punching someone when asked to leave.

Trump supporter punches, chokes and slaps protesters on video during rally.

An angry mob of Trump supporters brutally beat and grab a mans genitals because he held up a, "Republicans Against Trump" sign.

A Trump supporter yells, "Get your black kids out of here. Do you even have a job? Do you know what a job is, n*gger?" Before physically attacking a black man who had come to the hospital to get help for his sick 2 week old daughter.

Local Republican Politician sexually assaults a woman by, "grabbing her pussy." and then says he is allowed to do it because now that Trump is president he doesn't have to be politically correct.

Canadian man who was a vocal Trump supporter both online and in person goes into a mosque and murders 6 people.

Trump supporter physically assaults Comedian on stage for making Anti-Trump Joke.

Man yells, "Trump" while beating African immigrant cab driver.

A Trump supporter is arrested for burning a Mosque down.

A Trump supporter sees a car has pro-gay bumper stickers on it and then follows the car, waiting for the 75 year old driver to get out before brutally attacking him while screaming, "My new president says we can kill all you f*ggots now."

A Trump supporter is arrested after brutally attacking gay men outside a McDonald’s. Witnesses describe the aftermath as, "There was blood everywhere."

A Muslim refugee gay rights activist is kidnapped and raped by two men in retaliation for, "Trump being mocked."

A Trump supporter is arrested on terrorism charges for building bombs he was going to use to kill Muslims.

Person spray-paints a transgender veterans car with the word "Trump" then sets it on fire.

A Trump supporter attacks two Muslim women and tries to push over a stroller with a baby in it while screaming, "Get the fuck out of America"

2 Trump supporters write on Facebook that they can't wait to crack liberals skulls when they go to Milo event. They show up to the event in MAGA hats drunk and walk up to a crowd of people and spray them with tear gas, when one man tries to intervene they shoot him in the stomach.

A Trump supporter tells a random Muslim woman he sees on the street, "I'm voting for Trump because he said he would send all of you terrorists out of this country.” Before attacking her.

Man shoots out the windows of two businesses from a car while shouting, "Hail Trump."

A Trump supporter storms into building on college campus, asks random students if they are liberals, when they say yes he pulls out a machete and attacks them.

From November 9 to December 12, 2016. Trump supporters who mentioned Trump by name during their attacks committed 418 reported hate crimes, in that same time period only 24 hate crimes were perpetrated against Trump supporters.

Self proclaimed Trump fan and online alt-right fanatic, murders black Army Lieutenant in unprovoked hate crime.

Don't talk to me about civility.


Monday, July 2, 2018 10:26 PM


So we're getting our news from reddit now, huh?

I'll keep that in mind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 2, 2018 10:39 PM


From /socialism/ too.

Everybody here reading should also keep this in mind. Gives you a little perspective about who we're dealing with.

Yanno, the next time somebody wants to call somebody else a "Russian" in here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 3, 2018 7:37 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, and BTW ... you're hurt because you think you've been "defamed" here? This, from the poster who has constantly trolled and defamed me? That's priceless.

Tired, obvious lie.

You just said I was in a snuff film - how does that even compare with anything I've said about you?

And also like I said...I see the theater lights dimming - here comes that movie again, the one where you just deny and deflect and make sh*t up, as you always do. Your movie is so tired and quite frankly... just old. Moving on.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018 7:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Oh, and BTW ... you're hurt because you think you've been "defamed" here? This, from the poster who has constantly trolled and defamed me? That's priceless.- SIGNY
Tired, obvious lie.- GSTRING

Now THAT is a tired, obvious lie!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, July 3, 2018 8:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Don't talk to me about civility.
Why not?

You claim (or Reddit does, anyway) that "418 hate crimes" were committed by people who mentioned Trump specifically by name". And then YOU go on to characterize everyone who voted for Trump as violent, and a "blumpist".

Dood, how many people voted for Trump?
Out of which 418 appear to be batshit crazy.

That's, like, 0.00066 percent. Don't you think you're going a little overboard with prejudice (prejudice = to prejudge)? And, on that basis, you think it's OK to not be civil to an entire group of people?

If I were to use YOUR approach, and castigate an ENTIRE GROUP for the behavior of some of its individuals, I would look at perhaps the violent crime rate among males. I think the statistics are a lot more robust than the ones that YOU quote! After all, males account for almost 74% (not 0.00066%) of violent crime. Using YOUR approach, I think we would be justified in locking up ALL males; don't you? Or how about blacks? Blacks certainly count for a disproportionate (three times higher) percentage of crime. Using YOUR approach, maybe we should claim that all blacks are dangerous, and should be on automatic parole. Or maybe I should say that everyone who is against Trump is a total asshole, based on the behavior of about six people here, and decide that YOU don't deserve civility and a fair hearing.


That's why I say we should focus on the behavior of individuals and their actions; not some sort of imaginary enemy. This idea that we should stop listening to each other because of few people on either side of an issue is a recipe for civil war. I know it might seem to you, at the moment, that civil war is the only route to get what "you want" but unless you've lived through extremely violent times - or you know someone who has and they can describe it for you - I don't think you realize how dangerous that is. (Also, you - collectively - have been extremely muddled about your goals, which have shifted with media coverage from RUSSIA!!! to transgender rights to climate shift to migrant children. What, really do you want? Is it worth being an asshole to half of the voting public?)

You've distorted your view of approximately half of the voting public. You've inserted YOUR OPINION of them in place of what they have ACTUALLY SAID AND DONE. Most likely, your view of Trump supporters comes to you thru the news, it's doubtful that you have meaningful, open-ended contact with many IRL; so everything you think you know about "blumpists" is based on the media. Which, we know, is unbiased.

Now, IMHO, there is a large number of Americans who are hurting economically. They lived through Bush and Obama as the wealth gap got larger and larger, and they may not know what "the answer" is, but they sure felt that "more of the same" was not a helpful direction. Is the DNC willing to address THEIR needs? Or is the DNC going to promote the right of illegal migrants over theirs, promote the rights of "trading partners" over theirs, promote the rights of banks over theirs, drag the smelly RUSSIA!!! red herring around ad infinitum, and continue to divide us over what are quite reasonable demands for meaningful jobs at living wages?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:26 AM


I saw that post last night and think it's a great post Signy.

Glad to see that I came home from work and somebody didn't somehow quote one sentence from it out of context and call you a Russian again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:40 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
So we're getting our news from reddit now, huh?

I'll keep that in mind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Show us how any of the stories cited are in any way false.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:44 AM


Show me 416 crimes in which a liberal attacked or killed someone and justified it with their favorite politician.

stochastic terrorism
[stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh?m]
Word Origin
See more synonyms on
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.

This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.

This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:53 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
So we're getting our news from reddit now, huh?

I'll keep that in mind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Show us how any of the stories cited are in any way false.

Show me how any of the stories cited are in any way true. We can both play that game.

Reddit's already known for communities of Mandella Effect believers, as well as flat earthers and people convinced that Niberoo is coming and we're all going to die soon, and they'll all tell you that they have irrefutible proof. It's also home to quite a few Trump communities.

Apparently it's home to socialists who see Nazis everywhere they turn and believe that 60+ Million people who voted for Trump are all violent and racist.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:58 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Show me 416 crimes in which a liberal attacked or killed someone and justified it with their favorite politician.

stochastic terrorism
[stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh?m]
Word Origin
See more synonyms on
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.

This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.

This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings.

You'll get no argument from me that Fox News is bad. It's all about ratings and it's also irresponsible as fuck. I can't reasonably argue on their behalf that they aren't somehow responsible for individual acts of violence.

Where we are going to disagree is that you wouldn't look at CNN and MSNBC in the same light. Maddow and Olbermann, just to name a few, are equally as guilty of shilling for money and inciting their own mob.

Do you think either of them really give a shit what's happening out there? They both rake in the millions per year and live in their gated communities where they don't actually have to live with any of the chaos their "journalism" creates.

24 hour News Networks are poison to society.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:06 AM



Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:07 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Where we are going to disagree is that you wouldn't look at CNN and MSNBC in the same light. Maddow and Olbermann, just to name a few, are equally as guilty of shilling for money and inciting their own mob.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Please show us these mobs they've incited.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Show me 416 crimes in which a liberal attacked or killed someone and justified it with their favorite politician.
The fact that you seem to be reacting to a rather large number of Americans (roughly half of the voting public) as "enemies" even tho their involvement in political violence is ZERO, and are using that opinion to justify "your side's" political violence, is an indication that you are infected with the kind of thinking that you accuse others of.

Here's an example to make it clear: Thinking that all Trump voters are white racists is the same as Trump saying that all illegal immigrants are violent criminals.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 12:02 PM


Totally not Neo Nazi groups Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to perform security for the next Unite The Right Neo Nazi rally because they totally aren't Nazis, you guys!


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 12:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Show me 416 crimes in which a liberal attacked or killed someone and justified it with their favorite politician.
The fact that you seem to be reacting to a rather large number of Americans (roughly half of the voting public) as "enemies" even tho their involvement in political violence is ZERO, and are using that opinion to justify "your side's" political violence, is an indication that you are infected with the kind of thinking that you accuse others of.

Here's an example to make it clear: Thinking that all Trump voters are white racists is the same as Trump saying that all illegal immigrants are violent criminals.

I'm talking about civility. We have it. Reichwingers don't.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 4:51 PM


White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United States

Have been for years. So civil.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 6:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm talking about civility. We have it. Reichwingers don't. - RF
SOMEBODY in your tribe might have civility, but YOU certainly don't.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 6:50 PM


Reviewing the past few days of posts in this thread, the title Civility just seems so.....WRONG.
And having RF as the primary factor in sh!tting up this topic is ludicrously ironic.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Here's an example to make it clear: Thinking that all Trump voters are white racists is the same as Trump saying that all illegal immigrants are violent criminals.

Your post seems to posit that Trump actually said that. Basing your argument on bald lies like that makes it fragile. Attributing MSM statements that all Immigrants are violent Criminals to Trump is disingenuous at the least.
I've been expecting better from you lately.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 9:03 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Show me 416 crimes in which a liberal attacked or killed someone and justified it with their favorite politician.
The fact that you seem to be reacting to a rather large number of Americans (roughly half of the voting public) as "enemies" even tho their involvement in political violence is ZERO, and are using that opinion to justify "your side's" political violence, is an indication that you are infected with the kind of thinking that you accuse others of.

Here's an example to make it clear: Thinking that all Trump voters are white racists is the same as Trump saying that all illegal immigrants are violent criminals.

I'm talking about civility. We have it. Reichwingers don't.




Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 11:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Here's an example to make it clear: Thinking that all Trump voters are white racists is the same as Trump saying that all illegal immigrants are violent criminals.- SIGNY

Your post seems to posit that Trump actually said that.-

I know, sorry. I was mentally grabbing for an example and being rushed for time I made one up.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, July 5, 2018 2:55 AM



Do YOU know who I think promoted incivility, in addition to Trump?

Quelle surprise! Well, of course you would say that. But it actually started with the Moral Majority claiming superiority over all others back in 1979 and continued on through the 2000s as part of the right-wing, politically incorrect movement.
Calling people libtards, snowflake and the like. And that's just me short list.


The Democratic Party. The idea that we should elect someone just because they're a woman (identity politics, women v men. We see that in WISHY a whole lot)

Boy, you guys really like to label things don't you. That's a bunch of bullshit.
Be he man or be she woman, as long as the job gets done, who gives a fuck who
does it? All of you want to roll back the clock to the good ole days, where men
were men and women stayed barefoot and pregnant. What a bunch of shiteaters!
Fuck that!


Yes, how? How is this entirely TRUMP'S fault when the DNC has constantly played off blacks against whites, women against men, and straights versus "everyone else" for decades? It's not that this is "just" the DNC's fault, the RNC has done the same with religion and gun ownership, but the DNC definitely shares part of the blame.

When Obama was president that's all you would do, complain. Well,
now Trump is president, deal with it. He's deliberately trying to fuck the US
and all it's inhabitants. with Putin's help. And, I'm on to "your"
(the alt-right) little game...turn everything around that you guys do and
"gaslight" the world to death. Too late, we already have seen what's behind the
curtain. If you don't know what "gaslight" means, look it up. It's a narc tactic
(narc is short for narcissist).


Yanno, I have asked the question What are America's interests? probably a couple-dozen times by now, and only one person on the left ... and none of the self-styled liberals and nobody on the right .... even attempted to answer that question, as if the category "Americans" is such an alien concept that NOBODY can even imagine what it is that we all have in common.

Ya know, when you ask that question and don't get a response...move on to the next thing. Many a time I've posted comments and remarks with nary an answer. Then you
have the brilliance of Jewels asking why I post so many things. He claims their all the same. I ask "prove it"....still waiting. I'm not going to harp on
someone because that can't, or won't answer. Look closely and you will see that they are different angles to one subject; namely Trump. And besides, your answer is in the question, or within your statement (well sometimes). We all agree that
the term "American," and what it stands for, are pretty much a given. I know
what it is, you know what it is....we're not talking about abstract concepts here.
It goes without saying like baseball, apple pie and Mom.

Oh, and one more thing, and I think I might have mentioned this to you several
times before: when you want someone to discuss things with you in a civil manner,
you need to offer that in your commentary and discourse. Many a time I have read
your contributions and have found it lacking in humility and civility. You seem to "slap people across the head with a two-by-four with a nail in it" and then
become offended when they say they're bleeding.

More tomorrow (gotta work now)



Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:47 AM


Pardon the interruption, but I couldn't help but notice Six's "inciting their own mob" comment.

Hey Six, speaking of "inciting a mob" did you happen to catch Trump's last rally?
Fun right!? The red meat was flying that day I gotta tell ya.


Okay, continue.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Where we are going to disagree is that you wouldn't look at CNN and MSNBC in the same light. Maddow and Olbermann, just to name a few, are equally as guilty of shilling for money and inciting their own mob.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Please show us these mobs they've incited.


Thursday, July 5, 2018 7:46 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Pardon the interruption, but I couldn't help but notice Six's "inciting their own mob" comment.

Hey Six, speaking of "inciting a mob" did you happen to catch Trump's last rally?
Fun right!? The red meat was flying that day I gotta tell ya.


Okay, continue.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Where we are going to disagree is that you wouldn't look at CNN and MSNBC in the same light. Maddow and Olbermann, just to name a few, are equally as guilty of shilling for money and inciting their own mob.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Please show us these mobs they've incited.


You guys really going to pretend that this doesn't happen and make me give examples?

Funny how I'm the one who has to show proof when I'm responding to #socialism on reddit.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The Democratic Party. The idea that we should elect someone just because they're a woman (identity politics, women v men. We see that in WISHY a whole lot) - SIGNY

Boy, you guys really like to label things don't you. That's a bunch of bullshit.
Be he man or be she woman, as long as the job gets done, who gives a fuck who
does it? All of you want to roll back the clock to the good ole days, where men
were men and women stayed barefoot and pregnant. What a bunch of shiteaters!
Fuck that! - SHINY

Where's your civility, SHINY?

First of all, I'm a woman, and I think - like you - that people should be elected based on merit. But have you forgotten "Hillary - because it's time ..."?
Srsly? THAT was part of her campaign? I think that appeal to "reverse sexism" was sinking pretty low. IMHO Hillary failed as a candidate, and it had nothing to to do with her sex.


Yes, how? How is this entirely TRUMP'S fault when the DNC has constantly played off blacks against whites, women against men, and straights versus "everyone else" for decades? It's not that this is "just" the DNC's fault, the RNC has done the same with religion and gun ownership, but the DNC definitely shares part of the blame. - SIGNY

When Obama was president that's all you would do, complain.

Not true. Go check back into my posts around 2007-2010. I was ready to give Obama a chance to do something different. He had a historic moment: The 2nd Great Depression, a mandate from the people, and a majority in the House and Senate. He could have been a second FDR, but he blew it.


He's deliberately trying to fuck the US and all it's inhabitants. with Putin's help. And, I'm on to "your" (the alt-right) little game
Boy, you sure like to label things!

...turn everything around that you guys do and "gaslight" the world to death. Too late, we already have seen what's behind the curtain. If you don't know what "gaslight" means, look it up. It's a narc tactic (narc is short for narcissist).
Actually, it comes from the movie "Gaslight".

SHINY, you and a lot of people here are engaged in what looks to me like nothing so much as hysterical paranoid reaction ... exactly the same kind of reaction that drove people into supporting the invasion and destruction of Iraq over phantom WMD.


Yanno, I have asked the question What are America's interests? probably a couple-dozen times by now, and only one person on the left ... and none of the self-styled liberals and nobody on the right .... even attempted to answer that question, as if the category "Americans" is such an alien concept that NOBODY can even imagine what it is that we all have in common.- SIGNY

I'm not going to harp on someone because that can't, or won't answer. - SHINY

The reason why I keep asking is because there is nothing so scary as the shapeless, formless thing that you can't see.


Here are a couple of examples:

Iraq's "WMD". People were driven insane by the constant barrage of propaganda from the WH, helpfully passed along by the M$M. Yellowcake! Centrifuge tubes! Anthrax! Chemical weapons! Mushroom cloud! East, west, north, south somewhat of Baghdad!

But how did that affect OUR INTERESTS, and, specifically, OUR SECURITY? The reality was, Iraq was waaaaaay over there, and we're waaaaaay over here, and no matter what forms of chemical or nuclear weapons Saddam might (or might not) have been manufacturing, he simply didn't have the missiles to launch them waaaaay over here. So I thought the threat was waaaaay overblown, and we certainly could have waited for Hans Blix to finish his inspection instead of chasing out UNMOVIC with our bombs.

Now, about Russia. Everyone is all twisted that Russia "took Crimea by force" (altho that's not what happened) and also with the prospect that we might "lose" in Syria. But, what does that really mean, for us? Like Iraq, Crimea and Syria are waaaaay over there, and I'm not sure that we "had" - or should even lay claim to - "them" in a way that we could say that we "lost" them. So let's say that Crimea remains part of Russia. That means that Russia keeps its warm water port on the Black Sea. So what? Nothing has changed. Let's say that Assad gets to stay in power in Syria (Btw, why were we trying to topple a recognized government using proxy jihadists anyway?). So what? WHAT INTERESTS of ours have been confounded by things remaining as they have been for decades? Are we losing shipping routes? Oil supplies? Military bases? Manufacturing facilities, or important markets? Nothing has changed So why are we whining that nothing has changed unless we, ourselves were trying to change things?


And besides, your answer is in the question, or within your statement (well sometimes). We all agree that the term "American," and what it stands for, are pretty much a given.
Some people seem to think it includes non-citizens here in this country, or people living in their home countries far away. People seem to conflate Syrians or Hondurans with Americans.


Oh, and one more thing, and I think I might have mentioned this to you several
times before: when you want someone to discuss things with you in a civil manner,
you need to offer that in your commentary and discourse. Many a time I have read
your contributions and have found it lacking in humility and civility. You seem to "slap people across the head with a two-by-four with a nail in it" and then become offended when they say they're bleeding.

Show me where. If I can see the problem I will endeavor to correct it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:53 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Show me where. If I can see the problem I will endeavor to correct it.

Right there? ^ Ha - you're such a liar, SIGGY.

Hey SGG - I have a question for you: how is feigned ignorance different from actual ignorance? It's worse!

She ain't worth a response dude, she's just agitating.


Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:57 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Hey Six, speaking of "inciting a mob" did you happen to catch Trump's last rally?
Fun right!? The red meat was flying that day I gotta tell ya.

SGG - I have another question for you:

How much starch do you like in your jammies?

Pro-Trump & Russian-Linked Twitter Accounts Are Posing As Ex-Democrats In New Astroturfed Movement
#WalkAway from this deceptive propaganda campaign

As pundits, politicians, and other Very Serious People spent last weekend admonishing “the left” for not being civil enough in their approach to pushing back against the Trump administration’s cruel policy of forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents, a peculiar and carefully crafted narrative began to take shape on social media. A closer look at this emerging narrative—a self-described “grassroots movement” of former Democrats fleeing the party—revealed an astroturfed campaign driven by pro-Trump Twitter users and amplified by automated and Russian-linked accounts.

>> "The primary functional goal of an astroturfed campaign like this one is to manipulate public opinion by gaming online algorithms to amplify certain content and push it onto people’s social media feeds and to the top of search engine results." <<

The surge of tweets started on Saturday, June 23, when news broke that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders had been quietly asked to leave a restaurant in Lexington, VA, the night before. The social media campaign really took off the next day, after Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said in a speech that administration officials who support Trump’s policies should expect to face pushback when they go out in public.

Most of the tweets were strikingly similar, and the vast majority pushed a very familiar narrative. Using the hashtag #WalkAway and claiming to be former Democrats, social media users shared their stories of leaving the Democratic party after being turned off by the “hate” and “division” of “the left.” Many of them cited the incidents involving Sanders and Waters as examples of the “intolerance” and “bullying” that supposedly drove them to support Trump after years—in some cases, decades—of voting for Democrats.

More worth reading at:

They're still at it and they will never stop with Trump in the WH.


Friday, July 6, 2018 7:38 AM


Alphas, showing us what REAL men are. LOL!

Hey, tubby. If you want to lose the moobs, stop eating dairy.


Friday, July 6, 2018 7:42 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Alphas, showing us what REAL men are. LOL!

Hey, tubby. If you want to lose the moobs, stop eating dairy.

Nothing wrong with dairy. Like almost anything else, the key is moderation.

Dude could probably stand to do some cardio. Or at least get out of his mom's basement once and a while and stop chugging 10 Monsters a day while playing Call of Duty.

What is this a photo of anyway? They LARPin'?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 6, 2018 10:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, speaking of "civility" of the self-styled "resistance"

Kathy Griffin Claims She’s a Victim of ‘Trump Bullying’ After Grisly Trump Photoshoot

Hillary operatives caught on video planning to incite fights at Trump rallies

Johnny Deep threatened Trump

Peter Fonda:

Somebody needs to kidnap Barron Trump and "put him in a cage with pedophiles"

Fuck Trump

ANTIFA violence Washington

Berkeley riots

Whataburger Assailant Arrested After Assaulting Teen, Stealing MAGA Hat

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Friday, July 6, 2018 11:24 AM


Performance art! OMG!

Peter Fonda! What an important voice!

James O'Keefe, convicted criminal, finally got someone to say something stupid. Yay!

They damaged property! The monsters!

Someone stole a MAGA hat! The horror!

The Nazis kill people, but let's just ignore that...

Zerohedge... LOL!

Congrats, BTW, on using the exact same arguments and sources all the other Russian trolls are using.


Friday, July 6, 2018 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

REAVERFAN: Like you said, we were talking about civility.

I find it revealing that in a thread about civility, most consistently uncivil posters are you and GSTRING.

Yanno, when the rightwing posted pictures of Obama overlaid with a target, or as a watermelon-eating monkey, people were (rightly) offended. But you excuse the same behavior when it involves Trump? You are no different - including your self-justifications- from the people you claim are "uncivil".

Right now, I'm too busy to deal with your self-justifications, excuses, and squirming, Feel free to...

1) Attack me personally, or
2) Rationalize your bad behavior, or
3) Distract from the topic, or
4) Lie, or
5) Address the topic civilly and rationally

... whichever you see fit. At some point in the future, I might get back to this. Or not, it's a little hard to tell.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:19 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
REAVERFAN: Like you said, we were talking about civility.

I find it revealing that in a thread about civility, most consistently uncivil posters are you and GSTRING.

Yanno, when the rightwing posted pictures of Obama overlaid with a target, or as a watermelon-eating monkey, people were (rightly) offended. But you excuse the same behavior when it involves Trump? You are no different - including your self-justifications- from the people you claim are "uncivil".

Right now, I'm too busy to deal with your self-justifications, excuses, and squirming, Feel free to...

1) Attack me personally, or
2) Rationalize your bad behavior, or
3) Distract from the topic, or
4) Lie, or
5) Address the topic civilly and rationally

... whichever you see fit. At some point in the future, I might get back to this. Or not, it's a little hard to tell.

Too late.
Too late.
Too late.
Too late.
Ya, right.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 7:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump tweeted the following:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Just won lawsuit filed by the DNC and a bunch of Democrat crazies trying to claim the Trump Campaign (and others), colluded with Russia. They haven’t figured out that this was an excuse for them losing the election!
11:57 AM - Jul 6, 2018

Trump didn’t win anything. The suit was not filed by the DNC. There was no ruling one way or the other about collusion with Russia. His entire tweet is a lie from beginning to end. As usual.

If you want to know what really happened and how Trump mislead in every word he wrote, there is

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:40 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
REAVERFAN: Like you said, we were talking about civility.

I find it revealing that in a thread about civility, most consistently uncivil posters are you and GSTRING.

Yanno, when the rightwing posted pictures of Obama overlaid with a target, or as a watermelon-eating monkey, people were (rightly) offended. But you excuse the same behavior when it involves Trump? You are no different - including your self-justifications- from the people you claim are "uncivil".

Right now, I'm too busy to deal with your self-justifications, excuses, and squirming, Feel free to...

1) Attack me personally, or
2) Rationalize your bad behavior, or
3) Distract from the topic, or
4) Lie, or
5) Address the topic civilly and rationally

... whichever you see fit. At some point in the future, I might get back to this. Or not, it's a little hard to tell.

Bitch, please. LOL!


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:45 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Show me how any of the stories cited are in any way true. We can both play that game.

They're all linked to legitimate news articles about things that actually happened. But, you know that.

Nazis like you are just shit people.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:53 PM


Man arrested, charged after video of him allegedly taking teen's 'MAGA' hat goes viral

Remember all the pearl clutching the reichwingers did?

Here's the rest of the story. Given what that little twit said, he's lucky that's all that happened.

Civil, indeed.


Saturday, July 7, 2018 6:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I finally figured you out! You're like wishy ... a rage-addict just looking for an excuse to take a dump!

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Saturday, July 7, 2018 7:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


... I find it revealing that in a thread about civility, most consistently uncivil posters are you [REAVERFAN] and GSTRING.

... Right now, I'm too busy to deal with your self-justifications, excuses, and squirming, Feel free to...

1) Attack me personally, or .._SIGNY

Bitch, please. LOL! - REAVERFAN


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, July 7, 2018 7:50 PM


Whoever did the head Kathy is holding, did a tremendous make-up job. I wonder
if they competed on that Reality Show Face Off?



Sunday, July 8, 2018 3:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Whoever did the head Kathy is holding, did a tremendous make-up job. I wonder if they competed on that Reality Show Face Off? SGG

Impartiality check: Too bad it wasn't Hillary's

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, July 8, 2018 12:39 PM


Prosecutors Drop All Remaining Charges Against Trump Inauguration Protesters After 'Epic Failure' to Prove Wrongdoing

Prosecutors also came under scrutiny for relying on videos shot by the right-wing group Project Veritas to build their case—leading to a judge's ruling in the trial of 10 protesters in May, that the government had withheld evidence.

"I do think it's a serious violation," Wasington D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Robert Morin said of the prosecution's failure to disclose the entirety of Project Veritas's undercover video of a meeting about the protests.

We've seen this before.


Sunday, July 8, 2018 12:50 PM


Holocaust deniers bid for US Congress in at least two districts
The era of President Donald Trump has rejuvenated white nationalism in the US alongside a spike in anti-Semitism. At least two far-right candidates are on the ballots for November, and at least one more may join them.

In February, the ADL reported anti-Semitic incidents jumped by 60 percent in the US in 2017 compared with the previous year. The report labeled it "the largest single-year increase on record."

So civil!


Sunday, July 8, 2018 1:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


"The Republican party has distanced itself from the candidates"

I also note that a 60% rise can be calculated from a starting point of 10 rising to 16, which, overall would still be very low numbers in a population of 360 million. I'd be curious what the actual numbers are.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).






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